ankisngf | amino-acid | 胺基酸
armsngx | plot against | 暗算
arnsngx | calculate; reckon; plan | 按算; 估算; 打算
be arnsngx | unpredictable | 袂按算
be arnsngx`tid | beyond the realm of calculation; unexpected; can not be anticipated | 未按算得; 無能預料
be sngrtid pae | innumerable times | 未算得次; 好多次
boe arnsngx | unexpected | 袂按算
bukisngf | inorganic acid | 無機酸
bøo cviuxsngx | unfit for anything; no good; useless | 無上算; 無值取
bøo phahsngx | not expect; unexpectedly; coincidentally | 無打算; 沒想要
bøo sngx | don't count; leave out of the reckoning; not including | 無算
bøzwnsngx | don't count; don't pay attention to | 無準算; 無算數
chiahsngf | belch with sour stomach | 刺酸
chiensngx baxnsngx | plan thoroughly | 千算萬算
chiuo sngf | arm tired and sore; as after lifting a heavy weight | 手酸
ciamkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
ciaosngx | according to the calculation; reckon accordingly; charge without deduction; discount | 照算
cidsngg | a cage | 一床; 一蒸籠
cietsngx | calculate a proportion | 節算; 折算
cihofng-sngf | fatty acids | 脂肪酸
cihongsngf | fatty acids | 脂肪酸
ciøfsngx | making not enough considerations toward whole situation | 少算
ciøqthvoarsngf | carbolic acid | 石炭酸
cviuxsngx | to include; might be considered as; one of the best ten | 上算; 足取的
ehsngf | belch up sour stuff | 嗌酸
ekchiahsngf | belch with sour stomach | 嗌胃酸
eksngf | bring up a little stomach acid; belch up sour stuff | 嗌酸; 吐酸
goxsngx | miscalculation | 誤算
habsngx | profitable | 合算
hamkhawsngx | calculate mentally; (hold the account in one's mouth) | 含口算; 心算
herngsngr | entertaining; playful; cute | 好玩; 興玩
hoafnsngf | something turns sour; spoils | 變酸; 反酸
hoasngx | a rough calculation in mind | 花算; 概算
hoat kui sngrpvoaa | punish someone to kneel on an abacus (Chinese calculator) | 罰跪算盤
hoatsngf | turn sour | 發酸
hongsngf | hardship, difficulties | 風酸; 風霜
høfsngr | amusing | 好玩
iamsng'ar | mulberry fruit | 桑葚仔; 鹽桑仔; 小葉桑
iamsngf | hydrochloric acid | 鹽酸
iamsngtiin | rubber creeper | 鹽酸藤
iawsngx | fairly good; could be worse | 還算
iwkisngf | organic acid | 有機酸
iøciahkud sngf | back-ache | 脊椎骨酸
iøf sngf poe thviax | sore waist and aching back | 腰酸背痛
iøqsngf | suppository | 藥布; 坐藥
jiøxsngf | uric acid | 尿酸
ju'ix sngrpvoaa | wishful thinking | 如意算盤
jwsngf | lactic acid | 乳酸
kau khiernsngr | very superstitious | 厚譴損; 很迷信
kauxkhiernsngr | superstitious | 厚譴損
keasngrchiøq | slide rule | 計算尺
keasngrkhix | calculating machine | 計算器
keasngrky | calculator | 計算機
keasngrsw | statement of accounts | 計算書
keasngx | compute; calculate | 計算
khaf sngf chiuo nngr | limbs weak with sickness or exhaustion | 腳酸手軟
khaf sngf | legs feeling sore (as after a long walk) | 腳酸
khengkyn-sngrniuo | be calculating and unwilling to make the smallest sacrifice; esp. in monetary matters | 斤斤計較; 窮斤算兩
khiaxsngx | about; around; approximately | 徛算; 約莫; 豎算
khiernsngr | superstitious rites or notions | 譴損; 迷信; 咒; 忌誨
khuisngr | deficit; to de; lete; enfeebled or weakened by illness | 虧損
