"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bisengbudhak | microbiology | 微生物學
Oexseng'vi | Bureau of Public Health | 衛生院
Oexsengkiok | Bureau of Public Health | 衛生局
Serng Oexsengzhux | Provincial Health Department | 省衛生處
Serngbør bongtiaux sengthiefn | Mary is assumed into Heaven (Catholic) | 聖母蒙召升天
Sitpai uii sengkofng cy bør | Failure begets success If at first you don't succeed; try; try again | 失敗為成功之母。
Taixseng-pudkaux | Buddhism | 大成佛教
baxnseng | ten thousand chariots; numerous chariots | 萬乘
be sengkofng | it will fail (not be successful) | 袂成功
begsiuo sengkuy | stick to old rules; conservative | 墨守成規
bexseng`tid | should not be spoiled; indulged; allowed to do as he pleases | 未盛得; 無可溺愛
bisengbut | microorganism; microbe; microscopic organisms; germ; microbes; micro-organism | 微生物
bisengthaang | germ, microbe | 微生蟲; 病菌
bixsenglieen | under age; minor; not of age | 未成年
bixsengsek | unripe; immature | 未成熟
bong jii seng'uix | be awe-stricken by merely looking at it | 望而生畏
boxseng | luxelient; luxuriant; exuberant; lush; flourishing | 茂盛
budcid seng'oah | physical life; material life | 物質生活
busu senghuy | make trouble out of nothing | 無事生非
butiofng seng'iuo | make something out of nothing; fabricate; invent; to frame up | 無中生有
butiofng-seng'iuo | purely fictitious; fabricated; to make something out of nothing | 無中生有
bøo seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
bøo-seng'ix | insincere | 無誠意
chiokkerng sengzeeng | scenes or circumstances arouse a sense of joy or sorrow | 觸景生情
chiongseng | prosperous; flourishing; powerful; prosperous; glory; abundant | 昌盛; 茂盛; 豐盛
chitpo-sengsy | | 七步成詩
ciartoafn sengsu | stir up trouble on a pretext or excuse | 藉端生事
cibsiao sengtøf | many drops of water make an ocean | 集少成多
cietgoa sengky | bring about extra complications; run into unexpected difficulty; hit a snag | 節外生枝
cietgoa-sengky | to cause complications | 節外生枝
expvoaa senglie | retail business | 下盤生意; 零售
giwsenglie | solicit or attract business | 拉生意
goansenggiaam | primary rocks (geology) | 原成岩
goansie seng'oah | primitive life | 原始生活
goexseng'ar | the sons of a sister | 外甥仔
goexsenghu | nephew's wife (sister's daughter in law) | 外甥婦
goexsenglie | niece; sister's daughter(s) | 外甥女
goexsengluo | niece (sister's daughter) | 外甥女
hagsengthoaan | student body | 學生團
haypof sinsengte | reclaimed land | 海埔新生地
hengseng | prosperous; thriving; vigorous; flourishing | 興盛
hexpid-sengciofng | write quickly and skillfully | 下筆成章
hiexnzai oansengseg | present perfect tense in English grammar | 現在完成式
hisengphirn | bargain items; goods sold at sacrifice; a very low price | 犧牲品
hongseng | sumptuous; flourishing; luxuriant; prosperous or abundant | 豐盛
hu-sengtiorng | negative grow | 負成長
huihan-seng'uo | drops of perspiration falling down like a shower | 揮汗成雨
hunsengzuo | legal children | 婚生子; 依法結婚所生之子
hvorkied-sengpheg | morbid preoccupation with cleanliness | 好潔成癖
isengkoarn | private hospital; doctor's office; clinic | 醫生館; 私人醫院; 診所
isengniuu | Madam, doctor's wife | 醫生娘; 醫生太太
isengsox | vitamin | 維生素
itkie-sengbeeng | become famous with one move | 一舉成名
iubok-seng'oah | nomadic life; pastoral life-style | 遊牧生活
iusenghak | eugenics | 優生學
iwky-khøfseng | There are loopholes to exploit | 有機可乘
jidgoat-sengsiin | sun; moon and stars | 日月星辰
jinkafng-sengsit | artificial reproduction | 人工生殖
jinkhao koeaseng | overpopulation | 人口過剩
jinsengkoafn | view (philosophy) of life; outlook on life | 人生觀
kafn'i-seng'oah | simple life | 簡易生活
