"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: sarn

Jidsarn | Nissan | 日產
Kioxngsarn-torng | the Communist Party | 共產黨
Lidsarn | Nissan | 日產
Limsarn koafnlykiok | Taiwan Forestry Bureau | 林產管理局
ansarn | smooth delivery | 安產
asarng | aunt (to call elderly lady); old lady | 阿桑; 老婆子
bengsarn | specialty and famous product of the area; noted or special product of a place | 名產; 特產
budsarn | products; product; produce | 物產
busarn kaikib | proletariat | 無產階級
busarn-kaikib | proletariat | 無產階級
cibsarnte | commercial center; commercial port | 集散地
gengsyn sarngku | usher in the new and send off the old; (a dinner party held) to greet a new boss; fellow students; etc and bid good-bye to those departing | 迎新送舊
giabsarn | realty; property; industry property | 業產; 產業
gø sarn`khix | emaciated from hunger | 餓瘦去
haysarn | marine products | 海產
hengsarn | permanent property; immovable property | 恒產; 恆產
hisarn | fishing industry | 漁產
hoansarnghoe | farewell party | 歡送會
horngsarngthaau | loud-speaker | 放送頭; 擴音器
huxsarn | maternity | 婦產
huxsarn-khøf | department of gynecology and obstetrics | 婦產科
iwsarn-kaikib | propertied class; owner class; wealthy class; bourgeoisie | 有產階級
iøqsarn | powder medicine | 藥散
kasarn | family property; family estate | 家產
kea'ek-sengsarn | planned parenthood; production according to plan | 計劃生產
kesarn | family asset or property | 家產
khengkaf-toxngsarn | dissipate one's fortune | 傾家蕩產
khorngsarn | mineral resources; minerals | 礦產
kiafmsarn | cut production or output; a drop in production or output | 減產
kiexn'uixsarn | digestive; a medicinal aid to digestion | 健胃散
kioxngsarn | communization; all things in common; communism | 共產
kioxngsarn-hunzuo | communist | 共產份子
kioxngsarn-torng | Communist Party | 共產黨
kioxngsarn-zwgi | communism | 共產主義
kok'iuo zaisarn | national assets | 國有財產
koksarn | national products | 國產; 國產品
kong'iuo zaisarn | public property | 公有財產
kongsarn | government or public property | 公產
lansarn | difficult labor; hard to come into being or materialize; have a difficult delivery; have trouble in child-birth | 難產
lidsarn | Japanese products | 日產
liensarn | annual production | 年產
liensarn-liong | annual production output; annual yield | 年產量
limsarn | forest products (lumber; camphor) | 林產; 臨產; 林產物
liogsarn | products on land | 陸產; 山產
lioxngsarn | mass production | 量產
liusarn | miscarriage; have a miscarriage; prove abortive; fail to materialize | 流產
longgiap sengsarn | farm production | 農業生產
longsarn | farm produce; farm produce; crops | 農產
obafsarng | an old woman, an aunt | 歐巴桑; 對不特定年長女性的稱呼; 源自日語おばさん(obasan)
obahsarng | old lady | 歐巴樣
ojysarng | older man | 歐吉桑; 對不特定年長男性的稱呼; 源自日語おじさん(ojisan); 日語漢字為「小父さん」
otaf-sarn | dark and emaciated | 黑焦瘦; 烏焦瘦; 黑瘦
otasarn | dark and emaciated; person who has a black; thin appearance | 黑瘦; 形容瘦又黑之人
paixkaf toxngsarn | squander a patrimony and ruin the family | 敗家蕩產
pangsarn | real estate | 房產
pangtexsarn | real estate | 房地產
pangtoexsarn | real estate | 房地產
pangtøexsarn | real estate | 房地產
pexkongsarn | ancestral estate | 爸公產; 祖產
phoarsarn | become bankrupt | 破產
phorsarn | to go bankrupt | 破產
phørsarn | become bankrupt; bankruptcy; go bankrupt | 破產
puisarn | fat and skinny | 肥瘦
puttoxngsarn | real estate; immovable property; real estate; immovable assets | 無動產; 不動產
pwn zaisarn | divide property; distribute an inheritance | 分財產