kiafmsngx | to count less; to calculate short | 少算
kiamsngkhofcviar | life is hard | 鹹酸苦淡; 比喻生活很苦
kiamsngtvy | candied or preserved fruit; candied; preserved fruit | 鹹酸甜; 蜜餞
kietsngf | to freeze; congeal | 結霜
kietsngx | take a balance of account | 結算
kisngf | creatine | 基酸; 肌酸
koarnsngx | calculated at; equivalent to (said of the value of property; possession; etc.) | 貫算; 折算相當於
koatsngx | final financial statement | 決算
kofngsngfchiøx | joke; make fun of; jest | 開玩笑
kofngsngr | joking | 說耍
kofsngx | estimate | 估算
kosngf | unneighborly and unfriendly; e.g.; unwilling to lend a hand or do a favor; selfish and disobliging | 孤霜; 個性孤獨; 孤癖吝嗇
kui sngrpvoaa | kneel on abacus (way of punishment wife to husband) | 跪算盤; (太太罰先生的一種處法)
kvoaxsngf | wour (smell) of perspiration | 汗酸; 汗臭
langsngg | tray for steaming food; steamer basket (usually round) (see [[zhøesngg]]) | 蒸籠; 籠床
langsnglai | inside steaming bamboo container | 籠床內
lefngsngsngf | icy cold | 冷霜霜
lengborng-sngf | citric acid | 檸檬酸
lengsngf | lactic acid | 奶酸; 乳酸
liauxsngx | anticipate | 料算
linsngbiern | calcium phosphate | 燐酸鈣
linsngf puiliau | phosphatic manure; phosphate | 燐酸肥料
linsngf | phosphoric acid | 燐酸
liusng'afn | ammonium sulfate | 硫酸銨
liusng'iaam | sulphate salts | 硫酸鹽
liusngf hoarhabbut | sulphates | 硫酸化合物
liusngf | sulphuric acid; sulphates | 硫酸
liusngtaang | blue vitriol; copper sulphate | 硫酸銅
lyafsngf | plum | 李仔酸
løqsngf | frost; hoarfrost forming | 下霜; 降霜
mngsngf | bolt | 門栓
naixsngf | acid proof | 耐酸
ngsng'afho | yellow acid rain | 黃酸仔雨
ngsng'ar | yellow acid | 黃酸仔
ngsng'ngsngf | yellow acid- describe unhealthy body | 黃酸黃酸
ngsngf | emaciation; pale and thin; yellow and emaciated; pale and emaciated; having a sickly look; face yellow colored | 瘦弱; 黃酸; 病弱 (臉色發黃)
ngsngf-gynnar | thin sickly child; face turned a yellow color | 黃酸黃酸; 瘦弱而臉黃
ngsngf-tharng | pale and emaciated | 黃酸桶; 病夫
ngsngho | yellow acid rain | 黃酸雨
nisngf | lactic acid | 乳酸
nngfcy-sngf | palmitic acid | 棕櫚酸; 軟脂酸
nngfsngf | sour | 軟酸; 骨節酸疼
oaqsngf | piston; valve | 活栓; 活塞
pangsngf | boric acid | 硼酸
pengsngf | icy and frosty | 冰霜
phahsngr | waste; waste; squander; to spoil; it is a pity; it is too bad | 浪費; 拍損; 可惜
phahsngrpvoaa | calculate; to reckon on the abacus; be economical | 打算盤
phahsngx | prepare to do; to plan; supposedly; perhaps; suppose; probably | 打算; 拍算; 大概; 計劃
phaq-sngrpvoaa | to operate; use; work an abacus | 打算盤; 拍算盤
phisngf | arsenic acid | 砒酸
phixsngf | arsenic | 砒霜; 砒酸
phoarsngr | break damage, breakage | 破損; 破壞
pinkøfsngf | malic acid; (pertaining to or derived from apples) | 蘋果酸
pitsngx | arithmetic worked out on paper | 筆算
pokkoax sngrmia | tell one's fortune by divination | 占卦算命
pviesngr | make for fun | 變玩; 做著玩的
pvoasngx | plan | 盤算
siausng'iaam | nitrate | 硝酸鹽
siausngf | nitric acid | 硝酸
simsngf | hardship | 心酸
simsngsngf | sad | 心酸酸
simsngx | mental arithmetic; figure mentally | 心算
sitsngx | failed to keep one's words | 失信
siusngf | oxalic acid | 修酸; 草酸