karngsengzeeng | before birth | 降生前
kateeng-seng'oah | home (family) life | 家庭生活
kea'ek-sengsarn | planned parenthood; production according to plan | 計劃生產
keasengjiin | heir, successor | 繼承人
kherngsenghoe | birthday party | 慶生會
khofngkhaix-sengjiin | sacrifice one's life heroically for justice; die heroically in battle | 慷慨成仁
khoksengky | amplifier (of a radio or record-player) | 擴聲機; 擴音器
khorngsengsox | wonder drugs; antibiotics | 抗生素
khuttvar-sengciaw | confess under torture to a crime one hasn't committed | 屈打成招
kiarsengthaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiesengthaang | a parasite | 寄生蟲
kiettorng-sengkuun | form a gang and gather a group | 結黨成群
kiongseng | (of a nation; dynasty; etc) strong and prosperous; powerful and flourishing (nation) | 強盛
kioxngtoong seng'oah | collective life; community life; live together | 共同生活
kioxngtoong sengbeeng | joint statement; joint communique | 共同聲明
kiuoseng'oaan | lifeguard | 救生員
kiuoseng'y | life-jacket | 救生衣
kiuosengkhoaan | lifesaver; life belt (buoy); lifesaver | 救生圈
kiuosengzuun | lifeboat | 救生船
kiwlien-sengkngx | Mastery is the result of long practice (training) | 久鍊成鋼
koeakhix-oansengseg | past perfect tense | 過去完成式
koeaseng | surplus | 過剩
kofsengbudhak | paleontology | 古生物學
kofsengbut | extinct plants and animals | 古生物
kofsengtai | Paleozoic era | 古生代
kokbiin seng'oah | national life | 國民生活
kuisengkhw | the whole body; all over the body | 全身軀
kunjiin seng'oah | military life | 軍人生活
køeaseng | excess | 過剩
laam sengkhw | pour water on one's self while bathing | 淋浴
lenghuun sengsit soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is propagated; Traducianism | 靈魂生殖說
liafsuxsenghuy | make trouble | 惹事生非
libsuu sengkex | adopt an heir | 立嗣承繼
lienhap sengbeeng | joint statement; declaration | 聯合聲明
lienhap-sengbeeng | a join declaration | 聯合聲明
liongseng | abundance; booming; flourishing; prosperous; abundant; prosperous; in abundance; with prodigality; flourishing | 隆盛; 興旺
lioxngseng | plenty; sufficient; remainder; surplus; exceedingly abundant (money; crops) | 量剩; 興隆; 多餘; 有剩餘
liusengky | phonograph (archaic) | 留聲機
lole seng'oah | life of slavery | 奴隸生活
longbiin seng'oah | peasant life | 農民生活
longgiap sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
longgiap sengsarn | farm production | 農業生產
longgiap-sengbudhak | agrobiology | 農業生物學
løfpang-sengzw | a pearl from an old oyster; a son born in one's old age | 老蚌生珠
løqtøe-sengkwn | born; take root | 落地生根
maftøx-sengkofng | to win success immediately upon arrival; to gain an immediate victory; to win instant success | 馬到成功
moar-sengkhw | whole body | 滿身軀
nawsiw senglo | feel anger from embarrassment | 惱羞成怒
oanseng'aq | completed | 完成矣
oexseng'vi | public health clinic and administrative office | 衛生院
oexseng'voar | sanitary bowls | 衛生碗
oexseng'y | form fitting cotton or woolen underwear | 衛生衣
oexsenghak | hygienics | 衛生學
oexsengmii | sanitary napkin | 衛生棉
oexsengsor | public health clinic; clinic; public health clinic | 衛生所
oexsengti | sanitary chopsticks | 衛生箸
oexsengtoax | sanitary belt (for women during menstruation) | 衛生帶
oexsengtu | sanitary chopsticks | 衛生箸
oexsengtui | sanitation squad | 衛生隊
oexsengzhux | department of public health | 衛生處
oexsengzoar | toilet paper; toilet tissue | 衛生紙
oxngseng | flourishing; blooming; prosperous; excellent; prosperous; prolific; productive | 旺盛
peklien sengkngx | Mastery comes from long training Expertise is the result of long and hard practice | 百練成鋼
peqchiuo sengkaf | built up fortune from scratch | 白手成家
