Ciausiongkiok | China Merchants Steamship Company | 招商局
Hongsiong | His Majesty | 皇上
Hoxnghiernsiong | offertory of the Mass (Catholic) | 奉獻誦
Hudsiong | images of Buddha | 佛像
Kong'engsiong | Gloria of the Mass (Catholic) | 光榮頌
Sad siong | title of imperial princes; name given to a great many idols | 撒慕爾紀上; 撒上
Sansiong | a city in Tainan County | 山上
Satboxnykie siong | title of imperial princes; name given to a great many idols | 撒慕爾紀上; 撒上
Serngbøfsiong | the statue of the Virgin Mary; Madonna | 聖母像
Sesiongkix | West Chamber; one of the most famous Chinese dramas; authored by 王寶甫 in the Yuan Dynasty | 西廂記
Thiensiong-Serngbør | a goddess | 天上聖母
Tisiong | a city in Taitung County | 池上
Zusexng siongthongkofng | Communion of Saints (Catholic) | 諸聖相通功
Zuysiong | a city in Chiayi County | 水上
armsiong | recitation | 暗誦; 背誦
baxnkofsiongsyn | from ancient times always new | 萬古常新
baxnsiong kengsyn | all things change from old to new; a new year; (ever ancient; ever new) | 萬象更新
baxnsiong | all the universe; all things of universe; the countless aspects or forms of the world and natural phenomena | 萬象
biexnbien siongkoafn | gape at each other 'in danger, etc, unable to move' | 面面相關
binsu sorsiong | civil action suit | 民事訴訟
binzok ciesiong | a slogan meaning; The Nation above all! | 民族至上
boafnsiong | evening | 晚上
bogsiong | wooden figure | 木像
budcitsiong ee an'uix | material comforts | 物質上的安慰
budcitsiong | material; physically | 物質上
budlyhagsiong | physical | 物理學上
busiong kong'eeng | matchless honor; the highest honor | 無上光榮
busiong | highest; nothing above; the acme; nonpareil | 無上
bøo siongkafn | irrelevant; have nothing to do with | 無相干
bøsiongkafn | unrelated | 無相干
chinsiong kachyn | add relationship to relationship; to marry a relative; to be doubly connected like by marrying a cousin | 親上加親
chiokbok siongsym | see something which brings someone's sorrowful memory to mind | 觸目傷心
chiokkerng siongzeeng | see an object which brings a person to mind with sorrow | 觸景傷情
chiwsiong | palm reading | 手相
ciafngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
ciaosiong | take picture | 照像
ciaosiong-koarn | a photo studio | 照像館; 照相館
ciaosiong-ky | a camera | 照像機; 照相機
ciaosiong-pho | an album | 照像簿; 相簿
cidlo-siong | all the way | 一路上
ciekøf busiong | highest; most exalted; supreme | 至高無上
ciesiong | supreme; the highest | 至上; 至高無上
cinsiong | true image; truth | 真像; 真相
ciofngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
cioksiong | congratulate and commend | 祝頌
ciongsiong | from above | 從上
ciøqkøf-siong | figure made of plaster-of-Paris | 石膏像
ciøqkøsiong | plaster statue | 石膏像
ciøqsiong | stone statue; stone statue | 石像
ciørsiong | take a photograph | 照像; 照相
cviarsiong | on top | 正上
efngsiong | image; portrait | 影像
gagsiong | court trial | 獄訟
goadlie sionggvoo | fairy who is supposed to dwell in the moon | 月裏嫦娥; 月娥
goanzeg-siong | in principle | 原則上; 在原則上
gvofsiong | idol; image | 偶像
gvofsiong'ixn | stigmata | 五傷印
gvoxsyn siongtvar | goad oneself ahead by depriving oneself all daily comfort and subjecting oneself to life's bitterness; nurse vengeance (Lit. lie on faggots and taste gall) | 臥薪嘗膽
gymsiong-thiamhoaf | embroider flowers on a piece of brocade--to make a good thing even better | 錦上添花
