"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Phøsuxni'af | Bosnia-Herzegovina | 波士尼亞
ciet'ay suxnpiexn | restrain grief and accept the change (common advice to the bereaved) | 節哀順變
cviaa-suxnli | roll one's hoop; in luck's way; favorableness | 很順利
itlo-suxnhofng | Bon voyage! | 一路順風
khiamsuxn | humble, modest, humility, modesty | 謙遜
pahsu suxnli | May you prosper in everything! | 百事順利
pud suxngarn | incurring dislike; disagreeable; an eye sore; vexatious | 無順眼
put'suxn | rude | 無遜
putsuxn | rude | 無遜
saxng suxnhofng | give presents and see off on a voyage | 送行
suurn'suxnsun | smoothly | 順順順
suxn | twinkle; wink | 眨; 遜; 瞬
suxn'erngsexng | adaptability | 順應性
suxn'exng khoankerng | adapt with one's environment | 順應環境
suxn'exng sitai | conform to the times | 順應時代
suxn'exng tiauliuu | conform to modern trends; go with the tide | 順應潮流
suxn'exng | adaptation; accommodation; accommodate oneself to (circumstances) | 順應
suxn'garn | please the eyes, pleasant to the eyes | 順眼
suxn'geh | month of childbirth | 順月
suxn'goeh | within a month before the time of childbirth | 順月
suxn'ieen | postpone for one day; and another day; and so on; in case of necessity (as in the case of poor weather upsetting a games schedule); proceed in due sequence | 順延
suxn'ix | do as one wishes | 順意
suxn'ui | rank | 順位
suxn'un | good luck | 順運
suxnbeng | obey command, obey orders | 順命
suxnbiin | citizens that obey orders | 順民
suxnchiuo khanviuu | steal something in passing; steal something without premeditation because the article in question happens to be conveniently located when one chances to see it | 順手牽羊
suxnchiuo | as you go; as you do; taking the opportunity to do something else of the same sort; by the way | 順手
suxncioong | obedience; resigned; obey; obedient; comply | 順從
suxngarn | after somebody's fancy; pleasant to the eyes | 順眼
suxngek | forward and reverse- on planet's movement | 順逆
suxngøeh | within a month before the time of childbirth | 順月; 臨盆月; 臨月
suxnhau | wait | 順候
suxnhaux | show filial piety, obey parents; wish | 順孝; 孝順
suxnhofng saktør chviuu | Lit. take advantage of the wind and push down the wall ─ best a person by taking advantage of his adversity | 趁風勢推倒牆; 順水推舟
suxnhofng | Bon voyage!; favorable wind; Bon voyage! | 順風
suxnhok | obey, submit, obedience, submission | 順服
suxnhongnie | ears that could hear sounds miles away (in Chinese mythology) | 順風耳
suxnkerng | in easy circumstances; in favorable circumstances | 順境
suxnkhao | to say without thinking | 順口
suxnkviaa | good-bye; goodbye | 順走; 順行; 慢走
suxnlaau | favorable tide | 順流
suxnli | easy; smooth; without any snags; going smoothly; easy (going); having no trouble; encountering no difficulties | 順利
suxnlie | logically | 順理
suxnliuu | downstream | 順流
suxnlo | just on the road we are going; in passing; while on the way; do something on the way to a place which requires no additional travel | 順路
suxnnie | pleasant to the ears | 順耳
suxnphang | take advantage of the chance | 順縫; 乘機
suxnpid | add a postscript | 順筆; 附筆
suxnpien | do also if convenient; take advantage of the opportunity to do something without extra trouble | 順便
suxnseg | momentarily | 瞬息
suxnsekkafn | momentarily | 瞬息間
suxnsex | take advantage of an opportunity | 順勢
suxnsexng | obedient nature | 順性; 服從性
suxnsi | order; sequence; procedure | 順序; 次序
suxnsii | clockwise | 順時
suxnsizefng | clockwise | 順時鐘
suxnsoarkafng | little extra piece of work which can be done conveniently | 順續講; 順便講
suxnsoax | by the way; along with; at one's convenience | 順便; 順紲; 順續
suxnsu | order; sequence; procedure | 順序; 次序
suxnsun | smoothly | 順順
suxnsun'ar | smoothly | 順順仔
suxnsuxnlixli | smoothly | 順順利利
suxnsym | go well | 順心
suxnthaxn | obey; obedient | 順趁; 順從
suxnthiefn | obey Heaven | 順天
suxntiaw | smoothly, in an orderly way | 順調; 順利
suxntiøh | follow | 順著
suxntø | by the way | 順道
suxnzeeng | obsequious | 順情; 順意
suxnzhux | in sequence | 順次
suxnzuie hengciw | sailing with the tide (literally); all going on well | 順水行舟
suxnzuie | sail with the stream or current | 順水
zhutgieen putsuxn | utter insulting remarks; to insult | 出言無遜

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