phu'iuu sengbut | plankton | 浮游生物
phvae-sengkhix | feeling of awkwardness and shame (as at being rebuked by a superior; or having to speak against a relative; friend; benefactor) | 歹成器; 無好意思
piedkhay sengbien | introduce a novelty or novel feature | 別開生面
pixseng-sox | multiplicand | 被乘數
pixsengsox | multiplicand (mathematics) | 被乘數
pud senglip | failure; miscarriage; fail; fall through | 無成立
purn-sengkii | this week | 本星期
put'sengjim | to deny, to refuse to acknowledge | 無成認; 不勝任
put'sengkhix | worthless, good-for-nothing, cannot grow to become a person | 無成器; 不成器
putsengbut | nothing | 無成物
putsengjiin | under age | 無成人
putsengkhix | without promise of achievement, good-for-nothing | 無成器
putsengsoaxn | not count | 無成算
pviarsenglie | compete business | 拚生理
pvoa sengkhw | whisk or shake one's clothes gently to remove the dust | 拂身體
pvoax sengphirn | semi-finished products; half-finished products | 半成品
pøfcioxng løkafng ee seng'oah | safeguard the livelihood of the workers | 保障勞工的生活
pøfsengtaixtex | a respectful Dr. who became a god | 保生大帝
samgvor sengkuun | in groups of three or five | 三五成群
satsyn sengjiin | fulfill justice at the cost of one's own life; sacrifice one's own life for justice | 殺身成仁
sea sengkhw | take a bath | 洗澡; 沐浴
sefsengkhw | take a bath | 洗身軀
seng haixkhix | spoil (a child) | 寵壞了
seng | ride; to mount; avail oneself of; take advantage of; seize an opportunity or a chance; multiply | 乘; 盛; 寵; 倖
seng'axn | case | 成案
seng'ioglek | fertility | 生育力
seng'ioglut | birth rate | 生育率
seng'iok haxnzex | birth control | 生育限制
seng'iok | beget a child; give birth; childbirth; bear; to rear | 生育
seng'iorng | bear and raise | 生養
seng'ix | sincerity; faith; sincere; true | 誠意
seng'iøh | patent medicine | 成藥
seng'oaan | a member | 生員; 成員
seng'oah anteng | stability of life | 生活安定
seng'oah buxntøee | problems of livelihood | 生活問題
seng'oah chiachie | live luxuriously | 生活奢侈
seng'oah hongseg | way of life; mode of living | 生活方式
seng'oah kileeng | vital functions | 生活機能
seng'oah pitsuphirn | necessaries of life | 生活必需品
seng'oah thengto | standard of living | 生活程度
seng'oah zoxnghorng | living conditions | 生活狀況; (態)
seng'oah zuyzurn | standard of living | 生活水準
seng'oah | life; existence; living | 生活
seng'oah-huix | cost of living | 生活費
seng'oan | give moral support; to cheer; encouragement | 聲援
seng'oaqhuix | living expenses | 生活費
seng'oaqkhoanlai | in the life circle | 生活圈內
seng'oaqlo | way of life | 生活路
seng'oaqlok | life record | 生活錄
seng'oaqsiong | way of life | 生活上
seng'oaqtiofng | way of life | 生活中
seng'uii | to become | 成為
seng'un | success | 成運
seng'urn | stable | 成穩
seng'y | ready made clothes; factory made clothes | 成衣
seng'yn | cause | 成因
sengbeeng | announce; declare; issue a statement; announce; declare; make a statement; clarify publicly | 聲明; 成名
sengbeng | accept an invitation; life | 生命; 承命; 從命
sengbexnglek | vitality | 生命力
sengbi | a mystery | 成謎
sengbok | eye-catching | 醒目
sengbong | fame; reputation; prestige | 聲望
sengboong | be obliged; much indebted to...; much obliged | 承蒙
sengbudcid | biomass | 生物質
sengbudhagciar | biologist | 生物學者
sengbudhak | biology | 生物學
sengbudhoarhak | biochemistry | 生物化學
sengbudkaix | biological world | 生物界
sengbut | creature; living thing; organism; creature; biology | 生物
sengbut-cid | animal matter | 生物質; 生物物質
sengbut-hak | biology | 生物學
sengbut-lui | animals | 生物類
sengbøea | buy | 承買; 承購
sengchiefn sengban | hundreds and thousands; countless; numerous | 成千成萬
sengchiefn | promotion; preferment | 升遷
