Aeinsutharn | Albert Einstein (1879-1955), physicist and mathematician, noted for his Theory of Relativity | 愛因斯坦
Angthausu | Orchid Island | 紅頭嶼
Athaix kengzex habzog hoexgi | Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | 亞太經濟合作會議
Athaix | Asia Pacific | 亞太
Auciw kioxngtongthea | European common market | 歐洲共同體
Bwzekthiefn | An empress in China | 武則天
Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
Cidnii voa jixsie'ee thaukef | be fickle; undependable; be unable to stick at one job (Lit. Within one year to change4 bosses.) | 一年換二四個頭家
Engpong cibthoaan | sterling block | 英鎊集團
Giaqthaau svachiøq u sinbeeng | The gods are always near you. (Lit. Raise your head three feet and there is a spirit.) | 舉頭三尺有神明
Goaxkauthoaan ee zwsek | Dean of the Diplomatic Corps | 外交團的主席
Guthaau bøo tuix befzhuix | not to the point; unconnected; incongruous (Lit. The head of an ox does not match the mouth of a horse.) | 牛頭無對馬嘴; 文不對題
Hongthaehiø | Empress Dowager | 皇太后
Hongthaeho | Empress Dowager | 皇太后
Hongthaezuo | Crown Prince | 皇太子
Hongthiefn | High Heaven | 皇天
Iuthaejiin | Jew | 猶太仁; 猶太人
Iuthaekaux | Judaism | 猶太教
Iuthaix | Jew; Jews or Hebrew; Jewish; Judea | 猶太
Jidgoadthaam | Sun Moon Lake, a resort in central Taiwan | 日月潭
Jidgoat-thaam | Sun Moon Lake (a resort in central Taiwan) | 日月潭
Kaau Zethiefn | common name of [[Swn Gvoxkhofng]] | 猴齊天
Kaoiogthviaf | Department of Education (Provincial) | 教育廳
Kaoiok-thviatviuo | Commissioner of Education (under a provincial government) | 教育廳長
Kaozofng-thongtiap | encyclical (Catholic) | 教宗通牒
Kauthofng-Po | bureau of communication | 交通部
Kauthongpo | Ministry of Communication | 交通部
Kauthongpoxtviuo | Minister of Communications | 交通部長
Khethaau | upper reaches of a river | 溪頭
Khoahthau'ar | sampan | 闊頭仔; 舢舨
Khoethaau | Sitou | 溪頭
Khofngzwkofng mxkvar siw laang ee kehmii-thiab | Confucius did not dare accept an invitation for the next day. Tomorrow is very uncertain | 孔子公無敢收隔夜帖; (不知未來如何)
Khøethaau | a famous tourist place in center Taiwan | 溪頭
Kiuokokthoaan | National Salvation Group; patriotic group | 救國團
Køeathaau-kiaugvo | hubris | 過份驕傲; 過頭驕傲
Lidgoadthaam | sun-moon lake | 日月潭
Limciofng Serngthea | Sacrament of Holy Eucharist administered to dying or those in danger of death; Viaticum | 臨終聖體
Liongthaam | a city in Taoyuan County | 龍潭
Longlimthviaf | provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry | 農林廳
Lyhithaam | carps pond | 鯉魚潭
Mafthaix Hok'imtoan | Gospel according to Matthew. (Protestant) | 馬太福音傳
Osvoathaau | black hilltop | 黑山頭
Pakisutharn | Pakistan | 巴基斯坦
Pakkek tharmhiarm | Arctic expedition | 北極探險
Palegsutharn | Palestine | 巴勒斯坦
Phekthaam | Green lake in Taipei; Green Lake (in suburban Taipei) | 碧潭
Pithaau | a place in taiwan | 埤頭
Saithaam | a city in Miaoli County | 獅潭
Sam'ui itthea | three persons; One Nature ─ the Trinity | 三位一體
Serngbøfkwn cithoaan | Praesidium of the legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍支團
Serngbøfkwn huozo-thoan'oaan | auxiliary member of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍輔助團員
Serngbøfkwn kangzog-thoan'oaan | active Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍工作團員
Serngbøfkwn khuthoaan | Curia of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍區團
Serngbøfkwn thoan'oaan | Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍團員
Serngbør bongtiaux sengthiefn | Mary is assumed into Heaven (Catholic) | 聖母蒙召升天
Serngthea Ciamlea | corpus Christi (Catholic) | 聖體瞻禮
Serngthea Taixhoe | Eucharistic Congress (Catholic) | 聖體大會
Serngthea høkofng | monstrance (Catholic) | 聖體豪光
Serngthea iuheeng | Procession of the Blessed Sacrament | 聖體遊行
Serngthea karnghog | Benediction (Catholic) | 聖體降福
Serngthea | Holy Eucharist (Catholic) | 聖體
Serngthefzay | Eucharistic fast (Catholic) | 聖體齋
Siaxthaau | a city in Changhua County | 社頭
Sioxngthiefn cy Ho | Queen of Heaven (Catholic) | 上天之后
Sorngthea | Song style; common square form of characters used in printing | 宋體
Sorngthefji | common square form of characters used in printing | 宋體字
Sviu-thafm tix kelafm | As the result of covetousness; the thief is caught and covered with a chicken basket (as punishment) ─ The result of greed is complete loss | 貪小失大。捉雞無著; 蝕把米。
Taioaan-thaau | north point of Taiwan | 台灣頭
Taioanthaau | Taiwan island end | 台灣頭
Taithiq | Taiwan Railway | 台鐵
Taithngg | Taiwan sugar | 台糖
Themothaix Cieen Ho Sw | The First and Second Epistle of Paul to Timothy (Protestant) | 提摩太前後書
Thuthiog ginhaang | Saving Bank | 儲蓄銀行
Thuthiog hoxzoxsia | Credit Union ─ C U | 儲蓄互助社
Tiong'iofng sirnthokkiok | Central Trust of China | 中央信託局
Tiong'iofng thongsirnsia | Central News Agency (CNA) | 中央通信社
Zaizerngthviaf | Provincial Department of Public Finance | 財政廳
Zaizerngthviatviuo | Director of the Provincial Department of Finance | 財政廳長
Zethiefn Taixsexng | Great Sage, Heaven's Equal, a title taken by Kaau Zethiefn a fictional character | 齊天大聖
Zexngthor-zofng | pure land (Buddhism) | 淨土宗
Zhvemekef toktiøh thaang | lucky guess or shot; win by a fluke; (Lit. A blind chicken pecked a worm.) | 瞎眼雞啄到蟲; 瞎撞瞎著。
Zoakhafng thaux niawchysiu | bureaucrats shield each other | 官官相為
Zusexng siongthongkofng | Communion of Saints (Catholic) | 諸聖相通功
aang-zhaethaau | carrot | 紅菜頭; 胡蘿蔔
aethvazwgi | altruism | 愛他主義
aethviaf | love to hear | 愛聽
ahtøfthaau | crush | 壓倒頭
aithaxn | lament; bewail | 哀嘆
aithong | grief | 哀慟
aithoxng | grief | 哀痛
ang'afthaau | a puppet head; girl's face; face of a puppet | 尪仔頭; 玩偶頭; 少女的臉
ang'ar-thaau | head of a puppet, girl's face, postage stamp | 尪仔頭; 郵票
angmngthoo | cement | 紅毛土; 紅毛塗; 水泥
angmothoo | cement; cement | 紅毛土; 水泥
angthaau`ee | Taoist priest | 紅頭的; 道士
angthiab | red invitation card | 紅帖
angthiap'ar | | 紅帖仔
angthngg | brown sugar | 紅糖
angtholeeng | swamp eel, true eel, Anguilla marmorata | 紅土龍; 鱸鰻
angthoo | red clay; red clay or earth | 紅土
angthøo | red peach | 紅桃; 壽桃紅桃
angzhaethaau | carrot; radish; carrot | 紅蘿蔔
angzhang'afthaau | shallots | 紅蔥仔頭
anhuithvabeng | amphetamine; stimulants | 安非他命
anthaihuu | charm written to prevent a miscarriage | 安胎符
anthaiiøh | medicine for preventing a miscarriage | 安胎藥
anthaix | composed; peaceful; in good health | 安泰
anthay | to prevent miscarriage; relax the womb and prevent miscarriage | 安胎
antheh | settle a new resident | 安宅
anthor | entombment; set down the coffin aside the grave for burial; to perform rites to cure a pregnant woman or a child suffering from the consequences of tang-tho | 安土
aothaau-aobin | pull a long face | 臭頭臭臉
armthaau | at dusk; at nightfall | 暗頭; 傍晚; 晚頭
armthau'ar | nightfall | 暗頭仔; 傍晚
armthauar | sunset | 暗頭仔
armthaxm | detective | 腋窩; 暗探
armthoaq | secret drawer | 暗屜; 秘密抽屜
armtiofng thezhvea | quietly or secretly alert someone like with a tug on the sleeve or a wink of the eye | 暗中提醒
arnthaau | the head of a bed; on one's desk | 床頭; 案頭
athaau | slave girl; madam of a brothel | 丫頭; 老娼
authaau | larynx | 喉頭
auxthaau | in the back; in the future; days to come; wife's family of origin | 後頭; 此後; 娘家
auxthaau-zhux | wife's family home | 後頭厝; 娘家
auxthauzhux | wife's family of origin | 後頭厝; 娘家
auxthay | next birth | 後胎; 下一胎
auxthoex | to retreat | 後退
auxthuie | hind legs; hind legs of an animal | 後腿
auxthvex | buttress | 後撐
auxthviaf | rear hall | 後廳
auxthøex | retreat | 後退
awthox | vomit; vomit; throw up; disgorge | 嘔吐
axm buu thienjit | very dark; a nation or locality where jungle law reigns; lawlessness | 暗無天日
bad bexthaux | can't know thoroughly | 識無透; 不能盡知
bad thaity ciaq zaiviar tølo | learn by experience (Idiom. He who slaughters pigs knows how meat should be cut.) | 曾殺豬才知道刀路
bad thaothaux | know thoroughly | 識透透
bafngthaang | mosquito; bugs; insects | 蚊蟲; 蠓蟲; 蚊子
bafnkoef thiutiin | trace the vine and get a melon; get a clue and follow it up step by step; so as to learn the truth of a matter | 摘瓜抽藤; 追根究底
bafnthøo | steamed roll; steamed bun; steamed bread; steamed bun | 饅頭
bagbaai-thaau | beginning end of eyebrow | 目眉頭
bagciw thapthab | deep-set or sunken eyes; eyes with bags under them | 目睭塌塌; 眼窩內凹
bagthaau katkad | frown | 目頭結結
bagthaau khar | skilful at recognizing or calculating at a glance | 目頭巧; 眼識好
bagthaau koaan | proudly looking down on people; as on poor relatives | 目頭高; 勢力眼
bagthaau | inner corner of eyes, trademark | 目頭; 商標
bah'oaan-thngf | meatball soup | 肉圓湯
bahkud-thngf | meat bone soup | 肉骨湯
bahthea | body | 肉體
bahthea`ee | carnal | 肉體的
bahthngf | meat soup; gravy; consomme | 肉湯
baithaau | put one's head down; duck | 眉間; 埋頭; 眉頭
baithiøo khofkaxn | work with full effort while ignoring other people's criticisms (Lit. bury one's head in a book) | 埋頭苦幹
baithiøo | put one's head down; duck | 埋頭
bang'ar-thafng | window-screen | 網仔窗