sng'aan | to screw up | 栓緊; 栓絚; 閂緊
sng'afky | popsicle | 霜仔枝
sng'ar | embolus | 栓仔; 霜仔; 冰
sng'nngr | aching with weariness or fatigue | 酸軟; 痠軟
sngbi | sour taste; sour smelling | 酸味
sngboee | sour plums | 酸梅
sngboethngf | concoction of sour plums used as a summer drink | 酸梅湯
sngbui'afsngbuy | a bit sour | 酸微仔酸微
sngbui'ar | sou | 酸微仔
sngbuy | slightly sour | 酸微; 微酸
sngcid | acidity | 酸性; 酸質
sngf | frost; hoarfrost | 霜; 痠; 冰霜; 栓; 酸; 酸疼
sngf-giuhgiuq | very sour | 酸極了
sngf-gviwgviuo | very sour | 酸極了
sngf-hof aan | tie very tight | 勒緊
sngf-kiuhkiuq | very sour | 酸極了
sngf-tiorngtok | acidosis | 酸中毒
sngfchiøx | play a practical joke; to jest | 戲弄; 開玩笑
sngfhoa | play noisily | 玩譁; 耍譁; 嘻戲
sngfhoad | play tricks | 耍法
sngfhøea | play with fire | 玩火
sngfi | play | 耍奕
sngfkag | loss angle | 損角
sngfkoex | played | 耍過
sngfliao | played | 耍了
sngfmiaxmia | loss of life | 損命命
sngfsid | lose, loss | 損失
sngfsiin | detrimental | 損神
sngfsngr`leq | just in fun, flirt with, play pranks, for joke | 玩玩咧
sngfsoaq | done with playing | 耍煞
sngfsym | rack one's brain, sweat over | 傷心; 費勁兒
sngfsyn | over-exert oneself; injure oneself | 傷身
sngfthaothaux | play all the tricks | 耍透透
sngftiøh | play | 耍著
sngftng | broken; damages; spoil; to dirty and spoil; harm; damage; injure | 損斷; 損蕩; 糟踏; 損害; 損壞
sngftngxlaang | spoiler | 損斷人
sngfui | injurious to the stomach | 傷胃
sngfzuie | play with water as a child does | 玩水
sngg | steamer made with bamboo or similar material; measure of large cakes cooked with a steaming basket | 蒸籠; 床
snghai | damage to farm crops caused by frost | 霜害
sngho | acid rain | 酸雨
snghofng | cold wind | 霜風; 寒風
sngkafm | a sour orange | 酸柑
sngkam'aftvy | sweet and sour | 酸甘仔甜
sngkambidtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甘蜜甜
sngkamkhofsiab | sweet, sour, bitter, and astringent | 酸甘苦澀
sngkamtvi'afsngkamtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甘甜仔酸甘甜
sngkamtvi'ar | sweet and sour | 酸甘甜仔
sngkamtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甘甜
sngkaxng | frost | 霜降
sngkhor | bitter | 酸苦
sngkhuix | having a slight sour smell | 酸氣; 酸味
sngkied | a sour orange | 酸桔; 酸橘
sngky | frosty bar | 霜枝
sngkøf | frosty bar | 霜糕
snglafm | slightly sour or acid; so as to be pleasant to the taste | 酸罩; 略微酸酸的
snglamtvy | slightly sour and sweet; so as to be pleasant to the taste | 酸攬甜; 又酸又甜
snglerng | ice-cold | 酸冷; 冰冷
sngmngg | fasten a door with a wedge or screw; as at night | 栓門
sngmuii | plum | 酸梅
sngmuithngf | plum juice | 酸梅湯
sngngr'sngsngf | extremely sour | 酸酸酸
sngnngfthviax | weak and worn out; in a state of lassitude; all weary and aching | 酸軟痛
sngnngr | muscles; limbs; aching and lacking strength | 酸軟
sngpaang | cold storage room | 冰房; 冷藏室
sngpefng | frost | 霜冰
sngphvi | sad | 酸鼻
sngpy | sad | 酸悲
sngr | injure; lay waste; to waste; ruined | 損; 耍; 傷; 玩
sngram | fasten neck | 勒頸
sngrbexhøo | not worthy | 算袂和
sngrboexhøo | not worthy | 算袂和
sngrbøpvoaa | not worthy to make a deal | 算無盤
sngrcvii | count money | 算錢
