"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: sirm

chiusirm | the autumn trial | 秋審
ciongsirm | the final court trial which concludes a case once for all | 終審
giamsirm | severe investigation | 嚴審
hauxsirm | (law) to await trial | 候審
hoat'hoee kengsirm | order a lower court to hold a new trial | 發回更審
hoexsirm | to judge jointly; review or try jointly | 會審
hogsirm | retrial of a law case | 覆審
hoksirm | a retrial | 覆審
itsirm | first trial; in the local court | 一審
jixsirm | second trial | 二審
kengsirm | ask again as in court; retrial | 更審
kongsirm | public trial | 公審
ngfsirmsixm | softly | 軟㽎㽎
nngfsirmsixm | flexible; elastic (like a good mattress) | 軟綿綿
osirmsixm | black | 烏㽎㽎
phengsirm | review | 評審
phiensirm | read and edit; copy editor | 編審
poesirm zeato | jury system | 陪審制度
poesirm | jury | 陪審
sirm | judge; examine; to review; investigate; to judge; know; appreciate; careful; judicious | 審
sirmsirmsixm | extremely elastic; extremely springy | 㽎㽎㽎; 有彈性的
sirmsixm | elastic; springy | 㽎㽎; 有彈性的
sirmthaux | osmosis; impenetrate; penetrate | 滲透
siuxsirm | be judged | 受審
thesirm | to bring before the court, to bring up the case for trial | 提審
thiafmsirmsixm | tiresome | 忝㽎㽎; 累㽎㽎
thviasirm | be on trial; abide by the result of the trial | 聽審
tuiesirm | examine a case with both sides present | 對審
uxsirm | preliminary examination | 豫審
zaesirm | retrial; try (a case) over again | 再審
zhosirm | first hearing of a case at court; preliminary screening of applications or entries in a contest | 初審

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