bathaau | mistress of a brothel | 描頭; 媌頭; 老鴇
batthviaf | heard it | 曾聽
bauqthaau | contracter; contractor | 貿頭; 承攬頭; 包商
bauxthaau | contracter | 貿頭
baxnjinthiorng | mass burial ground or grave | 萬人塚
baxnlie phengtheeng | an expression used to congratulate someone or give him your best wishes; (Lit. very promising; future unlimited) | 萬里鵬程
baxnsu paethog | Please help in all matters | 萬事拜託
baxnsuxthofng | jack-of-all-trades | 萬事通
baxnthai | treat a guest rudely or discourteously (self-deprecating phrase often used in a polite conversation to indicate your guest deserves better treatment) | 慢待
baxnthunthwn | irritatingly slow; exasperatingly slow | 慢吞吞
be thaohofng | wind proof | 未透風
be theaseg | it won't fade | 袂褪色
be titthafng | the negative of e-tang; expresses physical or moral impossibility | 未得通; 無能
beeng boarn thienha | enjoy a world-wide fame; be world-famous | 名滿天下
beeng ioong thienha | name spread all over the world; the name is known far and wide | 名揚天下
beeng pud hithoaan | one's reputation well-deserved | 名無虛傳
befhiethoaan | circus troupe | 馬戲團
befkhao-thiq | tinplate | 馬口鐵
befkhawthiq | tin; tin plate | 馬口鐵
beftee-thiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
beftethiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
befthaau | dock; wharf; wharf; pier | 碼頭; 馬頭
beftharng | toilet; stool; commode; night vessel; western-style toilet; commode | 馬桶
befthofng | offer bribes to facilitate one's operations; obtain the collusion of officials with bribes | 買通
beftøee-thiq | horseshoe | 馬蹄鐵
begthok | mental reading | 默讀
bengchviuo armthaw | rob openly; to steal secretly | 明搶暗偷
bengkiofng Serngthea | exposition of Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 明供聖體
bengthofng | Thoroughly understands | 明通
beqgee thngg | maltose | 麥芽糖
beqgee-thngg | maltose | 麥芽糖
beqgethngg | malt sugar; maltose | 麥芽糖
beqthøx | wrappers worn either outside the stocking or in place of stockings as a protection from chafing with shoes | 襪套
bexthofng | illegible writing; illogical; inarticulate; cannot make oneself understood; cut off or poor connection on a telephone; can not get through to someone; blocked; not passable | 未通; 無通
bextitthafng khix | cannot manage to go | 未得通去; 無能去
bextitthafng | not allow to | 袂得通
biauthau'efng | the owl | 貓頭鷹
biauthiaau | slender; slender figure | 苗條
biauthiøo | early beginning; clues; some visible results | 苗頭
bidthaxm | secret detective; secret agent; spy | 密探
bidthngg | honey; honey sugar; honey | 蜜糖; 蜂蜜
bidthofng | secretly communicate | 密通
biefnthee | no suggestion; no necessary | 免提
biexntheg | scold a person personally | 面斥
bin thauzeeng | in front of a person | 面頭前
bin-thauzeeng | in someone's presence; now; present; in front | 面頭前; 面前; 前面
binhofng thofsiok | manners and customs of a place | 民風土俗
binzerngthviaf | provincial department of civil affairs | 民政廳
binzerngthviatviuo | commissioner of the provincial department of civil affairs | 民政廳長
binzuo zerngthea | democratic government | 民主政體
bisengthaang | germ, microbe | 微生蟲; 病菌
bisi-zoxngthaix | microstate | 微小狀態; 微視狀態
bithabirn | vitamin | 維生素
bixnthaang | intestinal parasite; ascariasis; tapeworm; roundworm | 蛔虫; 蛔蟲
bixnthafngkex | basin stand | 面桶架
bixntharng | washing basin; basin for washing hands and face; wash basin | 面桶; 面盆; 臉盆
bixnthauzeeng | in front of; in the presence of | 面頭前
bixnthea | countenance; personage | 面體; 相貌; 面貌; 容貌
bixnthefphee | emotional sensitivity, respectability | 面體皮
boadthaxn | little profit | 末賺; 薄賺
boafnthiensefng | a plant of the lettuce family, Lactuca indica | 滿天星
boarn thienha | all over the world; everywhere | 滿天下
boehthox | to hate; to loathe; strain one's heart and mind | 要吐; 作嘔; 噁心
boeqthøx | wrappers worn either outside the stocking or in place of stockings as a protection from chafing with shoes | 襪套
boethvoax | coal | 煤炭
boexthofng | cannot pass, cannot evacuate 'bowel, bladder' | 未通
boextitthafng | unable to go through | 袂得通
bofngthoaf | temporary delay | 罔拖; 暫且拖過
bofthauchyn | wife's relatives; affinity or in-laws of wife side; wife's relations | 某頭親; 外戚; 妻方親戚
bofthauku | wife's brother | 某頭舅; 妻之兄弟
bogthiog | stock farming; cattle breeding | 牧畜
bogthiokgiap | pastoral industry; stock farming; ranching | 牧畜業
bogthvoaroe | charcoal drawing | 木炭畫
bogthvoax | charcoal from wood | 木炭
bongthvichirnchixn | not to know any obstacles, not to be intimidated | 不知天高地厚
bongthvy chirnchixn | not to know any obstacles; not to be intimidated | 無知天高地厚
budkex thofngzex | price control | 物價統制
budthea | object; body; substance; object (physics term) | 物體
buhoad buthiefn | lawless and godless; totally devoid of conscience and respect for law | 無法無天
buhoad-buthiefn | completely lawless and Godless; licentious | 無法無天
buhoatbuthiefn | lawless | 無法無天
bukithea | inorganic matter | 無機體
bunbeeng thienha | world-famous | 聞名天下
bunthea | style or type of writing; literary form or style | 文體
busor putthofng | there is nothing which he does not understand | 無所無通
busw zuxthofng | acquire a skill without being taught | 無師自通
buthaau kong'axn | an unverified case | 無頭公案
buthie | shameless; brazen; shameless | 無恥
buu tong ii thiofng | unmoved; hardhearted; callous; remain firm; stand pat | 無動於衷
buxnbun'afthviax | dull throbbing pain | 悶悶仔痛; 陣痛
buxnthaang | intestinal worm | 蛔蟲; 蝒蟲
buxnthviax | melancholy pain; secret pain; regret pain; silently pain | 悶痛
bwthay | mother's womb | 母胎
bwthea | mother's body | 母體
bwthoaan | dance troupe | 舞團
bwthviaf | night-club; dance-hall; dance hall | 舞廳
byciwthauar | rice wine | 米酒頭仔
bythaang | weevil; rice worm; rice worm; hoarding rice merchant | 米蟲
bythaibak | a kind of rice noodle | 米篩目; 米食名
bytharng | rice pail | 米桶
bythay | bamboo sieve for rice grain; rice-sieve | 米篩; 米篩子; 篩米籮
bythiab | part of salary paid with rice | 米帖; 食物配給
bø'ienthvoax | smokeless charcoal | 無煙炭
bø'oe thang'ixn | nothing to say in reply; speechless | 無言可答
bøehthae | how come | 要怎; 何來; 怎會
bøehthaythør | what's next | 要怎好; 怎可
bøehthox | going to vomit | 要吐
bøexthafng | not possible to | 無能; 袂通; 未通; 未可
bøextid-thafng | impossible | 無能夠; 未得通
bøextitthafng | cannot | 未得通; 無能
bøfthaau-chyn | wife's relatives | 母頭親; 姻親
bøfthay | mother's womb | 母胎
bøfthea | mother's condition (obstetrics) | 母體
bøo bin thafng kvix laang | feeling ashamed to see others because of some awkward; inconvenient; or shameful state of matters | 無臉見人
bøo goanzoe sythay | Immaculate Conception of Mary; conceived without sin (catholic term) | 無原罪始胎
bøo hexthorng | unclassified; without system; disorder; unsystematic; uncontrolled | 無系統
bøo iøh thafng kiux | incurable; beyond hope; incorrigible | 無藥可救
bøo liamthie | shameless; devoid of honor | 無廉恥
bøo oe thafng korng | having nothing to say; unable to say anything | 無話可講
bøo piernthofng | stubborn | 沒變通; 無變通
bøo thafng ciah | having nothing to eat | 無得吃
bøo thak`tiøh | have never read it | 沒有讀過
bøo tharncvii | no profit; too small a profit | 無賺錢
bøo thaunao | stupid (Lit. no brains) | 沒頭腦; 愚笨
bøo thausiin | absent-minded | 無頭神; 記性差
bøo thaux | no way through | 無透
bøo thienlioong | have no conscience | 無天良
bøo thvilie | unreasonable | 無天理
bøsitheeng | without pause or intermission | 無時停
bøtex-thafng | no way | 無處可
bøthaau bøboea | incomplete; incomprehensible; nonsensical; no beginning or end (Lit. no head no tail) | 無頭無尾
bøthaau kong'axn | murder case which has no clue to its solution; a charge against a person or persons unknown | 無頭公案
bøthaau-bøbøea | out of blue | 無頭無尾
bøthaau-kong'axn | unsolved misery | 無頭公案
bøthafng hør | not very good | 無太好
bøthafng | not tolerate; not allow; not brook; not admit; hate to do; hate to part with | 無可; 無通; 沒…可
bøthaukuie | headless ghost | 無頭鬼
bøthausiin | absent minded; forgetful | 記性壞; 無頭神; 健忘
bøtheeng | without stopping; without pause or intermission | 沒停
bøthie | shameless, brazen | 無恥
bøthngg | no kids | 無傳
bøthofng | not suitable as a plan; be cut off; be interrupted; traffic congested | 沒通
bøthvy bøte | contrary to Heaven and Earth (said of very wicked conduct) | 無天無地
bøthvy-bøtøe | lawless | 無天無地; 極無道理
bøthøx | unsettled; unsatisfactory; not right; unsafe | 無妥
bøzafngthaau | have no clue | 無線索; 無頭緒
bøzngf bøthvar | not dress up | 無裝無娗; 沒梳妝打扮
chiahsoathngg | brown sugar | 赤砂糖; 紅糖
chiahsyn loxthea | completely naked | 赤身露體
chiahsyn-loxthea | nude | 赤身露體
chiahthea | bare body | 赤體
chiahtheq | naked | 赤袒; 光著身子
chiahthngg | brown sugar | 赤糖
chiahthoo | shovel dirt with a spade | 赤土; 挖土
chiamtheeng | office note addressed to a superior | 簽呈
chiapgiok thauhiofng | indulge in secret relations with women | 竊玉偷香
chiapthefng | wiretapper | 竊聽
chiapthviaf | eavesdrop; eavesdropping | 竊聽
