"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Chitniumafsvef | Taiwan’s legend | 七娘媽生
Mafzofsvef | Matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
Pudzofsvef | birthday of Sakyamuni Buddha The Third Prine | 佛祖生
Thvikongsvef | the birthday of Thi-Kong | 天公生; 玉皇大帝誕辰
Zuosveniuniuu | goddess of childbirth | 註生娘娘
aesiøq sveamia | cling tenaciously to life | 愛惜生命
appeg pehsvex | oppress the people | 壓迫百姓
axm'e sveliuu | having no alternative; to have to; powerless. (Lit. to produce a tumor under the neck) | 無可奈何; 頷下生瘤
bexsvef | barren, does not bear fruit | 不孕, 不結果實
chi zengsvef | feed; raise and care for domestic animals | 飼畜生; 養畜生; 餵家畜
chinsvef pexbør | one's own parents as distinct from foster parents or step parents | 親生爸母
chinsvef | one's own children | 親生
chinsvekviar | one's own real child | 親生囝
ciapsvef | deliver a child | 接生
ciapsvepøo | midwife | 接生婆; 產婆
goaxsvex | surname other than one's own | 外姓
hauxsvef | son | 後生; 兒子
hexsveamia | desperately | 下性命
hvoaibahsvef | of fierce or ferocious appearance | 橫肉生; 惡形惡狀的人
jixsvex | surname; family name | 字姓
kaxngsvex | same surname | 同姓
kiarsve'ar | hermit (soldier) crab | 寄生仔; 寄生蟹
kiarsvear | hermit (soldier) crab | 寄生仔
kiarsvethaang | parasite | 寄生蟲
kiesvex | memory | 記性
kngsvef | smooth and clean (as skin or other surfaces) | 光滑
kuiesvex | what is your (honorable) surname? | 貴kuiesvix
kviasvehun | fear of strangers | 驚生份
lauxpehsvex | people; public; subjects; citizens | 老百姓
løqtøe-svekyn | plant; a leaf of which if placed on the ground takes root and grows; pick a wrestler whom an opponent cannot move | 落地生根
mafzofsvef | Matsu's birthday | 媽祖生
miasvex | full name of a person; surname and personal name | 姓名
moasvelangbak | practice deception | 騙人耳目
ngx hauxsvef ciaqzheng | rely on one's son for support | 望後生食穿; 依靠兒子奉養
nngxsvef-toxngbut | oviparous animals (like birds; young are born from eggs) | 卵生動物
oarnsvef bøo oarnsie | after a person is dead; forget about past differences (Lit. You can dispute or fight about something with a living person but not with a dead person.) | 怨生無怨死
parngsvef | free living creatures (as a means of gaining merit) | 放生
pausvef | guaranteed to be able to give birth (said of a woman about to be married) | 包生
pehsvex | one hundred clan names; common people | 百姓
pekkasvex | Book of Family Names | 百家姓
pexbør svecviaa`ee | I was born so; be born (a cripple; blind) | 爸母生成
phoarnoaxsvef | untidy; slipshod | 邋遢 [*]
phoef sveamia | risk one's life | 拼命
pviarsveamia | desperately | 拚性命
pviarsvesie | desperately | 拚生死
pviax sveamia | risk one's life; make death defying effort | 拼命
pviax svesie | risk one's life; do at the risk of one's life; place on the same plane; life and death; to struggle for life | 拼生死
pvoarsveseeng | born; inborn; innate | 天生的
pwnsvex | one's own surname | 本姓
pøfzuun sveamia | preserve one's life | 保存生命
saxng sveamia | die (as the result of one's own action); bring death upon oneself | 送命
sengsvef | Mr. | 先生
siangsve'ar | twins | 雙生仔; 雙胞胎
siangsvear | twins | 雙生仔
siensvemar | doctor's mother | 先生媽
siensveniuu | doctor's spouse | 先生娘
sinsvef | teacher; doctor; husband | 老師; 醫師; 先生
sinsvef-lea | school fees, tutor's fees | 先生禮; 教師薪金
sinsvemar | Madam (mother of 'sinsvef') | 先生媽
sinsveniuu | teacher's wife; doctor's wife | 醫師娘; 太太,; 師母; 尊夫人
siøfsvex | my surname | 小姓, 敝姓
