"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: simkvoaf

bøo simkvoaf | absent-minded | 沒心肝; 沒良心; 無心肝
oefsimkvoaf | sincere, expose my heart | 挖心肝
of simkvoaf | evil hearted | 黑心; 黑心肝
ofsimkvoaf | sincerely | 挖心肝
osimkvoaf | cruel | 烏心肝
phvae-simkvoaf | the heart is not good; evilly reads; bad mind; evil heart | 壞心腸; 歹念; 壞心眼; 心地無良
simkvoaf chinchviu tøf teq koaq | heart feels like it is being cut by a knife ─ heart broken | 心如刀割
simkvoaf hvoaxtvia | keep one's mind at ease; make up one's mind on | 心肝按定; 拿定主意
simkvoaf khaq-gve thiq | heart harder than iron (in the sense of showing no pity or refusing to make up a dispute) | 鐵石心腸
simkvoaf liaqzai | keep one's mind at ease; make up one's mind on | 拿定主意
simkvoaf parngkhuy | keep one's mind at ease | 心情放鬆
simkvoaf phuphuu | unsettled and inattentive | 心猿意馬
simkvoaf thviax | grief; severe pain about the heart | 心痛
simkvoaf tyntang | become interested in something (usually as a result of persuasion) | 心動
simkvoaf | my dear; honey; heart; heart; mind; darling; honey | 心肝
tngx simkvoaf | strike one's breast; when terribly disappointed at losing a good opportunity especially through one's own fault or at finding good news to be false | 搥胸
tuisimkvoaf | strike the breast; beat the breast (in deep grief) | 搥心肝
zhaosimkvoaf | always trying to injure people; a wicked mind | 壞心肝; 存心無良

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