"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: sad

Koan'ym-phosad | the Goddess of Mercy Buddha | 觀音菩薩
Lasad | Lhasa; the capital city of Tibet | 拉薩
Liexnleeng Misad | Mass for the Holy Souls (Catholic) | 煉靈彌撒
Misad Kengpurn | Missal (Catholic) | 彌撒經本; (經書)
Misad Serngtiern | Canon of the Mass (Catholic) | 彌撒聖典
Misad Serngzex | Canon of the Mass (Catholic) | 彌撒聖祭
Misad Siong'ioxngkefng | Ordinary of the Mass (Catholic) | 彌撒常用經
Misad | Mass (Catholic) | 彌撒
Phosad simtngg | kind hearted; compassionate | 菩薩心腸
Phosad | Bodhisattva; Buddhist idol | 菩薩
Zwkaux Taixlea Misad | Pontifical Mass (Catholic) | 主教大禮彌撒
armsad | assassinate; assassination; murder | 暗殺
badsad | bed bug | 臭蟲
bagsad | Stinking insect; Louse; bed-bug | 目蝨; 木蝨; 臭蟲
befsad | horse louse | 馬蝨
bin peqsysad | pallor; pale | 面白死殺; 臉色蒼白
bisad | Catholic mass | 彌撒
bong Misad | attend Mass (Catholic) | 望彌撒
bosad | murder; plot murder | 謀殺
chiesad | assassinate | 刺殺
ciunii ee anseg Misad | anniversary requiem Mass | 週年的安息彌撒
cvisad teq ka | to be bit by the money bug; to want to spend money | 錢蝨在咬; 欲花錢
cvisad | money louse ? | 錢虱
gegsad | slaughter, massacre, genocide | 逆殺; 屠殺
goxsad | mistakenly kill; manslaughter; kill or murder a person mistaken for the intended victim | 誤殺
hiexn Misad | offer Mass (Catholic) | 獻彌撒
hiongsad | kill; murder | 凶殺
hongsad | block | 封殺
isad | body louse | 衣蝨
kansad | kill a woman after sexually molesting her | 姦殺
kawsad | dog fleas | 狗蝨; 犬蝨
keksad | kill in a fight | 格殺
kiuwn Misad | Mass of petition (Catholic) | 求恩彌撒
kyheeng Misad | celebrate Mass | 舉行彌撒
køkefng Misad | high Mass (Catholic) | 歌經彌撒
laxmsad | to kill at random; to kill indiscriminately | 濫殺
legsad | to atrangle, to smother | 纏結; 勒殺
liaqsad | to catch bug; louse; bedbug; flea | 抓蝨子
liogsad | looting | 掠殺
loaxnsad | ruthless and reckless slaughter | 亂殺
misad | mass | 彌撒
parngsad | give up; quit; abandon; forsake (wife; child) | 拋棄
pengjit Misad | Daily Mass (Catholic) | 平日彌撒
peqsysad | pale; bleak; pallor; paleness; sallow and unhealthy looking | 白死殺
phofthofng Misad | Low Mass (Catholic; no longer used) | 普通彌撒
phoksad | kill | 撲殺
phosad | Buddha | 菩薩
pixsad | be killed; assassinated | 被殺
poxsad | catch and kill (wild; unlicensed dogs) | 捕殺
putsad | not killing, to forbid from death penalty | 無殺; 不殺
sad | to cut; to wound; to pare; to kill; behead; to fight; to war | 殺; 塞
sad`sie | killed | 殺死
sengsad cy koaan | power of life and death | 生殺之權
siaxwn Misad | Mass of thanksgiving (Catholic) | 謝恩彌撒
siusad | kill from hatred; murder committed out of grudge | 仇殺
sixsad | bloodthirsty, bloodstained | 嗜血; 嗜殺
susad | the sin of battle | 輸殺; ?殺; 戰鬥之罪
thasad | homicide (as opposed to suicide) | 他殺
thausad | head louse | 頭蝨
thiaolaau zuxsad | jump to death from a building | 跳樓自殺
thiaozuie-zuxsad | drown oneself | 投水自殺
thosad | mudfish | 土虱; 塗虱; 塘蝨魚
tisad | hog lause | 豬蝨
tiuxsad | green rice leaf-hopper | 稻蝨; 臺灣黑尾浮塵子
toaxmisad | Missa cantata; sung mass; High Mass (Catholic) | 大彌撒
toaxtosad | carnage | 大屠殺
togsad | poison to death; kill by poisoning | 毒殺
tosad | massacre; butcher; a wholesale slaughter | 屠殺
tuisad | chase | 追殺
uisad | siege | 圍殺
zafmsad | kill | 斬殺
zansad | butcher; slaughter; slay; carnage; massacre | 殘殺
zengsad | murder caused by love entanglement | 情殺
zhafmsad | massacre; cruel massacre; to kill by cruel or violent means | 慘殺
zhamkaf Misad | attend Mass (Catholic) | 參加彌撒
zherngsad | execute punishment by gunshot; execute by shooting | 鎗殺; 槍決
zuxsad bixsui | attempted suicide | 自殺未遂
zuxsad | commit suicide | 自殺
zuxsiofng zansad | engage in an intramural fight | 自相殘殺
zvaysad | slaughter, butcher, kill | 宰殺
zøx Misad | celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass | 做彌撒; 舉行彌撒

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