"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Binsorkix | Numbers (Protestant) | 民數記
Chi-kongsor | | 市公所
Chiensoex | Your Highness; (His Highness or Her Highness) when referring to the prince; the princess; the queen or the emperor's brother | 千歲
Cieserngsor | Most Holy Place | 至聖所
Ek'hutsor Sw | Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians (Catholic) | 厄弗所書; (弗)
Hengsu sorsioxnghoad | Criminal Procedure Code | 刑事訴訟法
Iasof Haolwhoe | FI: Daughters of Jesus (Catholic) | 耶穌孝女會
Iasof Serngmiaa ciamlea | Feast of Holy Name (Catholic) | 耶穌聖名瞻禮
Iasof si siexnbok | Good Shepherd | 耶穌是善牧
Iasof siuxlaxnjit | Good Friday | 耶穌受難日
Iasof | Jesus; Jesus | 耶穌
Iasof-kaux | Christian Church, Protestant Church | 耶穌教; 基督教
Iasohoe | SJ: Societas Jesu (Catholic) | 耶穌會
Iasokaux | Christian Religion (Protestant) | 耶穌教
Jiogso'eksw | Joshua (Catholic) | 若蘇厄書
Kangsof | a province in China | 江蘇
Khailøo-soangieen | Cairo Declaration signed by China; great Britain and the United States in 1944 | 開羅宣言
Koksoeakiok | IRS | 國稅局
Lamsoxng | South Song dynasty | 南宋
Lixsoxng kheq | Chinese who have returned from the Philippines | 呂宋客
Lixsoxng | the Philippines; Luzon | 呂宋
M paxng y soaq | I won't let him go. (without accusing him) | 無放過他; 不放他干休
Osolaf Serngsym Hoe | OSC: Ursulines of the S. Heart (Catholic) | 烏蘇拉聖心會
Peqsoaf | a city in Penghu County | 白沙
Siawsoad | The Little Snow; a lunar period; starting about November2 | 小雪
Siør-Luxsoxng | Manila | 小呂宋
Suhoad zhaiphvoarsor | Court of Justice | 司法裁判所
Taixsoad | the term which begins on or about December 7th | 大雪
Thienzuo busor putzai | God is everywhere; omnipresent God | 天主無所不在
Tiongsoafnhoe | a Taiwane election organization established during election | 中選會
Yhutsor Sw | The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians (Protestant) | 以弗所書
Zerngkausor | stock exchange | 證交所
aisox | sadly pour out one's feelings; express heart feelings | 哀訴
angsoaf | red snapper | 紅鯊; 鯧魚
apsog | constriction; to compress | 壓縮
apsokky | mechanical compressor | 壓縮機
armsaxm sofzai | secret place where crimes can be committed in the dark; a man's private parts | 陰穢之地; 暗散所在; 陰森之地
armsoaxn | plot against; secret plot; to plot secretly; plot against | 暗算
armsorng | internally very happy about something but don't want to show it externally | 暗爽; 暗地高興
auxsoax | sequel | 後續
bahsof | shredded and crisp dried pork; shredded meat | 肉酥; 肉鬆
baixsofng | inquire about mourning ceremonies; condole with someone on his bereavement | 弔喪
baxnsoea'iaa | long life god | 萬歲爺
baxnsoex | long life; long live; Hurrah! Viva! Long live | 萬歲
baxnsoex-iaa | the Emperor | 萬歲爺
befloxsoex | pay robber gangs for protection on journey | 買路稅
beng'y sokchiuo | famed physicians are powerless (said of grave illness or strange ailments) | 名醫束手; 無策
beqsog | garter | 麥束
bexhiawsoef | shameless | 無知恥
bexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
biauxsoaxn | excellent plan | 妙算
bidsox | secret accuse | 密訴
biedhøefsoaf | sand for extinguishing fire | 滅火沙
biefnsoex | duty free | 免稅
binsoarn | democratically elected; popular election; elected by the people | 民選
binsu sorsiong | civil action suit | 民事訴訟
bisoex | very small, unimportant | 微小
bixlør siensoef | prematurely senile | 未老先衰
bixsorhurn | flavor essence; condiments used in cooking | 味素粉
bixsox | monosodium glutamate(MSG); gourmet powder; Ajinomoto; monosodium glutamate; a condiment used extensively in Taiwan cooking that is very tasty but also very hard on digestive tract | 味素; 味晶
bixtisox | unknown quantity or number; unknown quantity or factor | 未知數
boafnsoex | person's later years in life | 晚歲; 晚年
boe-siusoaq | does not have the means to wind up an affair | 沒收煞; 沒辦法收場
boefsox | odd sum; odd change; balance of an account | 尾數
boeqsog | garter | 襪束; 襪帶
boexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
bofsofzai | certain place | 某所在
boxngsorngkheq | local rich bourgeois without any eduction or knowledge | 妄宋客; 鄉下遊豪
budkex cysox | price index | 物價指數
budphynsoex | commodity tax | 物品稅
bunsoafn | literal propaganda | 文宣
bunsoarn | anthology; selection of literary works | 文選
busofng | matchless | 無雙
busofputleeng | omnipotent | 無所不能
busofputzai | omnipresent | 無所不在
busofputzog | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil), given to every vice | 無所不作, 無所不為
busofui | be indifferent; don't mind | 無所謂
busofuix | don't mind; one way or the other; do not care | 無所謂
busor put'uii | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無為
busor putcix | There is no place to which it does not extend. (addicted to all sorts of wickedness) | 無所無至
busor putleeng | omnipotent; almighty | 無所無能
busor putthofng | there is nothing which he does not understand | 無所無通
busor putty | omniscient | 無所無知
busor putzai | omnipresent | 無所無在
busor putzøx | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無作
busor | no place to stay; nothing | 無所
busor-putcix | do everything to help | 無所無至
busor-putzog | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無作; 無所不為
busox | countless number; innumerable quantity; innumerable; vast numbers | 無數
bwkiab siawsoad | novels about chivalry | 武俠小說
bynsog | swift | 敏速
bysoq | bean paste | 味噌
bøbi-bøsox | extremely devoid of flavor | 無味無素; 毫無滋味
bøe-siusoaq | unable to settle; endless | 未收煞; 沒辦法收場
bøeqsog | garter | 襪束; 襪帶
bølefsox | impolite, rude | 無禮數
bølun symmih sofzai | no matter where | 無論甚麼所在
bøo lefsox | impolite, rude, not according to social rule | 無禮數
bøo sofkuy | homeless; no place to go | 無所歸
bøo sofui | It does not matter | 無所謂
bøo-lefsox | impolite, rude, not according to social rule | 沒禮數
bøqsoeq | don't explain; don't discuss; don't speak; moreover; besides; in addition | 莫說; 何況; 況且
bøsoaq | incessantly; without end; not limited to; endlessly; ceaselessly | 無盡; 沒停止; 無煞
bøsox-pae | numerous times | 無數次
bøtoa-bøsoex | impolite | 無大無細; 沒大沒小
bøtoaxbøsoex | no polite | 無大無細
chiaau soafui | move things slightly; without much alteration of their position | 移徙位; 挪移
chiachysoex | luxury tax | 奢侈稅
chiahsoaf | brown sugar; brown sugar | 赤砂; 赤砂糖
chiahsoathngg | brown sugar | 赤砂糖; 紅糖
chiam'ii-sox | cellulose | 纖維素
chiam'isox | cellulose | 纖維素
chiau'imsog huiky | supersonic plane | 超音速飛機
chiau'imsog | supersonic speed | 超音速
chiaukoex uxsoaxn | exceed the budget | 超過預算
chiausoafui | move things slightly, without much alteration of their position | 移動, 挪移
chiausoar | move; immigrant | 移徙; 移開
chiausog | speeding; exceed the speed limit | 超速
chiaw-imsog | supersonic | 超音速
chiensoar | to move; migrate or change residence | 遷徙; 遷移
chiensoex | emperor's brother | 千歲; 親王
chiesoaf | a kind of shark | 刺鯊; 尖鰭鮫
chijiin-soatbong | to talk idiotic nonsense | 痴人說夢
chinsof | intimacy | 親疏
chiongsox | to make up the number | 充數
chirnzhae sofzai | any old place | 凊彩所在; 任何地方
chiusofng | autumn frost | 秋霜
chiuxlefng sok'ar | rubber band | 樹乳束仔; 橡皮圈
chiwsorliau | service charge | 手續費
chixkongsor | city administration office | 市公所
chvisof | unfamiliar and strange | 生疏
chviuxsoaf | basking shark | 象鯊; 象鮫
ciamsoafn | acrid | 尖酸
ciaosoad | to say so | 照說
ciapsoax | continuous; in a row; be next (in succession); follow; in close succession; one after the other; continue; continuously | 接紲; 連續
ciapthaixsor | guest house | 接待所; 招待所
ciaqlaang-soong | to treat a person as fool | 吃人松; 把人看扁
ciaqsoong | to treat people as fool | 食松; 看扁人
ciaqsox | eat vegetarian | 吃素
ciausoad | to prove innocence | 招雪; 招說
ciautaixsor | guest house | 招待所
ciauthaixsor | hostel; guest house; hostel | 招待所
ciaxm tøsox | constitute a majority; have a majority | 佔多數
cidsoad | one saying | 一說
cidsofzai | one place | 一所在
cidsog | skein | 一束
cieen sor bixkiexn | never seen before | 前所未見
ciesexng-sor | sanctuary | 避難所; 至聖所
cietsoaxn | calculated at; equivalent to (said of the value of property or possession | 折算
cietsoex | tax saving | 節稅
cin kii sor iuo | give all one has | 盡其所有
cin kii sor leeng | work to the best of one's ability | 盡其所能
cin kii sor tioong | work to the best of one's ability | 盡其所長
cinhunsox | proper fraction | 真分數
cioksox | enough amount | 足數
ciongsog paxnlie | expedite execution of an official instruction; do something with dispatch | 從速辦理
ciongsog | to quicken | 從速
cioong sym sor iok | do as one wishes connoting an absence of opposition or objection | 從心所欲
ciorngbong sor kuy | enjoy public confidence; command public respect and support | 眾望所歸
ciorngsoad put'id | there are many different versions of a story | 眾說無一
ciorngsoex | general in the military | 將帥
cioxng sor ciuty | universally known; known by all | 眾所週知
cirnkhao soealut | import tariff | 進口稅率
cirnkhao-soex | import duty | 進口稅
cirnkhawsoex | import duty | 入口稅; 進口稅
citgiap hurnliexnsor | vocational bureau | 職業訓練所
citgiap kaesiauxsor | employment agency | 職業介紹所
citgiap soafnchiuo | professional athlete | 職業選手
citsofzai | everywhere | 這所在; 這一帶
ciusoaan | to mix with other people; to socialize; go or move about; attend to guests or friends; set right a dangerous or very troublesome quarrel for another as arbiter; deal with people in a complex or changing situation | 周旋; 週旋
ciusoex | full year old especially when referring to a child's age | 週歲
ciwsoex | celebrate new year eve | 守歲
cixm soatbunhurn | soap in soap suds | 浸肥皂水
cixnsoahbøea | The tip of the rear-end | 盡煞尾; 最尾端
cixnsog | as soon as possible | 盡速
cixnsox | exhaust the whole amount | 盡數
ciøfsox | minority; few of; paucity; handful; few; in the minority | 少數
cviarsox | a positive number | 正數
cviasoef | to have bad luck | 很衰; 真倒霉
cviusoea | clothes soaked with batter after a clean wash | 漿洗
cviuxsoarn | be chosen or selected | 上選
cynsor | clinic; dispensary | 診所; 診療所
cysof | beefsteak plant | 紫蘇
cysox | index number; exponent | 指數
eksoad | one's personal assumption; a supposition | 臆說
eng'iofngsox | nutrients (a collective term for protein; carbohydrates; fat; vitamins; and minerals) | 營養素
enggiabsor | business office; place of business | 營業所
erngkhør-jinsox | number of exam participants | 應考人數
giab'uu soafnchiuo | amateur player; non-professional entrant | 業餘選手
giamkaf koafnsog | exercise strict discipline over (juniors or subordinates) | 嚴加管束
giaqsox | amount; fixed number; fixed figure | 額數
giaxmsoaxn | check computations | 驗算
giefnkiuosor | research center; research laboratory | 研究所
goansoex | General of the Army; Marshall; Fleet Admiral; field marshal | 元帥
goansox | element; elements (in chemistry) | 元素; 原素
goxlok tviusor | amusement-place | 娛樂場所
goxngsoxng | do nothing all day; to have nothing to do; a stupid person | 憨頌; 無所事事; 傻瓜
goxsoaxn | miscalculation | 誤算
guxsor | house; home | 寓所
gviauqgviauqsoafn | writhe; to wriggle | 蠕蠕旋; 滾動
gvofsox | even number | 偶數
gyleeng sorngsitzexng | aphasia; impairment or loss of faculty of using or understanding spoken or written language | 語能喪失症
habsoaxn | profitable; advantageous | 合算
hagsoad | a doctrine; a theory | 學說
hamsox | function; mathematical function | 函數
hansoafn | say hello; to talk about the weather; poverty; unpresentable dress or gifts; very niggardly | 寒暄; 寒酸
hansoafn-khuix | shabby | 寒酸氣
hauxsoafnjiin | a candidate; candidate in elections | 候選人
