"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: tarng

hauxtarng | directors of a school | 校董
hoehtarng | blood dregs | 血滓
huihtarng | blood sediment; blood lees | 血滓
sngtarngloxsib | frost and dew | 霜凍露溼
tarng | to rule; supervise; oversee; rectify; Chinese surname | 董
tarng'oaan | pill | 彈丸
tarngcih | tongue became numb after eating spicy food | 凍舌
tarngkaq | ingrown toenail | 嵌甲
tarngkhie | teeth chatter (from cold) | 凍齒; 打牙
tarnglerng | freezing | 凍冷
tarnglo | freeing dew | 凍露
tarngloxzuie | date; to have a date (slang) | 約夜會
tarngsiafng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of long exposure to cold weather; frostbite; exposure | 凍傷
tarngsie | winter-kill; freeze to death; frozen to death | 凍死
tarngsiofng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of exposure; frostbite | 凍傷
tarngsngf | stinginess; miserliness; cheeseparing; meanness; skimp; frosty; frostbite; having very narrow ideas (about another's power); cowardly; timid; lily livered; mean and shabby in money matters | 吝嗇; 凍霜
tarngsngkuie | stingy person | 凍霜鬼
tarngtefngtee | frozen top tea | 凍頂茶
tarngterng | chill top of mountain | 凍頂
tarngzhngf | frostbite; chilblains | 凍瘡
tarngzhuiekhie | frozen teeth | 凍喙齒
thihtarngterng | iron building | 鐵棟頂
urn-tarngtaxng | as steady as rock | 穩觸觸

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