sngrexhøo | worthy | 算會和
sngrgiah | include (as an item) in the calculation; especially something faulty or inferior that might have been left; to make up the proper number | 算數; 算額
sngrhoad | method of calculation; arithmetic | 算法
sngrjit | calculate or count (wages) by the day (not by the month) | 算日
sngrkhie | reckon (count) from; begin a calculation (as of wages) at such a date | 算起
sngrkhvoax | count up and see | 算看; 算算看
sngrkhylaai | count it up | 算起來
sngrkorng | be regarded as | 算講
sngrkyn`ee | sold by weight | 以斤計
sngrlaai-sngrkhix | count or consider over and over again | 算來算去
sngrlangthaau | count the number of people | 算人頭
sngrmia | tell fortunes | 相命; 算命
sngrmia'ar | fortune teller | 算命仔
sngrmia-siensvy | fortune teller | 算命先生; 算命的
sngrmiaxsiefn | fortune teller | 算命先
sngrmiaxsien'ar | fortune teller | 算命仙仔
sngroaan | finish counting | 算完
sngroe | what you said count | 算話
sngrphi | sneeze | 擤鼻
sngrpvoaa phvai toax kahciahphviaf | stingy; of calculating disposition | 算盤背在背上; 小氣
sngrpvoaa | abacus | 算盤
sngrpvoajie | abacus beads | 算盤只
sngrsi | sort of | 算是
sngrsiaux | reckon up; calculate settle accounts; get even with a person | 算數; 算賬
sngrsie | strangle to death | 勒死
sngrsngx | calculated | 算算
sngrsngx`leq | roughly count | 算算咧
sngrsut | arithmetic | 算術
sngrtaix | pay the bill; be responsible for | 算帶
sngrtiøh | figured | 算著
sngrtva | miscalculate | 算誤; 算錯
sngrzhud | figure it out | 算出
sngrzhutlaai | figure it out | 算出來
sngrzoex | can be taken as | 算做
sngrzøex | can be taken as | 算做
sngrzøx | consider to be...; count as.. | 算做; 看做
sngseg | to adorn, to decorate, to embellish | 酸飾
sngsehthvy | frost and snow | 霜雪天
sngseq | frost and snow | 霜雪
sngsexng hoafn'exng | acid reaction | 酸性反應
sngsexng | acidity | 酸性; 酸質
sngsiab | sour and astringent | 酸澀
sngsngf | sour; tart; grieved; sick at heart | 酸酸; 痠痠
sngsngtvitvy | sweet and sour | 酸酸甜甜
sngsox | oxygen | 酸素; 氧
sngsuichiu | mulberry tree | 桑垂樹
sngsuii | fruit of mulberry tree | 桑葚; 桑果
sngsurn | type of pickled bamboo shoot | 酸筍
sngsøeq | frost and snow | 酸雪; 霜雪
sngtarngloxsib | frost and dew | 霜凍露溼
sngtharng | ice cream freezer | 酸雪; 冰桶
sngthiuthviax | soreness | 酸抽疼
sngthviax | aching; muscles ache from over exertion | 酸痛; 痠疼; 酸疼
sngthvy | sour and sweet | 酸甜
sngtiin | sour creeper | 酸藤
sngtvi'afsngtvy | sweet and sour | 酸甜仔酸甜
sngtvikhofsiab | sweet, sour, bitter, and astringent | 酸甜苦澀
sngx axmkurn | fasten neck | 勒頸
sngx iøf | tighten the waist | 繏腰
sngx naaau | strangle throat | 繏嚨喉
sngx | count; reckon; calculate to plan; to guess; to regard | 算; 繏; 束
sngx-tva`khix | counted wrongly | 數誤去
sngx-zaixlai | reckon with, include in counting | 算在內
sngzaai | Japanese mulberry | 桑材
sngzaai-hiøh | mulberry leaf | 桑葉
sngzhaix | sour pickle | 酸菜
sngzhox | vinegar | 酸醋
sngzuie | stomach acid | 酸水
sym sngf | feel sick at heart from grief; grief stricken | 心酸
sym-sngf | sad at heart | 心酸
sysngf | dispirited | 內向; 死痠; 沮喪; 懦弱