siøq sveamia | hold one's life dear; be very careful of one's self (often over care); e.g.; taking great care when slightly unwell; afraid to meddle with a matter or travel on a road where there is some danger | 愛惜生命
sve'ar | pig iron | 生仔
sveamia kab y teq phahpøq | engage in mortal combat with him; do or die; risk one's life | 冒生命之險; 賭命
sveamia | life | 生命
sveamiaa | full name of a person | 姓名
sveamiaxlek | vitality | 性命力
sveamiaxsvoarterng | on lifeline | 性命線頂
sveamiaxsvoax | lifeline (in figurative sense) | 生命線
svear | pig iron, type of cast iron, pot metal | 生仔
svebagciafm | eye disease | 生目針
svebagciw | has eyes | 生目睭
svebaq | new skin growing over and closing a wound | 長肉; 生肉
svebør | one's own real mother | 生母
svecviaa | grow to be…; inborn; by nature; second nature | 生成; 自然的; 天生的
sveefng | carbuncle | 生癰
svef gyn'ar | gave birth | 生囡仔
svef lauxkviar | beget a child in old age | 生老囝; 晚年得子 (女)
svef liab'ar | have a boil or swelling | 生粒仔; 生瘡疔
svef lixseg | produce interest (by deposit or loan) | 生利息
svef phvixleeng | have a sinus condition | 生鼻龍; 鼻竇炎
svef siern | ringworm | 生癬
svef tixzhngf | have piles | 生痔瘡
svef | live; alive; life; livelihood; be born; come into existence (being); to breed; beget; to produce; create; to cause; uncooked; raw; unripe; unfamiliar; strange; untamed; uncultured; a pupil; a student | 生
svef-bøexzhud`laai | unable to bring to birth | 生無出來
svegyn'ar | give birth | 生囡仔
svehoatzef | hair restorer | 生髮劑
svehun | unacquainted with person or place | 生份; 陌生的; 無熟悉的
svehun-sofzai | unfamiliar place; strange place | 生份所在; 陌生地方
svehuxnlaang | stranger; unacquainted person | 生份人; 陌生人
svehwn | unfamiliar | 生分
sveioglut | birth rate | 生育率
svejit | birthday | 生日
svekex | scabies; get scabby | 生疥; 長疥瘡
svekinløqhiøh | rooting and deciduous; people who settle in a new place | 生根落葉
svekithvoarhiøh | twigs and leaves ? | 生枝湠葉
svekof | go moldy; get musty | 生霉; 發霉
svekolarngphuo | mold and rotten | 生菇閬殕
svekviar | men and animals give birth to offspring | 生囝; 生子
svekyn terngtiaau | take root in a place become rooted in | 生根定條; 根深蒂固
svekyn | grow or sprout roots | 生根
svelai | produce interest (by deposit or loan) | 生利
sveliab'ar | inflammation | 生粒仔
sveliao | after birth | 生了
sveliuu | have a tumor | 長瘤
svelo | way out | 生路
svemngg | grow hair | 生毛
svemoo-taekag | bad people dubious; nondescript | 生毛帶角; 比喻非善類; 無三不四之人
svemotaekag | bad people dubious, nondescript | 比喻非善類, 不三不四之人
svenng | lay eggs | 生卵
svenoa | rotten | 生爛
sveoe | spread a rumor; to slander; make a false charge; calumniate | 生話; 造謠
sveoef | cast iron pot | 生鍋
svepe | one's real father | 生父
svephuo | mildewed; become moldy; become slightly moldy | 生霉
svepurn | originally | 生本
sveseeng | borned with; grow to be...; inborn; by nature; second nature | 生成; 天生的; 自然的
svesexng | nature | 生性
svesie | alive or dead; life or death | 生死
svesiefn | become rusty | 生銹
svesiefn-lahkae | be red with rust | 生銹污穢
svesienbin | rusted | 生鉎面
svesiern | suffer from ringworm | 生癬
svesii | birth time | 生時
svesijidgoeh | date and time of birth | 生時日月; 出生年月日
svesipehji | date and time of birth | 生時八字
svesviux | the twelve signs of the zodiac; animal signs of the 12 year cycle | 生肖; 十二生肖
svesvoai'ar | chancre | 下疳仔
svesyhak | life and death | 生死學
svesykiab | life and death | 生死劫
svesymngg | an important point where error is fatal | 生死門; 緊要關頭