hauxsoafnliin | candidates | 候選人
hauxsoarn | candidacy; declare one's candidacy | 候選
hauxsoarn-jiin | election candidate | 候選人
haxnsog | rate-limiting; speed-limiting | 限速; 限制速度
haykoafn soeazeg | customs tariff | 海關稅則
haysoaf | sea sand; sand | 海砂; 海沙
haysoapof | seashore | 海沙埔; 沙灘
haysofm | a sea cucumber; sea slug | 海蔘; 海參
hengbuxsor | prosecution bureau | 刑務所
hengsoef | prosperity and adversity; rise and fall | 興衰
hengsox | constant, permanent constant, universal value | 恆數
hexsor | mathematical coefficient | 系所
hexsox | coefficient; factor; modulus; ratio; mathematical coefficient | 係數
hiet'hongsox | hemoglobin Hb | 血紅數; 血紅素
hietkiusox | globin; the protein component of hemoglobin | 血球素
hietkiuu keasox | blood count | 血球計數
hietseksox | hematin; the decomposition of hemoglobin | 血色素
himsoan | envious; envy; admire | 欣羨; 羨慕
hinsoaf | sudden cramps and dizziness | 暈砂; 發痧
hiofng-kongsor | government office for rural administration | 鄉公所
hiongkongsor | a government office in the village; public office in charge of the administration of a group of villages | 鄉公所
hiongsiin-oksoaq | devils; fiends | 凶神惡煞
hiongsoaq | evil luck causing illness; death; like the bad luck associated with putting the body into the coffin | 凶煞; 煞神; 埋葬時之煞氣
hisof | sparse; scattered; here and there; dried shredded fish | 魚酥
hitsofzai | that place | 彼所在
hoafnsox | to resort | 反訴
hoahsoaq | call to stop | 喊煞; 喝息
hoanhunsox | complex fraction | 繁分數
hoanlogtviusor | places where people seek casual pleasure; place of amusement | 歡樂場所
hoansoaf | make castings from sand mold; cast metal forms in earthen moulds | 翻砂
hoansoaf-chviuo | a foundry | 翻砂廠
hoansoakafng | a foundry worker, a foundryman | 翻砂工
hoansoea | millet | 番黍
hoansoxng | see off; send off | 歡送
hoarhak piexnsor | septic tank | 化學廁所
hoasog | a bouquet | 花束
hoatbøexsor | selling place | 發賣所
hoatlut-suxbuxsor | law office | 法律事務所
hoatsofng | inform the death of a relative, send to the cemetery | 發喪
hoattien-sor | electric generating plant, power plant | 發電所
hoattiexnsor | powerhouse; power station or plant | 發電所
hoaxnsoaq | to commit an evil spirit; come under bad spiritual influence of a grave or house | 犯煞
hoeabudsoex | commodity taxes | 貨物稅
hoeasox | age | 歲數, 年歲
hoefsoarn | bribery for ballots | 賄選
hoefsog | urgently; with the greatest urgency; imminent | 火速
hoeh'angsox | hemoglobin | 血紅素
hoesoaan | whirl; convolution; backspin; turnabout; in a circular manner | 迴旋
hoexsor | meeting place | 會所
hofngsof | sapanwood | 枋蘇
hofsoaf | carpet shark, Japanese bull-head shark | 虎鯊; 班鬚鮫
hogsoarn | election by delegates; indirect election; run off in beauty contests; etc.; semi final | 覆選; 復選
hogsof | recovery; to revive | 復甦
hogsox | plural number of a noun or pronoun | 複數
hoksoarn | election by delegates; indirect election; run off in beauty contests; etc.; semi final | 覆選; 復選; 複選
hoksox | plural number of a noun or pronoun | 複數
hong'egsor | quarantine station | 防疫所, 檢疫所
hongchix siawsoad | satirical novel | 諷刺小說
honggoadtviusor | places of debauchery or sensuality, world of carnal pleasure | 風月場所
hongpoesoaf | flying clouds of dust | 風飛沙
hongpøesoaf | karaburan | 風飛沙; 風沙
hongsoad | spread rumor | 風說; 聽說
hongsoaf | sandstorm; sandy wind | 風沙
hongsofng | wind and frost; hardships of a journey or one's life; hardships (wind and frost) | 風霜
hongsog | wind speed; wind velocity | 風速
horngsiaxsexng goansox | radioactive element | 放射性元素
horngsiaxsexng tong'uixsox | radioisotope | 放射性同位素
horngsofng | relax one's attention; to ease; loosen | 放鬆
hosoad | rubbish; to utter nonsense; Nonsense! talk nonsense | 胡說
hoxsoarn | to vote for one another; election in which a voter may elect any other voter | 互選
hoxsoex | household tax | 戶稅
hoxsox | number of the residences | 戶數
hudsoaxn | examine and calculate | 核算
huih'angsox | hemoglobin | 血紅素
huisioong sioxngsox | extraordinary appeal initiated by the procurator general of the Supreme Court | 非常上訴
huisog | posthaste; urgent; quickly | 飛速
hunciwsoex | wine and tobacco tax | 煙酒裞
hunsofng | wedding and funeral | 婚喪
hunsofng-hykhexng | important occasions of a family | 婚喪喜慶
hunsox | marks; grades or percentage in an examination; a score; points; runs | 分數
hunzuxsor | a subdivision of the police station | 分駐所
huokasoex | surtax | 附加稅
huosoex | tax; farm tax; excise taxes | 賦稅
huosofng | rich widow | 富孀
hurnliexnsor | training institute | 訓練所
husof | luxuriant | 扶疏
husofng | mythic island | 扶桑
huxluo soafnkwkoaan | female suffrage | 婦女選舉權
huxsox | negative | 負數
hwnsoad | whitewash and cover up facts; blackboard erase | 粉刷
hwsoarn | auxiliary selection | 輔選
høefsog | at top speed | 火速
høesox | frequency | 回數; 次數
hør-bixsox | good food | 好味數; 佳餚
hør-sofkviaa | the upright condut | 好所走; 品行好
høsorng | generous; straightforward; offering freely money or service | 豪爽
høsox | sum of two or more numbers | 和數
høxsox | numbering, sequential number | 號數
iablegsox | chlorophyll | 葉綠素
iamsoex | salt-tax | 鹽稅
iamsokøef | Taiwanese crispy salty chicken | 鹽酥雞
iamsox | chlorine | 鹽素
iaosox | a key element; essential elements; factors | 要素
iaqsox | number of pages | 頁數
iaxsoaf | scatter sand | 撒沙
ibu-sor | infirmary | 醫務所
id buu sor hek | achieve or gain nothing (after all the efforts made) | 一無所獲
id buu sor teg | nothing is gained | 一無所得
id buu sor tioong | do not have a single skill or talent | 一無所長
iefnsoad | (deliver a) speech; give a speech; deliver a speech; orate; a lecture; an address | 演說
iefnsoatciar | speaker | 演說者
iefnsoatkaf | orator | 演說家
imsofm | gloomy; weird; ominous | 陰森
imsog | the speed or velocity of sound; speed of sound (about 1,087 ft. per second or 738 miles per hour) | 音速
imsox | phoneme | 音速; 音素
inkør-soad | causationalism | 因果說
insox | factor | 因數; 因素
iogjisor | nursery | 育兒所
ioksog | agreement; discipline; control; make an agreement; restrain; commitment | 約定; 約束
ioksox | in math. an exact divisor | 約數
iong huy sor hak | be engaged in an occupation not related to one's training | 用非所學
iong huy sor tioong | be engaged in an occupation not related to one's specialty | 用非所長
iorng-goansox | oxygen, oxygen element | 氧元素
irnsoad | printing and dying | 印刷
irnsoat'huix | printing expenses | 印刷費
irnsoatbut | printed matter | 印刷物
irnsoatchviuo | printing plant; printing house; printer; a press | 印刷廠
irnsoatciar | printer | 印刷者
irnsoatky | a printing machine; printing press (machine) | 印刷機
irnsoatphirn | printed matter | 印刷品
irnsoatsor | printer | 印刷所
irnsoatsut | printing (the art) | 印刷術
irnsoattiaxm | printing plant; printing house; printer; a press | 印刷店
isengsox | vitamin | 維生素
isoar | to move; move residence to another place; remove | 移徙; 遷徙; 遷移
itbuu-sofiong | useless (Lit. doesn't have a single use) | 一無所用
itbuu-sofiuo | count for nothing; no better than (Lit. doesn't have one thing) | 一無所有
itbuu-sofkhoad | complete within itself (Lit. doesn't lack one thing) | 一無所缺
itkaf-sorkhao | family of several members | 一家數口
itsofng | a pair | 一雙
itøfsvoarsox | insulin | 胰島腺素
itør-sox | insulin | 胰島素
iusoad | to persuade | 游說
iusoaf | spiny shark | 游鯊; 笠鱗鮫; 多刺的鯊
iusoarn | preferred | 優選
iusoex | lobbying | 遊說
iusof-pviar | fried crisp pancakes | 油酥餅
iuu-soefsoea | abundant winfall | 油洗洗
iuzhangsof | shallots | 油蔥酥
iwsox | limited in number; not a great many; confident; know that one is doing | 有數
ixsoad | heresies; different theory | 異說
ixsoaxn | preliminary selection or contest, primaries (in U. S. elections) | 預算
ixsox | outlierer | 異數
iøqsoea | medicines used for massage can treat muscle sprains, etc | 藥洗
iøsoar | shake and move its place | 搖徙
jibkhawsoex | import duty | 入口稅, 進口稅
jibsoafnciar | winner, winning candidate | 入選者
jibsoarn | to be chosen; to be selected; be placed on the selected list; be accepted | 入選
jim kii sor uii | let him do as he pleases | 任其所為
jinkoaan-soangieen | Declaration of Human Rights; Bill of Rights | 人權宣言
jinsoarn | person selected; choice of persons; candidates (for certain jobs); select a suitable person | 人選
jinsoaxn putjuu thiensoaxn | Human calculations are not equal to God's plan. Man proposes; and God disposes | 人算無如天算
jinsofm | ginseng | 人蔘; 人參; 高麗參; 高麗蔘
jinsox | number of persons or individuals | 人數
jintøe-zhvesof | have trouble getting about in a strange land because of unfamiliarity with the local people and their customs | 人地生疏
jixmsor | office | 任所
jixsox | total number of characters; number of words | 字數
jiøxsox | urea | 尿素
jusox | according to the amount agreed upon (to pay; deliver) | 如數
juu sor ciuty | as it well known; as everyone knows | 如所週知
ka'og-soex | house-tax | 家屋稅
kaesoad | definition | 介說; 界說
kaetogsor | drug rehabilitation center | 戒毒所
kafhunsox | improper fraction (in arithmetic) | 假分數
kafngsibsor | school for short-term training or instruction | 講習所
kafnhunsox | simple fraction (math.) | 簡分數
kafnsox | unpretentious, simple | 簡數; 樸素
kafsoad | hypothesis | 假說
kafsoef | luck or fortune couldn't be that bad; that cruel | 絞衰; 運氣沒那麼壞
kamsoarn | to supervise an election | 監選
kansoex | spy | 奸細
kaolefsox | polite; courtesy | 到禮數; 禮數周到
kaosof | to instigate, to incite | 教唆
karmlysor | inspecting and licensing section of the highway department | 監理所
karmsoarn | election monitoring | 監選
karntoxngsoan | curse | 咒罵語
karsox | price | 價數
kasog | speed up; increase speed; acceleration; gear up; step up; quicken the tempo; accelerate | 加速
kasokto | acceleration | 加速度
kau lefsox | very formal; very ceremonious | 多禮; 厚禮數
kauegsor | Exchange | 交易所
kauvoaxsor | place for barter | 交換所
kauxsoasab | always sick; never be easy to please | 多沙圾; 毛病多多
kawsoaf | lip shark | 狗鯊; 狗鮫
kaysoad | explanation | 解說; 說明
kaysoarn | reelect; a new election of elected officers; hold a new election | 改選
kaysoeq | explain, explanation | 解說
ke ee sofzai | low lying place | 低處
keasoaxn | compute; calculate | 計算
keasox | count | 計數; 價數; 價錢
kefhunsox | improper fraction (in arithmetic) | 假分數
kefhøfsoef | fake kindness | 假好衰
kefngsoarn | select; choose; choose; pick out | 揀選
kefsoeq | explain | 解釋
keksox | hormone | 激素
kengzex-hogsof | restoration of financial conditions | 經濟復酥
kerngsoarn | run for office, election campaign | 競選
kexngsoarn | run for (election) | 競選
kexngsoarn-uxntong | election campaign | 選舉運動; 競選運動
khaesoaan | to return in triumph | 凱旋
khaesoaan-mngg | a triumphal arch or gate | 凱旋門
khaesoaxn | rough estimate | 概算
khahsoax | as a result, in consequence, so | 結果; 所以 [*]
khaosox | state with tears | 哭訴
kharnsiwsor | house of detention | 看守所
khawsoad-bupiin | Oral agreement cannot serve as evidence. Oral promise is not binding | 口說無憑
khawsof-pviar | a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcakes | 口酥餅
khawsopviar | a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcakes | 口酥餅
khaysoaan | to return in triumph | 凱旋
khaysoaan-mngg | a triumphal arch or gate | 凱旋門
kheasoex | tax on land-ownership registration | 契稅
khengsviaf-seasoeq | speak softly; talk in a soft voice | 輕聲細語
khesoapof | sandy bed of a stream | 溪沙埔地
khiarmsoex | tax arrears | 欠稅
khiasox | odd number; odd number | 奇數
khiesox | fate; fate | 氣數; 命運
khinsviaf-seasoeq | quiet; gentle voice | 輕聲細語
