"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: sor

Binsorkix | Numbers (Protestant) | 民數記
Chi-kongsor | | 市公所
Cieserngsor | Most Holy Place | 至聖所
Ek'hutsor Sw | Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians (Catholic) | 厄弗所書; (弗)
Hengsu sorsioxnghoad | Criminal Procedure Code | 刑事訴訟法
Suhoad zhaiphvoarsor | Court of Justice | 司法裁判所
Thienzuo busor putzai | God is everywhere; omnipresent God | 天主無所不在
Yhutsor Sw | The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians (Protestant) | 以弗所書
Zerngkausor | stock exchange | 證交所
armsorng | internally very happy about something but don't want to show it externally | 暗爽; 暗地高興
bexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
binsu sorsiong | civil action suit | 民事訴訟
bixsorhurn | flavor essence; condiments used in cooking | 味素粉
boexsorng | unhappy | 袂爽
boxngsorngkheq | local rich bourgeois without any eduction or knowledge | 妄宋客; 鄉下遊豪
busor put'uii | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無為
busor putcix | There is no place to which it does not extend. (addicted to all sorts of wickedness) | 無所無至
busor putleeng | omnipotent; almighty | 無所無能
busor putthofng | there is nothing which he does not understand | 無所無通
busor putty | omniscient | 無所無知
busor putzai | omnipresent | 無所無在
busor putzøx | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無作
busor | no place to stay; nothing | 無所
busor-putcix | do everything to help | 無所無至
busor-putzog | there is nothing that (he) will not do (generally refers to evil); given to every vice | 無所無作; 無所不為
chiwsorliau | service charge | 手續費
chixkongsor | city administration office | 市公所
ciapthaixsor | guest house | 接待所; 招待所
ciautaixsor | guest house | 招待所
ciauthaixsor | hostel; guest house; hostel | 招待所
cieen sor bixkiexn | never seen before | 前所未見
ciesexng-sor | sanctuary | 避難所; 至聖所
cin kii sor iuo | give all one has | 盡其所有
cin kii sor leeng | work to the best of one's ability | 盡其所能
cin kii sor tioong | work to the best of one's ability | 盡其所長
cioong sym sor iok | do as one wishes connoting an absence of opposition or objection | 從心所欲
ciorngbong sor kuy | enjoy public confidence; command public respect and support | 眾望所歸
cioxng sor ciuty | universally known; known by all | 眾所週知
citgiap hurnliexnsor | vocational bureau | 職業訓練所
citgiap kaesiauxsor | employment agency | 職業介紹所
cynsor | clinic; dispensary | 診所; 診療所
enggiabsor | business office; place of business | 營業所
giefnkiuosor | research center; research laboratory | 研究所
goxlok tviusor | amusement-place | 娛樂場所
guxsor | house; home | 寓所
gyleeng sorngsitzexng | aphasia; impairment or loss of faculty of using or understanding spoken or written language | 語能喪失症
hengbuxsor | prosecution bureau | 刑務所
hexsor | mathematical coefficient | 系所
hiofng-kongsor | government office for rural administration | 鄉公所
hiongkongsor | a government office in the village; public office in charge of the administration of a group of villages | 鄉公所
hoanlogtviusor | places where people seek casual pleasure; place of amusement | 歡樂場所
hoarhak piexnsor | septic tank | 化學廁所
hoatbøexsor | selling place | 發賣所
hoatlut-suxbuxsor | law office | 法律事務所
hoattien-sor | electric generating plant, power plant | 發電所
hoattiexnsor | powerhouse; power station or plant | 發電所
hoexsor | meeting place | 會所
hunzuxsor | a subdivision of the police station | 分駐所
hurnliexnsor | training institute | 訓練所
høsorng | generous; straightforward; offering freely money or service | 豪爽
ibu-sor | infirmary | 醫務所
id buu sor hek | achieve or gain nothing (after all the efforts made) | 一無所獲
