"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: siern

Serngsiern | Baptism (Catholic) | 聖洗
Tiausiern | Korea | 朝鮮; 韓國
banphesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
banphoesiern | stubborn ringworm | 蠻皮癬
goansiern | ringworm skin disease | 元癬; 乾癬
guphoesiern | psoriasis | 牛皮癬
hientofsiern | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺發炎
huosiern | administer baptism (Catholic) | 付洗
itpiin-jusiern | poor as a church mouse; penniless | 一貧如洗
kaesiern | ringworm | 芥癬; 疥癬
kaf piin juu siern | be in extreme poverty | 家貧如洗
keasiern | scabies; the itch; ringworm | 疥癬
khasiern | the athlete's foot | 腳癬; 跤癬
koansiern | baptism performed under special circumstances (as for a non-believer at the point of death) (Catholic) | 權洗
køeasiern | ring-worm | 過癬
lefngsiern hoatsex | baptismal vows | 領洗發誓
lefngsiern zerngbengsw | certificate of Baptism (Catholic) | 領洗證明書
lefngsiern | baptism; receive baptism (Catholic) | 領洗
noaxsiern | ringworm | 爛癬
peqsiern | white moe; favus; honey-comb ringworm | 白癬
sengkhw bøo pvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
sengkhw tngxpvoarsiern | I have not a bit of a cash on me | 身上一毛錢也沒有。
siern | scabies | 癬
siernhek | confused | 搧惑
siernhofng | be in a draft ( of wind); be exposed to the wind; to fan | 吹風; 搧風; 颳風
siernkoex | slap over | 搧過
siernløh | slap off | 搧落
sierntanghofng | invite snub | 搧冬風; 比喻自找苦吃
sierntoaxhi | white lie | 搧大耳
sierntoaxhvi | white lie | 搧大耳
sierntong | to provoke; instigate; stir up; agitate; instigation | 煽動
sierntoxngciar | agitators | 煽動者
sierntør | slap down | 搧倒
siernzhuiephoea | slap face | 搧喙頰
sinsiern | fresh (food; air) | 新鮮
sipsiern | moist eczema | 濕疹; 濕癬
sisiern | baptize | 施洗
siuxsiern | be baptized | 受洗; 領洗
svef siern | ringworm | 生癬
svesiern | suffer from ringworm | 生癬
svisiern | ringworm | 生癬
svy siern | ringworm | 生癬
taixsiern | lay person administers baptism in case of necessity (Catholic) | 代洗
tangsiern | copper coin | 銅幣; 銅仙
tasiern | dry scurf on the body | 乾癬
zoaphøesiern | pityriasis; skin disease marked by the shedding of bran-like scales of epidermis | 蛇皮癬

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