khinsviaseasoeq | speak softly | 輕聲細說
khinsviasoeaseq | speak softly | 輕聲細說
khiøhsoex | taxation; levy a rate; collect taxes | 課稅; 拾稅
khngrsoaq | persuade; advise | 勸煞; 勸人息事寧人
khoaesog | fast; auick; high speed; prompt; quick; promptly | 快速
khoansoarn | to select with a circle; to select; cast a vote by stamping a small circle above the candidate's name. Usually all the candidates names are listed on the ballot together with their pictures | 圈選
khoesoea | satirize; ridicule; mock | 稽洗; 含沙射影; 譏諷
khoksox | to tell and cry; to tell with mourning | 哭訴
khorngsengsox | wonder drugs; antibiotics | 抗生素
khorngsoaf | ore in sand form | 礦砂
khorngsorjiin | plaintiff; accuser | 控訴人
khorngsorzng | letter of appeal (complaint) | 控訴狀
khorngsox | sue; accusation; accuse; charge; appeal | 控訴
khorngsox-hoe | an accusation meeting | 控訴會
khorngtogsox | antitoxin | 抗毒素
khorngtok-sox | antitoxin | 抗毒素
khorngzex-sox | control figure | 控制素
khuiphiørsor | place for counting ballots | 開票所
khukongsor | city hall; county hall; ward (district) office | 區公所
khuliusor | detention house for suspects pending court decision | 拘留所
khuliuu-sor | jail | 拘留所
khusog | to restrain; restrained; to feel not at home; restrain; detention; restrict; to bind; confine | 拘束
khysoee | the things to be sold are not sufficiently heavy; the counter balancing weight has to be lightened | 起垂; 所秤之物重量還無夠
khysorzng | indictment | 起訴狀
khysox | prosecute, indict, prosecution | 起訴
khøfsoarn | select by a competitive examination | 考選
khøfsog-sexng | plasticity | 可塑性
khørsoex | levy taxes | 課稅; 抽稅
kiafm'egsor | quarantine station | 檢疫所
kiafmgiaxmsor | inspection office | 檢驗所
kiafmsoex | cut down taxes; reduction of taxes | 減稅
kiafmsog | deceleration; slow-up; decelerate; slow down; retard | 減速
kiafmsox | (in mathematics) subtrahend | 減數
kiafmzasor | inspecting office | 檢查所
kiamsokef | salty baked chicken | 鹹酥雞
kiamsokoef | salty baked chicken | 鹹酥雞
kiapsox | doom; bad luck; ill fortune; any fated time of terrible calamity | 劫數; 不可免的惡運
kiawsoex | pay taxes | 繳稅
kiesut-iaosox | descriptor | 紀述要素; 記述要素
kiet'hap-zhuosox | (chem.) bond order | 結合次素; 結合次數
kietsoaxn | statements of accounts; settlement of accounts; to settle accounts | 結算
kietsofng | become frosted over, become frosty | 結霜
kietsog | to conclude; to finish; to end; to wind up; wind up; to close; put an end to | 結束
kiexnkied-zhuosox | bond order | 鍵結次素; 鍵結次數
kileeng sorngsid | malfunction | 機能喪失
kimkongsoaf | emery | 金剛砂
kimmuisox | aureomycin | 金黴素
kimsoaf | golden sand; Jinsha (place in Guizhou) | 金沙; 金砂
kinsox | the average number | 均數
kipsog | quick, rapid | 急束; 急速
kipsox | mathematical progressions | 級數
kisox | a radix; cardinal numbers (any of the digits from 1 to 9) | 基數
kitviusoex | airport tax | 機場稅
kiuohoxsor | medical relief station | 救護所
kiuolaxnsor | refugee camps | 救難所
kngsog | speed of light | 光速
koaesoad | strange statement | 怪說
koafnsog | to control; to restrain; to discipline; restrain; to discipline; control | 管束
koansoad | to negotiate; to use one's influence to lobby illegally | 關說
koansoex | customs dues | 關稅
koarsoaix | to take command | 掛長; 掛帥; 掛率
koasoxng | to sing praises | 歌頌
koatsoarnjit | the day for closing the (business) books | 決算日
koatsoarnpiør | balance sheet | 決算表
koatsoaxn | final financial statement; closing accounts; balance an account | 決算
koealoxsoex | a toll | 通行稅
koeapvoarsox | the majority; more than half | 過半數
kofloksogkor | outdated and weird | 古橐?古
kofserngsor | Limbo (Catholic) | 古聖所
kok'iuo sor tioong | each one has his own gift (good point); each has a unique merit | 各有所長
kokbiin pengkyn-softeg | per capita income | 國民平均所得
kokbiin softeg | national income | 國民所得
kokcin sofleeng | each does the best he can | 各盡所
koksoeakiok | tax bureau | 國稅局
koksoex | national revenue | 國稅
koksofng | national mourning | 國喪
kokteg kisor | each gets the position or the result he prefers; each in its proper place | 各得其所
kong'ioksox | common factor (math.) | 公約數
kongkiong tviusor | public place | 公共場所
kongpoexsox | (in math.) common multiple | 公倍數
kongsoarn | public election; open election | 公選
kongsog | speed of light | 光速
kongsor | office; public place; office | 公所
kongsox | public prosecution; public prosecution; lawsuit | 公訴
korng bøexsoaq | talk without the least intermission; keep on chattering | 講無停
kuiesomsofm | expensive | 貴參參
kuihsoaf | scrape certain parts of the body to obtain relief from nausea or sunstroke | 刮砂
kunsox | root of a number (math.) | 均數
kuosoad | It is said that … | 據說
kuosoaf | saw-shark | 鋸鯊; 鋸鮫
kusofng | be in mourning | 痀傷; 居喪
kuxloksog | very old | 舊漉束; 很舊
kvarsox | enzyme | 酵素
kviasoar | to walk to different place; to have some connection | 行徙; 走動; 漫步; 散步
kviaxsox | number of things; items; suits; etc. | 件數
kvoasoarn | elected by government | 官選
kvoasox | heparin | 肝素
kyle soatbeeng | cite an example by way of explanation | 舉例說明
køeasoarn | selected | 過選; 經挑選過的
køefsoeq | explain, explanation | 說解
kølesofm | ginseng | 高麗蔘; 人蔘
kørsorjiin | plaintiff | 告訴人
kørsorzng | letter of complaint; written accusation | 告訴狀; 告狀
kørsox | bring a suit against someone; accusation; accuse (a person of a crime); bring a charge. (in Mandarin) to tell or inform | 告訴
køsoa'efng | Hume's shikra, Accipiter badius poliopsis | 高沙鷹; 高砂鷹
køsoa'uu | Formosan bullfinch | 高沙鳧; 高山鶯; 高紅腹灰雀
køsoaf | Taiwan aborigines | 高沙; 原指台灣; 後專指山地人; 日文 'takasago'
køsoaf-iefnzhuo | Formosan blind mole | 高沙演鼠; 高山鼴鼠; 臺灣鼴鼠
køsog | high speed | 高速
køsog-konglo | freeway; speedway; superhighway | 高速公路
køsog-thihlo | super-railway | 高速鐵路
køsokthihlo | super-railway | 高速鐵路 (高鐵)
køterng-taixsox | higher algebra | 高等代數
laam-zheasor | men's room | 男廁所
labsoex | pay taxes | 納稅
laisoea | come to wash | 來洗
laksoan | bit (tool); iron auger | 鐵鑽
laksoef | come down in the world; be washed out | 落泊; 落衰; 落穗,衰落
langsox | number of persons or individuals | 人數
lankex kisox | vast number; beyond computation | 難計其數
lauxsoex | (v) evade paying taxes; evade duty; smuggle | 漏稅
laxmhoat somliim | log without (or not according) plan; excessive felling of trees | 濫伐森林
laxnbiin siu'iongsor | haven or shelter for refugees; refugee camp; center | 難民收容所
laxnbiin-siu'iongsor | a shelter for refugees; a refugee camp | 難民收容所
lea sor tongjieen | etiquette requires it | 禮所當然
lefngsofng | cold cream | 冷霜
lefsox | different grades of courtesy due to differences in rank | 禮數; 禮貌
legsoef | languid | 力虛; 力衰; 慵懶的
legsox | predestined length of dynasty; time of the year | 曆數
lenghuun sengsit soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is propagated; Traducianism | 靈魂生殖說
lenghuun uithoaan soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 靈魂遺傳說
lenghuun zhorngzø soad | theory of the creation of a soul for every person at birth | 靈魂創造說
lengsox | oddment; odd numbers; fractions | 零數
lesoaan thuicirnky | screw propeller; propeller; screw | 螺旋槳
liah-soakyn | massage sand tendon | 捉沙筋
liangsorng | cool and comfortable | 涼爽
liaqsoaf | pinch the skin | 掠痧; 掐
liaqsoakwn | massage tendons | 掠痧筋
liaqsoakyn | massage tendons | 掠痧筋
liau'iofngsor | rest home; a sanatorium; convalescent home | 療養所
liauxsoaxn | reckon; estimate | 料算
libsoarn | selected | 入選
lie sor tongjieen | that which should be; in accordance with what is right; as a matter of course | 理所當然
liefnsoafn | to swindle; blackmail | 撚旋; 要脅財物; 敲詐
lienciofng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts at the year end | 年終決算
liensoarn lienjim | hold a post for another term after being re-elected | 連選連任
liensoax | successively; doing several things in succession without stopping | 連續; 連紲
liento-uxsoaxn | annual budget | 年度預算
liexnsibsor | practice place | 練習所
limsoaq | done with drinking | 啉煞
linsoarn | to pick; to choose; to select; select; choose; pick (a person) | 遴選
linsox | phosphorus | 燐素
liogsox | in rough number | 略數
liongsym sorngsid | utterly conscienceless | 良心喪失
lioxngzwsox | quantum number | 量子素; 量子數
lisoafn | to escape, slip away unnoticed | 離溜; 離旋
liulixsit'sor | displaced | 流離失所
liulixsitsor | displaced | 流離失所
liuosok'ar | rope with running noose (to catch animals) | 套節仔
liusoad | rumor; gossip; hearsay (esp. malicious) | 流言; 流說
liusoafn | sneak away | 溜旋
liusoar | to exile | 流徙; 流罪人
liusog | velocity | 流速
loaxnsoad | to say what should not be said | 亂說
lofsox | halogens | 鹵素
log`køf-sog`køf | miscellaneous articles; odds and ends; people of all walks of life | 樂哥束哥; 零星雜物; 三教九流
logsoarn | lose in an election; be defeated in an election; fail in an election | 落選
longgiap chiegiaxmsor | agricultural laboratory; experimental farm | 農業試驗所
longsog | concentrate | 濃縮
losoaan | screw; a spiral | 螺旋
losoea | reed | 蘆黍
loxngsoaan | swing boat | 浪船
loxngsorng | incite; instigate | 煽動
loxsoex | road tax | 路稅
ludsw suxbuxsor | lawyer's office | 律師事務所
lunsoaan | steamship; steamboat | 輪船
luxnsoad | a treatise; theory or thoughts; essay | 論說; 論述
luycirnsoex | progressive taxation | 累進稅
lw'iong-piexnsor | a woman's lavatory | 女用便所
lwsexng-sox | estrogen, female hormone | 女性素; 雌激素
lwsoafn | women's missionary | 女宣; (傳教); 女宣道會
lysoftongjieen | of course | 理所當然
lysoftonglieen | of course | 理所當然
løfboo-chimsoaxn | scheming and calculating | 老謀深算
løfsoef | old and weak | 老衰
lømar-sorji | Roman numerals | 羅馬數字
løqsoef | bad luck | 落衰
løsoaan | spiral; spiral shape | 螺旋
løsoaan-khurn | spirochete | 螺旋菌
løsoancviuo | propeller of an airplane | 螺旋槳
malafsorng | marathon | 馬拉松
miasox | number of people | 名數
miaxsox | fate; destiny | 命數
miso | bean paste; miso | 味噌
moasof | sesame cake | 麻酥
moefsofzai | every place | 每所在
moesox | enzyme | 媒素; 酶素; 酵素
mokud-sofngjieen | absolutely terrified | 毛骨悚然
muisox | enzyme | 酶素
muy'sofzai | every place | 每所在
mxzay soaq | insatiable; going on when he should have stopped | 毋知煞; 毋知道該停止
mxzay soef | shameless; have no sense of shame | 毋知恥
ngseg-siawsoad | sex novels; pornographic novels | 黃色小說
ngsoapof | huangshapu | 黃砂埔
niausoafsiu | move frequently | 貓徙岫
niaw-soafsiu | like cats keep moving home | 貓移窩
nisox | ages | 年數
nito-uxsoaxn | annual budget | 年度預算
nngxuixsox | two digits | 兩位數
oansoex | paid the tax | 完稅
oatsoaan | mediate (a conflict; etc.) | 斡旋
oeasoeatai | bad luck | 穢涗代
oeasoex | nasty; sordid; filthy; make a mess (with bits of paper; wood shavings); to litter | 穢撒; 無名譽; 污穢; 髒亂; 弄髒亂
oexsengsor | public health clinic; clinic; public health clinic | 衛生所
of-hoansoaf | black shark | 黑番鯊; 黑鮫
of-soa'thngg | unrefined sugar | 黑砂糖
oksoaq | an evil spirit; a demon; a fiend | 惡煞; 凶煞
onglaai-sof | pineapple cake | 王梨酥; 鳳梨酥
onglaisof | pineapple cake | 王梨酥; 鳳梨酥
oseksox | black pigment | 烏色素
osoad | talk nonsense | 胡說
osoaf | leopard shark | 黑鯊; 烏沙
osoarnthaau | black garlic | 烏蒜頭
osoathngg | brown sugar | 黑砂糖
osoaxnciøh | black diamond | 烏璇石
padsofzai | different place | 別所在
paesoaq | finishing worship | 拜煞
pafnkoaan sofiuo | own the copyright; All rights reserved | 版權所有
pafnsoex | royalties | 版稅
pagsoaq | tied | 縛煞
pagsog | enslave | 綁束; 束縛
pahhunsox | percentage | 百分比
paikutsof | crispy spare rib | 排骨酥; 炸過的小排
paixsoarn | lost election | 敗選
paixsox | to lose a lawsuit; lose a case at law; a lost case; lose a lawsuit | 敗訴
