"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: svea

aesiøq sveamia | cling tenaciously to life | 愛惜生命
hexsveamia | desperately | 下性命
kiarsvear | hermit (soldier) crab | 寄生仔
phoef sveamia | risk one's life | 拼命
pviarsveamia | desperately | 拚性命
pviax sveamia | risk one's life; make death defying effort | 拼命
pøfzuun sveamia | preserve one's life | 保存生命
saxng sveamia | die (as the result of one's own action); bring death upon oneself | 送命
siangsvear | twins | 雙生仔
siøq sveamia | hold one's life dear; be very careful of one's self (often over care); e.g.; taking great care when slightly unwell; afraid to meddle with a matter or travel on a road where there is some danger | 愛惜生命
sveamia kab y teq phahpøq | engage in mortal combat with him; do or die; risk one's life | 冒生命之險; 賭命
sveamia | life | 生命
sveamiaa | full name of a person | 姓名
sveamiaxlek | vitality | 性命力
sveamiaxsvoarterng | on lifeline | 性命線頂
sveamiaxsvoax | lifeline (in figurative sense) | 生命線
svear | pig iron, type of cast iron, pot metal | 生仔
thofsvear | Animal or plant indigenous to a particular region | 土生的
tøsveamia | flee for one's life; goldbrick | 逃性命
zengsvear | domestic animal; livestock | 牲畜仔; 家畜

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