"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Aeinsutharn | Albert Einstein (1879-1955), physicist and mathematician, noted for his Theory of Relativity | 愛因斯坦
Angthausu | Orchid Island | 紅頭嶼
Athaix kengzex habzog hoexgi | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | 亞太經濟合作會議
Athaix | Asia Pacific | 亞太
Auciw kioxngtongthea | European common market | 歐洲共同體
Bwzekthiefn | An empress in China | 武則天
Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
Cidnii voa jixsie'ee thaukef | be fickle; undependable; be unable to stick at one job (Lit. Within one year to change4 bosses.) | 一年換二四個頭家
Engpong cibthoaan | sterling block | 英鎊集團
Giaqthaau svachiøq u sinbeeng | The gods are always near you. (Lit. Raise your head three feet and there is a spirit.) | 舉頭三尺有神明
Goaxkauthoaan ee zwsek | Dean of the Diplomatic Corps | 外交團的主席
Guthaau bøo tuix befzhuix | not to the point; unconnected; incongruous (Lit. The head of an ox does not match the mouth of a horse.) | 牛頭無對馬嘴; 文不對題
Hongthaehiø | Empress Dowager | 皇太后
Hongthaeho | Empress Dowager | 皇太后
Hongthaezuo | Crown Prince | 皇太子
Hongthiefn | High Heaven | 皇天
Iuthaejiin | Jew | 猶太仁; 猶太人
Iuthaekaux | Judaism | 猶太教
Iuthaix | Jew; Jews or Hebrew; Jewish; Judea | 猶太
Jidgoadthaam | Sun Moon Lake, a resort in central Taiwan | 日月潭
Jidgoat-thaam | Sun Moon Lake (a resort in central Taiwan) | 日月潭
Kaau Zethiefn | common name of [[Swn Gvoxkhofng]] | 猴齊天
Kaoiogthviaf | Department of Education (Provincial) | 教育廳
Kaoiok-thviatviuo | Commissioner of Education (under a provincial government) | 教育廳長
Kaozofng-thongtiap | encyclical (Catholic) | 教宗通牒
Kauthofng-Po | bureau of communication | 交通部
Kauthongpo | Ministry of Communication | 交通部
Kauthongpoxtviuo | Minister of Communications | 交通部長
Khethaau | upper reaches of a river | 溪頭
Khoahthau'ar | sampan | 闊頭仔; 舢舨
Khoethaau | Sitou | 溪頭
Khofngzwkofng mxkvar siw laang ee kehmii-thiab | Confucius did not dare accept an invitation for the next day. Tomorrow is very uncertain | 孔子公無敢收隔夜帖; (不知未來如何)
Khøethaau | a famous tourist place in center Taiwan | 溪頭
Kiuokokthoaan | National Salvation Group; patriotic group | 救國團
Køeathaau-kiaugvo | hubris | 過份驕傲; 過頭驕傲
Lidgoadthaam | sun-moon lake | 日月潭
Limciofng Serngthea | Sacrament of Holy Eucharist administered to dying or those in danger of death; Viaticum | 臨終聖體
Liongthaam | a city in Taoyuan County | 龍潭
Longlimthviaf | provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry | 農林廳
Lyhithaam | carps pond | 鯉魚潭
Mafthaix Hok'imtoan | Gospel according to Matthew. (Protestant) | 馬太福音傳
Osvoathaau | black hilltop | 黑山頭
Pakisutharn | Pakistan | 巴基斯坦
Pakkek tharmhiarm | Arctic expedition | 北極探險
Palegsutharn | Palestine | 巴勒斯坦
Phekthaam | Green lake in Taipei; Green Lake (in suburban Taipei) | 碧潭
Pithaau | a place in taiwan | 埤頭
Saithaam | a city in Miaoli County | 獅潭
Sam'ui itthea | three persons; One Nature ─ the Trinity | 三位一體
Serngbøfkwn cithoaan | Praesidium of the legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍支團
Serngbøfkwn huozo-thoan'oaan | auxiliary member of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍輔助團員
Serngbøfkwn kangzog-thoan'oaan | active Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍工作團員
Serngbøfkwn khuthoaan | Curia of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍區團
Serngbøfkwn thoan'oaan | Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍團員
Serngbør bongtiaux sengthiefn | Mary is assumed into Heaven (Catholic) | 聖母蒙召升天
Serngthea Ciamlea | corpus Christi (Catholic) | 聖體瞻禮
Serngthea Taixhoe | Eucharistic Congress (Catholic) | 聖體大會
Serngthea høkofng | monstrance (Catholic) | 聖體豪光
Serngthea iuheeng | Procession of the Blessed Sacrament | 聖體遊行
Serngthea karnghog | Benediction (Catholic) | 聖體降福
Serngthea | Holy Eucharist (Catholic) | 聖體
Serngthefzay | Eucharistic fast (Catholic) | 聖體齋
Siaxthaau | a city in Changhua County | 社頭
Sioxngthiefn cy Ho | Queen of Heaven (Catholic) | 上天之后
Sorngthea | Song style; common square form of characters used in printing | 宋體
Sorngthefji | common square form of characters used in printing | 宋體字
Sviu-thafm tix kelafm | As the result of covetousness; the thief is caught and covered with a chicken basket (as punishment) ─ The result of greed is complete loss | 貪小失大。捉雞無著; 蝕把米。
Taioaan-thaau | north point of Taiwan | 台灣頭
Taioanthaau | Taiwan island end | 台灣頭
Taithiq | Taiwan Railway | 台鐵
Taithngg | Taiwan sugar | 台糖
Themothaix Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy (Protestant) | 提摩太前後書
Thuthiog ginhaang | Saving Bank | 儲蓄銀行
Thuthiog hoxzoxsia | Credit Union ─ C U | 儲蓄互助社
Tiong'iofng sirnthokkiok | Central Trust of China | 中央信託局
Tiong'iofng thongsirnsia | Central News Agency (CNA) | 中央通信社
Zaizerngthviaf | Provincial Department of Public Finance | 財政廳
Zaizerngthviatviuo | Director of the Provincial Department of Finance | 財政廳長
Zethiefn Taixsexng | Great Sage, Heaven's Equal, a title taken by Kaau Zethiefn a fictional character | 齊天大聖
Zexngthor-zofng | pure land (Buddhism) | 淨土宗
Zhvemekef toktiøh thaang | lucky guess or shot; win by a fluke; (Lit. A blind chicken pecked a worm.) | 瞎眼雞啄到蟲; 瞎撞瞎著。
Zoakhafng thaux niawchysiu | bureaucrats shield each other | 官官相為
Zusexng siongthongkofng | Communion of Saints (Catholic) | 諸聖相通功
aang-zhaethaau | carrot | 紅菜頭; 胡蘿蔔
aethvazwgi | altruism | 愛他主義
aethviaf | love to hear | 愛聽
ahtøfthaau | crush | 壓倒頭
aithaxn | lament; bewail | 哀嘆
aithong | grief | 哀慟
aithoxng | grief | 哀痛
ang'afthaau | a puppet head; girl's face; face of a puppet | 尪仔頭; 玩偶頭; 少女的臉
ang'ar-thaau | head of a puppet, girl's face, postage stamp | 尪仔頭; 郵票
angmngthoo | cement | 紅毛土; 紅毛塗; 水泥
angmothoo | cement; cement | 紅毛土; 水泥
angthaau`ee | Taoist priest | 紅頭的; 道士
angthiab | red invitation card | 紅帖
angthiap'ar | | 紅帖仔
angthngg | brown sugar | 紅糖
angtholeeng | swamp eel, true eel, Anguilla marmorata | 紅土龍; 鱸鰻
angthoo | red clay; red clay or earth | 紅土
angthøo | red peach | 紅桃; 壽桃紅桃
angzhaethaau | carrot; radish; carrot | 紅蘿蔔
angzhang'afthaau | shallots | 紅蔥仔頭
anhuithvabeng | amphetamine; stimulants | 安非他命
anthaihuu | charm written to prevent a miscarriage | 安胎符
anthaiiøh | medicine for preventing a miscarriage | 安胎藥
anthaix | composed; peaceful; in good health | 安泰
anthay | to prevent miscarriage; relax the womb and prevent miscarriage | 安胎
antheh | settle a new resident | 安宅
anthor | entombment; set down the coffin aside the grave for burial; to perform rites to cure a pregnant woman or a child suffering from the consequences of tang-tho | 安土
aothaau-aobin | pull a long face | 臭頭臭臉
armthaau | at dusk; at nightfall | 暗頭; 傍晚; 晚頭
armthau'ar | nightfall | 暗頭仔; 傍晚
armthauar | sunset | 暗頭仔
armthaxm | detective | 腋窩; 暗探
armthoaq | secret drawer | 暗屜; 秘密抽屜
armtiofng thezhvea | quietly or secretly alert someone like with a tug on the sleeve or a wink of the eye | 暗中提醒
arnthaau | the head of a bed; on one's desk | 床頭; 案頭
athaau | slave girl; madam of a brothel | 丫頭; 老娼
authaau | larynx | 喉頭
auxthaau | in the back; in the future; days to come; wife's family of origin | 後頭; 此後; 娘家
auxthaau-zhux | wife's family home | 後頭厝; 娘家
auxthauzhux | wife's family of origin | 後頭厝; 娘家
auxthay | next birth | 後胎; 下一胎
auxthoex | to retreat | 後退
auxthuie | hind legs; hind legs of an animal | 後腿
auxthvex | buttress | 後撐
auxthviaf | rear hall | 後廳
auxthøex | retreat | 後退
awthox | vomit; vomit; throw up; disgorge | 嘔吐
axm buu thienjit | very dark; a nation or locality where jungle law reigns; lawlessness | 暗無天日
bad bexthaux | can't know thoroughly | 識無透; 不能盡知
bad thaity ciaq zaiviar tølo | learn by experience (Idiom. He who slaughters pigs knows how meat should be cut.) | 曾殺豬才知道刀路
bad thaothaux | know thoroughly | 識透透
bafngthaang | mosquito; bugs; insects | 蚊蟲; 蠓蟲; 蚊子
bafnkoef thiutiin | trace the vine and get a melon; get a clue and follow it up step by step; so as to learn the truth of a matter | 摘瓜抽藤; 追根究底
bafnthøo | steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; steamed bun | 饅頭
bagbaai-thaau | beginning end of eyebrow | 目眉頭
bagciw thapthab | deep-set or sunken eyes; eyes with bags under them | 目睭塌塌; 眼窩內凹
bagthaau katkad | frown | 目頭結結
bagthaau khar | skilful at recognizing or calculating at a glance | 目頭巧; 眼識好
bagthaau koaan | proudly looking down on people; as on poor relatives | 目頭高; 勢力眼
bagthaau | inner corner of eyes, trademark | 目頭; 商標
bah'oaan-thngf | meatball soup | 肉圓湯
bahkud-thngf | meat bone soup | 肉骨湯
bahthea | body | 肉體
bahthea`ee | carnal | 肉體的
bahthngf | meat soup; gravy; consomme | 肉湯
baithaau | put one's head down; duck | 眉間; 埋頭; 眉頭
baithiøo khofkaxn | work with full effort while ignoring other people's criticisms (Lit. bury one's head in a book) | 埋頭苦幹
baithiøo | put one's head down; duck | 埋頭
bang'ar-thafng | window-screen | 網仔窗
bathaau | mistress of a brothel | 描頭; 媌頭; 老鴇
batthviaf | heard it | 曾聽
bauqthaau | contracter; contractor | 貿頭; 承攬頭; 包商
bauxthaau | contracter | 貿頭
baxnjinthiorng | mass burial ground or grave | 萬人塚
baxnlie phengtheeng | an expression used to congratulate someone or give him your best wishes; (Lit. very promising; future unlimited) | 萬里鵬程
baxnsu paethog | Please help in all matters | 萬事拜託
baxnsuxthofng | jack-of-all-trades | 萬事通
baxnthai | treat a guest rudely or discourteously (self-deprecating phrase often used in a polite conversation to indicate your guest deserves better treatment) | 慢待
baxnthunthwn | irritatingly slow; exasperatingly slow | 慢吞吞
be thaohofng | wind proof | 未透風
be theaseg | it won't fade | 袂褪色
be titthafng | the negative of e-tang; expresses physical or moral impossibility | 未得通; 無能
beeng boarn thienha | enjoy a world-wide fame; be world-famous | 名滿天下
beeng ioong thienha | name spread all over the world; the name is known far and wide | 名揚天下
beeng pud hithoaan | one's reputation well-deserved | 名無虛傳
befhiethoaan | circus troupe | 馬戲團
befkhao-thiq | tinplate | 馬口鐵
befkhawthiq | tin; tin plate | 馬口鐵
beftee-thiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
beftethiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
befthaau | dock; wharf; wharf; pier | 碼頭; 馬頭
beftharng | toilet; stool; commode; night vessel; western-style toilet; commode | 馬桶
befthofng | offer bribes to facilitate one's operations; obtain the collusion of officials with bribes | 買通
beftøee-thiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
begthok | mental reading | 默讀
bengchviuo armthaw | rob openly; to steal secretly | 明搶暗偷
bengkiofng Serngthea | exposition of Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 明供聖體
bengthofng | Thoroughly understands | 明通
beqgee thngg | maltose | 麥芽糖
beqgee-thngg | maltose | 麥芽糖
beqgethngg | malt sugar; maltose | 麥芽糖
beqthøx | wrappers worn either outside the stocking or in place of stockings as a protection from chafing with shoes | 襪套
bexthofng | illegible writing; illogical; inarticulate; cannot make oneself understood; cut off or poor connection on a telephone; can not get through to someone; blocked; not passable | 未通; 無通
bextitthafng khix | cannot manage to go | 未得通去; 無能去
bextitthafng | not allow to | 袂得通
biauthau'efng | the owl | 貓頭鷹
biauthiaau | slender; slender figure | 苗條
biauthiøo | early beginning; clues; some visible results | 苗頭
bidthaxm | secret detective; secret agent; spy | 密探
bidthngg | honey; honey sugar; honey | 蜜糖; 蜂蜜
bidthofng | secretly communicate | 密通
biefnthee | no suggestion; no necessary | 免提
biexntheg | scold a person personally | 面斥
bin thauzeeng | in front of a person | 面頭前
bin-thauzeeng | in someone's presence; now; present; in front | 面頭前; 面前; 前面
binhofng thofsiok | manners and customs of a place | 民風土俗
binzerngthviaf | provincial department of civil affairs | 民政廳
binzerngthviatviuo | commissioner of the provincial department of civil affairs | 民政廳長
binzuo zerngthea | democratic government | 民主政體
bisengthaang | germ, microbe | 微生蟲; 病菌
bisi-zoxngthaix | microstate | 微小狀態; 微視狀態
bithabirn | vitamin | 維生素
bixnthaang | intestinal parasite; ascariasis; tapeworm; roundworm | 蛔虫; 蛔蟲
bixnthafngkex | basin stand | 面桶架
bixntharng | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面桶; 面盆; 臉盆
bixnthauzeeng | in front of; in the presence of | 面頭前
bixnthea | countenance; personage | 面體; 相貌; 面貌; 容貌
bixnthefphee | emotional sensitivity, respectability | 面體皮
boadthaxn | little profit | 末賺; 薄賺
boafnthiensefng | a plant of the lettuce family, Lactuca indica | 滿天星
boarn thienha | all over the world; everywhere | 滿天下
boehthox | to hate; to loathe; strain one's heart and mind | 要吐; 作嘔; 噁心
boeqthøx | wrappers worn either outside the stocking or in place of stockings as a protection from chafing with shoes | 襪套
boethvoax | coal | 煤炭
boexthofng | cannot pass, cannot evacuate 'bowel, bladder' | 未通
boextitthafng | unable to go through | 袂得通
bofngthoaf | temporary delay | 罔拖; 暫且拖過
bofthauchyn | wife's relatives; affinity or in-laws of wife side; wife's relations | 某頭親; 外戚; 妻方親戚
bofthauku | wife's brother | 某頭舅; 妻之兄弟
bogthiog | stock farming; cattle breeding | 牧畜
bogthiokgiap | pastoral industry; stock farming; ranching | 牧畜業
bogthvoaroe | charcoal drawing | 木炭畫
bogthvoax | charcoal from wood | 木炭
bongthvichirnchixn | not to know any obstacles, not to be intimidated | 不知天高地厚
bongthvy chirnchixn | not to know any obstacles; not to be intimidated | 無知天高地厚
budkex thofngzex | price control | 物價統制
budthea | object; body; substance; object (physics term) | 物體
buhoad buthiefn | lawless and godless; totally devoid of conscience and respect for law | 無法無天
buhoad-buthiefn | completely lawless and Godless; licentious | 無法無天
buhoatbuthiefn | lawless | 無法無天
bukithea | inorganic matter | 無機體
bunbeeng thienha | world-famous | 聞名天下
bunthea | style or type of writing; literary form or style | 文體
busor putthofng | there is nothing which he does not understand | 無所無通
busw zuxthofng | acquire a skill without being taught | 無師自通
buthaau kong'axn | an unverified case | 無頭公案
buthie | shameless; brazen; shameless | 無恥
buu tong ii thiofng | unmoved; hardhearted; callous; remain firm; stand pat | 無動於衷
buxnbun'afthviax | dull throbbing pain | 悶悶仔痛; 陣痛
buxnthaang | intestinal worm | 蛔蟲; 蝒蟲
buxnthviax | melancholy pain; secret pain; regret pain; silently pain | 悶痛
bwthay | mother's womb | 母胎
bwthea | mother's body | 母體
bwthoaan | dance troupe | 舞團
bwthviaf | night-club; dance-hall; dance hall | 舞廳
byciwthauar | rice wine | 米酒頭仔
bythaang | weevil; rice worm; rice worm; hoarding rice merchant | 米蟲
bythaibak | a kind of rice noodle | 米篩目; 米食名
bytharng | rice pail | 米桶
bythay | bamboo sieve for rice grain; rice-sieve | 米篩; 米篩子; 篩米籮
bythiab | part of salary paid with rice | 米帖; 食物配給
bø'ienthvoax | smokeless charcoal | 無煙炭
bø'oe thang'ixn | nothing to say in reply; speechless | 無言可答
bøehthae | how come | 要怎; 何來; 怎會
bøehthaythør | what's next | 要怎好; 怎可
bøehthox | going to vomit | 要吐
bøexthafng | not possible to | 無能; 袂通; 未通; 未可
bøextid-thafng | impossible | 無能夠; 未得通
bøextitthafng | cannot | 未得通; 無能
bøfthaau-chyn | wife's relatives | 母頭親; 姻親
bøfthay | mother's womb | 母胎
bøfthea | mother's condition (obstetrics) | 母體
bøo bin thafng kvix laang | feeling ashamed to see others because of some awkward; inconvenient; or shameful state of matters | 無臉見人
bøo goanzoe sythay | Immaculate Conception of Mary; conceived without sin (catholic term) | 無原罪始胎
bøo hexthorng | unclassified; without system; disorder; unsystematic; uncontrolled | 無系統
bøo iøh thafng kiux | incurable; beyond hope; incorrigible | 無藥可救
bøo liamthie | shameless; devoid of honor | 無廉恥
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøo piernthofng | stubborn | 沒變通; 無變通
bøo thafng ciah | having nothing to eat | 無得吃
bøo thak`tiøh | have never read it | 沒有讀過
bøo tharncvii | no profit; too small a profit | 無賺錢
bøo thaunao | stupid (Lit. no brains) | 沒頭腦; 愚笨
bøo thausiin | absent-minded | 無頭神; 記性差
bøo thaux | no way through | 無透
bøo thienlioong | have no conscience | 無天良
bøo thvilie | unreasonable | 無天理
bøsitheeng | without pause or intermission | 無時停
bøtex-thafng | no way | 無處可
bøthaau bøboea | incomplete; incomprehensible; nonsensical; no beginning or end (Lit. no head no tail) | 無頭無尾
bøthaau kong'axn | murder case which has no clue to its solution; a charge against a person or persons unknown | 無頭公案
bøthaau-bøbøea | out of blue | 無頭無尾
bøthaau-kong'axn | unsolved misery | 無頭公案
bøthafng hør | not very good | 無太好
bøthafng | not tolerate; not allow; not brook; not admit; hate to do; hate to part with | 無可; 無通; 沒…可
bøthaukuie | headless ghost | 無頭鬼
bøthausiin | absent minded; forgetful | 記性壞; 無頭神; 健忘
bøtheeng | without stopping; without pause or intermission | 沒停
bøthie | shameless, brazen | 無恥
bøthngg | no kids | 無傳
bøthofng | not suitable as a plan; be cut off; be interrupted; traffic congested | 沒通
bøthvy bøte | contrary to Heaven and Earth (said of very wicked conduct) | 無天無地
bøthvy-bøtøe | lawless | 無天無地; 極無道理
bøthøx | unsettled; unsatisfactory; not right; unsafe | 無妥
bøzafngthaau | have no clue | 無線索; 無頭緒
bøzngf bøthvar | not dress up | 無裝無娗; 沒梳妝打扮
chiahsoathngg | brown sugar | 赤砂糖; 紅糖
chiahsyn loxthea | completely naked | 赤身露體
chiahsyn-loxthea | nude | 赤身露體
chiahthea | bare body | 赤體
chiahtheq | naked | 赤袒; 光著身子
chiahthngg | brown sugar | 赤糖
chiahthoo | shovel dirt with a spade | 赤土; 挖土
chiamtheeng | office note addressed to a superior | 簽呈
chiapgiok thauhiofng | indulge in secret relations with women | 竊玉偷香
chiapthefng | wiretapper | 竊聽
chiapthviaf | eavesdrop; eavesdropping | 竊聽
chiapthviakhix | bugging device | 竊聽器
chiathaau | train station; bus station; train; bus station | 車頭; 車站
chiathafng | car window | 車窗
chiathay | tire | 車胎
chiathea | the body of an automobile | 車體
chiathefji | italics | 斜體字
chiaujieen ee thaito | unconcerned attitude | 超然的態度
chiauthoad | unconventional; transcend worldliness | 超脫
chiauthoo | mix mud or clay into a mass; mix mortar | 攪土
chiefnthoa'ar | slippers without heels | 拖鞋仔
chiefnthoaf | slippers; loafer | 拖鞋
chiefnthvoa | a shoal | 淺灘
chiefnthøo-seg | light peach | 淺桃色
chieløafthaang | hairy caterpillar | 刺毛仔蟲; 毛毛蟲
chiemothaang | hairy caterpillar | 刺毛蟲; 毛毛蟲
chien'ii-zoxngthaix | transition state | 遷移狀態
chienhythaang | Y2K bug; millennium bug | 千禧虫
chienthiorng | move the tomb | 遷塚
chienthiøo baxnsu | very complicated or confused problem or task; a thousand and one things to attend to; extremely complicated and difficult thing to unravel | 千頭萬緒
chienthiøo-baxnsu | thousands of strands and loose ends; very complicated | 千頭萬緒
chienthuii peklien | hammer into shape; form iron utensil; develop human character by persistent knocking into shape; undergo severe training and hammering; write with the utmost care (Lit. with countless changes and corrections) | 千錘百鍊
chiethaang | oriental moth | 刺蟲; 刺蛾
chiethaux | pierce through | 刺透
chiethaxm | to feel out; to explore; test; sound out; tempt; put up a trial balloon | 試探
chihthaau | droppingly | 垂頭
chimthaam | deep pool | 深潭
chimtheh | intrusion | 侵提
chimthwn | misappropriate public funds for private ends; take by illegal means | 侵吞; 侵佔
chimthwn-kongkhoarn | to graft, to misappropriate | 深吞公款; 侵吞公款
chiogthoo | to play in mud; work clay or mud with the hands; play with mud like a child | 觸土; 玩泥巴; 搗拌泥土
chiongtheg | flooded | 充斥
chiongthiefn | shoot up to the sky | 沖天
chiongthiefn-phaux | firework | 沖天炮
chiongthvy | soaring | 沖天
chiqthaau | indenter | 壓頭
chirnthaau | weight; weight | 秤頭; 秤得的重量
chirnthog | foil; relieve; set off | 襯托
chirnthuii | weight; counter weight used with a steelyard | 秤槌; 秤錘
chitthofng pattat | very erudite; know everything; with facilities of communication; accessible from all directions | 七通八達
chitthofng-pattat | well developed transportation system; very convenient | 七通八達
chitthø'ar | playboy; man of pleasure | 拭桃仔; 流氓
chitthølaang | playboy; man of pleasure | 拭桃人; 流氓
chitthømih | toy, plaything | 拭桃物; 𨑨迌物; 玩具
chitthømih'ar | toys | 𨑨迌物仔
chitthømiqar | a plaything, a toy | 玩具
chitthømngh | toys | 𨑨迌物
chitthøo | play; have fun; doing for pleasure and amusement | 玩耍; 𨑨迌; 拭桃
chitthøo-gyn'ar | playboy | 拭桃囝仔; 𨑨迌囡仔
chitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人; 𨑨迌人; 遊盪人
chitthøo-zabor | loose woman, prostitute | 拭桃查某; 𨑨迌查某; 玩女人
chitthøzabor | prostitute | 𨑨迌查某
chitzarnthaq | seven storied pagoda | 七層塔
chiuo bøo zhurnthiq | totally unarmed (Lit. Hand does have an inch of iron.) | 手無寸鐵
chiuthvy | fall; autumn; autumn; autumn time or season | 秋天
chiuxlengthngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiuxnithngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiuxny-thaau | rubber tree holes for gathering rubber ring | 樹乳頭
chiuxny-thngg | gum | 樹乳糖; 橡皮糖
chiuxthaau | bottom of a bole; stump; trunk | 樹頭; 樹椿
chiwbin tharnciah | be a worker | 手面賺食; 打零工
chiwkofthaau | elbow | 手鼓頭; 手肘
chiwthaau aan | hand up for cash | 銀根緊; 手頭緊
chiwthaau khyn | light hand | 手頭輕
chiwthaau tang | handle roughly; be extravagant in expenditure | 手頭重
chiwthaau | saving; hold; seize; grasp property or authority; have something one's command | 手頭; 手中
chiwthaix pekzhud | many disgraceful manners | 醜態百出
chiwthee tiexnsixky | portable TV set | 手提電視機
chiwthee | portable; hand carried | 手提
chiwthee-khiim | violin | 手提琴
chiwthekhiim | a violin; violin | 手提琴
chiwthepaw | handbag | 手提包
chiwthesviw | portmanteau; suitcase | 手提箱
chiwthete | woman's handbag | 手提袋
chiwthøx | gloves; mittens; gloves | 手套
chiwzefngthauar | finger | 手指頭仔
chiøhthaau | measurement | 尺頭; 尺寸
chiørthaau chiørbin | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 笑頭笑面; 眉開眼笑
chiørthaau-chiørbin | alls smiles; smiles radiantly | 笑頭笑面
chiørthauchiørbin | smiling brightly | 笑頭笑面
chviafthiab | invitation; an invitation card | 請帖
chvitharng | green bucket | 青桶
chvithii | green moss | 青苔
chvithvoax | coal | 生炭; 石炭
chviu zhvethii | get covered with green moss | 生青苔
chviuo kviarthaau | fight for vantage point in taking news picture | 搶鏡頭
chviuthaau | top of wall | 牆頭
chviuthau'ar | wall around the house | 牆頭仔; 圍牆
chviux laxnthaan | sing mountain song | 唱亂彈; 唱山歌
chviuxchvithii | moss growing | 上青苔
chviuxphvixthaang | curculio | 象鼻蟲
chviuxthaau | elephant's head, bride's wedding hair | 象頭; 上頭; 帶鳳冠
chviuxzhvethii | moss growing | 上青苔
chviwthauhviw | compete for putting the first incense stick | 搶頭香; 爭取上第一柱香
chviwthaupiøf | grab the first label | 搶頭標
chviwtheh | grab | 搶拿
ciaf thafng zhøe | can be find here | 此可尋
ciah thaukef | be fed by one's employer | 吃頭家; 膳食由主人供給
ciah-thaukef | boss provides three meals | 吃頭家; 老闆供應伙食
ciah-thaulo | get a job; start a career | 吃頭路; 食頭路; 上班; 就業; 工作
ciah-thitthøo | eat munchies | 吃拭桃; 吃零食
ciahthafng | possible | 才通; 才可
ciamthaau | pinhead; sharp point | 針頭; 尖頭
ciamthaq | needle tower | 尖塔
ciamtherng | submarine | 潛艇; 潛水艇
ciamzuytheeng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciamzuytherng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciaothaau | (adv) anew; de novo | 照頭; 依次; 挨次; 從頭
ciaothaulaai | from the beginning | 照頭來; 照順序
ciaothauluun | take turn from the beginning | 照頭輪
ciaothaupaai | follow the line | 照頭排
ciaothvoaf | divide expenses according to the stake or share that each has | 分攤
ciapchiog thoanjiarm | to come in contact with; to infect; communicate disease; communicable or infectious disease | 接觸傳染
ciapthaau | a connection; a joint; a junction; meet and discuss; joint of pipeline; a splice in a rope | 接頭
ciapthai | reception; give a reception to; welcome; entertain; serve; reception | 接待
ciapthai-seg | a reception-room | 接待室
ciapthaixoaan | receptionist | 接待員
ciapthaixseg | reception room | 接待室
ciapthaixsor | guest house | 接待所; 招待所
ciapthauguo | joint language | 接頭語
ciapthex | substitute for; take the place of | 接替
ciapthoex | take over process | 接退
ciapthofng | turn on; get through; connecting | 接通
ciaqchirnthaau | cheat customer by inflating the merchant weight | 食秤頭
ciaqlaang ciaqthiq | overbearing, perverse, wicked | 食人食鐵; 蠻橫
ciaqpng-thviaf | dining hall, dining room | 吃飯廳; 食飯廳; 餐廳
ciaqpngxthviaf | dining room | 吃飯廳; 餐廳
ciaqtaang ciaqthiq | overbearing; perverse; wicked; roughshod; selfish; grasping | 吃銅吃鐵; 惡無人性
ciaqthaulo | employed | 食頭路
ciaqthaw | deceit | 吃偷; 欺詐
ciarkox thesii | decline or reject with an excuse or pretext | 藉故推辭
ciarthngg | cane sugar | 蔗糖
ciauthad | tease; bait; bully; rag | 欺負; 糟塌; 蹧躂
ciauthai | invitation; give a reception to; host to; serve; receive; to welcome; reception | 招待
ciauthai-hoe | reception party | 招待會
ciauthai-kngx | complimentary ticket, courtesy card | 招待券
ciauthai-oaan | usher, receptionist | 招待員
ciauthaixkoaxn | free ticket | 招待券
ciauthaixoaan | receptionist; touring guide; steward or usher | 招待員
ciauthaixseg | reception room | 招待室
ciauthaixsor | hostel; guest house; hostel | 招待所
ciauthaux | through and through | 齊透; 透徹
ciaux thvilie | according to the laws of Heaven; right; proper | 照天理
ciaxmtheeng | to suspend (an action or event); to pause; to halt; stop; halt; or suspend temporarily | 暫停
cibhabthea | aggregate (of minerals) | 集合體
cibthea hengtong | collective action | 集體行動
cibthea longtviuu | collective farm | 集體農場
cibthea tham'ux | collective corruption | 集體貪污
cibthea | mass; collective; all together; collective; collectively | 集體
cibthoaan ibiin | wholesale emigration; emigrant group | 集團移民
cibthoaan kiet'hwn | mass wedding | 集團結婚
cibthoaan | battalion; ring; group; organization; body of people; faction | 集團
cibthoankwn | an army; a military outfit which consists of more than two corps | 集團軍
cidthaau | a (horse; ox) | 一頭
cidthaxng | one trip | 一通
cidthay | one birth | 一胎
cidthofng | one phone call | 一通
cidthøx | a suit of; a set of; set | 一套
cidzhuix thoaan cidcih | news passed from mouth to mouth | 一嘴傳一舌; 相傳很快
cieen zofngthorng | ex-president | 前總統
ciefnthaang | clothes moth, silverfish | 剪蟲; 蠧書蟲
ciefnthaumof | get a haircut | 剪頭毛; 理髮
cienthee | a premise; a presupposition; logical premise; the primary consideration | 前提
cientheeng baxnlie | the prospect of a very successful career; May you have a great career | 前程萬里
cientheeng | the future; path ahead; one's career; prospects | 前程
cienthviaf | front hall | 前廳
ciernzefng zoxngthaix | state of war; state of hostilities | 戰爭狀態
cietcied paixthex | suffer one defeat after another | 節節敗退
cietthaau | discount | 折頭; 折扣
cietthah | to fold up, to double up | 折疊
ciexnthaang | said in scolding a child (Lit. troublesome insect) | 頑皮; 淘氣鬼
cih kietthay | coated tongue | 舌結苔
cinthee | true meaning | 真諦
cinthoaan | official pass on; true oral tradition | 真傳
ciokthog | temporary engagement; part-time job; to entrust; to charge; commit; trust with | 囑託
ciokthor | land conferred along with a title of nobility | 爵土
ciongthaau kaoboea | from the start to the end; throughout | 從頭到尾
ciongthaau | from the beginning | 從頭
ciongtheeng | constitution; regulations; by laws constitution of a society | 章程
cioong thiefn jii kaxng | descend from heaven (literally) very unexpectedly; deus ex machina | 從天而降
ciqthaau | a tongue; the tongue; the root of the tongue | 舌頭; 舌後; 舌根
ciqthay | coated tongue | 舌苔
cirmthaux | soak thoroughly; saturate; soak thoroughly | 浸透
cirntheeng | offer or present something to a superior or an elder | 進呈
cirnthex bogkoad | not knowing what course of action to take | 進退莫決
cirnthex liofnglaan | be in a dilemma (to have difficulty going either forward of backward) | 進退兩難
cirnthex ykiong | cast one's lot with another person | 進退與共
cirnthex | advance or withdraw; to stay or quit a job; employ or fire a person | 進退
cirnthoex | fluctuation | 進退
cirnthøex | to advance and retreat; a sense of propriety | 進退
cithea | members and trunk of the body | 肢體
cithiau | a pillar, a mainstay | 支柱
citthaau | this side | 這頭; 這邊
citthofng | this telephone call | 這通
citthøx | this set; the series | 這套
ciuothaang | insect which eats wood or bamboo | 蛀蟲
ciuthviaf | city hall | 州廳
ciuxthak | enroll | 就讀
ciwkanthat'ar | cork | 酒矸窒仔
ciwthad | wine stopper | 酒塞
ciwtharng | wine bucket; wine barrel or cask | 酒桶; 酒量大
ciwthiw | drunk | 酒抽
cixn-thøex liofnglaan | dilemma | 進退兩難
cixnkegthaau | end | 盡極頭
cixnthaau | outland; the extreme end; the utmost; extremity | 盡頭
cixnthaxn cixnkhay | spend whatever one earns | 盡趁盡開; 賺多少花多少
cixnthiøo | end | 盡頭
cixnthoaan | pass all | 盡傳
cixnzeeng khoafnthai | treat with the utmost kindness | 盡情款待
ciøqthaau kofng | stone idol | 石頭公
ciøqthaau | stone; rock; stone; rocks | 石頭
ciøqthau'ar | pebble, gravel | 石頭仔; 小石頭; 小石子
ciøqthauaflo | stone paved road; a gravel road | 石頭仔路
ciøqthauar | small stone | 石頭仔
ciøqthaukhafng | hole in the rock | 石頭孔; 石洞
ciøqthaukofng | stone God | 石頭公; 石偶像
ciøqthauliap | stone | 石頭粒
ciøqthauphang | crevice between rocks | 石頭縫
ciøqthauphviaa | beach full of stones | 石子埔
ciøqthaupof | stone paved floor | 石頭埔; 石子地
ciøqthaute | rocky soil; ground full of rocks; not good for cultivation | 石頭地
ciøqthay | barren womb | 石胎
ciøqthiao'ar | mudskipper, jumping fish | 石跳仔; 彈塗魚
ciøqthiap | tropical marine gastropod | 石疊; 石腹足動物
ciøqthiau | stone post or columns; stone pillar | 石柱
ciøqthiaux | tone mallet | 石槌
ciøqthuii | stone mallet | 石槌
ciøqthuy | stone ladder | 石梯
ciøqthvoarsngf | carbolic acid | 石炭酸
ciøqthvoax | anthracites; coal | 石炭; 煤
ciør thauzhuix | small family | 少頭厝; 小家庭
ciøthiab | poster | 招貼
cviagoeh cviathaau | first few days of the year sometimes including to about the fifteenth in which time debts are not collected and ill-omened language is avoided | 正月正頭; 大年初
cviarthaau | head up | 正頭; 頭朝上; 正面
cviarthaau`ee | in season crops; fruits and vegetables | 正頭的; 合季節的農作物
cviarthorng | orthodox; legitimate; classical | 正統
cviarthviaf | a main hall | 正廳
cviarthøx | right and sound | 正妥
cviathiarm | very exhausted | 很累; 誠忝
cvie'thaau | arrowhead | 箭頭
cviethaau | an arrowhead; an arrow tip | 箭頭
cvithaau | withdraw money | 錢頭
cvitharn | a woolen blanket; a blanket | 毛毯; 氈毯
cvithea | crystal | 晶體
cviuxsvoathaau | buried in cemetery of a furnel | 上山頭
cviuxthaau-cviuxbin | to have no sense of shame | 恬無知恥
cviuxthngg | cover with sugar | 上糖
cviuxthviaf | to enter a hall | 上廳; 進入廳堂
cviuxthviax | jock itch | 癢痛
cviuxthvy | Heaven; God; .to go up to the sky | 上天
cvy-thefbin | fight to save one's face or dignity | 爭體面
cvythaang | larva of an insect | 嫩蟲; 幼蟲
cymthaau | pillow | 枕頭
cymthaau-loong | pillow case | 枕頭囊; 枕頭套
cymthaau-pox | pillow cover | 枕頭布
cymthaau-te | pillow case | 枕頭袋; 枕頭套
cymthauhieen | pillow talk of a female companion; slanders or flatteries (Lit. Chinese fiddle played by one's pillow companion) | 枕頭弦; 枕邊細語
cymthauloong | pillow case | 枕頭廊; 枕套
cymthauthøx | open ended pillow case | 枕頭套
cytheg | To reprove or criticize openly; refute | 指斥
cythox | cure vomiting | 止嘔; 止吐
cythviariøh | anodyne; pain killer | 止痛藥
cythviartafn | anodyne; pain killer | 止痛丹
cythviarzef | anodyne, anglestic | 止痛藥; 止疼劑
cythviax | relieve pain; analgesic; pain releaving; allay pain | 止痛; 止疼
e cioong thiefn kaxng | an unexpected disaster (Lit. A calamity descended from the sky.) | 禍從天降
ef siøfthekhiim | play a violin | 拉小提琴
efngpør thaepeeng | remain peaceful for all time | 永保太平
egthaix | the liquid state | 液態
egtharng | wooden bath; bathtub | 浴桶; 浴盆
egthea toxngleghak | hydrodynamics | 液體動力學
egthea zexngleghak | hydrostatics | 液體靜力學
egthea | liquid; aqua; liquids | 液體
ekthioong | beneficial insects | 益蟲
eng chiuo thvar`khix | carry away on the open palm; a sharp pushing blow delivered with the open palm(s) (Chinese boxing) | 用手推去; 用手頂去
enghøefthaang | firefly | 螢火蟲
engkongthea | fluorescent object | 螢光體
engthøo | cherry; cherry (fruit) | 櫻桃
ethaau | toe of a shoe | 鞋頭
ethøx | overshoes | 鞋套
exngtharntiau | aria | 詠歎調
exthaau | lower part, southern part | 下方; 下頭; 南部
exthafng | to be able to; to be capable of | 可以
exthauxlaang | poisonous | 會毒死人的
exthaxn | profitable (work; investment) | 會賺; 趁
exthuie | a lower leg; a shank | 小腿; 下腿
exthvea'ar | younger generation | 幼撐仔; 傳衣缽的人
exthvex | next generations | 後代
exthviax | painful; pained; feeling pain | 會痛
extid thafng | able to...; it can be.. | 可…
gagthoaan | band; orchestra | 樂團
ganbin sinkengthviax | facial neuralgia | 顏面神經痛
garnthiq | to temper (iron | 研鐵; 以水冷卻燒紅的鐵; 淬火; 焠火
gauthuu | slow in doing everything | 慢吞吞地
gaxmthaau gaxmbin | idiotic; absurd; stupid (Lit. bonehead and stupid look) | 儑頭儑面; 呆頭呆腦; 憨頭憨面
gaxmthaugaxmbin | ignorance | 儑頭儑面
gefngthuii | rolling-pin | 研槌; 杵
gegthai | maltreat; to torment; ill-treat | 逆待; 虐待
gegthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture; sadism; sadist | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
gegthiefn | offend against Heaven | 逆天
gegthorng | a rebel party or group | 逆黨
gegthvy | offend against Heaven | 逆天
geqthaau | beginning of the month | 月頭
geqthøo | alpinia | 月桃
gethaang | bud worm | 芽蟲
gexsut thienzaai | artistic talent | 藝術天才
gexthoaan | art organization; a theatre company; a theatre troupe | 藝團
gezøthaau | back part of the lower jaw | 下顎頭; 牙槽頭
giaqthaau | to raise one's head; to gain ground; lift up or elevate the head | 舉頭; 攑頭; 抬頭
giathaau | lift up one's head; at first; in the beginnings; beginning; to begin or start; raise the head | 抬頭; 起頭; 發起
giauthaang | pinworm | 針蟲; 蟯蟲
giaxmthaam | examine sputum under microscope | 驗痰
giefnkiux thoanthea | research body | 研究團體
giefnthok | to study; do research | 研讀
giefnthøfhoe | workshop; seminar; symposium | 研討會
giefnthør | enter into; research; study and discuss | 研討
giernthaau | foolish; stupid | 愚笨; 癮頭
giet'afthaang | scorpion | 蠍子蟲; 蠍子
gihciøqthaau | pile up stones | 砌石頭
ginhangthoaan | banking consortium | 銀行團
giofngthiefn tiongthaxn | sigh deeply | 仰天長歎
giofngthiefn | look up to Heaven | 仰天
giogthai | maltreat; to torment; ill-treat | 虐待
giogthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture | 虐待狂
giogthea | esteemed health; yourself | 玉體
giogthox | the rabbit in the moon; jade hare in the moon (Chinese mythology) | 玉兔
giogthuie | beautiful legs (woman) | 玉腿
giorng putkhuix thiefn | feel no shame before God | 仰無愧天
githaix | elegance and coquetry | 儀態
githoaan | question; dark shadows of doubt lurking in one's mind | 疑團
gixhøthoaan | The Boxers (responsible for the Boxer Uprising of 1900) | 義和團
gixsu jidtheeng | agenda | 議事日程
gixsuxthuii | gavel (used by the speaker of a legislature) | 議事槌
gixsuxthviaf | council chamber | 議事廳
gixtheeng | agenda; program | 議程
goaan-khythaau | the very origin | 源起頭; 起初
goanthaau | origin, manufacturer, maker, wholesaler, head or source (of a stream) | 源頭; 起源; 來源
goanzoe thoanseeng lun | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 原罪傳承論; 靈魂遺傳說
goaxkauthoaan | diplomatic corps | 外交團
goaxkaw-thoaan | diplomacy team | 外交團
goaxthaau | outside; external; out | 外頭; 外面; 外側
goaxthay | tire cover | 外胎
goaxthøx | wrap; overcoat; coat; manta; outer garment | 外套
goeqkefng thengcie | cessation of menses | 月經停止
goeqthaau | first decade of the month | 月頭
goeqthiah'ar | month calendar | 月拆仔; 月曆
goxngthaau-goxngnao | foolish; stupid-looking | 憨頭憨腦; 傻頭傻腦
goxngthud | foolish or stupid person | 憨禿; 憨傻
goxngthuii | crass | 憨錘
goxthoaan | pass or report something through a mistake; transmit (facts) incorrectly | 誤傳
goxthviaf | mishear | 誤聽
goxzafngthaau | the most important part; the why and wherefore of a thing (Lit. where the plant connects to the root) | 五蔥頭; 植物接近根部處
goxzarnthaq | five stories tower or pagoda | 五層塔
gubahthngf | beef soup | 牛肉湯
gulefng-thauar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳頭仔; 奶嘴
gulengthngg | caramel | 牛乳糖; 牛奶糖
gunithngg | caramel | 牛奶糖
guthaau | cattle's head | 牛頭
guthaau-befbin | ox-headed and horse-faced (demons in Hades) (Taoism) | 牛頭馬面
guthuie | a quarter of beef | 牛腿
guthun'ar | younger bull or heifer | 犢牛仔
guthurn | stupid, foolish, stupidity, foolishness | 牛碩; 愚蠢
gvexthea | hardware | 硬體
gvexthuy | force oneself to do something (eating; studying; etc) | 硬撐
gvexthøx | to apply arbitrarily | 硬套
gviao thihteng'ar | pull out a nail with pincers or nail puller | 掏鐵釘仔; 拔鐵釘
gvixthea | hardware | 硬體
gvixthøx | to apply arbitrarily | 硬套
gwthaix | voice (in grammar) | 語態
gymsiong-thiamhoaf | embroider flowers on a piece of brocade--to make a good thing even better | 錦上添花
gyn'afthuun | boy just about reaching manhood; about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囝仔豚; 青少年
gyn'ar-thuun | adolescent boy; boy just about reaching manhood, about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囡仔豚; 青少年
gythaix | mimesis; mimicry | 擬態
gøeqthaau | beginning of the month | 月頭; 月初
gøeqthøo | a kind of alpinia | 月桃; 玉桃
hab'afthaxn | a business where the cost is equal to the gross profit; not counting operating cost | 合仔趁
hab'ar-thaxn | profitable in all | 合仔賺; 倍賺
habchviuothoaan | chorus | 合唱團
habchviux-thoaan | a choir | 合唱團
hafngthaau | bluff | 哄頭; 嚇人的態度
hagsengthoaan | student body | 學生團
hah-zuythor | suitable to the environment | 合水土
haixthaang | noxious insects; vermin; harmful insect | 害蟲
hamthaau | title | 頭銜; 銜頭
hamthiog | connotation; implicit; reserved; deep | 含蓄; 涵蓄,含蓄
hancithngg | potatoes preserved in sugar | 月見糖
hang'ar-thaau | beginning of a lane | 巷仔頭
hangtheeng | distance of an air or sea trip | 航程
hanthiefn | colod weather | 寒天
harthng | sun's stick with a white paper at funeral | 曬搪; 孝杖; [*]
hatthoo | drab soil | 棕土; 褐塗
haux kafmtong thiefn | filial piety can move Heaven | 孝感動天
hawthviax | to cry out because of pain | 叫痛; 哮痛
haxngthaau | head of the hallway | 巷頭
haxsuythngf | soup made with internal organs usually from pig, cow or chicken | 下水湯
haxterng thornghoex | imperfect contrition (Catholic) | 下等痛悔
haxthea | the privates; the genitals | 下體
haxthiab | to send invitation | 下帖
haxthvy | summer days | 夏天
haykag-thiengaai | farthest ends of the earth | 海角天涯
haykhoaq-thienkhofng | as boundless as sea and sky | 海闊天空
haymii-thea | a mass of erectile tissue | 海綿體
haythafn | sandy area of the beach; portion of shore left dry at low tide | 海灘
haythe | jelly-fish | 海苔; 水母
haytheeng | sea voyage | 海行; 海程
haythii | coarser kind of seaweed; seldom eaten | 海苔
haythoaq | sea otter; a beaver | 海獺
haythoo | sea soil | 海土; 海底之土
haythuun | dolphin | 海豚
heathaau | newly launched goods | 貨頭
hefthafng | stove | 火熥
hefthuie | ham | 火腿
hefthvoax | charcoal | 火炭
hengthaehak | morphology | 形態學
hengthaix | shape; form; appearance; state | 形態
hengthaix-hak | morphology | 形態學
hengthea | style; the human form | 形體
hengtheeng | traveler's route or itinerary | 行程
hengthofng | prosper; succeed | 亨通; 興通
herngthaau | interest; hobby; be interested in | 興趣; 興頭
hethaau | initiator, sponsor | 回頭
hexsiin-thokput | vow to spirits and idols | 求神託佛
hexthaau | look back | 會頭
hexthofnghoax | systematize; systematized | 系統化
hexthorng ee zerngbeeng | certificate of ancestry; pedigree | 系統的證明
hexthorng hunluixhak | phylogenetics; study of the evolution or development of a kind or type of animal or plant; racial history | 系統分類學
hexthorng | system; ancestry; lineage; geological formation | 系統
hexthvy | summer time | 夏天
hiaqthaau | forehead | 額頭
hiarmthviax | yell with pain | 喊痛
hiauhthafn | warped and deformed | 藃蟶
hiauthafn | break an agreement; go back on one's word; fail to keep one's promise; wood bend | 乾彎; 翅起; 翹曲; (板)
hiauthoo | dig | 撓土
hiauthwn | take possession of land illegally | 僥吞; 吞佔
hiauthøea | lewd; sexually passionate behavior | 嬲體; 淫蕩態度
hiaxthaq | ant-hill | 蟻塔; 蟻丘
hiekiogthoaan | dramatic troupe | 戲劇團
hiernthiuo | show one's defect | 獻醜
hietthorng zerngbengsw | certificate of pets | 血統證明書
hietthorng | blood relationship; family line; lineage | 血統
hiexnthaai`ee | freshly slaughter; cut up meat | 現宰的
hiexnthaxn-hiexnciah | money one hand in and other hand out | 現賺現食; 即賺即吃
hiexnthaxn-hiexnkhay | live from hand to mouth | 現賺現花
hiexntheh | receive on the spot | 現拿; 當場拿
hiluitherng | torpedo boat | 魚雷艇
hiongtheh | unlucky house where occupant dies or meets other mishaps | 凶宅
hiongthofng | accommodating | 融通
hiongthoong | thorax | 胸部; 胸膛
hiongthor gexsut | local art; native art or handicraft; folk craft | 鄉土藝術
hiongthor | agrestic; one's hometown or native place | 鄉土
hiongthor-koanliam | provincialism; narrow minded loyalty to one's hometown | 鄉土觀念
hiorngthiefn | face the sky | 向天; 朝天
hiorngthvy | (v) face upwards; the sky | 向天
hithaau | fish head | 魚頭
hithoad | debilitated, debility | 虛法; 虛脫
hitthaau | that side; that end | 那頭; 那邊
hixnthvy-oarnte | bear a grudge against; complain | 恨天怨地
hiøxthiefn`ee | an acquired characteristic | 後天的
hngthaau | prescription | 園頭; 方子; 配方; 處方; 藥方
ho laang thaau hiin | giddy | 使人頭眩
ho laang thøfiax | repugnant | 使人討厭
hoaai kuythay | cherish evil schemes; or dark plots; be conscious of guilt | 懷鬼胎
hoafnthvy | the weather changes from sunny to cloudy or rainy | 反天
hoahthor | perform rites before building; making; repairing a house or grave; (sorcerer) shouts when performing rites to drive away demons | 驅邪
hoahthviax | let out a cry of pain | 叫痛; 喝痛
hoaithay | to become pregnant; to conceive; be pregnant | 懷胎
hoanthaau | turn back; go back; come back; in a short time; immediately; turn back; go or come back | 回頭; 翻頭
hoanthae | not listening; reject advice | 番噎; 不講理; 無聽勸告
hoanthay | ordinary person; good-for-nothing person | 凡胎
hoanthiefn hokte | turn everything upside down; world shaking | 翻天覆地
hoanthiefn | earth shaking | 翻天
hoanthiefn-hyte | overjoyed | 歡天喜地
hoanthoo | to turn the soil | 翻土; 翻塗
hoanthvy-hoktøe | turn the whole world upside down; earth shaking | 翻天覆地
hoanzhanthoo | turn the soil from farmland over | 翻田土
hoarhak hongthengseg | chemical equation; chemical formula | 化學方程式
hoarhak kangtheeng | chemical engineering | 化學工程
hoarnthok | to read widely | 汎讀; 泛讀
hoarthaam | dissolve phlegm; expectorants | 化痰
hoarthaam-cysaux | decongestant medicine | 化痰止咳
hoartham'iøh | expectorants | 化痰藥, 化痰劑
hoarthamzef | expectorants | 化痰藥, 化痰劑
hoathiefn ciwte | lead a life of debauchery | 花天酒地
hoathiefn-ciwte | indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery | 花天酒地
hoatji thaau | radical of the Chinese character for hair | 漢字部首之一
hoatkngthea | luminous body; a luminary | 發光體
hoatkongthea | luminous body; a luminary | 發光體
hoatthiab | send out invitation | 發帖
hoatthorng | system of justice | 法統
hoeathaau | age; years | 年紀; 歲頭
hoeathiq | old iron; scrap iron | 廢鐵
hoefsidthoaan | group in a school or factory which combines to provide their own meals | 伙食團
hoefthafng | small stove for hands warming | 火熥
hoefthaukwn | mess cook for soldiers | 火頭軍; 炊事兵
hoefthuie sambengti | ham sandwich | 火腿三明治
hoefthuie | ham | 火腿
hoefthunlof | soot; ashes of burned things | 媒煙囤
hoefthuynng | ham and egg | 火腿蛋
hoefthvoarhoea | charcoal fire | 火炭火; 炭火
hoefthvoax | charcoal | 木炭
hoehthaang | hookworm; ancylostoma | 血蟲; 鈎蟲
hoehthngg | blood sugar | 血糖
hoehthorng | lineage, family line, pedigree | 血統
hoethaang | flower worm | 花蟲; 蛔蟲
hoethaau si gan | repent and salvation is at hand (turn the head and there is the shore) | 回頭是岸
hoethaau | turn the head around; come back; turn the head | 回頭
hoetharn | a blanket with 9flower) design | 花毯
hoetheeng | return trip; carriage return | 回程
hoethiaau | minnow; chub; dace | 花跳; 花鮡; (魚名)
hoethiab | acknowledgement card | 回帖
hoethiau | style of a flower | 花柱; 花風格
hoethiefn hoadsut | Nothing can be done to revive the dead or to save the dying | 回天乏術
hoethiefn | come back to life from death | 回天
hoethioong | ascarid, roundworm | 蛔蟲
hoexkheq-thviaf | reception room | 會客廳; 會客室
hoexthaau | head of an association; the one who initiates a private banking cooperative and who receives the first payments from other members | 會頭
hofchirnthaau | cheating customers on merchant weight | 唬秤頭
hofng thaux | wind is very strong | 風大; 颳大風; 風透
hofngbuxnthoaan | visiting mission | 訪問團
hofngthiau | hydrargyrum | 汞柱
hofphøee-tharn | tiger fur carpet | 虎皮毯
hofthaau niawchyboea | start doing something with vigor but fail to see it through; impressive in the beginning but disappointing in the end | 虎頭鳥鼠尾
hofthaau | tiger's head | 虎頭
hofthaau-phafng | hornet | 虎頭蜂; 黃蜂
hofthaugveh'ar | plier | 虎頭夾仔
hofthaukafm | large special orange | 虎頭柑
hofthauphafng | wasp | 虎頭蜂
hofthox | long-eared owl | 虎鴞; 長耳虎斑鴞; [*]; 長耳鴞
hogthai | to wait on; to minister to; to serve | 服侍
hok'imthoaan | spread good news | 福音傳
hoksiaxthea | radiant body; radiator | 輻射體
hoksiaxthihkyn | radioactive iron rods | 輻射鐵條
honghefthaau | angry | 風火頭
honghoefthaau | be in a temper; an event sways the minds of men | 風火頭; 氣頭上
honghoxthoaan | civil defense corps | 防護團
honghøefthaau | (phr) in a fit of anger | 風火頭; 氣頭上; 興頭上
hongkhofng kangthenghak | aeronautic engineering | 航空工程學
hongphøthee | breakwater | 防波堤
hongsib-thviax | pain caused by arthritis; pain of rheumatism | 風濕痛
hongsipthviax | rheumatic pains | 風濕痛
hongthaau | the publicity given to someone; under the storm; windward | 風頭; 上風
hongthaeho | an empress dowager; the Queen Mother | 皇太后
hongthaezuo | a crown prince | 皇太子
hongthafng | storm window | 風窗
hongthaibea | the edge of the storm circle, imply aftershock of typhoon | 風颱尾
hongthaiboea | the edge of the storm circle, imply aftershock of typhoon | 風颱尾
hongthaibøea | the end of the typhoon season | 颱風尾
hongthaiho | typhoon rain | 颱風雨
hongtharn | jaundice | 黃疸
hongthay | typhoon; hurricane | 風颱; 颱風
hongthay-kii | typhoon season | 風颱期; 颱風期
hongthay-thvy | typhoon weather | 風颱天; 颱風天
hongtheeng | distance of an air or sea trip | 航程
hongtheeng-seg | an equation | 方程式
hongthengseg | a formula; equation | 方程式
hongthiefn hoxthor | heaven and earth | 皇天后土
hongthiefn | Heaven | 皇天
hongthioong | locust; grasshopper | 蝗蟲
hongthiw | exhaust fan | 風抽; 抽風機
hongthoaan | hearsay; it is said or rumored | 風評; 風傳
hongthofcix | record of local customs; tradition; etc | 風土誌
hongthofpve | endemic (medical) | 風土病
hongthofpvi | to fail to acclimate yourself to a new natural environmental | 風土病; 水土無服
hongthor jinzeeng | local customs and practices | 風土人情
hongthor | natural conditions and social customs of a place; climate | 風土
hongthor-jinzeeng | local customs and practices | 風土人情
hongthorng | the imperial genealogical tree | 皇統
hongthviax | arthritic pain | 風痛; 風濕症
hongthøx | folder; large envelope; enclosing case for protection | 封套
hongzuie-kangtheeng | waterproof engineering | 防水工程
hor chirnthaau | cheat someone by rigged scales | 唬秤頭; 吃斤兩
hor thaau, niawchie boea | start with enthusiasm, end up with gusto. | 虎頭鼠尾
horngsarngthaau | loud-speaker | 放送頭; 擴音器
hortharng | large basket for two men | 戽桶; 水桶
hosiin-thy | fly-paper, sticking paper | 胡蠅黐; 蒼蠅紙
hosinthy | sticky fly paper | 胡蠅黐
hothehluq | Hotel | 旅館
