"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: siar

armsiar | write from memory | 默寫
asiarkviar | dude | 阿舍囝
begsiar | mental writing; to write with book closed | 默寫
biausiar | describe; depict; portray; description | 描寫
biøsiar | describe; copy by tracing | 描寫
biøsiar-zu'yn | descriptors | 描寫茲因; 描寫??
boxsiar | to copy | 模寫; 摹寫
bøexsiarm`tid | unable to skip | 未閃得
chinsiar | personally; written by one's own hand | 親寫
chiwsiar | write by hand | 手寫
cviarsiar | normal writing; standard script in Chinese calligraphy | 正寫; 正楷
cysiarzef | antidiarrheal | 止瀉劑
goxsiar | to miswrite; to be wongly written; writing by mistake; cacography | 誤寫
hogsiar | to make copies with carbon paper; copy | 複寫
hogsiar-zoar | carbon paper | 複寫紙
hvoaisiar | write horizontally | 橫寫
hysiar | happily abandon | 喜捨
høfsiar | good for writing | 好寫
iy-putsiar | unwilling to part (with a loved one) | 依依無捨
kafnsiar | simplify writing style; write contracted forms; write briefly; abbreviate | 簡寫
kaysiar | to rewrite, to adapt (a story) | 改寫
khiaxsiarm | stay away | 站開; 豎閃
kimsiafmsiarm | golden shining | 金爍爍
kviasiarm | to move away from danger | 走閃
laixsiafmsiarm | sharp and shining | 利閃閃
laosiarthox | vomit and running stomach | 落瀉吐
liam siarzoexkefng | say the act of contrition; give sacramental absolution (Catholic) | 念赦罪經
liedsiar | to list | 列寫; 列出
loanloaan putsiar | unable to part from; unwilling to give up; feel a persistent attachment (for a thing or person); feel reluctant to part company with (a person or thing) | 戀戀無捨
loanloaan-putsiar | to feel a persistent attachment | 戀戀無捨
loaxnsiar | to scrawl, to scrabble | 亂寫
løfzhøfsiar | write in a confused or scribbled manner; scribbled writing | 潦草寫
oadsiarm | turn aside to avoid someone | 轉閃; 躲避
phofsiar | compose | 譜寫
piensiar | to write; to compose | 編寫
putsiar | unable to relinquish, so much as to be | 無捨; 捨不得
siafmsiarm | glitter | 閃閃
siafsiar | write | 寫寫
siar buncviw | write a literary essay | 寫文章
siar | write; give alms; give in charity; bestow; give up; forsake; to reject | 寫; 捨
siar`aq | have written | 寫矣
siar`ee | in writing | 寫的
siarbiern | absolve; pardon (an offender) | 赦免
siarbixnphee | lost face | 卸面皮
siarbixnphoee | lost face | 卸面皮
siarchiaf | unload a cart | 卸車
siarciaux | imperial pardon, royal pardon | 赦車; 赦詔
siarcid | off-duty | 卸職
siarcie | pardon | 赦旨
siarheatoea | clearance | 卸貨底
siarhex | unload | 卸貨
siarhoeatea | clearance | 卸貨底
siarhoex | unload cargoes | 卸貨
siarhøex | unload goods; sell goods cheaply | 卸貨
siariaam | epsom salt; pungative, cathartic | 瀉鹽
siariuu | castor oil | 瀉油; 麻油
siariøh | cathartic; physic; purgative medicine | 瀉藥
siariøqar | laxative | 瀉藥仔
siarjim | hand over one's office fully to the successor; quit a public office | 卸任
siarkafm | dormitory supervisor | 舍監
siarkaxm | dormitory inspector or matron; dormitory superintendent | 舍監
siarliawliao | diarrhea | 卸了了
siarlim | resign | 卸任
siarlixzuo | relic | 舍利子
siarm hoxphang | take advantage of a break in the rain | 趁雨隙; 趁雨停
siarm | flash like lightning | 閃
siarm-bølo | have no way of escape | 閃無路; 無路可逃
siarm`khuy | stay away | 閃開
siarm`køeakhix | creep stealthily past | 閃過去
siarm`køex | pass without contact, escape safely | 閃過
siarm`tiøh | got hurt due to sudden movement | 閃到
siarmjiø | involuntary urination; lose control of the bladder | 遺尿; 滲尿; (無自主的)