gøxsyn siongtvar | endure hardships to accomplish some ambition; determination for revenge (Lit. an allusion to the King of Yueh (越王勾踐) who slept on firewood for a mattress and had a gall bladder hung over his bed to remind him of the bitterness (gall) of his defeat so | 臥薪嘗膽
haysiong huiky | seaplane | 海上飛機; 水上飛機
haysiong lwkoarn | floating hotel | 海上旅館
haysiong pøfhiarm | marine insurance | 海上保險
haysiong | marine; of the sea | 海上
heng'viar siongsuii | follow somebody like a shadow; inseparable; very intimate like husband and wife | 形影相隨
hengseg-siong | nominally; for formality's sake | 形式上
hengseksiong | nominally; for formality's sake | 形式上
hengsiong | form; appearance; physical description of a person; form as contrasted to substance | 形上; 形象; 形像
hiarngsiong | turned upward; strive upward; try to improve oneself | 向上
hiefnsiong tiexn'oe | video phone | 顯像電話
hiexnsiong | phenomenon; occurrence; appearance; phenomenon; phenomenon | 現象
hiorngsiong | upward; uptilt; upswing; To aim | 向上
hiorngsiong-sym | ambition, desire to get ahead | 向上心
hipsiong | photo; photograph | 照相
hipsiong-koarn | place for portrait taken | 照像館
hoarnsiong | mental image; vision; illusion | 幻象
hoatludsiong | legal; from a legal point of view | 法律上
hoatsiongte | place of a thing's beginning or early development; cradle; birthplace | 發祥地
hoaxnsiong | insubordination | 犯上
hoefsiong kaiuu | recalling something that only making matters worse (pouring oil on the fire) | 火上加油
hongsiong | the emperor; Your Majesty; His Majesty | 皇上
hoxlaai kisiong | The late or new comer ends up in front | 後來居上
hoxngsiong | may I present | 奉上; 獻上
hoxsiong khoan'ioong | forbearing toward one another | 互相寬容
hoxsiong koanhe | mutual relation | 互相關係
hoxsiong | mutually; reciprocally; each other; one another | 互相
hudsiong | a Buddhist statue | 佛像
huxzuo siongthoaan | passed down through generation from father to son | 父子相傳
hwsiong | your family; your residence (honorific term) | 府上
iau'iaau siongtuix | facing one another at a distance | 遙遙相對
iesiong | more (not less) than, above (-mentioned), beyond, That's all | 意象
iofnghor siongsyn | keep a bad subordinate who will one day bring ruin to his protector (Lit. raise a tiger which will injure its feeder later on) | 養虎傷身
irnsiong | impressions | 印象
itlo-siong | all the way | 一路上
ixsiong | heavenly vision; a sign of something to come | 異象; 預像
jiedoesiong ee kawhia | ant on a hot pan--one in extreme anxiety; restless or fidgeting due to deep worry | 熱鍋上的螞蟻
jixbin-siong | according to the written statement | 字面上
jusiong | as above | 如上
kaane'isiong | a carnation | 康乃馨
kangsiongkaix | industrial and business circles | 工商界
kangsiongkhøf | government bureau of industry and commerce | 工商科
kangsiongkhøx | government bureau of industry and commerce | 工商課
kankøf siongkiexn | declare war on each other | 干戈相見
kasiong | plus, in addition to, besides | 加上
kasiong'oe | informal talk; conversation about domestic routine | 家常話
kefngsiong | atmosphere; conditions; outlook; appearance | 景象
kefsiong | illusion | 假象
kerngsiong | wish with respect (a conventional phrase used at the end of a letter) | 敬頌
kheksiong | carve a statue | 刻像
khiesiong | atmospheric phenomenon; weather; atmospheric phenomena | 氣象
khiesiong-baxnchiefn | Nature abounds in change. Things change in countless ways | 氣象萬千
khiesiong-hagciar | meteorologist | 氣象學者
khiesiong-hak | meteorology | 氣象學
khiesiong-kiok | weather broadcast bureau | 氣象局
khiesiong-oexsefng | weather satellite | 氣象衛星