hoxkhao thengpurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao-thengpurn | a copy of the registered residence | 戶口謄本
hoxlaithvy | rainy day | 雨來天; 雨天
hoxngthai | to look after parents; wait on; serve; attend | 奉待; 侍候
hoxngthog | to request, request | 奉託; 奉托
hoxsiuo thiensiin | guardian angel | 護守天神
hoxthaau | bank depositor; a bank account | 戶頭
hoxthai | great treat; treat kindly and generously | 厚待
hoxthiefn | day after tomorrow; post-natal | 後天; 後天(性的)
hoxthor | God of the earth; god of the earth (shrine is usually always located by side of the road) | 后土; 土地公
hoxthvy | wet day; a rainy day | 雨天
hudthaq | pagodas | 佛塔
hudthøo | walnut | 核桃; 胡桃
hudthøo-jiin | walnut kernel | 核桃仁
hudzuo ciamtherng | nuclear submarine | 核子潛艇
hudzuo tvoathaau | nuclear warhead | 核子彈頭
hui'afthoo | ceramic clay | 磁仔土; 陶土
huihoong-thengtat | period of great accomplishment | 輝煌騰達
huihthaang | hookworm | 血蟲; 鉤蟲
huihthngg | blood sugar | 血糖
huihthorng | lineage, family tree, pedigree | 血統
huikym juu thor | squander money like dirt; spend money like water | 揮金如土
huimothuie | fast runner | 飛毛腿
huitheeng | a dirigible; an airship; soar; mount of heaven | 飛艇; 飛騰
huitherng | air ship; flying boat | 飛艇
huithng | glaze (of porcelain) | 瓷碭; 釉藥
huitøxthea | non-conductor | 非導體
hunbee-zoxngthaix | comatose | 昏迷狀態
hunhuy thiengoa | frightened out of one's wits; completely carried away by passion; infatuated | 魂飛天外
hunthaau | separately; proceed each; cigarette butt | 分頭; 煙蒂; 煙頭
hunthaau-hunnao | feel dizzy; confused; mixed up | 昏頭昏腦
hunthafn | to share work or burden | 分攤
hunthiaq | break up (marriage; partnership); explain (plan; meaning); to take apart | 分拆; 拆散
hunthiau | pillar of clouds | 分柱; 雲柱
hunthiengii | celestial globe | 渾天儀
hunthuy | a traditional scaling ladder; a firefighter's tower ladder; scaling ladder; a fire extension ladder | 雲梯
hunthvoaf | to share the expenses; share a financial burden or stocks | 分攤
hunzhoethaau | bowl of a pipe | 煙斗頭; 煙吹頭
hunzhøethaau | head of tobacco pipe | 煙斗頭; 煙吹頭
huothngf-tøxhøea | go through fire and water to attain an objective | 赴湯蹈火
huothog | to be in charge; entrust; to commission; to charge | 付託
huothviatviuo | deputy commissioner of a department in a provincial government | 副廳長
huozofngthorng | vice president of a republic | 副總統
huthaau | make good or to succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 魚頭
huthoad | debilitated, debility | 虛脫
huthuy | a staircase, a stairway | 扶梯
huttheeng | simmer over; boiling; bubble | 沸謄
hux-zofngthorng | vice president | 副總統
huxngengthoo | concrete | 混凝土
huxthea | possess by an evil spirit | 附體
huxzuo siongthoaan | passed down through generation from father to son | 父子相傳
hvaethaau | shake one's head in despair, sigh unhappily | 搖頭 (嘆氣)
hvaethau'ar | rice liqueur | 幌頭仔; 米酒
hvaethauar | rice wine | 幌頭仔
hvafthaau | frighten people | 嚇頭; 嚇嚇人
hviaa-hoefthvoax | burn charcoal as fuel | 燒木炭
hviafthaau | conspicuous, eye-catching | 顯頭
hviax thauzeeng | leaning forwards | 傾向前面
hvithaau | profitable; advantageous; helpful | 多利; 佔便宜
hviuthaq | incense pagoda | 香塔
hvixthad | earwaxed | 耳塞
hvoa-kengthaau | hang on | 掛肩頭
hvoa-zerngthaau | to diagnose | 按症頭; 診斷病情
hvoaithofng | wood across the columns | 橫通; 柱間橫木
hvoathaau-hybin | overjoyed | 歡頭喜面
hvoathauhybin | happy | 歡頭喜面
hvoaxthaau | control; be in charge of | 按頭; 掌頭; 掌管
hwnthaau | prostitutes; clowns and villains on stage with daubs of white powder in make-up | 粉頭
hwnthoo | clay; yellow soil | 粉土; 黃色粘土
hwthefng | deign to listen | 俯聽
hythiab | wedding invitation | 喜帖
hø cioong thiefn kaxng | unexpected disaster (calamity descended from the sky) | 禍從天降
høeathaau | age | 歲頭; 年齡; 貨頭; 商品
høefchiathaau | railway locomotive, railway station | 火車頭; 火車頭,; 火車站
høefthafng | handy charcoal stove | 火桶; 火熥; (手提)火爐
høefthaukwn | army cook | 火頭軍; 伙頭軍; 伙夫; 伙伕
høefthiau | pillar of fire | 火柱
høefthuie | ham | 火腿
høefthvoax | coal | 木炭; 火炭
høesviu-thaau | a shaved head; bareheaded | 和尚頭; 光頭
høethaau | to turn the head, come back; to repent | 回頭
høethoo | mortar made of lime and clay; plaster; dust; dirt | 灰土; 灰塗; 灰泥
høexthaau | head of a society or a small co-operative bank | 會頭
høfhvafthaau | good outward appearance; dominant (power) | 好嚇頭; 外表威武
høfthaau putjuu høfbøea | A good end is more important than a good beginning | 好頭無如好尾; 好始不如好終
høfthak | easy to read or study | 好讀; 易讀
høfthaxn | easy to earn money; easy to make money | 好趁; 賺錢的; 賺錢容易
høfthviaf | pleasant to the ear; pleasant to hear | 好聽
høfthvy tiøqaix zeg hoxlainiuu | take preventive measures (Lit. During good weather put aside some food to eat in rainy weather.) | 好天得要積雨來糧; 未雨綢繆
høfthvy | sunny day | 好天; 晴天; 好天氣
høfzefngthngg | good blood relationship; consanguinity; from good stock; from a good family | 血統好; 好種糖
høfzhaythaau | good omen | 好彩頭
hør khoafnthai | easy to serve | 好伺候; 好款待
hør thefthaix | having a very good looking appearance; gait and manner | 好體態
hør-cientheeng | good future before him | 好前程
hør-khoafnthai | treat well, easily pleased | 好款待; 招待好
hør-phaethaau | style of person; big show of skill | 好派頭; 派頭大
hør-thauzhuix | courteous; polite; politeness | 好頭嘴; 懂禮貌; 會說話
hør-thefbin | have a sense of honor | 好體面
hør-thvinii | good year | 好天年; 豐年
hør-tiauxthaau | a good omen | 好兆頭
hør-zhaythaau | good start | 好彩頭
høthee | river embankment, river dike | 河堤
høxthaau | number; title | 號頭; 號筒; 標頭
høxthiab | congratulatory cards | 賀帖
iafmthor | fill in a grave | 填土
iafthox | hare | 野兔
iamthor | fill in a grave | 掩土
iapthiab | hidden | 隱密
iaqthaau | railway station | 驛頭; 車站
iar-hudthøo | wild walnut | 野核桃
iaukøeathaau | hungry for too long a time | 餓過頭
iauthoaan | unounded report; rumor; gossip; unfounded stories; false reports; according to rumor; it is rumored | 謠傳
iedthok | read | 閱讀
ien'aau-thviax | angina, a sore throat | 咽喉痛; 咽喉疼
ientharng | metal bucket; galvanized bucket | 鉛桶; 白鐵桶
ienthiaau | lead bar | 鉛條
ienthuie | ham | 煙腿; 火腿
ienthuii | lead sinkers for fishing tackle; nets | 鉛墜; 鉛錘
ienthunlof | soot; ashes of burned things; cinders | 煤煙囤; 煙囤焦
ienthunnng | quail egg | 鵪鶉蛋
ienthuun | soot | 煤煙; 煙囤
ienthwn | quail | 鵪鶉
ieseg-hengthaix | ideology, ideological situation | 意識態學; 意識形態
iethaix | ideology | 意態
iliauthoaan | medical team | 醫療團
imgagthviaf | music hall | 音樂廳
imgak-thviaf | music hall | 音樂廳
imtheeng | musical interval | 音停; 音程
imthiefn | cloudy weather | 陰天
imthiim | quiet and designing (personality); tricky; crafty; treacherous (similar to im-hiam) | 陰沈; 陰?; 陰險; 陰沉
imthvy | cloudy weather | 陰天
imthym | tricky, crafty, treacherous (similar to im-hiam) | 陰鴆
iofngjii-thaixlør | bring up a son in preparation for old age | 養兒待老
iofngthøex | withdraw or retire courageously | 勇退
iongbeeng thienha | be known throughout the land; have one's name spread far and wide; become world-famous | 揚名天下
iongbii thorkhix | feel proud after one suddenly attains fame or wealth | 揚眉吐氣
iongsvaf thoksix | commission many people to act; ask someone over and again to do something | 央三託四
iongthai | capacity | 容態
iongthek | residence | 陽宅
iongthofng | bring together and understand thoroughly; lend money to a friend | 融通
iongthog | courteously ask someone to undertake a commission | 委託
irn thaulo | seeking employment | 求職
it'ioong hoarthaxn | carbon monoxide | 一氧化碳
itchiuo-jiathvy | hoodwink the public (Lit. to cover the entire sky with one hand) | 一手遮天
itcixn-itthøex | one step forward one step back | 一進一退
ithaethaix | concubine | 姨太太; 小老婆
ithaix | mistress | 姨太
ithoaan | heredity | 一傳; 遺傳
ithog | rely on | 依託
itkhiaux-putthofng | quite stupid; completely ignorant; find a way of doing anything | 一竅無通
itluii thienha hiarng | achieve enormous success at the very first try; become famous overnight | 一雷天下響
itlut khvoarthai | treat all in the same way | 一律看待; 一視同仁
itpo-tengthiefn | meteoric rise or fast advancement (in one's career) | 一步登天
itsexng-itthea | consubstantial (Catholic) | 一性一體
itthea | unity; as one body; one body; the whole of; all; equally; uniformly | 一體
itthoaan | a group | 一團
itthorng | unification; unification; unity | 一統
ittiaau thienzuo ittiaau siin | When a new king is crowned he brings to the court his own favorites and expels those of his predecessor.--the tenuous nature of official positions | 一朝天子一朝臣
iu'iuar thviax | feel a slight pain | 憂憂仔痛; 微微的痛
iu'thiw | a tube for pumping oil | 油抽
iuiu'afthviax | a smarting pain; labor pains | 憂憂的痛; 陣痛
iuiuafthviax | a dull pain | 幽幽仔疼
iuothaang | larvae (of a insect) | 幼虫
iuothioong | larva of an insect | 幼虫; 幼蟲
iuthaau katbin | have worried look; pull long face; having a displeased look | 愁眉苦臉
iuthaau-hwnbin | pomaded hair and powdered face; Beau Brummel | 油頭粉面
iuthaau-katbin | to have a worried look; a distressed expression | 憂頭結面; 愁眉苦臉
iuthai | to give special discount; preferential treatment; courteous treatment; to welcome | 優待
iuthaixkoaxn | complimentary ticket; a free ticket (for a show); discount ticket (for shopping in a certain store) | 優待券
iutharng | oil bucket; fuel tank (of motorcycle; automobile) | 油桶
iuthaukatbin | frown | 憂頭結面
iuthaukhofbin | frown | 憂頭苦面
iutherng | barge; yacht; pleasure boat for hire on lakes private yacht | 遊艇
iuthiofng | from the depth of one's heart; heartfelt | 由衷
iuthiofng-cy-gieen | words uttered in sincerity | 由衷之言
iuthiw | tubular device used to extract oil | 油抽
iuthngf | oily soup | 油湯
iuthngthngf | oily | 油湯湯; 油膩膩
iuu thiefn jii kaxng | come down from heaven | 由天而降
iuu thiefn put'iuu jiin | it depends on Heaven not on man | 由天無由人
iuxtharn | to bare the right shoulder (in punishment) | 右袒
iwkithea | organism | 有機體
iwsid thefthorng | very disgraceful | 有失體統
ixkorthea | isomer | 異固體
ixsiorng-thienkhay | have fantastic notions | 異想天開
iøf sngf poe thviax | sore waist and aching back | 腰酸背痛
iøqthaau | first brewing of medicinal herbs | 藥頭
iøqthauar | fresh medicine brewed in pot | 藥頭仔
iøthaau | shake one's head; shake the head | 搖頭
iøthaau-pvoaxboea | act obsequiously (Lit. to bobble the head and wag the tail like a dog hoping to please the master) | 搖頭拂尾
iøtharng | barrel for washing clothes | 腰桶
jiafmsekthea | chromosome | 染色體
jiathvy | cover the sky (cloud) | 遮天
jiaux thaukhag | scratch the head (in perplexity) | 搔頭; 抓頭殼
jibthoo | burial of corpse | 入土; 入塗
jibthor | bury; be buried | 入土
jidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
jidthaau | the sun; sun | 日頭; 太陽
jidthaau-tiofng | high noon | 日頭中
jidthauhoef | sunflower | 日頭花
jidthaukofng | sun | 日頭公; 太陽公
jidtheeng | daily schedule; order of the day; a day's program (as the agenda or itinerary) | 日程; 日程(表)
jidthiah'ar | calendar | 日拆仔; 日曆
jidthiaq | daily calendar | 日曆
jiet thex | one's fever falls | 熱退; 退燒
jinbeng-koanthiefn | Human life is of utmost importance | 人命關天
jinbiin-thoanthea | civic organization or body | 人民團體
jinciorng ee zhapiet thaixgu | racial discrimination | 人種的差別待遇
jinkafng-siuxthay | artificial insemination | 人工受胎
jinsoaxn putjuu thiensoaxn | Human calculations are not equal to God's plan. Man proposes; and God disposes | 人算無如天算
jinteng sexng thiefn | Man's determination will conquer Nature.; Human effort will overcome destiny (difficulties) | 人定勝天
jinthausøex | poll tax | 人頭稅
jinthea kayphøx | human anatomy | 人體解剖
jinthea | body of flesh and blood; physical; carnal; sensory | 人體
jinthea-kayphørhak | study of human anatomy; anthropometry | 人體解剖學
jinthiog | men and beasts | 人畜
jiogthea | human body, flesh | 肉體
jiogthea-koanhe | sexual relations | 肉體關係
jiogthefteg | as regards the body; physical | 肉體德; 肉體的
jiongtharn | woolen blanket or carpet | 絨毯
jit kiuo thiefn tioong | for a long; long time | 日久天長
jitoong-thogbut | juvenile publications | 兒童讀物
jiuloarn-thefzhaw | calisthenics | 柔軟體操
jixiofnghoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jixioong-hoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jixthaau | a radical of Chinese character | 字頭
jixthaau-jixbøea | nothing for me in a contract; none of my business (Lit. from the first character to the last) | 字頭字尾
jixthea | style of calligraphy; form of a character; handwriting; type; type-style | 字體
jixthiab | copybook (for calligraphy); writing book | 字帖
jiøxtharng | a urinal; portable container for urine; urine bucket (pot) | 尿桶; 便壺
jiøxthngg | urine sugar | 尿糖
joaqthvipox | summer cloth | 熱天布
joaqthvisii | summer | 熱天時; 夏天
joaqthvisvaf | summer clothes | 熱天衫; 夏衣
joaqthvy | summer | 夏天; 熱天
joexthviax | sharp pain | 銳疼; 刺痛
juhor thiam'ek | like adding wings to a tiger (literally)--with added strength; greatly strengthened or reinforced | 如虎添翼
jwthaau | nipple | 乳頭
jwthngg | milk-sugar | 乳糖
jymkhix-thunsviaf | restrain one's temper and say nothing; keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
jymsiu thorngkhor | endure suffering patiently | 忍受痛苦
jymthoxng | to bear pain | 忍痛
jymthviax | bear pain patiently | 忍痛
ka'iuu-thiamzhox | exaggerate or give embellishment to a story | 加油添醋
kafmsiu-thea | the sensory receptor | 感受體
kafmthaau | a mourning hood of women | 頭蓋; 蕨冠
kafmtharnhø | exclamation mark | 感嘆號
kafmtharnsuu | interjection | 感嘆詞
kafmthauar | woman's mourning head-dress | 蓋頭仔; 首經; (喪服)
kafmthaxn | to sigh, a sigh | 感嘆
kafmthaxn-huhø | exclamation mark | 感嘆符號
kafmthaxn-suu | interjection | 感嘆辭; 感嘆詞
kafngthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 港豚
kafnthea | simplified Chinese characters | 簡體
kafnthea-ji | simplified Chinese characters | 簡體字
kafnthefji | (n) simplified Chinese character; simplified form of characters | 簡體字
kafnthefli | simplified Chinese | 簡體字
kafsexng-thienhoaf | modified mild form of smallpox | 假性天花
kafthog | use the name improperly | 假託; 假托
kafthviax | colic | 絞痛
kagvor-thienseeng | an ideal marriage; divinely arranged | 佳偶天成
kahthaang | beetle | 甲蟲
kakthaau | head of gang; place; location; position | 角頭; 角落; 地方
kakthaau-ciøh | cornerstone | 角頭石; 房角石
kakthiq | angle iron, angle bar | 角鐵
kakthngg | cubic sugar | 方糖
kalauqthef | have an abortion | 交落胎; 流產; 小產
kam'afthngg | sweets; candy; orange candy (in the shape and color of orange segments) | 甘仔糖; 柑糖; 糖果
kamhoeq-buxthvy | make false accusations against others (Lit. spit blood at Heaven) | 含血噴天; 含血噴人
kamhoeq-phuqthvy | make false accusations against others (Lit. spit blood at Heaven) | 含血噴天; 含血噴人
kangthaau | foreman; overseer; contractor on any particular job; an overseer | 工頭
kangtheeng | engineering; an engineering project; a construction work | 工程
kangtheeng-leghak | practical dynamics | 工程力學
kangthengsw | engineer | 工程師
kangthengtui | public works corps | 工程隊
kangthengzhux | department of engineering; the engineering department of a huge building project | 工程處
kangthogsefng | self-supporting student | 工讀生
kangthok | work on a job in order to finance one's study or education | 工讀
kangthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 江豚
kanthad | bottle stopper, cork | 瓶塞
kanthii | an edible green seaweed | 乾苔; 綠海藻
kaoiok-thengto | level of education; educational background | 教育程度
kaothaau | head instructor (of martial arts) | 教頭
kaotheeng | a course of study | 教呈; 教程
kaothoaan | teaching group | 教團
kapithviaf | coffee-room | 咖啡廳
kaq thafn'ar | cover oneself with blankets | 蓋毯仔
karbu-thenghuun | ride mist and float on clouds (as immortals do) | 駕霧騰雲; 騰雲駕霧
karmthviaf | monitor | 監聽
kathaang | the lac insect | 家蟲; 膠蟲
kathiafm | add; addition; plus; add to; to double | 加添
kathiog | cattle; domestic animals | 家畜
kathoaan | family heritage; family trait | 家傳
kathvy | add; addition; plus | 加添
katthaau | knot; a clue | 結頭; 癥結; 端倪
kau-pvixthviax | sickly | 交病痛; 厚病疼; 多病的; 交戾
kauar bexthao | drain is clogged | 溝仔未解; 水溝無通
kauhiorng-gagthoaan | orchestra | 交響樂團
kauthaang | hookworm | 鉤蟲
kauthaau | head of monkey; head of gangsters; owner of a house of ill fame | 猴頭; 龜公; 老駂
kauthaau-ciapnie | whispering; talk in whispers | 交頭接耳
kauthex | alternate | 交替
kauthioong | hookworm | 鉤蟲
kauthoex | alternate with; take place by turns | 交替
kauthofng | traffic; transportation; communication; traffic | 交通
kauthofng-anzoaan | traffic safety | 交通安全
kauthofng-anzoanciw | traffic safety week | 交通安全週
kauthofng-buxntøee | question of communication | 交通問題
kauthofng-chiaf | private bus (school, factory) | 交通車
kauthofng-ginhaang | Bank of Communications | 交通銀行
kauthofng-kefngzhad | traffic policeman | 交通警察
kauthofng-kikoafn | means of communication; traffic facilities | 交通機關
kauthofng-kuizeg | traffic regulations | 交通規則
kauthofng-sirnhø | traffic signal | 交通信號
kauthofng-suxkox | traffic accident | 交通事故
kauthofng-toaxnzoat | cut off communication | 交通斷絕
kauthofng-tøxteg | traffic etiquette | 交通道德
kauthofng-zefnglie | regulate traffic | 交通整理
kauthog | entrust; entrust | 交託; 交托
kauthongbang | communication network; communication system | 交通網
kauthongtefng | traffic signal | 交通燈; 紅綠燈
kauthøex | alternate with; take place by turns | 交替
kauxthaam | have much phlegm | 多痰; 厚痰
kaw thøhoeun | be successful in romantic affairs | 交桃花運
kawthaau | dog's head | 狗頭
kawthaau-efng | Chinese cinereous vulture | 九頭鷹; 禿鷲; 狗頭
kawthox iuo samkhud | The wily hare has three holes to his burrow | 狡兔有三窟
kawthuie | dog's leg, a lackey | 狗腿
kawzarnthaq | basil | 九層塔
kaxngzefngthngg | born from same parents | 同種糖; 相同血統所傳下來的
kaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 同症頭; 相同的病症
kaythaau | make an old thing look new (as furniture; house; character); change from wicked to good conduct | 改頭
kaythea | disintegration, dissolution, fall apart, take apart, dismember | 改體; 解體
kaythoad | emancipation; be delivered from; emancipate oneself from; free oneself from worldly worries | 解脫
kaythok | Interpretation | 解讀
kaythøx | terminology in stock trading to relieve lost | 解套
kazok-tinthiab | family allowance | 家族津貼
keathaau | wig | 過頭
keathengchiaf | taxi; meter taxi | 計程車; 出租車
keathengpiør | taxi meter | 計程表
kebøfthaang | native silkworm | 雞母蟲
kebør thii | hen crows (a very bad omen); said of a wife ruling her husband; the wife wears the pants in the family | 母雞啼; (很困難)
kefafthngf | a type of soup make with sliced cakes | 粿子湯
kefngthaix-naa | cloisonne enamel | 景泰藍
kefngthaxm | police detective | 警探
kefsexng thienhoaf | varioloid; mild case of smallpox | 假性天花
kefthaau | make an old thing look new (as furniture; house; character); change from wicked to good conduct | 假頭; 改頭換面
kefthaumof | wig | 假 (頭) 髮
kefthngg | fructose | 果糖
kegthaau | the utmost, the limit | 極頭; 盡頭
kehtai-uithoaan | atavism | 隔代遺傳
kehthvikngf zaykhie | next morning | 隔天早上; 隔天光早起
kek'hoad-zoxngthaix | excited state | 激發狀態
kekphaethaau | put on airs | 激派頭
kekthaunao | stimulate the mind | 激頭腦
kekthex | defeat | 擊退
kekthienthiefn | pretend to be stupid | 激天天; 對任何事都裝得無關緊要
kekthoex | to repulse, to repel, to defeat | 擊退
kekthuithuii | play dumb | 激槌槌
kekthøex | to repulse | 擊退
kengkahthaau | shoulder; shoulder | 肩胛頭; 肩頭; 肩膀
kengkaq-thaau | top of shoulders | 肩胛頭; 肩頭
kengthaau | shoulder; upper part of the shoulder | 肩頭; 肩膀
kengthaau-kyn | scarf | 肩頭巾
kengtharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
kengthaukud | shoulder bone | 肩骨
kengthaxn | to express amazement, wonder; to exclaim with admiration; to gasp in wonder | 驚歎; 驚嘆
kengthaxn-hø | the exclamation mark | 驚歎號
kengthea | speak sarcastically or ironically | 供體; 挖苦; 諷刺
kengthøea | gossip, jeer at | 驚體; 供體; 毀謗
kerngthak | read with respect or reverence | 敬讀
kerngthaxn | reverently obey | 敬疼; 奉行,敬從
kerngtherng | respectfully presented (used at the end of a letter) | 敬呈
kerngthviax | honor and love | 敬疼; 敬愛
kesithaau | tools; means; utility | 傢司頭; 用具; 器具; 工具
kethaau | street ends | 街頭
kethaau-haxngbøea | throughout the city or town | 街頭巷尾
kethii | the cock crows | 雞鳴
kethngf | chicken soup | 雞湯
kethuie | chicken leg; Lit. chicken-thigh ─ drumstick | 雞腿
kethun'ar | middle-aged chicken; not yet fully grown | 雞豚仔; 未成熟的中雞
kethvy | append; superaddition; add to the number or quantity | 加添
kethøar | chicken not yet weighing one pound; fryers | 雞桃仔; 中雞 (未成熟的雞)
khabthaau | kow-tow; knock the forehead on the ground in reverence or supplication | 磕頭
khaethaxn | to sigh with regret | 慨嘆
khaf taqtah thaxmtham | totter along; stagger along | 腳踏踏貪貪; 腳步蹣跚
khafmthaukhafmbin | o scold someone for doing inappropriate and stupid things due to ignorance or lack of knowledge | 歁頭歁面
khagthaam | expectorate; cough up phlegm; try to bring phlegm up | 咯痰; 咳痰
khahtheeng | wait a moment | 較停; 待會兒; 等一下
khahtheng'ar | in a very short time | 較停仔; 待一會兒; 過一會兒
khaihoaai-thiorng'irm | have a jolly carousal and forget all cares | 開懷暢飲
khaithaau | at the start, in the beginning | 開頭
khaithiefn-pidte | creation of the world | 開天闢地
khaithoad | to whitewash oneself | 開拓; 開脫
khaithofng | modern-minded; liberal; opened for traffic or communication; reopened for the same | 開通
khaithog sinthiente | break fresh ground | 開拓新天地
khaithog | exploit; reclaim; reclamation (of wasteland); reclaim (wasteland) | 開拓
khaithokciar | cultivator; pioneer | 開拓者
khaithokte | reclaimed land | 開拓地
khangkhøeathaau | work | 工作頭; 工課頭
khangthaau | dishonored checks; buy or sell stock on margin; sell short (in stock market) | 空頭
khangthaau-ciphiøx | rubber check; worthless check | 空頭支票
khangtharng | empty bucket or barrel | 空桶
khanthaau | cover page | 刊頭
khanthoaf | shift blame; involve (person) in something unpleasant; accuse falsely | 牽拖; 責怪; 帶累; 推諉; 誣賴
khao toat thienkofng | ingenuity that rivals the work of God (often referring to a work of art) | 巧奪天工
khaoloxthaau | mourning done by daughter | 哭路頭; 父母死出嫁女兒一路跪哭回娘家
khaothaau | kowtow; knock one's head on the ground | 叩頭; 磕頭
khaothviax | crying | 哭痛
khaq-phvithaau | getting rather more than one's share | 較摒頭; 較佔便宜
kharmthaau-kharmbin | don't see danger; silly; stupid | 蓋頭蓋面; 傻乎乎的; 無知死活; 把頭臉都遮住
kharmthaukharmbin | dumb-headed; ignorant | 崁頭崁面
kharthofng | cartoon | 卡通
khathaau | knee; strength (of legs) | 膝蓋; 腳力; 腳頭
khatharng | wooden pail; container; water bucket; large basin used by women for a sponge bath | 腳桶; 跤桶; 洗腳盆; 水桶
khathau'uvoar | knee-cap | 腳頭予碗; 膝蓋骨
khathau'w | a knee, a lap | 腳頭凹; 跤頭趺; 膝蓋
khathauw | knee | 膝頭凹
khathuie | thigh | 腳腿; 跤腿; 大腿
khatthoky | excavator | 挖土機
khawthaau | oral; verbal; oral communication; verbally | 口頭
khawthaau-gie | colloquial language, cant, empty words, meaningless phrases | 口頭語
khawthaau-guo | colloquial language; cant; empty words; meaningless phrases; pet phrase; regularly used expression | 口頭語
khawthaugie | expression which one uses regularly or constantly | 口頭語
khawthoaan | oral; tradition; oral teaching; report; hearsay | 口傳
khaxng laang ee zhaothauphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的臭頭痞
khaxthofng | comic strip; cartoons; the funnies; comic books | 卡通
khazefngthauar | toes | 跤指頭仔
khazngfthau'afphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指頭仔縫
khazngfthauafphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指縫
khazngfthauar | toe | 腳指頭仔
khefngthak | study hard | 肯讀; 肯用功
khefngthviaf | willing to listen | 肯聽
kheftheeng | depart; start on a journey | 啟程
khehthea | an object | 客體
khehthngg | make sugar from cane | 擠糖; 製糖; 榨甘蔗汁來製糖
khehthviaf | living room; reception room; a parlor | 客廳
khehthøx | ceremonious greeting or compliments in addressing one's guest | 客套
khekkie-thaixjiin | deny oneself and treat others with kindness | 克己待人
kheksaux-thngg | cough-drop | 咳嗽糖; ?嗽糖
khengthiaw | skittish | 輕佻
khengthox | pour forth; pour out | 傾吐
khengthviaf | listen carefully; be all ears | 傾聽
khethaau | upper reaches of a river | 上游; 溪頭
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
khiaa thihbea | ride a bicycle | 騎腳踏車; 騎鐵馬
khiamthøex | humbly retreat | 謙退
khiaothaau | easily angered | 翹頭; 容易生氣
khiarmthøx | defective | 欠妥
khiaxsietheeng | stand upside down | 豎死挺; 倒立
khiaxthaau | first place | 徛頭
khiaxtheeng | stand erect | 站挺; 倒立; 豎直
khiaxthengtheeng | stand up straight | 徛騰騰
khiaxthiau | place a column | 豎柱; 立柱子
khiechiaf kaytheftviuu | chop shop | 汽車解體廠
khiefn ciøqthaau | throw stone | 擲石頭; 投石頭
khiefn thaukhag | hit head with knuckles or rocks | 擲頭殼; 用食指與中指, 或石頭打頭部
khiernthaau | saute material | 匡頭; 佐料; 爆香材料
khiernthiefn | gawk while walking around | 譴天; 仰頭; (形容無精打采)
khiethaam | remove phlegm blocking | 去痰
khiethafng | transom; ventilation window; louvers) | 氣窗
khiethaix | gaseousness; gaseity | 氣態
khiethea | gas | 氣體
khiethea-leghak | aerodynamics | 氣體力學
khiethea-toxngleghak | aerodynamics | 氣體動力學
khiethea-toxngleglun | kinetic theory of gases | 氣體動力論
khietherng | a motor-boat, a stream launch | 汽艇
khiethøex | breathless | 氣退
khijiin thaesim | It's really too much! You've insulted me beyond the limit | 欺人太甚
khinthak | deligent in study; study diligently | 勤讀
khinthvafthvar | light in weight | 輕極了
khipthiq | magnet | 吸鐵; 磁石; 磁鐵
khitciaqthaau | head of a beggar band | 乞丐頭
khitthør | entreat the god for | 乞討; 祈求; 祈禱
khiuo thauzafng | seize a person by the hair of the head | 揪頭鬃; 揪頭髮
khiuu-thaumngg | curly hair | 虯頭髮; 頭髮捲捲的
khiøq kutthaau | collect the bones of the dead for re-burial | 撿骨頭; 拾骨頭
khngrthafnpvee | lay crosswise | 放坦平; 平放
khngx tiøqthaau | lay it in the proper direction or position | 放正; 放著頭
khoaetheeng | speetboat; mosquito boat; power boat | 快艇
khoaetherng | speedboat | 快艇
khoafnthai | to entertain with courtesy and warmth; hospitality; host; treat (well or badly); hospitality | 款待; 伺候
khoafnthea | external look; outward appearance | 外觀; 形式; 款體
khoanthai | treat generously | 寬待
khoanthøx | trap; snare; a framed affair; snare or noose | 圈套
khoex thaukhag | rest the head (on a pillow; table; edge) | 擱頭殼
khofthaau | have tasted some bitter experience | 苦頭
khofthak | study with much toil; pain; difficulty; exhaustion or hardship | 苦讀
khofthaxn | to sigh with bitter and painful | 苦歎
khofthaxng | pain; suffering; painful | 苦痛; 痛苦
khofthiofng | reason or motive not easily understood by others | 苦衷
khofthngf | bitter soup; learned lesson | 苦湯
khofthøo | bitter peach | 苦桃
khog'afthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 鱷仔頭
khogthaau | to knock the head; strike head; also implying bumbler | 碰頭; 敲頭; 撞頭
khokthaau | having an unusually projecting forehead | 擴頭; 酷頭; 前額突出
khongkhix ee liuthofng | ventilation | 空氣的流通
khongkhix-thoanjiarm | air-borne infection | 空氣傳染
khonglogthviaf | recreation room (center) | 康樂廳
khongthaix | healthy and free from trouble | 康泰
khongthiq | plated iron | 鍍鐵
khorng thvajiin cy khaix | show generosity of unselfishness with another's wealth; be generous at the expense of others | 慷他人之慨
khorngthea | antibody | 抗體
khorngthngf | to stew or simmer (meat) for broth | 登湯; 熬湯; 爌湯
khorngthoo | wilderness; waste | 曠土
khorngzhaethaau | boil the daikon over slow heat | 炕菜頭
khorthaau | the top of a trouser; the upper end of a trouser | 褲頭
khorthuie | the tube of a trouser | 褲管; 褲腿
khotharng-saihu | hooper; cooper | 箍桶司父; 箍桶匠
khudthausvoaf | bald mountain | 𣮈頭山
khudthuy | a playground slide | 滑梯
khuiethaau | tone of voice | 口氣; 氣頭
khuithai | to treat (someone) shabbily; to maltreat | 虧待
khuithaux | open and penetrate; open completely; remove obstacles from | 開透; 開通; 完結
khuithiaq | to explain; to expound; to interpret; elucidation; explain distinctly (e.g. the meaning of a phrase saying; or doctrine) | 開拆; 分析; 言教; 破說; 解說; 闡釋; 釋明
khuithviaf | open hall | 開廳
khunthioong | insect; bug | 昆蟲
khunthioong-hagkaf | entomologist | 昆蟲學家
khunthioong-hak | entomology | 昆蟲學
khuthiong'iøh | anthelmintic; a drug or medicine for expelling intestinal worms | 驅蟲藥
khuxn thafnkhy | lie down on one's side | 睏坦敧
khuxn-køeathaau | oversleep | 睡無醒; 睡過頭
khuxn-thafnchiøx | lie on one's back | 睡袒笑; 仰臥
khuxn-thafnkhy | lie on one's side | 睡袒敧; 側臥
khuxn-thafnphag | sleep in a prone position; lie on one's face | 睡袒腹; 伏臥
khuxthea | concrete, definite | 具體
khuxthuii | pestle | 杵愚; 臼槌
khveh thaam | cough up phlegm forcefully | 喀痰
khvoarthaau | that which is worth seeing; keep an eye on; keep watch (as sentry set by persons secretly engaged in some illegal; impure; or improper action); act as a lookout | 看頭; 把風
khvoarthaau-khvoarbøea | give occasional help (like a master in a shop); look after a business for a man in his absence | 看頭看尾; 關照
khvoarthai | to treat (another; a child; friend; etc.); treatment; take care of; to wait for; await | 看待
khvoarthaothaux | see through; discern; forecast (the turn of events) | 看透透; 看開
khvoarthaux | see through; discern; forecast (the turn of events) | 看透; 看透,看開
khvoarthvizhaan | paddies without dependable irrigation water | 看天田
khvoarthvy ciaqpng | live by honest means | 看天吃飯
khvoarthvy | live by honest means | 看天
khvoax laang-thaubin | rely on others and have to watch their every expression | 看人頭面; 依賴他人
khvoax thviseg | watch the signs of the weather | 看天色
khwnthog | to make a sincere request; to ask or request earnestly | 懇託
khykhaf thad | lift the foot and kick | 起腳踢
khyn-thvafthvar | light in weight | 輕極了; 輕撐撐
khythaam | phlegm | 起痰
khythaau | in the beginning; at first | 起頭; 起初
khytheeng | to start on a journey; to set out | 起程; 出發
khythiap | lay brick or stone | 起疊; 疊起
khythog | toothpicks | 齒托; 齒戳; 牙籤
khythok'ar | tooth pick | 齒戳仔
khythoo | to break the ground (for a building project); to start construction work | 起土; 動土
khythviax | pain | 起痛
khøflienthaang | poor guy | 可憐蟲
khøfthaubee | rice porridge with little soup | 洘頭糜
khøfthaumoee | rice porridge with little soup | 洘頭糜
khøfthaxn | regrettable; Alas! What a pity! | 可嘆; 可歎
khøfthie | shameful | 可恥
khøfthog | trustworthy | 可托; 可託
khøfthoxng | become painful | 可痛
khøfzhad-thoaan | inspection team; research team | 考察團
khøfzhatthoaan | investigating commission | 考察團
khørtheeng | curriculum, schedule | 課程
khørtheeng-piør | schedule of classes | 課程表
khørthvy | rely on the nature | 靠天
khørthvy-ciaqpng | depend on heaven for food ─ to leave everything to fate | 靠天吃飯
khøthaau | be conceited; arrogant; insolent | 躊頭; 擺架子
kiafmthafng | whether this is proper (I am eagerly awaiting your instruction) | 減通; 是否可
kiafmthøex | drop; go down; recede | 減退
kiafmthøfhoe | conference held for reviewing and discussing past performances; plans | 檢討會
kiafmthør | to review and discuss (past performance; etc); to make self-examination or soul-searching; review and discuss (past performance); make a self-examination | 檢討
kiamtheeng | to proceed on one's trip on the double | 兼程
kiarsefng-thaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiarsengthaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiarsvethaang | parasite | 寄生蟲
kiarsvithaang | parasite | 寄生蟲
kiarthak | attend as an extra student; be boarding student | 寄讀; 借讀
kiarthog | to consign or commit (soul to God; emotions to writing; etc.); entrust to the care of someone; entrust or commit soul to God; emotions to writing | 寄託
kiau ciøqthaau | pry up the stone | 撬石頭
kiaukar-thviax | acute or gripping pain--as caused by cholera; appendicitis; etc. | 交絞痛
kiawthaau | to bet on something in which a loser has to pay a forfeit | 賭頭
kiawtheeng | to submit or handle (to higher authority) | 繳呈
kiawthngf | mix liquids in eating | 攪湯; 白飯拌湯
kieciar-ciauthaixhoe | press conference | 記者招待會
kiedafthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 小氣鬼
kieekthea | computer memory chip | 記憶體
kienthaau | stingy; miserly; niggardly; parsimonious | 腱頭; 吝嗇; 驕傲
kiernsied kangtheeng | construction work | 建設工程
kiernsietthviaf | Department of Reconstruction (of a Provincial Government) | 建設廳
kiernthiefn | (literally) to see the heaven; to see justice prevail; to emerge from imsery | 見天
kierntiog-kangtheeng | construction work | 建築工程
kiesengthaang | a parasite | 寄生蟲
kiesudthea | narrative style of writing | 記述體
kietcvy-thea | a crystal; crystalloid | 結晶體
kietheh | to remember or bear in mind (this lesson; defeat; etc.) | 記取
kietjiin-thiensioxng | Heaven helps a good man | 吉人天相
kietthauzhaix | kohlrabi; turnip | 大頭菜
kiexnkhofng-zoxngthaix | state of health | 健康狀態
kihaai-kangtheeng | mechanical engineering | 機械工程
kikhietharng | machine for threshing rice | 打穀機
kimjixthaq | pyramid | 金字塔
kimlixthaq | pyramid | 金字塔
kimsieen thoatkhag | break loose and get away | 金蟬脫殼
kimthaau | golden head; luster; gloss (on a new article; new cloth); fresh varnish on furniture | 金頭; 光澤; 有光澤的
kimthaq | golden tower; golden pagoda | 金塔
kimthiefn | today | 今天
kimthngf | impregnable fortress | 金湯
kinthaau | origin; root (cause); origin; to originate; to come from; thick muscular parts of the limbs and breast | 筋頭; 肌腱
kinthvoaf | to share (an obligation; etc.) equally; to spread equally; to divide equally | 均攤
kiofngthiau | a buttress | 供柱; 拱柱; 支持
kiogthoaan | a drama group of people | 劇團
kiongthoaf | to drag with violent | 強拖
kiongthok | read respectfully | 恭讀
kiongthor | territory | 疆土
kiongthør | to force (one to give something); to demand; to extort | 強討; 硬討
kioxnghøo-zerngthea | republican form of government | 共和政體
kioxngthofng | to share and flow unobstructed; common; general. (archaic) | 共通
kipthviax | sharp pain, sudden pain | 急信; 銳痛
kirmcie chialiorng thongheeng | No vehicles allowed. No thoroughfare | 禁止車輛通行
kirmcie thengchiaf | No parking! | 禁止停車
kithaan | (substitution) group (chemistry) | 機
kithaau | nose section of an airplane | 機頭
kithai | anticipate; hope; expectation; anticipation; expect (a person or thing); look forward to; hope for | 期待
kithea | trunk and limbs | 機體; 肢體
kithie | great shame; a great insult or humiliation | 奇恥
kithoaan | a foundation group | 基團
kithvaf | other; else | 其他
kitøea-zoxngthaix | ground state | 基地狀態; 基底狀態
kiuosefng-therng | lifeboat | 救生艇
kiuothoad | save from hardship and misery of life | 救法; 救脫
kiuthaau | to draw the head back | 縮頭
kiuthoaan | pellet | 球團
kiuthør | ask for beg | 求討; 乞討
kiwphirn-thiensiin | nine choirs of angels (Catholic) | 九品天神
kiørkhor-lienthiefn | lament; cry to heaven; to mouth complaints about hardships | 叫苦連天
kiørthvy | (literally) to scream to heaven | 叫天
kiørthvy-kiørtøe | cry for help to heaven and earth | 呼天叫地
kiøthaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 橋頭
kiøthiau | bridge pier; earthen or stone structure under bridge | 橋柱
kiøx kauthøex | ghost driving a man to suicide or drowning; the ghost of a drowned man or suicide causing a man to be drowned or tempting a man to kill himself; so that the ghost may return to life; it cannot do so till some one thus takes its place | 找替死鬼; 叫交替
kiøx thvy thvy bøexixn | call on heaven but get no answer | 叫天天無應
kngflee-thuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
kngflethuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
kngrthaux | thoroughly; to understand thoroughly | 穿透; 貫透
kngrthiq | steel | 鋼鐵
kngrthofng | to have a thorough understanding | 貫通
kngthaau | baldheaded; baldhead; shaved head | 光頭; 禿頂
kngthea | luminous body, light | 光業; 光體
koabwthoaan | song and dance ensemble | 歌舞團
koaethay | monster (obstetrics) | 怪胎
koafn thienbuun | practice astrology or astronomy | 觀天文
koafnthai y | don't care about him | 無管他
koafnthai | to pay attention to | 管待; 理會; 理睬
koanbong ee thaixto | waiting attitude | 觀望的態度
koanke-thaau | high and low ends | 高低頭
koankofng-thoaan | tourist group | 觀光團
koankongthoaan | tourist group | 觀光團
koanthaau | juncture; moment; boundary; border; key point | 關頭; 瓶頸
koanthiøo | a crucial moment | 關頭
koarn'afthad | cork or stopper for a bottle | 瓶子塞
koarnthaau | canned food; tinned meats or fruit | 罐頭
koarnthaau-kangchviuo | cannery | 罐頭工廠
koarnthied syciofng | remain consistent from the start to the very end | 貫徹始終
koarnthied | thoroughly; from the start to the end; to carry out; thoroughly; carry out; from beginning to end; from start to finish | 貫徹
koarnthofng | to have a thorough understanding; to have a thorough knowledge of; have a thorough understanding | 貫通; 灌通
koathviaf | an entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers; night club; entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers | 歌廳
koax viuthaau bøe kawbaq | sell dog meat while hanging sheep's head outside the shop as advertisement ─ to cheat | 掛羊頭賣狗肉
koeahøo thiahkiøo | show no gratitude for past favors | 過河拆橋
koeathaau | excessive; beyond the proper measure | 過度
koeathay | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
koeatheeng | in the process; in the course of | 過程
koeathng | be warmed over again | 煨過
koebøfthaang | scarab beetle | 雞母蟲
koefafthngf | a type of soup make with sliced cakes | 粿子湯
koehiøqthaang | Formosan cucurbit leaf beetle | 瓜葉蟲; 臺灣守瓜
koethaau | street | 街頭
koethøar | midsize chicken | 雞桃仔
kofbunthea | archaic style | 古文體
kofngthaoky | tell it with all the particulars | 講透徹
kofngthawkhuix | relieve one's mind or feelings talking it out with another | 講出氣
kofngthioxng | to make fun of | 說暢; 說著玩
kofngthonghøo | collude secretly with each other | 講通和
kofngthongthaux | discuss together | 共通透
kofngthvy-kofngte | talk of everything under the sun | 談天說地
kofthea | ancient-style | 古體
kofthefsy | ancient-style poetry | 古體詩
kofthuii | drum hummer; the hummer to beat a drum; drumsticks | 鼓槌
kokseg-thienhiofng | beauty of a woman or a peony | 國色天香
kokthaix bin'afn | country is prosperous and people live in peace | 國泰民安
kokthaix-bin'afn | the country is prosperous and at peace; and the people live in happiness | 國泰民安
kokthea | political system of a country; national prestige; national constitution; national prestige | 國體
koktheh | house built by the government for less fluent citizens | 國宅
kokthie | national shame or humiliation | 國恥
kokthor | the national territory, the realm | 國土
kong'iuo thoftøe | public land | 公有土地
kongkiong thoanthea | public organization | 公共團體
kongpvee thaixgu | treat fairly | 公平待遇
kongthea | luminous body | 光體
kongtheeng | civil engineering | 工程
kongthengsw | civil engineer | 工程師
kongthiefn-hoarjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
kongthiefn-peqjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
kongthiorng | public cemetery | 公塚
kongthok | major field, to study the major course, to study hard, to study | 公讀; 攻讀
kongthviaf | common central hall | 公廳; 正廳
korbun-thoaan | advisory group | 顧問團
korng bøexthofng | can't get through with my meaning; he is impenetrable: he won't listen | 講無通
korngthngg | the candy offered as tribute | 貢糖; 精緻糖
korngthui'ar | hammer | 鎚子仔
korngthuii | hammer; mallet | 大槌; 摃槌
korthaix | solidity; solid | 固態
korthea | a solid (as distinct from a liquid or a gas); solid (body) | 固體
korthea-ciaqmih | solid food | 固體食物
korthor | homeland | 故土
kothioong | hookworm | 勾暖; 鉤蟲
kothofng | to bring about unobstructed interlow of (feelings; ideas; etc.); to act as an intermediary for promotion of mutual understanding or bridging the gap of differences; bring about unobstructed interflow of (feelings; ideas); to act as an intermediary for promotions of mutual understanding or bridging the gap of differences | 溝通
kuaftharmpaang | bride’s brothers came to visis | 舅仔探房
kudthoo | dig the ground | 掘土
kudthuy | a slideway (for children's amusement) | 滑梯
kuiethea | (a polite expression) your body; your phisical | 貴體
kuietheh | (a polite expression) your home | 貴宅
kuinii-tharngthvy | the whole year through | 一年到頭
kuinitharngthvy | a year | 規年迵天
kuitheeng | regulations and rules | 規程
kuithiefn | (literally) to return to heaven--to pass away; die | 歸天
kuithor | (literally) to return to land; return to dust; die | 歸土
kuithvy | the whole sky | 滿天
kuithøx | the whole set | 整套
kunsu korbuxnthoaan | military advisory group | 軍事顧問團
kunthaau saihu | teacher of Chinese boxing | 國術師
kunthaau | fist; waist band of petticoat or skirt | 拳頭; 根頭; 根源; 裙頭
kunthaubuo | fist | 拳頭拇
kunthaubør | the fist | 拳頭母
kunthaupo | fist | 拳頭部
kunthausay | boxer | 拳頭師
kunthea | group | 群體
kunthngf | make a soup (by boiling for long time) | 燉湯
kunthoaan | army (a unit consisting of a number of corps); any large unit of troops; legion | 軍團
kunthvoaf | to allot equally | 均攤
kunthvoax | to spread evenly; to divide equally | 均攤
kunzuo zerngthea | monarchy | 君主政體
kuothaau | beginning of a sentence | 句頭
kuothok | choice of words, style of composition | 句讀
kurnthuii | stick and hammer | 棍槌
kuthaau | penis glans; glands | 龜頭
kutiofng-tiautheeng | mediate (between two quarrelling parties) | 居中調停
kutthaau | bones; bone; skeleton | 骨頭; 骨骸; 骨骼
kutthauhoef | bone ashes | 骨頭灰
kutthauhw | bone ash; ashes of a cremated corpse | 骨頭灰
kutthausay | osteologist | 骨頭師
kutthviax | bone-ache | 骨痛; 骨疼
kuun thngf | (of actors; entertainers; etc.) to appear onstage; (of products) to appear in the market | 焄湯
kuxcirnthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuxnii-thaau | the whole year beginning | 整年頭
kuxsi-zoxngthaix | macro state | 舊時狀態; 巨視狀態
kuxthaau | tycoon; magnet | 巨頭
kuxthaunao | conservative-minded | 舊腦筋, 舊思想
kuxthea keaoe | practical plans | 具體計劃
kuxthea paxnhoad | practical methods of managing | 具體辦法
kuxthea | concrete; specific; the whole body | 具體
kuxthefhoax | embody; concretize; to incarnate | 具體化
kuxthefteg | concrete; concretely | 具體的
kuxzerngthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuy sethiefn | go to the Buddhist heaven; die | 歸仙; 歸西天
kuythaau | head or ruler of demons | 鬼頭; 閻王
kuythaau-kuynao | crafty; cunning; wily; ludicrous; outlandish | 鬼頭鬼腦
kuythaukuynao | creepy | 鬼頭鬼腦
kuythay | evil plots; dark schemes; stomach distended so as to give the appearance of pregnancy; dark schemes | 鬼胎
kuythiethaau | alopecia areata | 鬼剃頭
kuythofng | how many calls | 幾通
kuythvoaf | how many stands | 幾攤
kuythøx | how many suits | 幾套
kviaa-køeathaau | passed by | 行過頭
kviarthaau | lens of a camera; a scene captured by the camera | 鏡頭
kviathaothaux | walk through everywhere | 行透透
kviatharngthaxng | walk all about (e.g.; through a whole region or country) | 行桶桶; 走遍
kviatharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
kviathviax | shrink from pain | 驚痛
kviathvy-taxngte | shake the earth | 驚天動地
kviuthngf | ginger soup | 薑湯
kviuthngg | ginger soup with sweet taste | 薑糖
kvix thienjit | see the heaven and the sun ─ see justice prevail; emerge from misery (literally) | 見天日
kvoafthaau | an oligarch | 寡頭
kvoafthuii | a rolling wooden stick used as a tool to make dough into wheaten foods | 簳鎚; 簳麵桿
kvoafthøex | drive enemy back, rout | 趕退; 打退
kvoathviaf | government office; the authorities | 官廳
kvoathvy | cold weather; winter | 冬天; 寒天
kvoathy | winter | 冬天
kvoathy-sii | winter time; cold weather time | 寒天時
kvoaxthafng'ar | barrel with handle | 捾桶仔
kyioong Serngthea | elevate the host (Catholic) | 舉揚聖體
kyjiin iw thiefn | used to express baseless anxiety; pessimistic fears (The man of Ch'i feared that the sky was about to fall; like Chicken Little) | 杞人憂天
kyjiin-iuthiefn | groundless worries or anxiety | 杞人憂天
kymsiong-thiamhoaf | add flowers to embroidery; to give something or someone additional splendor | 錦上添花
kyn'iaux-koanthaau | critical moment | 緊要關頭
kyntheeng | presented respectfully by...(conventional phrase placed after the writer's signature in a formal letter); respectfully yours | 謹呈
kythiøo | raise one's head | 舉頭
kythvy | to point the heaven (to swear) | 指天
kythvy-kytøe | swear by Heaven and earth | 指天指地
kø'khofng-tvoathiaux | jump from high altitude; bungee jumping | 高空彈跳
køafthaau | rice cake for gift for marrying daugher | 糕仔頭
køe'afthaau | on the street | 街仔頭
køeathaau | to go beyond the normal or set goal; too much; overdo; to go beyond the limit | 過頭; 過度; 過分
køeatheeng | a stage or step in a process; procedures; process | 過程
køefcie-thaq | enclosed orchard | 果子塔
køefcie-theh | enclosed orchard | 果子宅
køefcie-thngg | fruit candy | 果子糖; 水果糖
køethaau | street | 街頭
køethngf | chicken broth | 雞湯
køethuie | Chicken leg | 雞腿
køfthngg | fructose; fruit sugar | 果糖
køhtheh | to take back | 再拿
kørthea | an entity | 個體
kørtheeng | course, procedure, process | 個程; 過程
kørthøex | dismiss | 告退
køsog-thihlo | super-railway | 高速鐵路
køsokthihlo | super-railway | 高速鐵路 (高鐵)
køthiq | super-railway | 高鐵; 高速鐵路
køthoanjiafmsexng ee | virulent; highly contagious | 高傳染性的
la oexthaau | make a remark that may lead a man to speak of a matter which we wish to ask but don't like to ask directly | 以言詞挑弄人講出實話
la'afthngf | clam soup | 蜊仔湯
laan juu tengthiefn | as difficult as going to heaven | 難如登天
laau thaumngg | allow the hair to grow | 留頭髮
labthaux | complete the lend-borrow cycle in a hoe-a | 繳完
ladthaau | strength; power; force; strength; power | 力頭; 力量; 力氣
laggeqthvy | lunar June which is the hottest month | 六月天
laggoeqthvy | lunar June which is the hottest month | 六月天
laggøeh-thvy | midsummer weather; June weather | 六月天; 盛夏
laixthaau | inside | 裡頭
laixthaau-chyn | relatives of the family on father's side | 內頭親
laixthay | inner tube | 內胎
laixthøx | underware | 內套
lakthngf-køef | all wet; drenched through; like drowned chicken | 落湯雞
lamjiin-lythea | man with effeminate or feminine look or manner | 男人女態
lamthng | enamel; glaze pottery | 淋搪; 淋碭; 搪瓷; 上釉; 琺琅
lamthngf | got wet | 淋湯; 倒湯
langkheq-thviaf | living-room, sitting room | 人客廳
langkutthaau | human bone | 人骨頭
langthaau | human head; number of (borrowed) people; core of a boil | 人頭; 膿頭
langthaau-søex | the poll tax | 人頭稅
lanthaau | remnants | 零頭
lanthoad | hard to get off | 難脫
laosiarthox | vomit and running stomach | 落瀉吐
laothe'iøqar | medicine causing abortion; an abortive | 漏胎藥仔; 打胎藥
laothef | premature birth; miscarriage | 小產; 落胎; 流產; 墮胎,流產
laothorzexng | cholera | 漏吐症; 霍亂
laothox | cholera | 霍亂; 漏吐症
laothox-zexng | cholera | 漏吐症; 吐瀉; 霍亂
lapthaau | to lose money in trade | 凹頭; 虧損
larmthoo | deep mud; mire; muddy | 泥濘
larngthaxng | bribe; conspire with | 串通
lathiefn | chat; satiated with pleasure; luxury | 聊天; 奢侈
lau-thaeiaa | a term of respect for an old gentleman | 老太爺
lau-thaepøo | (n) old woman (often not polite); (n) term to refer to wife | 老太婆
lau-thaethaix | a term of respect for an old lady | 老太太
lauthaau | (n) river headwaters; (n) water source | 流頭; 水源
lauthafng | windows of a building | 樓窗
lauthngf | discharge of pus | 流湯
lauthuiseg | staircase | 樓梯式
lauthuithaau | staircase | 樓梯頭
lauthuy | a staircase; ladder; staircase | 樓梯; 梯子
lauthuy-khaf | foot of stairs | 樓梯跤; 樓梯口
lauxkutthaau | the life of an old person | 老骨頭
lauxthaau | ancient roots | 老頭; 古樹根
lauxthaepøo | old woman | 老太婆
lauxthaethaix | old lady | 老太太
lauxthaix | old-fashioned | 老態
lauxtheagvofar | old veteran | 老退伍仔
lauxthiencyn | second childhood; in one's dotage | 老糊塗; (罵人)
lauxthienthøh | second childhood; in one's dotage | 老顛倒
lauxtørthoe | memory fail, decline | 老人記憶力衰退 (罵人)
lauxtørthøex | dote; fall into dotage; become weak with age; be senile; be in one's dotage; worn out with age | 老倒退