chiapthviakhix | bugging device | 竊聽器
chiathaau | train station; bus station; train; bus station | 車頭; 車站
chiathafng | car window | 車窗
chiathay | tire | 車胎
chiathea | the body of an automobile | 車體
chiathefji | italics | 斜體字
chiaujieen ee thaito | unconcerned attitude | 超然的態度
chiauthoad | unconventional; transcend worldliness | 超脫
chiauthoo | mix mud or clay into a mass; mix mortar | 攪土
chiefnthoa'ar | slippers without heels | 拖鞋仔
chiefnthoaf | slippers; loafer | 拖鞋
chiefnthvoa | a shoal | 淺灘
chiefnthøo-seg | light peach | 淺桃色
chieløafthaang | hairy caterpillar | 刺毛仔蟲; 毛毛蟲
chiemothaang | hairy caterpillar | 刺毛蟲; 毛毛蟲
chien'ii-zoxngthaix | transition state | 遷移狀態
chienhythaang | Y2K bug; millennium bug | 千禧虫
chienthiorng | move the tomb | 遷塚
chienthiøo baxnsu | very complicated or confused problem or task; a thousand and one things to attend to; extremely complicated and difficult thing to unravel | 千頭萬緒
chienthiøo-baxnsu | thousands of strands and loose ends; very complicated | 千頭萬緒
chienthuii peklien | hammer into shape; form iron utensil; develop human character by persistent knocking into shape; undergo severe training and hammering; write with the utmost care (Lit. with countless changes and corrections) | 千錘百鍊
chiethaang | oriental moth | 刺蟲; 刺蛾
chiethaux | pierce through | 刺透
chiethaxm | to feel out; to explore; test; sound out; tempt; put up a trial balloon | 試探
chihthaau | droppingly | 垂頭
chimthaam | deep pool | 深潭
chimtheh | intrusion | 侵提
chimthwn | misappropriate public funds for private ends; take by illegal means | 侵吞; 侵佔
chimthwn-kongkhoarn | to graft, to misappropriate | 深吞公款; 侵吞公款
chiogthoo | to play in mud; work clay or mud with the hands; play with mud like a child | 觸土; 玩泥巴; 搗拌泥土
chiongtheg | flooded | 充斥
chiongthiefn | shoot up to the sky | 沖天
chiongthiefn-phaux | firework | 沖天炮
chiongthvy | soaring | 沖天
chiqthaau | indenter | 壓頭
chirnthaau | weight; weight | 秤頭; 秤得的重量
chirnthog | foil; relieve; set off | 襯托
chirnthuii | weight; counter weight used with a steelyard | 秤槌; 秤錘
chitthofng pattat | very erudite; know everything; with facilities of communication; accessible from all directions | 七通八達
chitthofng-pattat | well developed transportation system; very convenient | 七通八達
chitthø'ar | playboy; man of pleasure | 拭桃仔; 流氓
chitthølaang | playboy; man of pleasure | 拭桃人; 流氓
chitthømih | toy, plaything | 拭桃物; 𨑨迌物; 玩具
chitthømih'ar | toys | 𨑨迌物仔
chitthømiqar | a plaything, a toy | 玩具
chitthømngh | toys | 𨑨迌物
chitthøo | play; have fun; doing for pleasure and amusement | 玩耍; 𨑨迌; 拭桃
chitthøo-gyn'ar | playboy | 拭桃囝仔; 𨑨迌囡仔
chitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人; 𨑨迌人; 遊盪人
chitthøo-zabor | loose woman, prostitute | 拭桃查某; 𨑨迌查某; 玩女人
chitthøzabor | prostitute | 𨑨迌查某
chitzarnthaq | seven storied pagoda | 七層塔
chiuo bøo zhurnthiq | totally unarmed (Lit. Hand does have an inch of iron.) | 手無寸鐵
chiuthvy | fall; autumn; autumn; autumn time or season | 秋天
chiuxlengthngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiuxnithngg | chewing gum | 樹奶糖
chiuxny-thaau | rubber tree holes for gathering rubber ring | 樹乳頭
chiuxny-thngg | gum | 樹乳糖; 橡皮糖
chiuxthaau | bottom of a bole; stump; trunk | 樹頭; 樹椿
chiwbin tharnciah | be a worker | 手面賺食; 打零工
chiwkofthaau | elbow | 手鼓頭; 手肘
chiwthaau aan | hand up for cash | 銀根緊; 手頭緊
chiwthaau khyn | light hand | 手頭輕
chiwthaau tang | handle roughly; be extravagant in expenditure | 手頭重
chiwthaau | saving; hold; seize; grasp property or authority; have something one's command | 手頭; 手中
chiwthaix pekzhud | many disgraceful manners | 醜態百出
chiwthee tiexnsixky | portable TV set | 手提電視機
chiwthee | portable; hand carried | 手提
chiwthee-khiim | violin | 手提琴
chiwthekhiim | a violin; violin | 手提琴
chiwthepaw | handbag | 手提包
chiwthesviw | portmanteau; suitcase | 手提箱
chiwthete | woman's handbag | 手提袋
chiwthøx | gloves; mittens; gloves | 手套
chiwzefngthauar | finger | 手指頭仔
chiøhthaau | measurement | 尺頭; 尺寸
chiørthaau chiørbin | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 笑頭笑面; 眉開眼笑
chiørthaau-chiørbin | alls smiles; smiles radiantly | 笑頭笑面
chiørthauchiørbin | smiling brightly | 笑頭笑面
chviafthiab | invitation; an invitation card | 請帖
chvitharng | green bucket | 青桶
chvithii | green moss | 青苔
chvithvoax | coal | 生炭; 石炭
chviu zhvethii | get covered with green moss | 生青苔
chviuo kviarthaau | fight for vantage point in taking news picture | 搶鏡頭
chviuthaau | top of wall | 牆頭
chviuthau'ar | wall around the house | 牆頭仔; 圍牆
chviux laxnthaan | sing mountain song | 唱亂彈; 唱山歌
chviuxchvithii | moss growing | 上青苔
chviuxphvixthaang | curculio | 象鼻蟲
chviuxthaau | elephant's head, bride's wedding hair | 象頭; 上頭; 帶鳳冠
chviuxzhvethii | moss growing | 上青苔
chviwthauhviw | compete for putting the first incense stick | 搶頭香; 爭取上第一柱香
chviwthaupiøf | grab the first label | 搶頭標
chviwtheh | grab | 搶拿
ciaf thafng zhøe | can be find here | 此可尋
ciah thaukef | be fed by one's employer | 吃頭家; 膳食由主人供給
ciah-thaukef | boss provides three meals | 吃頭家; 老闆供應伙食
ciah-thaulo | get a job; start a career | 吃頭路; 食頭路; 上班; 就業; 工作
ciah-thitthøo | eat munchies | 吃拭桃; 吃零食
ciahthafng | possible | 才通; 才可
ciamthaau | pinhead; sharp point | 針頭; 尖頭
ciamthaq | needle tower | 尖塔
ciamtherng | submarine | 潛艇; 潛水艇
ciamzuytheeng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciamzuytherng | submarine | 潛水艇
ciaothaau | (adv) anew; de novo | 照頭; 依次; 挨次; 從頭
ciaothaulaai | from the beginning | 照頭來; 照順序
ciaothauluun | take turn from the beginning | 照頭輪
ciaothaupaai | follow the line | 照頭排
ciaothvoaf | divide expenses according to the stake or share that each has | 分攤
ciapchiog thoanjiarm | to come in contact with; to infect; communicate disease; communicable or infectious disease | 接觸傳染
ciapthaau | a connection; a joint; a junction; meet and discuss; joint of pipeline; a splice in a rope | 接頭
ciapthai | reception; give a reception to; welcome; entertain; serve; reception | 接待
ciapthai-seg | a reception-room | 接待室
ciapthaixoaan | receptionist | 接待員
ciapthaixseg | reception room | 接待室
ciapthaixsor | guest house | 接待所; 招待所
ciapthauguo | joint language | 接頭語
ciapthex | substitute for; take the place of | 接替
ciapthoex | take over process | 接退
ciapthofng | turn on; get through; connecting | 接通
ciaqchirnthaau | cheat customer by inflating the merchant weight | 食秤頭
ciaqlaang ciaqthiq | overbearing, perverse, wicked | 食人食鐵; 蠻橫
ciaqpng-thviaf | dining hall, dining room | 吃飯廳; 食飯廳; 餐廳
ciaqpngxthviaf | dining room | 吃飯廳; 餐廳
ciaqtaang ciaqthiq | overbearing; perverse; wicked; roughshod; selfish; grasping | 吃銅吃鐵; 惡無人性
ciaqthaulo | employed | 食頭路
ciaqthaw | deceit | 吃偷; 欺詐
ciarkox thesii | decline or reject with an excuse or pretext | 藉故推辭
ciarthngg | cane sugar | 蔗糖
ciauthad | tease; bait; bully; rag | 欺負; 糟塌; 蹧躂
ciauthai | invitation; give a reception to; host to; serve; receive; to welcome; reception | 招待
ciauthai-hoe | reception party | 招待會
ciauthai-kngx | complimentary ticket, courtesy card | 招待券
ciauthai-oaan | usher, receptionist | 招待員
ciauthaixkoaxn | free ticket | 招待券
ciauthaixoaan | receptionist; touring guide; steward or usher | 招待員
ciauthaixseg | reception room | 招待室
ciauthaixsor | hostel; guest house; hostel | 招待所
ciauthaux | through and through | 齊透; 透徹
ciaux thvilie | according to the laws of Heaven; right; proper | 照天理
ciaxmtheeng | to suspend (an action or event); to pause; to halt; stop; halt; or suspend temporarily | 暫停
cibhabthea | aggregate (of minerals) | 集合體
cibthea hengtong | collective action | 集體行動
cibthea longtviuu | collective farm | 集體農場
cibthea tham'ux | collective corruption | 集體貪污
cibthea | mass; collective; all together; collective; collectively | 集體
cibthoaan ibiin | wholesale emigration; emigrant group | 集團移民
cibthoaan kiet'hwn | mass wedding | 集團結婚
cibthoaan | battalion; ring; group; organization; body of people; faction | 集團
cibthoankwn | an army; a military outfit which consists of more than two corps | 集團軍
cidthaau | a (horse; ox) | 一頭
cidthaxng | one trip | 一通
cidthay | one birth | 一胎
cidthofng | one phone call | 一通
cidthøx | a suit of; a set of; set | 一套
cidzhuix thoaan cidcih | news passed from mouth to mouth | 一嘴傳一舌; 相傳很快
cieen zofngthorng | ex-president | 前總統
ciefnthaang | clothes moth, silverfish | 剪蟲; 蠧書蟲
ciefnthaumof | get a haircut | 剪頭毛; 理髮
cienthee | a premise; a presupposition; logical premise; the primary consideration | 前提
cientheeng baxnlie | the prospect of a very successful career; May you have a great career | 前程萬里
cientheeng | the future; path ahead; one's career; prospects | 前程
cienthviaf | front hall | 前廳
ciernzefng zoxngthaix | state of war; state of hostilities | 戰爭狀態
cietcied paixthex | suffer one defeat after another | 節節敗退
cietthaau | discount | 折頭; 折扣