khiesiong-pørkøx | weather reports | 氣象報告
khiesiong-taai | weather broadcast bureau | 氣象台; 氣象臺
khiesiong-uxpøx | meteorological forecasts | 氣象預報
khiesiongkayud | rmove wounds and relieve depression | 去傷解鬱
khiøhsiong | portrait; portray | 畫像; 拾像
khofsiong | crucifix (Catholic) | 苦像
khor siong kaf khor | bring additional pain | 苦上加苦
kiernkerng-siongzeeng | look at a scene and bring to mind some sorrowful thing | 見景傷情; 觸景傷情
kimsiong | the emperor of the present time | 今上; (當今皇帝)
kimsiong-ciorng | academy award, Oscar | 金像獎
koaehiexnsiong | strange phenomenon; disagreeable occurrence | 怪現象
koaix-hiexnsiong | a strange phenomenon | 怪現象
koasiong | to read a book aloud musically; to sing praises | 歌誦
koeasid-sionghaixzoe | unintentional injury | 過失傷害罪
kokkaf ciesiong | National interest is above everything else | 國家至上
kunpurn-siong | fundamentally, basically | 根本上
kuxsionghør | old friend; old friendship | 老相好
kymsiong-thiamhoaf | add flowers to embroidery; to give something or someone additional splendor | 錦上添花
kynsiong | presented respectfully by...; humbly yours | 謹上
køkøf-zaixsiong | Though one is skilful; there are others still more so; Greatness is comparative | 高高在上
kørsid-sionghaixzoe | bodily injury done to others through negligence fees paid to a writer on piecework basis | 過失傷害罪
køsiong | praise; eulogize; sing praises | 歌頌
lan'ie siongsixn | incredible; difficult to believe | 難以相信
lan'ie siongzhux | difficult to live or deal with | 難以相處
langsiong | portrait | 人像
laqsiong | wax figure; waxwork | 蠟像
legswsiong | historical | 歷史上
libsiong | erect a statue; statue in standing position | 立像
liensiong | connected | 連上
liogsiong | on land; on shore | 陸上
lionghong siongphoex | union of a dragon and a phoenix (congratulatory phrase on the occasion of a wedding) | 龍鳳相配
liongsiong-kunzuo | burglar; thief | 樑上君子; 小偷
liorng pud siongjiong | neither side will yield | 兩無相讓
lioxngsiong | enough; abundance; sufficient; exceedingly abundant (money; crops) | 量尚; 充足; 多餘
lixsiong kali | compound interest | 利上加利
loaxnsiong | chaos | 亂象
lofngsiong | declaim; intonation; recital; recite | 朗誦
longpoe siong'y | Wolf and Jackal help each other. ─ The helpless help themselves: ask help from one who needs help | 狼狽相依
loxsiong | on the way, along the way, enroute | 路上
loxtosiong | on the road | 路途上
luitaisiong | ring | 擂台上
lunlysiong | morally | 倫理上
lwsinsiong | foddess statue | 女神像
lyliaxmsiong | conceptually | 理念上
lyluxnsiong | theoretically | 理論上
løbiin siongzaai | tire the people and waste the resources (said of big construction projects of questionable economic value) | 勞民傷財
løbiin-siongzaai | to tire the people and waste the resources | 勞民傷財
mafsiong | immediately; right away; at once | 馬上
mngho siongtofng | The two families are of equal rank | 門當戶對
mngzhngsiong | on the bed | 眠床上
mokoarn hiexnsiong | capillarity; capillary phenomenon | 毛管現象; (作用)
niusiong-kunzuo | burglars (Lit. gentlemen up on the beams) | 樑上君子
oan'oafn siongpøx | feud continued by mutual revenges and injuries | 冤冤相報
oexsiong | add offense on top of another | 畫像
pahhoex siongtviuu | emporium | 百貨商場
paix gvofsiong | worship idols; idol worship | 拜偶像
paix khofsiong | veneration of the Cross (Catholic) | 拜苦像
paix-gvofsiong | worship images | 拜偶像
paksiong | proceed northward; go north | 北上
pancirn-sionghaan | typhus | 斑疹傷寒
pansiong | in the class | 班上
pauløo baxnsiong | all embracing; inclusive of everything | 包羅萬象
