"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tap

bøtapsab | not enough | 無答屑; 無夠
puttapputchid | not decent | 無答不七
tabtap-tihtiq | minute details | 零零碎碎; 囉囉嗦嗦
tap | to tread on | 蹋
tap'axn | answer; key; answers (to examination questions; puzzles) | 答案
tap'exng | make a promise; agreement; grant | 答應
tap'hog | reply-to; respond to; in answer to; give a reply; to respond; answer (an inquiry) | 答覆
tap'hok | reply-to; respond to; in answer to; give a reply | 答復; 答覆
tap'wn | thank somebody for favor; kindness | 謝恩
tapgoan | reply to a wish | 答願
taplea | reciprocate another's courtesy; return a salute; to reciprocate presents | 答禮
tapof | male; man; johnny | 查埔; 男人
tapofpor | dried out | 焦脯脯
tapogyn'ar | boy | 查埔囡仔
tapokviar | girl | 查埔囝
tapolaang | men | 查埔人
taposwn | male grandchild | 查埔孫
tapox | dry cloth | 乾布; 焦布
tappien | to reply (to a verbal attack); to speak in self-defense; to defend oneself; to refute; to rebut; to put in a defense to an accusation | 答辯
tappiexnsw | a written answer; reply; or refutation (to a verbal attack or charge) | 答辯書
tappøx | answer | 答報
tapsab | small amount | 答屑; 量少
tapsia | return thanks; take a bow; acknowledge; return a kindness; repay with gratitude; give thanks for a favor | 答謝
tapsiin | return thanks to a god, thank-offering | 答神; 還願
tapsuu | acknowledgement; an address in reply; a reply returning thanks | 答辭; 答詞
taptøee | answer a question | 答題
tapviar | dry biscuit, cracker | 乾餅; 餅乾
tapy | dry pond | 乾餅
tapzhuiekor | debate; quarrel | 搭嘴股
tengbuun tapsia | make a special call on another at his home to express gratitude | 登門答謝
zerngseg tap'hok | formal discussion | 正式答覆
zhaotaphie | burnt | 臭焦疕
zhaotapng | burnt rice | 臭乾飯
zhaotapof | slut | 臭查埔

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