paizuie-turnsox | displacement; in tons | 排水噸數
palasofng | parathion (insecticide) | 巴拉松
pang'oksoex | house tax | 房屋捐; (稅)
pangkoafn-soex | property tax | 房捐稅
pangkoansoex | house tax | 房捐稅
pangsoex | rent | 房租; 房稅
pansox | number of classes | 班數; 斑數
parngsoaq | no-fault; make an end of a matter | 罷休; 放著算了; 放過; 無追究
parngsoee | let hand down | 放垂
pasofm | ginseng | 巴參; 人參
paxngkiuu soafnchiuo | baseball player | 棒球選手
paxnsoaq | done | 辦煞
pefngtoxsoaf | abdominal cramps | 反肚痧
peh-so'efng | mountain jasmine | 白蘇英
peh-soatsoad | as white as snow | 白雪雪
peksoex | one hundred years old; centenarian | 百歲
pengkinsox | the mean; average; average number | 平均數
pengkwn-sox | average, mean, average value | 平均數
pengkyn keasoaxn | general average; on the average | 平均計算
pengkyn sokto | average speed; mean velocity | 平均速度
pengsorsii | usually | 平素時
pengsox | ordinarily; usually; military number | 平素; 兵數
pengthiefn-soatte | land of ice and snow; a frozen land | 冰天雪地
peqchiahsoaf | white sugar | 白赤砂
peqoe siawsoad | novels in vernacular Chinese | 白話小說
peqsoaf | sand shark; sand tiger; ragged-tooth shark; smooth dog-fish; white sand | 白砂; 白鯊; 白沙; 戟齒砂鮫
peqsoaxn | white garlic | 白蒜
phaezhutsor | police station; police station; police substations | 派出所
phahkasoaf | lose; scatter; penny pincher | 小氣鬼; 弄散; 弄丟
phahliuosog | make a noose | 打鈕束; 套結
phahliuosok'ar | make a running noose (lasso) | 打套結
phahsoaq | finish | 打完
phahsog | speed up | 拍速
phahteksoef | unlucky words | 打竹衰; 無吉的話
phahzheksoef | unlucky words | 打穀衰; 無吉的話
phansoaan | to fly around, to hover over | 盤旋; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading; hover; over
phansoaxn | to figure out to oneself | 盤算
phaq hunsox | grade (student papers); to grade (performance) | 打分數
pheksoaf | green sand | 碧砂
phengsoarn | selection | 評選
phengtioxng hexsox | coefficient of expansion | 膨脹係數
phiensoaxn | budgeting | 編算
phitsox | number of pieces | 疋數
phiørsoarn | elect by casting ballots | 票選
phiørsox | number of votes; ballots | 票數
phoansoaan | make a circuit (cf.; seh) | 盤旋
phoeasiausor | place of exile | 配銷所
phofsoarn | a general election; universal suffrage | 普選
phoksorng | surplus | 多餘
phoksox | homeliness; austerity; artlessness; simplicity; quiet; simple; plain (dress) not gaudy; simple and quiet in taste and manner (man not given to display or vanity) | 樸素
phosoafui | move to another place | 鋪徙位; 移動位置
phoxngloxngsofng | fluffy | 蓬曠鬆; 如綿蓬鬆
phoxngphoxngsongsofng | puffy (hair | 疏疏鬆鬆
phoxngsofng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phoxngsongphoxngsofng | puffy | 蓬鬆蓬鬆
phunsofng | hasten home upon the death of one's parents | 奔喪
phusoaf | floating sand | 浮砂; 流沙
phvesox | area (divided by 3.30579 meter square) | 坪數
phøf-hamsox | wave function | 波函數
phøsox | wave-number | 波數
phøtong-hamsox | wave function | 波動函數
phøxsym-soaf | angina | 抱心砂; 狹心症; 腦貧血
piahsorngphaxn | be cheated, someone played a trick on you | 被耍, 被騙
piaq sorngphaxn | cheat; take in; play a trick on; to swindle money out of others; commit fraud | 詐騙
piehoxsor | sanctuary; asylum | 庇護所
piernsog | change gears (as in a car) | 變速
piernsokkhix | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
piernsokky | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
piernsox | a variable (mathematics) | 變數
pierntiexnsor | power substation | 變電所
piexnsofkhafng | toilet | 便所空
piexnsofthaang | toilet bug | 便所蟲
piexnsor | WC; toilet; a privy | 廁所; 便所
pitsoaxn | arithmetic worked out on paper | 筆算
pitsox | number of strokes | 筆數
pixlaxnsor | refuge; haven; sanctuary; refugee center | 避難所
pixseng-sox | multiplicand | 被乘數
pixsengsox | multiplicand (mathematics) | 被乘數
pixsoafnkyjiin | eligible person | 被選舉人
pixsoafnkykoaan | eligibility for election | 被選舉權
pixsoarn | be chosen | 被選
pixtisox | dividend | 被除數
pixtuu-sox | dividend | 被除數
pngxsisoaf | guitar shark; a kind of guitarfish, Rhinobatos schlegelii | 飯匙鯊; 琵琶魚
poafnsox | half | 半數
poansoaan | hovering over a place | 盤旋
poaq sofzai | allot places | 撥地方
poarnsox | half | 半數
poesoazawciøh | flying dust and rocks | 飛沙走石
poexsox | multiple | 倍數
pofsoarn | by-election | 補選
pofsor | replenishment | 補所
portøxsor | mission, preaching station | 佈道所
poxngsofng | loose and bulky | 磅鬆; 蓬蓬鬆鬆的
poxsox | scheme; plan; contrivance; plot for managing a matter; or for boxing; method; way; plan; means; (boxing) strategy | 步數; 手段; 方法; 步驟
pud khysox | non-prosecution; non-indictment | 無起訴
pud sexngsoaxn | low down; mean; obscene; dirty | 不成算; 下流
putbengsox | unclear variable | 無明數; 不明素
putkex kii sox | numberless; countless; innumerable | 無計其數
putkhøfiog hunsox | irreducible fraction (mathematics) | 無可約分數
putsengsoaxn | not count | 無成算
putsog cy-kheq | uninvited guest; unwelcome visit | 無速之客
putsog-cikheq | uninvited guest, unexpected guest | 不速之客
putzhud sor liau | it turned out as expected | 無出所料
pvesox | area (divided by 3.30579 meter square); level piece of ground | 坪數
pvisox | number of square meters | 坪數
pvoarsoef-kii | half-life | 半衰期
pvoarsox | half | 半數
pvoasoafui | move or remove (one's dwelling or things) to another place | 半搬移
pvoasoaq | moved | 搬煞
pvoasoar | move; remove things to another place; (persons) change their residence | 搬移; 搬徙; 遷移
pylaxnsor | refuge | 避難所
pysoaq | finish competition | 比煞
pysox | compare the scores | 比數
pøesoad | flying snow | 飛雪
pøesoaf | dust | 飛砂
pøfsiwsor | catechumenate (Catholic) | 保守所
pørsiuu soat'hin | wipe out a grievance | 報仇雪恨
pørsoex | declare goods (at customs); report tax returns | 報稅
pørsofng | bereavement notice; announce a death | 報喪
pørsoxng | bereavement notice | 報喪
samhof baxnsoex | three cheers | 三呼萬歲
saosoef | sweeping | 掃梳
saosoegiafm'ar | sweeping broom | 掃梳笒仔
saosor | an outpost, a sentry booth | 哨所
sarngsofng | attend a funeral | 送殯
sefsoad | to wash and brush | 洗刷
seksox | pigment | 色素
serngsoaxn | odds; odds or advance (in a contest) | 勝算
serngsor | the sanctuary (Catholic); the Holy Place | 聖所
serngsox | win a lawsuit | 勝訴
sexngsoax | take advantage of an accomplished work | 乘續; 順便
sexngsoef | rise and fall; ups and downs | 盛衰
siangkhiasox | even number and odd number | 雙奇數; 偶數與奇數
siangsox | even number | 雙數; 雙數,偶數
siaolieen soxng hu | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
siarsof | excuse payment of rent | 賒疏
siasoad | heretical theory | 邪說
siauhuiesoex | consumption tax | 消費稅
siauxkaesor | head hunger agency | 紹介所
siawsoad | fiction; novel; novel; fiction | 小說
siawsoad-kaf | a novelist | 小說家
siawsoatkaf | novelist | 小說家
siawsox | few; minor; minority | 少數
siaxhoexsor | society | 社會所
siaxsoad | editorial, leading article | 射說; 社論
sibgexsor | vocational training center; handicraft class | 習藝所
sidsox | actual number | 實數
simsoaxn | mental arithmetic; figure mentally | 心算
simsorng | pleasure | 心爽
simzong soejiok | heart weak | 心臟衰弱
sinkefng soejiok | neurasthenia; nervous breakdown | 神經衰弱
sinky miauxsoaxn | stratagems so wonderful that they seem to be conceived by divine beings | 神機妙算
sinsoaxn | very clever plan | 神算
sinsog | marvelously quick | 神速
sinsox | present a complaint; air a grievance | 申訴
siongsiogsoex | inheritance tax | 繼承稅, 相續稅
siongsox | constant; invariable | 常數; 商數
sioxngsox | appeal; appeal to a higher tribunal | 上訴
sioxngsox-koaan | right of appeal | 上訴權
sirnsog | rapidly; swiftly; rapid; swift; quick; swift; rapid | 迅速
sisoarn | anthology of poems | 詩選
sisog | speed per hour | 時速
sisox | hours | 時數
sitsoaxn | miscalculation; miscalculate | 失算
siu'iongsor | camp; temporary home (for refugees) | 收容所
siu'ioong-sor | camp (prisoner-of-war, refugee, etc.) | 收養所; 收容所
siucy-koatsoaxn | income and expenditure; revenue and expenditure; balance an account | 收支決算
siukhasoefchiuo | makes one's feet and hands clean- not getting involved anymore | 收跤洗手
siuosoe'ar | thin bamboo stick that was used to punish kids that didn't behave | 秀梳仔
siuosoear | thin bamboo | 秀梳仔
siusoaq | wind up an affair or a job suitably | 完竣; 收煞; 收拾
siusoex | collect taxes | 收稅
siusog | close; complete; completion; end; finish; gradually tapering; shrink; gradually reduced (e.g.; the opening of a wound or expenditures) | 結束; 收縮
siuxcin hongsofng | travelers much exposed to weather and cold | 受盡風霜
siwsoex | see the old year out and the new year in | 守歲
siwsofng | remain in mourning for one's parent | 守喪
sixnsioxngsvoarsox | adrenalin | 腎上腺素
sixnsioxngsvoax-sox | adrenalin | 腎上腺素
sixsoex | sequence | 序細
siøf-liensoax | continuously | 相連續
siøfsoad | novel | 小說
siøfsoad-kaf | a novelist | 小說家
siøfsortiarm | decimal point | 小數點
siøfsortorng | minority political party | 少數黨
siøfsox binzok | minority ethnic group (in a multi-racial nation) | 少數民族
siøfsox | a small quantity; fraction; coparatively small number; decimal; minority; few; minor; minority; decimals | 小數
siøliensoax | continuously | 相連紲
siøsoax | connected in unbroken order or succession; continuously one after another | 連續; 繼續; 接著
sngfsoaq | done with playing | 耍煞
sngsox | oxygen | 酸素; 氧
so'iøf | stooped (posture) | 疏腰; 酥腰; 彎腰
so'oarn | cold (relationship); distant; alienate; estrange | 疏遠
soa | depart; die | 逝
soa'aftøe | sandy soil | 沙仔地
soa'ar | six-grilled shark, cow shark,sharkling, sharp-nosed shark | 沙仔; 曲齒鮫
soaafhngg | sand garden | 沙仔園
soaafte | sandy land | 沙仔地
soaan | spin; return; turn back; go round; revolve; move in an orbit | 旋
soaarnciøh | diamond | 璇石
soaberng-hii | trigger fish | 沙猛魚
soabok | desert | 沙漠
soaboo | desert | 沙漠
soabuo | gravel | 沙母
soacid | sandy | 沙質
soaciw | a sandbar; sandbank; shoal | 沙洲
soaciøh | grindstone | 沙石
soaciøqafchiaf | gravel car | 砂石仔車
soaciøqaftviuu | sandstone farm | 砂石仔場
soaciøqar | pebbles; sandstone | 砂石仔
soad | brush; scrub; to clean; to print; a brush | 刷; 說
soaf | sand; tiny gravel; pebbles; sandy ─ not glossy or smooth; granular (said of fruit; especially melons) ripe | 沙; 鯊; 砂
soafkhaf | change one's feet position; learn to walk; shift the position of the feet | 移腳; 徙跤; 換腳; 移步
soafkhao | gargle; rinse the mouth | 漱口
soafkhao-zuie | gargle | 漱口水
soafkhawzef | mouth wash | 漱口劑
soafkhix | push | 徙去
soafkhuy | to move away; move something out of the way | 移開; 搬開
soaflaai | push | 徙來
soafli | remove, move apart | 移離; 遷離
soafloan | chaos | 徙亂
soafn | sour; acid; tart; stale; spoiled; sad; grieved; sorrowful; aching; jealous; envious; stingy; aching pains; feeling of pain and weariness about the bones or in the limbs | 酸
soafn'afng | choose husband | 選夫; 選翁
soafn'ar | garlic | 蒜仔
soafn'iong | select for use or employment | 選用
soafn`khix | escape | 旋去
soafn`laai | came | 旋來
soafnbie taixhoe | beauty pageant | 選美大會
soafnbie | beauty contest | 選美
soafnbiin | those who have electoral rights; the chosen race; voters (of election campaign) | 選民
soafnbu | election | 選務
soafnbyhoe | beauty pageant | 選美會
soafnchiuo | player; member of a sports team or delegation representing a school; area or country | 選手
soafnchiwciorng | player award | 選手獎
soafnchiwkhoaan | contestant rights | 選手權
soafnciexn | election | 選戰
soafncip | anthology | 選集
soafnhang | options | 選項
soafnjim | appoint; designate | 選任
soafnjit | pick a good date | 選日