sengchiuo | novice | 生手
sengchyn | get married | 成親
sengciab | to inherit, to accept, acceptance | 成接; 承接; 繼承
sengcid | natural constitution, properties | 成質; 生質
sengcieen | during one's lifetime; before one's death | 生前; 在世
sengciog | chalice | 成足
sengciu | accomplish; accomplishment; achievement; fulfillment | 成就
sengciuxkarm | sense of accomplishment | 成就感
sengcyn | com true; be reality | 成真
senggaai | lifetime; career; career; life; one's lifetime | 生涯
senggagkaf | vocalist; singer | 聲樂家
senggak | vocal music | 聲樂
senggiap | accomplishment | 成業
senggie | set phrase; idiom | 成語
senggoaan | member | 成員
sengguo | an idiom, a phrase | 成語
senghaglut | enrollment rate | 升學率
senghak khøfchix | entrance exam for a higher school | 升學考試
senghak | to advance to a higher school; advance to a higher school | 升學; 星學
senghau | be effective or valid | 生效
sengheeng | fulfill; carry out | 承行
senghefng | prosperity | 成興
senghieen | capable | 承賢
senghoaa | subliming; sublimation; (in chemistry) to sublime | 昇華
senghoaan | alive; come back alive; survive | 生還
senghoad | multiplication; multiplication (arithmetic) | 乘法
senghoat | livelihood, life | 生活
senghoax | biochemical | 生化
senghoe | grand event | 盛會
senghofng | to become a common practice | 生風
senghong | bichloride of mercury, corrosive sublimate | 城隍
senghongbiø | temple of the city god | 城隍廟
senghongjiet | scarlet fever | 猩紅熱
senghoong | the guardian deity of a city | 城隍
senghun | ingredients | 成份
senghut | become Buddha | 成佛
senghuun | vegetative soul | 生魂; 星雲
senghwn | constituent; ingredient; element; get married | 成分; 成婚
senghy jii jip | gain an advantage over somebody through his inattention; to catch someone napping | 乘虛而入
senghøo | milk way | 星河
sengjieen | indeed | 誠然
sengjii ioglie | give birth to children and rear them | 生兒育女
sengjiin | an adult | 成人
sengjim | acknowledge; admit; recognize | 承認; 就任
sengjin | confess; admit; recognize (a nation; a new regime) | 承認
sengkaf libgiap | get married and start a business (said of a man reaching adulthood) | 成家立業
sengkaf | marry; establish a family | 成家
sengkarngky | elevator | 升降機; 電梯
sengkaw | to strike a bargain; conclude a transaction; consummation of a business transaction | 成交
sengkaxng | hoist and lower; to rise and fall; ascend and descend; promotion and degradation | 升降
sengkefng | birthdate | 生庚; 生年月
sengkeq | elevate status; elevation of status | 升格
sengkex | means of livelihood; livelihood; living | 生計; 承繼
sengkexng | sincerely | 誠敬
sengkheq | passenger | 乘客
sengkhie | rise | 升起
sengkhiim | take alive; bring em back alive | 生擒
sengkhix | become a useful person | 成器
sengkhofng | starfield | 星空
sengkhoxng | grave prepared while alive | 生礦; 假墳; 生前準備的墳墓
sengkhurn | sincere; sincere; true hearted; cordial | 誠懇
sengkhw bøo pvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw lorng si siefn | the body covered with hardened dust | 全身都是體垢
sengkhw tngxpvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw tngxtaang | I have no money with me at all | 身上沒錢
sengkhw | one's body | 身軀; 身體
sengkhw-pvy | body side | 身軀邊
sengkhw-terng | body top | 身軀頂
sengkib | promote; promotion; be promoted; have one's salary increased | 升級
sengkiexn | preconceived views; bias; impression; prejudice | 成見
sengkii | to raise a flag; hoist the flag | 升旗; 星期
sengkii-pøx | weekly newspaper | 星期報; 週報
sengkijit | Sunday | 星期日
sengkiok | irrevocable situation; become fixed or irrevocable | 成局
sengkiuu | planets; stars | 星球
sengkoaan | ascend | 升高; 升懸
