"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Jutadsw | Judas | 茹達斯
e tadtid`bøe | Is it worth it? | 值無值得
luitadbang | radar network | 雷達網
m-tadtiøh | the best way is to …; inferior to … | 比無上
mxtadcvii | worthless; of no value | 毋值錢
mxtadtid | not worth it | 毋值得
mxtadtiøh | not worth it | 毋值著
otadar | clarinet | 黑笛仔; 豎笛
piawtadzhud | explain | 表達出
tad | the concubine of Chou Hsin who was the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty | 妲
tad`tiøh | attain, achieve | 達到
tadar | flute; pipe; flute; a clarinet; a type of flageolet or flute | 笛仔; 笛子
tadbøo | worthless | 值無
tadcviaa | attain | 達成
tadcvii | valuable; be valuable; be worthy; worth money; costly | 值錢
tadix | make sense | 達意
tadjiin | capable person | 達人
tadjuu | talent scholar | 達儒
tadkaux | attainment; achievement; obtain | 達到
tadkoafn | optimise | 達觀
tadseeng | reach | 達成
tadtid | be worthy of; deserve; merit; worth; worthiness; be worth it; be worthy of; deserve | 值得
tadtiøh bogteg | reach the goal aimed at | 達到目的
tadtiøh | reach | 達著
tadtøx | attainment; achievement; obtain; reach (a decision; conclusion; destination); to attain (a goal) | 達到
thoantadseg | information office | 傳達室
thoantadzhutkhix | convey it | 傳達出去
thofte zengtadsøex | land value increment tax; tax levied on increment of land value | 土地增值稅
tidtadchiaf | express; nonstop express (train or bus) | 直達車
zengtadsøex | tax on increased value of land | 增值稅
zuxtat-tadjiin | One must be enlightened himself before he can enlighten others | 自達達人

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