cietthah | to fold up, to double up | 折疊
ciexnthaang | said in scolding a child (Lit. troublesome insect) | 頑皮; 淘氣鬼
cih kietthay | coated tongue | 舌結苔
cinthee | true meaning | 真諦
cinthoaan | official pass on; true oral tradition | 真傳
ciokthog | temporary engagement; part-time job; to entrust; to charge; commit; trust with | 囑託
ciokthor | land conferred along with a title of nobility | 爵土
ciongthaau kaoboea | from the start to the end; throughout | 從頭到尾
ciongthaau | from the beginning | 從頭
ciongtheeng | constitution; regulations; by laws constitution of a society | 章程
cioong thiefn jii kaxng | descend from heaven (literally) very unexpectedly; deus ex machina | 從天而降
ciqthaau | a tongue; the tongue; the root of the tongue | 舌頭; 舌後; 舌根
ciqthay | coated tongue | 舌苔
cirmthaux | soak thoroughly; saturate; soak thoroughly | 浸透
cirntheeng | offer or present something to a superior or an elder | 進呈
cirnthex bogkoad | not knowing what course of action to take | 進退莫決
cirnthex liofnglaan | be in a dilemma (to have difficulty going either forward of backward) | 進退兩難
cirnthex ykiong | cast one's lot with another person | 進退與共
cirnthex | advance or withdraw; to stay or quit a job; employ or fire a person | 進退
cirnthoex | fluctuation | 進退
cirnthøex | to advance and retreat; a sense of propriety | 進退
cithea | members and trunk of the body | 肢體
cithiau | a pillar, a mainstay | 支柱
citthaau | this side | 這頭; 這邊
citthofng | this telephone call | 這通
citthøx | this set; the series | 這套
ciuothaang | insect which eats wood or bamboo | 蛀蟲
ciuthviaf | city hall | 州廳
ciuxthak | enroll | 就讀
ciwkanthat'ar | cork | 酒矸窒仔
ciwthad | wine stopper | 酒塞
ciwtharng | wine bucket; wine barrel or cask | 酒桶; 酒量大
ciwthiw | drunk | 酒抽
cixn-thøex liofnglaan | dilemma | 進退兩難
cixnkegthaau | end | 盡極頭
cixnthaau | outland; the extreme end; the utmost; extremity | 盡頭
cixnthaxn cixnkhay | spend whatever one earns | 盡趁盡開; 賺多少花多少
cixnthiøo | end | 盡頭
cixnthoaan | pass all | 盡傳
cixnzeeng khoafnthai | treat with the utmost kindness | 盡情款待
ciøqthaau kofng | stone idol | 石頭公
ciøqthaau | stone; rock; stone; rocks | 石頭
ciøqthau'ar | pebble, gravel | 石頭仔; 小石頭; 小石子
ciøqthauaflo | stone paved road; a gravel road | 石頭仔路
ciøqthauar | small stone | 石頭仔
ciøqthaukhafng | hole in the rock | 石頭孔; 石洞
ciøqthaukofng | stone God | 石頭公; 石偶像
ciøqthauliap | stone | 石頭粒
ciøqthauphang | crevice between rocks | 石頭縫
ciøqthauphviaa | beach full of stones | 石子埔
ciøqthaupof | stone paved floor | 石頭埔; 石子地
ciøqthaute | rocky soil; ground full of rocks; not good for cultivation | 石頭地
ciøqthay | barren womb | 石胎
ciøqthiao'ar | mudskipper, jumping fish | 石跳仔; 彈塗魚
ciøqthiap | tropical marine gastropod | 石疊; 石腹足動物
ciøqthiau | stone post or columns; stone pillar | 石柱
ciøqthiaux | tone mallet | 石槌
ciøqthuii | stone mallet | 石槌
ciøqthuy | stone ladder | 石梯
ciøqthvoarsngf | carbolic acid | 石炭酸
ciøqthvoax | anthracites; coal | 石炭; 煤
ciør thauzhuix | small family | 少頭厝; 小家庭
ciøthiab | poster | 招貼
cviagoeh cviathaau | first few days of the year sometimes including to about the fifteenth in which time debts are not collected and ill-omened language is avoided | 正月正頭; 大年初
cviarthaau | head up | 正頭; 頭朝上; 正面
cviarthaau`ee | in season crops; fruits and vegetables | 正頭的; 合季節的農作物
cviarthorng | orthodox; legitimate; classical | 正統
cviarthviaf | a main hall | 正廳
cviarthøx | right and sound | 正妥
cviathiarm | very exhausted | 很累; 誠忝
cvie'thaau | arrowhead | 箭頭
cviethaau | an arrowhead; an arrow tip | 箭頭
cvithaau | withdraw money | 錢頭
cvitharn | a woolen blanket; a blanket | 毛毯; 氈毯
cvithea | crystal | 晶體
cviuxsvoathaau | buried in cemetery of a furnel | 上山頭
cviuxthaau-cviuxbin | to have no sense of shame | 恬無知恥
cviuxthngg | cover with sugar | 上糖
cviuxthviaf | to enter a hall | 上廳; 進入廳堂
cviuxthviax | jock itch | 癢痛
cviuxthvy | Heaven; God; .to go up to the sky | 上天
cvy-thefbin | fight to save one's face or dignity | 爭體面
cvythaang | larva of an insect | 嫩蟲; 幼蟲
cymthaau | pillow | 枕頭
cymthaau-loong | pillow case | 枕頭囊; 枕頭套
cymthaau-pox | pillow cover | 枕頭布
cymthaau-te | pillow case | 枕頭袋; 枕頭套
cymthauhieen | pillow talk of a female companion; slanders or flatteries (Lit. Chinese fiddle played by one's pillow companion) | 枕頭弦; 枕邊細語
cymthauloong | pillow case | 枕頭廊; 枕套
cymthauthøx | open ended pillow case | 枕頭套
cytheg | To reprove or criticize openly; refute | 指斥
cythox | cure vomiting | 止嘔; 止吐
cythviariøh | anodyne; pain killer | 止痛藥
cythviartafn | anodyne; pain killer | 止痛丹
cythviarzef | anodyne, anglestic | 止痛藥; 止疼劑
cythviax | relieve pain; analgesic; pain releaving; allay pain | 止痛; 止疼
e cioong thiefn kaxng | an unexpected disaster (Lit. A calamity descended from the sky.) | 禍從天降
ef siøfthekhiim | play a violin | 拉小提琴
efngpør thaepeeng | remain peaceful for all time | 永保太平
egthaix | the liquid state | 液態
egtharng | wooden bath; bathtub | 浴桶; 浴盆
egthea toxngleghak | hydrodynamics | 液體動力學
egthea zexngleghak | hydrostatics | 液體靜力學
egthea | liquid; aqua; liquids | 液體
ekthioong | beneficial insects | 益蟲
eng chiuo thvar`khix | carry away on the open palm; a sharp pushing blow delivered with the open palm(s) (Chinese boxing) | 用手推去; 用手頂去
enghøefthaang | firefly | 螢火蟲
engkongthea | fluorescent object | 螢光體
engthøo | cherry; cherry (fruit) | 櫻桃
ethaau | toe of a shoe | 鞋頭
ethøx | overshoes | 鞋套
exngtharntiau | aria | 詠歎調
exthaau | lower part, southern part | 下方; 下頭; 南部
exthafng | to be able to; to be capable of | 可以
exthauxlaang | poisonous | 會毒死人的
exthaxn | profitable (work; investment) | 會賺; 趁
exthuie | a lower leg; a shank | 小腿; 下腿
exthvea'ar | younger generation | 幼撐仔; 傳衣缽的人
exthvex | next generations | 後代
exthviax | painful; pained; feeling pain | 會痛
extid thafng | able to...; it can be.. | 可…
gagthoaan | band; orchestra | 樂團
ganbin sinkengthviax | facial neuralgia | 顏面神經痛
garnthiq | to temper (iron | 研鐵; 以水冷卻燒紅的鐵; 淬火; 焠火
gauthuu | slow in doing everything | 慢吞吞地
gaxmthaau gaxmbin | idiotic; absurd; stupid (Lit. bonehead and stupid look) | 儑頭儑面; 呆頭呆腦; 憨頭憨面
gaxmthaugaxmbin | ignorance | 儑頭儑面
gefngthuii | rolling-pin | 研槌; 杵
gegthai | maltreat; to torment; ill-treat | 逆待; 虐待
gegthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture; sadism; sadist | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
gegthiefn | offend against Heaven | 逆天
gegthorng | a rebel party or group | 逆黨
gegthvy | offend against Heaven | 逆天
geqthaau | beginning of the month | 月頭
geqthøo | alpinia | 月桃
gethaang | bud worm | 芽蟲
gexsut thienzaai | artistic talent | 藝術天才
gexthoaan | art organization; a theatre company; a theatre troupe | 藝團
gezøthaau | back part of the lower jaw | 下顎頭; 牙槽頭
giaqthaau | to raise one's head; to gain ground; lift up or elevate the head | 舉頭; 攑頭; 抬頭
giathaau | lift up one's head; at first; in the beginnings; beginning; to begin or start; raise the head | 抬頭; 起頭; 發起
giauthaang | pinworm | 針蟲; 蟯蟲
giaxmthaam | examine sputum under microscope | 驗痰
giefnkiux thoanthea | research body | 研究團體
giefnthok | to study; do research | 研讀
giefnthøfhoe | workshop; seminar; symposium | 研討會
giefnthør | enter into; research; study and discuss | 研討
giernthaau | foolish; stupid | 愚笨; 癮頭
giet'afthaang | scorpion | 蠍子蟲; 蠍子
gihciøqthaau | pile up stones | 砌石頭
ginhangthoaan | banking consortium | 銀行團
giofngthiefn tiongthaxn | sigh deeply | 仰天長歎
giofngthiefn | look up to Heaven | 仰天
giogthai | maltreat; to torment; ill-treat | 虐待
giogthaixkoong | maltreat; torment; torture | 虐待狂
giogthea | esteemed health; yourself | 玉體
giogthox | the rabbit in the moon; jade hare in the moon (Chinese mythology) | 玉兔
giogthuie | beautiful legs (woman) | 玉腿
giorng putkhuix thiefn | feel no shame before God | 仰無愧天
githaix | elegance and coquetry | 儀態
githoaan | question; dark shadows of doubt lurking in one's mind | 疑團
gixhøthoaan | The Boxers (responsible for the Boxer Uprising of 1900) | 義和團
gixsu jidtheeng | agenda | 議事日程
gixsuxthuii | gavel (used by the speaker of a legislature) | 議事槌
gixsuxthviaf | council chamber | 議事廳
gixtheeng | agenda; program | 議程
goaan-khythaau | the very origin | 源起頭; 起初
goanthaau | origin, manufacturer, maker, wholesaler, head or source (of a stream) | 源頭; 起源; 來源
goanzoe thoanseeng lun | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 原罪傳承論; 靈魂遺傳說
goaxkauthoaan | diplomatic corps | 外交團
goaxkaw-thoaan | diplomacy team | 外交團
goaxthaau | outside; external; out | 外頭; 外面; 外側
goaxthay | tire cover | 外胎
goaxthøx | wrap; overcoat; coat; manta; outer garment | 外套
goeqkefng thengcie | cessation of menses | 月經停止
goeqthaau | first decade of the month | 月頭
goeqthiah'ar | month calendar | 月拆仔; 月曆
goxngthaau-goxngnao | foolish; stupid-looking | 憨頭憨腦; 傻頭傻腦
goxngthud | foolish or stupid person | 憨禿; 憨傻