sengkofng | succeed; successful | 成功; 星光
sengkofng`ee | successful | 成功的
sengkongciar | successful person, a man of success | 成功者
sengkonggoadhien | clear sky with stars and bright moon | 星光月現
sengkuo | grand event | 盛舉
sengkuun kiettui | gather in groups | 成群結隊
sengkuun | form into groups | 成群; 星群
sengkux | sentence | 成句
sengkviaa | go before the others; go first; die first | 先走; 先死
sengkvoaai | promote, elevate, rise in rank | 升官; 升懸; 升高
sengkvoaf hoatzaai | attain higher rank and acquire great wealth | 升官發財
sengkvoaf | promote in official rank | 升官
sengkwn | root | 生根
sengky | vitality; life | 生機
sengkør | achievements | 成果
senglaai | come first | 先來
senglarm | manage or undertake a task; project | 承攬
senglea | immolation; meat offerings; offerings of flesh to the dead or the gods | 牲禮; 牲醴; 葷祭
sengleeng | living being | 生靈
senglegkwn | fresh troops | 生力軍
senglie hagciar | physiologist | 生理學者
senglie oexsefng | physiology and hygienics | 生理衛生
senglie | physiology; business; trade | 生理; 生意
senglie-hak | physiology | 生理學
senglie-oexsefng | physiology and hygiene | 生理衛生
senglie-tviuu | place of business | 生意場; 生理場; 商場
senglieen luygoat | year after year; month after month | 成年累月
senglieen | become an adult; grow up; adult; come of age; to reach adulthood | 成年
senglieen-laang | adult | 生年人; 成年人
senglienlea | coming-of-age ceremony | 成年禮
senglii-swpiet | separation in life and parting at death ─ the bitterest of sorrows to man | 生離死別
sengliin | adult | 成人
senglin | admit | 承認
senglip taixhoe | inaugural meeting (of an organization) | 成立大會
senglip | establish; found; establish; found; come into existence (e.g.; an organization or society) | 成立
senglo | rage | 盛怒
senglogsw | written agreement | 承諾書; 同意書
senglok | promise; agree to...; to consent | 承諾
senglok-sw | written consent | 承諾書
sengluo | gave birth to a daughter | 生女
senglybin | business | 生意面
senglyhak | physiology | 生理學
senglyhor | business oriented person | 生理虎
senglykaix | business | 生理界
senglylaang | business man; businessman | 生意人; 商人
senglysiong | physiologically | 生理上
senglytviuu | business world; affairs of trade; the business district | 生意場
senglyzhuix | tricks of the trade: saying what is not exactly true | 生意嘴
sengpai | success or failure | 成敗
sengpan | handle (a case); be responsible for (a task) | 承辦
sengpaw | undertake to do a job; undertake a construction job under contract | 承包
sengpaxnjiin | officials in charge of a specific task | 承辦人
sengpeeng | one's brief biographical sketch; in one's course of life | 生平
sengphirn | finished products | 成品
sengpurn koeakex | cost accounting | 成本會計
sengpurn | capitalized cost; wholesale price | 成本
sengsad cy koaan | power of life and death | 生殺之權
sengsafnciar | producers | 生產者
sengsafnhuieiong | cost of production | 生產費用
sengsafnkii | production period | 生產期
sengsafnlek | productivity | 生產力
sengsafnliong | production | 生產量
sengsafnte | production place | 生產地
sengsarn habzoksia | producers guild (cooperative) | 生產合作社
sengsarn koeaseng | overproduction | 生產過剩
sengsarn | produce; production; childbirth | 生產
sengsarn-lek | productive capacity | 生產力
sengseeng | natural, by birth; produce, production | 生成; 天生
sengseeng-but | product | 生成物
sengsefng seasex | from generation to generation; without end | 生生世世
sengsefng | an orangutan | 猩猩
sengsefng-bok | poinsettia | 生生木; 猩猩木
sengseg kuxle | speak in a harsh tone and with a severe expression | 聲色俱厲
sengseg | bear interest, be profitable, profitable | 聲色; 生利息
sengsek | mature; ripe | 成熟
