"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: teh

bextehsaux | unable to satisfy | 未壓咳; 無能滿足
khiuxtehteq | describe food is soft and elastic | Q嗲嗲
khørtehzu | dependable | 靠得住
of-tehteq | dark black | 黑壓壓
teh | evening tide | 汐; 奪
teh-hai`khix | spoilt by being crushed | 壓壞去
tehaang | tea store; tea wholesale outlet; tea warehouse | 茶行
tehboeq | be about to; be going to; be on the point of | 將要; 快要
tehboxngzoar | put tomb paper under stones | 硩墓紙
tehboxzoar | put tomb paper under stones | 硩墓紙
tehbøeq | be about to | 正要; 咧欲; 將要
tehgiexn | stop addicting; passion (for) | 止癮
tehiøh | tealeaf; tea; tea leaves (either fresh or prepared) | 茶葉
tehiøqar | tea | 茶葉仔
tehiøqphafng | tea fragrant | 茶葉芳
tehkviaf | having medicine to calm a person who got shocked | 硩驚
tehky | cutting | 硩枝
tehngg | tea plantation | 茶園
tehnicvii | New Year cash gift wrapped in red paper | 硩年錢
tehoe | tea reception; tea party | 茶會
tehoef | camellia (botany) | 茶花
tehphoax | to break by crushing | 壓破
tehpvie | flaser; mashup; stave; squash; press flat | 壓扁
tehpøq | still hoping; be on the brink of; in the key position | 硩卜; 最後一線希望
tehsaux | cure or relieve a cough | 壓咳; 止咳
tehsie laang | crush a man to death | 壓死人
tehsie | crush to death with a great weight | 壓死
tehsylaang | crash someone to death | 硩死人
tehtang | covered by weights | 硩重
tehtexkym | deposit; returnable lease money | 抵押金
tehtiøh | crushed | 壓傷; 壓倒
tehtvia | to pay a small earnest at beginning of betrothals; give presents to a girl as the symbol of betrothal | 訂婚
tehtøhkag | custom in which two families meet to talk of marriage arrangements; the family of the man (six or twelve people) goes to the home of the potential bride; the woman's family hosts a meal and the potential husband's family gives an ang-pau (gift of a | 壓桌角; 男方至女方提親; 女方請客; 男方送女方紅包
tehtør`khix | collapsed under the weight | 壓塌去
tehzhuix | crush to pieces | 壓碎
tehzoar | put paper on the tombs in spring | 硩祖; 清明節置冥紙於墳墓上
zextehciah | sit to eat | 坐著吃
zuyteh | low tide | 水汐; 退潮

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