lauxzerngthaau | old symptom | 老症頭
lauxzhafng-thaau | procuress | 老娼頭; 鴇母
lauxzhangthaau | brothel madam | 老娼頭
laxmthngg | mixed with sugar | 濫糖
laxmthøx | trite; cliches; superfluous expressions | 濫套
laxnciawthaau | glans; the head (of the penis) | 陰莖頭; 龜頭
laxnthaan | sing mountain song | 亂彈
lea-gi-liaam-thie | sense of propriety justice honesty and shame; the four cardinal virtues of the people | 禮義廉恥
lefngthor | fief; territory; domain | 領土
lefngthor-koaan | territorial rights | 領土權
lefthiab | invitation (card) | 禮帖; 請帖
legtau-thngf | green bean soup | 綠豆湯
legtheeng | process; course; process; step; stage | 歷程
leng'afthaau | nipple | 奶仔頭
lenghong thengsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lenghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitation cards | 龍鳳帖
lenghor siøthin | it is lucky for persons born in the year of the dragon and the year of the tiger to marry each other | 龍虎相配
lenghuun uithoaan soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 靈魂遺傳說
lengkutthaq | columbarium | 靈骨塔
lengthaau | nipple; head of any group; esp. of gangsters; teat | 奶頭; 龍頭
lengthaq | pacifier | 奶塞
lengthay | tire | 車胎; 輪胎
lengthea | spiritual body | 靈體
lengtheeng | spiritual progress | 靈騰; 靈程
lengthiau | pillars having dragons carved on them | 龍柱
lengthngg | lactose; milk sugar | 乳糖; 奶糖
lengthofng | (n) agility; intelligent; bright; smart; clever; be well versed in; be well acquainted with; have a thorough knowledge of; communicating with each other; (news; messages) spread fast; to pass with great speed | 靈通
lengthviaf | listen to | 聆聽
lesoaan thuicirnky | screw propeller; propeller; screw | 螺旋槳
lethaau | plowshare | 黎頭; 犁頭
lexcid thiensefng | born beauty | 麗質天生
lexkhie-zoxngthaix | excited state | 勵起狀態
liaam thithy | very sticky (adhesive) | 黏巴巴的
liaam-thithy | adhesive and sticky | 黏黐黐
liab'afthaau | a boil | 粒仔頭
liah kauthøex | ghost driving a man to suicide or drowning; the ghost of a drowned man or suicide causing a man to be drowned or tempting a man to kill himself; so that the ghost may return to life; it cannot do so till some one thus takes its place | 找替死鬼
liah-peqthox | (v) vomit | 捉白兔; 暈吐
liah-thafnhvoaai | lay down horizontally | 掠坦橫; 橫放
liam thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 以話暗示
liamthie | sense of honor; modest; bashful; decorous; sense of honor; bashfulness; modesty; integrity of character | 廉恥
liamthithy | sticky | 粘黐黐
liamthoo | clay | 黏土; 黏塗; 粘土
liangtengthiau | pavilion column | 涼亭柱
liangtheeng | pavilion; traveler's sheltered station | 涼亭
liao thehtheq | quite spent; all used or done | 虧光了
liaqkauthex | scapegoat | 掠交*
liaqkauthoex | scapegoat | 掠交*
liaqthaang | capture insects that destroy crops | 捉蟲
liaqthafnhvoaai | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liaqthafnhvuii | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liaqthorar | vomit | 掠吐仔; 嘔吐
liautheeng | course of treatment | 療程
liauthiefn | to chat | 聊天; 閒蕩
liawthied | understand | 了徹; 明瞭
liaxmthaau | an idea; a thought; a hunch | 念頭
libhongthea | cube; geometric cube | 立方體
libthea ciernzefng | three dimensional warfare | 立體戰爭
libthea hoarhak | stereochemistry | 立體化學
libthea kyhøo | solid geometry; geometry of space; stereometry | 立體幾何
libthea sviaym | stereophonically reproduced sound | 立體聲音
libthea tiexnviar | wide screen motion picture; 3 d motion picture; Cinerama | 立體電影
libthea | three-dimensional; a solid body | 立體
libthea-karm | three-dimensional effect | 立體感
libthefkarm | three dimensional effect | 立體感
libthofui'afn | RIP | 入土為安
libthor | bury | 入土
lidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
lidthaau | sun | 日頭
lidthauhoef | dizzy | 日頭花
lidthaukngf | bright sun | 日頭光
liedsek pongthefng | stand by and listen | 列席旁聽
liefnthay | tire | 輪胎
lienhoethaau | lotus head | 蓮花頭
lienlip hongthengseg | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式
lienlip-hongthengseg | simultaneous equations | 聯立方程式
lienphoxngthaau | fluffy hair | 蓮蓬頭
lienpothaau | even bud | 連苞頭
lienthaam | lotus pond | 蓮潭
lienthah | overlapping; in succession | 連疊; 繼續
lienthea-ve'ar | Siamese twins | 連體嬰仔
lienthefefng | Siamese twins | 連體嬰
lienthiefn | the sound of battle) shakes the sky; continuously (especially said of complaining); for several days in a row; stab deep into the sky (said of high mountains); (the distant horizon) merges with the sky; (mountains) to stab deep into the sky | 連天
lienthvoax | chain charcoal | 鍊炭
lienthøx | couplet | 聯套
liexnsip thefzhaw | physical training | 練習體操
liexnthihchviuo | iron refinery | 鍊鐵廠
liexnthihhoad | puddling; melting pig iron in a reverberatory furnace to turn it into wrought iron | 煉鐵法
liexnthihloo | bloomery; puddling furnace | 煉鐵爐
liexnthiq | to smelt iron; to refine iron | 煉鐵
liexnthiq-chiarng | blooming mill | 煉鐵廠
liexnthiq-hoad | puddling | 煉鐵法
liexnthiq-loo | puddling furnace; bloomery | 煉鐵爐
liexnthvoax | charcoal | 鍊炭
limsii piernthofng | adapting oneself to circumstances; versatile | 臨時變通
limthngf | eat soup | 喝湯
linthaau | nipple, teat | 乳頭
linthausvoax | milk duct, mammary gland | 乳頭腺
linthea | body | 人體
linthngg | milk sugar; lactose | 乳糖
liofngbin thøfhør | trimming; fluctuate between two parties so as to appear to favor each | 兩面討好
liogbixnthea | hexahedron; hexagon | 六面體
liogthiog | the six domestic animals- horse; cow; sheep; chicken; dog and hog; domestic animals; oxen; sheep; horses; pigs; dogs and fowls | 六畜:馬,牛,羊, 雞, 狗, 豬
liogthioxng | optimistic | 樂觀
lionghong thefngsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lionghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitations | 龍鳳帖
lionghong-thiab | betrothal cards | 龍鳳帖
liongthaam-hofhiet | dragon's pool and the tiger's den ─ dangerous places | 龍潭虎穴
liongthaau | faucet; tap; cock; leader of a sect; secret society | 龍頭
liongthaau-zoabøea | dragon's head and snake's tail ─ dwindling away to nothing after an initial display of greatness | 龍頭蛇尾
liongthea | imperial body; your honorable body | 龍體
liongthex | rise and fall of power; influence | 隆替
liongthiau | dragon pillar; a column of dragon; a post of dragon | 龍柱
liongthioxng | joyful; smooth | 良暢
lip ciongtheeng | draw up rules and regulation | 立章程
lip thaezuo | investiture of the Crown Prince | 立太子
lithium | lithium | 鋰
liucid thengsyn | temporary release without pay; layoff | 留職停薪
liulongthaau | top of elevator | 流籠頭
liuthea | fluid | 流體
liuthea-leghak | hydrodynamics | 流體力學
liutheeng | process | 流程
liuthioxng | fluent; smooth | 流暢
liuthoaan | spread; hand down a tradition; transmit or be transmitted from person to person; from generation to generation | 流傳
liuthoanløqlaai | circulated | 流傳落來
liuthofng | to circulate; currency; interchange; put into circulation; circulate freely | 流通
liuthuy | slide | 溜梯
liwthoo | dig up earth | 挖土
lixmngthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁門窗; 鋁窗
lixthaau | profit | 利頭
lixthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁窗; 鋁門窗
lixthea | font | 字體
lixthvaf | altruism | 利他
lixthvaf-zwgi | altruism | 利他主義
lixthvazwgi | altruism | 利他主義
liøxtharng | piss bucket | 尿桶
lo bøexthofng | no thoroughfare; road closed; closed communication | 路無通
loah thaumngg | comb hair | 捋頭髮; 梳頭髮
loah thaumof | comb one's hair (Women use the expression; se-thau but men use the expression; loah thau-mo.) | 捋頭毛; 梳頭
loaqthvisi'ar | summer days | 熱天時仔
loaqthvy | summer | 熱天
loaxnthak | desultory reading; read at random | 亂讀
loethaau | bow head | 低頭
lofngthogkør | read aloud transcript | 朗讀稿
lofngthok | to read in clear voice, to recite | 朗讀
lofthngf | broil soybean soup | 魯湯
logtexthafng | French windows | 落地窗
logthea | a falling body | 落體
logthiefn tibeng | accord with the decree of Heaven; be content with what one is | 樂天知命
logthiefn zwgi | optimism | 樂天主義
logthiefn | acceptance of fate and happy about it; be content with one's lot; be optimistic; be easygoing | 樂天
logthienphaix | optimist; easygoing person | 樂天派
logthiente | optimistic land | 樂天地
logthioxng | delightful; fond of low and bad pleasures; leading an idle or fast life; cheerful and easygoing | 樂暢; 樂觀; 無知憂愁; 快活; 暢快
logthiq | hot irons | 烙鐵
logthor | paradise; land of happiness; place free from sorrow | 樂土
lomoathaau | ringleader of a bond of evildoers | 流氓頭; 老大
longgiap thofjiofnghak | agrology | 農業土壤學
longlimthviaf | department of agriculture and forestry | 農林廳
longthaau | muzzle over horse's mouth | 籠頭; 馬的口蓋
loong thwn hor iexn | wolfish; tiger-like appetite; grasping | 狼吞虎嚥
lormthoo | muddy soil; soft muddy fields (ground) | 沼土
lorngthuii | get a mallet | 弄槌
loxkekthien'iaau | far away from the destination | 路隔天遙
loxkhix chiongthiefn | The fire of anger fills the air; The flame of wrath pierces heaven; in a great rage | 怒氣沖天
loxng thienzvea | dig a well; make a atrium; create a skylight | 挵天井
loxngkef svoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 家破人亡
loxngkesvoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 弄家散宅
loxngzuo hoethaau | return of the prodigal son | 浪子回頭
loxthaau | way; beginning of a journey; way; road; route; distance | 路頭; 路途; 路上
loxthauloxboea | end of the road | 路頭路尾
loxthea | nude; undress; expose one's body; expose the naked body; in the nude | 裸體
loxtheeng | a journey; traveling distance; distance to be traveled; traveling distance; a stage | 路程
loxthiefn haghau | open air school | 露天學校
loxthiefn tiexnviar | open air movie | 露天電影
loxthiefn | openair; outdoor; in the open; unsheltered | 露天
lud thaumngg | falling hair | 頭髮脫落
lui kip thajiin | involve or implicate others | 累及他人
luithuii | pestle; to poke | 擂槌; 杵
luixthuy | reason by analogy | 類推
lunpafn-thøeavoa | take turns in rotation | 輪班替換
lunthaigiap | tire business | 輪胎業
lunthay | tire (of a wheel) | 輪胎
lunthex | rotation | 輪替
luo-thoantø | lady preacher | 女傳道
luthaumngg | haircut with a clipper | 攄頭毛
luthoky | bulldozer | 推土機
lutthaau | bald | 禿頭
luxthafng | aluminum window | 鋁窗
lw thaumngg | have a hair cut with clippers (not with scissors) | 理髮
lwheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lwhengthoaan | a traveling party | 旅行團
lwnkhix-thunsviaf | to restrain one's temper and say nothing; to keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
lwnthviax | bear pain | 忍怕; 忍痛
lwongthaau | queen's head | 女王頭
lwtheeng | the route a traveler takes from one place to another; a journey | 旅程
lwtheeng-py | milestone | 旅程碑
lwthoaan | a tourist group | 旅團
lyafthngg | plum | 李仔糖
lyheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lyhengthoaan | tourist group | 旅行團
lyhoatthviaf | barbershop | 理髮廳, 理髮店
lym thngf | drink tea | 啉湯
lysiorng-khiethea | ideal gas | 理想氣體
lytheeng | a milestone; a landmark; plan of one's journey; an itinerary; distance to be covered; a traveler's route from one place to another | 里程; 旅程
lythengpiør | mileage meter; odometer | 里程錶
lythengpy | milestone; landmark; milestone; milepost | 里程碑
løethaau | plowshare | 犁頭
løethaau-chiu | box-leaf eugenia | 犁頭樹
løh khoanthøx | be trapped or swindled | 落圈套
løh lauthuy | there is a way open to set the matter straight without too much sacrifice of one's dignity | 下台; 下樓梯
løløthithy | involved (affair; difficult to set right); confused and involved (talking; especially when it comes to nothing) | 囉囉黐黐
løo-thithy | sticky, very involved | 囉黐黐; 囉囉嗦嗦
løqhoxthvihvoq | (is it a )raining day? | 落雨天乎
løqhoxthvy | raining day | 落雨天
løqthay | to abort; to effect an abortion | 落胎
løqthoo | sits on the floor | 落土; 落塗; 呱呱墮地; 生下
løqthosii | on the ground | 落塗時
løthex | work out | 勞退
løthithy | sticky, very involved | 囉黐黐
løthoex | work out | 勞退
løthuii | gongstick; stick used to beat a gong; clapper for a gong | 鑼槌
løtong-thoanthea | labor body | 勞動團體
løxthea | naked; nude; undress | 裸體
løxthea-byjiin | naked beauty | 裸體美人
løxthefoe | nude painting | 裸體畫
m-zaithaau | be unaware of | 無知頭; 不知道; 無意的
mar puttheeng tee | travel on horseback without stop; do something without stop | 馬無停蹄
maxthvy-oarntøe | blamed and complained on others | 罵天怨地
meqthoad | asystole; pulseless | 脈脫; 停止脈動
mexthvy | quarrel with Province | 罵天
mexthvy-oarnte | blamed and complained on others | 罵天怨地
mi'afthngg | marshmallow; spun sugar | 棉花糖
miasviaf cinthao | His fame is spread far and wide | 很出名
miathiab | name tag | 名帖
miauthaau | the status of affairs; situation; symptom of a trend | 苗頭
miauthiaau | slender; slim | 苗條
mihoef-thngg | candy floss | 棉花糖
mithaau | cotton end | 綿頭
mithiefn | overwhelmingly | 彌天
mithiefn-taixzoe | great crime (so great as to fill the universe) | 彌天大罪
mixsvoax-thngf | thin noodles soup | 麵線湯
mixthaau | dough | 麵頭; 饅頭
mixthy | glutinous wheat dough; flour gluten | 麵黐; 麵麶; 麵筋
mixthøo | imitation peaches made of sweetened flour (use in the worship of idols) | 麵桃
mngthaau | doorway; gate | 門頭; 門口
mngthafng | door and window | 門窗
mngtharn | woolen blanket; hairy woolen rug | 毛毯
mngthiau | gatepost | 門柱
mngthviaf | hall | 門廳
mo niar Serngthea | receive communion sacrilegious (Catholic) | 冒領聖體
moafthvi'e | all under heaven | 滿天下
moafthvia'aang | couplet used at wedding so whole drawing full of jubilant; joyous | 滿廳紅; 喜形容喜氣洋洋
moafthviaaang | couplet used at wedding so whole drawing full of jubilant, joyous | 滿廳紅; 喜形容喜氣洋洋
moafthvizhvef | gypsophila | 滿天星
moafthvy | all-over the sky | 滿天
moathvy | deceive the whole world | 瞞天
moathvy-køeahae | practice deception | 瞞天過海
moathvy-phierntøe | deceive Heaven and Earth | 瞞天騙地
moeafthngf | plum soup | 梅仔湯
moethvoax | coal | 媒炭; 煤炭
mothaang | caterpillar; a wooly bear; hairy caterpillar | 毛蟲
mothaau | evil head | 魔頭
motharn | woolen blanket; hairy woolen rug | 毛毯
mothiefn | cloud-kissing; sky scraping | 摩天
mothienlaau | skyscraper | 摩天樓
muikaethea | media | 媒介體
muithea | media | 媒體
muithefkaix | media | 媒體界
muithvoax | coal | 媒炭; 煤炭
muythofng | every call (telephone) | 每通
mxcviathvy | very changeable uncertain weather; neither rain nor fair | 毋像天; 陰晴不定
mxternglaang-thviaf | speaking so that the other is not willing to hear | 毋順人聽; 逆耳
mxternglangthviaf | speaking so that the other is not willing to hear | 逆耳, 不順耳
mxthafng | do not; must not; ought not; should not | 毋可; 毋通; 勿,不可; 勿
mxthafng`laq | don't | 毋通啦
mxtiøh thaau | the wrong side up (or down); the wrong end | 毋對頭; 方向不對
mxtiøh-thaau | wrong direction | 毋對頭; 方向不對
mxzay thafng kviaf | does not realize the danger | 毋知通驚; 毋知危險
mxzay thvite kuie kyn tang | He doesn't know how heavy the heavens and earth are. ─ He doesn't know anything | 毋知天地幾斤重; 毋知天高地厚
na'aau thviax | sore throat | 喉嚨痛
na'aau-thviax | sore throat | 嚨喉疼
na'authaau | larynx | 嚨喉頭
na'authviax | sore throat | 嚨喉疼
naafthay | bamboo sieve | 籃仔篩
nafthafng | not suppose to | 哪通
nafthiefn | what day (in the future) | 哪天
nar thafng afnnef | How is it you can do it (that way)? | 怎可如此
narthaau-narbin | to hide from sight | 探頭縮腦
nathvy | blue sky | 藍天
nauxthviaf | make a scene in the hall | 鬧廳
neathaau | stick out one's head | 伸頭
neh kunthaubør | clench one's fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
ngfthøx | pull-over sleeves | 掩套; 護袖
ngrthvy pøfiu | look forward to the help (protection) of the heaven | 望天保祐
ngrthvy | looking towards (forward to) heaven | 望天
ngsngf-tharng | pale and emaciated | 黃酸桶; 病夫
ngtharn | icterus; jaundice; jaundice (a kind of sickness) | 黃疸; 黃膽
ngthea | Corpus luteum | 黃體
ngthoo | yellow soil, loess | 黃色; 黃塗
niafthaau | hilltop; highest peak in the range | 嶺頭; 山峰; 山頂
niafthor | territory under jurisdiction | 領土
niar Serngthea | receive Holy Communion (Catholic) | 領聖體
niauphvixthaau | cat nose | 貓鼻頭
niauthang | | 貓筩
niauthau'efng | owl | 貓頭鷹
niauthauciao | owl | 貓頭鷹
niauthauciawkog | owl | 貓頭鳥國
nie thaumngg | dye hair | 染髮
nithaau | nipple; teat; beginning of a year | 乳頭; 奶頭; 年頭
nithngg | milk sugar | 乳糖; 奶糖
nithoo | soil; dirt; clay | 泥土; 泥塗
nithvoax | peat | 泥炭
niuthiau | beam | 梁柱
niuu thefwn | take the temperature | 量體溫
niuxthuii | counter weight of a large steelyard | 量錘
nngfthea toxngbut | mollusks; molluscs | 軟體動物
nngfthea | software | 軟体; 軟體; (體)
nngfthea-toxngbut | mollusca | 軟體動物
nngfthng'ar | soft gelatinous candies; sweetmeats | 軟糖仔
nngfthngg | fondant, soft sweets | 軟糖
nngfthochimkut | take advantage of vulnerable people | 軟塗深掘
nngfthoo | soft soil; If the earth is soft, people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured, people will take advantage of (tease) him. | 軟土
nngfthoo-chimkut | If the earth is soft; people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured; people will take advantage of (tease) him | 軟土深滑; 得寸進尺
nngfthuy | escalade | 軟梯
nngxpahthorng | rather more than 200 | 兩百多一點
noathaau | play tricks | 爛爛; 耍花樣
noaxthiauafcie | ulcer acne, pimple | 爛𤶃仔子
noaxthiauar | ulcer acne | 爛痘仔; 潰瘍性的面皰
noaxthobee | muddy | 爛塗糜
noaxthobi | muddy smell | 爛塗味
noaxthomoaai | muddy | 爛塗糜
noaxthomoee | muddy | 爛塗糜
noaxthoo | soft or mashy soil(mud) | 爛土; 爛塗; 軟土
nysekthea | chromosome | 染色體
nythøx | ear caps | 耳罩; 耳套
o'ienthuun | soot | 煤煙渣
o'imthvy | cloudy day | 烏陰天
o'kuithaau | pimp | 烏頭龜; 妓院主人
o'ym-thvy | cloudy sky, cloudy weather | 黑陰天; 烏陰天
oadthaau | back; turn back; turn around; turn one's head; turn something in the opposite direction | 回勵; 越頭; 轉頭
oadthaukoex`laai | turn around | 越頭過來
oadthok | study | 閱讀
oah-thiaothiaux | (adv) while still alive | 活跳跳
oaithaau | crooked head | 歪頭
oanthiau | a cylinder; a column | 圓柱
oanthofng | flexible; accommodating; ripeness | 圓通
oanzu-thea | a cylinder, cylindric, cylindrical | 圓柱體
oanzuy-thea | a cone, conic, conical | 圓椎體; 圓錐體
oaqthiaothiaux | strong and active | 活跳跳; 活生生的
oaqthiaux | lively active | 活潑
oarmthvy | cloudy day | 烏暗天
oarnthaxn | resent; resentment; sigh with bitterness; repine; complain of unjust treatment | 怨歎; 怨嘆; 怨恨
oarnthiefn-iujiin | blame everybody but oneself | 怨天尤人
oarnthien'iujiin | complain of one's lot in life | 怨天尤人
oarnthvioarnte | resentment | 怨天怨地
oarnthvioarntoe | resentment | 怨天怨地
oarnthvy | blame heaven; murmur against Heaven--complaining of one's lot in life | 怨天
oarthvy-oarntoe | blames god and man | 怨天尤人
oe korng-bøextheeng | chatterbox | 雜念; 喋喋無休
oefthoky | dredger | 挖土機
oefthoo | dig dirt | 挖塗
oethoaf | slipper | 鞋拖
oexthaau | subject (of a talk or conversation); topic; beginning of a conversation or discussion | 話頭; 開場白
oexthng'ang'ar | painting sugar characters | 畫糖尪仔
of-haythuun | black dolphin | 黑海豚
of-soa'thngg | unrefined sugar | 黑砂糖
ofthoky | an excavator; a suction dredge; dredger; ditcher | 挖土機; 挖塗機
ofthoo | to excavate | 挖土; 挖塗
ofthox | vomit | 嘔吐
oienthuun | black smoke | 烏煙黗
oimthvy | cloudy day | 烏陰天
okuithaau | turtle head | 烏龜頭
oluthaau | baldhead, bald | 黑禿頭; 烏甪頭
onglaithaau | pineapple head | 王梨頭
osoarnthaau | black garlic | 烏蒜頭
osoathngg | brown sugar | 黑砂糖
osvoathaau | black mountain | 烏山頭
othaau | black head | 黑頭; 烏魚
otharng | a bucket of a well-sweep | 黑桶
othau'ar | sedan, car, limousine | 黑頭仔; 烏頭仔
othauafchiaf | black sedan | 烏頭仔車
othauafchiaf`laq | black sedan | 烏頭仔車啦
othauar | blackhead | 烏頭仔
othaukhok'ar | black head birdy | 烏頭觳仔
othaumngg | dark hair | 黑頭毛
othea | old face; a black body | 黑體
othngg | brown sugar; unrefined sugar; raw sugar | 烏糖; 赤糖; 紅糖; 黑糖
othngkea | brown sugar pastry | 烏糖粿
othngkoea | brown sugar pastry | 烏糖粿
othngkøf | brown sugar paste | 烏糖膏
othngzuie | molasses | 黑糖水
othoo | black dirt | 黑土
othvi'armte | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
othvi'armtoe | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
othvy | cloudy | 烏天
othvy-armte | heaven and earth dark; very dark weather; great distress and calamity | 天黑地暗
othøo | spade; a walnut | 黑桃; 胡桃
oxlw-thaau | bareheaded | 光頭
paethaxm | to visit; to pay a visit | 拜探; 拜訪; 探訪
paethiab | visiting card | 拜帖
paethog | ask for a favor; Please! If you please!; courteously ask someone a favor | 拜託
paethok | to read with respect; read with respect (a polite expression) | 拜讀
pafngpafngthngg | lollipop | 棒棒糖
pagthaau | to tie up hairs | 縛頭
pah'iap-thafng | venetian blind | 百葉窗
pahchiøq kanthaau | the highest achievement (Lit. top of a hundred-foot pole) | 百尺竿頭
pahciokthioong | a centipede | 百足蟲
pahhiøqthafng | Venetian blind; Venetian shutters | 百葉窗
pahsuxthofng | expert in everything; Jack-of-all-trades | 百事通
pahthorng | one hundred barrels | 百捅
pai'afthaau | pier | 棑仔頭
paithaf zwgi | exclusive; exclusionism | 排他主義
paithaf | exclusive | 排他
paithaulaai | according to the order | 排頭來
paitheg | proscribe; supplant; rejection; exclusion; boycott; expel; reject; ostracize | 排斥
paithiap | pile up, set in order | 排疊
paithvaf | parochial | 排他
paithvaf-sym | parochial attitude | 排他心
paix Serngthea | adore the Blessed Sacrament; make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 拜聖體
paix thvite | worship Heaven and Earth | 拜天地
paix thvitøe | wedding ceremony | 拜天地; 結婚
paixthøex | retreat after defeat; be defeated | 敗退
pakkoafnthoaan | a Taiwaneseorthern wind instruments group that influenced Taiwan in a big wave | 北管團
pakthaau | the North | 北頭; 北方
pakthee | north embankment | 北堤
paktofthafng'ar | stomach | 腹肚桶仔
paktoftharng | stomach | 腹肚桶
paktofthviax | stomachache | 腹肚疼
paktor thviax | belly ache; stomach pain; colic | 肚子痛
paktor-tharng | big belly | 腹肚桶; 大肚皮
palwn-thwn | bolt one's' food, swallow without chewing | 巴囫圇; 急吃(不加咀嚼)
pangthaau | sect; household; clan; family tribe or clan | 房頭; 黃錫鯛; 家族; 家脈; 戶
pangthauar | same clan (family) | 房頭仔; 同一家族的人
pangthiab | to give financial assistance to | 資助; 津貼; 幫貼
pangthvi | sewing | 縫綴
panthaau | head; chief; boss | 班頭
parciaxm thofte | infringe on territory; occupy territory; encroach | 霸佔土地
parngthaothaux | let it go | 放透透
parngthiab | to send an invitation card | 放帖; 發帖子
parngthiap'ar | sent invitation | 放帖仔
parngthientefng | put sky lanterns | 放天燈
pasethihchiu | Brazil iron tree | 巴西鐵樹
pathionglui | reptiles; Reptilian | 爬蟲類
pathiongluixhak | Herpetology | 爬蟲類學
pathioong | reptile | 爬蟲
paupauthngg | wrap with sugar | 包包糖
pausitthaau | bidding a task or contract | 包事頭
pauthaau | contractor (for work) | 包頭; 包裹; 包商
pauthaupeh | wear a white cloth on the head (in deepest mourning for parents or superior) | 包頭白; 喪事
pauthaxm | a contracted detective | 包探
pauthay | embryo in the womb; womb; caul of the womb | 胞胎
pauthef | embryo in the womb | 胞胎
paxng bøo thviaf`kvix | pretend not to hear | 假裝聽無到
paxng thiap'ar | distribute invitation cards | 發帖仔
paxnkongthviaf | place for transaction of public business | 辦公廳
paxnthøx | to complete, to finish work | 辦妥
paxthud | to fire, to reject, to discharge from the office | 罷搓; 罷黜
paythoad | to get rid of; to free oneself from; to shake off; get rid of; free oneself from | 擺脫
peeng thienha | tranquilize the empire | 平天下
pefngthafnphag | to upset; invert with mouth down | 翻躺伏; 翻身伏臥
pefngthaothaux | completely opposite | 反透透
pefngtharn-chiøx | to lie face up | 翻躺笑
pefngtharn-khab | to turn into a prostrate position | 翻躺磕; 反過來蓋伏
pefngtharn-phag | to turn into a prostrate position | 俯躺伏
pefngtharn-tør | to turn over from a prostrate position | 俯躺倒; 倒下成橫
pegthiøo | white hair | 白頭
peh-thaumngg | white hairs | 白頭髮
pehcviuxthvy | spoil somebody; fast advancement in one's career | 爬上天
pehthiaq | tear to pieces, naughty (child) | 白拆; 拆碎
pekjiin thaesim | drive to desperation; push someone too hard | 逼人太甚
pekthok put'iax | not boring even after repeated readings; very interesting (book) | 百讀無厭
pekthør | press for payment | 逼討; 逼債
pekzheg kanthiøo | at the top of a hundred foot pole ─ at the highest point | 百尺竿頭
pengterng thaixgu | equal treatment | 平等待遇
pengthaau | commander, commanding officer | 兵頭; 指揮官
pengtharn | even, level, plain, flat | 平躺
pengthiefn | icy weather | 冰天
pengthiefn-soatte | land of ice and snow; a frozen land | 冰天雪地
pengthngg | crystal sugar; rock candy; crystal sugar in lumps of irregular size and shape | 冰糖
pengthngzuie | sweet ice water | 冰糖水
pengthoaan | regulars and militia | 兵團
pengthwn | annex; mediatize | 併吞
peq lauthuy | climb stairs | 爬樓梯
peqhaythuun | white dolphin | 白海豚
peqthaau-ofng | Chinese bulbul, gray starling | 白頭翁
peqthau'ofng | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭翁
peqthaukhok'ar | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭酷仔; 白頭翁
peqthaxn | earn with little or no effort | 白趁; 白賺
peqthiab | funeral invitation card | 白帖
peqthiap'ar | funeral announcement card or letter | 白帖仔
peqthih'ar | stainless steel; galvanized iron; tin plate | 白鐵仔; 無銹鋼
peqthihlo'ar | stainless steel stove | 白鐵爐仔
peqthiq | stainless steel | 白鐵; 無銹鋼
peqthngg | white sugar; refined sugar | 白糖; 精製糖
peqthngkøf | white sugar paste | 白糖膏
peqthngzhafng | sticky sugar candy | 白糖蔥
peqthoo | white soil | 白土
peqthorar | white rabbit | 白兔仔
peqthorkviar | white baby rabbit; white kittens | 白兔囝
peqthvoax | diphtheria | 白炭; 白喉
peqthwn | swallow (something) without any impact | 白吞
peqthy | idiot, idiocy, foolishness | 白癜; 白痴
peqy thiensaix | angels in white ─ nurses | 白衣天使
peqy-thiensaix | angels in white ─ nurses | 白衣天使
peqzhaethaau | daikon | 白菜頭
perngthwn | annex; take over; swallow up; swallow up entirely | 併吞
pethanglui | reptile | 爬蟲類
pethiøo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
pexngthaix | patient's condition | 病態; 病況
pexngthwn | absorb a smaller nation | 並吞; 併吞
pexthaukheg | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠
pexthaukhiet'ar | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠仔
pexthih'ar | while iron panel | 白鐵仔
phaethaau | overbearing manner; manner; air; the way one acts and speaks | 派頭
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
phag-teq thviaf | listen secretly (with head bent down close to a door) | 伏著聽
phaggidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phagjidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaglidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phahlofngthofng | make it through | 打曠通; 前後全打通
phahsiøthaux | open communication (between two rooms); take out the partition | 打相透; 打通; (房子)
phahthaux | make it through | 打透
phahthex | shoot back | 拍退
phahthih'afkhox | jean | 拍鐵仔褲
phahthih'afsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵仔師父
phahthih'afsay | black smith | 拍鐵仔師
phahthih'aftiaxm | blacksmith's shop | 打鐵仔店
phahthih'ar | blacksmith | 拍鐵仔
phahthihsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵師父
phahthihsay | black smith | 拍鐵師
phahthihtiaxm | black smith shop | 拍鐵店
phahthiq | making something with steel; work iron | 打鐵
phahthiq`ee | blacksmith | 打鐵的; 鐵匠
phahthofng | make it through; open a connecting road; establish a connection | 打通
phahthongkoafn | pass the customs | 拍通關
phahthongthaux | conspire each other | 打通透; 彼此有密謀
phahthut | slip out of gear or out of joint | 打搓; 使脫離
phahthøex | defeat | 打退; 拍退
phangthaau | spice; food's fragrance (aroma) | 芳頭; 香料; 食物的香氣
phanthuie | to sit with legs crossed, to squat | 盤腿; squat; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading
phaophaothngg | bubble gum; chewing gum | 泡泡糖
phaothaq | turret | 炮塔
phaotherng | gunboat | 炮艇; 砲艇
phaothøx | gun holster | 炮套
phaq kunthaau | practice shadow boxing | 打拳
phaq-bexthofng | can't get through | 打無通
phaq-kunthaau | to do shadow boxing | 拍拳頭; 打把勢; 打拳
phaubut-thea | paraboloid | 拋物體
phausiaxthea | projectile | 拋洩體; 拋射體
phawthuie | to run errands | 跑腿
phaythvisii | bad weather | 歹天時
pheathaau | with head | 配頭
pheathøx | matching | 配套
phek'hae zhengthiefn | blue ocean under a blue sky | 碧海青天
phengtheeng baxnlie | the ROC's journey of 10,000 li ─ said of those who early attain office; years of great promise | 鵬程萬里
phengthuii | weight | 秤錘
phethay | embryo | 胚胎
phethay-kii | embryonic period, gestation period | 胚胎期
phiagphiak thiaux | leap up and down frantically (e.g | 跳動無停
phiauthaau | label; trade-mark; trademark; label | 商標; 標頭; 標籤
phie kek thaix laai | all things are smooth after hardship | 否極泰來
phiefnthoo | scratch on the ground (as fowl do with bill; feet; and feathers) | 翻土
phientharn | partial; unfair; partiality; unfairness; favouritism; be partial; give improper protection to; to screen | 偏袒; 偏坦
phierntheflinsiofng | injuries that all over the body | 遍體麟傷
phinthiaux | observe | 憑眺
phiqphogthiaux | faster heartbeat | 咇噗跳
phoah toax kengthaau | hang on the shoulder | 披在肩上
phoarthoo | break the ground | 破土
phoarthor | break the ground (for a building); break a bit of plaster; break ground (for a building project); break a bit of the plaster of a house to be repaired | 破土
phoarzhux thafng'ar | small; poor house; hovel | 破厝仔; 草茅
phobixnthafn | facade, ostentation | 鋪面蟶
phoeathaau | ingredients | 配頭
phoeathvite | long life as heaven and earth | 配天地; 與天地同久
phoeathøx | matching; to manufacture a complete set, accompanied set | 配套
phoetharng | mailbox (those on the street) | 郵筒
phoethay | embryo; originate; arise from; the beginning of things; embryo | 胚胎
phoex-thautuix | match 1st pair | 配頭對
phof bixnthafn | putting on the appearance of diligence; goodness when observed; eye serving | 裝表面
phofthiefn tongkhexng | whole world joins in congratulation; celebration; rejoicing | 普天同慶
phofthienha | in all parts of the world; extended all over the whole world; all the world over; throughout the world | 普天下
phofthoaan thienha | proclaim to all the world | 普傳天下
phofthofng Misad | Low Mass (Catholic; no longer used) | 普通彌撒
phofthofng hoexoaan | ordinary member of a society | 普通會員
phofthofng kaoiok | general education | 普通教育
phofthofng khøfchix | junior grade civil service examination | 普通考試
phofthofng pien | ordinary mail | 普通便; 平信
phofthofng tieseg | general knowledge | 普通知識
phofthofng | common; ordinary; common; plain; average | 普通
phofthofng-chiaf | local train, ordinary train | 普通車
phofthofng-khøf | general courses, regular courses | 普通科
phofthofng-phøef | ordinary letter | 普通批; 平信
phofthofng-sii | ordinary time, generally, ordinarily | 普通時; 平時
phofthongchiaf | slow train; ordinary train; local (train) schedule | 普通車
phofthongjit | week day | 普通日
phofthonglaang | ordinary individual; ordinary people; the hoi polloi | 普通人
phofthonglangtaw | ordinary house | 普通人兜
phofthongphofthofng | ordinary | 普通普通
phofthongsi'ar | normal time | 普通時仔
phofthongsii | normal time | 普通時
phofthvi'e | in all parts of the world; extended all over the whole world; all the world over; throughout the world | 普天下
phofthvy e | all over the word | 普天下
phogphogthiaux | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phokkor-thongkym | be well informed in things past and present; be well versed in ancient and modern learning | 博古通今
phokkor-thongkyn | knowledgeable | 博古通今
phokthofng | knowledgeable | 博通
phokthor | PhD | 博土
phophothvafthvar | flatter | 扶扶挺挺
phor-thvi'e | everywhere, throughout the world | 普天下
phorngthaau | bulge | 膨頭
phorngthab | concave and convex | 膨蹋; 凹凸
photextharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
phothaothaux | spread through | 鋪透透
phothechiu | pipal; tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; bo tree; (Buddhism) bodhidruma; the wisdom tree under which Sakyamuni attained his enlightenment and became Buddha | 菩提樹
phothee | tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; Bo-tree; bodhi; knowledge; understanding; perfect wisdom; the illuminated; enlightened mind; Bodhisattva | 菩提
phothee-chiu | tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; Bo-tree | 菩提樹
phothvar | to flatter; adulation; flatter; soothe; flatter and fawn upon | 諂媚; 扶挺; 扶撐; 拍馬屁
phuiethaam | spit out phlegm; expectorate | 吐痰
phuiethaau-phuiebin | high temper; unapproachable | 傲氣無恥
phuiethat'ar | fart | 屁窒仔
phuntharng | barbell for leftover; tub install leftovers (of food) | 餿桶; 潘桶; 泔水桶
phurntharng | watering bucket | 噴桶; 撒水桶
phuthaau | to raise one's head; to gain ground; make good or to succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 浮頭; 浮出頭部; 出頭天
phutphutthiaux | jump up and down with happiness or anger; leap about (for joy); to hop | 怫怫跳; 雀躍
phutøthngg | dextrose | 葡萄糖
phvae-khoafnthai | treat badly; maltreat; hard to please; difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; be peevish; be fastidious; difficult to please; give poor service (to guests) | 難侍候
phvae-thauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 壞預兆; 凶兆
phvae-thiethaau | hard to cut the hair; hard to handle | 歹頭剃; 無容易理髮; 很難對付
phvae-thvinii | bad harvest | 歹天年
phvae-zerngthaau | dangerous disease, serious illness, plague | 歹症頭; 惡症
phvae-zhaythaau | a bad sign | 壞預兆
phvae-zhoaxthaau | a person who leads in doing bad things | 歹帶頭; 帶頭做壞事
phvarthvoax | coal | 冇炭
phvaykuie-zhothaau | bad leader who showed bad sample | 歹鬼帶頭; 作惡的頭子
phvaythaang | bad worm | 歹蟲
phvaythak | hard to read; hard to study | 難讀
phvaythauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 歹頭采; 壞預兆
phvaythaxn | unprofitable | 歹趁; 不好賺; 歹賺
phvaythiethaau | hard to dlea | 歹剃頭
phvaythih'ar | bad steel | 歹鐵仔
phvaythviaf | unpleasant to listen to | 難聽; 無好聽
phvaythviaf`ee | hard to listen | 歹聽的
phvaythviaoe | bad talk | 歹聽話
phvaythvikhix | bad weather | 歹天氣
phvaythvy | bad weather; bad weather; inconvenient weather; rainy day | 歹天; 天氣不好
phvayzerngthaau | hard to cure disease | 歹症頭
phvayzhaythaau | not auspicious (propitious) | 無吉祥
phvayzhoaxthaau | lead by giving bad example | 壞榜樣; 帶壞
phvef chirnthaau | short weight a customer | 偷秤頭
phviethaau | first part of movie; giving name of product | 片頭
phvithaau | get the better of, get advantage of | 偏頭
phvixthaau | tip of nose; point of nose | 鼻頭
phvixthaukag | tip of nose | 鼻頭角
phvixthauluxnkhaf | a hiking track in northern Taipei | 鼻頭崙跤
phvy chirnthaau | take advantage of a scales weighing in my favor | 偏秤頭; 在秤上佔便宜
phvy-chirnthaau | steals the weight | 偏秤頭
phykegthaelaai | from; after deep misfortune comes bliss | 否極泰來
phøeathaau | condiments | 配頭; 調味品; 配料
phøeathøx | to manufacture a complete set | 配套
phøetharn | leather blanket | 皮毯
phøetharng | letter-box, mail-box | 批桶; 郵筒
phøexthaau | condiments | 被頭
phørhai kauthofng | disrupt communications; block traffic | 破壞交通
phørthienhofng | very first time; something never happened before; never before ─ for the first times; unprecedented; history making; break the record | 破天荒
phørthor tiefnlea | ground breaking ceremony | 破土典禮
phøthaw | breakers, billows, great waves | 波瀾; 波?
phøtong-hongthengseg | wave equation | 波動方程式
phøtøthngg | grape sugar; glucose | 葡萄糖
phøx-liamthie | shamelessness, infamy | 抱廉恥; 寡廉鮮恥
pi gegthaixkoong | masochism | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
piahtharn | carpet for the wall | 壁毯
piahthoo | picture on the wall | 壁土
piawthaau | the madam or master of a brothel; brothel keeper | 鴇母; 婊頭; 龜公
piawthaix | stance | 表態
pie kunthaau | engage in a physical exercise similar to shadow boxing | 練拳
piefn høxthaau | mark (houses; volumes; applications) with a series number to aid identification | 編號
piefnsidthngf | wongtong soup | 扁食湯
piefnthiøf | tick clover | 蜱挑; 篇蓄; 丁香
piefnthøsvox | the tonsil | 扁桃腺
pienthad | spur on, urge | 鞭撻
piernthai | abnormal | 變態
piernthaix serng'iok | sexual aberration | 變態性慾
piernthaix simlyhak | abnormal psychology | 變態心理學
piernthaix | abnormality; metamorphosis (zoology) | 變態
piernthaothaux | transparency | 變透透
piernthea | all over the body | 遍體
pierntheflinsiofng | bruised all over | 遍體鱗傷
piernthiefn | change dynasty | 變天
piernthoaan | proclaim everywhere | 遍揚; 遍傳
piernthofng paxnlie | handle something without rigid application of rules | 變通辦理
piernthofng | to become flexible; accommodate to circumstances | 變通
piernthvy | suddenly changed weather | 變天
piet iuo thiente | another state of existence altogether; a different world (of delight) | 別有天地
piethoaan | transmit from generation to generation exclusively inside a family; tradition transmitted or handed down in secret | 秘傳
piexn-thvi'e | the whole earth | 遍天下
piexnsofthaang | toilet bug | 便所蟲
piexntharng | a commode | 便桶
piexnthøx | toilet equipments | 便套
pihthngf | turtle soup | 鱉湯
pinthaau | (adv) in correct order; one by one; (adv) anew; de novo | 憑頭; 從頭依次
pintvoaxthaang | lazy bug; a lazy person | 懶惰蟲
pirnthaau | sideburn | 鬢頭
pirntheg | to dismiss, to reject, to expel | 驅逐; 擯斥
pithaau | lower wall; part of the embankment at a dam; weir | 埤頭
pithaxn | sigh with sadness; deplore; to sigh over | 悲嘆
pithiab | inscription | 碑帖
pithienbynjiin | compassionate | 悲天憫人
pithor | appetite; condition of the stomach; the appetite | 脾土; 脾胃
pithoxng | painfully sad | 悲痛
pitthaau | point of a pen or pencil | 筆頭
pittherng | (of dress) smooth ironed, spick-and-span | 筆艇; 筆挺
pitthøx | cap of a pen or writing brush | 筆套
pixthaw | be robbed; be stolen | 被偷
pixthay | spare tire | 備胎
piøthaau | the person in charge of project bid rigging | 標頭
pngfthiab | add post | 補帖
pngxtharng | large rice bucket; good-for-nothing; stupid; tub for storing cooked rice; a good for nothing; stupid; clumsy fellow | 飯桶
pngxthngf | rice and vegetable-meat soup | 飯湯; 菜粥
pngxthviaf | dining room; mess hall | 飯廳
poah-chitthøo | play a game of chance for amusement or for very small stakes | 賭拭桃
poanthiøf | create conflict by false or exaggerated reports | 撥挑; 挑撥
poaqthafng'ar | water bucket | 拔桶仔
poaqtharng | water bucket | 跋桶; 拔桶; 打水用桶
poarnkofng poarnthok | work half a day; study half a day; to work one's way through school; a self supporting (working) student | 半工半讀
poarnthiefn | half-day- hanging in the sky | 半天
poarnthien'giaam | stone hanging in the sky | 半天岩
poarnthiensurn | baboo roots hanging in the sky | 半天筍
poarntøxthea | semiconductor | 半導體
poaxn-thunthox | unwilling to speak up | 半吞吐
poef-thohurn | push, set aside the dust | 撥土粉
poesymthoaan | jury | 陪審團
poethvy | flying Apsaras (deities; divas); means good ability talent | 飛天; (形容有大能)
pofthaau | ax; axe | 斧頭
pofthab | fill a vacancy; supply a deficiency; fill a vacancy in an office force | 填塞; 補洞; 補缺
pofthad | (v) fill in a gap or omission | 補塞; 填補
pofthag | make up | 補剔; 修補衣壁
pofthauar | axe | 斧頭仔
pofthaubaq | ax head | 斧頭肉 [*]
pofthaucvi'ar | axe wedge | 斧頭楔仔
pofthaukhefng | back of an axe | 斧頭框
pofthaupvex | axe handle | 斧頭柄
pofthay | fix a flat tire | 補胎
pofthiab | a subsidy; a subvention; an allowance | 補貼
pofthiafm | fill; to supply (a deficiency); to make good; make up for | 補添
pofthvi | to stitch and mend | 縫補; 補紩; 彌補缺陷
pofthvy | fill (up); replenish; to replenish; to supplement; to; add some so as to make up a deficiency | 補添
pofthøex | replace | 補替
poghøthngg | peppermint candy | 薄荷糖
pogpogthiaux | bouncing and vivacious; stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 蹦蹦跳; 暴跳如雷
pogthai | flimsy treat | 薄待
poktheg | polemic; refute; disputation | 駁斥
pongthefng | audit (a college course) | 旁聽
pongtherngciar | audience | 旁聽者
pongtherngjiin | listeners in the law courts; the public | 旁聽人
pongtherngsefng | voluntary students; audit student; preparatory student | 旁聽生
pongtherngsek | seats reserved for visitors; visitors seats | 旁聽席
pongthexng | audit (a college course) | 旁聽
pongthexng-sefng | auditor, no-credit student | 旁聽生
pongthexng-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
pongthviaf | audit a course | 旁聽
pongthviaf-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
pongthviasefng | a listener, an auditor | 旁聽生
portexhiethoaan | puppet show | 布袋戲團
porthaau | the beginning part of a piece of cloth | 布頭
porthauporbea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
porthauporboea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
portøxthoaan | evangelistic team | 佈道團
pothaau | port, wharf, jetty, landing quay, town, village | 莆頭; 埠頭; 港埠
poxngthiw | pump | 磅抽
pud tithie | no sense of shame | 不知恥
pudthaq | a pagoda | 佛塔
puithoo | rich soil | 肥土
puithurn | short and fat | 肥碩
punthiaq | to part; to separate; to divide; disunion | 分拆; 拆夥
purnkhao-thaang | pinworm | 糞口蟲; 白血蟲
purnkhawthaang | pin worms | 糞口蟲
purnsørtharng | dust bin | 垃圾桶
purnsørtharng`lie | inside garbage can | 糞埽桶裡
purnsøx-tharng | garbage can | 垃圾桶; 糞埽桶; 垃圾箱
purnthoo | dung and earth; something of little value; things of not much value (Lit. manure or dirt) | 糞土
put'huxthea | not attached | 無附體
put'thaobeeng | opaque | 無透明; 不透明
put'thaohofng | airtight, stuffy | 無透風; 不透風
put'thaokhix | airtight, hermetic | 無透氣; 不透氣
put'thaozuie | waterproof, watertight, impermeable | 無透水; 不透水
put'thefbien | dishonor, dishonorable, disgrace, disgraceful | 無體面; 不體面
put'thoankied | disunity, disunion | 無團結; 不團結
put'thørhiap | uncompromising | 無妥協; 不妥協
putcixn zeg thøex | either advance or retreat | 無進則退
putkiong-taethiefn | will not live under the same sky (with the man who slew his father); inveterate hatred | 無共戴天
putkioxngtaethiefn | will not live under the same sky (with the man who slew his father), inveterate hatred | 不共戴天
putkoarn thvaf | paying no regard to any consideration; will accept no further responsibility | 無管他
putlioong tøxthea | non-conductor (physics) | 無良導體
putseeng-thefthorng | wildly (acting or talking); without regard to common practice or propriety | 無成體統
putseg thaesafn | fail to recognize a famous personage when meeting him face to face | 無識泰山
putthaixgieen | needless to say | 無待言
puttheeng | incessantly; unceasingly; without stop | 無停
puttherng | unsupported | 無挺
putthofng | impassable, illogical, to be blocked up, poor (writing) | 無通
putthoo | scrape earth together | 鏟土
putthøx | unsettled; unsatisfactory; not right; unsafe | 無妥; 不妥
puttong uthiofng | unmoved; flinty hearted; callous | 無動於衷
puttøxthea | non-conducting body (physics) | 無導體
puu thotau | roast peanuts in ashes | 炮花生
puxntharng | bear; bonehead; chump; goosey; donkey | 笨蛋
pvethaau | crew cut | 平頭
pvethiau | shed post | 棚柱
pvethvafthvar | level (road) | 平坦坦
pvethvar | level (road) | 平坦
pvexgoanthea | virus | 病原體
pvexthaix | sickly appearance; symptom; abnormal | 病態
pvexthanghai | blight | 病蟲害
pvexthea | patient's body | 病體
pvexthviax | suffering; illness | 病痛
pvi thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭髮
pvi'afthaau | at the side | 邊仔頭
pvi-thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭鬃
pviarzhutthaau | fight and ahead | 拚出頭
pviethienlagkoaix | playing cool | 變顛搦怪
pvithaau | side | 平頭; 邊頭
pvithvar | even, flat, level | 平娗; 平坦
pvixgoanthea | virus, germ | 病源體
pvixthaang | parasitic insect, intestinal parasite | 病蟲
pvixthaang-hai | insect damage | 病蟲害
pvixthaix | patient's condition | 病態
pvixthea | sick body | 病體
pvixthviax | sickness and pains | 病痛; 病疼
pvoaqtharng | change barrel | 拔桶
pvoarkafng-pvoarthak | work while studying at school | 半工半讀
pvoarthafngsae | half bucket of shit | 半桶屎
pvoarthafngsai'ar | half-bucket apprentice, imply the student is not there yet | 半桶師仔
pvoarthafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarthafngzuie | one who makes great display of little knowledge dabbler; only know a little but say a lot; ignorant | 半桶水; 形容只懂得一半
pvoarthauzhvef | light headed; harebrained; versatile; a madcap (slang) | 半頭青; 刁蠻
pvoarthef | sit in a inclining position | 半躺
pvoarthetør | sit in a inclining position | 半躺倒
pvoarthvetør | recline | 半躺倒
pvoarthvy | mid sky; up in the air; up in the sky | 半天; 半空中
pvoarthwn-pvoarthox | hem and haw; telling only part of what one knows | 欲言又止
pvoartøxthea | semiconductor | 半導體
pvoartøxthefkaix | semiconductor world | 半導體界
pvoax thaobengthea | translucent; partially transparent | 半透明體
pvoazhutthviaf | remove a dying person from the bedroom to the hall | 搬出廳; 將臨死的人移到廳堂
pvythaau | flat head (the back part of the head); flat head; flat headed; worried; person with a flat forehead | 扁頭; 扁平的頭
pvythøo-svoax | tonsil | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax-iam | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺炎
pwnthea | thing in itself; substance | 本體
pwnthea-lun | ontology | 本體論
pwntheflun | ontology | 本體論
pwnthofbi | local flavor | 本土味
pwnthofhoax | localization | 本土化
pwnthor gygieen | native language | 本土語言
pwnthor | native | 本土
pynthiab | official report to a superior | 稟報; 陳情書
pyzhuo thuijiong | yielding to one another | 彼此推讓
pøehjixthiab | document containing eight zodiac character times; often exchanged before marriage | 八字帖
pøethaang | flying insects | 飛蟲
pøfhiafmthøx | male contraceptive | 保險套
pøfhiarm-thøx | condom | 保險套
pøfthaq | precious shrine; pagoda | 寶塔
pøftiong sinthea | take care of the health | 保重身體
pøfzoaan lefngthor | preserve territorial integrity | 保全領土
pølethafng | glass window | 玻璃窗
pørkvoathviaf | newsroom | 報官廳
pørthaau | low pressure | 播頭; 低氣壓
pørthauhofng | the blast of wind precedes a typhoon | 播頭風; 颱風前奏風
pørthoaan | proclaim | 報傳; 宣布; 報導
pøxcirn-thienbut | wasted, spoil merchandise | 暴賑天物
pøxthiaux-juluii | stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 暴跳如雷
pøxthiern | to misuse things | 暴殄
sabøthauzarng | clueless | 捎無頭摠
saetheeng | competition schedule | 賽程
saethiaux | competing in jumping | 賽跳; 比賽跳
safnthiuafsafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽仔瘦抽
safnthiusafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽瘦抽
safnthiw | tall; thin and slender (man) | 瘦長; (人)
safnthiøf | skinny and tall | 瘦抽
safnthiøsafnthiøf | skinny and tall | 瘦抽瘦抽
safnthoo | bad soil | 瘦土
safnzeeng-thviax | premature labor | 產前痛; 產前疼
sai'afthaau | lion head | 獅仔頭
sai'afthaukhaxm | lion head cover | 獅仔頭崁
sai'afthuun | half-grown lion | 獅仔豚; 幼獅
saihu-thaau | foreman | 師傅頭; 工頭
saithaau | lions heads | 獅頭
saithvy | elysium | 西天
saixthae | obstinate; bad tempered (child); to pout | 賭氣
sam'ui-itthea | the Trinity | 三位一體
samhabthoo | mortar made of sand, lim, clay | 三合土
samhabthor | mortar | 三合土
samthaezuo | 3rd prince | 三太子
samthaix | tristate | 三態
samthiabkie | triassic | 三疊紀
samthiau | pine post, fir post | 三柱; 杉柱
samthiøo-liogpix | resourceful person | 三頭六臂
samthofng | postal service, commerce and navigation between Taiwan and China | 三通
samzanbahthngf | bacon soup | 三層肉湯
sangthoo | loosen soil | 鬆土
saoluii-therng | a minesweeper | 掃雷艇
saoluitherng | minesweeper | 掃雷艇
saothaam | cough up phlegm | 嗽痰; 咳痰
saothokhaf | sweep the floor | 掃塗跤
sarngcviuxthaau | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成頭; 送到墓地
sarngsvoathaau | send the mountain | 送山頭
sarngthiab | send an invitation | 送帖
sathafng | window screen; screen window; screen door or window | 紗窗
satthang'iøh | insecticide; pesticide | 殺蟲藥
satthangzef | insecticide; pesticide | 殺蟲劑
satthiong'iøh | insecticide; pesticide | 殺蟲藥
satthiongzef | insecticide; pesticide | 殺蟲劑
satthioong-iøh | insecticide | 殺蟲藥; 殺蟲劑
satthioong-zef | insecticide | 殺蟲劑
saux thokhaf | sweep the ground or floor | 掃地
sayhag'afthaang | shit hole worms | 屎礐仔蟲
sayhag'afthaau | shit hole | 屎礐仔頭