sengsenglo | Indian cattle egret (bird) | 聲聲鷺; 黃鷺
sengsengput'seg | endless | 生生無息
sengsengputseg | endless | 生生無息
sengsex | fame; influence; power | 聲勢
sengsexng | become habitual; become second nature | 成性
sengsiafng | form a pair; to match | 成雙
sengsiaujiin | consignee | 承銷人
sengsidkhix | sexual organs; reproductive organs | 生殖器
sengsidlek | reproductive powers | 生殖力
sengsidsvoax | gonads | 生死線; 生殖腺
sengsie | live or dead | 生死
sengsiefn | become a genie; to die | 成仙
sengsiin | stars; planets | 星辰
sengsiog | constellations | 星宿
sengsiok | mature; ripen | 成熟
sengsiong | appearance of the stars | 星像
sengsioxng | prime minister | 丞相
sengsioxnghak | astrology | 星象學
sengsit kileeng | reproductive functions | 生殖機能
sengsit seapaw | generative cell | 生殖細胞
sengsit | reproduction; breeding; procreation; upright; trustworthy; honest(ly); faithful(ly) | 生殖; 誠實
sengsiu | accept; receive | 承受
sengsiux | starts | 星宿
sengsu zai thiefn | man proposes; God disposes | 成事在天
sengsu | create trouble; give rise to a disturbance | 生事; 惹事; 滋事
sengsun | obey, obedient | 誠順; 順從
sengsuo cy kaw | deep friendship (implying the sharing of each other's fate) | 生死之交
sengsuo iwbeng | death and life are predetermined | 生死有命
sengsuo koanthiøo | life and death crisis | 生死關頭
sengsuo | life and death | 生死
sengsvef | Mr. | 先生
sengsykiab | life and death | 生死劫
sengsym | earnest; faithful; sincerity | 誠心
sengtafm | accept responsibility of | 承擔
sengtaix | vocal cord | 聲帶
sengterng | upgrade | 升等
sengthaesiong | ecologically | 生態上
sengthaetii | ecological pool | 生態池
sengthaix | zoology | 生態
sengthiefn | ascend to heaven | 上升; 昇天; 升天
sengthioong | adult insect | 成蟲
sengtiaukii | the flag of stars and stripes ─ the national flag of the United States | 星條旗
sengtiern | ceremony | 盛典
sengtiofng | announce | 聲張
sengtiofngkii | growth period | 生長期
sengtiofnglut | growth rate | 成長率
sengtiorng køeatheeng | adolesce | 成長過程
sengtiorng | live; grow up; growth | 成長; 生長
sengtit | appreciation | 升值
sengtiøh | rise | 升著
sengtngg | rise to ... | 升堂
sengtoafn | accident | 生端
sengtofng keksef | Lit. make noise in the east while striking in the west ─ feigning tactics | 聲東擊西
sengtong | vivid; lively; lifelike | 生動
sengtuix | provincial headquarters of KMT | 成對
sengtvoaf | accident | 生端; 生事端
sengzaai iwtø | expert in making money | 生財有道
sengzaai | become a useful person | 成材
sengzeg | grade; results (of work or study); records established or set; results; achievement; marks gained; average marks | 成績
sengzeg-tvoaf | school report card | 成績單
sengzekpiør | reported card | 成績表
sengzektvoaf | report card; transcript of a student's scholastic record | 成績單; 成績表
sengzex | interplanetary, interstellar | 星際
sengzhefng | claim | 聲稱
sengzoaan | help (others) accomplish something | 成全
sengzof | rent | 承租
sengzunciar | survivors | 生存者
sengzunkoaan | right to exist; the right to life | 生存權
sengzuun kexngzefng | the struggle for existence | 生存競爭
sengzuun | exist; live; existence; life; survival; existence; to live; survive | 生存
sengzø | constellation; a star and its satellites | 星座
sengzøx | promote | 升做
serngseng'oah | sex life | 性生活
siaxhoe seng'oah | social life; community life | 社會生活
sidbut senglyhak | physiological botany | 植物生理學
sidbut sengthaehak | vegetable ecology | 植物生態學
siky sengsiok | Lit. The opportunity is ripe. ─ The right time has come | 時機成熟
sinsengjii | newborn | 新生兒
sinsengtai | new generation | 新生代
sinsengte | reclaimed land; tidal land | 新生地
sinsiw seng'oah | spiritual life (Catholic) | 神修生活
