"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: siafm

bøkiambøsiafm | tasteless | 無鹹無纖
kiamsiafm | a little bit salty taste | 鹹瞻; 微帶鹹味
kimsiafmsiarm | golden shining | 金爍爍
laixsiafmsiarm | sharp and shining | 利閃閃
lauxsiafm | (adj) feeble and old | 老樣
siafm | look at secretly | 瞻; 窺
siafm'iau | flash; to glitter | 閃耀
siafm'oq | stay away | 閃喔
siafmbiq | hide, keep under cover | 閃匿; 隱匿; 閃躲
siafmho | take shelter from the rain | 避雨
siafmhofng | take shelter from the wind | 避風; 閃風
siafmiaa | wrote name | 寫名
siafmjip | flash in | 閃入
siafmkhix | flashed | 閃去
siafmkhuy | to get quickly out of the way; get out of the way; dodge quickly; avoid a collision; avoid being hit; Gang way! | 閃開
siafmkngf | flash, glint | 閃光
siafmkoex | flash by | 閃過
siafmkofng | flash (of lightning) | 閃光
siafmkongtefng | blinking signal light | 閃光燈
siafmkøex | pass without contact, escape safely | 閃過
siafmlaq | stay away | 閃啦
siafmli | avoid, get out of the way | 閃離
siafmphiaq | get out of the way when wanted; be on the run | 閃避; 藏匿
siafmpi | to dodge quickly; to duck; avoid; get out of the way | 閃避
siafmpixkiuu | dodge | 閃避球
siafmpvy | flash edge | 閃邊
siafmsaihofng | avoid; parry | 避西風
siafmsiafmsihsiq | flashing | 閃閃爍爍
siafmsiafmsiq | flashing | 閃閃爍
siafmsiarm | glitter | 閃閃
siafmsid | accident | 閃失
siafmsihsiq | flashing | 閃爍爍
siafmsihtiøh | flashing | 閃爍著
siafmsiog | flicker; twinkle; glimmering; flicker | 閃爍
siafmsiq | flash | 閃爍
siafmsyn | avoid bumping into someone | 閃身
siafmtien | lightning | 閃電
siafmtiexnkofng | lightning light | 閃電光
siafmtiøh | strain or sprain a joint; especially in the lumbar region; (sudden temporary) back pain | 扭傷
siafmzao | run away | 閃跑; 避走
siøsiafmchiaf | shunt one car to allow another to pass; trains meeting at a station | 相閃車; 錯車
siøsiafmsyn | get out of one another's way | 相閃身
tøtøsiafmsiarm | escape | 逃逃閃閃

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