peg hor siongjiin | tiger when pressed will injure a person ─ harass a man until he turns on his persecutor | 迫虎傷人
pengsiongsi'ar | usually | 平常時仔
pengsiongsii | usually | 平常時
pengsiongsym | ordinary heart | 平常心
phengzuie sionghoong | patches of duckweed meeting ─ unexpected meeting of friends abroad; to meet by accident | 萍水相逢
phisiong | to clothe, to throw on | 披上; 皮上
phoarsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
phoeasiong | to match | 配上
phøeasiong | to match | 配上
phørsionghofng | tetanus | 破傷風
piawbixnsiong ee koanhe | external relations | 表面上的關係
piawbixnsiong | outwardly; superficially; externally | 表面上
piawsiong | presentative | 表象
piernsiong | in a different (mostly disguise) form | 變相
piexnli-siongtiaxm | convenience store | 便利商店
pngfsiong bøo miaa | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
poexsiong | recitation | 背誦
pofngsiong bubeeng | fail in an examination | 榜上無名
pofsiongkym | compensation | 補償金
pud siongtoong | different; not the same | 無相同
pudsiong | a Buddhist image; a Buddhist statue; image or picture of an idol (properly Buddhist) | 佛像
put'siong'ioong | incompatible | 無相容; 不相容
put'siongkafn | to have nothing to do with, to be irrelevant | 無相干; 不相干
put'siongzhefng | unsuitable, do not match, disproportionate | 無相爭; 不相稱
putsiongkafn | irrelevant | 無相干
putsiongtoong | different | 無相同
pvoarbin-siongsek | slightly acquainted with a man | 半面常適; 有點認識
pyzhuo siong'aix | love one another; love each other | 彼此相愛
pørzoafsiong | in the newspaper | 報紙上
seakaesiong | the world | 世界上
seakansiong | the world | 世間上
seasiong | on the earth; in the world | 世上
segsiong | on one's seat, one's place | 熟上; 席上
seng'oaqsiong | way of life | 生活上
senglysiong | physiologically | 生理上
sengsiong | appearance of the stars | 星像
sengthaesiong | ecologically | 生態上
serngsiong | sacred statue | 聖像
siaosiong | portrait; painted or carved likeness of a person | 肖像
siaxhoe hiexnsiong | social phenomenon | 社會現象
siaxhoexsiong | social | 社會上
sidcid-siong | virtually, in essence | 實質上
sidzeasiong | actually; in fact; as a matter of fact | 實際上
simlengsiong | spiritual | 心靈上
simlie hiexnsiong | mental phenomena | 心理現象
simlie-siong | psychologically, mentally | 心理上
simlysiong | mental; mentally | 心理上
simløo-baxnsiong | all things in the universe; the (whole) universe | 森羅萬象
simsiong | on one's mind (heart) | 心上
simsym-siong'ixn | complete meeting of minds; in complete rapport; our opinions tally exactly | 心心相印
sinsiong | idol; image | 神像; 身上
siofngsiong | imagine; visualize; to fancy | 想像
siofngsiong-lek | power of imagination | 想像力
siong hør | the best | 上好
siong kirn | fastest | 上緊
siong kviarthaau | photogenic; appear in a movie | 上鏡頭
siong tiofng ha | top; middle; bottom; best; medium; inferior; first; second; third | 上中下
siong | paint a portrait; draw a likeness | 像; 上; 上,; 最
siong'afn-busu | at peace with each other | 相安無事
siong'aix | love each other | 相愛
siong'ar | banyan | 榕仔
siong'exng | to correspond, each other, to be in union, to be in harmony | 相應
siong'iog | mutually agree | 相約
siong'iong | use often; used often | 常用
siong'ioong | compatible; [[siøioong]] | 相容
siong'ioxngji | common words | 常用字
siong'ioxngsuu | common words | 常用詞
siong'ui | injure the stomach | 傷胃
siong'uie | a member of the standing committee | 常委
siong'vi | otherness; dissimilarity | 相異
siong'viax | reflect; mutual mapping | 相映