goxngthuii | crass | 憨錘
goxthoaan | pass or report something through a mistake; transmit (facts) incorrectly | 誤傳
goxthviaf | mishear | 誤聽
goxzafngthaau | the most important part; the why and wherefore of a thing (Lit. where the plant connects to the root) | 五蔥頭; 植物接近根部處
goxzarnthaq | five stories tower or pagoda | 五層塔
gubahthngf | beef soup | 牛肉湯
gulefng-thauar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳頭仔; 奶嘴
gulengthngg | caramel | 牛乳糖; 牛奶糖
gunithngg | caramel | 牛奶糖
guthaau | cattle's head | 牛頭
guthaau-befbin | ox-headed and horse-faced (demons in Hades) (Taoism) | 牛頭馬面
guthuie | a quarter of beef | 牛腿
guthun'ar | younger bull or heifer | 犢牛仔
guthurn | stupid, foolish, stupidity, foolishness | 牛碩; 愚蠢
gvexthea | hardware | 硬體
gvexthuy | force oneself to do something (eating; studying; etc) | 硬撐
gvexthøx | to apply arbitrarily | 硬套
gviao thihteng'ar | pull out a nail with pincers or nail puller | 掏鐵釘仔; 拔鐵釘
gvixthea | hardware | 硬體
gvixthøx | to apply arbitrarily | 硬套
gwthaix | voice (in grammar) | 語態
gymsiong-thiamhoaf | embroider flowers on a piece of brocade--to make a good thing even better | 錦上添花
gyn'afthuun | boy just about reaching manhood; about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囝仔豚; 青少年
gyn'ar-thuun | adolescent boy; boy just about reaching manhood, about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囡仔豚; 青少年
gythaix | mimesis; mimicry | 擬態
gøeqthaau | beginning of the month | 月頭; 月初
gøeqthøo | a kind of alpinia | 月桃; 玉桃
hab'afthaxn | a business where the cost is equal to the gross profit; not counting operating cost | 合仔趁
hab'ar-thaxn | profitable in all | 合仔賺; 倍賺
habchviuothoaan | chorus | 合唱團
habchviux-thoaan | a choir | 合唱團
hafngthaau | bluff | 哄頭; 嚇人的態度
hagsengthoaan | student body | 學生團
hah-zuythor | suitable to the environment | 合水土
haixthaang | noxious insects; vermin; harmful insect | 害蟲
hamthaau | title | 頭銜; 銜頭
hamthiog | connotation; implicit; reserved; deep | 含蓄; 涵蓄,含蓄
hancithngg | potatoes preserved in sugar | 月見糖
hang'ar-thaau | beginning of a lane | 巷仔頭
hangtheeng | distance of an air or sea trip | 航程
hanthiefn | colod weather | 寒天
harthng | sun's stick with a white paper at funeral | 曬搪; 孝杖; [*]
hatthoo | drab soil | 棕土; 褐塗
haux kafmtong thiefn | filial piety can move Heaven | 孝感動天
hawthviax | to cry out because of pain | 叫痛; 哮痛
haxngthaau | head of the hallway | 巷頭
haxsuythngf | soup made with internal organs usually from pig, cow or chicken | 下水湯
haxterng thornghoex | imperfect contrition (Catholic) | 下等痛悔
haxthea | the privates; the genitals | 下體
haxthiab | to send invitation | 下帖
haxthvy | summer days | 夏天
haykag-thiengaai | farthest ends of the earth | 海角天涯
haykhoaq-thienkhofng | as boundless as sea and sky | 海闊天空
haymii-thea | a mass of erectile tissue | 海綿體
haythafn | sandy area of the beach; portion of shore left dry at low tide | 海灘
haythe | jelly-fish | 海苔; 水母
haytheeng | sea voyage | 海行; 海程
haythii | coarser kind of seaweed; seldom eaten | 海苔
haythoaq | sea otter; a beaver | 海獺
haythoo | sea soil | 海土; 海底之土
haythuun | dolphin | 海豚
heathaau | newly launched goods | 貨頭
hefthafng | stove | 火熥
hefthuie | ham | 火腿
hefthvoax | charcoal | 火炭
hengthaehak | morphology | 形態學
hengthaix | shape; form; appearance; state | 形態
hengthaix-hak | morphology | 形態學
hengthea | style; the human form | 形體
hengtheeng | traveler's route or itinerary | 行程
hengthofng | prosper; succeed | 亨通; 興通
herngthaau | interest; hobby; be interested in | 興趣; 興頭
hethaau | initiator, sponsor | 回頭
hexsiin-thokput | vow to spirits and idols | 求神託佛
hexthaau | look back | 會頭
hexthofnghoax | systematize; systematized | 系統化
hexthorng ee zerngbeeng | certificate of ancestry; pedigree | 系統的證明
hexthorng hunluixhak | phylogenetics; study of the evolution or development of a kind or type of animal or plant; racial history | 系統分類學
hexthorng | system; ancestry; lineage; geological formation | 系統
hexthvy | summer time | 夏天
hiaqthaau | forehead | 額頭
hiarmthviax | yell with pain | 喊痛
hiauhthafn | warped and deformed | 藃蟶
hiauthafn | break an agreement; go back on one's word; fail to keep one's promise; wood bend | 乾彎; 翅起; 翹曲; (板)
hiauthoo | dig | 撓土
hiauthwn | take possession of land illegally | 僥吞; 吞佔
hiauthøea | lewd; sexually passionate behavior | 嬲體; 淫蕩態度
hiaxthaq | ant-hill | 蟻塔; 蟻丘
hiekiogthoaan | dramatic troupe | 戲劇團
hiernthiuo | show one's defect | 獻醜
hietthorng zerngbengsw | certificate of pets | 血統證明書
hietthorng | blood relationship; family line; lineage | 血統
hiexnthaai`ee | freshly slaughter; cut up meat | 現宰的
hiexnthaxn-hiexnciah | money one hand in and other hand out | 現賺現食; 即賺即吃
hiexnthaxn-hiexnkhay | live from hand to mouth | 現賺現花
hiexntheh | receive on the spot | 現拿; 當場拿
hiluitherng | torpedo boat | 魚雷艇
hiongtheh | unlucky house where occupant dies or meets other mishaps | 凶宅
hiongthofng | accommodating | 融通
hiongthoong | thorax | 胸部; 胸膛
hiongthor gexsut | local art; native art or handicraft; folk craft | 鄉土藝術
hiongthor | agrestic; one's hometown or native place | 鄉土
hiongthor-koanliam | provincialism; narrow minded loyalty to one's hometown | 鄉土觀念
hiorngthiefn | face the sky | 向天; 朝天
hiorngthvy | (v) face upwards; the sky | 向天
hithaau | fish head | 魚頭
hithoad | debilitated, debility | 虛法; 虛脫
hitthaau | that side; that end | 那頭; 那邊
hixnthvy-oarnte | bear a grudge against; complain | 恨天怨地
hiøxthiefn`ee | an acquired characteristic | 後天的
hngthaau | prescription | 園頭; 方子; 配方; 處方; 藥方
ho laang thaau hiin | giddy | 使人頭眩
ho laang thøfiax | repugnant | 使人討厭
hoaai kuythay | cherish evil schemes; or dark plots; be conscious of guilt | 懷鬼胎
hoafnthvy | the weather changes from sunny to cloudy or rainy | 反天
hoahthor | perform rites before building; making; repairing a house or grave; (sorcerer) shouts when performing rites to drive away demons | 驅邪
hoahthviax | let out a cry of pain | 叫痛; 喝痛
hoaithay | to become pregnant; to conceive; be pregnant | 懷胎
hoanthaau | turn back; go back; come back; in a short time; immediately; turn back; go or come back | 回頭; 翻頭
hoanthae | not listening; reject advice | 番噎; 不講理; 無聽勸告
hoanthay | ordinary person; good-for-nothing person | 凡胎
hoanthiefn hokte | turn everything upside down; world shaking | 翻天覆地
hoanthiefn | earth shaking | 翻天
hoanthiefn-hyte | overjoyed | 歡天喜地
hoanthoo | to turn the soil | 翻土; 翻塗
hoanthvy-hoktøe | turn the whole world upside down; earth shaking | 翻天覆地
hoanzhanthoo | turn the soil from farmland over | 翻田土
hoarhak hongthengseg | chemical equation; chemical formula | 化學方程式
hoarhak kangtheeng | chemical engineering | 化學工程
hoarnthok | to read widely | 汎讀; 泛讀
hoarthaam | dissolve phlegm; expectorants | 化痰
hoarthaam-cysaux | decongestant medicine | 化痰止咳
hoartham'iøh | expectorants | 化痰藥, 化痰劑
hoarthamzef | expectorants | 化痰藥, 化痰劑
hoathiefn ciwte | lead a life of debauchery | 花天酒地
hoathiefn-ciwte | indulgence in sensual pleasures; debauchery | 花天酒地
hoatji thaau | radical of the Chinese character for hair | 漢字部首之一
hoatkngthea | luminous body; a luminary | 發光體
hoatkongthea | luminous body; a luminary | 發光體
hoatthiab | send out invitation | 發帖
hoatthorng | system of justice | 法統
hoeathaau | age; years | 年紀; 歲頭
hoeathiq | old iron; scrap iron | 廢鐵
hoefsidthoaan | group in a school or factory which combines to provide their own meals | 伙食團
hoefthafng | small stove for hands warming | 火熥
hoefthaukwn | mess cook for soldiers | 火頭軍; 炊事兵
hoefthuie sambengti | ham sandwich | 火腿三明治
hoefthuie | ham | 火腿
hoefthunlof | soot; ashes of burned things | 媒煙囤
hoefthuynng | ham and egg | 火腿蛋
hoefthvoarhoea | charcoal fire | 火炭火; 炭火
hoefthvoax | charcoal | 木炭
hoehthaang | hookworm; ancylostoma | 血蟲; 鈎蟲
hoehthngg | blood sugar | 血糖
hoehthorng | lineage, family line, pedigree | 血統
hoethaang | flower worm | 花蟲; 蛔蟲
hoethaau si gan | repent and salvation is at hand (turn the head and there is the shore) | 回頭是岸
hoethaau | turn the head around; come back; turn the head | 回頭
hoetharn | a blanket with 9flower) design | 花毯
hoetheeng | return trip; carriage return | 回程
hoethiaau | minnow; chub; dace | 花跳; 花鮡; (魚名)
hoethiab | acknowledgement card | 回帖
hoethiau | style of a flower | 花柱; 花風格
hoethiefn hoadsut | Nothing can be done to revive the dead or to save the dying | 回天乏術
hoethiefn | come back to life from death | 回天
hoethioong | ascarid, roundworm | 蛔蟲
hoexkheq-thviaf | reception room | 會客廳; 會客室
hoexthaau | head of an association; the one who initiates a private banking cooperative and who receives the first payments from other members | 會頭
hofchirnthaau | cheating customers on merchant weight | 唬秤頭
hofng thaux | wind is very strong | 風大; 颳大風; 風透
hofngbuxnthoaan | visiting mission | 訪問團