soafnkhw | constituency | 選區
soafnkhøf | elective course of studies (as distinct from a required course) | 選科
soafnkhøx | take courses; select elective courses in a college | 選課; 選科
soafnkie sorsiong | lawsuits pertaining to elections | 選舉訴訟
soafnkie uxntong | election campaign | 選舉運動; 競選運動
soafnkie zukeq | qualification for election or voting | 選舉資格
soafnkie | elect; to vote; elections | 選舉
soafnkie-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkor | select and make purchases | 選購
soafnkox | shop | 選購
soafnkuo | election | 選舉
soafnkuo-koaan | right to vote, franchise, suffrage | 選舉權
soafnkwkoaan | right to vote; the franchise | 選舉權
soafnkyhoad | laws governing elections | 選舉法
soafnkyjiin | voter | 選舉人
soafnkykhw | electoral district | 選舉區
soafnkytviuu | election field | 選舉場
soafnkøfky | fruit sorting machine | 選果機
soafnpaxhoad | elect | 選拔法
soafnphaix | nominate or designate; appoint to a post | 選派
soafnphiøx | ballot | 選票
soafnpoadsaix | tryout (for athletes) | 選拔賽
soafnpoat | choose, select, pick out | 選拔
soafnsiw | elective; option for; elective course (subject) | 選修
soafntaai | choose channel | 選台
soafntegkoaan | right of selection | 選擇權
soafntek | choice | 選擇
soafnteng | chosen | 選定
soafnthok | study an elective course in a college | 選讀
soafntiøh | chose | 選著
soafntvoaf | election campaign flyers | 選單
soafnzeeng | election polls | 選情
soafnzhud | pick out; to select; to elect | 選出
soafnzhuo | pick out; to select; to elect | 選取
soafnzøx | choose to do | 選做
soafphof | resettlement shop | 徙鋪
soafpo | move steps | 徙步
soafsiu | move net- animal home | 徙窩
soaftang | moved | 徙動
soaftiaxm | moved the shop | 徙店
soafui | flight; flit; move; move; remove (persons or things) to another place | 徙位; 遷移; 換地方
soafzay | transplant | 移苗; 徙栽; 移植
soafzhux | change one's residence | 徙居; 搬家
soagarn | trachoma | 沙眼
soah'au | afterwards | 息後
soah'e | How come! I don't think so | 煞會; 無會吧
soah'iaam | salt, sprinkle salt on food | 撒鹽
soah'u | How come? | 怎有
soahbea | last one | 煞尾
soahbefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahboea | last one | 煞尾
soahboefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahboefar cidtiarfmar | the youngest (latest, smallest) child. | 小尾仔囝
soahboefar | last one | 煞尾仔
soahboefzvae | pinky | 煞尾指
soahbøea | final; to conclude | 息尾; 煞尾; 最末; 最後
soahbøea-kviar | youngest child | 息尾囝; 煞尾囝; 屘子
soahbøea-ui | last seat | 尾息位
soahbøefafkviar | youngest child | 煞末仔囝; 老么
soahcviu | the comfort of a itchy spot that stops itching | 煞癢; 止癢止得痛快; 形容無痛像扒癢
soahee | a kind of shrimp; shrimp from sandy beaches | 沙蝦; 砂蝦
soahhix | end; finale (movie; drama) | 劇終
soahhør | not good to do that; hardly; not at all | 無好; 怎麼好
soahichix | shark's fins | 鯊魚刺
soahii | shark; shark | 鯊魚; 曲齒鮫
soahii-chix | shark's fins | 鯊魚翅
soahiiefn | smoke shark food | 鯊魚煙
soahiphoee | shark skin | 鯊魚皮
soahkafng | end the day's work | 收工; 停工
soahkhaf | take a rest | 移腳; 休息; 移步
soahkherng | How come! | 怎肯
soahkhix | Break it up! That is enough! Shut up! | 算了
soahkiaam | add a little salt or soy sauce | 煞鹹; 加鹹
soahkiok | end; finale; come to an end | 劇終; 完了
soahkor | end; finale; come to an end | 劇終; 完了
soahliao | end; finale; come to an end | 完了
soahliawtai | the matter is long past; ended; and quite dead; so that it should not be raised again | 過了時; 完了事
soahphaq | eloquent; fluent | 流打
soahsefng | malignant star (usually said of a person) that brings war; deaths; calamities; disasters | 煞星
soahsiin | beast; ominous deity or malignant god who brings catastrophes | 煞神
soahsoahkhix | forget it | 煞煞去
soahsoaq | forget it | 煞煞
soahsu | finish up a matter | 完事
soahtauxiuu | spread soybean source | 撒豆油
soahtiøh | injuriously affected by baleful spiritual influence | 犯煞; 犯沖
soahuiefn | smoke shark food | 鯊魚煙
soahuu | shark | 鯊魚
soahzhvef | malignant star (usually said of a person) that brings war; deaths; calamities; disasters | 煞星
soahøo | shahe | 沙河
soahøpvy | shahe side | 沙河邊
soakaw | sand shark, sand tiger, ragged tooth shark | 鯊鉤; 砂鮫
soakhud | a hollow in sand | 沙窟
soakhvef | sand pit | 沙坑
soakhw | sand dunes | 砂丘
soakvii | shachang | 沙墘
soakym | gold dust | 沙金
soakyn | tendon on the back | 沙筋
soalau | sandglass | 沙漏; 過濾器
soaliab'ar | sand grains | 砂粒仔
soaliap | sand grains | 沙粒
soaliefnky | grinder | 沙輪機
soaliw | loach | 沙鰍
soalo | pond heron | 苍鹭; 沼鷺
soalun | dune | 沙崙
soan | envy | 羨; 漩; 璇
soan'gieen | declaration, manifesto, declare | 宣言
soan'ioong | advertise; air; blazon forth; preach up; publicize and exalt; proclaim | 宣揚
soan'ociaugiaam | coral | 珊瑚礁岩
soan'of | eddy, whirlpool, vortex | 漩渦; 旋渦
soan'oo | coral reef | 珊瑚
soan'otagiaam | coral | 珊瑚礁岩
soan'uo | acid rain | 酸雨
soan'øf | whirlpool; twiddle | 漩渦
soanbeeng | proclaim clearly | 宣明; 聲明
soanciexn | dig up the hatchet; declare war; declaration of war | 宣戰
soangieen | a declaration; a proclamation; a manifesto; to proclaim; declaration; declaration; manifesto; declare | 宣言
soanhoaf | whoopla; shindy; hullabaloo | 喧嘩
soanhofng | cyclone; vortex; whirlwind | 旋風
soanhongjii | comic character | 旋風兒
soanhoo | coral | 珊瑚
soanjiorng | bawl, to clamor, to make a hullabaloo | 喧囂; 喧嚷
soankaosw | missionary | 宣教師
soankarng | preach; deliver a speech; orate | 宣講
soankaux | preach; proclaim a religion | 宣教
soankaux-hoe | missionary society | 宣教會
soankox | pronounce, condemn to | 宣告
soankøx | announce; declare; pronounce; announcement; declaration | 宣告
soanlut | rhythm; canto; tune; melody | 旋律
soannau | an uproar, a noisy quarrel | 喧鬧
soanphvoax syheeng | sentence to death | 宣判死刑
soanphvoax | to sentence, to pass judgement, to render | 宣判
soanpox toglip | declaration of independence | 宣佈獨立
soanpox | announce; declare; blaze; proclaim; announce | 宣佈
soanpøx | proclaim, promulgate | 宣佈
soanseasw | written oath | 宣誓書
soansex ciuxcid | be sworn in (said of government officials) | 宣誓就職
soansex | swear; take a oath; make a vow | 宣誓
soansi | make known publicly; publish | 宣示
soansied | to drain off | 喧洩; 宣洩
soansixsexng | make known publicly | 宣示性
soanthak | read a proclamation | 宣讀
soanthoaan | promote; publicize; propaganda; promotion (of sales) | 宣傳
soanthoaan-bang | a propaganda network | 宣傳網
soanthoaan-oaan | a propagandist | 宣傳員
soanthoaan-po | a publicity department | 宣傳部
soanthoaan-tvoaf | propaganda leaflet | 宣傳單
soanthoanchiaf | propaganda car | 宣傳車
soanthoanciw | publicity week (for publicizing themes such as traffic safety; environmental sanitation) | 宣傳週
soanthoanphirn | propaganda material; promotion material | 宣傳品
soanthoantvoaf | flyer | 宣傳單
soanthok | read out (a declaration; announcement) in public | 宣讀
soantiaux | call the delegation to worship, the Call for Worship | 宣召
soantiin | vines climb | 攀藤; 旋藤; 攀延
soantø | publicize; dissuasion; guide (the people) by creating better understanding | 宣導; 宣道
soantø-hoe | missionary society | 宣道會
soantø-sw | evangelist, preacher who is a graduate from a Bible school | 宣導書; 宣道師
soantøxhoe | missionary society | 宣道會
soantøxsw | missionary | 宣道師
soanzhefng | claim | 宣稱
soanzoarn | revolve; rotary; rotate | 旋轉
soanzuie | whirlpool, eddy | 旋水
soaoe | sand painting | 沙畫
soapaw | sandbags | 沙包
soapee | sand rake | 沙耙
soaphof | sandy slope | 沙埔
soaphøf | sandy slope | 沙坡
soapof | sandy plain | 沙埔地
soapox | emery cloth | 紗布
soapvoaa | sandy area, sandy space | 沙盤
soaq hociøf | sprinkle pepper | 撒胡椒
soaq iaam | sprinkle salt | 撒鹽
soaq tauxiuu | add soy sauce | 加醬油
soaq thafng | How? | 煞通; 怎麼可以
soaq | stop; stop; cease with the intention of starting again whatever has temporarily been stopped | 休; 煞; 息; 停; 完; 終; 撒; 結束
soaq`boe | are you done yet? | 煞未
soaq`khix | let go; uncare; aloof | 煞去
soaq`tiøh | be under malevolent spiritual influence | 煞得; 煞著; 使著魔
soar | to move the place, to remove | 徙
soarboea | the last | 紲尾
soarbøea | end, at the end | 續尾; 煞尾; 最末
soarbøea-kviar | the youngest child | 煞尾囝; 續尾子
soarchiuo | take over; continue | 續手
soarciab | connect; continue | 續接; 接續
soarkuix | mountain sweet osmanthus | 犀桂; 銳葉木犀
soarløqkhix | next | 紲落去
soarløqlaai | next | 紲落來
soarløqlaioq | next | 紲落來喔
soarn jidcie | choose a day | 選日子
soarn jinzaai | selectable men for places of trust | 選人才
soarn | select; choose; choice; to elect; elections | 選
soarn'afhoef | garlic flower | 蒜仔花
soarn'afpeh | garlic root and the white part of the stalk; cut down small | 蒜仔白
soarn'afzay | tender garlic shoots | 蒜仔栽
soarn'ar | green garlic; green garlic; leek | 蒜仔; 大蒜
soarn`zhutlaai | voted | 選出來
soarnboah | crushed garlic | 蒜泥
soarnhiongtiin | garlic fragrant cane | 蒜香藤
soarnjiongky | twist of dough | 蒜絨枝
soarnjioong | crushed garlic; mashed garlic; garlic pounded soft | 蒜泥; 蒜茸; 蒜頭菜
soarnlioong | minced garlic | 蒜茸
soarnpan | quarters of a head of garlic | 蒜瓣
soarnsut | arithmetic | 算術
soarnthaang | pinworm | 蒜蟲; 蟯蟲
soarnthaau | garlic; garlic cloves; kernels of garlic; garlic (bulb) | 蒜頭
soarnthauban | garlic cloves | 蒜頭瓣
soaroe | continue the conversation | 續話
soarsex | follow the trend | 順勢
soarzhuiebea | craving | 紲喙尾
soarzhuieboea | craving | 紲喙尾
soarzhuix | craving | 紲喙
soasab | troublesome | 麻煩
soaseg | sand color | 沙色
soasoaf | gritty | 沙沙
soasoaf-sapsab | picayune; inconsequential; minute details | 零零碎碎; 囉囉嗦嗦
soasoasapsab | picayune, inconsequential, minute details | 零零碎碎, 囉囉嗦嗦
soasviw | sandbox | 沙箱
soasvoax | sand line | 沙線
soasøf | whiting, sandborer (fish), common whiting | 沙挲; 沙鮻
soat'hii | cod | 鱈魚
soat'hin | wipe out a grievance; avenge one's grudge | 雪恨
soat'hoad | a version, preach, way of speaking | 說法
soat'hoaf | snowflakes | 雪花
soat'hoef | snowflakes | 雪花
soat'hoglek | power of persuasion | 說服力
soat'hok | persuade; convince; prevail on | 說服
soat'horng | to lie, to tell a lie | 說謊
soat'hun | revenge | 雪恨
soat'huu | cod | 鱈魚
soat'oaan | to finish speaking | 說完
soat'oafn | wipe out grievances; vindicate oneself | 雪冤
soat'svoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soatbeeng lyiuu | tell the reason | 說明理由
soatbeeng | illustrate; demonstrate; description; explain; clarify; explanation | 說明
soatbeeng-sw | explanatory statement, directions for use, instructional booklet | 說明書
soatbenghoe | seminar | 說明會
soatbengsw | written explanation; written instructions attached to merchandise | 說明書
soatbuun | soap | 肥皂
soatchiøx | joke, kidding | 說笑; 開玩笑
soatchviux | rap | 說唱
soate | sandbags | 沙袋
soatefng | sardine (fish) | 沙丁; 砂䰳
soathaang | chigoe, chigger | 沙蟲
soathafn | sandy beach; tideland | 沙灘
soathafng | screen window | 紗窗
soathiøf | hand shovel | 沙鏟; 沙挑
soathngg | crystal sugar; granulated sugar; rock candy | 砂糖
soathngrar | type of small fish | 沙丁魚
soathoo | sandy soil; mixture of sand and clay | 沙土
soathvoaf | a sandbank after a low tide | 沙灘
soatiaau | any of several kinds of shark, Carcharhinus sorrah, Carcharhinus menisorrah | 沙條
soatkaf | cigars | 雪茄
soatkaux | sermon; to preach; to give moral instruction to; give a person a good talking to | 說教; 訓戒
soatkheq | a spokesman, lobbyist | 說客
soatng'ar | whiting | 沙鮻仔
soatong | common whiting | 沙鮻
soatparsvoaf | a mountain in Sinteg | 雪霸山
soatpeh | snow white; snowy | 雪白
soatpek | snow white; snowy | 雪白
