"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Siuosuie | a city in Changhua County | 秀水
aesuie | love of beauty; want to be beautiful; desire for beauty; love of excellence | 愛美
bøzhuiesuie | person who doesn't know how to flatter | 無嘴美; 無會講好話
chiensafn baxnsuie | a thousand mountains and rivers; distant places; journey from afar.. | 千山萬水
chiensafn-baxnsuie | numerous mountains and rivers; a long and arduous journey | 千山萬水
cixnsuie | perfect | 盡美
gegsuie hengciw | boat going against the stream; sail a boat against the current | 逆水行舟
hak juu gegsuie hengciw | Move ahead or be pushed backwards. (Learning is like sailing a boat up stream.) | 學如逆水行舟
haxsuie | (Informal) entrails (especially pigs'); internal organs usually from pig | 下水; 雞雜; (指可食動物家禽內臟)
hisuie høhaai | compatible like a fish in water (a happy marriage) | 魚水和諧
hoad sinsuie | hand out paychecks; pay salary | 發薪水
hoksuie lansiw | no use crying over spilt milk; misfortune cannot be undone (Spilt water is difficult to get back into the container.) | 覆水難收
hongsuie siensvy | geomancer | 風水先生
hongsuie | fengshui; a geomantic omen; Chinese geomantic system by means of which sites are determined for graves | 風水; 墳墓
høfzhuiesuie | good at being polite or flattering talk | 好嘴水; 嘴甜
høxsuie | source of troubles (said of a woman who is often the source of trouble) | 禍水
itliusuie | fluent and clear in utterance | 一流美; 流利
iusafn oafnsuie | enjoy the scenery of mountain and water (lake or ocean); mountain climbing | 遊山玩水
jiuzeeng-suxsuie | tender and soft as water | 柔情似水
juo-suie | become more pretty | 越美; 愈媠
kegsuie | very pretty | 最美
keksuie | false beauty | 裝美
khiøhhongsuie | take up a dead body and bury elsewhere; to collect the bones in an urn; re-burial; re-interment | 拾風水; 撿骨
khvoarhongsuie | funsui | 看風水
khvoax hongsuie | practice geomancy in selecting a site for a tomb | 看風水
koarsuie | to hang up to look good | 掛水
liogsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 六水; 青山綠水
liusuie | flowing water | 流水
loghoaf liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream ─ (a person's condition) completely ruined; (of a fight) turn everything topsy-turvy; very miserable | 落花流水
loghoaf-liusuie | like flowers scattered in a flowing stream – the saddening state of a fallen family or country | 落花流水
niar sinsuie | receive pay; get salary | 領薪水
oafnsuie-kixnhøea | a distant water is unable to put out the near-by fire (entirely inadequate means) | 遠水近火
oe sansuie | draw or paint landscapes; to flatter; say irresponsible things | 畫山水; 吹牛
oexsafn-oexsuie | say irresponsible things; talk at random; to flatter | 花言巧語; 吹牛
pheksuie | green water | 碧水
phexngsuie | compre who is prettier; beauty contest (rivalry); very beautiful | 比美; 很美麗
poexsuie-tin | backwater | 背水陣
pofpii lixsuie | tonic; diuretic | 補脾利水
puisuie | pleasingly plump | 肥美
sansuie | landscape; mountains and rivers; natural scenery (slang) flattery | 山水
siabsuie | wade in; ford; paddle | 涉水
sinsuie | salary | 薪俸; 薪水
sioxngsuie | the most beautiful | 最美; 最美麗
sixnsuie | seminal fluid; semen | 腎水; 精液
sui'eafsuiee | one by one | 隨个仔隨个
suie | attractive; beautiful; pretty; nice; in good shape; pretty; beautiful; lovely; good looking | 美; 媠
suie'aq | pretty | 媠矣
suie-tangtafng | gorgeous | 媠噹噹
suie-zabor | pretty women | 美查某
suie`laq | pretty | 媠啦
suysuie | pretty | 媠媠; 美美
suysuysuie | very pretty | 媠媠媠
sym juu cysuie | Lit. the heart is like still water ─ a mind without worries; cares; ambition or worldly desires | 心如止水
tharnsuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
tixsuie | regulate waterways; rivers to prevent flooding; flood control | 治水
u zhuiesuie | good at polite phrases and flattering talk | 嘴甜
uxsuie-bøkvoa | not true; no foundation there is no basis | 無實在的; 無根據的
wsuie | Rain water--one of the lunar terms; about February 19--March 4 | 雨水
ymsuie-sugoaan | When you drink the water, think of the spring.--Be grateful for the means by which you have profited | 飲水思源
zhengsafn legsuie | beautiful charming natural scene (Lit. blue mountains and green water) | 青山綠水
zhuiesuie | saliva | 喙水
zngsuysuie | dress up | 妝媠媠
zuxjiensuie | natural beauty; beauties of nature | 自然美

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