"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: soat

chiahsoathngg | brown sugar | 赤砂糖; 紅糖
chijiin-soatbong | to talk idiotic nonsense | 痴人說夢
cixm soatbunhurn | soap in soap suds | 浸肥皂水
iefnsoatciar | speaker | 演說者
iefnsoatkaf | orator | 演說家
irnsoat'huix | printing expenses | 印刷費
irnsoatbut | printed matter | 印刷物
irnsoatchviuo | printing plant; printing house; printer; a press | 印刷廠
irnsoatciar | printer | 印刷者
irnsoatky | a printing machine; printing press (machine) | 印刷機
irnsoatphirn | printed matter | 印刷品
irnsoatsor | printer | 印刷所
irnsoatsut | printing (the art) | 印刷術
irnsoattiaxm | printing plant; printing house; printer; a press | 印刷店
kyle soatbeeng | cite an example by way of explanation | 舉例說明
osoathngg | brown sugar | 黑砂糖
peh-soatsoad | as white as snow | 白雪雪
pengthiefn-soatte | land of ice and snow; a frozen land | 冰天雪地
pørsiuu soat'hin | wipe out a grievance | 報仇雪恨
siawsoatkaf | novelist | 小說家
soat'hii | cod | 鱈魚
soat'hin | wipe out a grievance; avenge one's grudge | 雪恨
soat'hoad | a version, preach, way of speaking | 說法
soat'hoaf | snowflakes | 雪花
soat'hoef | snowflakes | 雪花
soat'hoglek | power of persuasion | 說服力
soat'hok | persuade; convince; prevail on | 說服
soat'horng | to lie, to tell a lie | 說謊
soat'hun | revenge | 雪恨
soat'huu | cod | 鱈魚
soat'oaan | to finish speaking | 說完
soat'oafn | wipe out grievances; vindicate oneself | 雪冤
soat'svoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soatbeeng lyiuu | tell the reason | 說明理由
soatbeeng | illustrate; demonstrate; description; explain; clarify; explanation | 說明
soatbeeng-sw | explanatory statement, directions for use, instructional booklet | 說明書
soatbenghoe | seminar | 說明會
soatbengsw | written explanation; written instructions attached to merchandise | 說明書
soatbuun | soap | 肥皂
soatchiøx | joke, kidding | 說笑; 開玩笑
soatchviux | rap | 說唱
soate | sandbags | 沙袋
soatefng | sardine (fish) | 沙丁; 砂䰳
soathaang | chigoe, chigger | 沙蟲
soathafn | sandy beach; tideland | 沙灘
soathafng | screen window | 紗窗
soathiøf | hand shovel | 沙鏟; 沙挑
soathngg | crystal sugar; granulated sugar; rock candy | 砂糖
soathngrar | type of small fish | 沙丁魚
soathoo | sandy soil; mixture of sand and clay | 沙土
soathvoaf | a sandbank after a low tide | 沙灘
soatiaau | any of several kinds of shark, Carcharhinus sorrah, Carcharhinus menisorrah | 沙條
soatkaf | cigars | 雪茄
soatkaux | sermon; to preach; to give moral instruction to; give a person a good talking to | 說教; 訓戒
soatkheq | a spokesman, lobbyist | 說客
soatng'ar | whiting | 沙鮻仔
soatong | common whiting | 沙鮻
soatparsvoaf | a mountain in Sinteg | 雪霸山
soatpeh | snow white; snowy | 雪白
soatpek | snow white; snowy | 雪白
soatsiaw | clean; get rid of; delete | 抹除; 刷消
soatsvoaf | snow mountain | 雪山
soatsyn | make like new (by cleaning; repainting); renovate; write (a new sports record) | 刷新
soatte | snowfield | 雪地
soatthie | wipe out a disgrace; clear up | 雪恥
soattiofng soxng thaxn | send fuel in cold weather ─ timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
soatuy | sand dune; sand hill | 沙堆
soatwn | sandhill, dune | 沙堆; 沙丘
soatzeeng | to apologize, intercede, solicit a favor, ask a favor for someone else | 說情
soatzhud | to tell, speak, utter | 說出
soatzhøx | to have a slip of the tongue | 說錯
soatøe | sands | 砂地; 沙地; 沙袋
soatøhii | long tailed anchovy | 沙鱭魚
tamthiefn soatte | to talk idly about any and every thing | 談天說地
tamzeeng soat'aix | couple in love; chat intimately; talk love | 談情說愛
thoansoattiofng | it's said | 傳說中
toaxsoat'svoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山
toaxsoatsvoaf | big snow mountain | 大雪山

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