soatsiaw | clean; get rid of; delete | 抹除; 刷消
soatsvoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soatsyn | make like new (by cleaning; repainting); renovate; write (a new sports record) | 刷新
soatte | snowfield | 雪地
soatthie | wipe out a disgrace; clear up | 雪恥
soattiofng soxng thaxn | send fuel in cold weather ─ timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
soatuy | sand dune; sand hill | 沙堆
soatwn | sandhill, dune | 沙堆; 沙丘
soatzeeng | to apologize, intercede, solicit a favor, ask a favor for someone else | 說情
soatzhud | to tell, speak, utter | 說出
soatzhøx | to have a slip of the tongue | 說錯
soatøe | sands | 砂地; 沙地; 沙袋
soatøhii | long tailed anchovy | 沙鱭魚
soax | add to; join on; continuous | 續; 紲; 以至於
soax-zhuiebøea | add to other's talk, do according to othe's saying | 續嘴尾; 紲喙尾; 接話尾
soax`løqkhix | next | 紲落去
soaxn | count; reckon; calculate to plan; to guess; to regard | 算
soaxnciø | diamond | 璇石
soaxnciøh | diamond | 鑽石; 璇石; 金剛石
soaxnciøqzhuix | honey tongued; plausible tongue | 鑽石嘴
soaxnjiø | urine; piss; pee; to urinate (slang) | 漩尿; 小便; 撒尿
soaxnpid | pen | 鑽筆
soaxnsiaau | shame | 訕潲
soaxnsiaq | shame | 訕削
soaxntharng | watering can; sprinkling can | 灑桶
soazoar | sand paper | 沙紙
sobit | density; consistence | 疏密
sochi | big cities | 都市
sochvie | regain consciousness; revive | 甦醒
socibkaf | collector, lover | 蒐集家
socip | collect or gather; collection; collect (postage stamps); glean | 蒐集; 搜集; 收集
soe | flow out; to drop; spill gradually | 垂; 垂流滴下
soe'aflaang | person be out of luck | 山大人; 倒霉的人
soea | wash; cleanse; bathe; purify; make a print from a negative | 洗
soeabo | the close of the year | 歲暮
soeabok | tax designation | 稅目
soeabu kikoafn | tax offices | 稅務機關
soeabu | tax administration; affairs pertaining to taxation | 稅務
soeabu-jin'oaan | tax collectors; tax officials | 稅務人員
soeacied | details | 細節
soeagiah | amount of tax | 稅額
soeagoaan | tax source | 稅源
soeagoat juu liuu | the months and years run by like a stream; time and tide wait for no man | 歲月如流
soeagoat | time; year; years and months; times and seasons | 歲月
soeahaxn | infancy; childhood | 幼年
soeahoad | tax law | 稅法
soeahok | persuade | 說服
soeahux | tax | 稅賦
soeaii | mistress | 細姨
soeajip | revenue | 歲入
soeakheq | lobbyist | 說客
soeakhoarn | tax money | 稅款
soeakhurn | bacteria | 細菌
soeako'ar | younger sister-in-law on the husband side | 細姑仔
soeakoafn khefzengzhux | tax office | 稅捐稽徵處
soeakoafn | taxes and surtaxes | 稅捐
soeakym | tax; geld | 稅金
soeali | tax collectors; tax officials | 稅吏
soealiabcie | fine particles; may also describe a person who is tiny | 細粒子
soealut | tax rates; duty rates | 稅率
soeapaw | cell | 細胞
soeapo | details | 細部
soeasiw | tax revenue | 稅收
soeasoex | thin, and small | 細細
soeasox | age | 歲數; 年歲
soeasviaf | quitely | 細聲
soeatvoaf | bill of tax; tax form; transit pass for imports; tax invoice | 稅單
soeaui | small seat | 細位
soeazeg | customs tariff; customs order; customs table | 稅則
soeazex | tax system | 稅制
soeazhud | small show | 小齣
soeazhux | rent a house; rent out a house | 稅厝; 租房子
soebea | bad luck | 衰尾
soebeftøxliin | person who tends to have bad lucks | 衰尾道人
soebefun | bad luck | 衰尾運
soebii | declination; decline; decadency; meet with reverses; lose prosperity; be un-prosperous | 衰微
soeboea | bad luck | 衰尾
soeboea-tøxjiin | un-auspicious person; un-lucky person | 衰尾道人
soeboefbin | bad luck face | 衰尾面
soeboeftøxjiin | person who tends to have bad lucks | 衰尾道人
soeboefun | bad luck | 衰尾運
soeboong | decline and fall | 衰亡
soee | hang down | 垂
soef | comb; coarse comb | 梳; 衰
soefar | millet | 黍仔
soefbin | wash face | 洗面
soefciøqar | shanghai plaster (architecture) | 洗石仔
soefek | take a both | 洗浴
soefhoatzefng | shampoo | 洗髮精
soeflea | baptism | 洗禮
soefmnghofng | wash the door- as a punishment for punishing people who people's reputation | 洗門風
soefpaai | shuffle | 洗牌
soefsengkhutharng | shower water bucket | 洗身軀桶
soefsinkhukefng | bathroom | 洗身軀間
soefsinkhw | take a bath | 洗身軀
soefsvaf | wash clothes | 洗衫
soefsvapafng | laundry room | 洗衫枋
soefsvatiaxm | laundry store | 洗衫店
soefthoa | wash and clean | 洗汰
soeftng | clean | 洗盪
soefzeng | clean | 洗淨
soefzhuix | wash mouth; brush teeth | 洗喙
soeh'oe | speak up | 說話
soehbeeng | explain; clarify; expound | 說明
soehchviux | rap | 說唱
soehhoad | statement | 說法
soehsia | give thanks; thank | 道謝
soehtø | lobby | 說道
soehtøsia | say thanks | 說多謝
soehzhud | speak up | 說出
soejiok | weak; feeble; slack off; emaciation; grow weak | 衰弱
soekefng | dropped shoulders | 垂肩
soekhaf | wash feet | 洗腳
soekhuix | be out of luck | 衰氣
soelau | infirmity of old age; senility | 衰老
soeliok | weak | 衰弱
soeløh | decline; turndown; fading; decline and fall (of a nation; family fortune); go into oblivion | 衰落
soeoe | bad mouth | 衰話
soeong | decaying and prospering; decline and/or prosperity | 衰旺
soeq tøsia | give thanks; thank | 道謝
soeq | explain; clarify; speak; to talk | 說; 說明
soesab | down on one's luck | 衰屑; 落魄
soesiaau | be out of luck (vulgar) | 衰精
soesoee | head; loaded branches hanging down | 垂垂
soethaau | combing hair | 梳頭
soethex | failing (energy, strength, memory), weakening (as a result of old age, poor health) | 衰退
soethoex | to decay more, become weaker | 衰退
soethøex | failing (energy; strength; memory); weakening (as a result of old age; poor health) | 衰退
soetiøh | fading; bad luck | 衰著
soeun | luck running out | 衰運; 倒霉運
soex | fine; tiny; small; thin; soft; delicate; trifling | 細
soextvef | dribble at the spout when nearly stopped up; drop; spill; overflow; run over | 垂滴; 溢流
soezngf | dressing | 梳妝
soezngtvafpan | dressing up | 梳妝打扮
sof jii putlau | is loose but never misses ─ (justice) is slow but inexorable; The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow but they grind exceedingly fine | 疏而無漏
sof | search for a lost article; ransack; to rummage; search another's pockets or body | 搜; 酥
sofbuun-sofkiexn | what is heard and seen | 所聞所見
sofgieen | what has been spoken | 所言
sofgoan | one's wishes | 所願
sofhioxng-butek | invincible; carry all before one; encounter no significant opponent on the way | 所向無敵
sofhuix tang | expenses are heavy | 費用大
sofhuix | expenses; expenses | 所費; 費用
sofie | consequently; therefore; hence; so | 所以
sofiuo | all; possess; own; proprietary; what one owns; belongings; possession | 所有
sofiuo-but | possessions, belongings | 所有物
sofiuo-keq | the possessive case | 所有格
sofiuo-koaan | ownership, proprietorship | 所有權
sofiuo-søex | income-tax | 所有稅
sofiuo-zex | ownership system | 所有制
sofiwbut | belongings; possessions | 所有物
sofiwciar | owner; proprietor | 所有者; (人)
sofiwkhoaan | ownership | 所有權
sofiwkoaan | ownership | 所有權
sofiwkoanzng | ownership certificate | 所有權狀
sofkhvoax | whatever one sees | 所看
sofkiexn | whatever one sees | 所看
sofkorng | what ... say; that which is said | 所講
sofkviaa | behavior, conduct | 所行; 行為
sofm | luxuriant vegetation, luxuriant growth of trees | 森
sofng | frost; hoarfrost | 霜
sofng'chiu | songchiu | 桑樹
sofng'ee | cool | 爽的
sofng'iog | break an appointment | 爽約
sofng'oaioay | cool and fun | 爽歪歪
sofng'voaivoay | cool and fun | 爽歪歪
sofngkhaf | enjoy life of ease and comfort | 享福
sofngkhoaix | comfortable; frank; refreshed; comfortable; refreshing; enlivening | 爽快; 舒服
sofngsofngkhoaekhoaix | cool, relieve, and happy | 爽爽快快
sofngthioxng | cool and happy | 爽暢
sofsid | what is lost, a loss | 所失
sofsiok | subordinates; subordinate agencies; the authority to which an agency belongs | 所屬
sofsviu | whatever one think | 所想
softab huy sofbun | give an irrelevant answer | 所答非所問
softeg | income, earnings | 所得
softeg-søex | income tax | 所得稅
softeksex | income tax | 所得稅
softeksoex | income tax | 所得稅
softid | income | 所得
softioong | one's specialty; what one excels in | 所長; 專長
softiorng | one's specialty | 所長
softitsoex | income tax | 所得稅
softix | as a result of | 所致
softviuo | head or director of an office | 所長
softy | what one knows | 所知
softøea | one's shortcoming | 所短
sofu | all; possess; own; proprietary; own; possess; all | 所有
sofui | so-called; as it is said; that which is called; so-called | 所謂
sofuii | acts; deeds; what is done | 所為
sofyjieen | cause, reason | 所以然
sofzai | place; place; location; position | 所在; 地方
sofzaix | what is printed; published or reported in a publication | 所載
sofzaixte | place where an institution or organization is located; site | 所在地
sofzaixtøe | location, seat | 所在地
sofzay | whatever one knows | 所知
sofzheng | whatever one wears | 所穿
sofzoex | whatever one has done | 所作
sofzog sofuii | actions; behavior; conduct; what one does and how he behaves | 所作所為
sofzox | doings | 所作
sofzøx | doings; behavior; conduct | 所做; 所為
sog khylaai | bind (with a band) | 束起來
sog | bind; tie; bundle; bunch; sheaf; bondage; control; restrain | 束; 速
sohud | careless; headless; neglectful; careless; inadvertent; negligent; oversight; to neglect | 疏忽
soiuu | butter | 酥油
soiøf | hunchbacked; be bent with age; stooped; round shouldered | 駝背
sok'aan | bind tightly | 束緊
sok'ar | a string; a tie or rubber band for tying shut a bag of something | 束仔; 束圈
sok'hoarzef | plasticizer | 塑化劑
sok'iøf | wasp-waisted; tighten one's waist with a band so that it appears slender; a slender waist | 束腰
sok'oar | contract | 束倚; 束緊
sok'viar | miniature | 縮影
sokae | relieve | 舒解
sokaf | search a home | 疏開; 搜家
sokchiuo buzheg | no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手無策
sokchiuo pongkoafn | fold the arms and look on; stand by and observe | 束手旁觀
sokchiuo thaixpex | wait for one's death with hands tied ─ be a sitting duck | 束手待斃
sokchiuo | have one's hands tied ─ no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手
sokciexn-sokkoad | blitzkrieg strategy; military strategy that calls for speedy decision and applying overwhelming forces against the enemy | 速戰速決
sokhay | evacuate; disperse | 疏開
sokiux | search and rescue | 搜救
sokkachiøq | plastic ruler | 塑膠尺
sokkaf lok'ar | plastic bags; vinyl bags | 塑膠橐仔
sokkaf | plastic; plastics | 塑膠
sokkakoax | plastic cover | 塑膠蓋
sokkakorng | P.V.C. pipe | 塑膠管
sokkaliab'ar | P.V.C. compound | 塑膠粒仔
sokkalok'ar | plastic bag | 塑膠橐仔
sokkaphvix | plastic sheet | 塑膠片
sokkapox | plastic cloth | 塑膠布
sokkate'aflai | inside plastic bag | 塑膠袋仔內
sokkate'ar | plastic bag | 塑膠袋仔
sokkatear | plastic bag | 塑膠袋仔
sokkatharng | plastic bucket | 塑膠桶
sokkazoar | plastic paper; vinyl paper; cellophane | 塑膠紙
sokkhox | close fitting undergarment; tight fitting trousers | 束褲; 緊身褲
sokkied | fruition; hardihood; hardiness; hardy; easy to hold in the hand; e.g.; a neatly fastened box; portable; (a house or room is) small but neat and comfortable | 結實; 束結; 小巧
sokkiehak | stenography | 速記學; (術)
sokkieoaan | stenographer | 速記員
sokkiesut | stenography | 速記學; (術)
sokkix huhø | shorthand script | 速記符號
sokkix | shorthand; stenography; shorthand; stenography; write in shorthand | 速記
sokkix-oaan | a stenographer | 速記員
soklut | speed; rate; velocity | 速率
sokmeh | fast pulse | 速脈
sokmia | fate | 宿命
sokoaq | to plunder, to loot | 搜割; 掠奪
sokpak | tie; bind up; bondage; bound; imprison; bind; to tie; to control; restraints; restrictions; bondage | 束縛; 束縳
sokpiefn | drawdown | 縮編
