"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bextehsaux | unable to satisfy | 未壓咳; 無能滿足
ciensaux | an outpost; outpost | 前哨
cysaux | stop coughing | 止咳; 止嗽
haisaux | cough | 咳嗽
hekusaux | whooping cough | 嗄龜嗽; 百日咳
hoarthaam-cysaux | decongestant medicine | 化痰止咳
hoxsaux | sentry post | 後哨
høfsviasaux | gentle voice; pleasant; well sung tune | 好聲嗽; 語氣無錯
hør-sviasaux | pleasant and gentle voice | 好聲嗽; 輕聲輕氣
itsaux-jikhofng | completely removed (worries; doubts) | 一掃而空
jiedsaux | hot cough | 熱嗽
kasaux | to cough | 咳嗽
khamsaux | cough | 咳嗽; 清喉嚨
khasaukeng'ar | brothel | 跤梢間仔
khasaux | cough | 咳嗽
khaxmkasaux | cough | 咳家嗽; 咳嗽
khaxmsaux | cough; clear the throat | 咳嗽
kheksaux | to cough | 咳嗽; ?嗽
kheksaux-iøh | cough-mixture | 咳嗽藥; ?嗽藥
kheksaux-thngg | cough-drop | 咳嗽糖; ?嗽糖
khinsaux | slight cough | 輕嗽; 輕度咳嗽
khuhkhuh'saux | to cough continuously; to cough without stop | 咳咳嗽; 咳嗽無停
khuhkhuhsaux | coughing | 呿呿嗽
khysaux | coughing | 起嗽
lefngsaux | cold cough | 冷嗽
liedsaux | hot cough | 熱嗽
løsaux | tuberculosis; TB | 癆嗽; 肺結核
mxsi-sviasaux | angry sound of the voice (as at beginning of quarrel) | 口氣毋好; 不聲嗽
pahjidsaux | whooping cough | 百日咳; 百日嗽
pahlidsaux | pertussis | 百日嗽
parngsaux | to keep guard; to set up patrols | 放哨
phaysviasaux | bad coughing | 歹聲嗽
phvae-sviasaux | angry voice, unpleasant talks | 歹聲嗽; 歹口氣; 厲聲
phvaysviasaux | angry and unpleasant sound or tone of voice (as in beginning a quarrel); speak arrogantly | 歹聲嗽; 無高興的語氣
poxsaux | sentry | 步哨
pviarsaux | to sweep; to clean; to clear; clean; sweep; clean out; make tidy (a room); spring cleaning | 清掃; 摒掃; 打掃
sauhofng | cracked by dry wind | 脆風; 裂開; 乾枯
saukhix | spoiled or rotten from too much sun | 梢去; 乾枯而破裂
sausaw | not cohesive | 鬆散; 梢梢; 無堅固; 酥酥的
sausviaf | loose voice; get hoarse | 沙啞; 梢聲; 沙啞聲
sausviasausviaf | lost voice | 梢聲梢聲
saux thokhaf | sweep the ground or floor | 掃地
saux | cough; sweep; guard; sweep | 嗽; 咳嗽; 哨; 掃; 稍
saux`zhutkhix | sweep out | 掃出去
sunsaux | military patrol; patrolling | 巡哨
sviasaux | tone; tone of voice; note; manner of speaking | 聲嗽; 口氣
tasaux | to cough without producing sputum; dry cough | 乾咳
tehsaux | cure or relieve a cough | 壓咳; 止咳
thamsaux | cough | 痰嗽
tngfsaux | turn into cough | 轉嗽
toa-zhengsaux | great clearance; general cleaning; clean the whole house | 大清掃
toaxpviarsaux | tidying tasks | 大摒掃
toaxsaux | (have) a bad cough | 大嗽; 重咳
tvafsaux | to clean out; house clean; sweep | 打掃
zengsaux | outpost | 前哨
zhefngsaux | cleaning; clean up; scavenge | 清掃
zhengsaux | clearing; clean up; scavenge; cleaning; to clean | 清掃

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