hofngthiau | hydrargyrum | 汞柱
hofphøee-tharn | tiger fur carpet | 虎皮毯
hofthaau niawchyboea | start doing something with vigor but fail to see it through; impressive in the beginning but disappointing in the end | 虎頭鳥鼠尾
hofthaau | tiger's head | 虎頭
hofthaau-phafng | hornet | 虎頭蜂; 黃蜂
hofthaugveh'ar | plier | 虎頭夾仔
hofthaukafm | large special orange | 虎頭柑
hofthauphafng | wasp | 虎頭蜂
hofthox | long-eared owl | 虎鴞; 長耳虎斑鴞; [*]; 長耳鴞
hogthai | to wait on; to minister to; to serve | 服侍
hok'imthoaan | spread good news | 福音傳
hoksiaxthea | radiant body; radiator | 輻射體
hoksiaxthihkyn | radioactive iron rods | 輻射鐵條
honghefthaau | angry | 風火頭
honghoefthaau | be in a temper; an event sways the minds of men | 風火頭; 氣頭上
honghoxthoaan | civil defense corps | 防護團
honghøefthaau | (phr) in a fit of anger | 風火頭; 氣頭上; 興頭上
hongkhofng kangthenghak | aeronautic engineering | 航空工程學
hongphøthee | breakwater | 防波堤
hongsib-thviax | pain caused by arthritis; pain of rheumatism | 風濕痛
hongsipthviax | rheumatic pains | 風濕痛
hongthaau | the publicity given to someone; under the storm; windward | 風頭; 上風
hongthaeho | an empress dowager; the Queen Mother | 皇太后
hongthaezuo | a crown prince | 皇太子
hongthafng | storm window | 風窗
hongthaibea | the edge of the storm circle, imply aftershock of typhoon | 風颱尾
hongthaiboea | the edge of the storm circle, imply aftershock of typhoon | 風颱尾
hongthaibøea | the end of the typhoon season | 颱風尾
hongthaiho | typhoon rain | 颱風雨
hongtharn | jaundice | 黃疸
hongthay | typhoon; hurricane | 風颱; 颱風
hongthay-kii | typhoon season | 風颱期; 颱風期
hongthay-thvy | typhoon weather | 風颱天; 颱風天
hongtheeng | distance of an air or sea trip | 航程
hongtheeng-seg | an equation | 方程式
hongthengseg | a formula; equation | 方程式
hongthiefn hoxthor | heaven and earth | 皇天后土
hongthiefn | Heaven | 皇天
hongthioong | locust; grasshopper | 蝗蟲
hongthiw | exhaust fan | 風抽; 抽風機
hongthoaan | hearsay; it is said or rumored | 風評; 風傳
hongthofcix | record of local customs; tradition; etc | 風土誌
hongthofpve | endemic (medical) | 風土病
hongthofpvi | to fail to acclimate yourself to a new natural environmental | 風土病; 水土無服
hongthor jinzeeng | local customs and practices | 風土人情
hongthor | natural conditions and social customs of a place; climate | 風土
hongthor-jinzeeng | local customs and practices | 風土人情
hongthorng | the imperial genealogical tree | 皇統
hongthviax | arthritic pain | 風痛; 風濕症
hongthøx | folder; large envelope; enclosing case for protection | 封套
hongzuie-kangtheeng | waterproof engineering | 防水工程
hor chirnthaau | cheat someone by rigged scales | 唬秤頭; 吃斤兩
hor thaau, niawchie boea | start with enthusiasm, end up with gusto. | 虎頭鼠尾
horngsarngthaau | loud-speaker | 放送頭; 擴音器
hortharng | large basket for two men | 戽桶; 水桶
hosiin-thy | fly-paper, sticking paper | 胡蠅黐; 蒼蠅紙
hosinthy | sticky fly paper | 胡蠅黐
hothehluq | Hotel | 旅館
hoxkhao thengpurn | copy or abstract of one's census register | 戶口謄本
hoxkhao-thengpurn | a copy of the registered residence | 戶口謄本
hoxlaithvy | rainy day | 雨來天; 雨天
hoxngthai | to look after parents; wait on; serve; attend | 奉待; 侍候
hoxngthog | to request, request | 奉託; 奉托
hoxsiuo thiensiin | guardian angel | 護守天神
hoxthaau | bank depositor; a bank account | 戶頭
hoxthai | great treat; treat kindly and generously | 厚待
hoxthiefn | day after tomorrow; post-natal | 後天; 後天(性的)
hoxthor | God of the earth; god of the earth (shrine is usually always located by side of the road) | 后土; 土地公
hoxthvy | wet day; a rainy day | 雨天
hudthaq | pagodas | 佛塔
hudthøo | walnut | 核桃; 胡桃
hudthøo-jiin | walnut kernel | 核桃仁
hudzuo ciamtherng | nuclear submarine | 核子潛艇
hudzuo tvoathaau | nuclear warhead | 核子彈頭
hui'afthoo | ceramic clay | 磁仔土; 陶土
huihoong-thengtat | period of great accomplishment | 輝煌騰達
huihthaang | hookworm | 血蟲; 鉤蟲
huihthngg | blood sugar | 血糖
huihthorng | lineage, family tree, pedigree | 血統
huikym juu thor | squander money like dirt; spend money like water | 揮金如土
huimothuie | fast runner | 飛毛腿
huitheeng | a dirigible; an airship; soar; mount of heaven | 飛艇; 飛騰
huitherng | air ship; flying boat | 飛艇
huithng | glaze (of porcelain) | 瓷碭; 釉藥
huitøxthea | non-conductor | 非導體
hunbee-zoxngthaix | comatose | 昏迷狀態
hunhuy thiengoa | frightened out of one's wits; completely carried away by passion; infatuated | 魂飛天外
hunthaau | separately; proceed each; cigarette butt | 分頭; 煙蒂; 煙頭
hunthaau-hunnao | feel dizzy; confused; mixed up | 昏頭昏腦
hunthafn | to share work or burden | 分攤
hunthiaq | break up (marriage; partnership); explain (plan; meaning); to take apart | 分拆; 拆散
hunthiau | pillar of clouds | 分柱; 雲柱
hunthiengii | celestial globe | 渾天儀
hunthuy | a traditional scaling ladder; a firefighter's tower ladder; scaling ladder; a fire extension ladder | 雲梯
hunthvoaf | to share the expenses; share a financial burden or stocks | 分攤
hunzhoethaau | bowl of a pipe | 煙斗頭; 煙吹頭
hunzhøethaau | head of tobacco pipe | 煙斗頭; 煙吹頭
huothngf-tøxhøea | go through fire and water to attain an objective | 赴湯蹈火
huothog | to be in charge; entrust; to commission; to charge | 付託
huothviatviuo | deputy commissioner of a department in a provincial government | 副廳長
huozofngthorng | vice president of a republic | 副總統
huthaau | make good or to succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 魚頭
huthoad | debilitated, debility | 虛脫
huthuy | a staircase, a stairway | 扶梯
huttheeng | simmer over; boiling; bubble | 沸謄
hux-zofngthorng | vice president | 副總統
huxngengthoo | concrete | 混凝土
huxthea | possess by an evil spirit | 附體
huxzuo siongthoaan | passed down through generation from father to son | 父子相傳
hvaethaau | shake one's head in despair, sigh unhappily | 搖頭 (嘆氣)
hvaethau'ar | rice liqueur | 幌頭仔; 米酒
hvaethauar | rice wine | 幌頭仔
hvafthaau | frighten people | 嚇頭; 嚇嚇人
hviaa-hoefthvoax | burn charcoal as fuel | 燒木炭
hviafthaau | conspicuous, eye-catching | 顯頭
hviax thauzeeng | leaning forwards | 傾向前面
hvithaau | profitable; advantageous; helpful | 多利; 佔便宜
hviuthaq | incense pagoda | 香塔
hvixthad | earwaxed | 耳塞
hvoa-kengthaau | hang on | 掛肩頭
hvoa-zerngthaau | to diagnose | 按症頭; 診斷病情
hvoaithofng | wood across the columns | 橫通; 柱間橫木
hvoathaau-hybin | overjoyed | 歡頭喜面
hvoathauhybin | happy | 歡頭喜面
hvoaxthaau | control; be in charge of | 按頭; 掌頭; 掌管
hwnthaau | prostitutes; clowns and villains on stage with daubs of white powder in make-up | 粉頭
hwnthoo | clay; yellow soil | 粉土; 黃色粘土
hwthefng | deign to listen | 俯聽
hythiab | wedding invitation | 喜帖
hø cioong thiefn kaxng | unexpected disaster (calamity descended from the sky) | 禍從天降
høeathaau | age | 歲頭; 年齡; 貨頭; 商品
høefchiathaau | railway locomotive, railway station | 火車頭; 火車頭,; 火車站
høefthafng | handy charcoal stove | 火桶; 火熥; (手提)火爐
høefthaukwn | army cook | 火頭軍; 伙頭軍; 伙夫; 伙伕
høefthiau | pillar of fire | 火柱
høefthuie | ham | 火腿
høefthvoax | coal | 木炭; 火炭
høesviu-thaau | a shaved head; bareheaded | 和尚頭; 光頭
høethaau | to turn the head, come back; to repent | 回頭
høethoo | mortar made of lime and clay; plaster; dust; dirt | 灰土; 灰塗; 灰泥
høexthaau | head of a society or a small co-operative bank | 會頭
høfhvafthaau | good outward appearance; dominant (power) | 好嚇頭; 外表威武
høfthaau putjuu høfbøea | A good end is more important than a good beginning | 好頭無如好尾; 好始不如好終
høfthak | easy to read or study | 好讀; 易讀
høfthaxn | easy to earn money; easy to make money | 好趁; 賺錢的; 賺錢容易
høfthviaf | pleasant to the ear; pleasant to hear | 好聽
høfthvy tiøqaix zeg hoxlainiuu | take preventive measures (Lit. During good weather put aside some food to eat in rainy weather.) | 好天得要積雨來糧; 未雨綢繆
høfthvy | sunny day | 好天; 晴天; 好天氣
høfzefngthngg | good blood relationship; consanguinity; from good stock; from a good family | 血統好; 好種糖
høfzhaythaau | good omen | 好彩頭
hør khoafnthai | easy to serve | 好伺候; 好款待
hør thefthaix | having a very good looking appearance; gait and manner | 好體態
hør-cientheeng | good future before him | 好前程
hør-khoafnthai | treat well, easily pleased | 好款待; 招待好
hør-phaethaau | style of person; big show of skill | 好派頭; 派頭大
hør-thauzhuix | courteous; polite; politeness | 好頭嘴; 懂禮貌; 會說話
hør-thefbin | have a sense of honor | 好體面
hør-thvinii | good year | 好天年; 豐年
hør-tiauxthaau | a good omen | 好兆頭
hør-zhaythaau | good start | 好彩頭
høthee | river embankment, river dike | 河堤
høxthaau | number; title | 號頭; 號筒; 標頭
høxthiab | congratulatory cards | 賀帖
iafmthor | fill in a grave | 填土
iafthox | hare | 野兔
iamthor | fill in a grave | 掩土
iapthiab | hidden | 隱密
iaqthaau | railway station | 驛頭; 車站
iar-hudthøo | wild walnut | 野核桃
iaukøeathaau | hungry for too long a time | 餓過頭
iauthoaan | unounded report; rumor; gossip; unfounded stories; false reports; according to rumor; it is rumored | 謠傳
iedthok | read | 閱讀
ien'aau-thviax | angina, a sore throat | 咽喉痛; 咽喉疼