sokseeng | crash; speed-up; attain goals within a short time; to complete rapidly | 速成
soksengpafn | training class for quick mastery of a subject; course; a crash course | 速成班
soksex | shrink | 縮細
soksiao | contract; draw in; reduce; curtail | 縮小
soksiarhuix | dormitory fee | 宿舍費
soksiax | dormitory | 宿舍
soksiør | contract; draw in; reduce; curtail | 縮小
soksog | tight | 束束
soksyn | body sculpting | 塑身
soksøex | to reduce, to make smaller | 縮小; 縮細
soktesym | shrink tea heart | 縮茶心
sokto haxnzex | speed limit | 速度限制
sokto | rate; speed; velocity; velocity; speed; (music) tempo | 速度
soktoax | pressure band | 縮帶
soktoxkex | speedometer; velocity indicator | 速度計
soktoxpiør | tachometer | 速度表
sokud | crispy bones | 酥骨
sokzhaa | sandalwood; wood incense | 淨香; 香木片
sokzngf | equipped | 束裝
sokzø | model; mold; portray | 塑造
soløo | to call together, to collect | 唆使; 搜羅
som'afkhuix | ginseng smell | 參仔氣
som'ar | ginseng | 參仔
somjioong | ginseng | 參茸
somliim | forest | 森林
somlimhak | forestry | 森林學
somlimhe | department of forestry (in a university) | 森林系
somlimhoad | forestry law | 森林法
somlioong | ginseng | 參茸
songbeeng | mulberry moth | 桑螟; 桑蠶蛾; [*]
songchiu | Japanese mulberry; pine tree | 松樹
songciofng | a symbol of mourning | 喪終; 孝布
songhie-su | either a sad or a happy occasion, wedding or funerals | 喪喜事
songhok | sable; sackcloth; weeds; mourning dress | 喪服
songhysu | death; birth; marriage and such ceremonies | 喪喜事
songkaf | the family of bereavement; bereaved family | 喪家
songkar | bereavement leave | 喪假
songkef | mourners, the deceased's family | 喪家
songkhix | downcast, disheartened, in low spirit | 喪去; 喪氣
songlea | funeral rites | 喪禮
songpiahpiaq | rube; hick | 倯壁壁
songsong'ar | rube; hick | 倯倯仔
songsoong | rube; hick; earth dumplings (rural people flocking to cities for work) | 土包子
songsu | funeral; funeral affairs; matters connected with funeral and mourning | 喪事
songsy | Japanese masked grosbeak | 胸喙; 桑鳲
songtieen | mulada | 桑田
songtiofng | during the period of mourning; in mourning | 喪中
songzefng | a knell, a death bell | 喪鐘
songzex | funeral service | 喪祭
songzoxng | funeral service and burial | 喪葬
sonngfar | melt | 酥軟仔
sonngr | melt | 酥軟
soong | pine; hick; clownish; ignorant; bucolic; stupid | 松; 倯; 土包子氣; 土包子
sopo | to round up | 搜捕; 四捨五入
sopviar | type of crisp biscuit or shortcake | 酥餅
sor | place; place; location; position; building; office; a relative pronoun: he who; that which; they who; those which (it precedes the antecedent and is placed quite differently from the other relative particles e in combination with verbs it forms a phrase lik | 所
sorbak | number | 數目
sorban | tens of thousands, several myriads | 數万; 數萬
sorbeeng | make a clear explanation on oneself | 素明; 訴說
sorbiaau | pencil sketch; line drawing; sketch; sketch (writing or painting) | 素描
sorbin | surface of a solid color; a face that has not been made up with cosmetics; the natural look | 素面
sorbiøo | sketch | 素描
sorbok | amount; number; amount; number; sum | 數目
sorbuun | sparse text | 疏文
sorciao | Stear's bubbler (bird) | 素鳥; 藪鳥
sorcid | character; constitution; quality; predisposition; one's true quality; one's natural talent | 素質
sorciorng | several kinds of | 數種
sorgiah | amount; number; quantity; amount; sum | 數額
sorgoan | long cherished ambition; aspiration or hope | 素願; 宿願
sorhaghe | Department of Mathematics | 數學系
sorhagkaf | mathematician | 數學家
sorhak | mathematics; mathematics | 數學
sorhak-kaf | a mathematician | 數學家
sorheeng | daily conduct or behavior; general behavior | 素行
sorhoear | plain flower | 素花仔
sorhok | mourning clothes | 素服; 喪服
sorid-sorji | either the best or second only to the best; one of the best | 數一數二
soriorng | culture; acquirement; knowledge; one's general capacity and disposition as a result of long and regular self-discipline; grounding; (elementary) knowledge; accomplishments; cultured | 素養
sorji | written number; numerals; figure; figure; numeral | 數字
sorjiin | amateur | 素人
sorjit | several days | 數字
sorjixsør | combination lock | 號碼鎖
sorkaf | several families | 數家
sorkaw | true old friend; an old acquaintance | 素交
sorkhor | complain about one's grievances; air complaints | 訴苦
sorkiuu | request | 訴求
sorkix | data | 數據
sorkux | data | 數據
sorkvia | several articles | 數件
sorlaai | heretofore; up till now; up to the present | 素來
sorlaang | several people | 數人
sorli | number | 數字
sorlieen juu itjit | with perseverance and consistency | 數年如一日
sorliong | the amount; quantity | 數量
sormi | plain noodle | 素麵
sorng | bright; pleasure; refreshing; crisp; agreeable; pleasant; brisk; straightforward; frank | 爽
sorngbeng | lose one's life; die | 喪命
sorngboong | lose life; die | 喪亡
sorngbyar | dighten the waist | 宋米仔
sorngcin thienlioong | have no conscience; impervious to a sense of justice | 喪盡天良
sorngcin | lose entirely | 喪盡; 丟光
sorngcix | mournful | 喪志
sorngheeng | send-off; give a send off | 送行
sorngheeng-hoe | farewell service (encouraging a person who is undertaking a difficult assignment) | 送行會
sornghiofng | destitute, poor | 喪鄉; 貧窮
sornghoaan | send back | 送還; 送回
sornghoee | send back | 送還; 送回
sorngkaf | bereavement family | 喪家
sorngkhix | dampen; dejected; despondent; in low spirits; discouraged | 喪氣
sorngkhoaan | bereavement | 喪權
sorngphaxn | stupid fellow; an ass; bonehead | 傻瓜; 土驢
sorngphaxn`ee | dumbo | 宋盼的
sorngpiet | see (a person) off; give a send off | 送別
sorngpiet-hoe | farewell meeting | 送別會
sorngsefng | lose one's life | 喪生
sorngsid liongsym | lost one's conscience | 喪失良心
sorngsid | lose; loss; lose; be deprived of; be stripped of | 喪失
sorngtat | deliver to | 送達
sorngtvar | appal | 喪膽
sorngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
sorngzuo | lose one's child | 葬子; 喪子
soroafn | make a defense against an unjust accusation | 訴冤
sorpae | many times | 數次
sorpaq | hundreds | 數百
sorpoe | manifold; several times | 數倍
sorput'sekbin | never met | 素無識面
sorputcin | countless | 數無盡
sorputsekbin | never met | 素無識面
sorseg | plain color | 素色
sorsexng | plain | 素性
sorsii | hitherto, usually | 數時; 平素; 素今為止
sorsimlaan | cymbidium (orchid) | 素心蘭
sorsiong arnkvia | law case | 訴訟案件
sorsiong huieiong | fees entailed in a lawsuit | 訴訟費用
sorsiong taixlyjiin | legal representative | 訴訟代理人
sorsiong | sue someone; go to law with; lawsuit; go to law; litigation | 訴訟
sorsioong | usually; ordinarily; regularly; commonly; so far | 素常; 素常,平常
sorsioxnghoad | legal procedures involved in a lawsuit; law of procedure | 訴訟法
sorsit | vegetarian; vegetarian diet | 素食
sorsox | plain; not ornamented; plain looking | 淡素; 樸素
sorsuu | a numeral (grammar) | 數詞
sortit | numerical value | 數值
sorui | digital | 數位
sorzaai | material | 素材
sorzabban | a few millions | 數十萬
sorzap | tens | 數十
sorzex | cereal offering, meal offering | 素祭
sorzhaix | vegetarian dishes; simple fare | 素菜
sorzhux | several times | 數次
sorzng | written complaint; petition; written accusation | 訴狀
sorzø | mold; model; portray; shape | 塑造
sosafng | crisp | 酥鬆
sosaxn | dispersion; disperse ─ as (civilians from a combat zone); scattered | 疏散
soseg | search for (a hidden man) | 搜索
soserng | revive, resuscitate | 數甦; 甦醒
sosid | remiss; at fault; negligent | 疏失
sosof | crispy | 酥酥
sosorng | pleasant and comfortable | 搜爽; 舒爽
sosui'ar | hair hanging down at side of woman's head | 疏穗仔; 劉海
sosøq | to search, to hunt for | 搜索
sothiq | sago cycad | 蘇鐵; 鐵樹
sothngg | peanut brittle | 酥糖; (花生糖)
sothofng | clear or dredge (a waterway); improve (relations); bring about an understanding or reconciliation; bridge different views | 疏通
sotvar | soda | 蘇打
sotvar-hurn | sodium bicarbonate | 蘇打粉
sotø | channelize | 疏導
sox ie ban kex | by tens thousands; numerous | 數以萬計
sox pud siongseg | have never met or seen before; total stranger | 素無相識
sox | amount; number; to count; calculate; enumerate; several; a few; often; frequently; fate; destiny | 素; 訴; 塑; 數
soxng | farewell party | 送
sozaai tioxnggi | give generously and be a champion of justice; generous and ready to extend a helping hand | 疏財仗義
sozaf | search for; search; investigation; search (a house; person) for (a thing); to rummage | 搜查
sozaphiøx | search warrant | 搜查票 (狀)
sozatui | search party | 搜查隊
sozazng | search warrant | 搜查票 (狀)
sozhaix | vegetables | 蔬菜
suisym sor iok | do anything one's heart dictates | 隨心所欲
sujibsoex | import duty | 輸入稅
sujip soealut | import tariff | 輸入稅率
sunhoee cynliausor | traveling clinic | 巡迴診療所
sunhoee zhaiphvoarsor | circuit court | 巡迴裁判所
suxbuxsor | office (especially of a lawyer; accountant; political candidate) | 事務所
suxnsoarkafng | little extra piece of work which can be done conveniently | 順續講; 順便講
suxnsoax | by the way; along with; at one's convenience | 順便; 順紲; 順續
suxsox | ordinal numbers | 序數
svaf-liensoax | be connected in succession | 相連續
svasoax | be in succession | 相續; 連續
svehun-sofzai | unfamiliar place; strange place | 生份所在; 陌生地方
sviasoeq | quitely | 聲說
sviasox | ratio; rate | 成數; 比率
svisof | rusty | 生疏
sviu-poxsox | scheme; plan; contrivance; plot for managing a matte | 想步數
svoaf-cysof | sansakun (Bunun) (plant) | 山紫蘇
svoaf-soarnthaau | Formosan veratrum, Formosa lily | 山蒜頭
svoaf-sorefng | mountain jasmine | 山素英
svoarsoaf | loose sand | 散沙
sym-soafn | sad, grief | 心酸
symmih sofzai | Where? | 甚麼所在
symsofgoan | wish | 心所願
sysoaq | stop thinking | 死息; 死煞; 斷念
søeasoad | wipe out | 洗刷; 洗雪
søsorng | to enrage, to provoke | 搜爽
taesoef | have stroke of bad luck; come to grief | 帶衰; 觸霉頭
tagsofzai | everywhere | 每所在
tai-tøsox | majority, the greater number | 大多數
taibunsor | Taiwanese literary | 台文所
taixgoansoex | marshal; commander-in-chief of the armed forces; commanding general of a large military force; generalissimo | 大元帥
taixhunzuosoftviuo | | 代分駐所長
taixsid sofbong | to be greatly disappointed; to be greatly discouraged | 大失所望
taixsoad | heavy snow | 大雪
taixsoarn | Presidential election; general election for congress | 大選
taixsox lantøo | one cannot escape from fated death | 大數難逃
taixsox | algebra | 代數
taixsw suxbuxsor | an attorney's office | 代書事務所
taixtøsox | for the most part; majority | 大多數
tamthiefn soatte | to talk idly about any and every thing | 談天說地
tamzeeng soat'aix | couple in love; chat intimately; talk love | 談情說愛
tansox | an odd number; singular; odd number; (in grammar) singular | 單數
taosoef | add trouble; increase be on the decline | 鬥衰; 增加衰氣
taqsoad simmuii | go out into the snow looking for flowering plum trees ─ get an inspiration for a poem | 踏雪尋梅
tasoea | dry clean | 焦洗
tauphiørsor | polling place; place where voters cast their ballots | 投票所
tauphiøx soafnkie | elect by ballot; elections | 投票選舉
tauxhu-soaf | whale shark | 豆腐鯊
tauxhuxsoaf | huge shark | 豆腐鯊
teg'iog cynsor | clinic exclusively engaged by an organization | 特約診所
tegpiet uxsoaxn | extraordinary budget | 特別預算
tegsoarn | specially selected; carefully chosen; hand picked; win the highest honors (at an art exhibition) | 特選
tengji-soaf | hammerhead shark | 丫髻鮫
tengkiesor | registry; registration office | 登記所
tengsoarn | solicit | 徵選
texngsog | constant speed | 定速
thaesoex | star god presiding over the year | 太歲
thagsoaq | done with reading | 讀煞
thaisoa'ar | sift sand | 篩砂仔
