"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: saxn

ahsaxng | escort; escort and guard; send goods or criminals to another place under escort or guard | 押送
bogsaxng | follow with the eyes | 目送
ciapsaxng | limousine service; receive and send off guests or visitors; transportation to and from a certain place | 接送
cihsaxng | meet off, see off | 接送
cixnhoafn jii saxn | leave only after each has enjoyed himself to the utmost | 盡歡而散
gengsaxng | greet (new arrivals) and see off (the departing); hail-and-farewell | 迎送
goankvia zhausaxng | original document has been copied and sent | 原件抄送
goxsaxng | send something or someone to the wrong place | 誤送
gviasaxng | meet and send off visitors; send gifts back and forth; treat with much respect: going out to meet a man when he arrives | 迎送; 送往迎來
haxnsii zoansaxng | special delivery (in Chinese postal service) | 限時專送
haxnsii-zoansaxng | prompt delivery | 限時專送
hoansaxng | send-off; give a farewell party | 歡送
hoansaxng-hoe | a farewell party | 歡送會
hoansaxng-suu | farewell speech | 歡送辭
hoatsaxn | to disperse; to dissipate; to scatter | 發散
hoatsaxng | send | 發送
hoeasaxn | to disperse in defeat | 潰散
horngsaxn | scatter, diffuse | 放送; 分散
horngsaxng | to broadcast; announce by radio or loud speaker | 放送; 播送; 廣播
hoxngsaxng | to offer as a gift; give away; give away as a gift; to present respectfully | 奉送
hoxsaxng | escort; accompany and guard; convoy; to escort | 護送
hunhuy pheksaxn | frightened out of one's wits; as good as dead | 魂飛魄散
hunsaxn | breakup; be dispersed; scattered or broken up | 分散
hunsaxng | send separately to persons | 分送
isaxng | to escort someone or something from one place to another | 移送
iusaxng | send by mail | 郵送
kaysaxn | dismiss; disband; dissolve; break up; breakup; dispersion | 解散
kaysaxng | send under guard; transfer (a prisoner) under escort | 解送
kerngsaxng | present with respect | 敬送
kharsaxng | mother | 母親; 源自日語かあさん(kaasan); 日語漢字為「母さん」
khiefnsaxn | dismiss; dispatch an envoy | 遣散
khiefnsaxng | repatriate; send back; send away; to escort | 遣送
khoksaxn | pervasion; diffuse; proliferate; mix and blend together | 擴散
kiarsaxng | to mail and send | 寄送
køeasaxng | send under guard | 過送; 解送; 解住
laesaxng | describe a person as a VIP in a sarcastic way | 賴樣
lisaxn | discrete | 離散
liwsaxng | seize and turn over to (police; etc.) | 扭送
lwsaxn | a parasol | 女傘
niesaxng | elder brother | 兄樣
obarsaxng | an old woman, an aunt | 歐巴樣
ojiesaxng | old man | 老公公
peqsaxng | give away; five gratis; send (a gift) with nothing in return | 白送
pheasaxng | delivery | 配送
phiausaxng | float | 飄送
phoeasaxng | delivery | 配送
pofsaxng | add a bonus or a tip | 補送
porsaxn iaugieen | spread evil rumors | 散佈謠言
porsaxn | spread, diffuse | 播送
porsaxng | broadcast (radio; television); transmit by radio | 播送
punsaxng | distribute freely | 分送
pvoarbe-pvoarsaxng | sell goods at rock bottom prices (said by shop owners as a sales gimmick) | 半買半送
pøfsaxng | send a student (or a group of students) to school or college without entrance examination; usually in view of their high scholastic qualifications | 保送
sarnsaxn | somewhat poor | 窮窮
saxn | gland | 腺; 散; 窮
saxng baq chi hor | lose money by unwise speculation or by entrusting it to an irresponsible person | 送肉餵虎
saxng hoekhoaan | send a wreath | 送花圈
saxng langkheq | see a guest off | 送客人
saxng lefbut | present a gift | 送禮物
saxng suxnhofng | give presents and see off on a voyage | 送行
saxng sveamia | die (as the result of one's own action); bring death upon oneself | 送命
saxng | farewell party | 送別會
saxng-chiuphøf | amorous glance | 送秋波
saxng-lefmih | give a gift | 送禮物
saxnng | boil egg | 煠卵
siausaxn | dissipate | 消散
siesaxn | disperse, scatter around | 四散
sitsaxn | lost and scattered; dispersed | 失散
siøsaxng | mutually exchange gifts; (a service) given free of charge; premium or gift given by a business as a promotional gimmick | 相送; 贈送; 互送禮物
sosaxn | dispersion; disperse ─ as (civilians from a combat zone); scattered | 疏散
suopud-oafnsaxng | Excuse me for not accompanying you farther | 恕無遠送
susaxng | delivery | 輸送
svasaxng | exchange gifts | 相送; 交換禮物
tengsaxng | send in; introduce | 呈送
thengsaxng | to send up, to submit to | 呈送
thoansaxng | send | 傳送
tidsaxng | direct delivery | 直送
toarnsaxng | lost | 斷送
tørsaxng | father | 父親; 爸爸
uo saxn huun siaw | rain stops; and the sky clears up | 雨散雲消
uxnsaxng | convey; delivery; forward goods; to ship; transport; convey; to transport; deliver; make shipment | 運送
zengsaxng | give a present to | 贈送
zexngsaxng | presentation; bonus gift; present; give; donate | 贈送
zhef li zuo saxn | family break up (Lit. wife leaving and children dispersing) | 妻離子散
zhoesaxn | blow off | 吹散
zoafnsaxng | forward a letter or something to another address; send on in care of | 轉送

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