"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Buxtaai | a city in Pingtung County | 霧台
Tiorhii-taai | a city in Yilan County | 釣魚台
auxtaai | backstage; backstage; refers to one's backing or backers in politics; good connections | 後台; 後臺
bagtaai | an ink-stone, an ink-stand | 木台; 墨臺
boafntaai | full | 滿台; 客滿
bwtaai | stage for performances; stage | 舞台; 舞臺
bytaai | rice bug- implies workers who don't full fill their duty | 米蟲
chiataai | (of an automobile) the platform; car body | 車臺; 抬車; 車體
chiwsudtaai | operating table | 手術檯
chiwsut-taai | operating table | 手術台; 手術臺
chymtaai | a sleep carriage in a train | 寢台
cidtaai | one (TV; car) | 一台
cviuxtaai | step into power; come to power; go on stage; go on the stage | 上台; 上任
cymtaai | bed | 枕台
goadtaai | railway station platform | 月台; 月臺
goadtaai-phiøx | platform ticket | 月台票; 月臺票
goeqtaai | railway platform; car or railway platform; platform (at a railway station) | 月臺
gøeqtaai | car or railway or subway platform | 月台; 月臺
gøeqtaai-phiøx | platform ticket | 月台票; 月臺票
haxtaai | resignation; to give up office; get off stage | 下台; 下臺
hengtaai | elder brother | 兄臺; 刑臺
hientaai | address to others with respect | 賢台
hietaai | a stage | 戲台; 舞台; 戲臺
hoatpøx-taai | radio transmission station | 發報台; 發報臺
hoatsiaxtaai | launching pad | 發射台
hoefcvix hoatsiaxtaai | rocket launching pad | 火箭發射台
hoetaai | (n) flower bed | 花台; 花壇
hogbu-taai | information desk | 服務台; 服務臺
hogbuxtaai | information office | 服務台
honghøea-taai | ancient signal tower | 防火台; 烽火臺
iautaai | a fairyland | 瑤台
iedpengtaai | stand for reviewing troops | 閱兵台
iefnhietaai | a performing stage | 演戲台
iefntaai | stage | 演台
iongtaai | a balcony; sun-deck; verandah; balcony; sun-porch; an illicit affair | 陽台; 陽臺
irntaai | stamp pad | 印台; 印臺
kafngtaai | podium; rostrum; platform | 講台; 講臺
kafngtaai-tøq | pulpit | 講台桌; 講壇
kaftaai | scaffold for execution | 絞台; 絞臺
kangzoktaai | a workbench | 工作台
kaotaai | teaching desk | 教台
karswtaai | driver's seat; driver's compartment; command module | 駕駛台
kauvoaxtaai | switchboard | 交換台
ketaai | chicken lice | 雞蝨
khiesiong-taai | weather broadcast bureau | 氣象台; 氣象臺
khiesioxngtaai | weather station; meteorological observatory | 氣象台
khngtaai | sort of small stinging insect that breeds in bran; spoiling it | 糠虫; 米糠虫
khvoartaai | grandstand | 看台; 看臺
kixnzuie-lautaai | vantage ground | 近水樓台
koansioxngtaai | an elevated stand or platform on which one can see far and wide to observe heavently bodies; an observatory | 觀象臺
koantaai | high platform, high tower | 觀台; 高臺
koetaai | chicken lice | 雞𧉟
kofngpox-tiexntaai | broadcasting station | 廣播電台; 廣播電臺
kofngpøx-tiexntaai | broadcasting station; radio station | 廣播電台
kuixtaai | counter | 櫃臺; 櫃台; 櫃檯
kuytaai | how many (TV) | 幾台
kviartaai | mirror stand; dressing table; dresser (furniture) | 鏡臺; 鏡台
kvoaitaai | high tower, high platform | 高臺
kørkaytaai | the Confessional | 告解台
lahzektaai | candlestick, a pair of candlesticks | 蠟燭台
laqtaai | candlestick | 蠟燭; 燭臺
laqzeg-taai | candlestick | 蠟燭台; 蠟燭臺
laqzektaai | candlestick | 蠟燭台
lautaai | a terrace | 樓臺
lengtaai | the source of one's spirit – the mind or brain | 靈台
liauboxngtaai | look out post; watch tower | 瞭望台
lientaai | Buddha's seat in the form of lotus flower | 蓮臺
lotaai | a tower | 樓台
loxtaai | a topless balcony or terrace where emperors observed heavenly phenomena | 露台
luitaai | an arena for contests in martial arts; platform for contests in martial arts | 擂台
løqtaai | exit | 落台
nauxtaai | seeking for trouble | 鬧場; 鬧臺
oaqtaai | bury alive | 活埋
otaai | freight car | 黑台; 運貨車廂; [*]
pataai | bar counter | 吧台
pengtaai | flat-top building; stadium-like building; balcony; open porch; portico | 平台; 平臺
phahluitaai | join a contest in feats of prowess on stage (said of Chinese pugilists) | 打擂台
phahzuaftaai | Pachinko | 拍珠仔台
phaotaai | battery; fort; gun emplacement; fort; fortification | 炮台; 炮臺
pvetaai | platform | 平台
pvitaai | platform | 平台
sanphek'engtaai | | 山伯英台
siangphaotaai | three castle | 雙砲台; ( 英國菸)
sidgiaxmtaai | laboratory bench | 實驗台
siuxtaai | be buried | 受埋
soafntaai | choose channel | 選台
suiphvix tengtaai | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movie | 隨片登台
sulexngtaai | review stand | 司令台
svetaai | produce many small lice | 生台; 長蝨子 [*]
symphvoartaai | judge's bench | 審判台
søezngf-taai | dressing table | 梳粧台; 梳妝臺
taai arntøea | hide the record | 埋案底
taai sylaang | bury the dead; bury a corpse | 埋死人
taai texluii | to plant or bury land mines; set a mine | 埋地雷
taai | M: for a cart; bicycle; piano; car; radio; etc; measure word of cars; buried | 台; 臺; 埋
taai`khix | buried | 埋去
tahtaai | erect a platform | 搭台; 搭臺
tamtaai | crash down | 坍台
tengtaai | lamp stand; lamp stand; lighthouse (archaic) | 臺燈; 燈臺; 登臺
texsietaai | misc. channels | 第四台
thienbuntaai | astronomical observatory; observatory | 天文台; 天文臺
tiexnsixtaai | television station | 電視台; 電視臺
tiexntaai | radio station | 電台; 電臺
toarnthiøtaai | scaffold | 斷頭台
tøftaai | downfall | 倒台
zafmthautaai | guillotine | 斬首台
zaotaai | cooktop | 灶台
zeataai køtiog | be deep in debt; be up to one's ears in debt | 債台高築
zeataai | altar | 祭台; 祭臺
zeataai-pox | altar cloth | 祭台布; 祭臺幃(布)
zektaai | candlestick; candleholder; pricket; candlestick; candlestand | 燭台; 燭臺
zhuttaai | on the stage` | 出台
zoafnluntaai | transmigration of souls wheel in hell (Taoist term) | 轉輪台; (陰間)
zoafntaai | change the channel; revolving stage | 轉台; 轉臺
zoantaai | all of Taiwan | 全台

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