sayhag'ar-thaang | maggot | 屎礐仔蟲; 廁所蟲
sayhagthaang | shit hole worm | 屎礐蟲
saythafng'ar | buket for dung | 糞桶仔
saythafngkhok'ar | shit ladle | 屎桶觳仔
saytharng | bucket for dung; chamber pot; honey bucket | 屎桶; 糞桶
sea thaumoo | shampoo | 洗頭; 洗頭髮
seagoa thøgoaan | imaginary; ideal world; secluded paradise | 世外桃源
seathaau | influence (of powerful man); prestige | 勢力; 勢頭; 威風
seathaix | situation | 勢態
seathoaan | handed down from generation to generation | 世傳
seathoansex | hand down from generation to generation | 世團世; 一代傳一代
seeng Serngthea | consecrate the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 成聖體
sefthaau | shampoo | 洗頭; 洗頭髮
sefthaumnghurn | shampoo | 洗頭毛粉
sefthauzuie | water for wash hairs | 洗頭水
sefthoa | wash out | 洗汰
segkoarn thienha | roll the world up like a mat ─ take all of it; conquer the world | 席捲天下
segthak | read thoroughly, thoroughly acquainted (book) | 熟讀
segthiq | wrought iron | 熟鐵
segthvoax | burning charcoal | 熟炭
sehtiofng sarngthvoax | give timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
sekkiathaau | sakya; sakyamuni | 釋迦頭
sektvar pauthiefn | extremely daring in lewdness | 色膽包天
seng'oah thengto | standard of living | 生活程度
sengsu zai thiefn | man proposes; God disposes | 成事在天
sengsuo koanthiøo | life and death crisis | 生死關頭
sengthaesiong | ecologically | 生態上
sengthaetii | ecological pool | 生態池
sengthaix | zoology | 生態
sengthiefn | ascend to heaven | 上升; 昇天; 升天
sengthioong | adult insect | 成蟲
sengtiorng køeatheeng | adolesce | 成長過程
seqlethuy | spiral ladder | 踅螺梯
seqthaau | turn around | 踅頭
seqthaothaux | go round everywhere | 踅透透
serngcitthoaan | hierarchy | 聖職團
serngthea | The Blessed Sacrament | 聖體
serngthefkhafm | the tabernacle (Catholic) | 聖體龕
serngthiorng | Grace (of God) | 聖寵
serngthofngzex | hierarchy (Catholic) | 聖統制
sethaau | comb one's hair (Women use the expression; se-thau but men use the expression; loah thau-mo.) | 梳頭; 梳頭髮
sethafng | screen door | 紗窗
sethiefn | Buddhist paradise or heaven | 西天
sex-thoansex | passing down generation by generation | 世傳世
sexng piernthaix | sex perversion; sexual aberration | 性變態
sezhanthviaf | western restaurant | 西餐廳
sia thvite | to give thanks to Heaven and Earth | 謝天地
siablau thienky | disclose a divine secret | 洩漏天機
siafng tøthaezex | Double Elimination Tournament | 雙淘汰制
siafthiab | write a post | 寫帖
siahtharng | tin bucket | 錫桶
siahthihjunii | cut iron like mud | 削鐵如泥
siaktharng | tub for threshing rice | 摔桶; (脫穀用的大木桶)
siangpauthay | twins | 雙胞胎
siangthaau bøo cidgvauq | equally incapable of either; both proposals coming to nothing; ran after two hares and caught neither | 雙頭空
siangthaau | both ends | 雙頭
siangthaau-zoaa | two heads snake | 雙頭蛇
siangthauzoaa | double-headed snake | 雙頭蛇
siangthay | twins | 雙胎
siangthay`ee | twins | 雙胎的
siangthef`ee | twins | 雙胎的
siangthofng | communicate | 相通
siangthuie | two legs | 雙腿
siaothea | rebuke; enumerate faults; cite one example after another | 數落
siapthiab | Put neatly and densely | 屧貼
siarmthaux | penetrate; understand | 滲透
siauhoax hexthorng | digestive apparatus or system | 消化系統
siaukek thaeto | negative attitude | 消極態度
siausid lengthofng | well informed | 消息靈通
siauthaam | dissipate phlegm | 消痰
siauthao | remove (anger); defecate; urinate | 消氣; 解大小便
siawthafm | insatiably greedy | 狂貪; 貪而無厭
siawthamløqkhix | lost weight | 痟貪落去
siawthiuo | clown | 小丑
siawthiw'ar | clown | 小丑仔
siawthiwar | clown | 小丑仔
siawthviw'ar | clown | 小丑仔
siax thefbien | cause our superior to lose respect through our bad conduct | 丟體面
siaxngthauar | in the beginning | 上頭仔
siaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 相症頭; 同症頭
siaxthaau | village | 社頭
siaxthaux | shoot right through | 謝透; 射透
siaxtheeng | range; cannon-shot; gunshot; range (of a projectile) | 射程
siaxthiab | thank you note | 謝貼
siaxthoaan | society; community; an association; corporation; civic organization | 社團; 謝團
siaxthoaan-hoatjiin | a registered association or society | 社團法人
siaxthor | give thanks to Thotti-kong after a burial | 謝土; 謝土神
siaxthvy-siaxtøe | Thank God! Thank Heaven! | 謝天謝地
sib thaux`koex | wet through | 濕透
sibjixloxthaau | intersection | 十字路頭
sid thefbin | lose face | 失面子
sid thefthorng | lose dignity; be disgraced | 失體統
sid-thefbien | lose face, be humiliated | 失體面
sidbut sengthaehak | vegetable ecology | 植物生態學
sidgiap thoanthea | business corporation | 實業團體
sidthea | an entity, substance | 實體
sidthionglui | insectivores (zoology) | 食蟲類
sied khoanthøx | set a snare | 設圈套
siefnthaau | money | 錢頭
sienjinthiaux | treacherous | 仙人跳
sienthiefn | natural physical endowments; congenital; innate; inherent | 先天
sienthøo | peaches of immortality; divine peach | 仙桃
siepauthay | quadruplets | 四胞胎
siethin | perfectly matched and balanced | 四伨
siexnthaang | gecko; house lizard | 蟬蟲; 守官; 蝎虎; 壁虎
siexnthaau | gecko; house lizard | 壁虎
siexnthang'ar | gecko | 壁虎仔; 蟮蟲仔
siezap siøfsii bengkiofng Serngthea | forty hours devotion (Catholic) | 四十小時明供聖體
sii thaulo | quit office (one's job) | 辭職
siin niar Serngthea | spiritual communion (Catholic) | 神領聖體
simkafthviax | heartburn | 心絞疼
simkvefthad | myocardial infarction | 心梗窒
simkvoaf khaq-gve thiq | heart harder than iron (in the sense of showing no pity or refusing to make up a dispute) | 鐵石心腸
simkvoaf thviax | grief; severe pain about the heart | 心痛
simkvoathaau | around the pit of the stomach or the heart | 心肝頭
simlie piernthaix | sexual deviate; sexual deviation; a pervert | 心理變態
simlie zoxngthaix | state of mind | 心理狀態
simthaau bøtvia | slightly deranged; out of one's mind | 心頭無定
simthaau hvoa-hof tvia | set determinedly to a task | 心頭扞定; 心意立定
simthaau | around the pit of the stomach or the heart | 心頭
simthaau-høea | anger, rage | 心頭火
simthaix | state of mind | 心態
simthautengteeng | thoughtful | 心頭重重
simthiaosviaf | heartbeat | 心跳聲
simthiaux | palpitation, heartbeat | 心跳
simthviax | a heartache, to love deeply | 心疼; 心痛
sin'ge zonghabthea | cinemascope | 新藝綜合體
sinbuun thongsirnsia | news agency | 新聞通訊社
sinbuzhurnthiq | armless; defenseless | 身無寸鐵
sincvianithaau | New Year | 新正年頭
sinkefng hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinkefng thviax | neuralgia | 神經痛
sinkefng-hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinkengthviax | neuralgia | 神經痛
sinkhofpvexthviax | pains | 辛苦病疼
sinkhofpvixthviax | pains | 辛苦病疼
sinku kauthex | transition from the old to the new | 新舊交替
sinthaix | spirit; mind | 神態
sinthaux | ability | 神透
sinthea kiafmzaf | physical examination | 身體檢查
sinthea legheeng | practice what one preaches | 身體力行
sinthea | the body; health; body | 身體
sinthoaan | heritage; inherited | 薪傳
sinthofng kofngtai | possessing marvelous abilities | 神通廣大
sinthofng | supernatural power | 神通
sinthvy | new haven | 新天; 新天堂
siokthafm | crakdown corruption | 肅貪
siong kviarthaau | photogenic; appear in a movie | 上鏡頭
siongthaesexng | normality | 常態性
siongthai | treat (a person) | 相待
siongthaix | normal carriage or manner; normal state | 常態
siongthienhaixlie | hurting the world- immoral | 傷天害理
siongthoaan | devolution; be transmitted from person to person; to be handed down from generation to generation | 相傳
siongthofng | having direct communication (e.g.; two rooms or houses connected by a door or short passage) | 相通
sioxngterng thornghoex | perfect contrition (Catholic) | 上等痛悔
sioxngthaau | at first, very first | 上頭; 最先
sioxngthauar | initially | 上頭仔
sioxngthiefn | heavens above; God | 上天
sioxngthok | read; read aloud; recite; intone | 誦讀
sipliamthoo | wet stick coating | 溼黏塗
sipthaux | wet right through | 濕透
sirmthaux | osmosis; impenetrate; penetrate | 滲透
sirn'gagthoaan | church orchestra | 信樂團
sirnthaxn | believe and obey | 信炭; 信從
sirnthien'afng | albatross, short-tailed albatross, Stelleis albatross | 信天翁
sirnthien'ofng | albatross, short-tailed albatross, Stelleis albatross | 信天翁
sirnthog kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sirnthog | entrust; trust | 信託; 託付
sirnthog-kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sirnthokkiok | board of trustees | 信託局
sitgiap tinthiab | unemployment allowance | 失業津貼
sithaulo | resign | 辭頭路
sithea kayphøx | postmortem (examination) | 屍體解剖
sithea | corpse; carcass | 屍體
sithøex | refuse, decline, excuse oneself from | 辭退
sitthaau | farming, field-work, work | 事頭; 穡頭; 工作
sitthaix | misbehave; a blunder; disgrace | 失態
sitthea | disrespectful | 失體
sitthefbien | disrespectful | 失體面
sitthefbin | disrespectful | 失體面
sitthiorng | lose the confidence of the boss; lose the love of one's husband; fall out of imperial favor | 失寵
sitthoaan | be lost in transmission | 失傳
siu thorngkhor | undergo pain; suffer pain | 受痛苦
siuohoef-tharn | embroidered coverlet | 繡花毯
siuthie | shame | 羞恥
siuthviaf | listen in; listen to; listen to (the radio) | 收聽
siuxthaai | be murdered (by a knife) | 受殺; 被殺
siuxthay | be pregnant; conceive | 受胎
siuxthog | to be a trustee; be entrusted with... | 受託; 受托
siuxthokjiin | trustee | 受託人
siuxthokliin | rustee | 受託人
siuxthøo | Chinese hamburger looks like a peach (to celebrate one's; longevity peaches; made of flour in the shape of a peach and presented to another on his birthday | 壽桃
siwtw thaixthox | wait by the stump hoping other hares will come by the spot; because he once caught a hare there ─ stupid and unimaginative in doing things | 守株待兔
six-kakthaau | four corners | 四角頭; 四個角
sixthviaf kaoiok | audio-visual education | 視聽教育
sixthviaf | what one saw and heard; knowledge and experience; audio-visual | 視聽
siøf hoefthvoax | make charcoal | 燒木炭
siøf-tharnviu | follow the example of others | 相探樣; 相仿效
siøf-thngrthngx | burning hot | 燒燙燙
siøflegthaang | little green worm | 小綠蟲
siøfpeqthox | little rabbit | 小白兔
siøftheeng | stop a while, wait a while; small boat | 小艇; 稍停一下; 小停
siøfthekhiim | violin | 小提琴
siøftherng | small boat | 小艇
siøfthiuo | clown; buffoon; contemptible wretch | 小丑
siøfthiw'ar | a clown, a jester, a buffoon | 小丑仔
siøfthiwar | clown | 小丑仔
siøfthuie | calf of the leg | 小腿
siøfthvisaix | little angel | 小天使
siøfzhadthaw | thief | 小賊偷
siøkhoafnthai | hospitality | 相款待
siør-thekhiim | violin | 小提琴
siøthaai | draw the sword; war; to battle | 互砍; 相刣; 相殺; 戰爭
siøthab | mortise and tenon fitting into each other | 相湊; 互相遞補
siøthad | kick eachother | 相踢
siøthah | overlap; books; timber laid on each other | 相疊
siøthaux | communicate by a road or door; having a passage through; making direct communication | 相通
siøthaxm | visit one another | 相探; 互相探訪
siøthaxn | follow one another's example | 相學; 彼此效法
siøthaxng | pass through | 相透
siøtheavoa | take turns; in alternate shifts | 相替換; 輪流
siøthef | shift a piece of work off on each other; neither willing to do it himself | 相推
siøthin | mutually extended courtesy | 相伨; 禮數互相往來
siøthngf | hot soup | 熱湯
siøthngrthngx | very hot (food; things) | 熱呼呼
siøthngx | burned | 燒燙
siøthuix | change a person or article deceitfully and fraudulently | 互調
siøthviarthaxng | cherish each other | 相疼痛
siøthviax | mutual love or affection; love one another | 相疼; 相愛
siøthvy | add; increase (of number) | 相添; 原有的數再增加
siøthøex | alternate | 相退; 相替; 交互
siøtngxthaau | meet another on the road accidentally; when going in opposite direction | 相遇頭
siøtwthaau | meet with each other coming from different directions | 相抵頭
sngboethngf | concoction of sour plums used as a summer drink | 酸梅湯
sngfthaothaux | play all the tricks | 耍透透
sngmuithngf | plum juice | 酸梅湯
sngnngfthviax | weak and worn out; in a state of lassitude; all weary and aching | 酸軟痛
sngrlangthaau | count the number of people | 算人頭
sngsehthvy | frost and snow | 霜雪天
sngtharng | ice cream freezer | 酸雪; 冰桶
sngthiuthviax | soreness | 酸抽疼
sngthviax | aching; muscles ache from over exertion | 酸痛; 痠疼; 酸疼
sngthvy | sour and sweet | 酸甜
soafnthok | study an elective course in a college | 選讀
soanthak | read a proclamation | 宣讀
soanthoaan | promote; publicize; propaganda; promotion (of sales) | 宣傳
soanthoaan-bang | a propaganda network | 宣傳網
soanthoaan-oaan | a propagandist | 宣傳員
soanthoaan-po | a publicity department | 宣傳部
soanthoaan-tvoaf | propaganda leaflet | 宣傳單
soanthoanchiaf | propaganda car | 宣傳車
soanthoanciw | publicity week (for publicizing themes such as traffic safety; environmental sanitation) | 宣傳週
soanthoanphirn | propaganda material; promotion material | 宣傳品
soanthoantvoaf | flyer | 宣傳單
soanthok | read out (a declaration; announcement) in public | 宣讀
soaq thafng | How? | 煞通; 怎麼可以
soarnthaang | pinworm | 蒜蟲; 蟯蟲
soarnthaau | garlic; garlic cloves; kernels of garlic; garlic (bulb) | 蒜頭
soarnthauban | garlic cloves | 蒜頭瓣
soathaang | chigoe, chigger | 沙蟲
soathafn | sandy beach; tideland | 沙灘
soathafng | screen window | 紗窗
soathiøf | hand shovel | 沙鏟; 沙挑
soathngg | crystal sugar; granulated sugar; rock candy | 砂糖
soathngrar | type of small fish | 沙丁魚
soathoo | sandy soil; mixture of sand and clay | 沙土
soathvoaf | a sandbank after a low tide | 沙灘
soatthie | wipe out a disgrace; clear up | 雪恥
soattiofng soxng thaxn | send fuel in cold weather ─ timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
soaxntharng | watering can; sprinkling can | 灑桶
soefsengkhutharng | shower water bucket | 洗身軀桶
soefthoa | wash and clean | 洗汰
soethaau | combing hair | 梳頭
soethex | failing (energy, strength, memory), weakening (as a result of old age, poor health) | 衰退
soethoex | to decay more, become weaker | 衰退
soethøex | failing (energy; strength; memory); weakening (as a result of old age; poor health) | 衰退
sofngthioxng | cool and happy | 爽暢
sokchiuo thaixpex | wait for one's death with hands tied ─ be a sitting duck | 束手待斃
sokkatharng | plastic bucket | 塑膠桶
sorngcin thienlioong | have no conscience; impervious to a sense of justice | 喪盡天良
sothiq | sago cycad | 蘇鐵; 鐵樹
sothngg | peanut brittle | 酥糖; (花生糖)
sothofng | clear or dredge (a waterway); improve (relations); bring about an understanding or reconciliation; bridge different views | 疏通
su'iuo-thoftøe | private land | 私有土地
suihviuthoaan | group of people march in an incense procession | 隨香團
suii thoaan suii kaux | be available for an immediate summons to court | 隨傳隨到
suithaxn-suiciah | use money just as fast as earned; live from hand to mouth | 隨趁隨吃; 隨賺隨吃
suithea | hypophysis | 垂體
suithiøo | be crestfallen; to be greatly discouraged or disappointed | 垂頭
sunkhoaan hexthorng | circulatory system of the blood | 循環系統
sunløo-therng | a patrol craft, a patrol ship | 巡邏艇
sunløtherng | patrol boat | 巡邏艇
sunthaukhvoarboea | look around | 巡頭看尾
suocietthoaan | diplomatic mission; diplomatic corps | 使節團
suopauthay | quadruplets | 四胎胞
suosinthngf | popular Taiwanese soup made with 4 plants | 四神湯; 山藥, 茯苓, 芡實, 蓮子
suothofng-pattat | communication network leading everywhere | 四通八達
suothongpattat | convenient transportation | 四通八達
suozhux hongthengseg | quartic equation; equation of the fourth degree (mathematics) | 四次方程式
sutheh | private residence | 私宅
suthiab | private post | 私帖; 私貼
suthioxng | comfortable; pleasant; comfortable; leisurely and harmonious; in good spirits | 舒暢
suthoaan | a division of soldiers | 私傳; 師團
suthofhoad | an old; local method; a traditional method | 辭土法
suthofng | have an illicit affair; collaborate with enemy forces or a foreign country | 私通
suthviaf | private hall | 私廳
suthwn | convert public fund to own use | 私吞
suxnthaxn | obey; obedient | 順趁; 順從
suxnthiefn | obey Heaven | 順天
suxthaix giamtiong | the state of affairs is serious | 事態嚴重
suxthaix | a got-up affair; state of affairs; the status of affairs; situation | 事態
suxthea | matter | 事體
svakakthafng | corner house | 三角窗
svakib thiao'oarn | hop skip and a jump (athletic event) | 三級跳遠
svatengthah | overlap | 相重疊
svathaai | kill each other | 相殺
svathab | fit together closely | 相凹; 摞起來
svathah | overlap | 相疊
svathaux | have passageway among both (room) | 相透; 相通
svathaw | steal | 相偷
svathaxm | getting inside information | 相探
svathaxng | having a passage right through; communicating by door or road | 相通
svathef | pushing each other away; refuse to accept | 相推
svathin | mutually extended courtesy | 相伨; 禮數互相往來
svathofng | have passageway among both (room) | 相通; 三通
svathviax | care about each other | 相疼
svathvy | additional | 相添
svathøex | take turns in doing something | 相退; 相替; 替換
svatuiethaau | counter part | 相對頭
svatwthaau | ran into each other | 相遇頭
svazabthorng | little more than thirty | 三十多一點
svazarnthaq | three-story tower | 三層塔
svekithvoarhiøh | twigs and leaves ? | 生枝湠葉
svethaang | breed worms; put (someone) up to it | 生蟲; 出點子
svethauhoatboea | toxin efflux | 生頭發尾
svethiq | pig iron | 銑鐵
svethviax | have painful sores; severe boils; abscesses (archaic) | 生痛; 生瘡疔
svethvoax | family; race; or animals spread; multiply; and increase | 生衍; 繁殖
sviathaau | sound head | 聲頭
svithaang | breed worm | 生蟲; 長蟲
svithiq | cast iron | 生鐵
svithviax | break out in boils | 生痛; 生瘡
svithvoax | multiply (as family) | 生衍; 生湠; 繁衍; 繁殖
sviu-bøexthofng | can't figure it out; beyond comprehension | 想未通; 想袂通
sviuxthofng | make a clear thought | 想通
sviw-køeathaau | too excess, too much | 想過頭; 傷過頭; 太過份
svixzhaethaau | pickle daikon | 豉菜頭
svoaf-soarnthaau | Formosan veratrum, Formosa lily | 山蒜頭
svoaf-thotau | a kind of alyce clover, Alysicarpus nummularifolius | 山土豆
svoaf-zhaethaau | Asi Bell-tree | 山菜頭
svoarthaau | line end | 線端
svoathaau | burial ground; cemetery | 山上; 山頭; 墓地
svoathox | hares | 山兔
swnthaang | termite that eats bamboo shoots | 筍蟲
swnthaau | tenon | 筍頭; 榫頭
sygyn'afthef | back float | 死囡仔䖙
sygyn'afthvef | back float | 死囡仔䖙
sykawafthef | back float | 死狗仔䖙
sykngthaau | dead bald | 死光頭
sylangthaau | dead head | 死人頭
sym kviaf baq thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym kviaf garn thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym thiaux | heart beat; palpitation of the heart caused by fear or anxiety | 心跳
sym thviax | grieved at heart; feel pain in one's heart (figuratively) | 心痛
symphvoax-thviaf | courtroom | 審判廳
symthaux | permeation, osmosis | 滲透
syn nithaau | new year | 新年頭
syn thaunao | new brains | 新頭腦
sythay | dead fetus; stillborn | 死胎
sythea | dy, corpse | 死體
sytuiethaau | sworn; enemy | 死對頭
søefthaau | wash hair | 洗頭
søethaau | comb the hair | 梳頭
søf thaukhag | pat (a child's head) | 撫摸頭
søf vi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder | 勸退 (選舉時); 搓圓仔湯
søfthaau | lock | 鎖頭
søvi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder decorous | 挲圓仔湯
taam-thaux`køex | be wet to the skin; be wet through; dripping wet | 濕透過
taethøhoef | a woman with a lustful looking face | 帶桃花
tafmthaau | nod the head | 點頭
tafnthai | waiting; wait; await; wait for | 等待
taftharng | bucket | 打桶
tafthaxm | Inquire | 打探
tagthofng | every call (telephone) | 逐通; 每通
tah-oexthaau | an introduction; previous remarks | 貼話頭; 前言
tahthaau | mistress | 姘頭
tahthoo | to touch the ground with hand or foot | 貼土; 觸地
tailøqthoo | to place or bury in the ground | 下落葬
taixcienthee | major premise; set principle | 大前提
taixpiawthoaan | representative body; delegation (to a conference) | 代表團
taixpien putthofng | constipation | 大便無通
taixthea | the scope of; real parts of; principle | 大體
taixtheabut | a substitute commodity; ersatz | 代替物
taixthefar | big body | 大體仔
taixthefsiong | in the main | 大體上
taixthex | take the place of; stand proxy for; to substitute; in place of | 代替
taixthoex | replace | 代替
taixthofnglerng | President (Japan) | 大統領
taixthøex | substitute; instead of; cover for | 代替
taktiøh ciøqthaau poaqtør | stumble over a stone | 踢到石頭跌倒
tamthab | gotoruin; fallintoruins; cavein; fall into decay | 坍塌
tamthiefn soatte | to talk idly about any and every thing | 談天說地
tamthiefn | gossip; small talk; chatting about things in general; to chat idly | 談天
tamthox | the way a person talk | 談吐
tangboefthvy | end of year | 冬尾天
tangchviuu thihpiaq | extremely sturdy structure; tight (siege); strong (fortress; defense); impregnable; like walls of brass and iron | 銅牆鐵壁
tangkoethngg | winter melon sweet | 冬瓜糖
tangphøee thihkud | brass and iron constitution ─ a strong man | 銅皮鐵骨; 強健
tangsyn thihkud | not afraid of cold or any injury (Lit. copper body iron bone) | 銅身鐵骨
tangthaau | early spring | 春初
tangthiau | bronze pillar | 銅柱
tangthiq | copper iron | 銅鐵
tangthvisi'ar | during the winter | 冬天時仔
tangthvisii | during the winter | 冬天時
tangthvy | winter | 冬天
tantheeng | one way (ticket) | 單程
tanthngg | monosaccharides | 單醣; 單糖
tantøthaezex | Single Elimination Tournament | 單淘汰制
taosiøthin | support each other | 鬥相伨
taoswnthaau | put tenon into the join | 鬥榫頭
taq kengthaau | pat (a person) on the shoulder | 拍肩膀
taqoexthaau | speak clearly beforehand | 踏話頭
taqphoax thih'øee | wear out iron shoes ─ search painstakingly everywhere | 踏破鐵鞋
taqtham | Alzheimer's disease | 老人痴呆; 踏?; 踩到洞
taqthauu | witch's helper | 搭頭
taqthut | slip, make a misstep, have a moral lapse | 踏脫; 失足
tarmtarmthaau | nod the head | 頕頕頭
tarmthaau | nod the head | 頕頭; 點頭
tathoo | dry land | 乾土
tathox | dry heaves; retch | 乾嘔
tauafthaang | bean worm | 豆仔蟲
tauthay | to be born; get into the cycle of reincarnation; quicken; be reborn into another state of existence; enter into the womb (e.g.; a spirit becoming incarnate) | 投胎
tauxcviuothngf | miso soup | 豆醬湯
tauxthaau | bean dreg; the refuse from bean curd manufacturer | 豆頭; 豆渣
taxngchiwthaau | heavy hand | 重手頭
taxngkhinthaau | imbalance; irrational or mentally deranged | 重輕頭
taxngthaau | weight | 重量
taxngthauhix | highlight | 重頭戲
taxngthaukhyn | the loads on a carrying pole are unequal in weight | 重頭輕; 重兩頭重量無均; 不均衡
taxngthor | begin building or repairing a house without the proper rites or at an inauspicious time; so as to cause pain to a woman with child; break ground (for a building project); start building | 動土
teathi | Mikado pheasant (bird) | 帝雞; 帝雉
tefng'afthuii | hammer | 釘仔鎚
tefngthaau | boss; nibs; up on top; the highest; the summit; the upper part; in the north; northward | 上頭; 頂頭; 上面
tefngthex | to represent someone | 頂替
tefngthiefn | top sky | 頂天
tefngthoaq | top drawer | 頂屜
tegpiet khoafnthai | give special treatment | 特別款待
tegpiet thaixgu | special treatment; special behavior towards | 特別待遇
tegzhuo thongty | specially sent for your information (a phrase used in writing a letter) | 特此通知
tek'afthaau | bamboo top | 竹仔頭
tekthaau | bamboo root | 竹頭
tekthafn | clam looks like Crab | 竹蟶
tekthafng'afpng | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔飯
tekthafng'ar | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔
tekthiorng | get special favor or affection | 得寵
tekthuy | bamboo ladder | 竹梯
tekzad-thaang | walkingstick (insect) | 竹節蟲
teng'ar-thuii | hammer for driving nails or tacks | 釘仔鎚; 釘仔槌; 鎚子
tengliogtherng | landing craft; landing ship tanks | 登陸艇
tengsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 靜常狀態
tengteeng thaqthah | piled on one another; crowded together densely | 重重疊疊; 累累
tengthaau phahkhie | do it all over again from the beginning | 從頭做起
tengthaau | over again | 從頭; 重新
tengthah | overlap; super position | 重疊
tengthaq | pharos; lighthouse | 燈塔
tengthaulaai | start over | 重頭來
tengthausvy | be born again | 從頭生; 重生
tengthiap | to overlap | 重疊
tengthiau | pavilion | 亭柱
tengthiefn | climbing to heaven ─ something very difficult | 登天
ternglangthviaf | get people to listen | 釘人聽
terngthviaf | pleasant to the ear | 中聽
tethaau | subject of a talk; topic of conversation | 話題; 藉口
tetharng | vessel for tea or hot water | 茶桶
tethngf | tea and soup ─ liquid food | 湯茶; (流質食物)
tetiarm ciauthai | entertain with refreshments | 茶點招待
texha bwthviaf | unlicensed cabarets | 地下舞廳
texha thihlo | subway | 地下鐵路
texhaxthiq | subway | 地下鐵
texhngf thoanthea | local organizations | 地方團體
texngsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 定常狀態
texngthvoax | good hard charcoal | 較硬的木炭
texthaau | place; site | 地方
textharn | carpet or rug | 地毯
texthauzoaa | an influential gangster in a community | 地頭蛇
texthor | ground; soil; place; land; locality; territory; earth | 地方
thaai cidkhafng | inflict a wound | 割傷
thaai cidlih | inflict a long slash or cut | 割一大痕
thaai onglaai | to peal off the skin of a pineapple | 削鳳梨
thaai | to cut; to wound; to pare; to kill; behead; to fight; to war | 殺; 刣
thaai-pvoarsie | almost got killed | 殺半死
thaai`khuy | cut(fruits) | 削開
thaai`khylaai | started killing | 殺起來
thaai`sie | kill to death | 殺死
thaam | a deep pool; deep pond; lake; pond for irrigation; deep; profound; vast | 潭; 痰
thaan | to talk; to converse; to chat | 談
thaang | worms; long creeping insects like worms; caterpillars; maggots | 蟲
thaau kaux bøea | from the beginning to the end | 從頭到尾
thaau khikhy | head crooked | 頭歪斜
thaau khokkhog | having an unusually projecting forehead | 前額突出
thaau phephef | the head is inclined | 斜著頭
thaau | head; the top; the first; beginning; the chief; the boss; the leader; the two ends (of anything); an auxiliary; as suffix | 頭
thaau-cidee | the first one | 頭一個
thaau-cidjit | the first day | 頭一天
thaau-cidpae | first time; on the first occasion | 頭一次
thaau-cidthef | first born child | 頭一胎
thaau-zexngmeh | cephalic vein | 頭静脈
thaau`ar | in the begging; just now | 頭仔
thab cidkhafng | soil) settles; making a depression | 凹一洞
thab | sink down; fall into ruins; to collapse; step unintentionally into a hole; fall into danger; a trap; or evil; to delude another; a dent | 塌; 凹; 坍塌
thab`løqlaai | old roof sinks down; making hollows | 塌下來
thad hvixkhafng | stop the ears and pay no heed | 塞耳孔
thad phe | kicked blanket during sleep | 踢被
thad phoe | kicked blanket during sleep | 踢被
thad zhuiekhafng | give something to eat to a child to keep it quiet; make somebody keep a secret | 堵上嘴
thad | kick; cork; stopper; to cork; stop up; to plug; stop a leak; fill the chinks; fill up crevices; obstruct; block up; press tightly in | 踢; 窒; 塞
thad-hof aan | stuff up tight; seal off securely | 塞緊
thad-hof ba | block up; stuff tight; hermetically seal | 塞緊
thad-hof bat | stop up tight | 塞密
thad`leq | stopped up; blocked up | 塞住
thad`teq | be blocked, be jammed, be stopped | 塞住
thad`zhutkhix | kick out | 踢出去
thae | how can it be? an interrogative particle which implies a dissenting opinion; why; how come | 豈; 怎麼; 怎
thae'iaa | Your Honor, Your Worship | 太爺
thae'ioong | sun | 太陽
thaechym | much too; far too | 太深
thaeho | the mother of an emperor; empress dowager | 太后
thaehujiin | madam | 太夫人
thaeiaa | honorable lord | 太爺
thaeiaq | tire | 輪胎
thaeionghe | solar system | 太陽系
thaeionghied | the temple (anatomy) | 太陽穴
thaeionghoef | sunflower | 太陽花
thaeiongkngf | sunshine | 太陽光
thaeiongkofng | sunshine | 太陽光
thaeiongleeng | solar energy | 太陽能
thaeionglek | solar power | 太陽力
thaeioong | the sun | 太陽
thaekaxm | eunuch | 太監
thaekegkuun | taichichuan; often referred to as shadow boxing | 太極拳
thaekegtoo | diagram of cosmological scheme | 太極圖
thaekek | the Absolute; the ultimate principle (Chinese philosophy); Taiji; Tai-chi martial art; Supreme Ultimate | 太極
thaekhofng sitai | space age | 太空時代
thaekhofng | space; outer space; the great void | 太空
thaekhofng-y | space suit | 太空衣
thaekhofng-zuun | space craft | 太空船
thaekhong'y | space suit | 太空衣
thaekhongjiin | astronaut | 太空人
thaekhongsøf | space shuttle | 太空梭
thaekhongzuun | space craft (capsule); spaceship | 太空船
thaekor | pre-historic time | 上古; 太古
thaeloong | Taro | 太郎
thaeluq | tiles | 磁磚
thaemoe | female juvenile delinquent; wild teenage girl; tomboy; bobby soxer; teenybopper | 太妹
thaemui | delinquent girl | 太妹
thaepeeng | peace; peaceful | 太平
thaepeeng-kefng | morgue, mortuary | 太平間
thaepegchvy | Venus | 太白星; 金星
thaepegzhvef | the evening star; Venus | 太白星
thaepeng'mngg | an exit | 太平門
thaepeng'viuterng | on the Pacific Ocean | 太平洋頂
thaepengkefng | morgue | 太平間
thaepengmngg | exit; exit in public buildings; especially those leading to fire escapes | 太平門
thaepengsvoaf | peaceful mountain | 太平山
thaepeqciuo | sorghum liquor | 太白酒
thaepeqhurn | potato powder; cornstarch | 太白粉
thaepør | a very high official in ancient China; juvenile delinquents | 太保
thaesafn | famous mountain in Shan-tung; father-in-law (wife's father); Tarzan | 泰山
thaeserngkiofng | | 太聖宮
thaesex | extremely small or to small | 太小
thaesim | excessive; excessively; too much | 太甚
thaesioxnghoong | father of the emperor | 太上皇
thaesioxngnofkwn | | 太上老君
thaesiuo | the magistrate of a prefecture; procurator; viceroy | 太守
thaesoex | star god presiding over the year | 太歲
thaetao | a leading authority; master; father | 泰斗
thaethaix | wife; Mrs; madame; respectful title for a women; Mrs.; wife | 太太
thaetngg | too long | 太長
thaeto | attitude | 態度
thaevoax | extremely late or too late | 太晚
thaey | imperial physician | 太醫
thaeym | the moon | 太陰
thaezar | very early or earlier than is necessary | 太早
thaezhof | in the beginning; the beginning of all things | 太初
thaezor | first founder of dynasty; first emperor of a dynasty; earliest ancestor of a clan | 太祖
thaezuo | sons of a king; prince | 王子; 太子
thaezø | weft (a joking expression connoting the dominating position of a wife in the family) | 太座
thaf | he; him; other; another; she; her; it; that | 他; 她; 它
thafkhøx | octopus | 章魚
thafm siawli | covetous of small gains | 貪小利
thafm | covet, covetous | 貪; 垂涎
thafm`zhutkhix | awning or porch projects over a street | 探出去
thafn | open and spread out (for sale); apportion; divide amongst; distribute; a stall or mat on which goods are displayed for sale | 攤
thafn'ar | a rug; carpet; blanket | 毯仔; 毯子
thafnchiaa | oblique, angling | 坦斜; 傾斜
thafnchiøx | lying with face upwards; inverted or turned upside down with the concave side up | 仰臥; 坦笑
thafnchyn | show partiality to relatives, practise nepotism | 趁親; 拉親戚關係
thafng iar mxthafng | may or may not? Is it allowable? May it be done? May I? | 可以無可以
thafng zøx zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
thafng | window; shutter | 窗; 通; 可以
thafng'afkafm | tankan (orange) | 窗仔框; 桶仔柑; 桶柑
thafng'afkhao | window | 窗仔口
thafng'afkhefng | window frame | 窗仔框
thafng'aflai | bottom of the bucket | 桶仔內
thafng'aftea | bottom of the bucket | 桶仔底
thafng'ar | bucket; barrel; tub; pail; bucket; pail a keg; a barrel | 桶仔
thafnggoa | be eliminated from the basket (e.g., rotten fruit) ─ omit, be left out, count for nothing | 被淘汰, 不中用之人
thafngkafm | tankan (orange) | 桶柑; 桶橘(蜜橘)
thafngkex | stretcher (for the sick or wounded) | 擔架
thafngkhof | barrel hoop | 桶箍
thafngkied | small sour tangerine | 桶桔; 桶橘(蜜橘)
thafngkoax | bucket cover | 桶蓋
thafngkvii | barrel rim | 桶緣
thafngkvoa | bucket handle | 桶捾
thafngpvoaa | tray | 托盤; 桶盤; 請客用的大盤子
thafngsurn | barrel bamboo | 桶筍
thafngtøea | barrel bottom | 桶底
thafnhefng | topless | 袒胸
thafnho | shield; predilection; to shield or protect; give improper protection to; to side with; be partial | 袒護
thafnhvoaai | thwart; crosswise | 橫放; 坦橫; 橫的
thafnhvoaisvef | transverse position presentation (obstetrics) | 坦橫生; 難產
thafnhvuii | horizontal | 坦橫
thafnjieen | self-possessed; calm; peaceful in mind; fearless; fully at ease | 坦然
thafnkhab | invert so as to have the face or concave side down | 伏臥
thafnkheg | military tank | 坦克
thafnkhia | perpendicular | 直立; 坦徛; 垂直的
thafnkhiaf | perpendicular, upright | 直立
thafnkhisyn | turning sideways to get through a narrow passage or to pass another on a narrow road | 坦攲身
thafnkhy | oblique; lying over; slanting; placed sideways or on the side; listing to one side | 坦攲; 坦敧; 側身; 歪斜; 傾斜
thafnlieen | frankly | 坦然
thafnpeh | honest; frank; make a confession | 坦白
thafnpek | frank; honest; tell the truth | 坦白
thafnpeqkorng | to be honest | 坦白講
thafnphag | turned with face down; inverted so as to have the bowl or cup concave side down; inverted position | 顛倒; 坦覆; 覆臥; 俯臥
thafnpvee | lying level (e.g.; on the ground); open and level | 坦平
thafnpvie | flatten | 坦扁
thafnpvii | lying level (e.g.; on the ground); open and level | 坦平
thafnpvy syn | in profile | 側面
thafnpvy | sideways; in profile | 旁邊; 側面
thafnsud | frank, candid, open, outspoken | 坦述; 坦率
thafnsut | candid; frankly speaking | 坦述
thafntit | laid or lying straight; lengthwise | 直的
thafntong | contented and composed; straight-out | 坦蕩
thafntoo | a level road, a bright future | 坦途
thafntør | lying level; having formerly been upright | 仰臥
thafnzhoah | awry, crooked | 傾歪; 曲.斜
thafnzhw | tilt; incline; slope; slant | 傾斜
thag'oaan | finish reading; finish studying | 讀完
thag'u | read | 讀有
thagbøo | unable to read | 讀無
thaghoad | pronunciation; pronunciation (of a word); ways of reading; studying | 讀法
thagkhie | to start school, to begin to read or study. | 讀起; 上課
thagkhøx | attend a lesson, read a lesson | 讀課
thagkoex | have studied; have the experience of reading | 讀過
thagliao | finish reading | 讀了
thagsek | study thoroughly | 讀熟
thagsiar | read and write | 讀寫
thagsoaq | done with reading | 讀煞
thagsyzheq | study by rote | 讀死冊
thagthak | read; study | 讀讀
thagthaux | read completely | 讀透
thagtiøh | have studied; have the experience of reading | 讀過
thagzheh'aq | study | 讀冊矣
thagzhehcvii | tuition | 讀冊錢
thagzhehhoe | reading session | 讀冊會
thagzhehlaang | scholar; an intellectual; literati | 讀書人
thagzhehpaang | study room | 讀書房
thagzhehthviaf | study room | 讀書廳
thagzhehtøh'ar | desk | 書冊桌仔
thagzhehtøq | desk | 讀冊桌
thagzheq | to study | 讀冊; 讀書
thagzheq-laang | literate person | 讀冊人; 讀書人
thagzheq-paang | study | 讀冊書房
thagzhud | read out | 讀出
thagzw | to study | 讀書
thagzw-laang | literate person | 讀書人
thagzw-paang | study | 讀冊房; 書房
thagzøx | read as | 讀做
thah ti tefngbin | placed on top of another object | 疊在上面
thah | pile up; repeat; pile things one on top of another; build up a house one story higher; laid or put on in addition | 疊
thah'ui | location of the tower | 塔位
thahbie | buy rice with containers during the old days in Taiwan | 塔米
thahiofng | another countryside; other or strange lands; lands away from home | 他鄉
thahofng | another region; the other party | 他方
thahterng | the top of a pagoda or tower | 塔頂
thai | an attitude; a position; a manner; to treat; entertain; await; wait for | 態; 待
thai'ar | griddle; screen; screener; sieve; sifter | 篩仔; 篩子
thai'in | be pregnant | 胎孕
thai'ui bøcviax | Transverse Position Presentation (obstetrics) | 胎位無正
thai'ui | position of child in the womb | 胎位
thai'y | amnion, fetal sac | 胎依; 胎衣; 羊膜
thaibahtviuu | chop shop | 宰肉場
thaibie | sift rice | 篩米
thaicin | annihilate, wipe out | 殺盡
thaiguu | kill an ox, kill a cow, kill a bull | 殺牛; 待遇
thaihoea | the reddish color of the face of a baby just after birth | 胎火 (嬰兒出生後臉紅紅的)
thaihofng | typhoon; hurricane | 颱風
thaihøea | the reddish color of the face of a baby just after birth | 胎火; (嬰兒出生後臉紅紅的)
thaijii | fetus; embryo | 胎兒
thaikaux | prenatal instruction; the prenatal (antenatal) care given an unborn child through attention of a pregnant woman to her own mental health | 胎教
thaikef nar tiøh eng gutøf | Why use a cattle knife to kill a chicken? ─ Great talent can be used for better purpose or for greater results | 殺雞焉用牛刀
thaikef-karkaau | teach lesson | 刣雞教猴
thaikekarkaau | teach lesson | 刣雞教猴
thaikex | reduce prices; cut price to or below cost | 殺價
thaikhie | to lift up | 提起; 抬起
thaikii | gestation period, period of pregnancy | 胎期
thaikix | birthmark | 胎痣; 胎記
thaikoaan tengkix | registration of a loan | 抵押權登記
thaikoaan | rights of a creditor or mortgagor | 削權; 抵押權
thaikoekarkaau | teach lesson | 刣雞教猴
thaikoex | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
thaikuo | extol, exalt, say too good or someone | 提舉; 抬舉
thaikøef kax kaau | kill a fowl as a warning to monkey ─ make an example of a man | 殺雞儆猴
thaikøf | to raise, to boost | 提高; 抬高
thailaai-thaikhix | armies in battle; men in single combat fight with each other | 殺來殺去
thailaang poemia | pay damages; make reparations for killing a man | 殺人賠命
thailaang | homicide; murder | 殺人
thailai | intrafetal | 胎內
thailangparnghoea | killing and robbing | 刣人放火
thailiao | killed | 刣了
thailiawliao | killed all | 刣了了
thaimoo | intrafetal | 胎內
thaipvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thaisea | sieve wash | 篩洗
thaisefng toxngbut | viviparous animals | 胎生動物
thaisefng | viviparous | 胎生
thaisenghak | embryology | 胎生學
thaisie | kill; fetch; put to death; to kill with a knife | 殺死; 刣死
thaisiin | guardian spirit of unborn child | 胎神
thaisoa'ar | sift sand | 篩砂仔
thaisoarn | filter | 篩選
thaisw | lose the bell; be defeated in battle | 殺輸; 戰敗
thaisylaang | kill a person with a knife or sword | 殺死人
thaitao | sieve | 篩斗
thaithaau | decollation; decollate; behead; cut of a person's head; dismiss; to fire | 殺頭; 刣頭; 撤職
thaithiøo | to raise one's head | 抬頭
thaiti'ar | butcher | 宰豬的, 屠夫
thaitiau | killed | 刣掉
thaitiee | butcher | 宰豬的, 屠夫
thaitiøqsiofng | to wound with a knife or sword | 殺受傷; 割傷
thaitok | congenital disease; hereditary disease | 胎毒
thaity | slaughter a pig | 殺豬
thaity-tøfviuu | have pigs and goats killed in great numbers for sacrificial offerings or great festivals | 殺豬屠羊
thaity`ee | butcher | 殺豬的
thaitør | cut someone down | 殺倒
thaiviaa | overcome; conquest; victory; conquer; conquer in battle | 殺贏; 戰勝
thaix aan | too tight | 太緊
thaix voax | too late | 太晚
thaix zar | too early | 太早
thaix zøe | too many; too much; great number or quantity | 太多
thaix | excessive; excessively; too.. | 太
thaix-bø'eeng | too busy | 太無閒
thaix-chym | much too; far too | 太深
thaix-cviar | too thin (taste) | 太汫; 太淡
thaix-kuix | too expensive | 太貴
thaix-køex | excess, exorbitant, excessively | 太過
thaix-toa | too large, too big | 太大
thaix-zar | too early | 太早
thaixbeng | await orders | 待命
thaixgu ee zhapiet | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
thaixgu | treatment; deal; treatment; dealing; reception; pay | 待遇
thaixji ketiofng | not betrothed yet (said of a young woman) | 待字閨中
thaixjiin ciapbut | the way one treats people; one's personality | 待人接物
thaixjiin jukie | treat others as yourself | 待人如己
thaixjiin | attitude towards others | 待人
thaixkheq putciutøx | treat a visitor improperly | 待客無周到
thaixkheq | receive guests; entertain guests | 待客
thaixpor | make an arrest | 逮捕
thaixsiok | to be continued | 待續
thaixto | attitude; manner; demeanor | 態度
thajit | some other day | 他日
thak mxcviaa zheq | make little progress in studies owing to hindrances; go to school but not graduate; not study diligently | 讀無成冊; 讀不成書
thak mxtiøh | mispronounce (a word) | 讀錯
thak syzheq | to read books character by character without understanding the meaning | 讀死冊
thak zeabuun | read sacrificial prayers | 讀祭文
thak | read aloud; recite; read silently; to attend school; read; to study | 讀
thak-bøo zheq | not making progress in study | 讀無成冊
thak-hof sek | read until one can recite from memory | 讀熟
thak-kaq sek | read until one can recite from memory | 讀熟
thak-thaothaux | to read right through | 讀遍了
thaksngrpvoaa | caculated move | 擉算盤
tham | somewhat concave (e.g.; a hand net; the bottom of chair long used) | 凹; 窞; 陷; 下墜
tham'aix zaibut | covet and love wealth | 貪愛財物
tham'aix | to be fond of; to long for; to desire | 貪愛
tham'ar | a pool in a stream; a small lake or pond | 潭仔; 小潭
tham'iim hvorseg | debauched; viciously sensual | 貪淫好色
tham'iok | covet; covetousness; greed; avarice | 貪慾
tham'oo | sputum pot; spittoon | 痰壺; 痰盂
tham'uo | corruption | 貪汙
tham'ux togcid | officials corrupt and negligent of one's duties | 貪污瀆職
tham'ux | corrupt; corruption; graft; avaricious | 貪污
tham'ux`ee | venal | 貪污的
tham'w | (political; moral) corruption | 貪污
thambee | ensnared by vicious desire | 貪迷
thambiin | covetous of sleep | 貪睡
thamciah | hog it; greediness; engorge; gluttonous; eat priggish; voracious; eager for food; crave food | 貪吃; 貪食
thamcvii | covet money | 貪錢
thamgoa | outside of the pond | 潭外
thamhoef | canna (flower) | 塘花; 曇花
thamhuo | corruption | 貪腐
thamkhud | lake, pond | 塘窩; 潭窟
thamkhuxn | covetous of sleep | 貪睡
thamkiuu | to desire or long for (usually more than one's rightful share) | 貪求
thamkoaxn | spittoon | 痰罐
thamkvoaf | corrupt officials; malfeasant | 貪官
thamkvoaf-uoli | avaricious government officials and grasping underlings; corrupt officials | 貪官污吏
thamkvoauoli | corrupt officials | 貪官汙吏
thamlaam | covet | 貪圖; 貪婪
thamli | keen for gain; avaricious | 貪利
thamliam | greed | 貪念
thamlin | covetous; avaricious | 貪吝
thamloaan | to desire or long for (usually women); to hanker after or dote on improper things; unwilling to part with something one loves | 貪戀
thamloan | crazy, idoiotic | 貪亂; 發狂
thamnoa | mucus and phlegm; spittle | 濃痰; 痰瀾
thampan'gii | have a strong desire for (usually very small) gains (often at the expense of quality or at the price of big losses) | 貪便宜
thampoef | sputum cup | 痰杯
thamsaux | cough | 痰嗽
thamsefng phvarsuo | clinging to life; cowardly; cowardice | 貪生怕死
thamseg | given to sexual indulgence; have a weakness for women; lewd; lustful | 貪色
thamsexng | greedy | 貪性
thamsiao-sittai | be tempted by small gains and suffer a big loss; win battles but lose the war | 貪小失大
thamsym | cupidity; greed; covetous; greedy | 貪心
thamtea | bottom | 潭底
thamthaau | thrust one's head forward so as to see or hear better; take (something) more | 伸頭; 多拿
thamthøf | gluttonous; rapacious; covetous; greedy (Catholic) | 貪饕
thamtiofng | in the pond | 潭中
thamtiøh | greed | 貪著
thamtoo | to covert; to desire or long for; be greedy of; seek after; to scheme for; covet; to plot; intrigue to get | 貪圖
thamzaai haixbeng | to kill for money; commit murder for money; to lose one's life through the pursuit of wealth | 貪財害命
thamzaai | avarice; avaricious; covetous for wealth; avaricious | 貪財
thamzexng | embezzlement | 貪贓
thamzofng ofnghoad | take bribes and pervert justice | 貪贓枉法
thamzuie | pond water | 潭水
thamzuo | a city in Taichung County | 潭子
thamzøe | greedy for more | 貪多
thang | buoy, float | 浮標; 筩
thang'afcie | perpendicular bars in a window; for keeping out thieves | 窗骨架
thang'afgoa | outside the window | 窗仔外
thang'afkhaf | under a window | 窗仔腳; 窗下
thang'afkhao | ticket window | 窗仔口; 窗口
thang'afkhefng | window frame | 窗仔間; 窗仔框; 窗框
thang'aflai | inside the window | 窗仔內
thang'aflieen | window curtain | 窗仔簾; 窗簾
thang'aflii | curtain | 窗仔簾
thang'afmngg | window | 窗戶門; 窗仔門
thang'afmnggoa | outside the window | 窗仔門外
thang'afmngkhefng | window frames | 窗戶仔框
thang'afmngpvy | window side | 窗仔門邊
thang'afphang | window seam | 窗仔縫
thang'afpox | window curtain | 窗仔布; 窗簾
thang'afpvy | window side | 窗仔邊
thang'afzeeng | in the front of the window | 窗仔前
thang'ar | window; window | 窗仔
thang'iuu | oil of paulownia seed | 桐油
thanggoa | outside the window | 窗外
thanghai | damage to farm crops caused by pests; damage from insects; plague of insects | 蟲害
thanghofng | ventilation; airiness; fanning; well-aired; (house) having plenty fresh air | 通風
thanghør | in order to, to | 通好; 才可
thangkhafng | wormholes | 蟲空
thangkhud | wormholes | 蟲窟
thangkngf | transparent; transparency; clarity; fully understanding a matter; well lighted (house); transparent; limpid; pellucid; lucid; clear | 透明; 通光; 靈通; 光線好
thangkviaf | horrify | 通驚; 可驚
thanglaai | in order to | 通好; 以便
thanglui | worm; bug; insect; insects or reptiles; as a species | 蟲類
thangpvy | window side | 窗邊
thangsixn | credible, believable | 通信; 可信
thangsviaf | bug sound | 蟲聲
thangthoa | insects; worms; caterpillars | 蟲豸; 昆蟲
thangtid | allowed to | 通得
thanhoaan | to repay in installments | 攤還
thanhoan | stall-keeper; pitchman; street-vendor | 攤販
thanthoarn | palsy; paralysis | 癱瘓
thao cidee khuix | relax (as taking a break from hard work); let out one's anger (as complaining) | 鬆一口氣; 透一口氣
thao tiongkhuix | relieve depression | 敨中氣
thao | through; to pass through; ventilate | 通; 敨; 解; 透
thao øetoax | loosen the shoe strings | 解鞋帶
thao'ar | person who communicate enemy secretly | 解仔; 密通
thao'axm | same night; that very night; all night | 連夜
thao-bøe khie`laai | unable to untie | 解無開
thao-bøexkhuy | cannot loosen or untie it; cannot settle (a dispute) | 解無開
thao`khuy | open | 敨開
thaoaxm | whole night | 透暗
thaobea | to the end | 透尾
thaobeeng | trasparent; transparency; clarity | 透明
thaobengthea | transparent body | 透明體
thaoboea | to the end | 透尾
thaobøea | end; be completed | 透尾; 到終
thaocy | overdraw; spend more than the budgeted fund | 透支
thaoho | through the rain; to brave the rain | 透雨; 冒雨
thaohofng | the wind is blowing | 颳風; 透風; 刮風
thaohongthay | typhoon | 透風颱
thaohut'hud | windy | 透拂拂
thaojiet | pervious to heat | 透熱
thaojip | to penetrate | 透入
thaojit | all day long | 終日; 透日; 整天; 整日
thaokaux | go through to, lead to | 透到; 通到
thaokhix | to let air in or out | 透氣
thaokhuix | to let air in or ou | 透氣
thaokinzhoarnkud | freezing to the tendon and muscle | 透筋竄骨
thaokngf | transparent; let the light pass through | 透光
thaokoex køanhe | play up to somebody with power | 透過關係; (經由特權管道介紹)
thaokud | piercing of (cold); bone chilling; penetrate to the bones | 透骨
thaokviasviaa | spread to capital of country | 透京城
thaokviax | lenses | 透鏡
thaokøex | hole made all the way through; as a hole; pierce or pass quite through | 透過
thaolaau | rapids | 透流
thaolau | leak out; disclose; reveal | 透漏; 透露
thaolaxmtiøh | mixed | 透濫著
thaolit | whole day | 透日
thaolo | leak out; disclose; reveal; unrip; divulge; reveal; let out; leak out | 透露
thaomee | in dead of night; whole night | 漏夜; 整晚
thaomii | in the night; at that night | 連夜; 透暝; 整晚
thaonii | annual; yearly; throughout year | 全年; 透年; 整年
thaopof | entire half-day kerchief, turban | 透甫; 整個半天
thaosi | to use a fluoroscope; fluoroscopy; second light; clairvoyance; perceive by second light; to see through; to have an X-ray taken; perspective; see through; to fluoroscope; to observe what is behind a solid covering (by X-ray) | 透視
thaosielaang | all; throughout one's life | 透世人; 一生
thaosimliaang | penetrating coolness (said of cold drinks) | 透心涼
thaosixky | fluoroscope | 透視機
thaosixlek | clairvoyance | 透視力
thaotea | to the bottom | 透底
thaothaux | thorough; penetrating | 透透; 透徹
thaothied | inside out; outside in; penetrability; penetrating; thorough | 透徹
thaothiw | neritic squid | 透抽
thaothvizhux | a residential building that belong to the same household- unlike condo | 透天厝
thaothvy | through the sky (used to describe a building solely owned by one famil) | 透天
thaotiongtaux | high noon | 透中晝
thaotoaxhofng | strong wind | 透大風
thaotoea | thoroughly | 透底
thaotøea | to the utmost extreme; to the very bottom; never | 徹底; 透底; 從來
thaozafsi'ar | dawn | 透早時仔
thaozar | eraly morning; early morning; very early in the morning | 透早; 清早
thaozar-thao'axm | early in the morning and late in the evening | 清晨夙夜; 朝夕
thaozhud | extend out to (road, passageway, etc.) | 滲出
thaozud | extend out to (road, passageway, etc.) | 透出