siong'wn | normal temperature | 常溫
siong'wn-ha | under normal temperature | 常溫下
siong'y uibeng | rely upon each other for life | 相依為命
siong'y | rely upon each other; mutually dependent | 相依
siong-pvoargøeh | first half of a month | 上半月
siong-pvoaria | before midnight | 上半夜
siongbeeng | mutually clear | 相明
siongbeng | fate | 相命
siongbi | to taste | 相味; 嘗味
siongbiin | normal people | 常民
siongbok | pine-wood boards or planks | 松木
siongboong | casualties; casualty | 傷亡
siongbu uyoaan | standing members of a committee | 常務委員
siongbu zhamsu | commercial attache; commercial councilor | 商務參事
siongbu | commercial; commercial affairs | 商務; 常務
siongbu-uy'oaan | standing member of the committee | 商務委員; 常務委員
siongbu-zhuotviuo | administrative vice-minister | 商務次長; 常務次長
siongbøea | the last | 上尾
siongchie | squirrel | 松鼠
siongchii | stalemated | 相持
siongchiu | pine; pine-tree | 松樹
siongchiu-iuu | turpentine | 松樹油; 松脂
siongchix | attempt; take a hack at; tryout | 嘗試
siongchyn siong'aix | be kind to each other and love each other; mutual love | 相親相愛
siongciar | wounded | 傷者
siongciaux | reflection | 相照
siongcin | pinpoint; thorough | 詳盡
sionggai | affect adversely, cause harm, injury to | 相礙; 傷礙; 傷害
sionggi | confer; conference; consultation; counsel; discussion | 商議
sionggiap ginhaang | commercial bank | 商業銀行
sionggiap haghau | commercial school | 商業學校
sionggiap tengkix | commercial registration | 商業登記
sionggiap zoankhøf haghau | junior college of commerce | 商業專科學校; 商專
sionggiap | commerce; profit-seeking business | 商業
sionggiap-khw | commercial district | 商業區
sionggii | suitable, proper | 相宜
sionggu | to encounter, to meet | 相遇
sionggvoo | Taiwan cypress (tree) | 松梧; 臺灣扁柏
sionggvozhaa | pine wood | 松梧柴
sionghaan | typhoid | 傷寒; 傷寒(症)
sionghaang | shop | 商行
sionghag'vi | college of commerce | 商學院
sionghai | harm; hurt; harrow; mortify; injure | 傷害
sionghaixtiøh | hurting | 傷害著
sionghaixzoe | injury (in law) | 傷害罪
sionghan | typhoid | 傷寒
siongho | mutual, reciprocal, each other, one another | 相互
siongho-koanhe | interrelation | 相互關係
siongho-zok'iong | interaction, interplay | 相符作用; 相互作用
sionghoaan | pay; redemption; pay back; return; repay what one owes | 償還
sionghoad | commercial law | 商法
sionghoafnsuu | antonym | 相反詞
sionghoan | the sick and wounded | 傷患
sionghoarn | adverse; converse; contrary; in contrast; contrary; opposed to each other; contradictory | 相反
sionghoat | punish | 相罰
sionghoe | the chamber of commerce; meet together; meet each other | 相會; 常會; 商會; 例會
sionghofng paixsiok | ruin the morals of a place; act immorally; breach of morality | 傷風敗俗
sionghofng | catch a cold; catch a bad cold; a cold | 傷風
sionghongpaixsiok | immoral | 傷風敗俗
sionghoong | encounter; meet each other | 相逢
sionghorng | visit | 相訪
sionghuu | tally; correspond; agree; to match | 相符
sionghuun | scar; scaur; cicatrice; weal; scars from wounds | 傷痕
sionghux | mutually | 相互
sionghø | name of a business firm; trade name of a firm | 商號
sionghøo | peaceful | 祥和
sionghør | be on good terms | 相好
siongjiaq | scar | 傷痕; 傷跡; 疤痕
siongjiin | businessman; merchant; tradesman | 商人
siongjin | recognize each other | 相認
siongjioong | a kind of mushroom; one kind of straw mushroom | 松茸; 洋菇
siongkae | reconciliation | 相解
siongkaf | rosin | 松膠; 商家; 松香; 松脂
siongkafn | correlation; mutual relation | 相干
siongkafng | cost labor | 傷工
