"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Iasof Haolwhoe | FI: Daughters of Jesus (Catholic) | 耶穌孝女會
Iasof Serngmiaa ciamlea | Feast of Holy Name (Catholic) | 耶穌聖名瞻禮
Iasof si siexnbok | Good Shepherd | 耶穌是善牧
Iasof siuxlaxnjit | Good Friday | 耶穌受難日
Iasof | Jesus; Jesus | 耶穌
Iasof-kaux | Christian Church, Protestant Church | 耶穌教; 基督教
Kangsof | a province in China | 江蘇
armsaxm sofzai | secret place where crimes can be committed in the dark; a man's private parts | 陰穢之地; 暗散所在; 陰森之地
bahsof | shredded and crisp dried pork; shredded meat | 肉酥; 肉鬆
baixsofng | inquire about mourning ceremonies; condole with someone on his bereavement | 弔喪
bofsofzai | certain place | 某所在
busofng | matchless | 無雙
busofputleeng | omnipotent | 無所不能
busofputzai | omnipresent | 無所不在
busofui | be indifferent; don't mind | 無所謂
busofuix | don't mind; one way or the other; do not care | 無所謂
bølun symmih sofzai | no matter where | 無論甚麼所在
bøo sofkuy | homeless; no place to go | 無所歸
bøo sofui | It does not matter | 無所謂
chinsof | intimacy | 親疏
chirnzhae sofzai | any old place | 凊彩所在; 任何地方
chiusofng | autumn frost | 秋霜
chvisof | unfamiliar and strange | 生疏
cidsofzai | one place | 一所在
citsofzai | everywhere | 這所在; 這一帶
cysof | beefsteak plant | 紫蘇
haysofm | a sea cucumber; sea slug | 海蔘; 海參
hisof | sparse; scattered; here and there; dried shredded fish | 魚酥
hitsofzai | that place | 彼所在
hoatsofng | inform the death of a relative, send to the cemetery | 發喪
hofngsof | sapanwood | 枋蘇
hogsof | recovery; to revive | 復甦
hongsofng | wind and frost; hardships of a journey or one's life; hardships (wind and frost) | 風霜
horngsofng | relax one's attention; to ease; loosen | 放鬆
hunsofng | wedding and funeral | 婚喪
hunsofng-hykhexng | important occasions of a family | 婚喪喜慶
huosofng | rich widow | 富孀
husof | luxuriant | 扶疏
husofng | mythic island | 扶桑
hør-sofkviaa | the upright condut | 好所走; 品行好
imsofm | gloomy; weird; ominous | 陰森
itbuu-sofiong | useless (Lit. doesn't have a single use) | 一無所用
itbuu-sofiuo | count for nothing; no better than (Lit. doesn't have one thing) | 一無所有
itbuu-sofkhoad | complete within itself (Lit. doesn't lack one thing) | 一無所缺
itsofng | a pair | 一雙
iusof-pviar | fried crisp pancakes | 油酥餅
iuzhangsof | shallots | 油蔥酥
jinsofm | ginseng | 人蔘; 人參; 高麗參; 高麗蔘
jintøe-zhvesof | have trouble getting about in a strange land because of unfamiliarity with the local people and their customs | 人地生疏
kaosof | to instigate, to incite | 教唆
ke ee sofzai | low lying place | 低處
kengzex-hogsof | restoration of financial conditions | 經濟復酥
khawsof-pviar | a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcakes | 口酥餅
kietsofng | become frosted over, become frosty | 結霜
kokbiin pengkyn-softeg | per capita income | 國民平均所得
kokbiin softeg | national income | 國民所得
kokcin sofleeng | each does the best he can | 各盡所
koksofng | national mourning | 國喪
kuiesomsofm | expensive | 貴參參
kusofng | be in mourning | 痀傷; 居喪
kølesofm | ginseng | 高麗蔘; 人蔘
lefngsofng | cold cream | 冷霜
lysoftongjieen | of course | 理所當然
lysoftonglieen | of course | 理所當然
maflasofng | marathon race | 馬拉松
moasof | sesame cake | 麻酥
moefsofzai | every place | 每所在
mokud-sofngjieen | absolutely terrified | 毛骨悚然
muy'sofzai | every place | 每所在
onglaai-sof | pineapple cake | 鳳梨酥; 王梨酥
onglaisof | pineapple cake | 鳳梨酥
padsofzai | different place | 別所在
pafnkoaan sofiuo | own the copyright; All rights reserved | 版權所有
paikutsof | crispy spare rib | 排骨酥; 炸過的小排
palasofng | parathion (insecticide) | 巴拉松
pasofm | ginseng | 巴參; 人參
phoxngloxngsofng | fluffy | 蓬曠鬆; 如綿蓬鬆
phoxngphoxngsongsofng | puffy (hair | 疏疏鬆鬆
phoxngsofng | loose and bulky (parcel; dress) | 蓬鬆
phoxngsongphoxngsofng | puffy | 蓬鬆蓬鬆
phunsofng | hasten home upon the death of one's parents | 奔喪
piexnsofkhafng | toilet | 便所空
piexnsofthaang | toilet bug | 便所蟲
poaq sofzai | allot places | 撥地方
poxngsofng | loose and bulky | 磅鬆; 蓬蓬鬆鬆的
pørsofng | bereavement notice; announce a death | 報喪
sarngsofng | attend a funeral | 送殯
siarsof | excuse payment of rent | 賒疏
siuxcin hongsofng | travelers much exposed to weather and cold | 受盡風霜
siwsofng | remain in mourning for one's parent | 守喪
