"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bagchviu-saihu | a carpenter | 木匠
bagchviuxsaihu | carpenter | 木匠
ciapkud saihu | bone setter | 接骨司父
iuzhad-saihu | painter; varnish | 油漆師父; 油漆匠
khotharng-saihu | hooper; cooper | 箍桶司父; 箍桶匠
kunthaau saihu | teacher of Chinese boxing | 國術師
lauxsaihu | master | 老師傅
osaihiofng | | 湖西鄉
phahthih'afsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵仔師父
phahthihsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵師父
phaq kim'ar saihu | goldsmith | 打金仔; 金匠
saihee | shrimp | 獅蝦; 西蝦
saihiet | lion's den | 獅穴
saihioxng | west side | 西向
saihngf | west; west side | 西方
saihofng | west wind | 西方; 西風
saihu | master workman | 師傅; 技術工人
saihu-thaau | foreman | 師傅頭; 工頭
saihuxkafng | skillful workman | 師父工; 匠工
saihviaf | elder apprentice (said by younger ones) | 師兄
saihviati | workmen who studied and worked under the same master | 師兄弟
saihvoa | west coast | 西岸
siafmsaihofng | avoid; parry | 避西風
tangsaihioxng | westeastern | 東西向
thiethaau-saihu | barber | 剃頭師父; 剃頭師傅; 理髮師
thozuie-saihu | mason | 土水司父; 塗水師傅; 水泥匠
toaxsaihviaf | big brother | 大師兄
zhaihongsaihu | tailor or seamstress | 裁縫師父

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