pørsarngtiøh | broadcast | 播送著
safngsarng | somewhat haughty | 瘦瘦
safnsarn | skinny; skin and bones | 瘦瘦
sarn zhaan | barren | 瘦田
sarn | thin; haggard; emaciated; dry and rough; sterile; withered; thin; produce; bear (fruit); give birth to | 產; 散; 剷; 瘦
sarn'iøh | potent medicine | 散藥
sarn-pipaf | very lean (thin) | 瘦卑巴; 皮包骨
sarn`løqkhix | lost weight | 瘦落去
sarnban | incompact; loose; disorganized | 散漫
sarnbunsy | prose poem | 散文詩
sarnbuun | prose; prose writing; prose | 散文
sarnchiahlaang | poor and miserable person | 散赤人; 窮人
sarnchiaq | extreme poverty | 赤貧; 散赤; 貧窮
sarnciah | extreme poor | 散食
sarnciaqlaang | poor people | 散食人
sarncin | disperse | 散盡
sarng | Mister; Mr. | 先生; 聳; 傲慢,自大
sarng'oaan | send out | 送完
sarng'y | send to a doctor | 送醫
sarngciofng | be present at the deathbed of.. | 送終
sarngcixn | send in | 送進
sarngcviuxsvoaf | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成山; 送到墓地
sarngcviuxthaau | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成頭; 送到墓地
sarngheeng | see somebody off | 送行
sarnghoee | send back | 送回
sarnghoex | deliver goods; send goods to the purchaser | 送貨
sarnghofng | air supply | 送風
sarnghuix | derivery fee | 送費
sarngjidar | wedding date | 送日仔
sarngjip | send in | 送入
sarngjit | send the date to bride's parents | 送日; 擇婚期
sarngkaw | hand over to; deliver to | 送交
sarngkax | drive off | 送駕
sarngkex | to marry | 送嫁
sarngkheq | escort a visitor on his way out; to speed a parting guest | 送客
sarngkhix | send | 送去
sarngkngf | disperse | 送光
sarngku gengsyn | bid farewell to those departing; and greet the arrival of new comers; send off the old year and usher in the new | 送舊迎新
sarngkviar | give away a kid; say farewell to a kid | 送囝
sarnglaai | send | 送來
sarnglaang | say farewell to someone | 送人
sarnglea | give a gift; give a fee to a teacher or doctor; give a congratulatory present | 送禮; 送禮(物)
sarnglidar | marry date | 送日仔
sarngmih | gift | 送物; 送禮物
sarngphøef | to carry letters | 送批; 送信
sarngpiedhoe | farewell party | 歡送會
sarngpiet | see a person off | 送別
sarngpiet-hoe | a farewell gathering | 送別會; 惜別會
sarngpng | bring meal for somebody | 送飯
sarngsie | die (as the result of one's own action); bring death upon oneself | 送命; 送死
sarngsiin | a ceremony at the end of Lunar year to send goods back to; send off the gods (after the offering of sacrifices) | 送神
sarngsixn | send a letter or a message | 送信
sarngsofng | attend a funeral | 送殯
sarngsvoathaau | send the mountain | 送山頭
sarngsøq | oxygen | 氧氣
sarngtat | deliver to; dispatch to; send to | 送達
sarngthiab | send an invitation | 送帖
sarngtvia | to give the earnest money to certify the betrothal contract; to present betrothal gifts; engage | 送訂婚; 送定; 下聘禮; 送訂婚禮物; 送聘金
sarngzao | send away | 送走
sarngzhud | send away | 送出
sarngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
sarngzwnzurn | sent accurately | 送準準
sarngzøeq | give presents on the occasion of a festival | 送節
sarngzøx | give it to | 送做
sarnhenglaang | poor people | 散凶人
sarnhiofng | poor; needy | 貧窮; 散凶; 窮苦
sarnhionglaang | poor people | 貧鄉人
sarnhoad | distribute | 散發
sarnhoe | dismiss a meeting | 散會
sarnjiedkhix | radiator | 散熱器
sarnkhay | diffuse; spread out; come apart; disperse | 散開
sarnkhix | hernia | 疝氣
sarnkix | random notes | 散記
sarnkofng | astigmatism | 散光; 亂視
sarnkuie | poor and miserable person (a curse word) | 窮鬼
sarnlaang | poor person | 窮人
