"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: siet

ciaobeeng sietpi | illuminating equipment; photo flash equipment | 照明設備
honghøea-sietpi | fire-fighting facilities | 防火設備
hongkhofng sietpi | anti air raid facilities | 防空設備
hosiet | a mouthpiece; voice; a spokesperson | 喉舌
khawsiet | quarrels; bickering; squabbles | 口舌
khiaxsietheeng | stand upside down | 豎死挺; 倒立
kiernsietkiok | Bureau of Construction (of a city or Hsien) | 建設局
kiernsietthviaf | Department of Reconstruction (of a Provincial Government) | 建設廳
lefngkhix sietpi | air conditioning equipment; facilities | 冷氣設備
limsii siet'hoad | provisional plan | 臨時設法
oexsefng sietpi | sanitary facilities | 衛生設備
paisietbut | output; excreta; excrement | 排泄物
paisietkoarn | discharge tube | 排泄瓶; 排泄管
paisietpaan | drainage bottle | 排泄瓶
putkhamsiet'siorng | unimaginable | 無堪設想
putkhamsietsiorng | unimaginable | 無堪設想
pøfafn-sietsy | security measure | 保安設施
siet | tongue | 舌
siet'heeng | cuneiform | 楔形
siet'hoad | arrange; manage; think up a method; devise a way; put matters right | 設法
siet'hoong | fortify; set up defense installations | 設防
siet'ieen | hypothesis | 設言
siet'ientaau | wife has an affair | 設緣投
siet'iexn | give a feast | 設宴
sietchviuo | set up a factory | 設廠
sietex | four piece | 四塊
siethin | perfectly matched and balanced | 四伨
sietkaux | establish a Church | 設教
sietkeaciar | designer | 設計者
sietkeasw | designer | 設計師
sietkeatoo | blueprint | 設計圖
sietkeazøx | designed as | 設計做
sietkex | to design; to devise; to conceive schemes; to plot against someone; to plan; to draw up a design (for the construction of...) | 設計
sietkex`koex | designed | 設計過
sietkhie | setup, establish | 設起; 設立
sietkiok | set a trap; cheat on gamble | 設局; 詐賭
sietlaai | design | 設來
sietlip | to establish; erect; establish (a school; society); to set up | 設立
sietpefng | post soldiers, post guards | 設兵; 駐兵
sietpi | equipment; equipment; arrangements; fixtures; accommodation; facilities; equip with; furnish with requisites | 設備
sietsiorng | thoughtful; imagine; idea; rough plan; think | 設想
sietsuo | assumption; if; supposing that... | 設使; 假使
sietsy | facility; plan and execute; (administrative) measures | 設施
sietteng | set up; establish; institute; establish legal relationship (in law) | 設定
siettiok | plan and build | 設著; 設築
siettix | to set up; establish; found; establishment; installations | 設置
siettogzoe | sacrilege (Catholic) | 褻瀆罪
siettok sinbeeng | blasphemy; blaspheme the gods | 褻瀆神明
siettok | blaspheme; to abuse; to insult | 褻瀆
siettvoaa | prepare the altar for sacrifice | 設壇
sietzuq | shirt; blouse | 襯衫; 源自日語シャツ(shatsu)
sietzø | design | 設造
sietzøx | design | 設做
texsietaai | misc. channels | 第四台
zam zøx sietex | cut into four pieces | 砍成四塊

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