id buu sor teg | nothing is gained | 一無所得
id buu sor tioong | do not have a single skill or talent | 一無所長
iogjisor | nursery | 育兒所
iong huy sor hak | be engaged in an occupation not related to one's training | 用非所學
iong huy sor tioong | be engaged in an occupation not related to one's specialty | 用非所長
irnsoatsor | printer | 印刷所
itkaf-sorkhao | family of several members | 一家數口
jim kii sor uii | let him do as he pleases | 任其所為
jixmsor | office | 任所
juu sor ciuty | as it well known; as everyone knows | 如所週知
kaetogsor | drug rehabilitation center | 戒毒所
kafngsibsor | school for short-term training or instruction | 講習所
karmlysor | inspecting and licensing section of the highway department | 監理所
kauegsor | Exchange | 交易所
kauvoaxsor | place for barter | 交換所
kharnsiwsor | house of detention | 看守所
khorngsorjiin | plaintiff; accuser | 控訴人
khorngsorzng | letter of appeal (complaint) | 控訴狀
khuiphiørsor | place for counting ballots | 開票所
khukongsor | city hall; county hall; ward (district) office | 區公所
khuliusor | detention house for suspects pending court decision | 拘留所
khuliuu-sor | jail | 拘留所
kiafm'egsor | quarantine station | 檢疫所
kiafmgiaxmsor | inspection office | 檢驗所
kiafmzasor | inspecting office | 檢查所
kileeng sorngsid | malfunction | 機能喪失
kiuohoxsor | medical relief station | 救護所
kiuolaxnsor | refugee camps | 救難所
kofserngsor | Limbo (Catholic) | 古聖所
kok'iuo sor tioong | each one has his own gift (good point); each has a unique merit | 各有所長
kokteg kisor | each gets the position or the result he prefers; each in its proper place | 各得其所
kongkiong tviusor | public place | 公共場所
kongsor | office; public place; office | 公所
kørsorjiin | plaintiff | 告訴人
kørsorzng | letter of complaint; written accusation | 告訴狀; 告狀
laam-zheasor | men's room | 男廁所
laxnbiin siu'iongsor | haven or shelter for refugees; refugee camp; center | 難民收容所
laxnbiin-siu'iongsor | a shelter for refugees; a refugee camp | 難民收容所
lea sor tongjieen | etiquette requires it | 禮所當然
liangsorng | cool and comfortable | 涼爽
liau'iofngsor | rest home; a sanatorium; convalescent home | 療養所
lie sor tongjieen | that which should be; in accordance with what is right; as a matter of course | 理所當然
liexnsibsor | practice place | 練習所
liongsym sorngsid | utterly conscienceless | 良心喪失
liulixsit'sor | displaced | 流離失所
liulixsitsor | displaced | 流離失所
longgiap chiegiaxmsor | agricultural laboratory; experimental farm | 農業試驗所
loxngsorng | incite; instigate | 煽動
ludsw suxbuxsor | lawyer's office | 律師事務所
lw'iong-piexnsor | a woman's lavatory | 女用便所
lømar-sorji | Roman numerals | 羅馬數字
malafsorng | marathon | 馬拉松
malasorng | marathon | 馬拉松
oexsengsor | public health clinic; clinic; public health clinic | 衛生所
pengsorsii | usually | 平素時
phaezhutsor | police station; police station; police substations | 派出所
phoeasiausor | place of exile | 配銷所
phoksorng | surplus | 多餘
piaq sorngphaxn | cheat; take in; play a trick on; to swindle money out of others; commit fraud | 詐騙
piehoxsor | sanctuary; asylum | 庇護所
pierntiexnsor | power substation | 變電所
piexnsor | WC; toilet; a privy | 廁所; 便所
pixlaxnsor | refuge; haven; sanctuary; refugee center | 避難所
pofsor | replenishment | 補所
portøxsor | mission, preaching station | 佈道所
putzhud sor liau | it turned out as expected | 無出所料
pylaxnsor | refuge | 避難所
pøfsiwsor | catechumenate (Catholic) | 保守所
saosor | an outpost, a sentry booth | 哨所
serngsor | the sanctuary (Catholic); the Holy Place | 聖所
siauxkaesor | head hunger agency | 紹介所
siaxhoexsor | society | 社會所
sibgexsor | vocational training center; handicraft class | 習藝所