ientharng | metal bucket; galvanized bucket | 鉛桶; 白鐵桶
ienthiaau | lead bar | 鉛條
ienthuie | ham | 煙腿; 火腿
ienthuii | lead sinkers for fishing tackle; nets | 鉛墜; 鉛錘
ienthunlof | soot; ashes of burned things; cinders | 煤煙囤; 煙囤焦
ienthunnng | quail egg | 鵪鶉蛋
ienthuun | soot | 煤煙; 煙囤
ienthwn | quail | 鵪鶉
ieseg-hengthaix | ideology, ideological situation | 意識態學; 意識形態
iethaix | ideology | 意態
iliauthoaan | medical team | 醫療團
imgagthviaf | music hall | 音樂廳
imgak-thviaf | music hall | 音樂廳
imtheeng | musical interval | 音停; 音程
imthiefn | cloudy weather | 陰天
imthiim | quiet and designing (personality); tricky; crafty; treacherous (similar to im-hiam) | 陰沈; 陰?; 陰險; 陰沉
imthvy | cloudy weather | 陰天
imthym | tricky, crafty, treacherous (similar to im-hiam) | 陰鴆
iofngjii-thaixlør | bring up a son in preparation for old age | 養兒待老
iofngthøex | withdraw or retire courageously | 勇退
iongbeeng thienha | be known throughout the land; have one's name spread far and wide; become world-famous | 揚名天下
iongbii thorkhix | feel proud after one suddenly attains fame or wealth | 揚眉吐氣
iongsvaf thoksix | commission many people to act; ask someone over and again to do something | 央三託四
iongthai | capacity | 容態
iongthek | residence | 陽宅
iongthofng | bring together and understand thoroughly; lend money to a friend | 融通
iongthog | courteously ask someone to undertake a commission | 委託
irn thaulo | seeking employment | 求職
it'ioong hoarthaxn | carbon monoxide | 一氧化碳
itchiuo-jiathvy | hoodwink the public (Lit. to cover the entire sky with one hand) | 一手遮天
itcixn-itthøex | one step forward one step back | 一進一退
ithaethaix | concubine | 姨太太; 小老婆
ithaix | mistress | 姨太
ithoaan | heredity | 一傳; 遺傳
ithog | rely on | 依託
itkhiaux-putthofng | quite stupid; completely ignorant; find a way of doing anything | 一竅無通
itluii thienha hiarng | achieve enormous success at the very first try; become famous overnight | 一雷天下響
itlut khvoarthai | treat all in the same way | 一律看待; 一視同仁
itpo-tengthiefn | meteoric rise or fast advancement (in one's career) | 一步登天
itsexng-itthea | consubstantial (Catholic) | 一性一體
itthea | unity; as one body; one body; the whole of; all; equally; uniformly | 一體
itthoaan | a group | 一團
itthorng | unification; unification; unity | 一統
ittiaau thienzuo ittiaau siin | When a new king is crowned he brings to the court his own favorites and expels those of his predecessor.--the tenuous nature of official positions | 一朝天子一朝臣
iu'iuar thviax | feel a slight pain | 憂憂仔痛; 微微的痛
iu'thiw | a tube for pumping oil | 油抽
iuiu'afthviax | a smarting pain; labor pains | 憂憂的痛; 陣痛
iuiuafthviax | a dull pain | 幽幽仔疼
iuothaang | larvae (of a insect) | 幼虫
iuothioong | larva of an insect | 幼虫; 幼蟲
iuthaau katbin | have worried look; pull long face; having a displeased look | 愁眉苦臉
iuthaau-hwnbin | pomaded hair and powdered face; Beau Brummel | 油頭粉面
iuthaau-katbin | to have a worried look; a distressed expression | 憂頭結面; 愁眉苦臉
iuthai | to give special discount; preferential treatment; courteous treatment; to welcome | 優待
iuthaixkoaxn | complimentary ticket; a free ticket (for a show); discount ticket (for shopping in a certain store) | 優待券
iutharng | oil bucket; fuel tank (of motorcycle; automobile) | 油桶
iuthaukatbin | frown | 憂頭結面
iuthaukhofbin | frown | 憂頭苦面
iutherng | barge; yacht; pleasure boat for hire on lakes private yacht | 遊艇
iuthiofng | from the depth of one's heart; heartfelt | 由衷
iuthiofng-cy-gieen | words uttered in sincerity | 由衷之言
iuthiw | tubular device used to extract oil | 油抽
iuthngf | oily soup | 油湯
iuthngthngf | oily | 油湯湯; 油膩膩
iuu thiefn jii kaxng | come down from heaven | 由天而降
iuu thiefn put'iuu jiin | it depends on Heaven not on man | 由天無由人
iuxtharn | to bare the right shoulder (in punishment) | 右袒
iwkithea | organism | 有機體
iwsid thefthorng | very disgraceful | 有失體統
ixkorthea | isomer | 異固體
ixsiorng-thienkhay | have fantastic notions | 異想天開
iøf sngf poe thviax | sore waist and aching back | 腰酸背痛
iøqthaau | first brewing of medicinal herbs | 藥頭
iøqthauar | fresh medicine brewed in pot | 藥頭仔
iøthaau | shake one's head; shake the head | 搖頭
iøthaau-pvoaxboea | act obsequiously (Lit. to bobble the head and wag the tail like a dog hoping to please the master) | 搖頭拂尾
iøtharng | barrel for washing clothes | 腰桶
jiafmsekthea | chromosome | 染色體
jiathvy | cover the sky (cloud) | 遮天
jiaux thaukhag | scratch the head (in perplexity) | 搔頭; 抓頭殼
jibthoo | burial of corpse | 入土; 入塗
jibthor | bury; be buried | 入土
jidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
jidthaau | the sun; sun | 日頭; 太陽
jidthaau-tiofng | high noon | 日頭中
jidthauhoef | sunflower | 日頭花
jidthaukofng | sun | 日頭公; 太陽公
jidtheeng | daily schedule; order of the day; a day's program (as the agenda or itinerary) | 日程; 日程(表)
jidthiah'ar | calendar | 日拆仔; 日曆
jidthiaq | daily calendar | 日曆
jiet thex | one's fever falls | 熱退; 退燒
jinbeng-koanthiefn | Human life is of utmost importance | 人命關天
jinbiin-thoanthea | civic organization or body | 人民團體
jinciorng ee zhapiet thaixgu | racial discrimination | 人種的差別待遇
jinkafng-siuxthay | artificial insemination | 人工受胎
jinsoaxn putjuu thiensoaxn | Human calculations are not equal to God's plan. Man proposes; and God disposes | 人算無如天算
jinteng sexng thiefn | Man's determination will conquer Nature.; Human effort will overcome destiny (difficulties) | 人定勝天
jinthausøex | poll tax | 人頭稅
jinthea kayphøx | human anatomy | 人體解剖
jinthea | body of flesh and blood; physical; carnal; sensory | 人體
jinthea-kayphørhak | study of human anatomy; anthropometry | 人體解剖學
jinthiog | men and beasts | 人畜
jiogthea | human body, flesh | 肉體
jiogthea-koanhe | sexual relations | 肉體關係
jiogthefteg | as regards the body; physical | 肉體德; 肉體的
jiongtharn | woolen blanket or carpet | 絨毯
jit kiuo thiefn tioong | for a long; long time | 日久天長
jitoong-thogbut | juvenile publications | 兒童讀物
jiuloarn-thefzhaw | calisthenics | 柔軟體操
jixiofnghoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jixioong-hoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jixthaau | a radical of Chinese character | 字頭
jixthaau-jixbøea | nothing for me in a contract; none of my business (Lit. from the first character to the last) | 字頭字尾
jixthea | style of calligraphy; form of a character; handwriting; type; type-style | 字體
jixthiab | copybook (for calligraphy); writing book | 字帖
jiøxtharng | a urinal; portable container for urine; urine bucket (pot) | 尿桶; 便壺
jiøxthngg | urine sugar | 尿糖
joaqthvipox | summer cloth | 熱天布
joaqthvisii | summer | 熱天時; 夏天
joaqthvisvaf | summer clothes | 熱天衫; 夏衣
joaqthvy | summer | 夏天; 熱天
joexthviax | sharp pain | 銳疼; 刺痛
juhor thiam'ek | like adding wings to a tiger (literally)--with added strength; greatly strengthened or reinforced | 如虎添翼
jwthaau | nipple | 乳頭
jwthngg | milk-sugar | 乳糖
jymkhix-thunsviaf | restrain one's temper and say nothing; keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
jymsiu thorngkhor | endure suffering patiently | 忍受痛苦
jymthoxng | to bear pain | 忍痛
jymthviax | bear pain patiently | 忍痛
ka'iuu-thiamzhox | exaggerate or give embellishment to a story | 加油添醋
kafmsiu-thea | the sensory receptor | 感受體
kafmthaau | a mourning hood of women | 頭蓋; 蕨冠
kafmtharnhø | exclamation mark | 感嘆號
kafmtharnsuu | interjection | 感嘆詞
kafmthauar | woman's mourning head-dress | 蓋頭仔; 首經; (喪服)
kafmthaxn | to sigh, a sigh | 感嘆
kafmthaxn-huhø | exclamation mark | 感嘆符號
kafmthaxn-suu | interjection | 感嘆辭; 感嘆詞
kafngthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 港豚
kafnthea | simplified Chinese characters | 簡體
kafnthea-ji | simplified Chinese characters | 簡體字
kafnthefji | (n) simplified Chinese character; simplified form of characters | 簡體字
kafnthefli | simplified Chinese | 簡體字
kafsexng-thienhoaf | modified mild form of smallpox | 假性天花
kafthog | use the name improperly | 假託; 假托
kafthviax | colic | 絞痛
kagvor-thienseeng | an ideal marriage; divinely arranged | 佳偶天成
kahthaang | beetle | 甲蟲
kakthaau | head of gang; place; location; position | 角頭; 角落; 地方
kakthaau-ciøh | cornerstone | 角頭石; 房角石
kakthiq | angle iron, angle bar | 角鐵
kakthngg | cubic sugar | 方糖
kalauqthef | have an abortion | 交落胎; 流產; 小產
kam'afthngg | sweets; candy; orange candy (in the shape and color of orange segments) | 甘仔糖; 柑糖; 糖果
kamhoeq-buxthvy | make false accusations against others (Lit. spit blood at Heaven) | 含血噴天; 含血噴人
kamhoeq-phuqthvy | make false accusations against others (Lit. spit blood at Heaven) | 含血噴天; 含血噴人
kangthaau | foreman; overseer; contractor on any particular job; an overseer | 工頭
kangtheeng | engineering; an engineering project; a construction work | 工程
kangtheeng-leghak | practical dynamics | 工程力學
kangthengsw | engineer | 工程師
kangthengtui | public works corps | 工程隊
