"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tab

bengtab | wise; bright answer; clear answer | 明答
bugieen khøftab | at a loss for a reply | 無言可答
buxntab | catechism; question and answer; questions and answers; dialogue; catechism | 問答
erngtab | to answer readily; to respond | 應答
hambiin-hamtab | moving like shadows when not completely awaked | 含眠含答; 睡眼迷糊
hetab | reply | 回答
hoetab | answer; reply | 回答
høetab | to reply; answer | 回答
iaolie-buxntab | Catechism (Catholic) | 要理問答
irntab | to answer; answer; to answer; response | 應答; 回答
kaohoe-buxntab | church catechism | 教會問答
kaytab | answer; solve; explain or answer to a certain question; to answer; explain | 解答
khaotab | answer politely | 叩答
khortab | to knowtow and to answer | 叩答
phoetab | letter answer | 信答
pittab | answer in writing | 筆答
puttab-putchid | inconsistent; incoherent; vague; ambiguous; non-committal; evasive; nothing to the point; in a hopeless mess | 不得要領; 一團糟
pørtab | reward; give a return for; repay another's kindness; to recompense | 報答
softab huy sofbun | give an irrelevant answer | 所答非所問
tab | answer; to answer; to reply; respond to; to return (a salute); to recompense | 答
tab`laang | answer people | 答人
tabjip | step in | 踏入
taboflaang | women | 查某人
tabor | woman; female | 女人
tabtabtihtiq | loose ends | 沓沓滴滴
tabtap-tihtiq | minute details | 零零碎碎; 囉囉嗦嗦
tabtiq | naughty; mischievous | 頑皮; 零星雜事; 小生意
tidtab | express; nonstop express (train or bus) | 直達
tihtab | tick | 滴答
tuietab jii liuu | give answers fluently | 對答如流
tuietab | answer; to reply orally | 對答
zhaohoeftabi | burnt smell; taste burnt; burnt taste | 臭火乾味
zhaotabi | burnt smell; taste burnt; burnt taste | 臭焦味
tabjip | step in | 踏入

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