siongseng | spoiled | 相寵
sirn'giorng-seng'oah | faithful life | 信仰生活
sirngiorng-seng'oah | faithful life | 信仰生活
siutø-seng'oah | monastic life | 修道生活
siøfpurn senglie | business with a small capital | 小本生意
siøfpvoaa senglie | retail business | 小盤生意; 零售
siøfsengsefng | little ape | 小猩猩
siør-senglie | small business | 小生意; 小生理
soefsengkhutharng | shower water bucket | 洗身軀桶
soksengpafn | training class for quick mastery of a subject; course; a crash course | 速成班
suseng'oah | one's private life | 私生活
susengjii | bastard | 私生兒
susengkviar | bastard | 私生囝
susengzuo | love child; a natural child | 私生子
suxseng | inheritance | 嗣承
syn-jinsengkoafn | new view of life | 新人生觀
søea sengkhw | take a bath | 洗身軀
søefsengkhw | take a bath | 洗身軀; 洗澡
taixliong sengsarn | production on a large scale; mass production | 大量生產
taixsengcieserngsiensw | | 大成至聖先師
taixtø sengzaai | the right way produces wealth | 大道生財
tansengjii | single child | 單生兒
tarnsengte | birthplace | 誕生地
tauky senglie | speculative business | 投機生意
tefngseng | heyday | 鼎盛
tengpøx sengbeeng | make the matter widely known through the press; clarify or announce by a newspaper advertisement | 登報聲明
thaisenghak | embryology | 胎生學
thauseng'ee | in the front | 頭先的
thefngseng | indulge and spoil (a child); let an inferior have too much of his own way | 寵倖; 放縱; 寵溺
thienseng'ar | born | 天生仔
thiofngseng | to bring up a child indulgently, to spoil | 寵壞; 寵倖
thoanthea seng'oah | group life | 團體生活
thong'hag'seng | day pupils | 通學生
thøfseng'oah | make a living | 討生活
tiafmthiq sengkym | transform common metal into gold ─ make a poor writing into a literary masterpiece by skillful retouching | 點鐵成金
tidsengkvoaf | officer on duty for the week | 值星官
tidsengky | helicopter | 直升機
tiofngtai sengjiin | be grown up | 長大成人
tiofngzuo keasengkoaan | right of inheritance (of the eldest son); primogeniture | 長子繼承權
tiongsengtai | Mesozoic | 中生代
toaxpvoaa-senglie | wholesale business | 大盤生意; 批發生意
toaxsengsefng | gorilla | 大猩猩
togsengzuo | only son (of a family); the Only begotten Son | 獨生子
tøsengmngg | emergency exit | 逃生門
uisengsox | vitamin; vitamin | 維生素
uixsengti | sanitary chopsticks | 衛生箸
zaesengphirn | reproduction; reclamation | 再生品
zarnsengciar | pros | 贊成者
zarnsengphaix | pros | 贊成派
zekløo sengcit | fall sick from persistent overwork | 積勞成疾
zeksiao sengtøf | Saving little by little will ensure abundance. (Lit. Many a pickle (little) makes a mickle (much) | 積少成多
zekzuie sengtii | The ocean is made up of many drops of water | 積水成池
zengkaf sengsarn | increase of production | 增加生產; 增產
zenglek oxngseng | very energetic and vigorous; full of vitality | 精力旺盛
zengsiin seng'oah | spiritual or the inner life | 精神生活
zhorhae sengphøf | disturbance due to jealousy; martial trouble arising from infidelity | 醋海生波
zhutkhawsengciofng | quick thinking, and excellent eloquence | 出口成章
zhutsenglut | birth rate | 出生率
zoafngarn sengkhofng | in the twinkling of an eye it is gone the vanity of life | 轉眼成空
zoanseng | in full bloom, at the high | 全乘; 極盛
zoanseng-sitai | heyday; zenith; prime | 全盛時代
zoeasenglie | do business | 做生理
zoex-senglie | do business | 做生理
zuxjieen-sengthai | natural ecology | 自然生態
zuysenggiaam | sedimentary rock, marine rock | 水成岩
zøex-senglie | engage in merchandising | 做生理
zørsenglie | eloquence in business speech | 做生理
zørsenglyzhuix | eloquence in business speech | 做生理喙
zøx-senglie | do business | 做生意; 做生理; 做買賣
zøxiaau sengsu | start rumors and incite incidents | 造謠生事

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