Iasokaux | Christian Religion (Protestant) | 耶穌教
apsokky | mechanical compressor | 壓縮機
beng'y sokchiuo | famed physicians are powerless (said of grave illness or strange ailments) | 名醫束手; 無策
chiuxlefng sok'ar | rubber band | 樹乳束仔; 橡皮圈
iamsokøef | Taiwanese crispy salty chicken | 鹽酥雞
kasokto | acceleration | 加速度
kiamsokef | salty baked chicken | 鹹酥雞
kiamsokoef | salty baked chicken | 鹹酥雞
liuosok'ar | rope with running noose (to catch animals) | 套節仔
pengkyn sokto | average speed; mean velocity | 平均速度
piernsokkhix | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
piernsokky | gear shift | 變速器; 變速機
sok'aan | bind tightly | 束緊
sok'ar | a string; a tie or rubber band for tying shut a bag of something | 束仔; 束圈
sok'hoarzef | plasticizer | 塑化劑
sok'iøf | wasp-waisted; tighten one's waist with a band so that it appears slender; a slender waist | 束腰
sok'oar | contract | 束倚; 束緊
sok'viar | miniature | 縮影
sokae | relieve | 舒解
sokaf | search a home | 疏開; 搜家
sokchiuo buzheg | no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手無策
sokchiuo pongkoafn | fold the arms and look on; stand by and observe | 束手旁觀
sokchiuo thaixpex | wait for one's death with hands tied ─ be a sitting duck | 束手待斃
sokchiuo | have one's hands tied ─ no way out; powerless; at the end of one's rope | 束手
sokciexn-sokkoad | blitzkrieg strategy; military strategy that calls for speedy decision and applying overwhelming forces against the enemy | 速戰速決
sokhay | evacuate; disperse | 疏開
sokiux | search and rescue | 搜救
sokkachiøq | plastic ruler | 塑膠尺
sokkaf lok'ar | plastic bags; vinyl bags | 塑膠橐仔
sokkaf | plastic; plastics | 塑膠
sokkakoax | plastic cover | 塑膠蓋
sokkakorng | P.V.C. pipe | 塑膠管
sokkaliab'ar | P.V.C. compound | 塑膠粒仔
sokkalok'ar | plastic bag | 塑膠橐仔
sokkaphvix | plastic sheet | 塑膠片
sokkapox | plastic cloth | 塑膠布
sokkate'aflai | inside plastic bag | 塑膠袋仔內
sokkate'ar | plastic bag | 塑膠袋仔
sokkatear | plastic bag | 塑膠袋仔
sokkatharng | plastic bucket | 塑膠桶
sokkazoar | plastic paper; vinyl paper; cellophane | 塑膠紙
sokkhox | close fitting undergarment; tight fitting trousers | 束褲; 緊身褲
sokkied | fruition; hardihood; hardiness; hardy; easy to hold in the hand; e.g.; a neatly fastened box; portable; (a house or room is) small but neat and comfortable | 結實; 束結; 小巧
sokkiehak | stenography | 速記學; (術)
sokkieoaan | stenographer | 速記員
sokkiesut | stenography | 速記學; (術)
sokkix huhø | shorthand script | 速記符號
sokkix | shorthand; stenography; shorthand; stenography; write in shorthand | 速記
sokkix-oaan | a stenographer | 速記員
soklut | speed; rate; velocity | 速率
sokmeh | fast pulse | 速脈
sokmia | fate | 宿命
sokoaq | to plunder, to loot | 搜割; 掠奪
sokpak | tie; bind up; bondage; bound; imprison; bind; to tie; to control; restraints; restrictions; bondage | 束縛; 束縳
sokpiefn | drawdown | 縮編
sokseeng | crash; speed-up; attain goals within a short time; to complete rapidly | 速成
soksengpafn | training class for quick mastery of a subject; course; a crash course | 速成班
soksex | shrink | 縮細
soksiao | contract; draw in; reduce; curtail | 縮小
soksiarhuix | dormitory fee | 宿舍費
soksiax | dormitory | 宿舍
soksiør | contract; draw in; reduce; curtail | 縮小
soksog | tight | 束束
soksyn | body sculpting | 塑身
soksøex | to reduce, to make smaller | 縮小; 縮細
soktesym | shrink tea heart | 縮茶心
sokto haxnzex | speed limit | 速度限制
sokto | rate; speed; velocity; velocity; speed; (music) tempo | 速度
soktoax | pressure band | 縮帶
soktoxkex | speedometer; velocity indicator | 速度計
soktoxpiør | tachometer | 速度表
sokud | crispy bones | 酥骨
sokzhaa | sandalwood; wood incense | 淨香; 香木片
sokzngf | equipped | 束裝
sokzø | model; mold; portray | 塑造
thoatli sokpak | escape from bonds | 脫離束縛
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
tongkhorng-soksiør | have miosis | 瞳孔縮小
zheksokkhix | speedometer | 測速器
zoeakøf sokto | maximum speed | 最高速度
zuysokpiør | tachometer | 水速表
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