svetaai | produce many small lice | 生台; 長蝨子 [*]
sveteng'ar | have a carbuncle | 生疔仔
svethaang | breed worms; put (someone) up to it | 生蟲; 出點子
svethauhoatboea | toxin efflux | 生頭發尾
svethiq | pig iron | 銑鐵
svethviax | have painful sores; severe boils; abscesses (archaic) | 生痛; 生瘡疔
svethvoax | family; race; or animals spread; multiply; and increase | 生衍; 繁殖
sveti | have piles | 生痔; 生痔瘡
svetiøh | be born | 生著
svetngg | womb of (non-human) mammalian | 生腸
svex | clan (family name): may be used as a verb | 姓
svezeeng | during one's lifetime; before one's death; while one was alive | 生前
svezhngf | break out in sores; get boils or ulcers | 生瘡
svezhud | produce; give birth to; bring forth | 生出
svezhutlaai | give birth | 生出來
svezøx | naturally; by nature | 天生; 長相; 生成
tangsvef tangsie | to live or die together (in defense of a city or place) | 同生同死
terngte svekyn | rooted like a plant; taking a firm stance from which he cannot be moved; e.g.; a wrestler; said in blaming a child who will not come when called | 根深蒂固
thafnhvoaisvef | transverse position presentation (obstetrics) | 坦橫生; 難產
thausve'ar | born fist of domestic fowl livestock | 頭生仔; 家禽家畜的頭胎仔
thausvef | give birth to a illegitimate child secretly | 偷生; 私生
thausvef`ee | illegitimate (child) | 私生的
theksvef | domestic animal; term of abuse: You brute! Beast! | 畜生
thihkut'afsvef | skinny but strong (man) | 瘦而結實
thioksvef | domestic animal; beast; dirty swine | 畜生
thofsve'ar | Animal or plant indigenous to a particular region | 土生仔
thofsvear | Animal or plant indigenous to a particular region | 土生的
thun'unsvef | unsanitary; dirty; unkempt | 吞骯髒
thvy svef te viuo | The heavens give life; the earth nourishes it ─ We depend on God; not just on ourselves | 天生地養
tiahmiaa tiahsvex | speak of or call a person simply by his surname and name; without adding any polite designation | 指名叫姓
tientørsvef | baby born feet first | 顛倒生
tientørthausvef | breech presentation (obstetrics) | 臀位生產
tikawzengsvef | pigs, dogs, and beasts | 豬狗精牲
toaxsvejit | big birthday | 大生日
toaxsvex | common name | 大姓
tøsveamia | flee for one's life; goldbrick | 逃性命
tøsvef | flee for one's life; to escape with one's life | 逃生
zabji svesviux | the year of the animal in which one was born: (the year of the) rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, lamb, monkey, chicken, dog, pig ─ corresponding to the duodecimal cycle | 十二生相
zabji-svesviux | the twelve signs of the zodiac. The animals used as the signs for the characters of the cycle of twelve: (chie, guu, hor, thox, leeng, zoaa, bea, viuu, kaau, køef, kao, ty) (rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig) | 十二生肖; (鼠, 牛, 虎, 兔, 龍, 蛇, 馬, 羊, 猴, 雞, 狗, 豬)
zabsvex | people of different surnames living in the same village | 雜姓
zaixsvef | be among the living; be living; be in the world; not dead | 在世; 在生
zengsvear | domestic animal; livestock | 牲畜仔; 家畜
zengsvef | animal; brute; cattle | 畜生
zhakangsvef | coarse and awkward looking (as a large boned person) | 柴工生; 高大而遲鈍
zhutsvef zerngbeeng | birth certificate | 出生證明
zhutsvef | birth certificate | 出生
zhutsvef-jibsie | expose oneself to great danger | 出生入死
zørsvejidki | ceremony of birthday | 做生日忌
zørsvejit | birthday celebration | 做生日
zøx svejit | give a birthday party | 做生日
øhsvef | hard to give birth to | 難生; 比喻無易生到

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