sarnloan | disperse; scatter around; dispersed; scattered; confused; in disorder | 散亂; 分散
sarnpaang | poor branch of a family | 窮房; 混的不好的一房
sarnpefng | paratroopers | 傘兵
sarnpengsvoax | open skirmish line (military) | 散兵線
sarnpo | take a stroll; walk; promenade | 散步
sarnpox iaugieen | spread evil rumors | 散佈謠言
sarnpox | scatter; dispersion; spread; spread; disseminate; to scatter | 散布; 散佈; 散播
sarnsaf | loose sand | 散沙
sarnsarnpo | taking a stroll | 散散步
sarnsaxn | somewhat poor | 窮窮
sarnsym | to do something to relieve boredom or weariness; have some recreation | 散心
sarntea | formerly poor; describes an individual or a family that is or was poor | 瘦底; 出身寒門
sarnzaai | spend money freely | 散財
sehtiofng sarngthvoax | give timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
sengsarn habzoksia | producers guild (cooperative) | 生產合作社
sengsarn koeaseng | overproduction | 生產過剩
sengsarn | produce; production; childbirth | 生產
sengsarn-lek | productive capacity | 生產力
siausarn løqbaq | become very weak and thin | 消瘦憔悴
siausarn | lean; become very weak and thin | 消瘦
siawsarn | premature birth; miscarriage | 小產; 流產
sidsarn | production, industry | 實產; 生產
siøfsarn | premature birth; miscarriage | 小產; 流產
su'iuo-zaisarn | private property or possession | 私有財產
susarn | private property; personal estate | 私產
svoasarn | mountain grown agricultural products | 山產; 山產物; 山產品
sysarn | still-born baby | 死產
taixliong sengsarn | production on a large scale; mass production | 大量生產
tasarn | dry and skinny | 焦瘦
tegsarn | special products; products peculiar to any place; unique products (of a place) | 特產
texsarn | landed estate; real estate | 地產
thioksarn | livestock | 畜產
thoatsarn | to be disengaged from work, to hide away the property of a company | 脫產
thobaq sarn | the soil is sterile | 土壤瘠
thofsarn | local products; native; autochthonism; agricultural products; crops; fruits; local products | 土產
thofsarn`ee | indigenous | 土產的
tiexnsi pørsarngky | television transmitter | 電視播送機
tiongsarn kaikib | the middle class; bourgeois | 中產階級
tiongsarn | middle | 中產
tiongsarn-kaikib | bourgeois | 中產階級
tixsaosarn | cure cough powder | 治嗽散
toexsarn | estate | 地產
toxngsarn | movable property; movables | 動產
tøexsarn | produce of the soil, real-estate | 地產
uisarn | property left behind by a deceased person; legacy | 遺產
uixsarn | medicinal powder for stomach trouble | 胃散; (胃藥)
uxnsarnghaang | transportation company; forwarding office | 貨運行
zafsarn | born prematurely; premature birth | 早產
zaisarn | Wealth; money and goods | 財產
zengkaf sengsarn | increase of production | 增加生產; 增產
zengsarn | increase product | 增產
zexngsarn | increase production | 增產
zhosarn-hu | prinipara, woman having her first child | 初瘦婦; 初產婦
zhutsarn | products; produce; natural products; to produce | 出產
zofkong'afsarn | inheritance | 祖公仔產
zofsarn | inherited property; ancestral estate | 祖產
zoxsarn | assist in childbirth | 助產
zoxsarn-su | midwife | 助產士
zusarn huxzeapiør | statement of assets and liabilities | 資產負債表
zusarn kaikib | bourgeois class | 資產階級
zusarn | assets; movable and immovable property; (in accounting) assets | 資產
zuysarn chiegiaxmsor | fisheries research institute | 水產試驗所
zuysarn haghau | school for training fishery workers | 水產學校
zuysarn | marine products; sea food; marine products | 水產; 海產
zøfsarn | inherited property | 祖產

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