thaozuie | pour water into another liquid; to mix in water | 攙水; 摻水
thap'ham | dent | 塌陷
thap'øf | cave | 塌窩
thapbak | sunken eyes | 塌目; 凹眼
thapcvii | make up the money to meet the needs | 補錢
thapgiah | fill a position as a substitute; make up for loss of money or damage of goods | 補缺; (額)頂缺
thapkhaf | fill a vacancy | 塌跤
thapkhafng | fill the hole | 塌空
thaplaai-thapkhix | arrange things well in packing; so as to fit well into each other and take up as little room as possible; cut cloth carefully so that there is no waste; by arranging the patterns to fit well; to rob Peter to pay Paul | 補來補去; 東挪西借
thapphang | fill the hole | 塌縫
thappurn | make up the money for the needed capital | 補本
thapthab | concave, sunken | 凹凹; 塌的
thaptor | concave or depressed panel | 塞肚
thaq | a pagoda; a tower; a lighthouse; tower; pagoda; spire; lighthouse; tall building with a pointed top | 塔
thaqkex | scaffolding | 疊架
thaqkoaan | stack | 疊高
thaqkoex | overlap | 疊過
thaqlaau | build a story higher | 疊樓
thaqlauar | build a story higher | 蓋樓房
thaqsit | well-knit | 紮實; 疊實
thaqthah | superposition; to pile up | 疊疊
tharhea | stir the flame | 挓火
tharhoea | stir the fire | 挓火
tharhøea | stir a fire | 炒火; 挓火; 通火
tharkhuy | push away; push things apart with a pole | 撥開; 攪開
tharm | a rug; a carpet; a blanket | 毯
tharm'ar | scout; spy; detective | 探仔
tharm'oaan | detective | 探員
tharm'viaa | visit a military camp, spy on a camp | 探營
tharmbea | mounted scout; spy | 探馬
tharmbeeng | to ferret out | 探明
tharmbong | to visit | 探望; 探墓; 省墓
tharmboxngzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmboxzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmbun | inquiry; to inquire about or after | 探問
tharmchyn | visit one's relatives | 探親
tharmciaotefng | searchlight | 探照燈
tharmhiafmkaf | explorer; adventurer | 探險家
tharmhiafmtui | expedition team; exploration party | 探險隊
tharmhiarm | to undertake an exploratory trip; exploration; explore; set out on an adventure+E26673 | 探險
tharmhiarm-kaf | explorer | 探險家
tharmhoef | detective | 探花
tharmhorng | to investigate; visit; inquire about; pick up information | 探訪
tharmkhvoarbai | seeking out | 探探看
tharmkhvoax | investigate | 探看; 查看
tharmkiuu | to seek; hunting | 探求
tharmkiux | explore | 探究
tharmkvaf | visit a prisoner | 探監
tharmlo | pathfinding | 探路
tharmloong zhwbut | as easy as taking things out of one's own pocket | 探曩取物
tharmmng | inquire about; pick up information | 探問
tharmpaang | marriage custom in which the younger brother of the bride goes to the bridal chamber on the third day to call on and inquire about his older sister | 探房; (新娘過門後第三日; 其弟到姊姊房中探問)
tharmpvi | visit the sick | 探病
tharmsiim | explore | 探尋
tharmsofng | inquire about mourning ceremonies; condole with someone on his bereavement | 弔喪
tharmsuun | to inquire about | 探尋; 探詢
tharmsøq | to explore, exploration | 探索
tharmthaau | thrust one's head forward so as to see or hear better; drop in; visit | 伸頭; 探頭; 伸頭探看; 拜訪
tharmthviacide | snoop | 探聽一下
tharmthviaf hisit | verify the facts by inquiry | 打聽虛實
tharmthviaf | to investigate secretly; to try to find out; snoop; inquire about; pick up information; make inquiries about something; usually somewhat secretly; investigate secretly | 探聽; 打聽
tharmthør | to study; explore | 探討
tharmzaf | spy out, find out | 探查
tharmzefng | probe; burrow into | 探偵; 偵探; 探查
tharmzheg | to probe, to survey | 探測
tharmzhekkhix | detector | 探測器
tharn | wide and smooth; level; even; open; self-possessed; calm; composed; peaceful | 坦
tharn'ee | earned | 趁的
tharn'eeng | take advantage of leisure time | 賺閒; 趁閒
tharn'gox | tango | 探戈; 源自日語タンゴ(tango)
tharn'u | made money | 趁有
tharn'viu | follow an example | 探樣; 循例
tharnbextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 能力不夠所以沒辦法賺人家的錢
tharnbøextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 賺未倒
tharnbøo | earned nothing | 趁無
tharnciah | livelihood; earn living; earn one's food | 賺食; 趁食; (賺錢); 謀生; 工作; 營生
tharnciah-zabor | prostitute | 賺食查某; 妓女
tharnciaqkefng | brothel | 趁食間
tharnciaqkeng'ar | brothel | 趁食間仔
tharnciaqlaang | man who lives just on what he earns; a man who earns just enough to support himself | 賺食人; 趁食人; 工人
tharnciaqpo | mechanism of making money | 賺食步
tharnciaqtøea | prostitute background | 賺食底
tharnciaqzabor | prostitute | 趁食查某
tharncidsii | making money for a moment | 賺一時
tharncitsii | making money for this moment | 賺這時
tharncvii | earn money by work; business | 賺錢
tharng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 桶; 無中用之人
tharnghae | straight to the ocean | 迵海
tharngkaux | lead through to | 透夠; 通到
tharngkhix | straight through | 迵去
tharngkoex | straight | 迵過
tharngkøex | hole made all the way through; as a hole; pierce or pass quite through | 透過; 迵過
tharngoan | appeal, entrust, petition | 透願; 歎願
tharngsym | penetrate to heart | 透心
tharngthviax | ache; pain; be in pain; to ache; feel pain; grieved; distressed; miserable | 疼痛; 痛疼
tharngthvy | pass through to the sky | 透天
tharnguo-suu | Interjection | 嘆氣詞
tharnhoax | to carbonize, to carbonate, carbonization | 碳化; 炭化
tharnkhix | carbonic acid gas; to sigh | 歎氣; 碳氣; 嘆氣
tharnkhuix | groan; sigh; suspire | 嘆氣
tharnkngx | carbon steel | 碳鋼
tharnkoafar | make some | 趁寡仔
tharnlaang | follow others; imitate others | 趁人
tharnlauzuie | take advantage of the flowing water | 趁流水
tharnsaikhiaf | make money for personal usage | 趁私奇
tharnseg | to exclaim; sigh; groan | 嘆息
tharnsex | take advantage of favorable circumstances | 趁勢
tharnsii | make use of the time, take an advantage of an opportunity | 趁時
tharnsiofng | to lament; mawkishness | 嘆傷
tharnsiøf ciah | eat while the food is still hot | 趁熱吃
tharnsiøf lym | drink while (the tea; soup) is hot | 趁熱喝
tharnsiøf | when it is hot or warm; before it's too late; eat while the food is still hot; before it gets cold; get'em while they're hot | 趁熱; 趁燒
tharnsiøq | to pity, to regret | 嘆息; 嘆惜
tharnsngf | carbonic acid | 碳酸
tharnsoafn | carbonic acid | 碳酸
tharnsuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
tharnsuu | an interjection (in grammar) | 歎詞; 嘆詞
tharnthioxng | rejoice to soon; be feel let down | 賺暢; 空歡喜; 白高興
tharntiøh | earned | 趁著
tharntoaxcvii | make a fortune | 趁大錢
tharnviu | imitate an example or model | 仿傚; 照樣
tharnzar | as early or as soon as possible | 趁早
tharoar | pull thing near to stick | 粘倚; 堆起
thasad | homicide (as opposed to suicide) | 他殺
that'ar | a stopper; cork stopper | 塞仔; 窒仔; 塞子
thatbat | stop up tight | 塞密; 塞緊
thatchiaf | traffic jam | 塞車; 窒車
thatgai | hindrance, stumbling-block | 塞礙; 阻礙
thatgiah | act as temporary substitute, supply a deficiency | 塞額; 頂缺
thatjip | kick in | 窒入
thatkhaciøh | stumbling stone | 塞腳石; 絆腳石
thatkhafng | stop up a hole; block up a hole | 塞洞
thatkhuix | choke; suffocation; strangulate | 窒息
thatkhuy | kick upon (a door); kick (something) out of the way | 踢開
thatkierncie | kick the shuttlecock | 踢毽子
thatkiuu | kick ball; punting; play football | 踢球
thatkoex | kicked | 踢過
thatlau | stop a leak; to caulk | 塞漏
thatlo | block the road | 堵路; 塞路
thatphoax | kick through | 踢破
thatphvi | stuffing nose | 窒鼻
thatsie | to kick to death | 踢死
thatsylaang | to kick to death; to kill by kicking | 踢死人
thatthad tvi | crowded | 爆滿; 擠滿
thatthattvi | stuff full | 窒窒滇
thattiaau | stocked; choked | 窒牢
thattiøh | stumble over; to kick | 踢到
thattng | to block (a road) | 堵斷
thattøfkef | so many on the street | 窒倒街
thattøfkoef | so many on the street | 窒倒街
thattør kef | glut on the market; numerous; rife; everywhere | 多的是; 充斥
thattør | to kick over | 踢倒
thatzhuiekhafng | fill mouse with snacks | 窒喙空
thatzhuix | shut one's mouth, let stop talking, let one unable to talk or demand | 堵喙; 塞住嘴
thau bixnthaang | eliminate intestinal parasites with medicine | 驅蛔蟲
thau niawchie | to poison rats | 毒殺鳥鼠
thau | to poison | 毒
thau'ar | the first; just now; a moment ago | 頭仔; 剛才
thau'iab | take stealthily and conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 偷掩; 掩藏
thau'og | a city in Miaoli County | 頭屋
thau'ui | chief seat | 頭位
thau`sie | kill by poison | 毒死
thau`tiøh | be poisoned | 毒到
thaubagciao | chief bird | 頭目鳥
thaubak | a chief; a leader; chief; headman | 頭目
thaubarn | steal by picking from the tree | 偷挽; 偷摘
thaubii | to peep | 偷窺
thaubin | facial expression, in front, head of a line | 頭面; 面子
thaubixnterng | on top of head | 頭面頂
thauboea | beginning and end; first and last | 頭尾; 始終
thaubøea | head and tail; beginning and end; total | 頭尾; 前後
thauchid | seven days after death | 頭七
thauchihchiq | head down | 頭𩑾𩑾
thauchiuo | 1st hand | 頭手
thauchiuo`ee | the head man of several workmen on a job; foreman | 第一手; 頭手
thauchiøx | laugh secretly, ridicule, sneer at | 偷笑
thauciah | eat clandestinely; steal and eat at once | 偷吃; 偷食
thauciam'ar | hairpin | 頭簪仔; 頭釵
thauciaqpo | cheat; cheating; perverse ways; ways which are not normally or ordinarily followed; artful device; trap | 偷食步; 詭計; 不當方法
thaucid | first ~ | 頭一
thaucidpae | the first time | 頭一次
thauciorng | first prize | 頭獎
thaucviu | be the first-born child | 頭匠; 生頭胎; 頭一胎
thaucviuar | first born child | 頭一胎
thaugee | first worship of earth god on Jan.2 (lunar calendar) | 頭牙; (農曆正月二日; 祭拜土地公)
thauhaam | the official title of a person; honor | 頭銜
thauhiah | forehead | 額頭; 頭額; 前額
thauhiin bag'axm | dizzy head and dimmed vision | 頭昏眼花
thauhiin | be dizzy | 頭眩
thauhinbag'axm | dizzy | 頭眩目暗
thauhinhiin | dizzy | 頭眩眩
thauhofng | headache | 頭荒 [*]
thauhviaf | leader | 頭兄
thauhviw | the first person to offer incense (put joss stick in the incense pot) at the beginning of a ceremony | 頭香
thauhø sinbuun | headline news; lead story in a paper | 頭號新聞
thauhø | number one; leading; the best; the largest; first quality or sort; first signal or mark | 頭號
thauiab | take stealthily and conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 偷揜
thaukae | correct secretly | 偷改
thaukafng kiafmliau | do less work and use less or inferior materials than agreed up upon (especially in a building job); to jerry build | 偷工減料
thaukafng | to skimp on work | 偷工
thaukaux | in the beginning | 頭到
thaukaxke'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkear | fidelity | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkoe'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkoear | fidelity | 偷咬雞仔
thaukef | shopkeeper; boss; the head of a firm; shop or family; one's husband | 老闆; 頭家
thaukelaang | boss | 頭家人
thaukeniuu | wife of the boss | 老闆娘; 頭家娘
thaukeniuu`hvoq | are you boss's wife? | 頭家娘乎
thaukhafn | steal (a cow or horse) | 偷牽
thaukhag chihchiq | keeping the head bent down | 低頭
thaukhag hiin | slight headache; dizziness | 頭暈
thaukhag lelee | the head is bent down | 低頭
thaukhag tang | head feeling heavy and sick | 頭重
thaukhag teng | robust and vigorous (child); a child's robust state of health; conferred through the protective care of the idols | 健康聰明; (祝賀詞)
thaukhag thviax cidpeeng | migraine headache | 偏頭痛
thaukhag thviax | headache | 頭痛
thaukhag tørlwn | draw in one's head (like a turtle) | 頭倒縮
thaukhag | skull; the head (anatomy) | 頭殼; 腦袋; 頭,
thaukhag-terng | on the top of one's head; above the head | 頭頂上
thaukhahtoaxsyn | put the cart before the horse | 頭較大身
thaukhak'heeng | head shape | 頭殼型
thaukhak'hiaqar | forehead | 頭殼額仔
thaukhak'voafkud | skull | 頭殼碗骨
thaukhak'voar phoax`khix | skull fracture | 頭蓋碗破去
thaukhak'voar | skull; cranium | 頭蓋骨; 頭殼碗
thaukhakboefterng | on top of head | 頭殼尾頂
thaukhakhiaqar | forehead | 頭殼額仔
thaukhakkud | skull | 頭殼骨
thaukhaklai | In the head | 頭殼內
thaukhakphoee | scalp | 頭殼皮
thaukhakphøee | scalp | 頭殼皮; 頭皮
thaukhaksym | the central point of the head; from which the hair radiates | 頭殼心; 腦心
thaukhaktea | in the head | 頭殼底
thaukhakterng | on top of head | 頭殼頂
thaukhakthviax | headache | 頭殼疼
thaukhakzhea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhoea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhøea | brain | 腦殼髓; 頭殼髓; 腦子
thaukharm | first; primary; foremost | 頭嵌; 第一
thaukhiøhsai'ar | first disciple; the head disciple | 頭拾師仔; 大徒弟仔
thaukhiøq | pick up secretly | 偷撿
thaukhngx | put secretly; possess secretly | 私藏; 偷放置
thaukhoef | safety helmet | 頭盔
thaukhog | big forehead | 頭酷
thaukhuie | to peep | 偷窺
thaukhuxn | sleep while in duty, sleep by stealth | 偷睏; 偷睡
thaukhuy | open (a jewel box; safe; suitcase; door) stealthily | 偷開; 偷拆
thaukhvoax | peek; peek at; to peep; to look stealthily or secretly | 偷看
thaukhysefng | just now; a moment ago | 頭起先; 剛才
thaukhyzhof | in the beginning | 頭起初
thaukii | win championship | 頭旗; 爭第一
thaukikhoarn | 1st down payment | 頭期款
thaukinkiafmniuo | steal by providing less amount | 偷斤減兩
thaukorng | report secretly; secret report | 密報; 偷講
thaukwn | kerchief, turban | 頭巾
thaukyn | turban; kerchief; cloth worn by women on the head | 頭巾
thaulaai-armkhix | come and go secretly | 偷來暗去; 陳倉暗渡
thaulaang | head man | 首長; 頭人; 領袖
thaulai'armkhix | secret correspondence | 偷來暗去
thaulaiboefkhix | from head to tail- expose the whole story | 頭來尾去
thaulelee | dejected | 頭犁犁
thauliah | catch secretly; steal (a domestic animal); seize or catch secretly | 偷捉; 偷掠
thauliaxm | pinch (skin) secretly; to steal a little | 偷掐; 偷一點點
thaulo | job; employment; business; situation; a calling; an occupation | 頭路; 職業; 工作
thauluie | stolen base; base stealing; steal a base | 盜壘
thaulyloxtit | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩路直; 簡單; 省麻煩
thaulytidlo | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩直路; 簡單; 省麻煩
thaumiaa | the first on a list; the first rank or quality | 頭名; 頭一名
thaumng | enquire secretly | 頭髮; 偷問
thaumngbirn | hair brush | 頭髮刡; 梳子
thaumngg cinlafng | few hairs | 頭髮稀少
thaumngg larnglaxng | hairs in disorder; in a mess | 頭髮鬆亂
thaumngg lud-liawliao | become bald | 頭髮落了了
thaumngg pvoarpeh | hair gray; about half white | 頭髮半白
thaumngg | the hair of the head | 頭髮; 頭毛
thaumngg-iuu | hair cream, hair tonic, pomade | 頭髮油
thaumnggiap'ar | hair pin | 頭毛鋏仔
thaumnggveh'ar | hair pin | 頭毛鋏仔
thaumngheeng | hair style | 頭毛形
thaumngterng | top of hair | 頭毛頂
thaumngtiaxm | barber shop | 頭毛店
thaumngzhaix | a hair-like vegetable | 頭毛菜
thaumoboea | back part of hair | 頭髮尾
thaumof | hair on the head of a person | 頭毛
thaumoiuu | pomade; hair oil | 頭毛油
thaumoo chix høea | to rush into evident danger; throw an egg into the electric fan (Lit. see if fire will burn my hair) | 以髮試火; 跳進火坑
thaumoo sarmsaxm | hair disheveled | 頭髮散亂
thaumotiaxm | barber shop | 頭毛店
thaumozafng | hair | 頭毛鬃
thaumozhaix | edible hair-like seaweed | 頭毛菜
thaunao | brain; skull; mind | 頭腦
thaunii | 1st year | 頭年
thaunor | brain | 頭腦
thauny | steal some small thing; eat by stealth; a furtive snatch | 偷拈; 偷拿
thaupae | fist time, first occasion | 頭拜; 頭擺; 頭次
thaupafn | 1st schedule | 頭幫
thaupafng | the first train; bus | 頭班
thaupangchiaf | 1st bus schedule | 頭幫車
thauparn | front page | 頭版
thaupeh | wear a white clothe on the head (in deepest mourning for parents or superior) | 頭帛
thaupeqar | cap made of coarse white cloth; worn by relatives of the deceased at a funeral | 白蓋頭; (喪服)
thauphaang | mainsail | 頭帆; 主帆
thauphee | scalp | 頭皮
thauphoea'ar | 1st run | 頭杮仔
thauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 頭皮
thauphoefar | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭皮屑
thauphof | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭麩; 頭皮屑; 皮屑
thauphvy | 1st article | 頭篇
thauphøf | dandruff | 頭麩
thaupiexn | 1st time | 頭擺
thaupo | the part of head | 頭部; 頭步; 第一步
thaupurn | 1st book | 頭本
thausad | head louse | 頭蝨
thausefng | just now; a moment ago | 剛才; 頭先
thauseng'ee | in the front | 頭先的
thausiafm | to peep | 窺視
thausip | make a surprise attack, attack without warning | 偷襲
thausoef | comb hair | 頭梳
thausu | leads or clues; main clues; thread; clue to a matter; leads; clues; the point at which to make a start | 頭緒; 序言
thausuun | first ten days after death | 頭旬
thausve'ar | born fist of domestic fowl livestock | 頭生仔; 家禽家畜的頭胎仔
thausvef | give birth to a illegitimate child secretly | 偷生; 私生
thausvef`ee | illegitimate (child) | 私生的
thausvy | bar an illegitimate child | 偷生
thausvy`ee | illegitimate child | 偷生的
thautafng | 1st year | 頭冬
thautarmtaxm | head hanging down | 頭頕頕
thautefng'ui | 1st class | 頭等位
thautefngzhngf | 1st class | 頭等艙
thauterng | first class; the best quality; vertex | 頭頂; 頭等
thauterng`ee | the best; on vertex | 頭等的
thauthaai | slaughter secretly | 私宰
thauthai'ar | 1st born | 頭篩仔
thauthauar | secretly | 偷偷仔
thauthaw momof | stealthily; surreptitiously; do something secretly | 偷偷摸摸
thauthaw | secretly, in secret, by stealth | 偷偷
thauthaxm | spy on | 偷探; 窺探
thauthay | first pregnancy, first child | 頭胎
thauthef | first born child | 頭胎
thautheh | steal; rip out; pilfer | 偷竊; 偷提; 偷拿
thautheqkhix`aq | stole | 偷提去矣
thautheqliawliao | stole completely | 偷提了了
thauthuix | secretly put a bad article or inferior person in place of a good one | 偷換
thauthviaf | listen secretly; overhear; eavesdrop | 偷聽
thauthviax | headache; cephalgia | 頭痛; 頭疼
thautien | use electricity without paying for it | 偷電
thautin | the first battle; the beginning of anything; vanguard | 頭陣; 先鋒
thautngfkheq | marriage custom; bride's formal visit to her parents for the first time after getting married and leaving home | 新歸寧
thauto | stow away; stowaway; to steal into another country by hiding oneself aboard a train; ship; airplane | 偷渡
thautoxciar | stowaway | 偷渡者
thautoxhoan | smuggler | 偷渡犯
thautoxkheq | smuggler | 偷渡客
thautuix | 1st pair | 頭對
thautvoa | the first paragraph or section (in an essay); the first division | 頭段
thautw'ar | a moment ago, just before | 偷偷仔; 頭拄仔; 剛剛
thautwar | just a minute ago | 頭抵仔; 剛才
thautøex | follow secretly, shadow | 偷隨; 偷綴; 偷跟在後面
thauvoa | change secretly | 偷換
thaux khaq-pøh | to dilute | 沖淡一點
thaux | go through; pass through; communicate with | 通; 透
thaux-tiongtaux | high noon | 透中晝
thaux`jibkhix | road; passage leading right in or right through; penetrate or pierce | 透進去
thaux`køex | through, by means of, to penetrate, to permeate | 透過
thauxhii | poison fish; to poison or drug fish in order to catch them | 毒魚; 毒殺魚
thauxkao | set out poison for a dog | 毒狗
thauxlaang | poison people | 毒人
thauxsie | kill by poison | 毒死
thauxsylaang | kill a person by poison | 毒死人
thauzaan | in the front | 頭前
thauzafng | hair; the queue | 頭鬃; 頭髮
thauzam | first stage in a journey; the first railway station or bus stop | 頭站
thauzang'ar | hair | 頭鬃仔
thauzangbea | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾
thauzangboea | end of queue; pigtail | 頭鬃尾; 辮子
thauzangboefar | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾仔
thauzangkho'ar | head hoop | 頭鬃箍仔
thauzangkoex | head mane bun | 頭鬃髻
thauzangtiaxm | barber shop | 頭鬃店
thauzao | shirk; run away secretly; to escape | 偷跑; 偷走; 溜走
thauzaq | carry things furtively | 偷帶
thauzarng | bun | 頭摠
thauzawzw | play hooky | 偷走書
thauzeazor | worship ancenter | 頭祭祖
thauzeeng | ahead; front; previous; in front | 前面; 頭前; 前頭
thauzengkhie | front teeth | 頭前齒
thauzengmngg | front door or gate | 頭前門
thauzengpaai | front row | 頭前排
thauzengthafng | front window | 頭前窗
thauzengtviaa | front yard | 頭前埕
thauzhae | first prize in a lottery; omen | 彩頭; 預兆
thauzhaxng | conceal and hide (stolen or contraband goods) | 偷藏; 匿藏
thauzhoa søea'ii | keep a concubine without the wife's knowledge | 偷娶小老婆
thauzhoa | run off with (another's wife; young girl); kidnap | 誘拐; 綁票
thauzhoa`khix | abduct, kidnap | 偷娶去; 偷𤆬去; 拐走
thauzhud | 1st show | 頭齣
thauzhuix | mouths in a family | 家眷
thauzhuxn | cash; money | 頭寸
thauzhøea | brains; brain tissue | 腦髓
thauzoa | 1st time | 頭趟
thauzoex | do it in secret | 偷作
thauzuie | first crop, first fruits, first harvest | 頭水; 第一次收穫
thauzvaai | front | 頭前
thauzvae | 1st finger | 頭指
thaw ciah | eat secretly - having an affair | 偷食
thaw khvoax | peeping; cheat | 偷看
thaw ny | bureaucrats shield each other | 偷拈
thaw thviaf | eavesdrop | 偷聽
thaw | steal; pilfer; filch; secretly; stealthily | 偷
thaw`khix | stolen | 偷去
thaw`laang | cheat me, cheat a person | 偷人; 騙人
thawkad | untie a knot | 解結
thawkhuix | ventilation; take a breath; ventilate | 透氣; 敨氣
thawkhuy | unloose; untie; open out | 解開; 敨開
thawpak | untie | 敨縛
thawpaxng | free; liberate; liberation; disengage | 解放; 敨放
thawthoad | liberate; escape | 解脫
thax | to open out; to expand; move to and fro (with hand; foot; stick; etc.); fiddle with; stir up; to poke; stir; push about with a long pole | 挓; 撥; 撥弄; 頂; 托
thaxm laang ee oexix | find out a man's meaning by apparently desultory talk | 探人的話意
thaxm | to try; to test; to find; to search; locate; to prospect; to feel (in a pocket or bag); to watch; to spy; spy; detective; investigate; secret agent; to try; to venture; tempt; to stick out; explore; to visit; inquire about | 探
thaxm`zhutkhix | awning or porch projects over a street | 探出去
thaxmthui | be deeply in debt, owe heavily | 重債; 欠大債
thaxmtor | become crooked; (a wall; bottom of an old chair) somewhat concave; made so intentionally or become so through long use | 腰垂; 窞肚; 中間下墜; 中凹
thaxmtør | to sag; become crooked; (a wall; bottom of an old chair) somewhat concave | 腰垂; 中凹
thaxn kati ciah | earn just enough for one's own food; having nothing to spare for any one else | 賺自己吃
thaxn laang ee viu | follow a man's example | 學人的樣子
thaxn siaolieen | while yet young | 趁年輕
thaxn siøf | serve while hot | 趁燒
thaxn toaxcvii | making large gains | 趁大錢; 發大財
thaxn uii koafn cie | the most magnificent sight of all; an unrivaled sight; a sight never to be forgotten | 歎為觀止
thaxn y bøextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for his strength or ability | 趁伊未倒; 賺無了; 幹不了
thaxn y ee zhuix | follow implicitly what he says | 照他的意思
thaxn | obey (command, rule), follow (example), take advantage of (opportunity, time) | 趁; 碳; 賺
thaxn-bøo ciah | not making a living; not making ends meet | 趁沒食; 無法謀生
thaxn-bøo ho | take advantage of a lull in the rain to do something | 趁沒有下雨
thaxn-citmar | at the present moment | 趁現在
thaxn-sukhiaf | private savings of a married person | 賺私房錢
thaxn-uxeeng | avail oneself of the leisure time | 趁有空
thaxn-zhuieciah | earn just enough for one's own food but having nothing to spare for any one else | 趁嘴口; 賺嘴食; 糊口
thaxng | go through; pass through; communicate with | 通; 迵; 通風; 透
thaxng`jibkhix | road; passage leading right in or right through; penetrate or pierce | 透進去
thay mixhurn | sift or screen flour | 篩麵粉
thay | moss; lichen | 苔; 胎; 篩
thay`køex | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
thaykø'ee | leper | 痲瘋病患, 患癩病者
thaykøf pvixvi | leprosarium; skin clinic; Hansen's disease hospital | 癩膏病院; 痲瘋院
thaykøf | mange; leprosy; dirty | 癩哥; 癩𰣻; 骯髒
thaykøf-pvixvi | lepel hospital | 癩膏病院; 癩𰣻醫院; 痲瘋醫院; 痲瘋病
thaykøf`ee | leper | 癩膏的; 痲瘋病患
thaykøkuie | literally; a leprous devil; filthy; dirty; nauseous; nasty; indecent | 骯髒鬼
thaykønoaxløo | filthy | 癩哥爛癆
thaykøpve | dirty disease- virus | 癩哥病
thaykøpvi | leprosy; Hansen's disease | 痲瘋病; 癩病
thaythør | how... ever...; how can ? | 豈有; 豈可; 那有?
the | sea blubber, jelly fish, medusa, used as a cooling food | 䖳
the'arnjiin | one who makes a motion or proposal | 提案人
the'axn | a motion; a proposal; bill | 提案
the'iaux | a summary | 提要
the'ie | lounge; deck chair | 撐椅; 躺椅
thea | body; the body; the trunk; limbs; shape; form; entity; unit; style; fashion; system; substance; essence; embody; represent in; have sympathy with; to partition | 體
thea'au | go backwards | 退後
thea'iog | reject the agreement | 退約
thea'ui | abdicate | 退位
thea'urn | retire from business; go into retirement | 退隱
theachiuo | substitute | 替手
theachyn | break off a betrothal; break off a marital engagement | 退親
theaciuo | alcohol sober | 退酒
theagvofkym | compensation after discharge from military | 退伍金
theagvofpefng | discharged soldier; veterans | 退伍兵
theagvofzexng | Discharge Papers (military) | 退伍證
theagvor kunjiin | retired soldier; discharged serviceman; ex-soldier; veterans | 退伍軍人
theagvor | be discharged from military service | 退伍
theahak | drop out of school | 退學
theahea | annealing | 退火
theaheeng | retrun | 退還
theahiuau | after retire | 退休後
theahiw | retire from public life | 引退
theahoax | degenerate | 退化
theahoea | anneal | 退火
theahoee | return | 退回
theahoex | return merchandise | 退貨
theahoong | detumescence; subsidence of swelling | 退腫
theahwn | break off an engagement | 退婚
theajiedzef | anti-fever medication, an antiferile | 退熱劑, 退燒的藥
theajiet | one's fever falls | 熱退; 退燒
theakhoarn | to return (an original payment or part of it) | 退款
theakhuy | step aside | 退開
theakhuy`khix | step aside | 退開去
theakied | conclude (treaties; agreements) | 締結
theakor | withdraw one's shares from a company | 退股
theakwn | retreat | 退軍
theakør | rejection | 退稿
thealaang | for; substitute | 替人
thealaau | ebb tide | 退潮
thealangsie | die for others | 替人死
thealiet | fever came down | 退熱
thealo | the path of retreat | 退路
theaniu | yield | 退讓
theapefng | withdraw troops; repel enemy troops | 退兵
theaphiøx | to refund; return the ticket and get the money back; (of checks) to be dishonored; to bounce | 退票
theapi samsiax | literally to retreat ninety li ─ to retreat as far as possible in the face of a strong adversary or contestant | 退避三舍
theapi | retire and hide; keep one's distance | 退避
theapo | regress; retrogress; to fall backwards; suffer a relapse | 退步
theapuq | plaster; adhesive tape | 膠布
theapvy`ar | to step aside | 退邊仔
theapør | return a bond; cease to be a guarantor; cancel an insurance policy | 退保
theaseg | color fade | 褪色; 無變色
theasek | withdraw (from the presence of others); retire from a banquet before it is finished; to walk out (of a meeting in protest) | 退席
theaserng | retire and consider one's position; to pause for reflection or self-examination; retreat (Catholic) | 退省; 避靜
theasex | tax refund | 退稅
theasii | fruit) goes out of season; lose one's wealth or influence | 退時; 無合時
theasiuo | to fall back upon; retreat (to a city; position) and defend it | 退守
theasiøf | reduce or relieve a fever | 退燒
theasoex | tax rebate | 退稅
theasurn | mortise joint; opens out | 退榫; 榫頭鬆了
theasykuie | scapegoat | 替死鬼 (代人受罪者)
theasyn | double; understudy a substitute; sacrifice oneself in place of a person | 替身
theasøex | tax rebate | 退稅
theataang | the spirit leaving the magician or sorcerer when the ecstasy or afflatus is over | 退乩
theateeng | retire from the courtroom | 退庭
theatek | repel the enemy | 退敵
theathex | retreat | 退退
theatiaau | ebb tide | 退潮
theatiau | send it back; refuse (to receive); return; reject; cancel (a reservation) | 退掉
theatngg | leave the tribunal | 退堂
theato | shaved | 剃度
theatoxzefng | shaman | 剃度僧
theatvia | retire | 退定
theatviuu | to leave the stage or hall; go away from; walk out of; make one's exit | 退場
theavoa | by turns; to change off doing work or holding office in succession | 替換
theaxn | motion, proposal | 提案
theazao | to retreat; withdraw; flee | 退走
theazhud | quit | 退出
theaøh | discontinue schooling | 退學
thebexkhix | excuses of no avail, unable to get out of, unable to shirk, unable to decline (an invitation) | 推不掉
thebun | ask questions | 提問
thebøexkhix | excuses of no avail; unable to get out of; unable to shirk; unable to decline (an invitation) | 推無掉
thechiaux | cry and laugh | 啼笑
thechiaux-kaihuy | neither to cry nor to laugh | 啼笑皆非
thechiorngciar | advocate | 提倡者
thechioxng | to promote; to advocate; to recommend; propose; take the lead in urging forward a matter | 提倡
thechvie | remind; awoke; to call attention to | 提醒
thechyn | match making; talk about the marriage of a young man or woman | 提親
thecieen | in advance ahead of schedule | 提前
thee | take up with the hand; carry or take in the hand (a small object) | 拿; 提
theeng cidkheg | wait a moment | 停一刻
theeng | stop; submit; present; or hand in (to a superior); to show (a manifest; expose); a petition or appeal; boat | 停; 呈; 艇
theeng-khapo | stop walking | 停腳步; 止步
theeng`cide | wait a second | 停一下
theerng'thengtheeng | extremely straight | 挺挺挺
thef | recline or lean on a couch or chair; lean against; push (a boat) along with a pole | 靠; 撐; 躺; 推; 胎
thef`nih | inside of placenta | 胎內
thefbien | honor; dignity; face | 體面; 面子
thefbin | have a sense of honor | 體面
thefcid | constitution (of the body) | 體質
thefge | divert oneself | 體藝; 消遣性的
thefgiam | to experience | 體驗
thefgiaxmciar | experiencer | 體驗者
thefgiaxmtiøh | experienced | 體驗著
thefgvo | comprehend | 體悟
thefhe | system; hierarchy | 體系
thefheeng | body shape | 體形
thefhien | to materialize | 體現
thefhoat | corporal punishment | 體法; 體罰
thefhoe | to understand through something beyond the intellect; realize | 體會
thefhoextiøh | experience | 體會著
thefhoong | to guard against, to take precaution against, to watch | 提防
thefhvoa | the bank of a river | 堤岸
thefiogkhøx | physical education | 體育課
thefiogkoarn | stadium | 體育館
thefiogtviuu | stadium | 體育場
thefiok | gymnastics, athletics, physical education | 體育
thefiok-koarn | a gymnasium | 體育館
thefiok-tviuu | astadium, an athletic field | 體育場
thefjin | to perceive intuitively; realize | 體認
thefjiok | weak | 體法; 體弱
thefkeq | build; constitution; physique; frame | 體格
thefkiarm | physical exam | 體檢
thefkoaan | physical height of a person | 體高
thefkøf | physical height of a person | 體高
thefladputcy | lack of energy | 體力無支
theflai | inside body | 體內
theflat | stamina; muscle; physical strength | 體力
thefle | general form of a writing | 體例
thefleeng | physical agility; stamina | 體能
theflek | physical strength; stamina | 體力
thefliam | be understanding; make allowances for; be sympathetic toward | 體念
thefliong | to be understanding or sympathetic toward; to be considerate of; allow for; be tolerant of; forgive; to excuse | 體諒
thefng kii zuxjieen | let it take its own course | 聽其自然
thefng | hear; listen to (with the determined purpose or intention of hearing); obey; understand; comply with; submit | 聽; 烴
thefng'ix | pigheaded | 逞意
thefngcioxng | audience | 聽眾
thefngcixn | to breast, to thrust forward, to advance into | 挺進
thefnghai | spoil (a child) | 寵壞
thefnghefng | to thrust forward the chest | 坦胸; 挺胸
thefnghiofng | rage, be rampant | 猖獗; 逞兇; 憤怒
thefngkhie | to thrust forward, to leave | 挺起
thefngkioong | act in an overbearing manner | 挺強; 逞強
thefngkoaan | stand up for power | 挺權
thefngkvoaai | be proud and insolent | 挺官; 逞高
thefnglip | to stand stiff, to stand straight | 挺立
thefngpøx | report to | 呈報
thefngseng | indulge and spoil (a child); let an inferior have too much of his own way | 寵倖; 放縱; 寵溺
thefngsexng | quite victorious | 挺勝
thefngsyn | throw oneself into the breach | 挺身
thefngtit | straight, upright | 挺直
thefpax | a dam, an embankment | 堤壩
thefsud | considerate; consideration; allow for | 體恤; 撫恤
theftang | body weight | 體重
thefthaix | manner; gesture; outward form; exterior look; deportment or carriage (of a woman) | 體態
thefthiab | thoughtfulness; considerate; have sympathy with; show appreciation of; to act in conformity with; show solicitude or consideration for | 體貼
thefthiab-sym | show appreciation of | 體貼心
thefthofng'aq | system | 體統啊
thefthorng | bodily appearance; deportment; or general character; general form or state of an affair | 體統
thefui | physique; position; posture | 體位
thefunciafm | clinical thermometer | 體溫計
thefunkex | clinical thermometer | 體溫計
thefunpiør | temperature chart (medical) | 體溫表
thefuyhoe | sports committee | 體委會
thefwn | body temperature | 體溫
thefzaai | body | 體材
thefzeg | bulk; cubage; volume; solidity; volume (of a solid); cubic contents of | 體積
thefzex | system; system of rules | 體制
thefzhaai | form or style (of literature); format; outward appearance of men or things | 體裁
thefzhad | examine or investigate with intensive personal attention; be understanding of or sympathetic toward | 體察
thefzhaw | exercise; gymnastic; calisthenics; physical exercises | 體操
theg | animal; to rear or raise (livestock) | 畜; 剔
thegi | propose or move a resolution | 動議; 提議
theh ho | take to; bring to | 拿給
theh | hold in the hand; to grasp; take; arrest | 拿; 提
theh-bøe tyntang | cannot lift it | 提無動
theh-bøexkhix | unable to carry (from want of strength or because things too many) | 拿無了
theh-bøextiaau | unable to retain (hold) | 拿無住
theh`khix | take, take away | 拿去; 拿走
theh`khylaai | lift up (a small object) | 拿起來
theh`laai | bring; fetch; take | 拿來
theh`tngflaai | to demand back; bring back | 拿回來
theh`zhutkhix | take out; Take it out! | 拿出去
thehiern | to present | 提獻; 提顯
thehonghvoa | embankment | 堤防岸
thehonghvoaxterng | top of the embankment | 堤防岸頂
thehoong | bank; dike | 堤防; 提防
thehtheq | completely (naked) | 體體; 裼裼; 赤裸裸
thehvoa | the bank of a river | 堤岸
thehøex | to take delivery of goods | 堤貨; 提貨
theie | lounge chair | 䖙椅
thek | a load | 佗
thekaux | to mention, to refer to | 提到
thekaw | to deliver, to hand over | 提交
thekbaq | cut flesh from bones | 提肉; 剔肉
thekbeng | imperial decree | 提命; 命令
thekhaf | raise a foot | 提腳
thekhie | lift up; lift; mention | 提起
thekhiim | violin; cello | 提琴
thekhimchiuo | a violinist | 提琴手
thekhoafnky | ATM | 提款機
thekhoarn | draw money from a bank | 提款
thekhuy | shove; push; refuse with excuses and polite words that sound good but generally more or less false; withdraw with excuses; put aside | 推開; 推辭掉
thekiofng | provide | 提供
thekiorng | afford; offer; offering; supply; provide; accommodation; to offer for acceptance or rejection; to offer (proposals; opinions); to sponsor (a TV or radio program) | 提供
thekioxng | to provide, to supply, to offer | 提供
thekip | to mention, to speak of | 提及
thekma | rebuke, scold | 提罵; 斥罵; 剔罵
thekoaan | to raise, to elevate, to lift up | 提高; 提懸
thekoex | mentioned | 提過
thekofng | an outline | 提綱
theksvef | domestic animal; term of abuse: You brute! Beast! | 畜生
theksvy | domestic animal; term of abuse: You brute! Beast! | 畜生; 畜牲
thektuu | remove | 剔除
thekzeg | to rate, to blame, to reproach | 嚇責; 斥責
thekøf | advance; boost; enhance; upgrade; to lift; to raise (prices); heighten; to raise to a higher position | 提高
thekøx | sue | 提告
thelaai thekhix | refuse to accept a present; assignment by pushing it back and forth | 推來推去
thelaai | mention | 提來
thelien | refining; distill; extract; abstract | 提煉
themiaa soafnkuo | nominate for election | 提名選舉
themiaa | nominate; nomination; nominate | 提名
themng | ask questions | 提問
themngg | the hair on an infant before its first haircut (one month after birth) | 胎毛
thenaa | a basket | 提籃
theng'ar | shortly | 停仔; 停一會兒; 無久; 等一會兒
theng'iet | hand in for inspection; submit (to a superior or higher agency) for perusal | 呈閱
theng'iong | deactivate | 停用
theng'oan | defer; put off | 停緩
theng'øh | stop learning | 停學
thengbea | stop a horse | 停馬
thengbuun | official letter to a higher agency (from a lower agency or from the people); petition; appeal | 呈文
thengchiaf | park; pull up a car; parking; stop a vehicle; park a carbelay; breakup; cease; desist; discontinue; cease; to stop | 停車
thengchiaf-tviuu | parking area, parking lot | 停車場
thengchiaf-zam | bus stop | 停車站
thengchiahuix | parking fee | 停車費
thengchiatviuu | parking lot | 停車場
thengchiaui | parking space | 停車位
thengchiuo | stop working; writing; fighting | 停手; 住手
thengcid | suspension from office (duty); be suspended from one's office | 停職
thengcie kunsu hengtong | cease military operations | 停止軍事行動
thengcie paxnkofng | suspend public business on an occasion of celebration | 停止辦公
thengcie | balk; baulk; cease; to stop; belay; breakup; cease; desist; discontinue; cease; to stop | 停止
thengcie-putcieen | stagnant | 停止無前
thengciexn hiabteng | truce; armistice | 停戰協定
thengciexn | armistice; suspension of hostilities; cease fire | 停戰
thengcioxng | hard of hearing, hearing impaired | 聽障
thengcy | suspend payments | 停支
thenggiap | give up a business | 停業
thenghak | to drop out of school temporarily (for a year or more) | 停學
thenghea | cease fire | 停火
thenghefng | throw out one's chest | 挺胸
thenghien | to appear, to present, to show | 停現
thenghiexn | to present (to a superior) | 呈獻
thenghiøq | stop work, rest | 停歇
thenghoe | suspend a meeting | 停會
thenghoea | Cease fire! | 停火
thenghong | stop; suspend the salary of an employee | 停俸
thenghuun | fly | 騰雲
thenghuun-karbu | mount the clouds; as gods do | 騰雲駕霧
thenghux | refuse advances; suspend payment | 停付
thengkafng | stop work for a time | 停工
thengkhaf | rest for a short time | 歇腳; 停跤; 停腳
thengkhafn | suspend publication temporarily | 停刊
thengkhie | rise (mist, etc.) | 停起; 騰起
thengkhofng | to fly in the sky; soar; mount up high in the sky | 騰空
thengkhuix | hold one's breath | 停氣; 停止呼吸
thengkhuxn | recess; repose; rest; relaxation; take a break; to pause for a short time | 停睏; 休息
thengkhøx | suspend classes; have a holiday | 停課
thengkiao | to submit, to hand in | 呈繳
thengkiu | coffin containing a corpse awaiting interment; keep a coffin unburied | 停柩
thengkiø | stop the sedan | 停轎
thengkoaan | stop the power | 停權
thengkoafn | keep a coffin unburied; waiting till an auspicious site or day be found | 停棺
thengkud | thigh bone | 股骨; 大腿骨
thenglek | hearing; audition; ear | 聽力
thengliuu | stay; lay over; make a stop; to stop (at a certain stage); to delay | 停留
thenglui-hoarhabbut | hydrocarbons (chemistry) | 停留化合物; 烴類化合物; 碳氫化合物
thengløqlaai | stop here | 停落來
thengpan | suspend (business or school); suspend handling something | 停辦
thengparn | suspend publication | 停版
thengpid | stop writing | 停筆
thengpo | stop | 停步
thengpok | berth; moor; cast anchor; in port | 停泊
thengpox | close down | 停播
thengpurn | tenor; transcript; copy; official copy of a document | 謄本
thengpøx | to (submit a) report | 呈報
thengsaxng | to send up, to submit to | 呈送
thengseg | process; program; formula; standard form or pattern; standard procedures | 程式
thengsiafparn | duplicator, silk screen duplicator | 謄寫板; 油印機
thengsinkefng | auditory nerve | 聽神經
thengsiong | submit | 呈上
thengsoaq | stop, cease | 停煞
thengsu | sequence; procedure; process; program; order | 程序
thengsurn | stop loss | 停損
thengsyn jii zhud | thrust oneself out to face a challenge | 挺身而出
thengsyn | stop or suspend payment to an employee; stop payment of salary | 停薪; 挺身
thengtheeng | straighten | 挺挺
thengthiefn iubeng | We can only submit to the decree of Heaven | 聽天由命]
thengthix | deadlock; rust; slacken; stagnate; stand | 停滯
thengtien | power failure; blackout; cut off the power supply | 停電
thengtit | straighten | 挺直
thengtiøh | heard | 聽著
thengto | degree; tune; grade; extent; stage; state; condition; standard; required qualification; attainments | 程度
thengtuxn | caesura; paralysis; standstill; to pause; to stop; wait a while; setback; stagnation; deadlock | 停頓
thengtviax | lie at anchor while calling a at port | 停碇
thengzaux | performance | 呈奏
thengzherng | it is requested that...; apply for an appointment or position (a phrase used in official communication to a higher agency to introduce a request); petition | 呈請
thengzuie | out of water | 停水
thengzun'afhuix | ship parking fee | 停船仔費
theniar | pick up | 提領
thepaw | a handbag | 提包
thepax | a dam | 堤壩
thepoad | to promote, to advance | 提拔
thepoaq | referral | 提撥
thepoat | exalt; elevate; to raise up; promote; assist a man to get employment | 提拔
thepvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thepøx | report | 提報
theq | clear (water); thorough; naked; bare | 澈; 裸; 禿
theqhør | carry well | 提好
theqkhylaai | lift it up | 提起來
theqkoaan | lift it up | 提懸
theqkoex | carried | 提過
theqlaai | fetch; take; bring (a small article) in the hand | 拿來
theqløqlaai | bring it down | 提落來
theqmxtiøh | got the wrong one | 提毋著
theqphoeaoaan | home delivery staff | 宅配員
theqphoeciao | mailbird | 提批鳥
theqphøef | mailperson | 提批
theqphøef`ee | mailman; postman | 提批的; 郵差
theqtheqløqlaai | bring them down | 提提落來
theqtiau | remove | 提掉
theqtiøh | carried | 提著
theqtngflaai | carry them back | 提轉來
theqtvia | engage; to get engaged to someone | 訂婚
theqtørtngr | to demand back; bring back (a small thing) | 提倒返; 拿回
thequ | got it | 提有
theqzao | took away | 提走
theqzhud | raise (a question; opinion etc); to table; put forth | 提出
theqzhutlaai | show | 提出來
therng | long; narrow boat | 艇; 逞; 放任; 逞強
therng'iøf | to support, to back up | 挺腰; 撐腰; 支持
thernghau | to wait for | 等候; 聽候; 等待
thernghør | listen | 聽好
therngkhvoax | allow one to look | 提看; 可以看
therngthai | wait for | 等待
therngzu | to prop up | 提住; 撐住
thesag | push | 推捒
thesefng | exaltation; exalt; lift; promote; upgrade; to advance | 提升
thesi | indicate; presentation of new ideas as related to what a pupil already knows; to hint; to prompt; give a cue; bring forward and explain | 提示
thesiax | decline an invitation or offer | 推卸
thesii | to declin; to reject; refuse; excuse one's self (often falsely) from doing something | 推辭
thesiin | be cautious or vigilant; to watch out; arouse; stimulate; elate; stimulate one's energies | 提神
thesirm | to bring before the court, to bring up the case for trial | 提審
thesvathoksix | push away with reason | 推三託四
thesym tiaotvar | be scared; cautious and anxious; jittery; wary | 提心吊膽
thetafng-thesay | refuse with excuse | 推東推西
thetefng iuheeng | torch light procession | 提燈遊行
thetefng | torch light | 提燈
thethaau | initiator; sponsor | 提頭; 發起人
thetharng | a tail, a bucket | 提桶
thetiøh | mentioned | 提著
theto | To punt a boat | 撐渡
thetog | provincial commander-in-chief; general or admiral | 提督
thetvoaf | a bill of lading | 提單
thetø | causeway | 堤道
thex laang siogzoe | atone for the sins of mankind | 替人贖罪
thex | to shave | 剃; 刮
thexng | to let; to comply with; submit; listen to a verdict | 聽
thezar | make a move early; to move up the time to an earlier hour or date; ahead of schedule | 提早
thezeeng | in advance | 提前
thezhud | to propose; to raise; to put forward | 提出
thezhux | echelon | 梯次
thezhvea | remind; arouse | 提醒
thezuie | the water within the membrane capsule in which the fetus develops | 胎水
thezuun | punting | 撐船
thi | a pheasant; a unit of volume measure in ancient China | 雉
thiaam | quiet; still; peaceful; undisturbed | 恬
thiaau | a section; an article; in good order | 條
thiab haghuix | subsidize tuition fee | 補貼學費
thiab hoefsit | subsidize mess; food | 補貼伙食
thiab laang ciah | pay for one's board | 搭伙
thiab lie ee lixseg | to give some interest when borrowing from a friend | 貼你利息
thiab taxmpøh | give a small tip; make up a little deficiency | 貼淡薄; 貼一點
thiab | paste on; to stick up; attached; close to | 貼; 帖; 緊緊的
thiabhoex | stacking | 疊貨
thiabkhie | stacking | 疊起
thiabkoaan | stack; supraposition | 疊高
thiabløhaxn | stacking people | 疊羅漢
thiabseeng | stack | 疊成
thiabsit | neatly put up, compact | 堆實; 塞緊
thiabzhao | pile straw up into stacks | 堆草
thiabzngf | lay brick | 堆磚; 砌磚
thiabzoex | stack | 疊做
thiabzøx | stack | 疊做
thiafm hoeasiu | a wish for long life | 添壽
thiafm hoksiu | May you increase in happiness and longevity | 添福壽
thiafm iuhviw | money of sesame oil | 香油錢
thiafm | refill,add, increase | 添
thiafm'aq | tired | 忝矣
thiafmbi | flattery; blandish; adulate; bootlick; gloze | 諂媚
thiafmme | scold severely | 諂罵; 痛罵
thiafmmi | flatter, flattery | 諂媚
thiafmsie | tiresome | 忝死; 累死
thiafmsirmsixm | tiresome | 忝㽎㽎; 累㽎㽎
thiafmthaau | tired; be tired out; be exhausted | 忝頭; 疲倦; 吃力
thiafmthiafmthiarm | tiresome | 忝忝忝; 累累累
thiafmthiarm | tiresom | 忝忝; 累累
thiah'iøar | get medicine | 拆藥仔
thiah'iøh | buy medicine on prescription | 拆藥; 買藥
thiah'iøqar | get medicine | 拆藥仔
thiahbeeng | explain one's meaning clearly (by speaking more fully of what was merely alluded to) | 分析; 闡明; 說明
thiahchviuu | tear down a wall | 拆牆
thiahciah løqpag | tear or rip body to pieces to eat | 碎屍而吞食
thiahciaqjibpag | ear or rip body to pieces to eat | 拆食入腹
thiahciaqløqpag | ear or rip body to pieces to eat | 拆食落腹
thiahhah | break (down) | 拆拆; 破曉
thiahhai | to damage; destroy | 拆壞
thiahhofng | unpack | 拆封
thiahhuie | to demolish, to tear down, to destroy by tearing down | 拆壞; 拆毀
thiahji | dissect characters and recombine them for fortune telling | 拆字
thiahjidar | ask fortune teller to pick a good date | 拆日仔
thiahkhuy | to take apart; detach; to separate; to tear open (a wrapper or envelope); to part from each other | 拆開
thiahkor | dissolve a partnership | 拆股
thiahli | to tear apart | 拆離
thiahliao | torn down | 拆了
thiahliawliao | torn down completely | 拆了了
thiahlidar | ask fortune teller to pick a good date | 拆日仔
thiahlih | to tear (cloth or a garment) | 拆裂; 拆開
thiahløh | to unfix, to take down | 拆落
thiahpeh korng | speak plainly; the fact is.. | 坦白說
thiahpeh | frank | 坦白
thiahpeqkorng | frankly speaking | 拆白講
thiahphiøx | buy a ticket | 拆票; 買票
thiahphoarbin | face torn, negotiation broke | 拆破面
thiahphoax | rip; tear; break or destroy by tearing; tear into pieces; pull to pieces | 撕破; 拆破; 扯破
thiahphoef | to open a letter | 拆信
thiahphøef | open a letter | 拆信
thiahpurn | separate volumes of a book | 拆本; 分冊
thiahsag | tear up and throw away | 拆推; 撕掉
thiahsvoax oanviw | to separate lovers; break up a married couple | 拆散鴛鴦
thiahsvoax | to break up; split apart; to dismantle; separate (man and wife) forcibly or cruelly | 拆散
thiahthuie | split leg | 拆腿
thiahtiau | tear and throw away | 拆掉
thiahtng | tear, rend | 拆斷
thiahtuu | dismantle and get rid of; pull down (an old house) | 拆除
thiahtvoaf | to buy a ticket for a ship; train | 買票; 拆單
thiahzhoafn | to expose | 拆穿
thiahzhuix | tear to pieces | 拆碎
thiahzhux | pull down a house | 拆厝; 拆房子
thiahzun'afhoex | shipbreaking | 拆船仔貨
thiahzun'giap | shipbreaking industry | 拆船業
thiahzøx | split | 拆做
thiam | sip; to sink; submerge by throwing into the water | 沉; 填; 投沉
thiam'iuhviw | add oil fragrance- a type of donation made by Taiwanese who worship in temple | 添油香
thiam'iuu | add oil | 添油
thiamchiofng | to fill the blank | 添沖; 添充
thiamhog | add luck | 添福
thiamhoksiu | lunar leap month’s gift from married daughter | 添福壽
thiamhux | append (to a document) | 添副; 記入; 填上
thiamhøo | to fill up a stream | 添河
thiamjip | to fill in | 添入
thiamkaf | add on | 添加
thiamkaw | to fill up a ditch | 添溝
thiammoar | to stuff full | 添滿
thiampor | add an amendment, to make up a deficiency | 添補
thiampvii | to level off | 添平
thiamsiar | to fill letters in, to add in blanks (on a paper) | 添平; 添寫
thiamsiu | add to your longevity; live longer; May you have your allotted term of life lengthened by Heaven! | 添壽
thiamtefng hoatzaai | to increase in family and in wealth | 添丁發財
thiamtefng | have more son; beget a son; to have an increase in the number of sons or of male inhabitants | 添丁
thiamzaai | add fortune | 添財
thiamzeng | quiet and reserved | 添靜; 恬靜