siongkaix | business world; business circle | 商界
siongkarm | sentimental; mawkish | 傷感
siongkarng | business port; open ports | 商港
siongkaw | to make friends with each other, to have intercourse | 相交
siongkeq | separated | 相隔
siongkex | sequential; successive | 相繼
siongkexng juu pyn | married couple respect each other as if the other were a guest | 相敬如賓
siongkexng | respect each other | 相敬
siongkhao | open wound | 傷口
siongkheg | mutually destructive | 相剋
siongkheq | frequent guest; a frequenter | 常客
siongkhix | upset | 傷氣
siongkhoafn | business district | 商圈
siongkhøf | Department of Commerce in a university | 商科
siongkiafm | inclusive | 相兼
siongkiarm | reduce | 相減
siongkiexn | meet | 相見
siongkin | close to, to approximate | 相近
siongkoafn | related; correlation; mutuality; relative; connected | 相關
siongkoanto | relativity | 相關度
siongkoaq | cut, wound | 傷割
siongkuy | ordinary rules or practices | 常規
siongky | business | 商機
siongkym | indemnity, money paid in reparation | 商金; 償金
siongkøx | accuse each other | 相告; 互相控訴
siongle | regular order or procedures; usual or common practices | 常例
sionglegchiu | evergreen trees | 常綠樹
sionglek-chiu | an evergreen | 常綠樹
siongliaq | scars | 傷跡
sionglie | assistant manager; assistant manager (of a bank); to assist in managing a matter | 襄理
sionglieen | to join; to connect; joined; connected; in ordinary years; regular | 常年; 相連
siongliin | mutual sympathy | 相憐
sionglioong | consult; discuss; talk over; advise; consult; exchange opinions or views; discuss; discussion | 商量
siongloaan | mutual attachment | 相戀
siongluie | tired | 相累
sionglut | commercial law | 商律
siongmia | harm life | 傷命
siongnawkwn | nerve-wracking | 傷腦筋
siongnawkyn | nerve-wracking | 傷腦筋
siongnii taixhoe | annual meetings or conventions | 常年大會
siongnii | in ordinary years; regular | 常年
siongpefng | wounded soldiers | 傷兵
siongpeg | pine; fir; conifers | 松柏
siongphex | match | 相配
siongphiaw | brand; trademark; nameplate; logo; label; trademark | 商標
siongphirn tiefnlafmhoe | trade fair | 商品展覽會; 商展
siongphirn tinliedseg | showroom | 商品陳列室
siongphirn | commodity; goods; merchandise; ware; commodity; merchandise | 商品
siongphoex | to mate; pair off; match each other; compatible | 相配
siongphøex | match; well matched | 相配
siongpi-kwn | the standing army | 常備軍
siongpie | to compare | 相比
siongpiet | apart | 相別
siongpii | give one indigestion, disagreement with the stomach | 相脾; 傷胃
siongpixkwn | standing army | 常備軍
siongpixpefng | regulars | 常備兵
siongpof | commercial port | 商埔; 商埠
siongpurn | high cost; large expense; costing too much money | 傷本; 花費大
siongpve | Injury | 傷病
siongpy | sad, sadness | 傷悲
siongpøx | mutually recompense | 相報
siongseaafsiongsex | detailed | 詳細仔詳細
siongsefng ee pinkux | pledge of Everlasting Life | 常生的憑據
siongsefng | eternal life | 常生; 永生
siongseg | common sense; general knowledge; know each other | 常識; 相識
siongsek | mutually fit | 常適
siongseng | spoiled | 相寵
siongserngkwn | an ever triumphant army | 常勝軍
siongsex tiauzaf | investigate fully; examine every detail | 詳查; 詳細調查
siongsex | detail; detailedness; particular; in every detail and particular; nothing omitted | 詳細; 傷勢
siongsied | permanent, standing | 常設
siongsiogjiin | heir | 繼承人; 相續人
siongsiogkoaan | right of inheritance | 繼承權; 相續權
siongsiogsoex | inheritance tax | 繼承稅, 相續稅
siongsiogsøex | inheritance tax | 繼承稅; 相續稅
siongsiok | inherit | 相續; 繼承
