"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ansied | arrange for | 安設; 設置
boxngsied | wet dream | 夢洩; 夢遺
budcid kiernsied | physical development or progress of a community or country | 物質建設
ciaxmsied | temporary setup | 暫設
hisied | nominal, fictitious, in name | 虛設
hoatsied | to vent | 發射; 發洩
hosied | a mouthpiece, a spokesman | 喉舌
hunsied | establish in various places | 分設
huosied | subsidiary organization; annex; have as an attached institution | 附設
husied | nominal, fictitious, in name | 虛設
ixsied | default | 預設
kafsied | suppose; assumption; hypothesize; hypothesis; supposition; assumption | 假設
karsied | hypothesis, supposition, assumption | 架設
khaisied | start up; set up; establishment; found | 開設
khawsied | an altercation, an argument | 口吵
kiernsied kangtheeng | construction work | 建設工程
kiernsied | to construct; to develop; to build; construction; establishment; to erect; establish; build up; found | 建設
kiernsied-kongsy | construction company | 建設公司
kipurn-kiernsied | capital construction | 基本建設
kongsied piexnhoxjiin | public defense counsel | 公設辯護人
kongsied | public established | 公設
kvoasied | to establish by government | 官設
lauxsied | leak a secret; reveal a secret; divulge | 洩漏
paisied | excretion; ejectable; take vent; excrete; elimination; excretion; excrete; to discharge | 排泄; 排設; 佈置
paisied-zok'iong | excretory functions | 排泄作用
paxnsied | setup | 辦設
paysied | to furnish and decorate, articles for interior decoration | 擺設
peksiedniao | a woodchat | 百舌鳥
phosied | build (roads); setup | 舖設; 佈置
pitsied | required | 必設
sied khoanthøx | set a snare | 設圈套
sied | small fragments; small crumbs or bits | 屑; 泄; 洩漏; 少許; 設
siedciexn | war of words | 舌戰
siedphoad | quarrelsome | 吵架; 長舌的
sinsied | newly established; newly inaugurated; established newly | 新設
siongsied | permanent, standing | 常設
sisied | set up; equip with; institution; facilities; equipment; establishment | 設置; 施設
soansied | to drain off | 喧洩; 宣洩
susied | private; privately established | 私設
thienky putkhør lauxsied | Heaven's secret must not be let out ─ said by a fortune teller when he is asked to explain minutely what he has said vaguely; said jokingly of a man who will not tell a secret | 天機無可洩漏
tinsied | to display; to decorate; exhibit; lay out | 陳設
tiusied | plan to establish | 籌設
uisied | omit inadvertently, emit semen outside a woman's vagina | 遺精; 遺洩
uxsied | preset | 預設
zabtai kiernsied | ten great establishments | 十大建設
zengsied | add to, increase an organization or instrument | 增設
zexngsied | add; add on | 增設
zhorngsied | establish; start or set up an office or agency | 創設; 設立
zhosied | Initial setting | 初設
zngsied | to install | 裝設
zongsied | equipped with; install or equip | 裝設
zuie sied putthofng | so crowded (or so carefully guarded) that it is impossible even for water to seep through | 水泄無通

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