siarmliø | urine oozing | 滲尿
siarmoe | my sister | 舍妹
siarmsae | inadvertently pass a small amount of stool | 滲屎
siarmsae-siarmjiø | incontinent (medical) | 泄屎泄尿; 大小便失禁
siarmsayjiø | diarrhea | 滲屎尿
siarmsayliø | shit | 滲屎尿
siarmthaux | penetrate; understand | 滲透
siarmui | my younger sister | 舍妹
siarng | Who? | 甚; 啥人; 誰; 甚麼人
siarngtoaxbiin | have a good sleep | 摔大眠; 睡大覺
siarngtoaxho | pouring | 摔大雨
siarpaang | dormitory | 舍房
siarpai | disgrace (one's family) | 丟敗; 玷辱
siarsaix | unload cargo | 卸貨; 卸使
siarsiesiarzexng | shameless | 卸世卸眾; 丟人現眼
siarsiezexng | shameless | 卸世眾; 丟人現眼
siarsix-siarzexng | disgrace oneself | 卸世卸眾; 丟人現眼
siarsof | excuse payment of rent | 賒疏
siarsy | dole out alms; charity; rendition | 施捨
siarsysiarzexng | shameless | 卸世卸眾
siarte | my younger brother | 舍弟
siartiøh | brought into disgrace (by the bad conduct of some relative or associate) | 羞了; 丟了
siartuu | unload | 卸除
siarwn | grace of forgiveness | 赦恩
siarzef | cathartic; purgative; evacuant | 瀉劑
siarzekjim | shirk responsibility | 卸責任
siarzeklim | shirk responsibility | 卸責任
siarzexng | lose face | 瀉症; 丟臉事
siarzoe | pardon (a criminal); forgive (an offender); absolution from sin | 赦罪
siarzof | excuse payment of rent | 瀉租; 免交租金
siarzofkofng | make ancestors lose face | 卸祖公; 使祖先蒙羞
siarzofng | remove cosmetics | 卸妝
siausiarm | escape stealthily | 消閃
siesiar goxjip | even odd numbers in arithmetic: if the decimal is less than 05; disregard it; if 05 or more; even off to the next integer | 四捨五入
sioksiar | abbreviation; abbreviate | 縮寫
sioksiarhuix | board | 宿舍費
sioksiarsefng | boarders | 宿舍生
sisiar | give to charity; give alms | 施捨
siøfsiar | lower case letters (of the alphabet); small letters | 小寫
siøsiarm | pass each other on the way | 相閃; 錯身而過
siøsiartai | reveal short | 相卸代
soksiarhuix | dormitory fee | 宿舍費
suosiar gvofjip | round off (a number); (in arithmetic) to count one-half and higher fractions as units and disregard the rest | 四捨五入
susiar | typographical; write | 書寫
svasiarm | avoid running into each other | 相閃
teeng køq siar | to rewrite | 重擱寫; 再寫
tegsiar | feature story (in a newspaper or magazine); a close up (in a movie) | 特寫
tengsiar | write again | 重寫
thagsiar | read and write | 讀寫
thiamsiar | to fill letters in, to add in blanks (on a paper) | 添平; 添寫
thiensiar | to fill out (a blank; form) | 填寫
thogsiar | reading and writing | 讀寫
thvisiar | add a postscript, write in addition | 添寫
toaxsiar | capital letters; the elaborate form of Chinese numerals (used especially in accounting and writing checks) | 大寫
tøfsiarm | to dodge; to ward off | 躲閃
tørsiarnghviax | fall backwards | 倒相懸
tøsiarm | under shelter | 逃閃
tøtøsiafmsiarm | escape | 逃逃閃閃
zawsiarbea | ceremony of the Taoist (or local) religion seeking reconciliation or forgiveness of the sins of a diseased person in which a Taoist priest manipulates the paper figurines a man riding a horse | 走卸馬; 為了赦死者的罪而舉行的儀式
zawsiarm | escape, flee | 走閃; 逃避
zhausiar | copy by hand | 抄寫
zhoaxjiø voa siarmsae | The devil you know is better than the one you don't know. (Lit. the former employee used to wet the bed; this one dirtied his pants.) | 越換越糟
zhøfsiar | cursive style of writing; script type of calligraphy | 草寫
zoaxnsiar | write | 撰寫

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