"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: soah

cixnsoahbøea | The tip of the rear-end | 盡煞尾; 最尾端
soah'au | afterwards | 息後
soah'e | How come! I don't think so | 煞會; 無會吧
soah'iaam | salt, sprinkle salt on food | 撒鹽
soah'u | How come? | 怎有
soahbea | last one | 煞尾
soahbefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahboea | last one | 煞尾
soahboefafkviar | last kid | 煞尾仔囝
soahboefar cidtiarfmar | the youngest (latest, smallest) child. | 小尾仔囝
soahboefar | last one | 煞尾仔
soahboefzvae | pinky | 煞尾指
soahbøea | final; to conclude | 息尾; 煞尾; 最末; 最後
soahbøea-kviar | youngest child | 息尾囝; 煞尾囝; 屘子
soahbøea-ui | last seat | 尾息位
soahbøefafkviar | youngest child | 煞末仔囝; 老么
soahcviu | the comfort of a itchy spot that stops itching | 煞癢; 止癢止得痛快; 形容無痛像扒癢
soahee | a kind of shrimp; shrimp from sandy beaches | 沙蝦; 砂蝦
soahhix | end; finale (movie; drama) | 劇終
soahhør | not good to do that; hardly; not at all | 無好; 怎麼好
soahichix | shark's fins | 鯊魚刺
soahii | shark; shark | 鯊魚; 曲齒鮫
soahii-chix | shark's fins | 鯊魚翅
soahiiefn | smoke shark food | 鯊魚煙
soahiphoee | shark skin | 鯊魚皮
soahkafng | end the day's work | 收工; 停工
soahkhaf | take a rest | 移腳; 休息; 移步
soahkherng | How come! | 怎肯
soahkhix | Break it up! That is enough! Shut up! | 算了
soahkiaam | add a little salt or soy sauce | 煞鹹; 加鹹
soahkiok | end; finale; come to an end | 劇終; 完了
soahkor | end; finale; come to an end | 劇終; 完了
soahliao | end; finale; come to an end | 完了
soahliawtai | the matter is long past; ended; and quite dead; so that it should not be raised again | 過了時; 完了事
soahphaq | eloquent; fluent | 流打
soahsefng | malignant star (usually said of a person) that brings war; deaths; calamities; disasters | 煞星
soahsiin | beast; ominous deity or malignant god who brings catastrophes | 煞神
soahsoahkhix | forget it | 煞煞去
soahsoaq | forget it | 煞煞
soahsu | finish up a matter | 完事
soahtauxiuu | spread soybean source | 撒豆油
soahtiøh | injuriously affected by baleful spiritual influence | 犯煞; 犯沖
soahuiefn | smoke shark food | 鯊魚煙
soahuu | shark | 鯊魚
soahzhvef | malignant star (usually said of a person) that brings war; deaths; calamities; disasters | 煞星
soahøo | shahe | 沙河
soahøpvy | shahe side | 沙河邊
thosoahurn | dust; powder; dust; a cloud of dust | 土砂粉; 塵土; 塵埃
thosoahwn'ar | dust; powder | 塗砂粉仔

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