simsorng | pleasure | 心爽
siu'iongsor | camp; temporary home (for refugees) | 收容所
siu'ioong-sor | camp (prisoner-of-war, refugee, etc.) | 收養所; 收容所
siøfsortiarm | decimal point | 小數點
siøfsortorng | minority political party | 少數黨
soafnkie sorsiong | lawsuits pertaining to elections | 選舉訴訟
sor | place; place; location; position; building; office; a relative pronoun: he who; that which; they who; those which (it precedes the antecedent and is placed quite differently from the other relative particles e in combination with verbs it forms a phrase lik | 所
sorbak | number | 數目
sorban | tens of thousands, several myriads | 數万; 數萬
sorbeeng | make a clear explanation on oneself | 素明; 訴說
sorbiaau | pencil sketch; line drawing; sketch; sketch (writing or painting) | 素描
sorbin | surface of a solid color; a face that has not been made up with cosmetics; the natural look | 素面
sorbiøo | sketch | 素描
sorbok | amount; number; amount; number; sum | 數目
sorbuun | sparse text | 疏文
sorciao | Stear's bubbler (bird) | 素鳥; 藪鳥
sorcid | character; constitution; quality; predisposition; one's true quality; one's natural talent | 素質
sorciorng | several kinds of | 數種
sorgiah | amount; number; quantity; amount; sum | 數額
sorgoan | long cherished ambition; aspiration or hope | 素願; 宿願
sorhaghe | Department of Mathematics | 數學系
sorhagkaf | mathematician | 數學家
sorhak | mathematics; mathematics | 數學
sorhak-kaf | a mathematician | 數學家
sorheeng | daily conduct or behavior; general behavior | 素行
sorhoear | plain flower | 素花仔
sorhok | mourning clothes | 素服; 喪服
sorid-sorji | either the best or second only to the best; one of the best | 數一數二
soriorng | culture; acquirement; knowledge; one's general capacity and disposition as a result of long and regular self-discipline; grounding; (elementary) knowledge; accomplishments; cultured | 素養
sorji | written number; numerals; figure; figure; numeral | 數字
sorjiin | amateur | 素人
sorjit | several days | 數字
sorkaf | several families | 數家
sorkaw | true old friend; an old acquaintance | 素交
sorkhor | complain about one's grievances; air complaints | 訴苦
sorkiuu | request | 訴求
sorkix | data | 數據
sorkux | data | 數據
sorkvia | several articles | 數件
sorlaai | heretofore; up till now; up to the present | 素來
sorlaang | several people | 數人
sorli | number | 數字
sorlieen juu itjit | with perseverance and consistency | 數年如一日
sorliong | the amount; quantity | 數量
sormi | plain noodle | 素麵
sorng | bright; pleasure; refreshing; crisp; agreeable; pleasant; brisk; straightforward; frank | 爽
sorngbeng | lose one's life; die | 喪命
sorngboong | lose life; die | 喪亡
sorngbyar | dighten the waist | 宋米仔
sorngcin thienlioong | have no conscience; impervious to a sense of justice | 喪盡天良
sorngcin | lose entirely | 喪盡; 丟光
sorngcix | mournful | 喪志
sorngheeng | send-off; give a send off | 送行
sorngheeng-hoe | farewell service (encouraging a person who is undertaking a difficult assignment) | 送行會
sornghiofng | destitute, poor | 喪鄉; 貧窮
sornghoaan | send back | 送還; 送回
sornghoee | send back | 送還; 送回
sorngkaf | bereavement family | 喪家
sorngkhix | dampen; dejected; despondent; in low spirits; discouraged | 喪氣
sorngkhoaan | bereavement | 喪權
sorngphaxn | stupid fellow; an ass; bonehead | 傻瓜; 土驢
sorngphaxn`ee | dumbo | 宋盼的
sorngpiet | see (a person) off; give a send off | 送別
sorngpiet-hoe | farewell meeting | 送別會
sorngsefng | lose one's life | 喪生
sorngsid liongsym | lost one's conscience | 喪失良心
sorngsid | lose; loss; lose; be deprived of; be stripped of | 喪失
sorngtat | deliver to | 送達
sorngtvar | appal | 喪膽
