"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: soea

Koksoeakiok | IRS | 國稅局
baxnsoea'iaa | long life god | 萬歲爺
cirnkhao soealut | import tariff | 進口稅率
cviusoea | clothes soaked with batter after a clean wash | 漿洗
haykoafn soeazeg | customs tariff | 海關稅則
hoansoea | millet | 番黍
iuu-soefsoea | abundant winfall | 油洗洗
iøqsoea | medicines used for massage can treat muscle sprains, etc | 藥洗
khinsviasoeaseq | speak softly | 輕聲細說
khoesoea | satirize; ridicule; mock | 稽洗; 含沙射影; 譏諷
koksoeakiok | tax bureau | 國稅局
laisoea | come to wash | 來洗
losoea | reed | 蘆黍
oeasoeatai | bad luck | 穢涗代
siuosoear | thin bamboo | 秀梳仔
soea | wash; cleanse; bathe; purify; make a print from a negative | 洗
soeabo | the close of the year | 歲暮
soeabok | tax designation | 稅目
soeabu kikoafn | tax offices | 稅務機關
soeabu | tax administration; affairs pertaining to taxation | 稅務
soeabu-jin'oaan | tax collectors; tax officials | 稅務人員
soeacied | details | 細節
soeagiah | amount of tax | 稅額
soeagoaan | tax source | 稅源
soeagoat juu liuu | the months and years run by like a stream; time and tide wait for no man | 歲月如流
soeagoat | time; year; years and months; times and seasons | 歲月
soeahaxn | infancy; childhood | 幼年
soeahoad | tax law | 稅法
soeahok | persuade | 說服
soeahux | tax | 稅賦
soeaii | mistress | 細姨
soeajip | revenue | 歲入
soeakheq | lobbyist | 說客
soeakhoarn | tax money | 稅款
soeakhurn | bacteria | 細菌
soeako'ar | younger sister-in-law on the husband side | 細姑仔
soeakoafn khefzengzhux | tax office | 稅捐稽徵處
soeakoafn | taxes and surtaxes | 稅捐
soeakym | tax; geld | 稅金
soeali | tax collectors; tax officials | 稅吏
soealiabcie | fine particles; may also describe a person who is tiny | 細粒子
soealut | tax rates; duty rates | 稅率
soeapaw | cell | 細胞
soeapo | details | 細部
soeasiw | tax revenue | 稅收
soeasoex | thin, and small | 細細
soeasox | age | 歲數; 年歲
soeasviaf | quitely | 細聲
soeatvoaf | bill of tax; tax form; transit pass for imports; tax invoice | 稅單
soeaui | small seat | 細位
soeazeg | customs tariff; customs order; customs table | 稅則
soeazex | tax system | 稅制
soeazhud | small show | 小齣
soeazhux | rent a house; rent out a house | 稅厝; 租房子
sujip soealut | import tariff | 輸入稅率
tasoea | dry clean | 焦洗
toaarsoeasiefn | brother-in-law- husbands of sisters | 大細仙
toaxsoeabak | view others unfairly | 大細目
toaxsoeasiefn | brother-in-law- husbands of two sisters | 大細仙
toaxsoeasviaf | loudly | 大細聲
toaxsoeasym | very careful | 大細心
zhengsoea | clean | 清洗
zhuosoeacvii | rent; house tax | 厝稅錢

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