"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: svoar

busvoartien | wireless | 無線電
bøsvoartien | wireless; wireless telegraphy or telephone | 無線電
ciapsvoarsefng | telephone operator | 接線生; 交換手
goxsvoarphor | music score sheet; the musical score with five lines; staff (in music) | 五線譜
hoxsvoarchiu | terminalia tree | 雨傘樹
hoxsvoarhoef | an inside-out opened umbrella | 雨傘花; (傘面朝已翻起)
hoxsvoarkud | ribs of an umbrella | 雨傘骨
hoxsvoarngr | shade from an umbrella | 雨傘影
hoxsvoarpvix | umbrella handle | 雨傘柄
hoxsvoarzad | type of poisonous snake; section of the foldable umbrella | 雨傘節; (蛇)
hoxsvoarzoaa | kind of snake | 雨傘蛇
isvoariam | pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) | 胰腺炎
itøfsvoarsox | insulin | 胰島腺素
kahzoxngsvoariam | thyroiditis; inflammation of the thyroid gland | 甲狀腺炎
keksvoarsvoax | be careless or unconcerned | 裝散散; 無在乎; 故意不重視
khioksvoarbie | curvaceous | 曲線美
kimsvoarlieen | anomatis | 金線蓮
lengsvoariam | mastitis | 乳腺炎
limpasvoariam | lymphadenitis | 淋巴腺炎
liusvoarheeng | streamlined; sleek | 流線型
loxngkef svoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 家破人亡
loxngkesvoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 弄家散宅
mixsvoarkoo | noodle paste | 麵線糊
nyhaxsvoariam | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 耳下腺炎; 腮腺腫
samsvoarlo | fork | 三線路
sixnsioxngsvoarsox | adrenalin | 腎上腺素
sveamiaxsvoarterng | on lifeline | 性命線頂
svoarbe | sell individual item | 散賣
svoarboe | sell individual item | 散賣
svoarbuun | prose | 散文
svoarbøe | sell retail | 零售
svoarchi | closed market, market closes | 散市; 收市
svoarcie | slugs; bird shot | 散彈; 獵槍
svoargoa | off-line | 線外
svoarheeng | careless and sloppy | 散形
svoarhengsvoarheeng | forgetful, lazy, careless | 散形散形
svoarhoad | wild; feral | 野生
svoarhoe | dismiss a congregation; dissolve an assembly; dismiss a meeting | 散會
svoarhviw | incense for selling by retail; common joss stick | 散香; 一根一根的香
svoariah | odd sheets | 散頁
svoarieen | meal following funeral ceremonies | 散筵; 喪筵
svoarjiet | refrigeration (medicine) | 散熱
svoarkafng | leave the factory after the day's work is done | 散工
svoarkhiin | casual work | 散勤
svoarkhix | disperse; scatter; separate; sever; die away; fade away | 散去; 分離; 消逝
svoarkhoaan | coil | 線圈
svoarkhuy | to scatter, to disperse | 散開
svoarkokoo | scattered | 散糊糊
svoarliawliao | scattered | 散了了
svoarlo | electrical circuit; (railway) line; (air) route | 線路
svoarluun | electric coil | 線輪
svoarmoaa | a deep-sea eel | 線鰻
svoarpafn | dismiss a crew or gang | 散班; 下班
svoarpefng | paratroopers | 傘兵
svoarphiøx | change | 零錢; 散票
svoarphofngphorng | in disorder; in a mess | 散凸凸; 凌亂; 四散紛飛
svoarpoo | sew | 線裒
svoarpøx | wire report | 線報
svoarseg | dispersion | 散色
svoarsid | scatter and become lost | 散失; 失散
svoarsiefn | careless and sloppy; unorganized; scattered | 散漫; 無定性
svoarsiensvoarsiefn | forgetful, lazy, careless | 散仙散仙
svoarsoaf | loose sand | 散沙
svoarsvoax | asunder; dispersive; scatter; disarray | 散散
svoarsvoax`khix | be scattered; to be wholly scattered all in different directions; in confusion and disorder | 散散去
svoarsøq | clew; clue; cue; key; scent | 線索
svoarterng | line top | 線頂
svoarthaau | line end | 線端
svoartiaau | line | 線條
svoartin | disperse the ranks (of a procession or group) | 散夥
svoartui | dismiss a troop | 散隊; 解散隊伍; 散完
svoartviuu | be over (said of a show; a meeting) | 散場
svoarzaai | odds materials for re-processing | 線材
svoarzaang | scattered plants, wild plants | 散叢; 野生植物
svoarzngf | loose packed | 散裝
svoarzoe | cloth joined together by thread | 縫線
svoarøh | after class | 散學
thihsvoarbang | barbed wire entanglements | 鐵絲網
tiexn'oe ciapsvoarsefng | telephone operator | 電話接線生
uixsvoar | stomach powder | 胃散
zoeasvoarkafng | part time job | 打線工

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