siongsioong | often; frequently; usually; generally; always | 常常
siongsixn | believe; trust in; depend; presume; believe; mutual trust; confidence | 相信
siongsox | constant; invariable | 常數; 商數
siongsu | similarity; alliance; analogy | 相似; 常事
siongsui | good omen, good luck | 相隨; 祥瑞
siongsuii | follow; be a couple; accompany | 相隨
siongsym chiekud | poignant | 傷心刺骨
siongsym | grief; heartbroken; dolour; deeply hurt; break one's heart; very sad; grieved | 傷心
siongtaam | converse; to talk together (archaic) | 相談; 商談
siongterng | equal; equivalent; identic | 相等
siongthaesexng | normality | 常態性
siongthai | treat (a person) | 相待
siongthaix | normal carriage or manner; normal state | 常態
siongthienhaixlie | hurting the world- immoral | 傷天害理
siongthoaan | devolution; be transmitted from person to person; to be handed down from generation to generation | 相傳
siongthofng | having direct communication (e.g.; two rooms or houses connected by a door or short passage) | 相通
siongtiaxm | shop; store; store; shop | 商店
siongtiern | trade fair | 商展; 商品展覽會
siongtiong | mass consumption; severe (wound or disease) | 傷重; 嚴重的; 厲害的; 嚴重; 消耗大
siongtiøh | injure; wound; fall ill from | 傷到
siongtofng | rather; correspond; fairly; pretty; quite; corresponding; equivalent; considerably; to a great extent; appropriate; proper | 相當
siongtoong | alike; identity; homology; same; same; identical; similar; alike | 相同
siongtui | business team | 商隊
siongtuiekhvoax | watching at eacher | 相對看
siongtuiesexng | relativity | 相對性
siongtuiesuu | relative words | 相對詞
siongtuix | be relative to; face each other; face to face; opposed; relative; versus | 相對
siongtuo | to offset, to counterbalance | 相抵; 相拄
siongtviuu | market; bazaar; emporium; market place | 商場
siongzaai | lose money; waste money | 傷財
siongzaan | physically deformed by injury | 傷殘
siongzaf | investigate fully; examine every detail | 詳查; 詳細調查
siongzaxn | compliments | 相讚
siongzeeng | man's natural action or reaction under certain circumstances | 常情; 商情
siongzefng | fight each other over something; to quarrel | 相爭
siongzhaa | pine lumber | 松柴; 松木
siongzhaf | differ | 相差
siongzhefng | consort; worthy; equipoise; well matched; suit to; fit each other; match each other; be symmetrical | 相稱
siongzhuix | wound | 傷口
siongzhuo | associate with; be a friend of; squirrel | 松鼠; 相處
siongzhux | dealt; get along with; spend time together; to live together | 相處
siongzhwn-tiin | ivy | 常春藤
siongzo | help each other | 相助
siongzoafn | junior college of commerce | 商專
siongzuun | merchant ship | 商船
sioxngsiong | the best | 上上
sit'siongsit'sioong | abnormal | 失常失常
sitsiongsitsioong | abnormal | 失常失常
siwbong siongzo | help each other in guarding against enemies (said of neighbors in a community) | 守望相助
sixnsiong-svoax | adrenal gland | 腎上腺
siøsiong | burn | 燒傷
soafnkie sorsiong | lawsuits pertaining to elections | 選舉訴訟
sorsiong arnkvia | law case | 訴訟案件
sorsiong huieiong | fees entailed in a lawsuit | 訴訟費用
sorsiong taixlyjiin | legal representative | 訴訟代理人
sorsiong | sue someone; go to law with; lawsuit; go to law; litigation | 訴訟
sox pud siongseg | have never met or seen before; total stranger | 素無相識
suosiong | always | 經常
suosionghoax | four normalization | 四常化
suxsidsiong | as a matter of fact; in fact; practically; virtually; actually; in fact | 事實上
swsiong | in history | 史上
syn khiesiong | new atmospheric phenomena | 新氣象
syn`siong | body | 身上