thaisoarn | filter | 篩選
tharmsofng | inquire about mourning ceremonies; condole with someone on his bereavement | 弔喪
tharnsoafn | carbonic acid | 碳酸
thausoef | comb hair | 頭梳
theasoex | tax rebate | 退稅
themiaa soafnkuo | nominate for election | 提名選舉
thengsoaq | stop, cease | 停煞
thiaq jixsox | tell fortunes by analyzing written characters | 拆字算命
thiaq-jixsox | explain the meaning of a character, tell fortune from one's name | 拆字數; 占卜
thiausoarn | picking; select; make a choice; select | 挑選
thienbuun sorji | an astronomical figure | 天文數字
thienkofng-tøexsoaq | heaven and earth | 天公地煞
thiensox | Predestined tragedy or disaster | 天數; 天意
thihsoaciarng | Chinese version of karate | 鐵沙掌
thihsoaf | iron ore | 鐵沙; 鐵砂
thiusoex | levy taxes | 抽稅
thiutibwsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutibøfsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiw tibøfsoex | an agreement whereby a married daughter gives one of her children her own family name rather than the family name of her husband | 女兒嫁後言明所生之子一人歸家姓
thoansoad | unconfirmed report; legends; tale; hearsay; legends; stories passing from mouth to mouth; unconfirmed reports | 傳說
thoansoattiofng | it's said | 傳說中
thoantøxsor | preach place | 傳道所
thoasoaf | procrastinate | 拖延; 拖沙
thoasoar | move to another place by pulling | 拖徙
thoathoasoasoaf | taking long time to complete a task | 拖拖沙沙
thoatli sokpak | escape from bonds | 脫離束縛
thobysoaf | sand and clay | 土米沙; 土沙
thofngsoex | commander-in-chief; generalissimo | 統帥
thofsoaq | hurtful demons that cause injury when a house or grave is being built or repaired on an unlucky day | 犯沖
thofsoong | too much; too many; excessive | 過多; 土氣
thokjisor | day care center; nursery school; public nursery; day nursery | 托兒所
thoklisor | nursery | 托兒所
thongsiok siawsoad | popular (lowbrow) novel | 通俗小說
thosoa'ar | master mason | 塗沙仔
thosoaf | sand; grit; sand and soil | 土砂; 塗沙; 土沙
thosoahurn | dust; powder; dust; a cloud of dust | 土砂粉; 塵土; 塵埃
thosoahwn'ar | dust; powder | 塗砂粉仔
thotauxsof | crunchy peanut pastry | 塗豆酥
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
thuisoar | to move, change, move by pushing | 推徙
thuisoarn | elect (representatives) | 推選
thuisoaxn | calculate; reckon | 推算
thuxnsoaf | use sand fill up completely | 填砂
thviasoaq | listened | 聽煞
thviasoeq | It is said that | 聽說
thvoarsox | carbon | 碳素
thwzoong-sor | storage area, storehouse | 貯藏所; 儲藏所
tiafmsoarn | click | 點選
tiafmsox | the number of points; score; count the number of articles or the amount of money | 點數; 分數
tiaosoarn | call and select | 召選
tiaosofng | condole with on a bereavement; attend a memorial service | 弔喪
tiaosoxng | to attend a memorial service; to condole | 弔喪
tiausog | sculpture | 雕塑
tibøfsoex | sow tax | 豬母稅
tidsoarn | direct election | 直選
tientogoansoex | | 田都元帥
tinliedsor | exhibition hall; display room; saleroom; showroom | 陳列所
tionglieen soxng zhef | three greatest misfortunes in youth to lose one's father; in middle age to lose one's wife; in old age to have no son | 三無幸; 少年喪父; 中年喪妻; 晚年無子
tiongphiefn siawsoad | long story; a novel | 長篇小說
tiongsoafnhoe | Election | 中選會
tiorngsoarn | get elected | 當選; 中選
tirnkongsor | town hall; a town office | 鎮公所
tirnsoaq | suppress evil | 鎮煞
tixn-kongsor | town office | 鎮公所
tixsofng uyoanhoe | funeral committee | 治喪委員會
tixsofng | manage a funeral; take care of the funeral rites | 治喪
tiøqsoaf | have a sudden attack of severe colic; cholera; or cramps in the stomach | 中暑; 著痧; 出痧
tngfsog | rotating speed | 轉速
toa-goxngsoaf | whale shark | 大戇鯊
toa-tøsox | majority | 大多數
toaarsoeasiefn | brother-in-law- husbands of sisters | 大細仙
toaxnsoxng | to loss for good | 斷筋
toaxsoarnthaau | large garlic | 大蒜頭
toaxsoat'svoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsoatsvoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsoaxn | garlic | 大蒜
toaxsoeabak | view others unfairly | 大細目
toaxsoeasiefn | brother-in-law- husbands of two sisters | 大細仙
toaxsoeasviaf | loudly | 大細聲
toaxsoeasym | very careful | 大細心
toaxsoex | big and small | 大細
toaxsox | majority | 大數
toaxtøsox | majority; most; plurality | 大多數
toefsoex | détails | 底細
toglip soangieen | Declaration of Independence of the USA | 獨立宣言
togsox | poisonous matter; toxin; poisonous matter | 毒素
tong'ui-goansox | isotope | 同位元素
tong'uixsox | isotope | 同位素
tongcioxng soanpox | announce before a crowd; announce publicly | 當眾宣佈
tongkhorng-soksiør | have miosis | 瞳孔縮小
torngsoafnjiin | successful candidates | 當選人
torngsoarn | get elected | 當選
torngsoarn`aq | elected | 當選矣
toxsox | degree; grade; dimensionality; reading (of a barometer; thermometer; water meter); number of degrees of latitude or longitude | 度數
tuiesox | a logarithm; logistic | 對數
tuikaf uxsoaxn | additional budget; supplementary budget | 追加預算
tuisog | to retrace, to date back to | 追尋; 追溯
tuisox | to retrace, to date back to | 追訴; 追溯
turnsox | tonnage | 噸數
tusoaxn | divide in math | 除算
tvafsoaxn | intend; plan | 打算
tviusor | a location; a place; a play-ground; stage; room | 場所
tvoasox | singular number | 單數; 多數
twsoaq | stop it | 拄煞
tøsorkoad | decided by the majority | 多數決
tøsox zarnseeng | majority approved | 多數贊成
tøsox | many; majority; numerousness | 多數
tøsox-koad | majority vote | 多數決; 多數決定
tøxsexng-khiethea-goansox | inert gas element | 惰性氣體元素
u lefsox | be polite | 有禮數
u-lefsox | polite, knowing general custom | 有禮數
uii sor iok uii | do what one wants to do | 為所欲為
uisengsox | vitamin; vitamin | 維生素
uisofng | widow | 遺孀
uisox | balance; remainder in division; complement of a number | 餘數
uixegsox | pepsin | 胃液素
uixsor | place | 為所; 場所
uxnsoar | legacy lessons | 運數
uxnsoaxn | calculation | 運算
uxnsox | fortune; fate; luck | 運數
uxsoarn | preliminary selection | 豫選
uxsoarn'axn | budget (as a bill in the assembly) | 預算案
uxsoarnpiør | budget | 預算表
uxsoaxn | budget | 預算
uxsoaxn-piør | budget table | 預算表
viusofm | foreign ginseng | 洋參
vixsoad | different story | 異說
vixsox | anomaly | 異數
voaxsoaq | changed | 換煞
wnkw-cy-sor | hermitages | 隱居之所
wsor | lodging; residence | 寓所
wtiu zhorngzøxsoad | creationism | 宇宙創造說
ytisox | known number or quantity | 已知數
zaai sof hak chiern | wanting in ability and little learning (a self deprecating expression said by oneself to be polite and humble about one's talent) | 才疏學淺
zaai sof | wanting in ability; incompetent | 才疏
zabsoex | miscellaneous taxes; irregular taxes | 雜稅
zabsoree | ten plus | 十多個
zabsornii | little more than ten years | 十多年
zaesoarn | re elect; re election | 再選
zafsoef | early decrepitude | 早衰
zai sor putsii | will not hesitate to; won't refuse | 在所無辭
zaisoex | finance and taxation | 財稅
zaixsor | at the place | 在所
zaosoaq | end of play | 奏煞
zawsoex | evade taxes | 走稅; 逃稅
zay soaq | know when one has had enough; know when to stop | 知煞; 知道該停止
zeasoaq | ward off baleful spiritual influence | 祭煞
zeathngsor | sugar refinery | 製糖所
zeazøxsor | factory | 製造所
zefngsox | integer | 整數
zeksoad | accumulated (fallen) snow | 積雪
zeksox | sum total | 積數
zengsiin putsorng | out of sorts; not well | 精神無爽
zengsoafnphirn | choice goods | 精選品
zengsoarn | choice; chosen; well-chosen; select with care | 精選
zengsoex | to levy taxes, to collect taxes | 增稅
zengthaxm siawsoad | detective story | 偵探小說
zerngkausor | stock exchange | 證交所
zerngkoaxn kauegsor | stock exchange | 證券交易所
zerngseg soanciexn | formal declaration of war | 正式宣戰
zerngsox | positive number | 正數
zhafsoef | make trouble without a cause; to make trouble out of nothing | 吵衰; 無理取鬧
zhaiphvoarsor | court of justice | 裁判所
zhaisof | talented | 才疏
zhamsoafnjiin | candidate | 參選人
zhamsoafnliin | candidate | 參選人
zhamsoarn | participate in | 參選
zhamsox | parameter | 參數
zhanzngf-soong | country bumpkin, hick, rube | 田庄俗; 鄉下土包子
zhasoef | wood comb | 柴梳
zhausoar | migration | 撨徙
zhawtexsoong | hick; a rube | 土包子
zhawtoexsoong | Taiwanese redneck | 草地倯
zhawtøexsoong | country folk | 草地松; 草地倯; 打扮舉止俗氣如鄉下
zheasor | WC; toilet; a privy | 廁所
zheg-jixsox | word count | 測字數
zhek'hauxsor | weather station | 測候所; 氣象所
zheksoef | meet with a demon; sickness or bad luck | 無吉
zheksokkhix | speedometer | 測速器
zheksor | toilet | 廁所
zhengsoaxn | liquidate; liquidation | 清算
zhengsoea | clean | 清洗
zhengsorng | cleanlily; quiet and comfortable | 清爽
zhesyn cy sor | place to stay | 棲身之所
zhonghaysongtieen | vicissitudes of life | 滄海桑田
zhongsofng | vicissitudes | 滄桑
zhosoarn | preliminary election | 初選
zhuietuun sosof | parched lips | 嘴唇乾燥
zhuilie siawsoad | detective story; a whodunit | 推理小說
zhuisoarn | elect representatives | 推選
zhuisoaxn | calculate mentally; cast a horoscope; make a rough estimate | 推算
zhuix-extao soesoee | have a hanging or drooping jaw | 下頷鬆弛
zhuosoeacvii | rent; house tax | 厝稅錢
zhuosoex | house rent | 厝稅; 房租
zhuosox | times of repeating; number of times | 次數
zhusoeq | ski, slide on snow | 滑雪
zhutparn-soex | publication royalties | 出版稅
zhutsofng | carry to the grave | 出喪
zhutsor | police station | 出所; 派出所
zhux-lioxngzwsox | secondary quantum number | 次量子數
zhvesof | unacquainted with a matter; place; person; job | 生疏
zngkhasoong | country people | 庄跤倯
zoadtuix tøsox | an absolute majority | 絕對多數
zoafnsog | rotational speed | 轉速
zoafnsoxng | to send on, to transfer | 轉送
zoansox | whole amount; the total number | 全數
zoeakøf sokto | maximum speed | 最高速度
zoeakøf thofngsoex | supreme commander; commander in chief of the armed forces | 最高統帥
zoeasiør kongpoexsox | least common multiple | 最小公倍數
zoeasoaq | done | 做煞; 做完
zoeatai kong'ioksox | the greatest common divisor | 最大公約數
zoeatøf-sox | the largest majority | 最多數
zofng'uxsoaxn | general budget | 總預算
zofngsoarn | general election | 總選
zofngsoex | general leader | 總帥
zofngsox | total amount; gross amount of number | 總數
zofngthorng hauxsoafnjiin | presidential candidate | 總統後選人
zofngthorng torngsoafnjiin | president elect | 總統當選人
zofngturnsox | gross tonnage | 總噸數
zongkaux zhaiphvoarsor | The Holy Office or tribunal established during the period of the Inquisition | 宗教裁判所
zongsog | attire; dress; pack up; pack up and get ready to travel; dress up; clothing or attire | 裝束
zorng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts | 總決算
zorng soafnkie | general election | 總選舉
zosoex | expenditure for rent | 租稅
zoxsoafn'oaan | electioneering agent | 助選員
zoxsoarn | help with election campaign | 助選
zuo-lioxngzwsox | principal quantum number | 主量子素; 主量子數
zuo-soanlut | (in music) main theme | 主旋律
zusoaxn | abacus calculation; calculate with an abacus | 珠算
zuu-lioxngzwsox | magnetic quantum number | 磁量子數
zuxhoexsor | place for meeting; gathering place | 聚會所
zuxoaan kii soad | make one's story sound plausible | 自圓其說
zuxsor | private prosecution (law) | 住所; 住址
zuxsorjiin | self complainant | 自訴人
zuxsox | private prosecution (law) | 自訴
zuxzaixsor | resident | 駐在所
zuysarn chiegiaxmsor | fisheries research institute | 水產試驗所
zuysog | speed of water current | 水速
zuysokpiør | tachometer | 水速表
zwnsoaq | done | 準煞; 準息
zwntwsoaq | even; never mind | 準拄煞
zwsoex | commander-in-chief | 主帥
zøfsoaan | left-roll, left-winding | 左旋
zørsoaq | have finished | 做完; 做好
øehsoex | short (person) | 矮細

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