sorngzoxng | attend a funeral | 送葬
sorngzuo | lose one's child | 葬子; 喪子
soroafn | make a defense against an unjust accusation | 訴冤
sorpae | many times | 數次
sorpaq | hundreds | 數百
sorpoe | manifold; several times | 數倍
sorput'sekbin | never met | 素無識面
sorputcin | countless | 數無盡
sorputsekbin | never met | 素無識面
sorseg | plain color | 素色
sorsexng | plain | 素性
sorsii | hitherto, usually | 數時; 平素; 素今為止
sorsimlaan | cymbidium (orchid) | 素心蘭
sorsiong arnkvia | law case | 訴訟案件
sorsiong huieiong | fees entailed in a lawsuit | 訴訟費用
sorsiong taixlyjiin | legal representative | 訴訟代理人
sorsiong | sue someone; go to law with; lawsuit; go to law; litigation | 訴訟
sorsioong | usually; ordinarily; regularly; commonly; so far | 素常; 素常,平常
sorsioxnghoad | legal procedures involved in a lawsuit; law of procedure | 訴訟法
sorsit | vegetarian; vegetarian diet | 素食
sorsox | plain; not ornamented; plain looking | 淡素; 樸素
sorsuu | a numeral (grammar) | 數詞
sortit | numerical value | 數值
sorui | digital | 數位
sorzaai | material | 素材
sorzabban | a few millions | 數十萬
sorzap | tens | 數十
sorzex | cereal offering, meal offering | 素祭
sorzhaix | vegetarian dishes; simple fare | 素菜
sorzhux | several times | 數次
sorzng | written complaint; petition; written accusation | 訴狀
sorzø | mold; model; portray; shape | 塑造
sosorng | pleasant and comfortable | 搜爽; 舒爽
suisym sor iok | do anything one's heart dictates | 隨心所欲
sunhoee cynliausor | traveling clinic | 巡迴診療所
sunhoee zhaiphvoarsor | circuit court | 巡迴裁判所
suxbuxsor | office (especially of a lawyer; accountant; political candidate) | 事務所
svoaf-sorefng | mountain jasmine | 山素英
søsorng | to enrage, to provoke | 搜爽
taibunsor | Taiwanese literary | 台文所
taixsw suxbuxsor | an attorney's office | 代書事務所
tauphiørsor | polling place; place where voters cast their ballots | 投票所
teg'iog cynsor | clinic exclusively engaged by an organization | 特約診所
tengkiesor | registry; registration office | 登記所
thienbuun sorji | an astronomical figure | 天文數字
thoantøxsor | preach place | 傳道所
thokjisor | day care center; nursery school; public nursery; day nursery | 托兒所
thoklisor | nursery | 托兒所
thwzoong-sor | storage area, storehouse | 貯藏所; 儲藏所
tinliedsor | exhibition hall; display room; saleroom; showroom | 陳列所
tirnkongsor | town hall; a town office | 鎮公所
tixn-kongsor | town office | 鎮公所
tviusor | a location; a place; a play-ground; stage; room | 場所
tøsorkoad | decided by the majority | 多數決
uii sor iok uii | do what one wants to do | 為所欲為
uixsor | place | 為所; 場所
wnkw-cy-sor | hermitages | 隱居之所
wsor | lodging; residence | 寓所
zabsoree | ten plus | 十多個
zabsornii | little more than ten years | 十多年
zai sor putsii | will not hesitate to; won't refuse | 在所無辭
zaixsor | at the place | 在所
zeathngsor | sugar refinery | 製糖所
zeazøxsor | factory | 製造所
zengsiin putsorng | out of sorts; not well | 精神無爽
zerngkausor | stock exchange | 證交所
zerngkoaxn kauegsor | stock exchange | 證券交易所
zhaiphvoarsor | court of justice | 裁判所
zheasor | WC; toilet; a privy | 廁所
zhek'hauxsor | weather station | 測候所; 氣象所
zheksor | toilet | 廁所
zhengsorng | cleanlily; quiet and comfortable | 清爽
zhesyn cy sor | place to stay | 棲身之所
zhutsor | police station | 出所; 派出所
zongkaux zhaiphvoarsor | The Holy Office or tribunal established during the period of the Inquisition | 宗教裁判所
zuxhoexsor | place for meeting; gathering place | 聚會所
zuxsor | private prosecution (law) | 住所; 住址
zuxsorjiin | self complainant | 自訴人
zuxzaixsor | resident | 駐在所
zuysarn chiegiaxmsor | fisheries research institute | 水產試驗所

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