tag sngrpvoaa | calculate (on abacus); be calculating | 打算盤
tag-sngrpvoaa | count with abacus | 打算盤; 觸算盤
taksngrpvoaa | use abacus- well calculated with plan | 擉算盤
tarngsngf | stinginess; miserliness; cheeseparing; meanness; skimp; frosty; frostbite; having very narrow ideas (about another's power); cowardly; timid; lily livered; mean and shabby in money matters | 吝嗇; 凍霜
tarngsngkuie | stingy person | 凍霜鬼
thaksngrpvoaa | caculated move | 擉算盤
tharnsngf | carbonic acid | 碳酸
thihsngf | a small iron pin or wedge for keeping something in place | 鐵栓
thngsng'oaan | beloved children, sweetheart, darling, baby | 心肝寶貝
thngsng'oan'ar | icing | 糖霜丸仔
thngsngf | sugar candy; rock candy | 糖霜; 冰糖
thofsngx | reckon without using any formulas to gauge a measure or amount only from past experience | 直算; 暗算; (憑經驗算)
thuisngx | to figure out; to calculate | 推算
thvoarsng'iaam | carbonates | 碳酸鹽
thvoarsngf ciøqhoef | carbonate of lime | 碳酸石灰
thvoarsngf | carbonic acid | 碳酸
thvoarsngkaq | potassium carbonate | 碳酸鉀
thvoarsngzuie | carbonic water; soda water | 碳酸水
tiafmsngx | count those present | 點算; 清點
tiag sngrpvoaa | use an abacus; reckon on the abacus | 打算盤
tiagsngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tiak sngrpvoaa | do abacus - budget wisely | 擉算盤
tiaksngrpvoaa | abacus | 擉算盤
tiexnzuo keasngrky | electronic computer | 電子計算機
tiøqkausngr | not serious | 著猴損
tiøqsngx | even if | 就算
tiøxsngrkorng | even if | 就算講
tiøxsngrsi | even if | 就算是
tiøxsngx | even if | 就算
toaxsngg | fat; corpulent (of woman) | 大籠; 形容肥胖的女人
tvafsngx | to plan; to intend; to prepare; purpose | 打算
tøxsngrkorng | even if | 就算講
tøxsngx | even if | 就算
uixsngf koeatøf | acid dyspepsia; pyrosis | 胃酸過多
uixsngf | stomach acid | 胃酸
uxsngx | make a budget | 預算
uxsngx-piør | budget table | 預算表
voaxsngx | conversion | 換算
zhaokvoaxsngbi | smelly sweat sour | 臭汗酸味
zhaokvoaxsngf | bad smell of sweat; stinky sweat | 汗臭味; 汗臭
zhaosngbi | the warm vapor of fermentation; the odor of something turned sour | 醙酸味
zhaosngf | go sour; smell sour; sour from being kept too long; turn sour | 臭酸; 餿了; 變醙
zhaosngf`khix | turn sour | 醙酸去
zhaosngpo | bad old tricks | 臭酸步; 慣用毒法
zhasngf | wooden wedge or pin | 柴栓
zhawsngf | oxalic acid | 草酸
zhawsngf-iaam | oxalate, salt of oxalic acid | 草酸鹽
zhengsngx | purge; liquidation, balance accounts | 清算
zhesngg | steamer | 炊床
zhoesngg | steam box | 炊床
zhorsngf | acetic acid | 醋酸
zhuiekhie sngf | teeth feeling pain; as by drinking something very cold | 牙齒酸痛
zhuiesngx | counting by mouth | 嘴算; 用口算
zhuisngx | calculate mentally; cast a horoscope; make a rough estimate | 推算
zhøesngg | steamer basket | 炊床; 蒸籠
zoeakhiernsngr | punishment; scold | 做譴損
zoeasngr | play game | 做玩
zofngsngx | count totally | 總算; 全部算
zorng sngx | finally | 總算
zwnsngx | mean what one says | 算數
zwntwsngx | even; never mind | 準拄算
zørkhiernsngr | condemn | 做譴損
zøx-khiernsngr | perform superstitious rites; exorcize | 做迷信
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