thiamzngf | to add more gift to bride; wedding presents sent to the bride | 添粧; 添妝 (送新娘禮物)
thiamzux | add a note or notation, codicil, notation | 添註
thiao | slender; quite and modest; charming and attractive; beautiful | 窕
thiao'aan | done with dancing | 跳完
thiao'iok | leap | 跳躍
thiao'oarn | broad jump | 跳遠
thiaobuo | dance; dancing | 跳舞
thiaobwhoe | dancing party | 跳舞會
thiaobwphvoa | dancing partner | 跳舞伴
thiaochviuu | jump over a wall | 跳牆
thiaociafm | damaged record caused record player skipping notes | 跳針
thiaocvie | jump into a well | 跳井
thiaocviu | jump up on | 跳上
thiaohae | jump into the sea and drown oneself | 跳海
thiaohng | long jump | 跳遠
thiaohøo | jump into the river and drown oneself | 跳河
thiaoia | jump; leap; bound; happy | 輕鬆; 跳躍; 高興
thiaoiah | pass over one leaf of a book in reading | 跳頁
thiaoiau | jump; leap; bound; glad; happy; willing | 跳躍; 高興
thiaoiok | bounce; jump; to leap; to hope | 跳躍
thiaokakoafn | the person who wears lucky mask during festival | 跳加冠
thiaokarng | jump into a river | 跳港
thiaokaw | jump over a ditch | 跳溝
thiaokeh'ar | jump on squares | 跳格仔
thiaokho'ar | jump on squares | 跳箍仔
thiaokhuy | jump away | 跳開
thiaokib | be promoted two or more grades at once | 跳級
thiaokii | checkers | 跳棋
thiaokoaan | high jump | 跳高
thiaokoankoaan | jump high | 跳懸懸
thiaokoanthiaoke | jump up and down | 跳懸跳低
thiaokoex | jump over or across; skip | 跳過
thiaokøex | jump across | 跳過
thiaokøf pysaix | high jump contest | 跳高比賽
thiaokøf | high jump (sports) | 跳高
thiaolaai | jumped | 跳來
thiaolaan | hurdle race; the hurdles | 跳欄
thiaolaau zuxsad | jump to death from a building | 跳樓自殺
thiaolaau | jump from a building | 跳樓
thiaoløh | jump of | 跳落
thiaoløqlaai | jump of | 跳落來
thiaoløqlai'ee | jump of | 跳落來的
thiaonii | every other year | 跳年
thiaopafng | springboard | 跳板
thiaoparn | gangboard; springboard; a stepping stone; gangplank; diving board | 跳板
thiaophiexn | jump all over the place | 跳遍
thiaophiøx | bounce check | 跳票
thiaosvoax | to parachute; parachute | 跳傘
thiaosøh'ar | jump rope | 跳索仔
thiaosøq | skip a rope | 跳索; 跳繩
thiaotaang | leap about or gesticulate violently under the afflatus | 跳乩; 跳童; 跳神
thiaothad | ump and kick | 跳踢
thiaothiaothiaux | jump | 跳跳跳
thiaothiaux | in a lively or skipping manner | 跳跳
thiaothoad | escape | 跳脫
thiaotiøh | jump | 跳著
thiaotong | to pulsate; to throb; to throb; pulsate; to beat (e.g.; the heart; pulse) | 跳動
thiaozao | give a leap in order to escape | 跳走
thiaozhud | jump out; leap out | 跳出
thiaozoa | skip a line | 跳行; 跳逝
thiaozuie piawiern | diving exhibition | 跳水表演
thiaozuie | to dive; to jump into the water; drown oneself | 跳水
thiaozuie-zuxsad | drown oneself | 投水自殺
thiaozvea | drown oneself in a well | 跳井
thiaozøo | to abandon one occupation; get a new job | 跳槽
thiap zng'ar | lay bricks | 疊磚仔
thiap | to pile up; to fold up; pile up bricks | 疊; 堆疊
thiap'ar | invitation; card; notepaper | 帖仔; 請帖
thiap'hien phiørkix | discount on checks | 貼現票據
thiap'hien | bank discount | 貼現
thiap'hiexnlut | discount rate | 貼現率
thiap-zørhøea | to overlap, pile up together | 疊做伙
thiap`khylaai | pile up; books; bricks | 疊起來
thiapchied | proper; appropriate; suitable; close-fitting | 貼切
thiapciah | pay board (to a family or a restaurant) on a monthly basis | 搭伙
thiapcvii | give monetary assistance; to pay out of one's own pocket ─ especially when one is not required to; as in performing an official duty; replace goods by additional cost | 貼錢
thiapkin | get closer | 貼近
thiaplangciah | pay someone to cook for you | 貼人食
thiappor | to make up a deficiency; to help financially; supplement; to help with money; subsidize | 貼補
thiappurn | lose money in business | 貼本; 虧本
thiaq hoeflo | clear a fire trail; tear down structures adjacent to a fire to prevent the fire's spread | 折火路
thiaq hongtiaau | break an embargo; break a sealing tape | 拆封條
thiaq iøqar | buy medicines according to prescription | 抓藥
thiaq jixsox | tell fortunes by analyzing written characters | 拆字算命
thiaq | break open; rip open; tear down; dismantle; analyze; scrutinize | 拆; 撕
thiaq-hietkak | tear up and throw away | 拆丟掉; 撕掉
thiaq-hunli | separate | 拆分離; 拆離
thiaq-jixsox | explain the meaning of a character, tell fortune from one's name | 拆字數; 占卜
thiarm | very tired; avail oneself of; very severe (disease; beating); very thoroughly cooked; get tired; grow weary; be tired out; be exhausted | 殄; 忝; 疲倦; 過分; 累; 趁
thiau | post; columns; columniation; pillar; to support | 柱
thiau'aq | green-winged teal | 柱仔; 小水鴨
thiau'ar | pimple on the face | 痘仔; 𤶃仔; 面皰
thiau'iekox | on purpose | 刁意故
thiau'ix | on purpose | 挑意
thiauafcie | pimple on the face; blackhead; acne | 青春痘; 面皰
thiauafkhaf | campaign supporters | 柱仔跤
thiauaflai | inside the column- campaign circle | 祧仔內
thiauar jiaq | an acne spot | 面皰跡
thiauar | pimple on the face; blackhead; acne | 面皰; 青春痘
thiaubaan | obstinate | 挑蠻; 刁難
thiauciernciar | challenger | 挑戰者
thiauciernsw | written challenge | 挑戰書
thiauciexn heng'uii | provocative actions | 挑戰行為
thiauciexn | challenge; defiance; defiant; to challenge to battle; provoke a fight | 挑戰
thiauciexn-ciar | a challenger | 挑戰者
thiauciexn-sw | a letter of challenge | 挑戰書
thiauhix | challenge | 挑戲
thiauhw | a carrier, a porter | 挑夫
thiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 刁工來; 專程來
thiaukafng | set purpose; intentionally | 刁工; 故意
thiaukerng | special select | 挑揀
thiaukhie | to provoke, to stir up | 挑起
thiaukhuy | to clear out, to brush aside | 挑開
thiaukoftorng | on purpose | 刁古董
thiaukorix | intentionally, purposely, on purpose | 刁故意
thiaulaan | deliberately; create difficulties; make things difficult for others | 刁難; 為難
thiaulang | on purpose | 挑俍
thiaupoad | to provoke; to cause disputes; to arouse | 挑撥
thiaupoaq lixkafn | stir up ill-will or bad feelings; sow discord | 挑撥離間
thiaupoaq | provoke or arouse (ill-will); cause disputes; sow discord | 挑撥
thiausexng | a supernatural quality | 挑性; 超自然的品質
thiausoarn | picking; select; make a choice; select | 挑選
thiausøf | to stir up trouble | 挑唆
thiautii | on purpose; purposely; intentionally; deliberately | 刁除; 刁持; 故意
thiaux pheng koaan | try who can jump highest | 比跳高
thiaux søh'ar | rope skipping | 跳索仔
thiaux | sell grain | 糶; 跳; (賣五穀)
thiaux`khylaai | to jump up; begin to jump or dance | 跳起來
thiaux`køex | jump over | 跳過
thiauxciøh | base of a pillar, plinth | 跳石; 柱石
thiauxpeeng | pilaster, half-pillar | 柱半; 捱壁柱
thiauxsyn | column | 柱身
thiauxtao | ornamental top of a pillar, capital | 柱罩; 柱頭斗栱
thiauxterng | top of a pillar | 柱頂
thiauxvii | pillars and beams | 柱圓; 柱子
thiauzuie | to carry water | 挑水
thiaw | low cunning; crafty; wicked; knavish; make things difficult for others | 刁; 挑
thiawbong | overlook; survey; view | 眺望
thiawoarn | far; farway; remote; outland | 遙遠
thiaxm | calm | 恬; 甜
thiaxmcvii | chip in money | 填錢
thiaxmhae | to fill up the sea | 填海
thiaxmløqhae | throw into the sea | 投入海
thiaxmpurn | pull more capital in | 填本
thiaxmsie | drown to death | 填死; 溺死
thichiøx busioong | hysteria | 啼笑無常
thichiøx kaihuy | between tears and laughter; unable to cry or laugh | 啼笑皆非
thichvie | awaken notice, bring to the attention | 啼醒; 提醒
thid | to sport with in a lascivious way; engage in lascivious conduct with | 玩
thie | four ethical principles; i.e.; le; gi; liam; thi | 恥; (禮, 義, 廉, 恥)
thie`khuy | open | 褫開
thied | iron; used as a symbol of strength; firmness firm; decided; cruel; merciless; unfeeling | 鐵; 撤
thieen | fill up; make up a deficiency; to fill up with earth; mud; sand; rubbish | 填
thiefn buu zoat jiin cy lo | God will not close all doors. Heaven will always leave a door open | 天無絕人之路
thiefn cioong jingoan | Heaven fulfils men's desires | 天從人願
thiefn kaxng kamlo | Heaven sends down sweet dew ─ blessing from heaven; good fortune; peace and prosperity | 天降甘露
thiefn zo zuxzoxciar | God helps those who help themselves | 天助自助者
thiefn | sky; heaven; air; nature; God; where God or the gods live; natural (as opposed to artificial); day | 天
thiefnkhuikhuy | unfold | 展開開
thiefnkhuy | unwind; unfold; open up; spread or open out | 展開
thiefnsit | spread the wings | 展翼
thiekngkngf | shaved | 剃光光
thiekngthaau | shave the head | 理光頭
thien'gaai | the horizon, the ends of the earth | 天涯
thien'garn | sky eye- super vision | 天眼
thien'giaf | sky cover | 天遮
thien'goaxthiefn | there is always a better sky/place | 天外天
thien'gøbaq | swan meat | 天鵝肉
thien'gøo | wild swan | 天鵝
thien'iefn cy piet | the difference is like the sky and the bottom of a pit | 天淵之別
thien'iefn | the sky and the bottom of a pit; see [[thien'iefn ee zengzhaf]] | 天淵
thien'iu | the protection of Heaven | 天佑
thien'ix | divine will, providence, the will of the Heaven | 天意
thien'ongchvy | uranus | 天王星
thien'ongsefng | the planet Uranus | 天王星
thien'oong | emperor in the sky | 天王
thien'un | cyclical date of the year, fate, orbit of heavenly bodies | 天運
thien'wn | divine favor | 天恩
thien'y buhoong | perfect (secret); flawless (workmanship) | 天衣無縫
thienbeeng | clear sky | 天明
thienbeng | heavenly mandate; fate; destiny; will or decree of Heaven | 天命
thienbie | beautiful sky | 天美
thienbo | skynet | 天網; 帳篷
thienboarn | fill; cover in; cram; pack out; fill up level | 填滿
thienborng khoekhoef | The net of Heaven stretches everywhere (its meshes are large; but nothing escapes) ─ Nobody escapes the judgment of Heaven The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow; but they grind exceedingly fine | 天網恢恢
thienbunhagkaf | astronomers | 天文學家
thienbunhak | astronomy | 天文學
thienbuntaai | astronomical observatory; observatory | 天文台; 天文臺
thienbuntoo | star atlas; map of the stars | 天文圖
thienbuun boxng'oafnkviax | astronomical telescope | 天文望遠鏡
thienbuun sorji | an astronomical figure | 天文數字
thienbuun texlie | astronomy and geography; astrology and geometry | 天文地理
thienbuun | astronomy; heavenly bodies; heavenly bodies; astronomy | 天文
thienbuun-hak | astronomy | 天文學
thienchiofng | fill; form of test: filling the blanks; completion test | 填充
thienciaf | cover the sky | 天遮
thiencid | duty bound; a mission in life; vocation; Heaven appointed office | 天職
thiencioxng | sky general | 天將
thiencyn loxngban | innocent and carefree (child) ─ lovely; honest and without affectation (like a child); simple hearted; unsophisticated | 天真浪漫
thiencyn | innocent; child like; naive; simplicity; naive; artless; innocent; simple (hearted); unsophisticated; the divine element within one | 天真
thiengaai haykag | faraway; distant or remote places; the ends of the earth | 天涯海角
thiengaai | skyline; the horizon; the ends of the earth | 天涯
thiengoa iwthiefn | Outer space is infinite. (a reproach toward a person claiming to be perfect) | 天外有天
thiengoa | firmament; outer space | 天外
thiengøjioong | velvet; velvety | 天鵝絨
thiengøo | swan; wild swan | 天鵝; 鵠
thienha baxnbut | the 10,000 things under heaven ─ nature generally; all creation | 天下萬物
thienha busiafng | unequalled in all the world | 天下無雙
thienha itkaf | All people under heaven are one family. The world is a big family | 天下一家
thienha thaepeeng | universal peace | 天下太平
thienha uikofng | The world is for all. The world belongs to everyone | 天下為公
thienha | the world; on earth; under the sky ─ the world | 天下
thienhae | sky ocean | 天海
thienhaxkafn | world | 天下間
thienhiø | queen of heaven | 天后
thienhiøxkiofng | a temple in Taipei | 天后宮
thienho-kiofng | | 天護宮
thienhoaf | smallpox. flowers from the heaven. Melothria mederospatana (flower); have smallpox | 天花
thienhoafn texhog | condition of utter disorder; as if the universe was overthrown | 天翻地覆
thienhoaparn | ceiling | 天花板
thienhoef | smallpox; variola | 天花
thienhofng iaxtaam | Arabian Nights | 天方夜譚
thienhog | bliss, heavenly happiness | 天福
thienhoong | Mikado | 天皇
thienhun | natural ability | 天份
thienhux zaileeng | natural ability | 天賦才能
thienhux | inherent and inborn (rights); natural endowments; talent | 天賦
thienhøo | the Milky Way | 銀河; 天河
thienjiaf | cover the sky | 天遮
thienjieen | natural; native; uncoined; not artificial | 天然
thienjienkhix | natural gas | 天然氣
thienjiennaa | natural forest | 天然林
thienjienseg ee nngfphvix | Technicolor film | 天然軟片
thienjienseg | natural color; Technicolor; kodachrome | 天然色
thienjientau | natural acne | 天然痘
thienjinkauciexn | celestial war | 天人交戰
thienjiorng cy piet | as different as heaven and earth; vastly different; poles apart | 天壤之別
thienkaf | heavenly home | 天家
thienkafn | The Ten Celestial Stems ─ used with the Twelve Terrestrial Branches to form a cycle of sixty | 天干
thienkaix | devaloka | 天界
thienkao | eastern little blue kingfish | 天狗; 翠鳥
thienkaw | gutter | 天溝
thienkawciaqgeh | Tengu eclipse moon | 天狗食月
thienkawciaqgoeh | Tengu eclipse moon | 天狗食月
thienkawciaqjit | Tengu eclipse sun | 天狗食日
thienkawciaqlit | Tengu eclipse sun | 天狗食日
thienkawjiet | scarlet fever | 天狗熱; 猩紅熱
thienkawliet | Tengu fever | 天狗熱
thienkengtexgi | justified | 天經地義
thienkex | sky-high price | 天價
thienkhea | apocalypse | 天啟
thienkhiern | wrath of heaven; God's punishing hand | 天譴
thienkhofng | the sky; firmament; the void; sky; firmament; the void | 天空
thienkiwpaai | gambling card game | 天九牌
thienkiøo | an overhead bridge; elevated passage; viaduct | 天橋
thienkofng pud zokbie | Heaven is not cooperative ─ Weather turns foul when some activity requiring fine weather is scheduled | 天公無作美
thienkofng-tøexsoaq | heaven and earth | 天公地煞
thienkog | the Kingdom of Heaven | 天國
thienkwn | heavenly host; heavenly spirits | 天軍
thienky putkhør lauxsied | Heaven's secret must not be let out ─ said by a fortune teller when he is asked to explain minutely what he has said vaguely; said jokingly of a man who will not tell a secret | 天機無可洩漏
thienky | the secret of Heaven | 天機
thienlaam texpag | poles apart; be far apart; (to chat or talk casually about) anything and everything under the sun | 天南地北
thienlamseg | sky blue | 天藍色
thienlie ciauciaw | Heaven's justice is manifested (in calamities coming on the wicked); The law of heaven always prevails | 天理昭昭
thienlie | Natural law; the reason of Heaven; the laws or principles of Heaven's justice as to right an wrong; especially; as to punishment | 天理
thienlieen | natural | 天然
thienlienkhix | natural gas | 天然氣
thienlioong | one's conscience; to speak to truth; one's better feeling; one's conscience | 天良; 良心
thienlo | the road to heaven | 天路
thienluo | angels | 天女
thienlut | divine law, the law of heaven | 天律
thienluun cy lok | family love and joy | 天倫之樂
thienluun | family affection; heavenly moral obligations; natural relationships of man | 天倫
thienlykaux | Tenrikyo (Japanese religion) | 天理教
thienløo texborng | nets in the air and on the ground ─ heaven and earth are a net which wicked men cannot escape; their wickedness will surely be punished | 天羅地網
thienløo | imperial prison | 天牢
thienmar | sky horses | 天馬
thienmngg | the heaven's gate | 天門
thienparoong | jumbo | 天霸王
thienpeeng | balance; scale; forehead | 天平; 前額
thienpefng | invincible army; heavenly host | 天兵
thienpengzhvehø | Libra asterisk | 天秤星號
thienpheeng | scales such as are used for weighing gold; silver | 天秤
thienphoong | canopy | 天篷
thienpiefn | the world's end, the horizon | 天邊
thienpiør | sill out a form; fill a blank | 填表
thienpoong | ceiling | 天房; 天篷; 天花板
thienpor | padded; fill up; make up; fill vacancies; make up a deficiency | 填補
thienpvee | fill up the depressions or holes in the ground | 填平
thienpvii | fill up the depressions or holes in the ground | 填平
thiensaix | angel | 天使
thiensefng iubut | born siren; sex-kitten | 天生尤物
thiensefng lexcid | born beauty | 天生麗質
thiensefng zengbiin | Heaven produced all people | 天生蒸民
thiensefng | natural; to be born with; congenital; inherency; inborn | 天生
thienseng'ar | born | 天生仔
thiensexng | natural temperaments; natural quality; natural disposition | 天性
thiensiakuie | devil | 天邪鬼
thiensiar | to fill out (a blank; form) | 填寫
thiensiax | angel | 天使
thiensiefn | angel | 天仙
thiensii putjuu texli | advantages of time are not equal to those of situation | 天時無如地利
thiensii | the seasons; weather; climate; advantages of time | 天時
thiensiin | gods in heaven; deities; gods in heaven; angels | 天神
thiensiong | in the heaven; celestial phenomena, heavenly bodies, also their portents | 天上
thiensioxngtoo | astronomical chart | 天象圖
thiensox | Predestined tragedy or disaster | 天數; 天意
thiensuu | write verses according to a fixed pattern | 填詞
thiensux | Godsend; given by heaven; endowed by heaven | 天賜
thiensvoax | aerial; antenna (for radio; TV) | 天線
thiensw | Taoist books | 天書
thiente liongsym | to speak the truth; in fact; from the bottom of my heart; in all fairness or justice | 天地良心
thiente | heaven and earth; the universe | 天地
thienteeng | palace of God; heaven | 天庭; 天廷
thientefng | like a hot air balloon made of paper; a fire is lighten inside which makes it rise in the sky | 天燈
thienterng | the zenith | 天頂
thientexkafn | in this world; in the universe | 天地間
thienthea | heavenly bodies; nudism; sunbathing | 天體
thienthiefn thøqthøh | dwell on a wrong subject; harp on the same wrong string; talking or behaving in an absurd and extravagant way; as if mad or drunk | 糊里糊塗
thienthiefn | day to day; everyday; every day | 天天; 糊裡糊塗; 瘋瘋癲癲
thienthien'ar | in spite of any objection; whatever happens; must needs do something; unluckily | 顛顛仔; 不管如何; 偏偏要
thienthøh | silly; dull; mentally deranged; become dim witted; wasteful; extravagant; spendthrift | 糊塗; 顛倒; 荒謬; 浪費
thientiaau | Heaven's law | 天條; 天律
thientiongtexkiuo | forever | 天長地久
thientioong texkiuo | as old as heaven and earth ─ a very long time | 天長地久
thientoong texgek | Heaven and Hell | 天堂地獄
thientoong | paradise; Heaven | 天堂
thientw-texbiet | to be damned by heaven and earth (usually used in swearing) | 天誅地滅
thientø | divine justice, nemesis | 天道
thientøe | heaven and earth | 天地
thienzaai jitoong | child prodigy | 天才兒童
thienzaai | genius; talent; prodigy | 天才
thienzay jinhø | natural disaster and man made calamity; natural disaster and war | 天災人禍
thienzay | disassociate; disaster; natural calamity | 天災
thienzex | skyrim | 天際
thienzhaam | wild silk moth | 天蠶
thienzhør | momordica cochinchinensis (grass) | 天草
thienzo | helped from heaven; unexpected help; an uncanny or very lucky break | 天助
thienzog cy hap | match made by heaven; a match blessed by God (used in congratulatory messages or greetings to a couple on their wedding) | 天作之合
thienzuo | God; Lord; literally; son of heaven ─ the emperor | 天主; 天子
thienzvea | well; courtyard; a patio; skylight | 天井
thienzw | natural endowment; inborn talent; natural disposition or beauty | 天資; 天姿
thienzwn | god; spirit | 天尊
thienzwtngg | church (building) | 天主堂
thiern | shy; timid; to open; to spread (wings) | 靦; 展; 開
thiet'hagkaf | philosopher | 哲學家
thiet'hoee | to withdraw or cancel a license; to recall; turn back; send back | 撤回
thiet'hoex | to repeal | 撤廢
thiet'hoong | withdraw a garrison | 撤防
thiet'ia | all through the night | 撤夜; 徹夜
thiet'viaa | strike camp | 撤營; 拔營
thiet'voa | fire an official and replace him with a new one | 撤換
thietbin | razor mustache | 撤面
thietcid | remove from office | 撤職; 撤職,撤任
thiethaau | have a hair cut | 剃頭; 理髮
thiethaau-saihu | barber | 剃頭師父; 剃頭師傅; 理髮師
thiethaau-tøf | razor | 剃頭刀
thiethauar | have a hair cut | 剃頭仔
thiethaukefng | barber shop | 剃頭間
thiethaupøar | female barber | 剃頭婆仔
thiethausay | barber | 理髮師
thiethautiaxm | barber shop | 理髮店
thiethautøf | razor | 剃頭刀
thiethuie | muscle strain | 牚腿
thietiau | shaved | 剃掉
thietjim | remove from office | 撤職; 撤任
thietkhiøftidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵口直斷
thietli | withdraw (troops); (the troops) are withdrawing | 撤離
thieto | shaved | 剃渡
thietpefng | withdraw troops | 撤兵
thietsiaw | abolish; do away with; eliminate; cancel | 撤銷
thietsiuo | withdraw (a garrison); (the garrison) is withdrawing | 撤守
thiettea tengzhefng | clarify a matter thoroughly; make a thorough investigation of (a case) | 徹底澄清
thiettea | through to the end | 澈底
thiettefteg | through and through; thoroughly | 徹底的
thietthex | withdraw (troops); (troops) withdraw | 撤退
thietthøex | evercuate, withdraw | 撤退
thiettoea | through to the end | 澈底
thiettuu | abolish; do away with | 撤除
thiettøea | to get to the bottom of; thorough; down right | 徹底; 澈底
thietzaf | make a thorough investigation | 徹查
thietzao | withdraw; pull out | 撤走
thietzhud | withdraw (troops); (troops) draw back; withdraw | 撤出
thih | behind; late | 遲
thih'afthvoax | iron coal | 鐵仔炭
thih'ar | iron | 鐵仔
thih'ixn | brand; to brand | 烙印
thih'mngg | steel door | 鐵門
thih'oear | Iron pan | 鐵鍋仔
thih'oef | iron pot | 鐵鍋
thih'voafbøar | iron ball shape hat, imply life time job | 鐵碗帽仔
thih'øee | orthopedic braces | 鐵鞋; 矯形護腳器
thih'øef | iron pot | 鐵鍋
thihao | sob bitterly | 鐵哮; 啼哭
thihbang | Iron net | 鐵網
thihbang'ar | Iron net | 鐵網仔
thihbea | bicycle | 鐵馬; 自行車; 腳踏車
thihbefterng | bicycle top | 鐵馬頂
thihbeftø | bicycle lanes | 鐵馬道
thihbin busw | inflexibly just and fair; strictly impartial | 鐵面無私
thihbo | the Iron Curtain; communistic country; Iron Curtain | 鐵幕
thihchiu khuihoef | literally; the blooming of an iron tree ─ an impossibility; something that very rarely happens | 鐵樹開花
thihchiu | cycad; a type of palm tree | 鐵樹
thihchix | iron goad | 鐵刺
thihchiøq | an iron mace (used as a weapon) | 鐵尺
thihchviu | blacksmith | 鐵匠
thihchviuu | iron wall | 鐵牆
thihchviw | iron spear | 鐵漿; 鐵槍
thihcid | made of iron | 鐵質
thihcie | iron ball thrown in the shot put | 鉛球
thihciøh simtngg | cold heart; unfeeling heart | 鐵石心腸
thihciøh | iron stone | 鐵石
thiheeng | flogging, lushing | 鐵刑; 笞刑
thihguafchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔車
thihguafchiaterng | on agricultural machinery | 鐵牛仔車頂
thihguar | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔
thihguchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛車
thihguu | an iron ox; cultivator; garden tractor; small plot tractor | 鐵牛; 耕耘機
thihhaxn | iron guy | 鐵漢
thihhurn | iron filings (powder) | 鐵粉
thihjiin | iron man, strong man | 鐵人
thihkafng | ironworker | 鐵工
thihkag | iron horn | 鐵角
thihkahchiaf | armored car | 鐵甲車
thihkahzuun | ironclad | 鐵甲船
thihkangchviuo | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thihkangtviuu | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thihkaq | steel armor; cuirass; steel armor; armor plating | 鐵甲
thihkex | iron shed; shack | 鐵架
thihkhaux | iron fetter | 鐵鐐; 鐵鋸
thihkhie tanggezøo | literally, iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 鐵齒銅牙槽
thihkhie taxnggezøo | literally; iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 倔強頑固; 死無認錯
thihkhie | obstinately refusing to admit a fact or truth | 倔強; 鐵齒; 固執
thihkhix sitai | Iron Age | 鐵器時代
thihkhix | iron or steel tool | 鐵器
thihkhof | iron hoops | 鐵箍; 鐵環
thihkhoxng | iron mine; iron stone; iron ore; iron mine | 鐵礦
thihkhuie | iron rails | 鐵軌
thihkhvii | iron pincers | 鐵鉗
thihki'aflo | railway | 鐵枝仔路
thihki'ar | railway | 鐵枝仔
thihkiau | iron bridge | 鐵撟
thihkilo | rail; railroad; railway track | 鐵機路; 鐵枝路; 鐵軌
thihkiloxpvy | railway side | 鐵枝路邊
thihkiloxsviaf | railway track noise | 鐵枝路聲
thihkiloxterng | railway top | 鐵枝路頂
thihkiog | winged everlasting (flower) | 鐵菊
thihkiuu | iron ball ─ the shot (thrown in the shot put) | 鐵球
thihkiøo | an iron bridge | 鐵橋
thihkngr | iron pipe | 鐵管
thihkngx | iron steel | 鐵鋼
thihkoan'ym | Ageratum conizoides (tee) | 鐵觀音
thihkoax | iron cover | 鐵掛; 鐵蓋
thihkoaxn | tin can | 鐵罐
thihkofng | a sort of sting-ray | 鐵光; 尖嘴土魚工
thihkorng | steel pipe; iron tube (pipe) | 鐵管
thihkud | iron bone; strong | 鐵骨
thihkui | steel cabinet; a safe; safe | 鐵櫃
thihkuie | iron rails | 鐵軌
thihkurn'ar | iron club | 鐵棍仔
thihkut'afsvef | skinny but strong (man) | 瘦而結實
thihkut'afsvy | skinny but strong | 鐵骨仔生
thihkut'ar-svy | skinny but strong | 鐵骨仔生; 瘦壯
thihkvoae | iron stick, iron rod | 鐵杖; 鐵桿
thihky | iron rails (of a railway) | 鐵軌; 鐵枝; 鐵筋
thihkyn khoxngkulie | reinforced concrete | 鋼筋水泥
thihkyn | rod iron; iron bars | 鐵條
thihlaan | rock calamus, rock flag (flower) | 鐵欄; 石菖蒲
thihlaang | an iron man; strong man; a man of great physical strength; iron man; tough guy; a jack for raising weights | 鐵人
thihlang'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihlarng | iron cage | 鐵籠
thihlien | iron chains | 鐵鏈; 鐵鍊
thihlien'ar | iron chains | 鐵鍊仔
thihlo | a railroad; a railway; railway; railway track | 鐵路
thihlo-kiok | railway administration | 鐵路局
thihlong'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihloo | a railroad; | 鐵路
thihloxbang | railway network | 鐵路網
thihloxkiok | bureau of railway; Railway Administration | 鐵路局
thihloxpo | rail road breau | 鐵路部
thihloxpvy | railway side | 鐵路邊
thihmngg | iron gate | 鐵門
thihmngpvy | iron gate side | 鐵門邊
thihnng | Iron egg | 鐵卵
thihpaan | iron jar | 鐵瓶
thihpafng | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihpang'ar | sheet iron | 鐵枋仔
thihparn | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihpe'ar | type of iron harrow | 鐵耙仔
thihpear | type of iron harrow | 鐵耙子
thihpee | iron harrow | 鐵皮; 鐵耙
thihphoee | Iron sheet | 鐵皮
thihphorng | steel bed springs | 鐵凸; 彈簧床
thihphviar | steel plate | 鐵片
thihphvix | steel layered | 鐵片
thihpid | burin; stylus | 鐵筆
thihpviar | discus | 鐵餅
thihpvoaa | steel tray | 鐵盤
thihpvy | square iron rod used as a weapon in war | 鐵鞭
thihsae | fragments of rust beaten from red hot iron; scraps from a lathe | 鐵屑
thihseg | iron or steel color | 鐵色
thihsiefn | iron rust | 鐵銹; 鐵鉎
thihsienbi | iron smell | 鐵鉎味
thihsngf | a small iron pin or wedge for keeping something in place | 鐵栓
thihsoaciarng | Chinese version of karate | 鐵沙掌
thihsoaf | iron ore | 鐵沙; 鐵砂
thihsviw | iron box | 鐵箱
thihsvoarbang | barbed wire entanglements | 鐵絲網
thihsvoax | galvanized (zinc-coated) wire | 鐵絲
thihsvoax-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵絲網
thihsy | iron wire | 鐵絲
thihsy-bang | iron wire screen | 鐵絲網
thihtarngterng | iron building | 鐵棟頂
thihtefng | iron nails | 鐵釘
thihteng'ar | nails | 鐵釘仔
thihtengbarn | claw hammer | 鐵釘挽
thihtenggveq | claw hammer | 鐵釘夾
thihthaau | hammer | 鐵頭
thihthafng | window with metal gratings; a prison; iron window; iron barred windows | 鐵窗
thihthafng'aflai | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔內
thihthafng'ar | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔
thihthang'ar | iron window- prison | 鐵窗仔
thihthaq | iron tower | 鐵塔
thihtharng | iron bucket ─ impregnable defense | 鐵桶
thihthiq-thuqthuh | murmur | 啼啼吐吐
thihthuii | an iron hammer; hammer | 鐵鎚; 鐵槌
thihtiaau | iron bar | 鐵條
thihtiaau-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵條網; 鐵絲網
thihtiafm | anvil | 鐵砧; 鐵玷
thihtuu | iron cabinet | 鐵廚; 鐵櫥
thihtvaf | iron yoke | 鐵擔; 鐵軛
thihtø | railway | 鐵道
thihtøee | iron hoofs | 鐵蹄
thihtøf | steel knife | 鐵刀; 鋼刀
thihtøxlo | railroad | 鐵道路
thihtøxpo | railroad department | 鐵道部
thihzah | barrier made of iron | 鐵閘
thihzam | cold chisel, chisel for cutting or shaving stone | 鐵斬; 鋼?
thihzexng | corroboration; proof strong as iron; irrefutable evidence | 鐵證
thihzhngg | steel beds | 鐵床
thihzhuietidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵喙直斷
thihzngx | bit (tool); iron auger | 鐵鑽
thihzuie | preparation for iron-tonic | 鐵水; 鐵劑
thii | moss; lichen | 苔; 啼
thiim | sink | 沉
thiin ciuo | pour wine | 斟酒
thiin | pour; pour out gently in small quantity from a spout (tea; liquor) | 斟; 倒
thikef | hen | 雉雞
thikhaux | to cry; to weep and wail; to lament with sobs and cries | 啼哭
thikiøx | to scream; as birds do | 啼叫
thikøef | pheasant | 雉雞; 啼雞
thin | support; lend countenance to | 媵; 伨; 勻; 應對; 理睬; 理會
thin'iuu | pour oil | 斟油; 倒油
thinciuo | to pour liquor to the cup; to pour or serve spirituous liquor | 斟酒
thinmoar | pour until full | 斟滿
thintee | pour or serve tea | 倒茶
thiofng | compromise; a compromise | 折衷
thiofng'afpof | cemetery | 墳仔埔; 墓地
thiofng'afpvy | cemetery | 塚仔邊
thiofng'aix | pet; favour; fondness | 寵愛
thiofng'iu | actual grace (Catholic) | 寵佑
thiofngbut | pet | 寵物
thiofnghai | spoil (a child) | 寵壞
thiofngjii | favored person; pet; favorite; minion | 寵兒
thiofngseng | to bring up a child indulgently, to spoil | 寵壞; 寵倖
thiofngsiaw | to sell well | 暢銷
thiofngsiin | favorite staff | 寵臣
thiofngsixn | favor and trust (a subordinate) | 寵信
thiofngsvoaf | a hill where graves gather | 塚山
thiog | animal; to rear or raise (livestock) | 畜
thiok'hoad | to grow long hair; do not have one's hair cut | 蓄髮
thiok'ym-khix | gramophone, phonograph | 蓄音器
thiok'ym-ky | gramophone, phonograph | 蓄音機
thiokboghak | animal husbandry; zootechny | 畜牧學
thiokbogkhøf | animal husbandry | 畜牧科
thiokbogkhøkoarn | animal husbandry museum | 畜牧科館
thiokbogtviuu | livestock farm; range; grazing ground | 畜牧場
thiokbok sitai | pastoral age | 畜牧時代
thiokbok | animal husbandry; pastoral; pasturage; raise domestic animals; livestock industry | 畜牧
thiokbok-giap | animal husbandry (industry) | 畜牧業
thioksarn | livestock | 畜產
thioksefng | animal, beast | 畜生; 畜牲
thioksvef | domestic animal; beast; dirty swine | 畜生
thioksvy | animal, beast | 畜生; 畜牲
thioktien | store electricity | 蓄電
thioktiexnkhix | condenser | 蓄電器
thioktiexnliong | capacity for storing electricity; capacity of a storage battery | 蓄電量
thioktiexntii | a storage battery or cells; storage battery; cell; or accumulator | 蓄電池
thiokzeg | accumulate | 蓄積
thiokzuyliong | water storage | 蓄水量
thiokzuytii | lasher; a reservoir | 蓄水池
thiongsym | heartfelt | 衷心
thiongzeeng | heartfelt emotion | 衷情
thioong | worms; long creeping insects like worms; caterpillars; maggots | 蟲
thiorng | to concubine; to favor; to dote on; to favor; dote on; patronize; favor or love (especially of the emperor or God); grace; love; kindness | 寵
thiorng'ee | happy | 暢的
thiorng'irm | drink to one's heart's content; all you can drink | 暢飲
thiorng'ong | flourishing | 暢旺
thiorng`kaq | happily | 暢甲
thiorngjii | a favorite (child) | 寵兒
thiorngkhoaix | cheerful; spiritually elevated | 暢快
thiorngkoaix | pleased, delighted, merry, happy | 暢快
thiornglok | exciting and happy | 暢樂
thiorngphutphud | extremely happy | 暢怫怫
thiorngsiaw | a booming sale; sell briskly | 暢銷
thiorngtaam | to have a delightful talk | 暢談
thiorngtat | fluent, smooth | 暢達
thiorngthioxng | joyful and happy; joyful and peaceful | 寵寵; 無憂無愁
thioxng | smoothly; fluently; jollity; joyful; pleasant; delightful; happy; joyous; easily accessible; with gusto; to one's heart's content; long; expanding; luxuriant; often means sexual enjoyment | 暢
thiq pngxvoar | iron rice bowl ─ very secure job | 鐵飯碗
thiq | iron; used as a symbol of strength; firmness firm; decided; cruel; merciless; unfeeling | 鐵
thiq-chiwkhaux | iron handcuffs | 鐵手銬
thiq-kangchviuo | iron handcuffs | 鐵工廠
thiq-kangtviuu | steel mill | 鐵工廠
thiq-saochiuo | fortune teller's phrase regarding a girl who will injure the bridegroom's family | 鐵掃帚
thiqsioong | stuttering | 喋詳
thiqthih-thuqthuh | chatty | 鐵鐵鏟鏟
thiqthiqkiøx | to boast; to stammer or stutter | 喋喋叫; 吹牛; 口吃
thiqthiqtudtut | small talk | 喋喋突突
thiqtiøh | chatty | 喋著
thirmthaau | nod | 頕頭
thisviaf | cry (bird) | 啼聲
thisviar | cry (bird) | 啼啥; 哭
thithikhaokhaux | crying | 啼啼哭哭
thitiaau | an edible green seaweed | 藻潮; 乾苔
thitthøgyn'ar | young fellow fond of low; licentious and vicious pleasures | 拭桃囝仔; 小太保
thitthøkefng | play room | 拭桃間
thitthølaang | man fond of low or licentious pleasures; a prostitute | 拭桃人; 流氓
thitthømih | toys | 拭桃物
thitthøo | play; have fun; have a pleasant time; have illicit sexual intercourse with a woman; do solely for amusement or pleasure; play; recreate; pleasure; amusement; fun | 拭桃; 𨑨迌; 玩耍
thitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人
thitthøo-mih | plaything | 𨑨迌物
thitthøo-zabor | commit fornication | 拭桃查某
thitthøsiefn | man who has nothing to do but amuse himself | 拭桃仙
thiubøo | extract none | 抽無
thiuchiafm | by lot; draw lots (in fortune telling) | 抽籤
thiuciorng | draw a lottery or raffle | 抽獎
thiucy | draw a lottery or raffle | 抽脂
thiugiam | random test | 抽驗
thiugve | cause a spasm or rigidity | 抽硬
thiuhioxng | collect duties or taxes | 抽稅
thiuhoeq | withdraw blood (from a vein) | 抽血
thiuhofng | pump air | 抽風
thiuhongky | exhaust fan | 抽風機
thiuhuiq | blood-letting | 抽血
thiuhwn | to tarnish, to defame | 抽分; 抽頭
thiukhaw | draw lots | 拈鬮; 抽鬮; 抽籤
thiukhieky | air pump | 抽氣機
thiukhix | extract | 抽去
thiukhofng | at leisure, to find time | 抽空
thiukhøf | grow up straight and tall | 抽高
thiukhør | select at random a few students from a class for a test; unannounced quiz or test | 抽考
thiukiaxm | draw a sword | 抽劍; 拔劍
thiukoaan | grow up straight and tall | 抽高; 抽懸
thiukyn | to be seized by spasm or cramps; spasm; jerkiness | 抽筋
thiukøf | grow up straight and tall | 抽高
thiuliao | extract | 抽了
thiuløx | rowing taller quickly | 抽躼
thiuo | the second of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; the period from one to three A.M.; clown; jester; buffoon; comedian | 丑
thiupefng | conscript for a military duty | 抽兵; 徵兵
thiusex | tax | 抽稅
thiusiong bengsuu | abstract nouns | 抽象名詞
thiusiong khaeliam | abstract concepts or ideas | 抽象概念
thiusiong | abstract; metaphysical; abstract (as opposed to concrete) | 抽象
thiusiong-kaeliam | abstract concept | 抽象概念
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
thiusioxng'oe | abstract painting | 抽象畫
thiusioxnglun | abstract discussion | 抽象論
thiusioxngphaix | abstractionism; abstractionist school | 抽象派
thiusioxngteg | abstract | 抽象的
thiusoex | levy taxes | 抽稅
thiusy | draw a cocoon for silk | 抽絲
thiusyn | to get away (while one is fully occupied) | 分身
thiusøex | levy taxes | 抽稅
thiuthaam | extract phlegm | 抽痰
thiuthaau | the fee that a gambler pay to casino; take a percentage or commission; collect from the gamblers a certain percentage of their wins | 抽頭
thiuthex | to prepare a place for provisionary or alternate use | 抽替; 交替; 進退的餘地
thiuthiw | thin and tall | 抽抽; 瘦而高
thiuthoaq | a drawer | 抽屜
thiuthviax | painful due to twitch; sharp shooting pains | 抽痛; 抽疼
thiuthøex | withdraw | 抽退; 收回
thiutibwsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutibøfsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutiøh | got extracted | 抽著
thiutngg | prolong; elongate | 拉長
thiutubwsex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutubøfsex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutøf | draw a knife | 抽刀
thiuvoa | extract to replace | 抽換
thiuzaf | investigate; survey or test a part of a group; take one out for inspection or examination | 抽查
thiuzhoaq | convulse, cause convulsions | 抽搐
thiuzhud | draw out; pull out; take out; select from a lot | 抽出
thiuzuie beftharng | flush toilet; western style toilet bowl; commode | 抽水馬桶
thiuzuie | pumping pump; unwatering; pump water | 抽水; 揚水
thiuzuie-ky | a water-pump | 抽水機
thiuzuie-zam | a pumping station | 抽水站
thiuzuyky | water pump | 抽水機
thiuzuyzam | pumping station | 抽水站
thiuzuyzaxmzeeng | in front of pumping station | 抽水站前
thiuzøx | extract as | 抽做
thiw kuysviaa | take what percent for a commission | 抽幾成
thiw tibøfsoex | an agreement whereby a married daughter gives one of her children her own family name rather than the family name of her husband | 女兒嫁後言明所生之子一人歸家姓
thiw | extract; draw out; draw lots; pull up | 抽
thiw'ar | clown | 丑仔; 小丑
thiw'og | ugly, repulsive | 丑惡
thiw-tørtngr | pull back | 抽倒轉
thiw`zhutlaai | pull it out | 抽出來
thiwar | clown; mime; zany; marry andrew | 丑仔; 小丑
thiwmiaa | infamy, notoriety | 丑名
thiwsu | scandal | 丑事; 醜事
thiwthaix | unseemly manner, disgraceful behavior | 丑態; 醜態
thix zhuiechiw | shave the beard; shave the face; to humiliate | 刮鬍子
thix | to shave | 剃; 刮
thix-kngkngf | shave the head; cut off all the hair | 剃光光
thix-kngthaau | cut off all the hair | 剃光頭
thixkef | pheasant | 雉雞
thixkoef | pheasant | 雉雞
thixm | poison bird | 鴆
thixn | to fill a cup with tea or wine; to pour a beverage into a cup | 斟
thixntang | balance up two load | 伨重
thixnthaau zøx | to cooperate | 合作
thixnthaau | matching; suitable; fit; go with; accompany | 配合; 結夥
thixnthong | indecent person | 三八
thizhaix | an edible green seaweed | 苔藻; 乾苔
thizhao | hoe or spade out weeds or grass | 苔藻; 鋤草
thiø | to throw; to pitch; to toss | 投
thiøbeeng | explanation, write a supplementary explanation on a document | 提明; 註明
thiøchiwpeeng | the 64th radical (the hand); written at the side | 提手旁; (部首)
thiøf | kick (slang); hand shovel | 挑; 踢; 鏟
thiøhoechiahsiux | pick flowers embroidery | 挑花刺繡
thiøhoef | pick flowers | 挑花; 刺繡
thiøo | head; the top; the first; beginning; the chief; the boss; the leader; the two ends (of anything); an auxiliary; as suffix | 頭
thiørbie | sell rice | 糴米; 糶米
thiørzheg | sell unhulled rice | 糶穀; 賣稻穀
thiørzhud tiaqjip | sell and buy grain | 糶出糴入
thiøtefng | light up | 挑燈
thiøx | sell grain | 糶; (賣五穀)
thng | scald; burn; singe; to glaze (pottery); the glaze on pottery | 燙; 加釉
thng'afpviafzhux | candy shop; sweets shop | 糖仔餅厝
thng'afpviar | candies and cookies | 糖仔餅
thng'ar | candy; sweets | 糖仔
thng'oaan | soup ball | 湯丸
thng'y | icing | 糖衣
thngchviuo | sugar refinery | 糖廠
thngcviw | syrup; molasses | 糖漿
thngf | soup; broth; gravy | 湯
thngg | sugar; candy | 糖
thnggiap | the sugar industry | 糖業
thnghiøxsu | pass on heirs | 傳後嗣
thnghiøxsuu | pass on heirs | 傳後嗣
thnghun | sugar | 糖份
thnghurn | sugar | 糖粉
thnghuxnbi | sugar flavor | 糖份味
thnghwn | sugar content, sugar value | 糖分
thngjiøxpve | diabetes | 糖尿病
thngjiøxpvi | diabetes; diabetic; glycosuria | 糖尿病
thngkafm-bidtvy | sweet, happy | 甜甘蜜甜, 親密
thngkam'ar | candy | 糖含仔
thngkambidtvy | sweet | 糖甘蜜甜
thngkamciax | sugarcane | 糖甘蔗
thngkøf | massecuite | 糖膏
thngkøftiaxm | candy shop; confectionery | 糖果店
thngkølai | massecuite | 糖膏內
thnglaang | child to be adopted takes the surname of the adopting family | 人收養而入別人的姓
thngliau | sugar | 糖料
thngliøxpvi | diabetes | 糖尿病
thnglo | soup | 湯路; 湯頭
thngpafng | sugar bar | 糖枋
thngpaw | sugar bag | 糖包
thngpho | primitive sugar crushing establishment | 糖部
thngrbaktheq | upper body naked | 褪腹裼
thngrbattheq | upper body naked | 褪腹裼
thngrchiahkhaf | barefooted | 脫赤腳; 光腳
thngrciahkhaf | bare feet | 褪赤跤
thngrcin | fade away | 褪盡
thngrhax | take off one's mourning clothes ─ the mourning period over | 脫孝; 除喪
thngrhør | took off; fade; iron well | 褪好
thngrjoah | make it warm | 燙熱
thngrkhag | a snake shedding its skin | 脫皮; (蛇)
thngrkhie | teeth loss for permanent teeth | 褪齒
thngrkhorlan | not wearing trousers; (child or fisherman) naked below the waist; with out pants | 脫褲𡳞; 光著屁股
thngrkhox | take off trousers; go by the board | 褪褲; 脫褲
thngrkngf | naked | 褪光; 脫光
thngrkngkngf | naked | 褪光光
thngrkoaxn | candy jar; sugar jar | 糖罐
thngrlaang | to sell to another person | 傳人; 轉售予人
thngrmngg | molt; (birds and mammals) shed feathers or hair | 褪毛; 脫毛
thngrpaktheq | nudity; unclothe; bareness; naked to the waist; topless; shirtless | 褪剝裼; 赤裸; 袒胸露背
thngrpattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngrphattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngrphee | peeling | 褪皮
thngrphoartheq | peeling | 褪破裼
thngrphoee | skin peeled | 褪皮
thngrphøee | to shed the skin; as a snake does | 脫皮
thngrsag | get rid off | 脫棄
thngrsiofng | burn incurred from a hot liquid | 燙傷
thngrsiøf | heating | 燙燒; 加熱
thngrsvaf | take off cloth | 脫衣
thngrsvaf-thngrkhox | naked | 脫光衣服
thngrtiau | take off clothes | 脫掉
thngrtiøh | burn incurred from a hot liquid | 燙傷
thngsi'afzhaix | species of cabbage whose leaf looks like a teaspoon | 湯匙仔菜; 青江菜
thngsi'ar | spoon | 湯匙仔
thngsii | tablespoon; spoon | 湯匙
thngsiofng | scald | 燙傷
thngsng'oaan | beloved children, sweetheart, darling, baby | 心肝寶貝
thngsng'oan'ar | icing | 糖霜丸仔
thngsngf | sugar candy; rock candy | 糖霜; 冰糖
thngsy | sugar silk | 糖絲
thngtafn | saccharin; glucide; saccharine | 糖精
thngtee | tee soup | 湯茶
thngthaau | soup; the taste of soup; various medicinal brews or decoctions | 湯頭; 湯的味道
thngtiaau | sugar stick | 糖條
thngtiøh | spread | 傳著
thngx sva'afkhox | take off all one's clothes | 脫衣服
thngx | take off (clothes; socks); to shed (hair) | 脫
thngx-chiahkhaf | barefoot | 脫赤腳
thngx-chiahtheq | half naked | 脫赤袒
thngx-hietkak | take off one's clothes and threw away | 脫丟棄
thngx-kngkngf | strip stark naked | 脫光光
thngx-phorngpha | scalded and blistered | 燙成泡
thngx-thehtheq | almost naked | 脫袒袒; 脫光
thngx`tiøh | burned (by hot pan, hot water) | 燙得
thngxsiøf | heating; warm over again; to warm (food) up again | 燙燒; 加熱; 煨熱
thngxzhaix | heat the food again | 燙菜
thngzefng | saccharin; glucide; saccharine | 糖精
thngzerng | carry on the family line | 傳種
thngzhafng | sticky sugar candy in Taiwa | 糖蔥
thngzuie | sweetened water; sugar solution | 糖水
tho'ang'ar | clay doll; clay toy figurine | 土尪仔; 泥人
tho'arng'ar | urn | 塗甕仔
tho'oaan | mud ball | 土丸; 泥塊
tho'urn | earthworm | 塗蚓; 蚯蚓
thoa | guide; induct; lead; to remove; to lead; to guide; to act as an assistant and serving an apprenticeship | 汰; 傳授; 導; 沖洗; 見習
thoa'aan | to tighten | 收緊; 拖絚
thoa'ar | slippers | 拖仔; 拖鞋
thoa'ieen | to delay, to protract, to put off | 拖延
thoa'oar | pull closer | 拖倚
thoa'un | haulage | 拖運
thoa'øee | drag one's feet, scuff along | 拖鞋
thoaafee | slipper | 拖仔鞋
thoaan hok'ym | preach the gospel | 傳福音
thoaan ipoad | hand one's trade on to disciples; teach one's students all one knows (especially about academic endeavors and the fine arts) | 傳衣缽
thoaan tøxlie | transmit; proclaim; teach; or preach doctrine | 傳道理
thoaan | a mass; a lump; a group | 團; 傳
thoaan`løqkhix | to hand down; bequeath | 傳落去
thoabang | a dragnet, a townet | 傳網
thoabang-hizuun | trawler | 拖網魚船
thoaboaa | to toil; to labor very hard | 拖磨; 勞苦; 辛勞
thoabøea-chvy | comet | 拖尾星; 彗星
thoabøefchvy | comet | 拖尾星
thoachiaf | trail car; tow truck; trailer; draw a carriage or cart; trailer | 拖車
thoad | to tide over; procrastinate; escape from (danger) | 渡; 拖; 脫 (險)
thoad`khix | to take off | 拖去
thoaf bagbøea | long tip of brow | 拖目尾
thoaf lauxmia | risk life; make death defying effort | 拼老命
thoaf sikafn | to delay; to stall for time | 拖時間
thoaf | to drag; to pull; draw along; procrastinate; (diseases) are chronic; be in constant sickness or pain; involve; implicate | 拖; 拉
thoaf-tørtngr | draw or lead something back to the original place | 拖倒轉; 拉回來
thoaf`khix | drag | 拖去
thoaf`køeakhix | put off (a payment when it falls due); to tide (a patient) over (the critical moment) | 拖過去; 渡過去 (脫險)
thoaf`køex | drag | 拖過
thoaf`zhutkhix | pull out | 拖出去
thoaf`zhutlaai | pull out (a drawer) | 拉出來
thoafn | rapidly flowing | 湍
thoah'aflai | inside drawer | 屜仔內
thoah'aftea | inside the drawer | 屜仔底
thoah'ar | drawer | 屜仔; 抽屜
thoahbak | strabismus, squint | 拖目; 斜眼
thoahii | kingfish, peto, wahoo (fish) | 拖魚; 棘鰆
thoahkhuy | pull out | 拖開
thoahkoeakhix | put off (a payment when it falls due), to tide (a patient) over (the critical moment) | 拖過去, 渡過去 (脫險)
thoahlien | chain | 挩鍊
thoahlien'ar | chain | 挩鍊仔
thoahmngg | sliding door | 拖門
thoahoan | a vender or stall keeper; a seller on the sidewalk | 攤販
thoahpafng | tart | 挩坊
thoahpang'ar | tart | 挩坊仔
thoahthafng | sewing machine | 挩窗; 斜眼; 拉窗子
thoaieen | procrastination | 拖延
thoajip | to drag into | 拖入
thoakafng | day workers; procrastinate intentionally | 拖工
thoakhiaxm | to delay in paying a debt; to to fall in arrears; to delay too long in paying a debt | 拖欠
thoakhie | to draw up, to pull up | 拖起
thoakhuy | drag away | 拖開
thoakoex | dragged | 拖過
thoakuo | delay for a long time | 拖久
thoakøeagøeh | dragged over this month- such as delay rent | 拖過月
thoalaai | drag | 拖來
thoalat | tensile force | 拖力
thoalee | draw a plow | 拖犁; 拉犁
thoalui | cumber; encumber; involve or implicate (in a debt or some dangerous affair) | 拖累; 連累
thoaluixtiøh | dragged down | 拖累著
thoaluun | a tug, a tugboat | 拖輪
thoaløh | to pull down | 拖落
thoamia | prolong one's life; endanger one's health by toiling very hard at some special work; when quite unfit for such hard work | 拖命; 拼命工作
thoamoaa | wear hemp rope around one's waist at a funeral | 纏麻; 穿麻衣
thoan'ge | transfer art | 傳藝
thoan'gieen | verbal message, send verbal messages, hearsay | 傳言
thoan'goaan | member | 團員
thoan'ioong | preach; make known everywhere | 傳揚; 宣揚
thoan'iuo | fellow-member of a party or group | 團友
thoan'oaan | have a complete family reunion, complete, unbroken family circle | 團員; 團圓
thoan'oe | transmit words | 傳話
thoan'vii | have a complete family reunion; complete, unbroken (family circle) | 團圓
thoanbeng | proclaim, transmit an order | 傳命
thoanbuun | rumor | 傳聞
thoanciab | hand on to one's posterity | 傳接
thoanciaux | proclaim a decree | 傳照; 傳詔
thoancip | meet together, gather together | 傳集; 團集
thoancyn | fax; to transmit printed matter; facsimile; to fax; a fax; life like portrait; transmit a photo (by electronic devices) | 傳真
thoangieen | verbal message; send verbal messages; hearsay | 傳言
thoanhee | return | 傳回
thoanhoaxn | summon | 傳喚
thoanhoee | return | 傳回
thoanhuix | tour fee | 團費
thoanhy | spread a false rumor | 傳虛; 虛傳
thoanjiafmpve | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoanjiafmpvi | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoanjiarm | to infect; to contagious; epidemic; catching; infection; contagion; to spread (disease; bad habit) to others | 傳染
thoanjiarm-pvi | an infectious or contagious disease | 傳染病
thoanjiet | heat conductive | 傳熱
thoanjip | enter, come in (from outer culture, etc.) | 傳入
thoankaf | pass on | 傳家
thoankao'oaan | catechist | 傳教員
thoankaociar | preacher | 傳教者
thoankaokaf | preacher | 傳教家; 傳道家
thoankaokhw | mission area | 傳教區
thoankaosu | missionary; missioner | 傳教士
thoankaosw | paster, preacher | 傳教師
thoankapør | family treasure; heirloom | 傳家寶
thoankarng | lecture, preach, proclaim | 傳講
thoankaux | to preach a religion; preach; promulgate a religion | 傳教
thoankhex | association, group | 團契
thoankhix | pass on | 傳去
thoankhuy | to spread | 傳開
thoankied | solidarity; union; unity; unity; solidarity; unify | 團結
thoankiet'uilek | solidarity withy power | 團結為力
thoankietlek | capacity for unity | 團結力
thoankietsym | co-operative spirit | 團結心
thoankii | legend; saga; legendary; fantasy saga; romance; short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty | 傳奇
thoankisexng | legendary | 傳奇性
thoankiuu | passing ball | 傳球
thoankoex | passed on | 傳過
thoankokpør | country treasure | 傳國寶
thoankøex | passed on | 傳過
thoanlaai | came | 傳來
thoanleng | to deliver or give orders; command convection; deliver or give orders; a dispatcher | 傳令
thoanlexngpefng | soldier messenger; a courier | 傳令兵
thoanliarm | infect | 傳染
thoanlien | militia, volunteer home guards | 團鍊; 團練
thoanløo | beating a gong on giving information | 傳鑼; 鳴鑼
thoanmiaa | group name | 團名
thoanmuii | media | 傳媒
