"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Alegsantai | Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.) | 亞歷山大
Tiongsantngg | any building named after Dr. Sun Yat-sen (often used as city hall; community center) | 中山堂
Tongsanhiofng | a village in the east coast of Taiwan | 東山鄉
Tongsanhøo | a river in the east coast of Taiwan | 東山河
haysex sanbeeng | vow eternal love | 海誓山盟
kausan'ar | monkey | 猴山仔; 猴子
khinkhinsangsafng | easily | 輕輕鬆鬆
køsanzok | Taiwanese aboriginal; aborigines (Lit. high mountain tribe ─ aborigines themselves do not like this term) | 高山族
lanlansansafn | sporadic | 零零星星
lansan'afcvii | sporadic money | 零星仔錢
lansan'eng | for everyday expenses of a non-descriptive nature; miscellaneous | 零星用
lansanbaq | excrescences on body (as extra finger or thumb) | 零星肉; 贅肉
lansanbøe | retail sales | 零售買
lansancvii | small change; petty cash | 零星錢; 零錢
oe sansuie | draw or paint landscapes; to flatter; say irresponsible things | 畫山水; 吹牛
peqsan'oo | white mountain lake | 白山湖
san'ociaw | coral reefs | 珊瑚礁
san'oo | coral | 珊瑚
san'otor | coral island | 珊瑚島
sanbeeng haysex | vow between lovers that their love will last as long as the mountains and the sea | 山盟海誓
sanbenghaysex | the sincerity of love is solid as mountain and ocean | 山盟海誓
sangnngr | soft and loose | 鬆軟
sangsafng | loose; slack; not hard up; light and flaky | 鬆鬆
sangthoo | loosen soil | 鬆土
sanhochiu | coral tree | 珊瑚樹
sanhociaau | coral reefs | 珊瑚礁
sanhoo | coral; coralline | 珊瑚
sanhotor | coral island | 珊瑚島
sanhøo | mountain and river | 山河
sankae | erase and alter; revise | 刪改
sankhiim-iafsiux | wild beast | 山禽野獸
sankiarm | decrease; cut | 刪減
sankioong-suycin | be at the end of one's rope; in a desperate situation | 山窮水盡
sankviuhoear | mountain ginger flower | 山薑花仔
sankøf | song of mountain people; mountaineer's song; Hakka folk songs | 山歌
sanliim | forest; forest; mountain forests | 山林
sanliin | mountain people | 山人
sanpaw | mountain people | 山胞
sanphek'engtaai | | 山伯英台
sanphøf | mountain side; mountain slope; hillside; hillside | 山坡
sanseg | mountain scenery | 山色
sansex | mountain | 山勢
sansuie | landscape; mountains and rivers; natural scenery (slang) flattery | 山水
sansuylie | | 山水里
sansuyoe | landscape painting | 山水畫
sansvoax | mountain route (Taiwan trains has mountain route and ocean route) | 山線
sante | mountain country | 山地
santexng | delete | 刪訂
santiau | cross out (an item); delete; expunge; strike out; erase; or remove (superfluities from a writing) | 刪除
santieen | mountain farm | 山田
santin'iafbi | wild delicacy | 山珍野味
santinhaybi | precious food | 山珍海味
santuu | delete; cut off; leave out | 刪除
santyn | wild delicacy | 山珍
santyn-haybi | delicacies of all lands and seas ─ sumptuous repast | 山珍海味
santøe | mountain country | 山地
sanzexparn | pilot version | 山寨版
sanzhoafn | mountains and rivers | 山川
sanzofng | mountain villa | 山莊
taixsanpoex | big mountain back | 大山背
tengsantui | mountaineering party | 登山隊
textoxngsan'iøo | earthquake | 地動山搖
zhoansankaq | pangolin | 穿山甲
zøxsit sanphefng | by idleness and eating; business or wealth (Lit the mountain) dwindles away | 坐食山崩

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