"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: siaa

bøsiaang | unlike; quite different | 無同; 不一樣
bøzhaosiaau | irresponsible; won't obey | 無責任; 無聽
gesiaau | hate (vulgar); to disgust | 厭惡; 㤉潲; 怨恨; 討厭
giafmsiaau | loath; to hate; be disgusted with; disgust | 討厭; 厭惡; 憎恨
giedsiaau | very mischievous (slang) | 調皮; 孽潲; 孽迢; 很陶氣; 蘗
hatsiaau | roar at; speak loud and angrily | 叱責; 怒吼
hausiaau | exaggerate; fail to keep one's word; make glib promise; speak irresponsibly; lie | 詨精; 嘐潲; 謊言; 說謊
hongsiaa | to catch cold; (common) cold; in Chinese medicine ailments caused by cold | 風邪; 風寒; 傷風; 感冒
huisiaam-zawpiaq | thief (climb over eaves and walls) | 飛簷走壁
iausiaa | evil spirit; immoral spirit; weird; weirdness; strange; monstrous | 妖邪; 妖怪
jidsiaa | sunset | 日斜
kabsiaau | be grumbling (vulgar expression) | 嘀咕; 抱怨 (粗話)
kansiaa | crafty and evil; treacherous; corrupt; wicked | 奸邪
kaysiaa | forsake evil ways | 改邪
kaysiaa-kuizexng | forsake evil ways and return to the straight-and-narrow | 改邪歸正
khengsiaa | tilt; stant; fall away; declension; slant; slope; inclination | 傾斜
khiesiaa | abandon the false or bad; remove such effect | 去邪
khiesiaa-kuizexng | depart from evil and return to the good | 去邪歸正
khorsiaau | muddled or mixed up characterized by rashness or recklessness | 無知死活
khusiaa | to expel evil; to keep evil spirits away; expel noxious influence (evils) | 驅邪
koaesiaau | monstrous; strange; strange phenomenon | 怪迢
kofngsiaau-kofngphvi | scold someone criticize behind him (slang) | 講迢講鼻; 罵他人在背後批評; (粗話)
kuysiaa | ghosts and evils | 鬼邪
pheksiaa | an animal that is used to be a talismanic symbol; remove such effects; monsters; evil spirits | 避邪
phiensiaa | not straight | 偏斜
phiesiaa | ward off evil | 避邪
pixsiaa | avoid evil spirits; influences | 避邪
poesiaam zawpiaq | fly on eaves and walk on walls acrobatic feats | 飛簷走壁
sarmsiaau | curse roundly; scold abusively | 臭罵
siaa pud sexng zexng | evil will not triumph over the virtuous | 邪無勝正
siaa | inclined; sloping; slanting; leaning; oblique; diagonal | 斜; 邪
siaa-tuiebin | not directly opposite; diagonally opposite | 斜對面
siaa-zexng | right and wrong, good and evil | 邪正
siaam | cicada; locust; toad | 蟬; 簾; 蟾
siaam-tiautiaau | seize firmly in the arm | 蟾牢牢; 摟得緊緊的
siaang | auspicious; favorable; propitious; good omen; good luck | 祥; 同一樣; 常
siaau | semen; ejaculate; semen; sperm | 韶; 迢; 精; 精液
siasiaa | carelessly; lackadaisically; incline; lean; slant;heel over; bias; oblique; oblique; inclined; tilted | 斜斜; 遊遊逛逛的
siøsiaam | embrace eacher | 相尋
siøsiaang | same; identical; similar; alike | 相同; 相𫝛; 相像; 同樣,
soaxnsiaau | shame | 訕潲
soesiaau | be out of luck (vulgar) | 衰精
sviafsiaau | what! | 啥潲
tiorngsiaa | bewitched | 中邪
tirnsiaa-huu | suppressing evil talisman | 鎮邪符
zhapsiaau | have to do with (vulgar) | 插迢; 管它的
zhasiaau | vulgar language | 粗話; (罵人好管閒事)
zvoaxsiaau | emit semen | 濺迢; 射精

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