thoanoa | delay | 拖爛
thoanpaix | mass greetings (as on New Year's Day); mass congratulations (on auspicious occasions) | 團拜
thoanphiexn | preach everywhere | 傳遍
thoanphiøx | a summons for appearance in court; voucher; voucher; summons for appearance in court; a note from one department to another (in a bank) | 傳票
thoanpox iaugieen | spread rumors | 傳播謠言
thoanpox | to spread; to disseminate information; disseminate (news; information); dissemination | 傳播; 傳布
thoanpox-seg | communication center | 傳播室
thoanpøx | broadcast | 傳播
thoansaxng | send | 傳送
thoanseeng | inherited | 傳承
thoansex | pass (great books) on to the world; to hand down from generation to generation | 傳世
thoansiin | a vivid portrayal; true to nature | 傳神
thoansit | preach or spread the truth | 傳實
thoansiu | deliver a tradition, teach | 傳受; 傳授
thoansixn | summon to the low court or police station | 傳信; 傳訊
thoansoad | unconfirmed report; legends; tale; hearsay; legends; stories passing from mouth to mouth; unconfirmed reports | 傳說
thoansoattiofng | it's said | 傳說中
thoansut | hand down an oral tradition, deliver God's message orally | 傳術; 傳述
thoansuu | continue the line of male posterity | 傳嗣
thoansw | transmission | 傳輸
thoantadseg | information office | 傳達室
thoantadzhutkhix | convey it | 傳達出去
thoantai | hand on from generation to generation | 傳代
thoantat | to forward; to inform; to notify; communicate; transmit; convey | 傳達
thoante | transfer | 傳遞
thoanthaothaux | pass through | 傳透透
thoanthea hengtong | collective action | 團體行動
thoanthea lyheeng | traveling in a party | 團體旅行
thoanthea seng'oah | group life | 團體生活
thoanthea zengsiin | team spirit | 團體精神
thoanthea | a group; community; organization; society; community; party; mission; an organization | 團體
thoanthefphiøx | group ticket | 團體票
thoanthefzhaw | group calisthenics | 團體操
thoanthoaan uizu | be completely surrounded (by rows of enemy troops) | 團團圍住
thoanthoaan | surround | 團團
thoanthoaan-uizu | to surround completely | 團團圍住
thoanthoanzoarn | to pace about in an agitated state of mind; to bustle about restlessly | 團團轉
thoanthofngseg | traditional | 傳統式
thoanthorng | conventional; heritage; tradition | 傳統
thoanthorng-sibsiok | mores | 傳統習俗
thoantoe | pass information along | 傳遞
thoantui | team | 團隊
thoantviuo | colonel; regiment commander; head of a band of men | 團長
thoantvoaf | flyleaf; handbill; leaflet; handbills; leaflets; circulars; notices | 傳單
thoantø | to preach a religion; propagandism; preaching; sermon; mission work; preach the gospel; engage in mission work; transmit doctrine | 傳道; 傳導
thoantø-po | evangelistic committee | 傳道部
thoantø-sexng | conductivity | 傳導性
thoantøxsor | preach place | 傳道所
thoantøxsw | preacher; evangelist; missionary | 傳道師
thoantøxthea | conductors (of heat; electricity) | 傳導體
thoanvii | to have a reunion; to be reunited (as a whole family) | 團圓
thoanzao | pass away | 傳走
thoanzerng | propagate the species; have sons and grandsons to carry on the family name | 傳種
thoanzhud | proclaim, propagate | 傳出
thoanzofng ciaptai | continue the family line by producing a male heir | 傳宗接代
thoanzofng | continue a clan or family | 傳倉; 傳宗
thoanzu | to reunite; to have a reunion; to meet; congregate; meeting; (family) reunion; gathering | 團聚
thoanzuo | leader | 團主
thoapee | harrow in the field | 拖耙
thoapoah | pull something over, upset | 拖跌; 拉倒
thoapvee | dragging- a bad prolong task | 拖棚
thoapvi | work in illness | 拖平; 拖病; 抱病工作
thoapvii | pull something flat or even | 拖平; 拉平
thoaq | to tide over; procrastinate; escape from (danger) | 渡; 屜; (險); 洗淨; 抽屜; 脫; 拖
thoarn | paralysis | 瘓
thoarnji | character style for ornamental inscriptions, title page, etc | 煥字; 篆字; 銘文的字
thoarnlien | to train; to exercise; forge metal; to temper | 鍛鍊
thoasaylieen | sloppy, hesitant | 拖屎連
thoasinthoamia | going through hardship | 拖身拖命
thoasoaf | procrastinate | 拖延; 拖沙
thoasoar | move to another place by pulling | 拖徙
thoasøq | tow, towline | 拖索
thoat'erng jii zhud | overshadow others by showing one's ability and talents; overtake others; outscore rival teams (in a race; competition) | 脫穎而出
thoat'hiarm | to escape from dangers; be out of danger | 脫險
thoat'ibuo | strip tease (dance) | 脫衣舞
thoat'iuu | wait for oil to drip from food | 脫油
thoat'y | to undress, take off one's clothes | 脫衣
thoatbang | tone's dream; (a spirit or deity) conveys a message to a mortal through a dream | 託夢
thoatbiern | to escape; free from; flee from | 脫免
thoatboo | torture | 脫模
thoatchiuo | to slip off one's hand; to sell out (goods or stock on hand) | 脫手
thoatcied | dislocation; dislocate a joint; disconnected; irrelevant or incoherent; lose contact | 脫節
thoatcimii | medicinal cotton; absorbent cotton | 脫脂棉
thoatcy gulefng | skim milk | 脫脂牛乳
thoathoasoasoaf | taking long time to complete a task | 拖拖沙沙
thoathoo | to drag along a long skirt or pant leg in the mud | 拖地; 垂地
thoatiaochiaf | tow truck | 拖吊車
thoatiaux | tow | 拖吊
thoatit | to pull straight | 拉直
thoatiøh | drag | 拖著
thoatkhag | to slough, to exuviate, to cast the shell | 脫殼
thoatkhao jii zhud | speak without thinking of the consequences; have a slip of lip | 脫口而出
thoatkhix | slip away | 脫去
thoatkhuie | jump the track, be derailed | 脫潰; 脫軌
thoatkiu | dislocation | 脫臼
thoatkoex | get off | 脫過
thoatkuie | to derail; run off the rails | 脫軌
thoatkør | to complete a piece of writing; to speak without script | 脫稿
thoatlan | escape troubles | 脫難
thoatli koanhe | sever relations; to divorce; disown | 脫離關係
thoatli sokpak | escape from bonds | 脫離束縛
thoatli | to break away; away from; divorcee; out of; sever one's relation with; get off | 脫離
thoatliap | to husk, to shell | 脫攝; 脫粒
thoatlii | break away | 脫離
thoatløh | drop off, shed, fall off | 脫落
thoatmng | shed hair or feathers | 脫門
thoatmngg | shed hair or feathers | 脫毛
thoatmoh | decidua, drop off of skin | 脫膜
thoatngg | to lengthen, to draw out (a sound), prolong, to elongate | 脫長; 拖長
thoatnibuo | strip dance | 脫奶舞
thoatphii | to slough, ecdysis | 脫皮
thoatphøee | shed skin | 脫皮
thoatsarn | to be disengaged from work, to hide away the property of a company | 脫產
thoatsiaw | to have a drain on supplier, to run out of supplies | 脫消; 脫銷
thoatsiax | to unload | 脫赦; 脫卸
thoatsiok | to free oneself from worldly ways; free from vulgarity | 脫俗
thoatsvoax | go off the rails; to de-rail; be eccentric; digress; not thorough in work | 脫線; 脫離本題
thoatsvoax-thoatsvoax | somewhat crazy | 脫線脫線
thoatsyn | to get away; off the hook; to escape | 脫身
thoatthay voaxkud | to disembody (and become immortal); change oneself inside out; radical change of conduct | 脫胎換骨
thoatthay | produced from, originated from | 脫胎
thoatthøex | retreat | 脫退
thoattngg | have a hernia | 脫腸
thoattorng | leave the party; break off from one's party | 脫黨
thoattøo | to escape from; withdraw or run away | 脫逃
thoatvef | slip shod | 拖踵; 曳足而行
thoatzad | dislocate a joint | 脫節
thoatzek | renounce one's citizenship; withdraw from membership | 脫籍
thoatzerng | deseed | 脫種
thoatzhud | prolapse | 脫出
thoatzoe | exonerate someone from a charge | 脫罪
thoatzuie | dehydrate; dehydrated | 脫水
thoatzuyky | Machine for removing liquids by centrifugal force; a spin dryer | 脫水機
thoatzuyzef | dehydrating agent | 脫水劑
thoatzuyzøo | dewatering tank | 脫水槽
thoatør | to upset things by pulling on them | 拖倒; 拖垮
thoax | great; big; peace; calm | 泰
thoaxbie | clean rice before cook | 汰米; 清洗(米); 洗米
thoaxliao køq thoa | rinse a second time | 汰了擱汰; 沖了再沖
thoaxn | bright; brilliant; shining | 煥; 鍛
thoaxphvae | to be gide to the wrong way; lead others into evil by example and companionship | 導歹; 學壞; 帶壞
thoaxsvaf | rinse clothing | 濯衣; 汰衫; 清洗衣服; 沖衣服
thoaxzhuix | rinse one's mouth | 漱口
thoaxzuie | wash down with water | 汰水; 沖水
thoazao | drag away | 拖走
thoazex | delay in paying a debt | 拖債
thoazhud | drag away | 拖出
thoazuie | dehydrating | 脫水
thoazuun | take a ship in tow; a tow; tug boat | 拖船
thobagsay | handy man | 土木司
thobaq sarn | the soil is sterile | 土壤瘠
thobaq | soil; mould | 土壤; 塗肉
thobee | mud | 土粥; 塗糜; 泥土
thobee-khud | mud puddle | 土粥窟; 泥坑
thobin | surface soil | 土面; 地面
thobysoaf | sand and clay | 土米沙; 土沙
thochvy | Saturn | 土星
thocid | the condition or nature of the soil | 土質
thociøh | painted stone | 塗石
thocviw | deep slushy mud | 泥漿
thoea'au | go backwards | 退後
thoeachiuo | substitute for, substitute worker | 替手
thoeahoaan | to return | 退還
thoeapiexn | metamorphosis; spallation; decay | 蛻變
thoeasykuie | scapegoat | 替死鬼
thoeasyn | witchcraft. Burial objects made of bamboo or paper | 替身
thoeavoa | substitute | 替換
thoeavoax | delay; latency | 延遲
thoeazhud | retreat | 退出
thoeh | take up with the hand; carry or take in the hand (a small object) | 拿; 提
thoeqlaai | presented | 提來
thoex | for; instead of; in place of; to substitute; to change; take the place of; supersede | 替
thoexsiin | absentminded; dimly; faintly; seemingly vigor | 精神恍惚
thoexthoe | listless; dispirited | 癡呆; 精神無振
thof | steal; pilfer; filch; secretly; stealthily | 偷
thofbagthofbak | eyes popped | 吐目吐目
thofbahcvix | scar | 吐肉箭
thofbak | protruding eyeball | 凸目
thofbi | earthy | 土味
thofbogkhøf | civil engineering | 土木科
thofbok kangtheeng | civil engineering; construction projects | 土木工程
thofbok kangthengsw | civil engineer | 土木工程師
thofbok | civil; construction; building | 土木
thofbok-he | civil engineering dept. | 土木系
thofcih | put out the tongue; stick out the tongue | 凸舌; 吐舌; 伸舌; 乍舌
thofeq | spit up | 吐呃
thofgee | sprout (Lit. fig) | 萌芽
thofhngf | folk medicine | 土方
thofhoafn | primitives; indigenous or original inhabitants of a place or country; uncivilized natives; a species of crossbred duck | 土番; 土番鴨
thofhongbuo | folk dance; folk dance | 土風舞
thofhoong | plant buds; shoot up | 萌芽
thofhuie | bandits; brigands; robbers | 匪徒; 土匪
thofhuyafsvoaf | bandit | 土匪仔山
thofhuykwn | bandit soldier | 土匪軍
thofhuypefng | bandit soldier | 土匪兵
thofhøex | native goods | 土貨
thofhøo | a local despot, a local tyrant | 土壕; 土豪
thofiøf | isthmus | 地峽
thofjiin | aborigine, natives | 土人
thofjiogkuix | soil cinnamon | 土肉桂
thofkae | land reform, agrarian reform | 土改
thofkao | dog | 土狗
thofkaw'ar | dog | 土狗仔
thofkeafsviaa | free-range chicken city | 土雞仔城
thofkear | free-range chicken | 土雞仔
thofkhuix | to sigh | 歎氣; 吐氣; 嘆氣
thofkhviw | local dialect, patois | 土腔
thofkoear | free-range chicken | 土雞仔
thofkoef | free-range chicken | 土雞
thofkofng | undertaker | 討功; 挖墓穴或抬棺之工人
thofkong'afsexng | bad temper | 土公仔性
thofkong'ar | grave diggers (put the body in the coffin and bury it); a rowdy; a roughneck; unpolished and unlettered; vulgar; clownish | 土管仔; 撿骨的; 挖墓穴或抬棺的人
thoflaang | native; aborigines; a rowdy; a roughneck | 土人; 粗人
thoflat | manual labor; without machinery or cattle; unskilled labor | 蠻力
thofluii | blind person (slang) | 瞎眼; (罵人)
thofmiaa | nickname; common colloquial name of a man or place when it differs totally from the literary name; having different characters | 土名; 綽號
thofng | go through; pass through; communicate with | 通; 透
thofng'id hoatphiøx | uniform invoice | 統一發票
thofng'id thienha | unify the whole country (world) | 統一天下
thofng'id uxntong | unity movement; uniform activity | 統一運動
thofng'id | to unify; uniform; unitary | 統一
thofng-seakafn | whole world | 通世界
thofng-seakaix | whole world | 通世界; (全世界)
thofng-thienha | all over the world; everywhere under heaven | 普天下
thofng-thvi'e | all under heaven | 普天下; 全天下
thofngciexn | united front | 統戰
thofnghad | to rule; govern; to control | 統轄
thofnghap | combine | 統合
thofngkeahagkaf | statistician | 統計學家
thofngkeahak | statistics (as a science) | 統計學
thofngkeapiør | statistical table; chart; graph | 統計表
thofngkeazhutlaai | statiscally | 統計出來
thofngkex | statistics; to count; the entire sum | 統計
thofngkex-piør | statistical table | 統計表
thofngkiong | altogether in all | 統共; 一共
thofnglerng | commanding officer; commander of troops | 統領
thofnglie | prime minister | 統理
thofnglieen | unification | 統聯
thofngsoex | commander-in-chief; generalissimo | 統帥
thofngsuo | if; assume | 倘使
thofngthaau | stick out, project, appear, exceed | 通頭; 捅頭; 伸出頭
thofngti kaikib | ruling class | 統治階級
thofngti | to rule; to govern; reign | 統治
thofngti-ciar | ruler, sovereign | 統治者
thofngtixciar | ruler | 統治者
thofngtixkoaan | sovereign power | 統治權
thofngzeaphirn | controlled articles (archaic) | 統制品
thofngzex kengzex | planned economy; controlled economy (archaic) | 統制經濟
thofngzex | to control; govern and regulate | 統制
thofngzhud | protrude; to project; stick out | 突出
thofoe | local dialect, patois | 土話
thofonglaai | organic pineapple | 土王梨
thofpadar | organic guava | 土菝仔
thofpau'ar | a country bumpkin | 土包仔; 土包子
thofpauar | rustic or countrified person; hillbilly; country pumpkin | 土包子
thofpax | local bully | 土霸
thofpoadar | organic guava | 土菝仔
thofpox | hard-woven cloth | 土布
thofpux | rich; but ignorant; without culture or rank | 土富; 暴發戶
thofsafntiarmpvy | native products store side | 土產店邊
thofsarn | local products; native; autochthonism; agricultural products; crops; fruits; local products | 土產
thofsarn`ee | indigenous | 土產的
thofsay | self-taught technician | 土師
thofsexng | earthy; describe personality that is straightforward, could be rued too | 土性
thofsiin | spirit of the land | 土神
thofsiok | local customs; provincial | 土俗
thofsngx | reckon without using any formulas to gauge a measure or amount only from past experience | 直算; 暗算; (憑經驗算)
thofsoaq | hurtful demons that cause injury when a house or grave is being built or repaired on an unlucky day | 犯沖
thofsoong | too much; too many; excessive | 過多; 土氣
thofsve'ar | Animal or plant indigenous to a particular region | 土生仔
thofsvear | Animal or plant indigenous to a particular region | 土生的
thofsviu | know intuitively; no need to think it over | 土想
thofsvoai'ar | Taiwanese mango | 土檨仔
thofte kaykeg | land reform | 土地改革
thofte tioxng'oeh | land consolidation | 土地重劃
thofte zengtadsøex | land value increment tax; tax levied on increment of land value | 土地增值稅
thofte | land; piece of land; locality; region; a lot; a plot | 土地
thofthaau | a slight overrun; slightly more than.. | 超過; (預定數目)一點
thofthor | vulgar; clownish; unpolished and unlettered; protrude | 粗魯; 微突的
thofthurn | vulgar, stupid | 土碩; 蠢
thofti-kofng | a pagan god, guardian of fields and crops | 土地公
thoftiog | aborigine | 土築; 土住
thoftiok | aborigine | 土著
thoftit | simple and straightforward | 憨直; 土直; 直爽
thoftixkofng | the God of Earth | 土地公
thoftixkongbiø | temple for land god | 土地公廟
thoftixkongbiø'ar | temple for land god | 土地公廟仔
thoftngthaau | anal prolapse | 吐腸頭
thoftoaxkhuix | deep breath | 吐大氣
thoftoe | land | 土地
thoftviaa | yard | 土埕
thoftøe | land; soil; terra | 土地
thofvie | begin to bud; to sprout | 發芽
thofwn | aborigine shad | 土瘟; 高鼻水滑
thofym | local dialect, potois | 土音
thofzhud | throw up | 吐出
thog zhuiekhie | tooth pick | 籤牙
thog | carry on the palm; bear up; prop up with a support; prop up with the hand; to lift up; hold up high on the hand or on a pole to show it off | 托; 託
thog'ym | reading notes | 讀音
thog`phoax | break through | 突破
thogbut | reading matter; reading material | 讀物
thogciar bunteg | Reader's Digest | 讀者文摘
thogciar | readership; audience; the reader (as opposed to the writer) | 讀者
thogkefng | read the Bible | 讀經
thogkharky | card-reader | 讀卡機
thogpurn | reader (for a language course); textbook | 讀本
thogsiar | reading and writing | 讀寫
thogsw pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thogsw | reading; educated | 讀書
thogsw-pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thogsy | reading poems | 讀詩
thoguhoansyn | earthquake | 塗牛翻身
thoham | pitfall | 陷阱; 地陷坑
thohu | blenny (fish) | 土魚; 土鮒
thohurn | dust; dust | 土粉; 塗粉; 泥灰; 灰塵
thohvoa | tuan | 土岸
thoiuu | oiled | 塗油
thoiøo | kiln | 塗窯
thoiøpvy | kiln | 塗窯邊
thojiorng | soil; earth; clay; land | 土壤
thojiorng-hak | pedology | 土壤學; 塗壤學
thok | read; to study | 讀
thok'hofng | to pioneer | 拓荒
thok'hofng-ciar | a pioneer | 拓荒者
thok'hog | TOEFL (test of English as a foreign language); thanks; I enjoy good fortune by your favor or influence (a polite phrase) | 托福
thok'hux | request to bear responsibility | 託負; 託付
thok'iok | childcare | 托育
thokaau | cricket | 蟋蟀
thokad | adobe mud bricks | 土磚; 塗墼; 土墼
thokafng | ordinary mason | 土工; 泥瓦匠
thokag | lump of earth | 土角; 一團土
thokakzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
thokat'afzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼仔厝
thokatzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
thokaubear | muddy | 塗溝糜仔
thokaumoee | muddy | 塗溝糜
thokaw | ditch | 土溝; 水溝
thokbang | give instruction in the dream; appear in a dream | 託夢
thokbe | sell on consignment | 託賣
thokbea | ask a person to buy | 託買
thokeq | reddish subsoil | 土層
thokgee | pick one's teeth | 剔牙
thokgieen | excuse | 托言
thokhabin | ground | 塗跤面
thokhaf | ground; land; floor; earthen or tiled floor; surface of the ground | 地面; 塗跤; 地上
thokhaf-pox | floor mop | 土跤布; 拖把
thokhaf-zu | floor mat | 土跤蓆; 墊子
thokhafng | hole in the earth | 土孔; 泥洞
thokhapafng | floor mat | 塗跤枋
thokhataw | floor mat | 塗跤兜
thokhatea | floor | 塗跤底
thokhix | rustic | 土氣
thokhud | lower ground, a cellar | 土坑; 土窟
thokhvy | ditch | 土坑; 泥坑
thokjisor | day care center; nursery school; public nursery; day nursery | 托兒所
thokkaw | entrust to, hand over to | 托交; 托付
thokkhie | using tooth pick | 剔齒
thokkhoafn | acquire a broader (road); to broaden (a road); widen (a street) | 拓寬
thokkoafnkoaan | mandatory powers | 託管權
thokkoarn lefngthor | trust territories; mandate territories | 託管領土
thokkoarn | trustee; mandate; trustee; trusteeship | 託管
thokkoarn-tøe | trust territory, mandated territory | 託管地
thokkox | to give a pretext, to make an excuse | 託顧; 託故
thoklisor | nursery | 托兒所
thokomoear | muddy | 塗糊糜仔
thokphoax | reveal somebody's secret of success | 拓破
thokpoad | beg for alms | 托砵
thokpvoaa | a tray | 托盤
thoksixn | to have sincere faith; honest; trustworthy | 篤信
thoksu | ask to manage a matter | 託事
thoksuu | pretext, pretence, excuse | 託辭
thoktiern | carry out; develop | 拓展
thoktiong | entrust | 信託; 托付
tholaang | a type of hand mill for cleaning rice; separating husk and kernel; rice mill | 土礱; 碾米機器
tholangkeng'ar | place of hand mill for cleaning rice; separating husk and kernel room | 碾米間仔
tholeeng | a species of marine eel | 土龍
tholioong | ell | 土龍
tholiw | a small fish; a few inches long; which lives in ditches and pools; a loach (lives in the mud) | 泥鰍
tholui | earth-made object | 土類; 泥類
tholun'ar | pile of soil, small hill | 土丘
thomaftøq | tomato; (in central or northern Taiwan); kam-a-bit (in southern Taiwan); chhau-khi-a (in northern Taiwan) | 蕃茄
thomato | tomato | 番茄
thomoaai | muddy | 塗糜
thomoear | muddy | 塗糜仔
thomoee | mud | 泥漿; 塗糜
thong | sun screen; carriage curtain; pile up in a pile (books; coins; bowls; plates); a pile of such things | 幢; 緟; 堆; 疊
thong'egkvoaf | interpreter | 通譯官
thong'ek | translate; translator; interpret; interpreter (archaic) | 通譯; 翻譯
thong'ek-ciar | interpreter | 通譯者
thong'eng | be current, in general use | 通用; 通用的
thong'hag'seng | day pupils | 通學生
thong'ia | all night long | 通夜; 整夜
thong'iong | interchangeable; practicable; (currency) in circulation; can be used everywhere | 通用
thong'ioong | make a temporary arrangement; compromise; accommodate; by way of accommodation | 通融
thong'iuu | accessible by postal communication | 通郵
thong'oe | communicate by telephone or radio | 通話
thong'orng | be on intimate terms with (often with bad or questionable characters); a passable (road) | 通往
thong'un | to transport; to ship | 通運
thong'un-kongsy | forwarding company | 通運公司
thong'vii | through beam (roof) | 通圓; 橫樑
thongboo | conspire | 通謀
thongbøo | conspire | 通謀
thongchiaf | be open to vehicular traffic | 通車
thongchib | order the arrest of (a criminal) by circular order; issue a warrant for arrest | 通緝
thongchip'hoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
thongchipleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thongcibhoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
thongcibleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thongcip | order the arrest of (a criminal) by circular order; issue a warrant for arrest | 通緝
thonghaang | accessible by navigation | 通行
thonghagsefng | day students | 通學生
thonghak | communicated study ( go to school by bus from other county); commute daily to school; be a day student | 通學
thonghak-sefng | non-resident students | 通學生
thonghang | alley; tunnel | 通巷
thongheeng hoeapex | current currency | 通行貨幣
thongheeng | passing; transit; traffic; commonly practiced | 通行
thongheeng-zexng | a pass, a safe-conduct, traveling permit | 通行證
thonghengkoaan | the right to travel; freedom of movement | 通行權
thonghengsøex | a toll | 通行稅
thonghengzexng | pass | 通行證
thonghiao | to understand thoroughly,to be well versed in | 通曉
thonghioong | make a temporary arrangement; compromise; accommodate; by way of accommodation | 通融; 妥協
thonghoex phengtioxng | inflation (in economics) | 通貨膨脹
thonghofng | ventilation; airing; give secret information | 通風
thonghongkhafng | vent hole | 通風孔
thonghongkoax | ventilation cover | 通風蓋
thonghongkorng | vent pipe | 通風管
thonghongky | ventilator | 通風機
thonghox | currency; medium of exchange | 通貨
thonghwn | to intermarry; intermarriage; members of two families; tribes marry | 通婚
thonghøex | currency, current money | 通貨
thonghøo | reconcile with each other | 通和
thongjit | whole day | 通日; 整日
thongjiø | catheterize | 通尿
thongjiø-koarn | uretheral catheter | 通尿管; 輸尿管
thongkafn | adultery; illicit intercourse | 通姦
thongke'ar | the whole town | 全街仔
thongkhiao | understand the truth | 通竅
thongkhiekhafng | ventilated air | 通氣空
thongkhiin | shuttle taking workers to and from work | 通勤; 上下班
thongkhix | open for the passage of air, gas, smoke, etc | 通氣
thongkhuun | commute | 通勤
thongkoafn sinkørsw | bill of entry (archaic) | 通關申告書
thongkoafn | pass the customs inspection | 通關
thongkoex gixaxn | proposal or bill which has been passed | 通過議案
thongkog | whole country, whole nation | 通國; 全國
thongkongtvoaf | announcement of death (Catholic) | 通功單
thongkor | drums | 通鼓
thongkøex | to pass through; (a motion or bill) is passed; (a nomination or appointment) is confirmed or approved | 通過
thongkørsw | notice; circular (archaic) | 通告書
thongkøx | announcement; notice; information; inform; notify | 通告
thonglaang | all the people | 通人
thonglangzay | known by everybody; non-secret | 通人知
thonglek habzog | to join forces; cooperate for a common cause; to work in concert | 通力合作
thonglek | united strength; join forces | 通力
thongleng | communicate orders; issue a circular order | 通令
thonglioong | compromise | 通量; 妥協
thonglo | thoroughfare; access; a passageway; a route; passage; way; open roads | 通路
thongnioaan | mill pill | 通奶丸
thongniuu | through beam (roof) | 通梁; 橫樑
thongphoef | write letter | 通批
thongphøef | send information by letter | 通信; 通批
thongpien | facilitate a bowel movement; have bowel movement | 通便
thongpiexnzef | laxative | 通便劑
thongpvi | common abuse, common evil, common failing | 通病
thongpvoaa kea'oe | draw up a complete scheme; overall plan | 全盤計劃
thongpvoaa khøflu | consider every possible angle; take into consideration every aspect of matter | 全盤考慮
thongpvoaa | all of the same sort; (goods) all alike; every aspect (of a matter) | 全盤
thongpøx | to notify; circular; inform | 通報
thongsexng | epicene; common character | 通性
thongsiaw | all night long | 通宵
thongsiekøex | everywhere; all around | 通四界; 各處
thongsimhurn | macaroni | 通心粉
thongsimmi | macaroni | 空心麵; 通心麵
thongsiofng tiau'iog | trade pact | 通商條約
thongsiofng | trade; have commercial relations | 通商
thongsioghoax | popularize; popularization | 通俗化
thongsiok bunhak | light (popular) literature | 通俗文學
thongsiok siawsoad | popular (lowbrow) novel | 通俗小說
thongsiok | popular; common; capable of being understood or appreciated by the less educated; popular; common; capable of being understood or appreciated by the less well educated | 通俗
thongsioong | ordinarily; customary; as a rule; usually; normally; generally | 通常
thongsirn'oaan | press correspondent; reporter | 通信員
thongsirnbang | communication network | 通信網
thongsirnhaang | correspondence shop | 通訊行
thongsirnlok | address book | 通信錄
thongsirnpefng | Signal Corps; member or the Signal Corps | 通信兵
thongsirnsia | news agency; news service | 通信社; 通訊社
thongsirnzhux | one's address (especially for mail) | 通信處
thongsixn | communication; correspondence; message; correspondence | 通信; 通訊
thongsixn-bang | network of communication | 通信網; 通訊網
thongsu | interpreter, highest local officer | 通事
thongsun | smoth; idiomatic | 通順
thongsw | write letter | 通書
thongsy | write letter | 通書
thongsyn | all over the body | 全身
thongtat | understand thoroughly | 通達
thongtek | treason, collaborate with enemy | 通敵
thongthaux | understand thoroughly; furnish the enemy with information | 通達
thongthied | penetrate, fully comprehend | 通徹
thongthiefn ee pwnsu | divinely endowed; exceptional ability | 通天的本事
thongthiefn | to the extreme (Lit. great or high enough to reach heaven) | 通天
thongthoad | unrestrained | 通脫
thongthofng | all; whole | 通通
thongthøx | conspire, plot | 通套; 陰謀
thongtiap | diplomatic communications or messages | 通牒
thongtien | to cable all concerned; supply electricity to; connect with the electric current | 通電
thongtilaq | notify | 通知啦
thongtisw | notification | 通知書; (單)
thongtitvoaf | notice | 通知單
thongtngg | enema | 通腸; 洗腸
thongty | notification; notify; inform; a circular; notify; inform; notification | 通知
thongtøea | bottom of a hole | 通底
thongzhefng | a general designation, commonly called | 通稱
thongzhør | woody plants | 蓪草
thongzw | write letter | 通書
thoo | mud; mire; clay; soil; earth; to daub; to fail; lose completely | 土; 塗; 暗晦; 糟透了
thooaan | mud ball | 塗丸
thooan'ar | mud ball | 土丸仔
thoong | sugar; candy | 糖
thoor'thothoo | to fail; lose completely | 土土土
thopax | Japanese dessert, an earth dum | 土壩; 塗霸; 鵟
thopee | dig tool; instrument | 土耙
thophaang | cement slurry on small platform | 塗捀
thophviaa | mud bank on the seashore | 土灘
thophøee | clods of surface soil in ploughed fields | 表土
thopiahzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗壁厝
thopiaq | soil blocks wall | 塗壁
thopipw | ocarina | 土嗶垺; 陶笛
thopo | hard-woven cloth | 土步
thopuxn | manure; compost | 土糞; 堆肥
thor tngthaau | have internal piles protruding down; prolapsed rectum; proctocele | 脫肛
thor toaxkhuix | heave a long sigh of relief | 嘆大氣
thor | mud; mire; clay; soil; earth; to daub; to fail; lose completely | 土; 吐; 糟透了; 凸突
thor-toaxkhuix | heave a long sigh of relief | 嘆大氣
thor`zhutlaai | protrude; stick out; be forced (pressed) out; to bulge | 凸出來; 伸出; 突出
thorafbea | rabbit tail | 兔仔尾
thorafboea | rabbit tail | 兔仔尾
thorafkhafng | rabbit warren | 兔仔孔
thorafkviar | rabbit baby; kitten | 兔仔囝
thorafphoee | rabbit fur | 兔皮
thorar | Formosan hare, rabbit | 兔子; 兔仔
thorbak | have protruding eyes | 凸眼; 吐目
thorboat | saliva, spit, spittle | 吐沫
thorbuo | female rabbit | 兔母; 母兔
thorbør | female rabbit | 兔母; 母兔
thorhied | bring up blood; vomit blood | 吐血
thorhoea | shoot flame, flaming (of sun) | 噴火
thorhoef | blossom, produce flowers | 透花; 開花
thorhoeh'oe | disgusting talk | 吐血話
thorhoeq | vomit or bring up blood; spit blood | 吐血
thorhuiq | vomit or bring up blood; spit blood | 吐血
thorhøea | shoot flame; flaming (of sun) | 吐火
thoriøh | emetic | 吐劑; 催吐藥
thorkhafng | rabbit hole | 兔孔; 兔窟
thorkhix | expiration | 透去; 吐氣
thorkhuix iongbii | got over his temper and smoothed out his frown | 吐氣揚眉
thorkhuix | aspiratory; feel elated and exultant | 吐氣
thorlaux | disclose | 透露
thorlo | tell; reveal; confide; emit; give voice to; speak out one's mind; confess; disclose | 吐露
thormngg | rabbit's fur | 兔毛
thorng | rule; unite; protrude; used as an affix to numbers; meaning somewhat more than... | 統; 捅; 多一點; 突出; 啄
thorng'irm | drink heavily | 痛飲
thorngchied | acutely, keenly | 痛切
thornghad | govern, rule | 痛喝
thornghin | hate exceedingly | 痛恨
thornghoea | repent bitterly; bitter repentance | 痛悔
thornghoeakefng | the act of contrition | 痛悔經
thornghoex | to be contrite, contrition, to regret | 痛悔
thornghun | deplore | 痛恨
thorngkae cienhuy | earnestly repent and reform former faults | 痛改前非
thorngkhaosit'sviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhaositsviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhoaix | joyful; piquancy; raciness; forthright; extremely delightful; pleasant | 痛快
thorngkhofoaan | pain pill | 痛苦丸
thorngkhor | torment; pang; painful; agony; pain; misery; anguish; bitter | 痛苦
thorngsym | pained at heart | 痛心
thorngthorngkhoaekhoaix | happy | 痛痛快快
thorngtvar | to beat soundly; give a severe thrashing | 痛打
thorpurn | sustain losses in business | 賠本
thorsiax | vomit and have dysentery | 吐瀉
thorsui | ear of grain just appearing | 吐穗; 出穗
thorsy | silkworm) spins silk; (the spider) spins a web | 吐絲
thorthorzhutlaai | split out | 吐吐出來
thorthox | threw up | 吐吐
thortuun | harelip; cleft lip | 兔唇
thorzhud cinzeeng | speak out the exact truth; say just what one thinks or the straight facts of the case | 吐出真情
thorzhud | to spit; to vomit, blurt out | 吐出
thorzuie | expectorate water | 吐水; 吐酸水
thosad | mudfish | 土虱; 塗虱; 塘蝨魚
thosay | master mason | 土司; 水泥匠
thoseg | dirt colored | 土色; 塗色
thosip | sneak attack | 偷襲
thosoa'ar | master mason | 塗沙仔
thosoaf | sand; grit; sand and soil | 土砂; 塗沙; 土沙
thosoahurn | dust; powder; dust; a cloud of dust | 土砂粉; 塵土; 塵埃
thosoahwn'ar | dust; powder | 塗砂粉仔
thosviaa | earth fortified area, castle of earth-work | 土城; 塗城
thosviuu | soft slushy mud | 泥漿; 滑泥
thotau | peanut; groundnut; groundnut; goober | 土豆; 塗豆; 花生; 落花生
thotau-cviux | beanut butter | 土豆醬; 花生醬
thotau-iuu | peanut oil | 土豆油; 塗豆油; 花生油
thotau-thngg | peanut candy | 土豆糖; 塗豆糖; 花生糖
thotauxgveq | peanuts in the shell | 花生莢
thotauxhngg | peanut garden | 塗豆園
thotauxhw | ground peanut | 塗豆麩
thotauxiuu | peanut oil | 花生油
thotauxjiin | hulled peanuts; peanut kernels | 花生米
thotauxjinlao | hulled peanuts pastry | 塗豆仁粩
thotauxkhag | peanut shell | 土豆殼
thotauxkhof | the residue from making peanut oil; pressed into round cakes for animal feed | 土豆箍; 花生
thotauxlao | peanut pastry | 塗豆粩
thotauxliin | peanut kernel | 塗豆仁
thotauxmoh | the thin film of bran on a peanut kernel | 花生膜
thotauxpeeng | peanut | 塗豆爿
thotauxsof | crunchy peanut pastry | 塗豆酥
thotauxthngf | peanut soup | 塗豆湯
thotauxthngg | peanut candy; peanut brittle | 花生糖
thotea | down in the ground; below the surface of the ground | 土裏
thoterng | on the ground | 土頂; 地上
thothoo | to fail; lose completely | 遭透
thothuhhii | Taiwanese fish | 土托魚
thothvoarhurn | carbon powder | 塗炭粉
thothvoarkhoxng | charcoal mine | 土炭壙
thothvoaroaan | charcoal | 塗炭丸
thothvoarsae | coal cinders; dross | 煤炭渣
thothvoax | coal | 土炭; 塗炭; 煤炭
thothvoax-iuu | coal oil, kerosene | 土炭油; 煤油
thothvoax-khoxng | coalmine | 土炭壙; 煤礦
thothvoax-sab | cinders, clinkers | 土炭屑; 熔渣
thothvoax-sae | cinders, clinkers | 土炭屑; 熔渣
thothøhhii | popular fish in southern Taiwan | 塗魠魚
thothøhhikvef | popular Taiwanese fish chowder | 塗魠魚羹
thothøq | popular fish in southern Taiwan | 塗魠
thothørhii | Taiwanese fish | 土托魚
thotong | cave in the earth | 土洞; 泥洞
thotuy | heap of earth and rubbish formed gradually | 土堆; 泥堆
thotviaa | soil yard | 塗埕
thotvoaa | alter of earth | 土壇; 泥壇
thox | rabbit; through; to pass through; ventilate | 兔; 吐; 通; 透
thox`zhutlaai | vomit food; disclose; to speak out (the whole truth) | 吐出來
thoxng | be pained; ache painfully; painful; sore; to love; be sparing of; to spare | 痛; 疼
thozhux | mud hut | 土厝; 泥屋
thozhvef | planet Saturn | 土星
thozoxng | bury in the ground, burial | 土葬
thozuie | plastering | 土水; 泥水工作
thozuie-chviu | master mason | 塗水匠
thozuie-cviu | master mason | 土水匠
thozuie-saihu | mason | 土水司父; 塗水師傅; 水泥匠
thozuysay | mason | 泥水匠; 水泥匠
thu | neglect sleep | 搓; 廢寢; 忽視睡眠
thud | bald; rub hard with the hand; rub with the foot; pluck | 禿; 黜; 擦; 搓
thudchiaf | jump the track, be derailed | 脫車; 脫軌
thudcirm | slip off the pillow | 脫枕
thudjienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
thudkhaf | slip in walking | 脫腳; 脫節
thudkhix | limb gets dislocated; limb; slip out of the hands; (a loose stepping stone) slips away | 滑了; 滑脫了
thudkhu | out of joint; dislocated | 脫臼
thudku | out of joint; dislocated | 脫臼
thudliern | losing a wheel off a car; motorcycle; bicycle | 脫輪; 脫軌
thudluun | become dislocated | 脫輪
thudsyn | have an abortion | 脫身; 流產
thudtngg | protruding (internal piles); be affected with hernia; abdominal hernia; protruding anus | 脫腸
thudui | slip out of place, become dislocated | 脫位
thudzao | slip out of its place; get out of joint or out of gear; let slip out of our hand (an animal held too loosely); let a pen or instrument in the hand slip out of place; so as to do harm unintentionally; to escape | 滑脫
thuh | naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet and reserved in manner; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 癡呆
thuh'ar | type of straight hoe; spade; shovel | 鏟仔; 黜仔; 鏟子
thuhcviuo | bald on forehead and crown of head | 額高; 禿額
thuhhiah | bald | 禿頭; 禿額
thuhkoaan | hold up high on the hand or on a pole | 托高
thuhphoax | expose a man's pretensions; to break with the end of a pole or bamboo | 刺破
thuhthaau | bald; shaven head; headed person | 禿頭
thuhthoky | scraper | 黜土機
thui | hammer; to fall down; hang down heavily; as a pocket with a weight in it; involve in trouble or responsibility | 倕; 垂; 墜; 累
thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面; 癡呆相
thui'afbin-thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面槌仔面; 癡呆相
thui'ar | hammer | 槌仔; 槌子
thui'mngg | to push the door | 推門
thui'uie | make excuses; make excuses or pretences for not doing anything; to lay the blame or duty on another; generally with the idea of more or less falsehood | 推諉
thuiaxn | push the case | 推案
thuibin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌面; 癡呆相
thuichiuo | to push the hand | 推手
thuiciernsw | letter of recommendation | 推薦書
thuicierntiøh | recommended | 推薦著
thuiciexn | recommendation; recommend (somebody for a job) | 推薦
thuicirnky | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機; 推進器
thuicixn | impel; to push forward; to move ahead; propel | 推進
thuie | shank; stalk; stem; block; obstruct; leg; leg; thighs | 腿
thuiemngg | molt and get new feathers | 換毛
thuievoa | put an inferior article (or person) deceitfully in place of a better; mend by putting in an entirely new piece | 調換
thuievoaxkngx | foreign exchange; certificates | 兌換券
thuiheeng kokgie | to advocate the use of the national language (Mandarin) | 推行國語
thuiheeng | push; promote (a scheme); carry into operation what has already been decided | 推行
thuihengjiin | promoter | 推行人
thuihioxng | to push into | 推向
thuihoafn | topple over; demolish; explode; reversal; overturn; to push over; to overthrow (a government); to stultify (a theory; principle) | 推翻
thuii | naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 槌; 錘; 遲鈍; 愚蠢
thuii`køf | fool | 槌哥; 錘哥; 傻瓜
thuiie'thuithuii | dump; dull | 槌槌槌
thuikhaf | bottom of a ladder | 推腳; 梯腳
thuikhaw | to consider, polish writings | 推敲
thuikhiog | to decline, deny, refuse | 推屈; 推卻
thuikhoaq | expand, widen | 推棄; 推廣
thuikhuy | to push off, to push away | 推開
thuikie | recommend | 推舉
thuikiux | to examine | 推究
thuikofngciar | promoter | 推廣者
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thuikorng | to extend; popularize; extend; propagate | 推廣
thuikud | malleus | 鎚骨
thuikuo | recommend for promotion | 推舉
thuilek | thrust | 推力
thuilie | to reason; logic; reasoning; reasoning; ratiocination; infer from | 推理
thuilun | infer; follow out a train of argument; inference; deductions | 推論
thuinar | to massage, massage therapy | 推拿
thuipaai | arrange (a matter), assign (a person), arrangement, ordering | 推排; 安排
thuiphaix | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; 推銷
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
thuisag | push away | 推棄
thuisiau'oaan | salesman; saleswoman | 推銷員
thuisiaw | promote sale; to sell; push sales | 推銷
thuisiax zekjim | shirk one's responsibility | 推卸責任
thuisiax | to shift on to somebody else | 推卸
thuisii | decline (an invitation), refuse | 推辭
thuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
thuisngx | to figure out; to calculate | 推算
thuisoar | to move, change, move by pushing | 推徙
thuisoarn | elect (representatives) | 推選
thuisoaxn | calculate; reckon | 推算
thuisu | judge; assessor; magistrate | 推事
thuisuu | to decline; to reject; refuse politely | 推辭
thuiteng | to conclude | 推定
thuithog | to make an excuse, to shift off, on the presence of | 推託
thuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
thuithoo-ky | bulldozer | 推土機; 推塗機
thuithuii | foolish and frank; simple minded | 愚直; 傻兮兮
thuitiern | driving; impel; impulse; urge; budge | 推展
thuitoan | conclude, make a diagnosis, conclusion, deduction, diagnosis | 推斷
thuitoaxn | infer; deduce; predict by means of inference | 推斷
thuitong | impel; propel; trigger into action; motivate; impetus; propulsive force; motivation; to push; to propel; to expedite; to push; lend impetus to; to inspire | 推動
thuitong-lat | motivation force, impelling force | 推動力
thuitør | to push down, topple | 推倒
thuix | to change; put in place of; to substitute; abolish; instead of; in place of | 蛻; 調換; 調包
thuixtang | heavily weighted and hanging down; like a pocket; fasten a weight on a curtain so that it may hang down evenly | 垂重
thuixthui | hanging heavily; like a weighted pocket or bag | 下墜
thuizheg | conjecture; to fathom; deduce; infer; predict | 推測
thuizhud | to push out; present (a picture; a show) | 推出
thuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
thuizwn | give the place of honor | 推尊
thukhoarn | save money (in the bank); savings | 儲款
thukwn | savings | 貯金; 儲
thukym | savings | 貯金; 儲金
thun ciøqthaau | use stone fill up and level up completely | 填石頭
thun paktor | do with difficulty in order to warm dressed and well fed | 填飽肚子
thun texky | prepare a foundation | 填地基
thun zhuiekhie | fill a cavity | 補牙; 鑲牙
thun | fill up; make up a deficiency; to fill up with earth; mud; sand; rubbish | 填; 坉
thun'ay | soot | 填塵; 煤煙
thun'unsvef | unsanitary; dirty; unkempt | 吞骯髒
thun-bøextvi | cannot be filled up | 填無滿
thun`løqkhix | to empty (earth) into a pit or hole | 填落去
thunbiet | destroy by devouring | 吞滅
thunciah | devour; devour | 吞食; 狼吞虎咽; 吞吃
thunciah`laang | to swallow up another's money or property wrongly; to belittle another person | 欺負人; 侵佔別人
thunciaxm | usurp; appropriate; to annex (territory) | 侵佔; 吞佔
thunhuun-thorbu | swallowing clouds and breathing out mists ─ magical tricks | 吞雲吐霧
thunka | bite and devour | 吞咬
thunlurn | abide; brook; tolerance; tolerant; tolerate; abide; endure; just have patience; don't get into a quarrel so quickly | 吞忍; 忍耐; 容忍
thunløh | swallow down | 吞下
thunnoa | to swallow one's spittle; swallow saliva | 吞瀾; 嚥口水
thunpexng | annex | 吞併
thunphiexn | usurp by deceit | 吞騙; 騙取
thunsviaf | to suppress complaints; eat the leek; to remain silent under injustice (Lit. to swallow the voice) | 吞聲
thunsviaf-lwnkhix | afraid to speak up | 吞聲忍氣
thunthox | to hem and haw; speak hesitatingly | 吞吐
thunthun'ar | medium; middling | 吞吞仔; 無大不小
thunthuun | muddle headed | 沌沌
thunthwn | swallow | 吞吞
thunthwn-thorthox | trying to hide something while speaking; to hem and haw; speak hesitatingly | 吞吞吐吐
thuo | store up | 儲; 貯
thuolip | stand | 佇立
thupi | savings; reserves; stockpile; repertory | 儲備
thupixkym | reserve fund | 儲備金
thuq chiwboea | try each other's strength by pressing against one another's palms | 托手尾; 比手力
thuq koayar | to lean upon a staff | 托杖; 倚拐杖
thuq thokhaf | loosen and remove dirt on the floor | 鏟地
thuq zhuie'extao | support the chin on the hand | 手托著下巴
thuq zhuiekhie | pick one's teeth | 剔牙
thuq | carry on the palm; bear up; prop up with a support; prop up with the hand; to lift up; hold up high on the hand or on a pole to show it off | 托; 黜; 剷
thuq`khylaai | to support with a prop; e.g.; to support an awning with a pole or bamboo | 托起來
thuqthuh | dull; quiet; stupid; naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet and reserved in manner; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 土土; 癡呆
thurn | s to abuse; to tread on; trample on; hort and stout | 𧿬; 矮胖; 踐踏
thut | bald; be dislocated or put out of gear; have a miscarriage; be put out of joint | 禿; 滑脫
thut'efng | cinereous vulture | 禿鷹; 禿鷲
thut'hiah | bald | 禿額
thut'hiaq | bald | 禿額
thut`zhutkhix | get dislocated; (the joint of a machine or a piece of furniture) slips out | 滑脫了
thuthaau | hoe | 禿頭; 鋤頭
thuthiog | to save; fund; saving | 儲蓄
thuthvoar | root out, dig up (with a hoe) | 鋤剷; 鏟鋤
thutluu | bald ass | 禿頭的屁股
thutmngg | bald; having lost the hair of his head; pluck | 禿毛; 脫髮; 拔毛
thutthaau | pilgarlic; bald; bald headed | 禿頭; 禿頭的
thutzhoee | derail; be derailed; overstep bounds | 脫箠; 穿幫; 出洋相; 出軌
thuu | a hoe; to hoe; do something slowly or lazily | 鋤; 慢吞吞; 延宕
thuun | black; dirt | 塵; 鈍
thuxbiin | neglect sleep | 脫眠; 廢寢
thuxnbat | fill in, fill ahole | 鋤密; 填
thuxncvie | fill a well | 鋤井; 填井
thuxncvii | save money | 儲錢
thuxnhvoa | fill in a dike, raise a dike or bank | 儲岸; 填堤
thuxnkhylaai | fill up | 坉起來
thuxnkoaan | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thuxnkvoaai | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thuxnlo | fill up and level up road completely | 填路
thuxnmoar | fill completely | 儲滿; 填滿
thuxnpor | make up a deficiency | 儲補; 坉補; 填補
thuxnpurn | investment; invest money in business; invest capital in | 填本; 坉本; 下資本; 投資
thuxnpvee | fill up to become flat | 坉平
thuxnpvii | fill up ground till it is level | 填平
thuxnsoaf | use sand fill up completely | 填砂
thuxnsvoaf | make a hill or mound by filling | 填山
thuxnthoo | filling; fill up with earth | 填土; 坉塗
thuxntøe | fill up ground with earth; rubbish; ground that has been thus filled up; filled in land | 填地; 坉地
thuy zekjim | shirk (escape) one's responsibility; lay the blame at another's door | 推責任
thuy | ladder; steps; stairs | 梯; 推; 搥
thuybaq | the rump; the ham; the dark meat | 腿肉
thuykhox | upper leg muscles | 腿庫
thuykhu | socket of the hip-bone | 腿臼; 臀骨臼
thuzeg | to store; to stockpile; in store; accumulated | 儲積
thuzhao | root out weeds | 除草; 鋤草
thuzongseg | storage room | 儲藏室
thuzoong | preservation; stock; stockage; store up; to hoard; safekeeping | 貯藏; 儲藏
thuzuun | storage; safekeeping; savings; to store or stockpile | 儲存
thva | to decorate; to polish; clothing and dresses | 飾
thvaf | he; him; other; another; she; her; it; that | 他; 捧; 它; 她
thvaf`khix | with the palms turned outwards fend off (an attack) | 托去
thvafkoaan | raise up high with the palm | 托高
thvahiofng | strange place | 他鄉
thvajiin | others, other persons | 他人
thvajit | some other day, another day | 他日
thvaliin | other people | 他人
thvar | wide and smooth; level; even; open; self-possessed; calm; composed; peaceful | 坦
thvazhux | elsewhere | 他處
thveachiuo | support the hand or arm on something; because without such support we could not hold the object up | 蹩手
thveakoaan | prop up; to raise slightly higher with a prop; prop up and keep from falling | 托高; 頂高
thveathaau | head of the pushed object | 牚頭
thveathuie | aching leg muscles (from over exercising) | 托腿; 腿僵硬
thveatiøh | support | 撐著
thvee | to stare at; to glare at | 瞪
thvef | recline or lean on a couch or chair; lean against; push (a boat) along with a pole | 靠; 躺
thveie | lounge; couch; reclining chair | 躺椅
thvekøf | raise up | 撐篙
thvetoxzuun | row ferry | 撐渡船
thvex | prop up; to support; extend | 頂; 托
thvex-bøextiaau | prop or one's hand unable to sustain the weight | 頂無住
thvex`khylaai | to prop up or support by pushing upwards | 托起來; 頂起來
thvezuun | propel a boat with a pole; pole a boat | 搖船; 撐船
thvi liwar | sew on buttons | 縫扣子
thvi | sew; stitch; run a seam; to stitch; baste | 縫; 紩
thvi'e | under heaven; all under heaven | 天下; 天下(間)
thvi'iuu | refuel; lubricate | 加油; 添油
thvi'ix | Heaven's purpose or decree | 天意
thvi'mngg | heaven's gate | 天門
thvi'ui | imperial throne | 天位; 皇位
thvia | support | 侹; 養
thvia'oe | obey; obedient; teachable; obedient to instructions | 聽話
thvia'tngg | central hall where audience gather | 廳堂
thvia'u | heard; understand | 聽有
thviaa | a schedule; a course; a pattern; a family name | 程
thviabeeng | listen in detail, hear clearly | 聽明; 聽清楚
thviabeng | to obey, to submit to, to be doclie | 聽命
thviabin | follow orders; accept a command; accept one's fate | 聽命
thviaboefsviaf | listen respectfully then will know the true meaning | 聽尾聲
thviabøo | listen; but find that there is nothing to be heard or that nothing is heard; could not understand | 聽無
thviacide | listen | 聽一下
thviacioong | obey; to heed; listen to (another's advice); listen and follow | 聽從
thviacioxng | audience; auditory; listeners | 聽眾; 聽障
thviacynkhix | stethoscope | 聽診器
thviaf tøxlie | listen to preaching | 聽道理
thviaf | hear; listen to (with the determined purpose or intention of hearing); obey; understand; comply with; submit | 聽; 廳
thviaf-bøbeeng | not able fully to make it out or understand it | 聽沒清
thviaf-bøcyn | make a mistake in hearing | 聽無真
thviaf-bøe bengpek | I don't quite understand; I did not hear clearly; cannot understand (what the other is talking about); cannot hear well or comprehend | 聽無明白
thviaf-bøexbeeng | unable to hear distinctly or clearly | 聽無清
thviaf-bøexhiao | hear; but be unable to make out the meaning | 聽無懂
thviaf-bøextiøh | cannot hear (because voice; sound; is too low or far away) | 聽無見
thviaf-jibnie | hear and understand distinctly | 聽入耳
thviaf-koarnsix | get used to | 聽慣勢
thviaf-kørkae | hear confessions (Catholic) | 聽告解
thviaf-løqhvi | hear and understand distinctly | 聽入耳
thviaf-mxtiøh`khix | heard wrongly or incorrectly; misunderstood; make a mistake in hearing | 聽無錯去
thviaf`ee | heard | 聽的
thviaf`khylaai | sounds | 聽起來
thviaf`khytiøh | sounds | 聽起著
thviaf`kvix | be heard | 聽見
thviaf`tiøh | heard it | 聽到
thviagoa | outside the hall | 廳外
thviahviw | Taiwan custom to burn incense and pray silently | 聽香
thviaiuo | listener | 聽友
thviakag | audio; acoustic; audition; auditory; ear; the sense of hearing | 聽覺
thviakarng | listen to a lecture; speech | 聽講
thviakhie | sounds; have heard | 聽起
thviakhvoax | listen to see whether | 聽看
thviakhøx | attend class or a lecture | 聽課
thviakoaf | listen to songs | 聽歌
thviakoex | have heard | 聽過
thviakorng | It is reported that...; according to unconfirmed reports | 聽說; 聽講; ...