sof jii putlau | is loose but never misses ─ (justice) is slow but inexorable; The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow but they grind exceedingly fine | 疏而無漏
sof | search for a lost article; ransack; to rummage; search another's pockets or body | 搜; 酥
sofbuun-sofkiexn | what is heard and seen | 所聞所見
sofgieen | what has been spoken | 所言
sofgoan | one's wishes | 所願
sofhioxng-butek | invincible; carry all before one; encounter no significant opponent on the way | 所向無敵
sofhuix tang | expenses are heavy | 費用大
sofhuix | expenses; expenses | 所費; 費用
sofie | consequently; therefore; hence; so | 所以
sofiuo | all; possess; own; proprietary; what one owns; belongings; possession | 所有
sofiuo-but | possessions, belongings | 所有物
sofiuo-keq | the possessive case | 所有格
sofiuo-koaan | ownership, proprietorship | 所有權
sofiuo-søex | income-tax | 所有稅
sofiuo-zex | ownership system | 所有制
sofiwbut | belongings; possessions | 所有物
sofiwciar | owner; proprietor | 所有者; (人)
sofiwkhoaan | ownership | 所有權
sofiwkoaan | ownership | 所有權
sofiwkoanzng | ownership certificate | 所有權狀
sofkhvoax | whatever one sees | 所看
sofkiexn | whatever one sees | 所看
sofkorng | what ... say; that which is said | 所講
sofkviaa | behavior, conduct | 所行; 行為
sofm | luxuriant vegetation, luxuriant growth of trees | 森
sofng | frost; hoarfrost | 霜
sofng'chiu | songchiu | 桑樹
sofng'ee | cool | 爽的
sofng'iog | break an appointment | 爽約
sofng'oaioay | cool and fun | 爽歪歪
sofng'voaivoay | cool and fun | 爽歪歪
sofngkhaf | enjoy life of ease and comfort | 享福
sofngkhoaix | comfortable; frank; refreshed; comfortable; refreshing; enlivening | 爽快; 舒服
sofngsofngkhoaekhoaix | cool, relieve, and happy | 爽爽快快
sofngthioxng | cool and happy | 爽暢
sofsid | what is lost, a loss | 所失
sofsiok | subordinates; subordinate agencies; the authority to which an agency belongs | 所屬
sofsviu | whatever one think | 所想
softab huy sofbun | give an irrelevant answer | 所答非所問
softeg | income, earnings | 所得
softeg-søex | income tax | 所得稅
softeksex | income tax | 所得稅
softeksoex | income tax | 所得稅
softid | income | 所得
softioong | one's specialty; what one excels in | 所長; 專長
softiorng | one's specialty | 所長
softitsoex | income tax | 所得稅
softix | as a result of | 所致
softviuo | head or director of an office | 所長
softy | what one knows | 所知
softøea | one's shortcoming | 所短
sofu | all; possess; own; proprietary; own; possess; all | 所有
sofui | so-called; as it is said; that which is called; so-called | 所謂
sofuii | acts; deeds; what is done | 所為
sofyjieen | cause, reason | 所以然
sofzai | place; place; location; position | 所在; 地方
sofzaix | what is printed; published or reported in a publication | 所載
sofzaixte | place where an institution or organization is located; site | 所在地
sofzaixtøe | location, seat | 所在地
sofzay | whatever one knows | 所知
sofzheng | whatever one wears | 所穿
sofzoex | whatever one has done | 所作
sofzog sofuii | actions; behavior; conduct; what one does and how he behaves | 所作所為
sofzox | doings | 所作
sofzøx | doings; behavior; conduct | 所做; 所為
sosof | crispy | 酥酥
svehun-sofzai | unfamiliar place; strange place | 生份所在; 陌生地方
svisof | rusty | 生疏
svoaf-cysof | sansakun (Bunun) (plant) | 山紫蘇
symmih sofzai | Where? | 甚麼所在
symsofgoan | wish | 心所願
tagsofzai | everywhere | 每所在
taixhunzuosoftviuo | | 代分駐所長
taixsid sofbong | to be greatly disappointed; to be greatly discouraged | 大失所望
tharmsofng | inquire about mourning ceremonies; condole with someone on his bereavement | 弔喪
thotauxsof | crunchy peanut pastry | 塗豆酥
tiaosofng | condole with on a bereavement; attend a memorial service | 弔喪
tixsofng uyoanhoe | funeral committee | 治喪委員會
tixsofng | manage a funeral; take care of the funeral rites | 治喪
uisofng | widow | 遺孀
viusofm | foreign ginseng | 洋參
zaai sof hak chiern | wanting in ability and little learning (a self deprecating expression said by oneself to be polite and humble about one's talent) | 才疏學淺
zaai sof | wanting in ability; incompetent | 才疏
zhaisof | talented | 才疏
zhongsofng | vicissitudes | 滄桑
zhuietuun sosof | parched lips | 嘴唇乾燥
zhutsofng | carry to the grave | 出喪
zhvesof | unacquainted with a matter; place; person; job | 生疏

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