sysiongciar | the dead and injured | 死傷者
taixputsiongtoong | entirely; totally different | 大無相同
taixthefsiong | in the main | 大體上
tangsiong | metal statue | 銅像
tefngsiong | best; highest quality; top | 頂上; 上等
texbixnsiong | on the ground | 地面上
texha siongtviuu | market place built below the ground; basement shops | 地下商場
texkiusiong | on the earth | 地球上
texsiong ee loghngg | Earthly Paradise | 地上樂園
thengsiong | submit | 呈上
thiensiong | in the heaven; celestial phenomena, heavenly bodies, also their portents | 天上
thiusiong bengsuu | abstract nouns | 抽象名詞
thiusiong khaeliam | abstract concepts or ideas | 抽象概念
thiusiong | abstract; metaphysical; abstract (as opposed to concrete) | 抽象
thiusiong-kaeliam | abstract concept | 抽象概念
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
thvisiong | atmospheric phenomenon, celestial phenomenon | 天像; 氣象
tiausiong | effigy; carve and idol; carved statue; sculpture | 雕像
tiefnlefsiong | at the ceremony | 典禮上
tiofngsiong | elders; seniors | 長上
toafnpefng-siongciab | fight at close quarters; hand-to-hand combat | 短兵相接
tohapsiong | on the circumstances | 場合上
tongpvi-siongliin | fellow sufferers have mutual sympathy; misery loves company | 同病相憐
tosiong | graphic, a portrait | 圖像
tuiesiong | the object; the subject; object (of an action); subject (of consideration) | 對象
tøfsiong | on the island | 島上
tøxgixsiong | morally | 道義上
tøxsiong | on the way | 道上
tøxteksiong ee zekjim | moral responsibility | 道德上的責任
u siongseg | having common sense | 有常識
u-siongkafn | consequential, important | 有相干; 相關
uisiong | portrait of a dead person | 遺像
uxsiong | a sign of something to come | 預象
viafbo-siong | on the screen | 螢幕上
viafsiong | image; figure; image; portrait; picture | 映像; 影像
viafsiong-gexsut | the art of photo-taking | 影像藝術
vixsiong | a vision | 異像; 異象
wn siong kaf wn | grace added to grace; special favor | 恩上加恩
ysiong | above; more (not less) than; above (-mentioned); beyond; That's all | 以上
ysiong`ee | above | 以上的
zaixsiong | on top | 在上
zarnsiong | sing the praises of | 讚頌
zengsiin hiexnsiong | mental state; moral condition or attitude | 精神現象
zengsinsiong | psychological | 精神上
zengsiong | litigation | 爭訟
zerngsionghoax | normalize; normalization | 正常化
zerngsionglaang | normal people | 正常人
zerngtixsiong pengterng | political equality | 政治上平等
zhamsiongcide | consultation | 參詳一下
zhamsiongcidexlaq | consultation | 參詳一下啦
zhasiong | wooden image | 柴像
zhengsiong | praise; extol | 稱頌
zhengsionghoe | Youth Chamber of Commerce | 青商會
zhof-sionghoe | meet for the first time | 初相會
zhof-sionghoong | meet for the first time | 初相逢
zhutkhao siongjiin | make insulting remarks | 出口傷人
zngsiong | decorate an idol | 裝像; 妝塑佛像
zoafsiong taam pefng | impractical schemes; theoretical; empty talk; academic talk | 紙上談兵
zoeasiong | the highest, supreme | 最上
zoexsiong kazoe | add offense on top of another | 罪上加罪
zofngsionghoe | general chamber of commerce; federation of businessmen | 總商會
zofsiong | ancestors | 祖上
zongkaosiong | religiously | 宗教上
zongsiong | advocate | 崇尚
zuozheq siongphiaw | registered trade mark | 註冊商標
zuxjieen hiexnsiong | natural phenomenon | 自然現象
zuybixnsiong | on the water | 水面上
zuysiong-huiky | seaplane; a hydroplane | 水上飛機
zuysiong-kefngzhad | harbor police | 水上警察
zuysiong-uxntong | water sports; aquatic sports | 水上運動
zwsiong | lord | 主上
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]