thviakvix | hear; hearing; to hear (Lit. perceive by listening); can hear (have the faculty or power to hear); hear something without the express purpose or intention of listening to it | 聽見
thvialai | inside the hall | 廳內
thvialek chiegiam | audiometric test; take an audiometric test | 聽力試驗
thvialek | keenness of hearing | 聽力
thvialiao | listened | 聽了
thviamngg | the door of living room | 廳門
thviaoe | obey, obedient, teachable, obedient to instructions | 聽話
thviarbofzhaix | burdock | 疼某菜
thviarkoex | hurt | 疼過
thviarkviar | love dearly sons and daughters; children | 疼囝; 疼孩子
thviarlaang | love people | 疼人; 愛人
thviarmiaxmia | painful | 疼命命
thviarsie | painful | 疼死
thviarsiøq | treasure up; to love; use sparingly | 痛惜; 疼惜; 愛惜; 疼愛
thviarsym | love, affection, warm heart | 疼心
thviarthaxng | have a warm spot in one's heart for; love; to love (passionately) | 疼痛; 疼愛
thviarthviax | painful | 疼疼
thviartiuhtiuq | painful twitch | 疼搐搐
thviartiuotiux | electric pain | 疼搐搐
thviaseq | It is said that | 聽說
thviasinkefng | auditory nerve | 聽神經
thviasirm | be on trial; abide by the result of the trial | 聽審
thviasiu | hear and receive | 聽受
thviasixn | believe by hearing | 聽信
thviasoaq | listened | 聽煞
thviasoeq | It is said that | 聽說
thviasun | hear and obey | 疼順; 聽話
thviasviaf | hear sound | 聽聲
thviasviaf-liap'viar | make groundless accusations | 捕風捉影
thviataang | headphone; eartrumpet; headset; telephone receiver | 聽筒
thviatao | parlor; living room | 客廳; 廳斗
thviathaau | main hall that lay up ancestor's memorial tablet | 廳頭; 安放祖先牌位的大廳
thviathaxn | obey | 聽探; 聽從
thviathviaf | listen | 聽聽
thviatiøh | hear | 聽著
thviatngg | large central hall in a very large house | 廳堂
thviatva | make a mistake in hearing | 聽錯
thviatviuo | director of a department under a provincial government | 廳長
thviatøhthaau | hall table | 廳桌頭
thviax | ache painfully; painful; sore; to love; be sparing of; to spare | 痛; 疼; 愛
thviax-kaq jibkud | to love very affectionately | 疼得入骨
thviax-kaq toxng-bøextiaau | intolerable pain | 痛得忍無住
thviax`køex | care | 疼過
thviax`laang | love somebody | 疼人
thviazay | understand by hearing or listening | 聽知; 聽說
thviazhud | understand the implication from what is heard | 聽出
thviazhuix | follow what one's superior says; be obedient | 聽話; 聽喙
thviazhøx | hear incorrectly; misunderstand what one has heard said | 聽錯
thviazøx | regard as; treat as; consider erroneously | 聽成; 以為
thvibat | fill up completely | 添密
thvichvy | stars of the sky | 天星
thvicvie | skylight | 天井
thviethaau | support head with one's hands, emerge as a leader | 挺頭; 牚頭; 托腮
thviethuie | spread legs | 牚腿
thvigarn | sky eye | 天眼
thvihoad | divine law, low of Heaven | 天法
thvihoarn texloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvihoarn toexloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvihøea | add fuel to a fire; fire from heaven; be dazzled by fire | 添火; 瞪火; 天火; 受光目眩
thvii | to stare at; to glare at | 瞪
thviix | Heaven's purpose or decree | 天意
thvijit | be dazzled by the sun | 天日; 瞪日; 受日目眩
thvikha'e | all under heaven | 天腳下; 天下
thvikhix uxpøx | weather forecast | 天氣預報
thvikhix | weather | 天氣
thvikhoah textoa | the sky is big | 天闊地大
thvikhongseg | sky color | 天空色
thvikngf | dawn | 天光
thvikofng | God | 天公
thvikong'afkviar | god's son | 天公仔囝
thvikongbiø | god temple | 天公廟
thvikongloo | a vessel; which symbolizes Thi-Kong for burning incense | 天公爐
thvikongtextø | justice | 天公地道
thvikongtoextø | justice | 天公地道
thvikongtvoaa | temporary shrine put up (usually across a street) for the worship of Giok-te | 天公壇
thvilie | principles of Heaven's justice; especially in reference to vengeance | 天理
thvilo | road to the heaven | 天路; 天露; 露水
thvimngg | heaven's gate | 天門
thvinaseg | lapis lazuli | 天藍色; 青金石
thvinii | business (activity); harvest; the allotted span of a man's life | 天年; 景氣
thvioe | adding words | 添話
thvioof | sky is getting dark | 天黑黑 (滿天烏雲)
thvipe | Heavenly Father | 天爸
thvipefng | heavenly host, heavenly army | 添兵; 天兵
thvipng | put rice in a bowl; fill the bowl with boiled rice; have another helping (bowl) of rice | 添飯; 盛飯
thvipor | expletive; supply; padded | 填補
thvipvii | fill in | 填平
thvipvy haykag | remote regions | 天崖海角
thvipvy | horizon | 天邊
thvisaix | angel | 天使
thvisaix-tviuo | archangel | 天使長
thviseg | sky; color of sky; time of day weather | 天色
thvisiar | add a postscript, write in addition | 添寫
thvisii | season, time decided by Heaven | 天時
thvisiong | atmospheric phenomenon, celestial phenomenon | 天像; 氣象
thvisuu | to compose verse | 填辭
thvite boefar | end of heaven and earth ─ said of extraordinary calamities or unexampled crimes; portending the end of the dynasty | 末日
thvite bøo pøx | Heaven and Earth allowing wickedness to go unpunished | 天地無報
thvite | heaven and earth, the universe | 天地
thviterng | the zenith, in the heaven | 天頂; 天上
thviterng-texe | heaven above and earth below; the universe | 天上地下
thvithaau-thiapboea | get more family livelihood | 貼補家計
thvithafng | louver; dormer; scuttle; skylight; skylight; high windows; a fixed window in a roof | 天窗
thvithiab | make up the deficiency or a deficit | 添貼; 填貼
thvithuy | Jacob's ladder, the ladder to the heaven | 天梯
thvitiofng | in the sky | 天中
thvitiong'ngf | outdoors; outside | 太陽下; 露天
thvitoa | big; great | 天大
thvitoa-textoa ee su | matters as big as heaven and earth ─ important or serious matters | 天大的事
thvitoaxtextoa | huge | 天大地大
thvitoe | sky and earth | 天地
thvitvoaa | Altar to Heaven | 天壇
thvitøe | heaven and earth; the universe | 天地
thviuo | the second of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; the period from one to three A.M.; clown; jester; buffoon; comedian | 丑
thviwsii | the period from 1 to 3 a.m | 丑時
thvix | prop up; to support; extend | 頂; 撐; 托
thvixbat | stitch tightly | 縫密; 密縫
thvixsvaf | sew; sew cloth | 縫衫; 縫補衣服
thvizhaa | add wood (to a fire) | 縫柴; 添柴
thvizhvef | stars | 天星
thvizuie | give more water; replenish the water | 加水
thvizvea | skylight | 天井
thvizø | build or make in addition | 添加; 添造
thvizøe | build or make in addition | 添加
thvoa | to spread; to open; to divide equally | 攤
thvoa'ui | stall or booth (especially a fixed one in a market) | 攤位
thvoaa | to spread; to open; to divide equally | 攤
thvoaf | open and spread out (for sale); apportion; distribute; a stall or mat on which goods are displayed for sale | 攤; 灘; 急流
thvoafpvee | to level slightly and smooth down the surface of a piece of ground; filling up slight depressions with its own earth | 鋤平
thvoafpvii | to spread out even; go snacks | 攤平
thvoafzhao | to hoe up grass and small shrubs | 鋤草
thvoaheeng | pay by installments; to return in portions; installment plan | 攤還
thvoahoaan | repay in installments | 攤還
thvoahoarn | a pedlar's stand, a street stall; a small stand where pedlars sell things | 攤販
thvoahoaxn | peddlers; stall keepers | 小販; 攤販
thvoakhao | mouth or foot of rapids | 攤口; 灘口
thvoalap | pay by installments | 攤還; 分期繳納
thvoaphaix | allot, distribute (in equal shares) | 攤派; 分配
thvoar zhao | mowing lawn | 剷草
thvoar | shovel; spade; uproot (small plants) or cut away about the roots with a hoe; to level with a hoe | 剷; 鋤
thvoarhoarbut | carbides | 碳化物
thvoarhoax zok'iong | carbonization process | 碳化作用
thvoarhoax | carbonize; carbonization | 碳化
thvoarhw | mine worker | 礦夫
thvoarhøea | charcoal fire | 炭火
thvoariuo'ar | pieces of charcoal | 碎炭仔
thvoariux | charcoal | 炭幼
thvoariøo | charcoal kiln | 炭窯
thvoarkafng | coal miner | 炭工
thvoarkhafng | mine | 炭空
thvoarkhangkhao | coal mine entrance | 炭空口
thvoarkhanglai | inside coal mine | 炭空內
thvoarkhornghw | coal miner | 炭礦夫
thvoarkhoxng | colliery; coal mine | 炭礦; 煤礦
thvoarkhuy | disperse; scatter; decentralize; spread out; extend | 擴散; 湠開; 擴展; 蔓延
thvoarkhvef | coal pit (in mining) | 炭坑
thvoarkhvy | coal pit (in mining) | 炭坑
thvoarkiuu | charcoal ball | 炭球
thvoarloo | charcoal stove; brazier | 炭爐
thvoaroe | charcoal drawings | 炭畫
thvoarpid | charcoal pencil for drawing | 炭筆
thvoarsae | charcoal ash | 炭灰
thvoarsiofng | coal or charcoal dealer | 炭商
thvoarsng'iaam | carbonates | 碳酸鹽
thvoarsngf ciøqhoef | carbonate of lime | 碳酸石灰
thvoarsngf | carbonic acid | 碳酸
thvoarsngkaq | potassium carbonate | 碳酸鉀
thvoarsngzuie | carbonic water; soda water | 碳酸水
thvoarsox | carbon | 碳素
thvoarzerng | reproduce | 湠種
thvoarzhao | hoe out grass | 碳草
thvoarzuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
thvoasiaux | pay by installments | 攤數; 分期付款
thvoax | charcoal; coal; (in chemistry) C-carbon; propagate | 炭; 碳; 衍
thvy auxzafn | wisdom teeth coming in | 添後齻; 長智齒
thvy axm | at dark | 天暗
thvy bøehkngf | dawn; just day break | 天將亮
thvy bøexkngf | not dawn yet; not day break yet | 天未亮
thvy bøkharm | no flight of stairs in heaven; means never afraid of danger | 天無階梯; (形容無怕危險)
thvy bøo bagciw | Heaven has no eyes (said when great criminals go unpunished and prosper all the more by their crimes) | 皇天無眼
thvy bøo zoadjiin cy lo | unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation | 天無絕人之路
thvy chirnthauar | increase quantity; amount; weight | 添秤頭; 增加稱量
thvy løh angho | inconceivable; enigma | 下紅雨; (無可思議)
thvy o'of | sky is getting dark | 天黑黑
thvy of te axm | heaven and earth dark; very dark weather; great distress and calamity | 天黑地暗
thvy oym | dark cloudy sky | 陰天
thvy phahphuo | dawn; daybreak | 天剛亮
thvy phwkngf | at daybreak; toward daylight; early dawn | 天拂曉; 黎明
thvy svef te viuo | The heavens give life; the earth nourishes it ─ We depend on God; not just on ourselves | 天生地養
thvy taxmpøqar | add a little; give or put in a little more | 添淡薄仔; 加一點
thvy teq chiaau | balance; handle by god | 天在左右
thvy ti thaukhakterng | Heaven is above my head; I am speaking all truthfully; Heaven sees and will punish me if I speak falsely (said as a sort of oath) | 天在頭殼上
thvy tuo kngf | dawn; just day break | 天剛亮
thvy u bagciw | Heaven's eye sees (as when calamity suddenly overtakes wicked men) | 皇天有眼
thvy zay te zay | Heaven and Earth know it to be true | 天知地知
thvy zhaf te | very different | 天差地; 大無相同
thvy zhengzhefng | clear sky; a cloudless sky | 天清清
thvy zuotvia | Heaven decrees it; preordained; fixed by heaven | 天註定
thvy | sky; add, increase | 天; 添
thvy-kngf | at dawn | 天光; 破曉
thvy-phwkngf | dawn | 天拂曉; 破曉; 黎明
thvy`nih | in the sky | 天裡
thvykngf | at dawn | 天光
thwbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場
thwho | person or organization that has a savings account in the bank | 儲戶
thwkym | have a savings account | 貯金; 儲金
thwn | black; dirt | 塵; 吞
thwn-bøe løh`khix | unable to swallow; unpleasant to swallow; unable to defraud a man as we intended | 吞無落去
thwn-bøe løqaau | difficult to swallow (unpleasant food) | 嚥無下; (喉頭)
thwn`løqkhix | bolt down; gulp down; swallow up | 吞落去
thwntah | to trample; to abuse; to tread on; trample on; tread down; expenses for unexpected visitors either for food or for food and lodging; wasteful expense in entertaining visitors at a funeral or wedding | 𧿬踏; 踐踏
thwthiog | savings, to save money | 貯蓄; 儲蓄
thwzeeng | to express one's feeling | 抒情
thwzeeng-sy | lyric poetry, a lyric | 敘情詩; 抒情詩
thwzengsy | lyric poetry | 抒情詩; 敘情詩
thwzoong | save up, store up | 貯藏; 儲藏
thwzoong-seg | store room | 貯藏室; 儲藏室
thwzoong-sor | storage area, storehouse | 貯藏所; 儲藏所
thwzuie-tii | cistern | 貯水池
thwzuytii | cistern, reservoir, water-storage tank | 貯水池
thy | to beat with a stick; cane | 笞; 黐
thychiøx | to laugh at; to sneer at; to mock; to scoff at; to ridicule; to mock | 恥笑; 譏笑; 嘲笑
thyjiok | shame; disgrace; humiliation | 恥辱
thykhuikhuy | spread wide open | 褫開開
thykhuy | unfold; unwind; outspread; open out (wings or an umbrella) | 展開; 褫開; 張開
thykud | pubic bone | 恥骨
thyphoax | rend apart; tear apart; rip to pieces | 撕破
thysit | spread the wings | 展翅
thytoat kongkoaan | disfranchise; deprive one of his civil rights | 褫奪公權
thytoat | snatch away; deprive of; strip off | 褫奪
thø | it | 它; 佗
thø'aang | peach color, pink | 桃紅
thø'ar | peach | 桃仔
thø'ar-hngg | peach orchard | 桃仔園; 桃園
thøaang | pink | 桃紅
thøafchiu | peach tree | 桃仔樹
thøafcie | peach stone; peach pit | 桃仔子
thøafheeng | peech shape | 桃仔形
thøafhngg | peach orchard | 桃子園
thøafhut | peach stone; peach pit | 桃仔核
thøafzaang | peach tree | 桃仔欉
thøangseg | peach color; color of peach blossoms; a bright red | 桃紅色
thøar | peah | 桃子
thøbin | peach-shaped face | 桃面; 瓜子臉
thøciaplie | graft a plum on a peach | 桃接李; 改良的李子
thøea | the body; shape; theory | 體
thøea'au | retreat, go back | 退後
thøea'ui | exit | 退位
thøea'øh | drop out of school, be expelled from school | 退學
thøeachiuo | substitute for, substitute worker | 退手; 替手
thøeagurn | for me; for us | 替阮
thøeagvor | be discharged from military service | 退伍
thøeahak | quit school; drop out | 退學
thøeaheeng | reimbursement | 退還
thøeahiukym | pension; lump sum paid on retirement | 退休金
thøeahiw | retirement | 退休
thøeahoaan | reimbursement | 退還
thøeahoax | degeneration; degrade; retrogression | 退化
thøeahoea | regret (one's action) | 退火; 退悔; 後悔
thøeahoee | return | 退回
thøeahoong | reduce inflammation or swelling | 退洪; 退癀; 消炎
thøeahwn | break one's engagement | 退婚
thøeahøea | heat of fire goes out, reduce the body-heat condition | 退火; 去火
thøeahøex | return merchant | 退貨
thøeajiet | reduce a fever, have a fever go down | 退熱
thøeajim | resign an office, become inactive in charge | 退任; 退休
thøeakafng | a substitute worker | 退工
thøeake | ebb, recede | 退低
thøeakhiin | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøeakhuun | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøeakhuy | step aside, make way | 退開
thøeakngf | lose brilliance, become dim or dull | 退光; 朦朧
thøeakorng | speak for someone else | 退講; 替講; 代講
thøeali | withdraw from | 退離
thøeanie | fade (color on cloth) | 退染; 退色
thøeaniu | conceal, yield | 退讓
thøeapefng | retreat | 退兵
thøeapo | back slide; to regress; set back; retrogression | 退步
thøeaseg | fade | 褪色; 退色
thøeasek | leave the seat, leave from the assembly | 退適; 退席
thøeasii | out of mode; out of style | 退時; 退流行
thøeasiog | move back; crane; shrink | 退縮
thøeasiok | redeem, atone | 退贖; 替贖
thøeasiu | receive in substitution, receive for other person | 退受; 替受; 代受
thøeasiuo | retreat | 退守
thøeasiw | retreat | 退修; 退休
thøeasiw-hoe | religious retreat meeting | 退修會
thøeasyn | substitute for another person | 退身; 替身
thøeatai | to substitute, to supersede, instead of, in place of | 替代
thøeathøex | annoying, not aggressive | 退退
thøeatiaau | [[theatiaau]]; ebb (tide) | 退潮; 退朝
thøeatngg | withdraw from the court | 退堂
thøeatorng | exit from party | 退黨
thøeatviuu | exit | 退場
thøeavi | be discharged from hospital | 出院; 退院
thøeavoa | switch over; replacing; replacement; substitution | 替換
thøeazhud | with draw from | 退出
thøeazuie | water retreat | 退水
thøef | a kind of hair pin | 釵
thøekor | withdraw shares | 退股
thøex | for; substitute; withdraw | 替; 退
thøex`khix | withdrew | 退去
thøfciah | beggar; wild beasts; a hungry ghost; seek for food | 尋食; 討食; 乞討; 要飯; 找工作
thøfciexn | to challenge to battle | 討戰
thøfcvii | demand money due us; ask one's superior to give him money | 討錢
thøfcviw | Taiwan camphor tree | 土漿; 土樟
thøfhae | fishing; fish in the sea | 討海; 捕魚; 打魚
thøfhae`ee | fisherman | 討海的; 漁夫
thøfhaylaang | fisherman | 討海人; 捕魚人
thøfhiap | compromise with; accommodation; come to terms | 妥協
thøfhii | catch fish | 討魚; 打魚
thøfhii-laang | fishermen | 討魚人; 漁夫
thøfhizuun | fishing boat | 討海舟; 捕魚舟
thøfhoat | subjugate rebels | 討伐
thøfiarkuie | nasty guy | 討厭鬼
thøfiax | dislike, loathe | 討厭
thøfiaxm | be sick of; tired of; botheration; dislike; troublesome; disgusting; incur a dislike or disgust for | 討厭
thøfkheahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
thøfkhehhviaf | wife who has an affair | 討客兄
thøfkhoeahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
thøfkiuopefng | ask for reinforcement | 請救兵
thøflaang | demand back a man who had been sold; seized; imprisoned or who has died or been lost while under another's care | 討人
thøfliah | to fish in the sea | 打魚
thøflun | talk over; to discuss; deal with; discuss; to debate; discussion | 討論
thøflun-hoe | discussion meeting, debate | 討論會
thøfluxnhoe | discussion meeting; forum | 討論會
thøfmia | revenge; ghost of the murdered man) requires the death of the murderer | 討命
thøfphethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphoethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphvii | get even, take revenge | 討平
thøfpng | beg for food | 討飯; 要飯
thøfpøee | ask for damages | 討賠; 要求賠償
thøfseng'oah | make a living | 討生活
thøfsiaux | dun a debtor | 催數; 討數; 要帳
thøfsie | draw death on oneself by one's own conduct | 討死; 找死
thøfsviuo | ask for a reward or gratuity | 討賞
thøfthaxn | earn money by trade or business | 趁討; 討趁; 謀生; 工作
thøftngr | ask for to be returned, to get back | 討回; 討轉
thøftørtngr | demand back again money or things lent; property mortgaged or leased | 討倒轉; 要回
thøfu | succeed in getting by asking for | 要到了
thøfvii | oval, ovoid, ellipse, elliptical | 橢圓
thøfvii-thea | an ellipsoid | 橢圓形
thøfzeakviar | spendthrift son | 討債囝; 敗家子; 浪費
thøfzeeng | ask for a favor or kindness for another; ask for forgiveness | 求情; 討人情
thøfzex | to waste; misspend; fritter; be profuse in; seeking money back; demand repayment of a loan | 浪費; 討債
thøgee | green peach aphid | 通蚜; 波斯蚜
thøgoanhiofng | | 桃源鄉
thøhoahiofng | peach blossom village | 桃花鄉
thøhoazngf | peach blossom village | 桃花庄
thøhoebin | face like a peach blossom (said of a young woman whose face looks as if she is fond of licentious pleasure) | 桃花面
thøhoef | peach blossom; floozie | 桃花
thøhoekiab | trouble in affair | 桃花劫
thøhoesiao | inclination to lasciviousness in women; said to be strongest about the time when the peach blossoms | 桃花癲
thøhoesimbok | mahogany | 桃花心木
thøhoeun | popularity; good luck in adventures with women | 桃花運
thøjiin | dark-spotted cherry, peach | 土仁; 黑點櫻桃
thøky | peach branch; used much for divination (it has great power over spirits; it is not proper to strike any one with a peach branch; since it may influence the soul so as to cause madness) | 桃枝
thølie boarn thienha | His students have spread throughout the land | 桃李滿天下
thølie | peaches and plums ─ pupils; students | 桃李
thøo | peach; peach tree; peach | 桃
thør jinzeeng | request a favor or kindness for another; (a person who has some influence or claim on the person asked) makes a request | 討人情
thør khehhviaf | woman seeks a paramour | 討客兄; 紅杏出牆
thør kiuopefng | request relief troops; seek reinforcements | 討救兵
thør kongløo | to claim reward or praise | 討功勞; 邀功
thør kynkirn | demand payment urgently | 要得很急
thør phoee thviax | ask for trouble; bring trouble upon self | 自討苦吃
thør phøee thviax | ask for trouble | 討皮疼
thør | to demand; to beg for; to dun; manage; to control; quell (an uprising; rebellion); punish; invade | 討; 要
thør-khehhviaf | seek a paramour, look for a man | 討客兄; 找情夫; 紅杏出牆
thør`laai | to demand, request | 討來
thør`tngflaai | to demand back against money or thing lent; property mortgaged or leased | 討回來
thørbea | harness a horse | 套馬; 備馬
thørbeeng | transparent, transparency | 透明
thørboo | set of molds | 套模
thørcy | (bank) overdraft; overdraught; overdraw | 透支
thørek | saliva, slaver | 唾液
thørguo | polite words in conversation | 套語; 客套話
thørhiap | compromise; understanding; reconciliation; come to terms; reach a reconciliation | 妥協
thørhix | rehearse a play | 排戲
thørhøfhør | plan beforehand; premeditate already | 套好好; 已經預謀好了
thørkhix | spit at; spit on; conspue | 唾棄
thørkngr | sheath | 透管; 套管
thørkoarn | cannula | 透管; 套管
thørlaang | plan with others | 透人; 與外人共謀
thørlie | put in lining | 套裡; (衣服)
thørlo | to reveal, to disclose | 透露
thørma | to spit on and revil | 透罵; 唾罵
thøroe | gathering information by leading the conversation subjects | 套話
thørpaang | suite; flatlet; suite of rooms | 套房
thørpiexnpien | rehearsed; all ready; prepared | 套好了
thørsi | use a fluoroscope, see through, perspective, take an X-ray study | 透視
thørsien | proper; appropriate; satisfactory (arrangement); properly arranged for; we well managed | 妥善
thørsvaf | put burial clothes (can be a number of layers) on a deceased person | 套衫; 給死人穿的衣服
thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 妥頭; 客套
thørthau'oe | courtesy greeting | 套頭話
thørthiab | safe, satisfactory | 套貼; 妥貼
thørthvy | pass the day | 透天
thørtit | straightforward | 透直
thørtoxng | appropriate; secure; ready; everything right; properly done; on a sound basis; well arranged; safe | 妥當
thørtoxng`løh | I've got it! I am sure of success. | 妥當啦; 很幸虧
thørvii | oval, ovoid, ellipse, elliptical | 透圓
thørvii-thea | an ellipsoid | 透圓體
thørzhafn | combo meal | 套餐
thørzhud | to spit | 唾出
thørzofng | suit | 套裝
thørzu | to hitch, to slip on, to trap | 套住
thørzuie | permeable | 透水
thørøee | overshoes, galoshes | 套鞋
thøseg sinbuun | news of illicit love | 桃色新聞
thøseg | peach color | 桃色
thøsek'axn | criminal case involving sex | 桃色案
thøteg | sweet-scented oleander (bamboo) | 桃竹
thøtekbiaukhw | northern Taiwan counties that don't include Taipei | 桃竹苗區
thøthiefn taixzoe | great sin that stinks to heaven; the most grave crime; extremely serious offense | 滔天大罪
thøthiefn | big; fatal | 滔天
thøtuun | peach-shaped lips | 桃唇; 櫻唇
thøx cit'ee armhø | agree on a secret sign; arrange a signal | 套一個暗號
thøx khawkefng | collusion among witnesses or suspects for false confessions; trap suspect into admitting guilt | 套口供
thøx phvaylaang | engage a bold; bad man to assist in some wickedness; e.g.; robbery; false lawsuits | 套歹人; 串通壞人
thøx | jacketing; series; firm; safe; secure; stable; settled; fixed; ready; prepared; satisfactory | 套; 妥
thøx`køex | through, by means of, to penetrate, to permeate | 透過
tiafmthiq sengkym | transform common metal into gold ─ make a poor writing into a literary masterpiece by skillful retouching | 點鐵成金
tiahthak | select parts to read | 摘讀; 選讀
tiaothuy | hanging ladder of ropes; e.g.; on a vessel | 吊梯
tiarmthaau | store front; store; business shop | 店頭; 店舖
tiarmthaukef | shop boss | 店頭家
tiauserngthoaan | pilgrimage group; a hadji (hajji) mission | 朝聖團
tiauthaang | tapeworm | 條蟲
tiauthay | stabilized fetus | 牢胎
tiautheeng | mediate; to compromise; reconcile; adjust; instigate a quarrel | 調停
tiautheg | very critical, to find faults | 刁斥; 發現錯誤
tiauxthaau | omen; foretoken; bodement; a straw in the wind; prelude; omen; augury | 兆頭; 預兆
tid langthviax | amiable; beloved | 得人疼; 可愛
tidthaokhix | go straight ahead (into a door) | 一直去
tidthaux | nonstop; directly; go nonstop to | 直透; 直達; 一直
tidthofng | lead directly to; reach directly | 直通
tidtit-thernghau | go on waiting | 直直等候
tidtit-thvoax | cutaneous diseases spread more and more; (rats) propagate | 直直衍; 一直繁殖
tien thaumngg | permanent wave; get a permanent | 電頭髮; 燙頭髮
tien thaumof | permanent wave; get a permanent | 電頭毛; 燙頭髮
tien-thaumngg | get a permanent wave | 電頭髮; 電頭毛; 燙
tienthor | lands, field | 田土
tientørthaau | upside down | 顛倒頭
tientørthausvef | breech presentation (obstetrics) | 臀位生產
tiethaau | pedicle | 蒂頭
tiexnhefthiau | street light | 電火柱
tiexnhoeathiau | an electric lamp post | 電燈杆
tiexnhoefthiau | street light column | 電火柱
tiexnhoefthiauafkhaf | street light column bottom | 電火柱仔跤
tiexnhoefthiauar | street light column | 電火柱仔
tiexnhoefthiauxterng | street light column top | 電火柱頂
tiexnhøea-thiau | electric light pole | 電火柱; 電線桿
tiexnhøefthiau | poles for electric wires | 電線桿
tiexnky kangtheeng | electrical engineering | 電機工程
tiexnsirnthiau | telegraph pole | 電信柱; 電線杆
tiexnthaau | electric plug | 電頭; 電插頭
tiexntharn | electric blanket | 電毯
tiexnthaumngg | perm hair | 電頭毛
tiexnthaumngtiaxm | salon | 電頭毛店
tiexnthaumotiaxm | salon | 電頭毛店
tiexnthauzangtiaxm | salon | 電頭鬃店
tiexnthiau | poles for electric wires | 電桿; 電線桿
tiexnthoo | carbide | 電石; 電塗; 炭化物
tiexnthor | offer a libation to the god of the earth | 奠土
tiexnthuimngg | elevator door | 電梯門
tiexnthuy | elevator | 電梯; 升降機
tiexntøxthea | electric conductor | 電導體
tiexnzengthea | transistor | 電晶體
tiexnzuthiq | electromagnetic steel | 電磁鐵
tihoehthngf | pig blood soup | 豬血湯
tilaan jithex | retreat from difficulties | 知難而退
timthoxng | to be deeply grieved; bitter; heavy or painful at heart | 沈痛
tinthaau | head of rattan | 藤頭
tinthiab | allowance; pay; pension; subsidize; allowance; to help out with money | 津貼
tintiauthaau | head of rattan | 籐條頭
tiokthee | build a dike or embankment | 築堤
tiongkiexn thienjit | see daylight again ─ regain freedom; be liberated or emancipated | 重見天日
tiongthiap | duplicated, piled one on another | 重疊
tiongzhanthviaf | Chinese restaurant | 中餐廳
tiorngthefng | pleased to hear; gratifying opinion | 中聽
tioxngthog | heavy trust | 重託
tirmthaau | nod the head | 點頭
tirmthaau-ciøhof | beckon | 點頭招呼
tirnloxthaau | obstruct the landing place | 擋路頭
tirnthviarzef | anodyne; painkiller | 鎮痛劑
tirnthviax-zef | analgesic, pain-killer | 鎮痛劑; 鎮疼劑
tithaau | a hoe; pig's head | 鋤頭; 豬頭
tithaupeeng | mumps | 腮腺炎
tithauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
tithauphøee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
tithaupuii | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 腮腺腫; 豬頭肥; 腮腺炎; 耳下腺炎
tithaupvex | handle of a hoe | 鋤頭柄
tithauzhoea | pig's brains | 豬腦髓
tithauzhøea | pig's brain | 豬頭髓
tithie | behave oneself; have the sense of shame | 知恥
tithuie | leg of pork | 豬腿
tithun'ar | half grown pig; piglet; shoat | 豬豚仔; 中豬
titlangthviax | to be favored; pet | 得人疼; 討人喜愛; 受寵
titthøo | play, have fun, have a pleasant time, have illicit sexual intercourse with a woman, do solely for amusement or pleasure | 玩物
titthøo-laang | playboy, man of pleasure | 拭桃人
titthøo-mih | plaything, toy | 拭桃物
titthøo-zabor | woman for illicit sexual intercourse | 拭桃查某
tiuafthaau | rice head | 稻仔頭
tiuxkøfthaau | stubble of rice | 稻莖頭
tiuxthaang | insects found on rice plants | 稻蟲
tiuxthaau | stubble of rice | 稻莖
tiuxzhawthaau | straw head | 稻草頭
tixmtang'afthngf | Taiwanese slow cook hot soup | 燖筒仔湯
tixnthaau | the first portion or part of a procession | 陣頭; (遊行的前驅)
tixnthaekor | big drums fleet | 陣太鼓
tixnthautiofng | in the front | 陣頭中
tixnthoxng | labor pangs; pains that occur at intervals; twitch | 陣痛
tixnthviax | labor pangs; pangs of childbirth; pains that occur at intervals | 陣痛
tixthaau | to wear a cap or a hat | 鋤頭
tiøh zhadthaw | sustain a theft (burglary); be robbed | 得賊偷
tiøh-zhadthaw | be burglarized | 得賊偷; 著賊偷; 被偷東西
tiøqthaang | breed worms; have intestinal worms | 長蟲; 染蟲
tiøqthaumiaa | first | 著頭名
tiøqzhadthaw | got stolen | 著賊偷
tiøthiaux | jump and throw; leap about; jump for joy; bound | 投跳; 跳投; 跳躍
tng'ar thad`leq | intestinal obstruction | 腸仔塞咧; 腸阻塞
tngf jidthaau kofng'oe | I swear by heaven that.. | 對天發誓
tngg-thaumngg | long hair | 長頭髮
tnggrthaunofkwn | break your head | 斷頭腦筋
tngnii tharngthvy | whole year through | 一年到頭
tngr auxthaau | back to your parents' home | 轉後頭
tngr oexthaau | change topic of conversation | 轉換話題
tngrthaau | pledge | 當頭; 抵押品
tngthaau | face to face | 當頭; 當面
tngthaau-peqjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
tngthaupeqjit | day time | 當頭白日
tngthaupeqlit | day time | 當頭白日
tngthautuiebin | face to face | 當頭對面
tngthvy-libsex | call Heaven to witness | 當天立誓
tngxthaau | be headed | 斷頭
toa paktor-thafng'ar | a woman's stomach protrudes either before or after pregnancy; a man or woman has dropsy; undernourished or starving child with big belly | 大肚仔 (病態的); 小腹大
toa-phaethaau | overbearing manner | 大派頭
toa-tharncvii | making large gains | 賺大錢; 發大財
toa-zerngthaau | big symptom | 大症頭
toahthafng | open a sliding window | 大窗
toarnthiøtaai | scaffold | 斷頭台
toarthaau | to take the lead | 帶頭
toax-thøhoef | a woman fated to lead a licentious life | 帶桃花
toaxcih herngthih | A clumsy person always wants to show off. You don't have the necessary ability. (Lit. A person who stutters always wants to talk.) | 大舌興鐵; 口吃愛講話; 笨拙偏愛出風頭
toaxcythauar | big sister | 大姊頭仔
toaxhoanthaau | big turn around | 大翻頭
toaxkiøthaau | big bridge | 大橋頭
toaxloxthaau | highway, main street, main road | 大路頭
toaxsoarnthaau | large garlic | 大蒜頭
toaxthaau | large head; big man; influential person; VIP; big-head; stupid | 大頭
toaxthafng | strabismus, squint | 斜视
toaxtharncvii | make big bucks | 大趁錢
toaxthauar | big head guy | 大頭仔
toaxthaubuo | thumb | 大頭拇; 大姆指
toaxthauciafm | pin | 大頭針
toaxthauhii | big-head (fish), black silver carp, spotted silver carp | 大頭魚; 黑鰱
toaxthaukef | big boss | 大頭家
toaxthaupefng | soldier | 大頭兵
toaxthaupve | wish to be a great man (influential man) | 大頭病
toaxthautefng | thumbtack | 大頭釘
toaxthauzhafng | shallot (vegetable) | 大頭鬃; 大頭蔥; 分蔥
toaxthauzhaix | kohlrabi (vegetable) | 大頭菜
toaxthekhiim | cello | 大提琴
toaxthiøf | make much profit | 大賺
toaxthoaf | agricultural tools for concentrating millet | 大拖
toaxthoan'oaan | happy ending; happy reunion | 大團圓
toaxthonglo | road; street | 大馬路
toaxthuie | thigh | 大腿
toaxthuie-terng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂; 腰部
toaxthuykud | thigh bone | 大腿骨
toaxthuyterng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂
toaxthviaf | a big hall; the main hall; lobby; saloon; main hall or reception room of a large house; parlor | 大廳
toaxthviathaau | hall head | 大廳頭
toaxtngthaau | the large intestine | 大腸頭
toaxtoaxthah | big big pile | 大大疊
toaxtoxtharng | distended belly | 大肚桶
toaxzhangthaau | green onions | 大蔥頭
toaxzofngthorng | president | 大總統
toexhaxthiq | subway | 地下鐵
toexthaau | territory | 地頭
toextharn | carpet | 地毯
tofngthoaan | party group | 黨團
tofthad | stoppage, choking up | 堵節; 堵窒
togthaang | injurious; poisonous insect | 毒蟲
togthwn | pocket (profit) without sharing (it) with anyone else | 獨吞
togzhaai zerngthea | totalitarian state; dictatorship | 獨裁政體; 專制
tongthionghaxzhør | cordyceps sinensis | 冬蟲夏草
tongthiøpaxnghad | a wake-up call | 當頭棒喝
toong-cirnthex | advance or withdraw together; stay on or quit together | 同進退
tormthaau | nod the head | 點頭
torngthaau | stamina | 耐力
torthaux`køex | downside | 倒頭過
tothaxn | mud and coals; be burned as coal | 塗炭
totheeng | a totem | 圖騰
toxngthai | the movement; development; dynamic | 動態
toxngthaix | the movement; development; dynamic | 動態
toxngthofng | hit through | 撞通
toxngthviaf | eloquent, convincing | 動聽
toxthaau | ferry, ford | 渡頭; 渡船口
toxzunthaau | wharf; jetty for passenger boats | 渡船頭
tudthaokviax | convex lens | 凸透鏡
tuiepvoarthaxn | make 100 percent profit | 賺一倍
tuiethaau | opponent; adversary; rival | 對頭
tuiethaau-oankezuo | very party with whom we have the feud or quarrel; a rival | 對頭冤家主; 仇家
tuiethai | in dealings with; treat; treat (a person kindly; cruelly; treat one another | 對待
tuiethauchyn | similar background for marriage purpose | 對頭親
tuiethauhofng | headwind | 對頭風
tuiethaukorng | two parties making a bargain or settling an affair for themselves without any arbiter or such medium | 當面講
tuithiog | to hound, to run after | 追逐
tuithør | demand one's share | 追討
tuixthay | abortion; to have miscarriage; to abort; abortion; have an abortion; cause an abortion | 墮胎; 打胎
tuixthef | abortion; have an abortion; cause abortion | 墮胎
tuothaau | durability | 抵頭; 耐久
tuthaau | pig head | 豬頭; 鋤頭
tuthafng | shop window | 櫥窗
tuthaupeeng | pig head | 豬頭爿
tuthauphee | pig scalp | 豬頭皮
tuthaupuii | pig head fat | 豬頭肥
tuthoaq | drawer in a clothes press or standing cupboard | 櫥屜
tuxnthviax | dull pain | 惰痛; 微痛; 隱隱作痛
tvafthaau zai | very courageous | 膽壯
tvafthaau | courage; belly; nerve; gut | 膽頭; 膽量
tvaftharng | seal up a coffin awaiting burial | 停柩; 打桶; 停靈
tvafthaxm | make a quiet investigation, make a secret investigation | 打探; 刺探
tvafthay | to have an abortion on purpose; abortion; intentional abortion | 打胎
tvafthoex | to beat back | 打退
tvafthøex | to beat back | 打退
tvar toa paw thvy | extremely audacious; recklessly bold | 膽大包天
tvarthaau | load | 擔子; 擔頭; 負擔
tvarthau'ar | load | 擔頭仔
tvathaau | load | 擔頭
tve kunthaubør | clench the fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
tvex-bøo thviaf`tiøh | pretend not to hear | 假裝沒有聽見
tviafthuun | carbon incrustation on backside of a pan | 鼎灶; 鍋灰
tvithaau | advantage | 甜頭
tvithngf | sweet soup | 甜湯
tvithngg | sugars | 甜糖
tvithøo | sweet peach | 甜桃
tviuothviax | swelling pain | 脹痛
tviuothøex | tide subsided | 脹退
tvoatheeng | one-way | 單停; 單程
twnthiap | stacking up | 囤疊
twthaau | meet someone unexpectedly | 遇到; 碰到
twthauar | just now | 拄頭仔
twthiog | savings | 貯蓄
twthvy | touch the sky; so high or great as to reach up to heaven | 抵天; 極其; 碰到天; 高達天
ty cirnthøex | know how to advance and retreat | 知進退
tøexthaau | local; place; location | 地頭
tøexthaau-zoaa | local strong man | 地頭蛇
tøextharn | carpet; rug | 地毯
tøfthøex | to fall back; counter march; retro speck | 倒退
tøh'afthoaq | table drawer | 桌仔屜
tøhthaau | defraud; extort; lure; seduce | 訛詐; 引誘 (語)
tøhthoaq | desk drawer | 桌屜
tømuithea | multimedia | 多媒體
tør-thafnchiøx | laughing loud | 倒袒笑
tør-thafnhvoaai | lying crosswise; e.g.; across a bed | 倒坦橫
tør-thafnkhab | fall or lie up-side-down; fall face down | 倒坦伏
tør-thafnkhisyn | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧身; 側臥
tør-thafnkhy | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧; 側臥
tør-thafntit | lying straight along | 倒坦直; 縱臥
tørhoanthaau | turn around | 倒翻頭
tørthaau | turn back; turned in the opposite or wrong direction; the wrong end | 倒頭; 反面; 反端
tørthaau-tiaux | hang upside down | 倒頭心; 倒吊
tørthaau-zay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
tørthad | kick backwards with the heel | 倒踢; 反踢
tørthaqpvee | shield | 倒疊棚
tørthaukviaa | wrong way | 倒頭行
tørthauthaxn | lose in trade instead of gaining | 倒頭賺; 虧損
tørthauthuii | counter attack to win | 倒頭槌
tørthauzay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
tørtheakviaa | go or walk backwards | 倒退行
tørthealw | driving backwards | 倒退推
tørtheapo | go backwards; retrogress (as in studying) | 倒退步
tørthex | retreat; become worse than before (in some work; art; or study); to walk back wards from a spot to which we had advanced; to regress | 倒退; 退步
tørthiab | pay out of one's own pocket | 倒貼
tørthiaux | to rebound | 倒跳
tørthoe | old; age; grow older; senile | 倒退; 精神衰退
tørthvoaa | retrogress | 倒彈; 倒退
tørthwn | swallowed by opponent | 倒吞
tørthøex | withdraw, retire | 倒退
tøthaehoad | concentration (in mining) | 淘汰法
tøthaix | eliminate inferior contestants; goods; to clean out; weed out superfluous elements; select and separate | 淘汰
tøthex siawpor | return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage; if any (The expression is used when money is paid in advance for a specific use; the cost of which is unknown beforehand) | 多退少補; 多還少補
tøthoa | to learn gradually by looking on | 徒導; 學習
tøthoad | escape from; free oneself from; succeed in escaping from; run away | 逃脫
tøxsexng-khiethea-goansox | inert gas element | 惰性氣體元素
tøxthea | electric conductor | 導體
tøxtiexnthea | conductor | 導電體
u hengthea`ee | corporeal | 有形體的
u hexthorng | systematic | 有系統
u hoeathaau | aged; getting old | 年邁; 年老
u phvithaau | get the better of a man; in a dispute or quarrel; get things very cheap or get large wages; advantageous (trade); yielding good profits | 佔便宜
u torngthaau | able to hold out | 有擋頭
u-hexthorng | systematic | 有系統
u-thaothied | thoroughly understanding | 有透徹
u-thviarsym | loving | 有疼心; 有愛心
u-zhutthoad | promising | 有出脫
uithabeng | vitamin | 維他命
uithea | corpse; carcass | 遺體
uithoaan | heredity; inheritance; hereditary; heredity; be transmitted from one's parents | 遺傳
uithoanhak | study of heredity; genetics | 遺傳學
uithoanpve | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uithoanpvi | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uithoansexng | heredity; hereditary | 遺傳性
uithoantiøh | Inherited | 遺傳著
uixthea | the body | 胃體
uixthviax | stomach pain or ache | 胃痛
un'ar thvoaheeng | pay a debt gradually by installments | 勻仔攤還; 慢慢的攤還
un'unthunthwn | sloppy; slow | 溫溫吞吞
unthai | treat graciously | 恩待
unthiorng | grace | 恩寵
unthunkuie | you filthy imp or wretch! (said in scolding) | 骯髒鬼
unthwn | very dirty; filthy | 骯髒; 污穢
urn juu thaesafn | as stable as Mount Taishan | 穩如泰山
urnthuxn | stubborn and unreasonable; obstinate; bigoted | 乖戾; 遲鈍
uxthaau | with a beginning | 有頭
uxthaau-bøbøea | leave a job incomplete or unfinished; quit doing something halfway; a thing given up before it is finished | 有頭無尾
uxthaau-uxbin | power position and good reputation | 有頭有臉; (有地位有名聲)
uxthaau-uxbøea | do a job from beginning to end; it has a beginning and an end | 有頭有尾; 有始有終
uxthafng | possibly it can or it may | 有通; 能夠
uxthauuxbea | through | 有頭有尾
uxthauuxboea | through | 有頭有尾
uxthofng | can; may; possible; able to; (conj) so that one can... | 有通
uxthviaeq | able to hear it | 有聽得
uxthvy-bøjit | have no idea what time it is | 有天無日; (無時間觀念)
uxtorngthaau | defensive | 有擋頭
uxzhutthoad | outstanding | 有出脫
uythog hoarnbe | consignment (commission) sale; sale on commission | 委託販賣
uythog | entrust; to authorize; commission somebody to act; commission; entrust to; consignment | 委託
uythok'haang | consignment store | 委託行
uythokciar | someone commission to do something | 委託者
uythokphirn | consignment goods | 委託品
varthaau | lower; bow or hang one's head; yield; submit | 低頭
varthauzok | chin down people- staring smartphone | 向頭族
vi'afthngf | with sweet or flavored soup | 圓仔湯
vikorthea | isomer (chem.) | 異構體
vithaau | rounded head | 圓頭; 員頭
vithafng | circular window | 圓窗
vithea | rounded | 圓體
vithiau | cylinder | 圓柱
vithiau-thea | a cylinder | 圓柱體
viuafthaau | lamb head | 羊仔頭
viuthaau | sheep head | 羊頭
viuthauhiin | dizziness | 羊頭眩
viuthiq | melt iron | 鎔鐵
viuthngg | melt sugar | 溶糖
viuthuie | gigot | 羊腿
viuthøo | carambola; star-fruit; gear fruit | 楊桃; 五歛子
viuthøthngf | star fruit juice | 楊桃湯
viuthøtiin | Taiwan actinidia | 楊桃藤; 臺灣羊桃
viuthøzab | start fruit juice | 楊桃汁
vixkorthea | isomer (chem.) | 異構體
vizhaethaau | turnip (flower) | 圓菜頭
vizuy-thea | a cone | 圓椎體; 圓錐體
voa thngf bøo voa iøh | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換藥
voa thngf bøo voa liap | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換粒; 換湯無換藥
voafthaau | top of the bowl | 碗頭
voafthauar | medium sized bowl | 碗頭仔
voafthngf | soup in a bowl | 碗湯
voafthoo | clay for porcelain | 碗土; 陶土; 瓷器
voaxthiab | brotherhood; exchange cards; giving all the particulars of birth; and thus become sworn brothers | 換帖; 結拜
voaxthiab`ee | buddy | 換帖的; 結拜兄弟
wnthaulo | seeking for jobs | 允頭路
wnthaxn | investment or business is safe; sure to yield a profit | 穩趁; 賺定的
wnthøx | safe; reliable; secure and dependable | 穩妥
wthiefn | raining day | 雨天
ycixn-uithøex | pretend to move ahead in order to hide the intention to retreat | 以進為退
ylea thaixjiin | take notice of one | 以禮待人
yn kuie jip theh | invite ghosts into one's home--employ a person who afterwards proves very injurious | 引狼入室
ynthaau | lead | 引頭
ynthaulo | looking for job | 允頭路
ynthex | retire from public life | 引退; 退休
ynthoex | retire from public life | 引退
ynthøex | retire; fall from power | 引退
ythaau | a stool | 椅頭; 凳子
ythaix | ether | 以太
ythauar | wooden stool | 椅頭仔
ythex | chair support | 椅撐
ythiefn | depend on God | 倚天
zaai khør thongsiin | Money is all powerful. (Lit. With money you can talk with the gods.) | 財可通神
zaarmthautefmia | head cut short life | 鏨頭短命
zabofthea | femininity | 娘娘腔; 查某體; 女人氣質
zabofthoea | feminine | 查某體
zadthaau | stupid | 塞頭
zadthofngthorng | packed tight; crowded | 擠滿滿
zaethea | carrier | 載體
zaethiafm | add more | 再添
zaethviaf | listen again | 再聽
zafmthaau | decapitate | 斬頭
zafmthautaai | guillotine | 斬首台
zafngthaau | main threads; points; trail; clue of (criminal) investigation | 頭緒
zafthøex | leave office; school; or factory earlier than usual | 早退
zah laang ee oexthaau | interrupt a man when speaking; to cut short another's long story | 打斷人的話
zaithaoky | know thoroughly | 全知道
zaithaothaux | know thoroughly | 全知道
zaithoaan | property-holding body; foundation; endowed institution; syndicate | 財團
zaithoaan-hoatjiin | juridical person of an association | 財團法人
zaithviax | feel the pain | 知痛; 覺得痛
zaixthaau | in the head | 在頭
zaixthiefn | in the heaven | 在天
zaixthiefn-cy-leeng | in the heaven | 在天之靈
zaixthvy | in the heaven | 在天
zaizerngthviaf | department of finance | 財政廳
zaizexng thofng'id | unity of financial administration | 財政統一
zao-køeathaau | pass over; missed it | 走過頭
zao-zøeathaau | be in the lead | 走做頭; 跑在前頭
zao-zørthaau | be in the lead | 走做頭; 跑在前頭
zaothaau | stove | 灶頭
zarnthaxn | hold in regard; commendation; epraise; applaud; admiration; admiration; extol; be lost in admiration for | 讚嘆
zathaxm | find out by inquiries | 查探
zauthad | give trouble constantly; take advantage of a girl; insult; maltreat | 蹧躂; 凌侮
zauthaf | trample; to spoil; to ruin; to insult | 糟蹋
zawthaothaux | go through | 走透透
zawthaubølo | nowhere to go | 走頭無路
zawthaux | walk through | 走透
zawthay | misscarry | 走胎; 流產
zawthiaux | active | 活動
zawthoad | escape | 走脫
zaxmthaau | behead; decollate | 斬首
zaxmthautefmia | be headed short life | 鏨頭短命
zeasy-thaau | high priest | 祭司頭; 祭司長
zeathiefn | control the sky | 製天
zeathiq | iron manufacturing | 製鐵
zeathngg hoexsia | sugar company | 製糖會社
zeathngg kangchviuo | sugar refinery | 製糖工廠; 糖廠
zeathngg | sugar manufacturing; to refine sugar | 製糖
zeathngsor | sugar refinery | 製糖所
zeathoaq | debt | 債挩
zeathvy | make offerings to Heaven; offer sacrifice to Heaven | 祭天
zefngthaau | finger | 指頭
zefngthau'ar | finger | 指頭仔
zefngthauafbak | finger joint; knuckle | 指頭仔目; 關節
zefngthauafboea | finger tail | 指頭仔尾
zefngthauafbøea | finger tip | 指頭仔尾; 指尖
zefngthauafterng | finger tip | 指頭仔頂
zefngthauar | finger or toe | 指頭仔; 腳指
zefngthaubuo | thumb | 指頭母; 拇指
zefngthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zefngthaukofng | thumb | 指頭公; 大姆指
zefngthea | whole body; whole situation | 整體
zefngthefkoafn | holistic view | 整體觀
zefngthngg | hereditary; heredity | 遺傳
zefngthøx | whole set | 整套
zefngzofng thaixhoad | all packed up and ready to go (usually said of troops on an expedition) | 整裝待發
zeg thiauafcie | squeeze a pimple | 擠青春痘
zeg thiauar | pop pimples | 擠痘仔
zehthoaq | dissipate; prodigal; waste; extravagancy; misspend | 庂脫
zekkek ee thaeto | positive attitude | 積極的態度
zeksithofng | instant messaging | 即時通
zekthad | suffocation | 積窒
zekthiog | save; saving; amassment; accumulate; accumulate (savings) | 積蓄
zengkhuxthuii | pestle for a large rice mortar worked by hand | 舂臼錘; 舂杵; 舂槌
zengsiin thofng'id | concentration of mind | 精神統一
zengsiin zoxngthaix | mental state; moral condition or attitude | 精神狀態
zengthaang | spermatozoa | 精蟲; 精子
zengthaau khabhiah | hit one's head in frustration or anger | 氣得撞頭; 氣極了; 撞頭磕額
zengthaq | bell tower | 鐘塔
zengthaxm siawsoad | detective story | 偵探小說
zengthaxm | detective; spy | 偵探
zengthea | crystal in a radio | 晶體
zengtheeng | prospect | 前程
zengthiafm | add on | 增添
zengthiefn | fine day, fine weather | 晴天
zengthoad | to break away with force | 爭脫; 掙脫
zengthofng | conversance; conversant; master; be skilled in; be versed in; have a thorough knowledge of; be familiar or acquainted with | 精通
zengthuie | fore quarter or fore leg of an animal like a cut of meat; fore leg | 前腿
zengthuii | clapper or tongue of a bell; striker for a bell; hammer or mallet of mortar; an instrument to ring a bell | 鐘搥; 鐘舌
zengthuo | a wooden stick to smash and separate grain shell out grain | 舂杵
zengthør | to subjugate, go on a punitive expedition | 征討
zerngkiofng khongthaix | May you be healthy and strong (a greeting used in addressing a high government official) | 政躬康泰
zerngthaau | symptom; sickness; disease; ailments | 症狀; 症頭; 症狀疾病; 疾病
zerngthea | government; polity regime; system or form of government | 政體
zerngthefji | standard Chinese characters as distinct from simplified characters or the cursive and manuscript styles of writing | 正體字
zerngthoaan | political bloc | 政團
zerngthoad | break away with force; to shake off | 掙脫
zerngthoat | to get free from | 掙脫
zerngthofngphaix | orthodox school of thought | 正統派
zerngthorng zwgi | legitimism | 正統主義
zerngthorng | orthodox; orthodox; authorized | 正統
zethaau | round off a sum (to the next lowest whole number) | 整數; 齊頭
zexkud sinkengthviax | sciatica | 坐骨神經痛
zexngthaix | motionless state; state of stillness; stationary state | 靜態
zexngthor | pure land (Buddhism) | 淨土
zexngthviaf | listen quietly | 靜聽
zexzvea koanthiefn | look at the sky from the bottom of a well a very limited view; usually implying short sightedness; ignorance; shallowness | 坐井觀天
zhadthaau | head of thief gang; head of a band of robbers | 賊頭; 賊首
zhadthaau-zhadnao | act suspiciously; acting stealthily | 賊頭賊腦
zhadthaw | goods being stolen; steal | 賊偷; 盜竊
zhaechi'afthaau | traditional market head | 菜市仔頭
zhaethaang | worms in vegetable; green caterpillars found on vegetables | 菜蟲
zhaethaau | (n) radish; white turnip; radish | 菜頭; 白蘿蔔; 蘿蔔
zhaethaukea | rice carrot cake | 菜頭粿
zhaethaukoea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿
zhaethaukøea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿; 蘿蔔糕
zhaethauthngf | radish soup | 菜頭湯
zhaethngf | vegetable soup | 菜湯
zhafkelaxtheh | noisy family fighting all the time | 吵家抐宅
zhafmthoxng | deeply grieved; painful; bitter | 慘痛
zhahthaau | plug; adapter; a wall plug; electrical outlet | 插頭
zhai thiauar | plant a pillar | 豎柱子; 豎桿子
zhaithied | abolish | 裁撤
zhaixthiau | upright column | 豎柱; 立柱子
zhak-thaokøex | make a hole clear through | 鑿透過; 鑿穿
zhakhatharng | wooden bucket | 柴跤桶
zhamthay | bamboo tray for silkworm | 蠶胎; 籮筐
zhamthienkofbok | towering ancient tree | 參天古木
zhamthngg | add sugar | 攙糖
zhang'afthaau | scallion head | 蔥仔頭
zhangthaau | onion | 蔥頭; 洋蔥
zhanhngg-zhuotheh | land and houses | 田園房地; 家園; 田園厝宅
zhanthaau | farm | 田頭
zhanthauaflo | rice farm pathway | 田頭仔路
zhanthauar | rice farm | 田頭仔
zhanthaukef | landlord of agricultural land; owner of the field | 田頭家; 地主
zhanthobi | rice farm smell | 田塗味
zhanthoo | siol of rice farm; soil of rice fields | 田土
zhanthviaf | dining hall; dining hall; restaurant; mess hall | 餐廳
zhao'iutharng | unpleasant oil barrel | 臭油桶
zhaophuiethaang | arrogant | 臭屁蟲
zhaothaang | bed bugs | 臭蟲
zhaothaau kauxiøh | many kinds of medicine used without effect | 難症費藥
zhaothaau | scap of the scalp; dandruff; scabby or mangy head | 臭頭; 癩頭; 生頭瘡
zhaothaau-køe'ar | be scolded often (Lit. stinky head chicken) | 臭頭瓜仔; 常常挨罵
zhaothaau-noaxhvi | face covered with boils and eruptions | 爛頭爛耳
zhaothau'ar | bald person (impolite) | 臭頭仔
zhaothauar | brat | 臭頭仔
zhaothaukear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhaothaukoear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhaothauphie | brat | 臭頭痞
zhaothobi | having an unpleasant earthy taste; damp; earthy smell | 臭土味
zhaothoo-hiexn | strong smell or taste of mud and earth | 臭土味
zhapiet thaixgu | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
zharm buu thienjit | said of life under a tyrannical government; so dark; or full of suffering; that it is as if the sun were not in the sky | 慘無天日
zhathaau | wood; an idol; dull and slow-acting person; curse or scolding meaning a stupid ignorant person; also a curse against an idol calling it a useless block of wood because it doesn't answer requests (Lit. a block of wood; or stump; or trunk of wood) | 柴頭; 木頭
zhathafng'aflai | inside wooden pail | 柴桶仔內
zhatharng | wooden pail | 柴桶; 木桶
zhathau'ar | wooden head | 柴頭仔
zhathauang'ar | wooden idol; wooden figure; people who have no feeling | 柴頭尪仔; 無感情的人
zhathaulaang | wooden head people | 柴頭人
zhathaumngg | wooden door | 柴頭門
zhathiau | wooden post | 柴柱
zhathui'ar | gavel, mallet | 漆陶仔; 木槌
zhathuii | wooden pestle; beetle; heavy stick for beating things | 柴槌
zhawjixthaau | grass; one of the 17 radicals | 草字頭; 草根; 部首
zhawthaau | grass; one of the 17 radicals; 艸 | 草根; 草字頭; 部首
zhawthauar | Chinese herbs | 草頭仔; 草藥
zhawthiuo | clown | 小丑
zhaythaau | presage; an omen | 兆頭; 彩頭; 預兆
zhe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhea-auxthuie | to pull one back, to hinder one from success | 扯後腿
zhefngthog | to request a person to do something | 請託
zhefngthuun | sweep the dirt from things like beams; roof; idols or ceiling | 筅黗; 打掃
zhehthaang | bookworm | 書蟲
zhehthvoaf | bookstall | 書攤
zhehthøx | case or cover for holding; several books | 書套
zhekthefng | listen | 側聽
zhekthor | red soil | 赤土
zhenglienthoaan | youth corps | 青年團
zhengthaam | clear up phlegm | 清痰
zhengthiefn pheklek | sudden and unexpected (Lit. a bolt from the blue) | 青天霹靂
zhengthiefn | blue sky | 青天
zhengthienpegjidkii | Chinese National flag (Lit. flag of blue sky and bright sun) | 青天白日旗
zhengthngf | clear soup; consomme; broth | 清湯
zherngthaau | rifle butt | 槍托
zhexng thokhix | affected by the cold damp air of the ground | 沾受地氣
zhngthaau | head of bed or couch | 床頭
zhngthaux`køex | penetrated | 穿透過
zhoarnthaux | crosstalk | 串透
zhoarnthofng zokpex | join together in practicing fraud | 串通作弊
zhoarnthofng | conspire with (enemy); collude or conspire | 串通
zhoaxthaau | lead; pioneer; initiate; be the first to do something | 帶頭; 𤆬頭; 領頭
zhoe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhoexthaothaux | have searched or looked everywhere | 找透透
zhoexthaulo | look for a job | 揣頭路
zhof niar Serngthea | first Communion (Catholic) | 初領聖體
zhongthiefn | My God; the heavens; the sky | 蒼天
zhortharng | jealous woman; jealous person | 醋桶; 醋罐; 醋罈(子)
zhotharng | thick bucket | 粗桶
zhud bøfthay | newly born infant | 出母胎
zhud-hongthaau | show off, ostentatious | 出風頭
zhuiechiuthaau | beard stubble | 嘴鬚頭; 鬚根
zhuiekhie thviax | toothache | 嘴齒痛
zhuiekhythaau | stump or root of a tooth | 嘴齒頭; 齒根嘴鬚頭
zhuiethaau | top of mouth | 嘴頭
zhuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
zhuithorzef | emetic; a medicine that induces vomiting | 催嘔劑
zhuithør | demand urgently the payment of a debt | 催討
zhunthaau | early spring | 初春
zhunthvy | Spring | 春天
zhunthøar | spring peach | 春桃仔
zhunthøo | spring peach | 春桃
zhuo lo putthofng | road closed to vehicle or pedestrian | 此路無通
zhuokakthaau | house corerns | 厝角頭
zhuopvithaubea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboefar | neighboor | 厝邊頭尾仔
zhuoterng-thafng | a dormer window | 厝頂窗
zhuothauciao | sparrow | 厝頭鳥
zhuothaukef | landlord | 厝頭家; 房東
zhuotheh | residence; house; house and yard; houses in general | 厝宅; 住宅; 屋園
zhuothiau | supporting column of a building | 厝柱
zhuothviaf | hall | 厝廳
zhurnpeqthaang | inchworm | 寸白蟲
zhurnthiq | arm; small dagger | 寸鐵
zhurnthor pitzefng | Even an inch of land has to be fought for | 寸土必爭
zhurnthor | every bit of land | 寸土
zhurnthuii | inch mallet | 寸槌
zhut'hongthaau | be famous; seek publicity | 出風頭
zhutthaau surn kag | take responsibility and so suffer a loss | 出頭損角; 樹大招風
zhutthaau | outstanding; appear; show up; present oneself; special skill; play tricks | 出頭; 出人頭地; 出面; 花樣
zhutthauthvy | the day of success; make good or become successful (said of people of humble origin) | 出頭天; 熬出頭了
zhutthay | be born | 出胎
zhutthiøo | person superior to others in excellence or in skill | 出頭; 出人頭地
zhutthoaan | start a trour | 出團
zhutthoad | out of dilemma; break away from sufferings; make good or succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 出脫; 脫離困境
zhutthoatbøo | outstanding yet? | 出脫無
zhutthor | be unearthed like antiques; be discovered | 出土
zhutthviaf | the bride goes to the dining room to have dinner | 出廳; 結婚當晚新娘出大廳吃晚餐
zhuun-thienlioong | conscience | 存天良
zhvethauchirnbin | angry; mad | 生頭凊面
zhvethi'ar | lettuce | 青苔仔
zhvethiaothiaux | live and still jumping up and down | 青跳跳
zhvethii | green moss | 青苔
zhvezhang'afthaau | onion | 青蔥仔頭
zhw textharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
zhw thafn'ar | spread blanket | 舖毯仔
zhwthee | enforce (law), prosecute, to ban, to prohibit | 取締
zhwthex | enforce (law); ban; clampdown | 取締
zhøfthad | cork stopper | 草塞; 軟木塞
zhøfthat'ar | cork; plug; filters the mouth | 軟木塞; 草塞仔; 濾嘴
zhørhabthea | complex | 措合體; 錯合體
zng'afthaau | piece of tile or brick | 磚仔頭; 磚塊
zngfthau'ar | finger, toe | 指頭仔; 手腳指
zngfthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zngthaau | village; countryside | 村子; 庄頭
zngthaulai | inside village | 庄頭內
zngthauzngboea | everywhere in side the vllage | 庄頭庄尾
zngthva | to put on make-up; dress up; makeup; dress up as; be disguised as; attire; clothing; decorate; decoration; decorative; ornamental; apply make up | 裝娗; 妝娗; 打扮; 裝扮; 化妝; 裝飾
zoadieen-thea | insulator | 絕緣體
zoadienthea | electric or thermal insulator | 絕緣體
zoafnthea | swivel | 轉體
zoafnthoaan | repost | 轉傳
zoafnthog | request through another; entrust to another | 轉託
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoafthauzoafboea | paper ends | 紙頭紙尾
zoanthea hoafntuix | unanimous opposition | 全體反對
zoanthea zarnseeng | unanimous approval | 全體贊成
zoanthea zhutsek | perfect attendance | 全體出席
zoanthea | all; whole; entire; whole body; everybody; in all; plenary assembly; unanimously | 全體
zoantheeng | special trip | 專程
zoanthoaan | whole group | 全團
zoanthog | a full-time nursery | 專託; 全託
zoanthøx | full suit of clothes; a whole set (books; furniture; machinery) | 全套
zoanzex-zerngthea | autocracy | 專制政體
zoathaau | snake head | 蛇頭
zoea'au-thongtiap | ultimatum | 最後通牒
zoeahongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zoeahuixkog thaixgu | most favored nation status | 最惠國待遇
zoeakøf thofngsoex | supreme commander; commander in chief of the armed forces | 最高統帥
zoeathaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 為首
zoeathoo`ee | handyman who work on tiles, bricks, cemen | 做土的
zoeathozuie | handyman who work on tiles, bricks cement | 做塗水
zoeathøx | make sets | 做套
zoex-hongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zoex-kuythaau | be a bad guys leader | 做鬼頭
zofngthea | overall | 總體
zofngthefciexn | all out war; total war | 總體戰
zofngthofnghuo piesutviuo | Presidential Secretary General | 總統府秘書長
zofngthofnghuo | presidential office | 總統府
zofngthofnghwzeeng | in front of the presidential palace | 總統府前
zofngthofngzex | political system under which the president is the chief executive | 總統制
zofngthorng hauxsoafnjiin | presidential candidate | 總統後選人
zofngthorng torngsoafnjiin | president elect | 總統當選人
zofngthorng | president (of a government) | 總統
zofngthorng-huo | president's office | 總統府
zofngthwn | annex all | 全吞
zofthad | obstract, block a way | 阻擋; 阻塞
zofthoaan ee piehngf | formula handed down from generation to generation | 祖傳秘方
zofthoaan piehngf | ancestral secret recipe | 祖傳祕方
zofthoaan | traditional; handed down from the ancestor; patrimonial tradition; handed down from ancestors (property; trade secrets or medical knowledge) | 祖傳; 祖傳的
zofthoanpiehngf | ancestral secret recipe | 祖傳祕方
zongkaux thoanthea | religious organization | 宗教團體
zorng kangthengsw | chief engineer | 總工程師
zorng-kinthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorng-kunthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorngthaix | big and imposing, lusty, strong | 壯太
zothaau | group lead | 組頭
zothaix | organization | 組態
zothoaan | form a group | 組團
zoxngthai | situation; a state; condition | 狀態
zoxngthaix | situation; a state; condition | 狀態
zoxthviakhix | hearing aid | 助聽器
zuie sied putthofng | so crowded (or so carefully guarded) that it is impossible even for water to seep through | 水泄無通
zunthaau | forward of a boat; bow or prow of a boat | 船首; 船頭
zunthaukef | ship owner | 船頭家
zunthea | boat body | 船體
zupithea | compassion | 慈悲體
zurnthaau | the beginning part of the water canal | 圳頭
zurnthviax | momentary pain | 陣痛
zuthaang | bookworms | 書蟲
zuthaix | posture; pose; carriage; bearing; carriage; deportment; poise; a gesture | 姿態
zuthay | pregnant | 珠胎
zuthøx | book cover | 書套
zuun kaux kiøthaau zuxjieen tit | It will take care of itself when the time comes. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it | 船到橋頭自然直。
zuxgvor kiafmthør | self examination; review one's conduct; achievement | 自我檢討
zuxhabthea | a cluster | 聚合體
zuxjieen-sengthai | natural ecology | 自然生態
zuxjieen-tøthaix | evolution; survival of the fittest; natural selection | 自然淘汰
zuxnthviax | labor pains; throes; travail; paroxysm (of a disease) | 陣痛
zuxthaau | from the beginning; from the beginning | 自頭; 從頭; 從開始; 自始
zuxthaau-ciebøea | all the way through; from the beginning to the end | 自頭至尾
zuxthaau-kaobøea | from the beginning to the end; all the way through | 自始至終
zuxthaukaobea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾
zuxthaukaoboea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾
zuxthaxn | pity oneself, to regret, to sigh to oneself | 自歎
zuxthaxn-putjuu | admit with regret that one is not so great; concede that the other fellow is better qualified | 自歎無如
zuxtheg | residence | 住宅
zuxtheh | residence, a dwelling | 住宅
zuxtheh-khw | residential district | 住宅區
zuxtheqkhw | residential area, district, or quarter | 住宅區
zuxtong tiexnthuy | escalator | 自動電梯
zuxzo-zhanthviaf | cafeteria | 自助餐廳
zuybidthøo | succulent peach; Lisan or Wushe peach; Mountain peach | 水蜜桃
zuycvithea | lens (in anatomy); crystalline lens | 水晶體
zuygoanthaau | water source | 水源頭
zuykethuie | frog legs | 水雞腿
zuykhutthaau | water source | 水堀頭
zuykuie kiøx kauthøex | ghost of drowned A tempting B to commit suicide in order to take A's place by transmigration | 水鬼找替身
zuyli-kangtheeng | hydraulic engineering | 水利工程
zuyliongthaau | water faucet | 水龍頭
zuyluitherng | mine layer, torpedo boat | 水雷艇
zuythaam | puddle; pool | 水潭
zuythaau | upper section of a stream | 上游
zuythafng'ar | bucket | 水桶仔
zuythafnghvi | handle of a water bucket | 水桶把手
zuythaq | water tower | 水塔
zuytharng | water bucket | 水桶
zuythoaq | otter | 水獺; (一種食魚獸)
zuythor bøexhah | fail to acclimate oneself in a new natural environment; a new climate does not agree with one's system | 水土無服
zuythor pøfchii | soil conservation | 水土保持
zuythor | physical living condition; natural environment | 水土
zuytø-thaau | water faucet, tap | 水道頭; 水龍頭
zuytøxthaau | faucet | 水龍頭
zvefthaau | well top | 井頭
zwkiofng-thaau | cervix | 子宮頸
zwkionggoa siuxthay | ectopic pregnancy, ectopic gestation | 子宮外受孕
zwlangthaau | master | 主人頭
zwnthaau | the beginning part of the water canal | 準頭
zwsegthoaan | presidium | 主席團
zwthea | main constituent; the subjective (as against the objective); main body or most important part of something | 主體
zwthefsexng | subjectivity | 主體性
zwthngf | cook soup | 煮湯
zø ie thai pe | waiting for death like troops in desperate condition or a hopelessly poor man | 坐以待斃
zøeathaau | be the head, be the leader, in first | 做頭; 當頭
zøeathoo | be a mason | 做土; 做塗
zøethaau | round the sum | 齊頭; 整數
zøex-hongthay | have a typhoon | 做風颱; 刮颱風
zøex-køeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøftharn | bare the left shoulder (in ancient ceremonies of mourning), be biased, favor one side, to side with | 左袒
zøq thehoong | build a dike | 築堤防
zørhongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zørsu khythaau laan | Beginning is the hardest part of any enterprise | 做事起頭難
zørthaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 做老大; 當頭
zørthauzeeng | be first, go first, walk first | 帶頭, 領先
zørthefge | have as a hobby | 做體藝; 著玩
zørthoo | be a mason | 作土; 做塗; 土水匠
zørthozuie | handyman who specialize in tiling, cements, etc | 做塗水
zørtuiethaau | counter part | 做對頭
zørzuxnthviax | spasms, pains at intervals | 做陣痛
zøthaau | back part of the lower jaw | 槽頭
zøx tuiethaau | oppose; be at enmity with; act against; be someone's rival or opponent | 作對; 作對頭
zøx zuxnthviax | labor pangs; pangs of childbirth; pains that occur at intervals | 陣痛
zøx-hongthay | become a typhoon | 做颱風; 做風颱; 刮颱風
zøx-khvoarthaau | be a watchman | 把風的
zøx-koeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøx-køeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøxthaq | build towers | 造塔
øexthafng | possible; maybe; to be capable of | 能處; 可以; 能夠
øextitthafng | attainable (hope, desire). can, able to (circumstances permit) | 會得通; 可以; 能
øhthviaf | difficult to get accurate information (from variety of reports), difficult to understand when heard, difficult to hear | 學聽; 無容易聽

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How to pronounce a vocabulary | Spell checker | Sentence examples

Buttons: Partial, Exact, Front, and Back:
Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

Search Term:

"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

Match Error #:

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