kangthengzhux | department of engineering; the engineering department of a huge building project | 工程處
kangthogsefng | self-supporting student | 工讀生
kangthok | work on a job in order to finance one's study or education | 工讀
kangthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 江豚
kanthad | bottle stopper, cork | 瓶塞
kanthii | an edible green seaweed | 乾苔; 綠海藻
kaoiok-thengto | level of education; educational background | 教育程度
kaothaau | head instructor (of martial arts) | 教頭
kaotheeng | a course of study | 教呈; 教程
kaothoaan | teaching group | 教團
kapithviaf | coffee-room | 咖啡廳
kaq thafn'ar | cover oneself with blankets | 蓋毯仔
karbu-thenghuun | ride mist and float on clouds (as immortals do) | 駕霧騰雲; 騰雲駕霧
karmthviaf | monitor | 監聽
kathaang | the lac insect | 家蟲; 膠蟲
kathiafm | add; addition; plus; add to; to double | 加添
kathiog | cattle; domestic animals | 家畜
kathoaan | family heritage; family trait | 家傳
kathvy | add; addition; plus | 加添
katthaau | knot; a clue | 結頭; 癥結; 端倪
kau-pvixthviax | sickly | 交病痛; 厚病疼; 多病的; 交戾
kauar bexthao | drain is clogged | 溝仔未解; 水溝無通
kauhiorng-gagthoaan | orchestra | 交響樂團
kauthaang | hookworm | 鉤蟲
kauthaau | head of monkey; head of gangsters; owner of a house of ill fame | 猴頭; 龜公; 老駂
kauthaau-ciapnie | whispering; talk in whispers | 交頭接耳
kauthex | alternate | 交替
kauthioong | hookworm | 鉤蟲
kauthoex | alternate with; take place by turns | 交替
kauthofng | traffic; transportation; communication; traffic | 交通
kauthofng-anzoaan | traffic safety | 交通安全
kauthofng-anzoanciw | traffic safety week | 交通安全週
kauthofng-buxntøee | question of communication | 交通問題
kauthofng-chiaf | private bus (school, factory) | 交通車
kauthofng-ginhaang | Bank of Communications | 交通銀行
kauthofng-kefngzhad | traffic policeman | 交通警察
kauthofng-kikoafn | means of communication; traffic facilities | 交通機關
kauthofng-kuizeg | traffic regulations | 交通規則
kauthofng-sirnhø | traffic signal | 交通信號
kauthofng-suxkox | traffic accident | 交通事故
kauthofng-toaxnzoat | cut off communication | 交通斷絕
kauthofng-tøxteg | traffic etiquette | 交通道德
kauthofng-zefnglie | regulate traffic | 交通整理
kauthog | entrust; entrust | 交託; 交托
kauthongbang | communication network; communication system | 交通網
kauthongtefng | traffic signal | 交通燈; 紅綠燈
kauthøex | alternate with; take place by turns | 交替
kauxthaam | have much phlegm | 多痰; 厚痰
kaw thøhoeun | be successful in romantic affairs | 交桃花運
kawthaau | dog's head | 狗頭
kawthaau-efng | Chinese cinereous vulture | 九頭鷹; 禿鷲; 狗頭
kawthox iuo samkhud | The wily hare has three holes to his burrow | 狡兔有三窟
kawthuie | dog's leg, a lackey | 狗腿
kawzarnthaq | basil | 九層塔
kaxngzefngthngg | born from same parents | 同種糖; 相同血統所傳下來的
kaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 同症頭; 相同的病症
kaythaau | make an old thing look new (as furniture; house; character); change from wicked to good conduct | 改頭
kaythea | disintegration, dissolution, fall apart, take apart, dismember | 改體; 解體
kaythoad | emancipation; be delivered from; emancipate oneself from; free oneself from worldly worries | 解脫
kaythok | Interpretation | 解讀
kaythøx | terminology in stock trading to relieve lost | 解套
kazok-tinthiab | family allowance | 家族津貼
keathaau | wig | 過頭
keathengchiaf | taxi; meter taxi | 計程車; 出租車
keathengpiør | taxi meter | 計程表
kebøfthaang | native silkworm | 雞母蟲
kebør thii | hen crows (a very bad omen); said of a wife ruling her husband; the wife wears the pants in the family | 母雞啼; (很困難)
kefafthngf | a type of soup make with sliced cakes | 粿子湯
kefngthaix-naa | cloisonne enamel | 景泰藍
kefngthaxm | police detective | 警探
kefsexng thienhoaf | varioloid; mild case of smallpox | 假性天花
kefthaau | make an old thing look new (as furniture; house; character); change from wicked to good conduct | 假頭; 改頭換面
kefthaumof | wig | 假 (頭) 髮
kefthngg | fructose | 果糖
kegthaau | the utmost, the limit | 極頭; 盡頭
kehtai-uithoaan | atavism | 隔代遺傳
kehthvikngf zaykhie | next morning | 隔天早上; 隔天光早起
kek'hoad-zoxngthaix | excited state | 激發狀態
kekphaethaau | put on airs | 激派頭
kekthaunao | stimulate the mind | 激頭腦
kekthex | defeat | 擊退
kekthienthiefn | pretend to be stupid | 激天天; 對任何事都裝得無關緊要
kekthoex | to repulse, to repel, to defeat | 擊退
kekthuithuii | play dumb | 激槌槌
kekthøex | to repulse | 擊退
kengkahthaau | shoulder; shoulder | 肩胛頭; 肩頭; 肩膀
kengkaq-thaau | top of shoulders | 肩胛頭; 肩頭
kengthaau | shoulder; upper part of the shoulder | 肩頭; 肩膀
kengthaau-kyn | scarf | 肩頭巾
kengtharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
kengthaukud | shoulder bone | 肩骨
kengthaxn | to express amazement, wonder; to exclaim with admiration; to gasp in wonder | 驚歎; 驚嘆
kengthaxn-hø | the exclamation mark | 驚歎號
kengthea | speak sarcastically or ironically | 供體; 挖苦; 諷刺
kengthøea | gossip, jeer at | 驚體; 供體; 毀謗
kerngthak | read with respect or reverence | 敬讀
kerngthaxn | reverently obey | 敬疼; 奉行,敬從
kerngtherng | respectfully presented (used at the end of a letter) | 敬呈
kerngthviax | honor and love | 敬疼; 敬愛
kesithaau | tools; means; utility | 傢司頭; 用具; 器具; 工具
kethaau | street ends | 街頭
kethaau-haxngbøea | throughout the city or town | 街頭巷尾
kethii | the cock crows | 雞鳴
kethngf | chicken soup | 雞湯
kethuie | chicken leg; Lit. chicken-thigh ─ drumstick | 雞腿
kethun'ar | middle-aged chicken; not yet fully grown | 雞豚仔; 未成熟的中雞
kethvy | append; superaddition; add to the number or quantity | 加添
kethøar | chicken not yet weighing one pound; fryers | 雞桃仔; 中雞 (未成熟的雞)
khabthaau | kow-tow; knock the forehead on the ground in reverence or supplication | 磕頭
khaethaxn | to sigh with regret | 慨嘆
khaf taqtah thaxmtham | totter along; stagger along | 腳踏踏貪貪; 腳步蹣跚
khafmthaukhafmbin | o scold someone for doing inappropriate and stupid things due to ignorance or lack of knowledge | 歁頭歁面
khagthaam | expectorate; cough up phlegm; try to bring phlegm up | 咯痰; 咳痰
khahtheeng | wait a moment | 較停; 待會兒; 等一下
khahtheng'ar | in a very short time | 較停仔; 待一會兒; 過一會兒
khaihoaai-thiorng'irm | have a jolly carousal and forget all cares | 開懷暢飲
khaithaau | at the start, in the beginning | 開頭
khaithiefn-pidte | creation of the world | 開天闢地
khaithoad | to whitewash oneself | 開拓; 開脫
khaithofng | modern-minded; liberal; opened for traffic or communication; reopened for the same | 開通
khaithog sinthiente | break fresh ground | 開拓新天地
khaithog | exploit; reclaim; reclamation (of wasteland); reclaim (wasteland) | 開拓
khaithokciar | cultivator; pioneer | 開拓者
khaithokte | reclaimed land | 開拓地
khangkhøeathaau | work | 工作頭; 工課頭
khangthaau | dishonored checks; buy or sell stock on margin; sell short (in stock market) | 空頭
khangthaau-ciphiøx | rubber check; worthless check | 空頭支票
khangtharng | empty bucket or barrel | 空桶
khanthaau | cover page | 刊頭
khanthoaf | shift blame; involve (person) in something unpleasant; accuse falsely | 牽拖; 責怪; 帶累; 推諉; 誣賴
khao toat thienkofng | ingenuity that rivals the work of God (often referring to a work of art) | 巧奪天工
khaoloxthaau | mourning done by daughter | 哭路頭; 父母死出嫁女兒一路跪哭回娘家
khaothaau | kowtow; knock one's head on the ground | 叩頭; 磕頭
khaothviax | crying | 哭痛
khaq-phvithaau | getting rather more than one's share | 較摒頭; 較佔便宜
kharmthaau-kharmbin | don't see danger; silly; stupid | 蓋頭蓋面; 傻乎乎的; 無知死活; 把頭臉都遮住
kharmthaukharmbin | dumb-headed; ignorant | 崁頭崁面
kharthofng | cartoon | 卡通
khathaau | knee; strength (of legs) | 膝蓋; 腳力; 腳頭
khatharng | wooden pail; container; water bucket; large basin used by women for a sponge bath | 腳桶; 跤桶; 洗腳盆; 水桶
khathau'uvoar | knee-cap | 腳頭予碗; 膝蓋骨
khathau'w | a knee, a lap | 腳頭凹; 跤頭趺; 膝蓋
khathauw | knee | 膝頭凹
khathuie | thigh | 腳腿; 跤腿; 大腿
khatthoky | excavator | 挖土機
khawthaau | oral; verbal; oral communication; verbally | 口頭
khawthaau-gie | colloquial language, cant, empty words, meaningless phrases | 口頭語
khawthaau-guo | colloquial language; cant; empty words; meaningless phrases; pet phrase; regularly used expression | 口頭語
khawthaugie | expression which one uses regularly or constantly | 口頭語
khawthoaan | oral; tradition; oral teaching; report; hearsay | 口傳
khaxng laang ee zhaothauphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的臭頭痞
khaxthofng | comic strip; cartoons; the funnies; comic books | 卡通
khazefngthauar | toes | 跤指頭仔
khazngfthau'afphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指頭仔縫
khazngfthauafphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指縫
khazngfthauar | toe | 腳指頭仔
khefngthak | study hard | 肯讀; 肯用功
khefngthviaf | willing to listen | 肯聽
kheftheeng | depart; start on a journey | 啟程
khehthea | an object | 客體
khehthngg | make sugar from cane | 擠糖; 製糖; 榨甘蔗汁來製糖
khehthviaf | living room; reception room; a parlor | 客廳
khehthøx | ceremonious greeting or compliments in addressing one's guest | 客套
khekkie-thaixjiin | deny oneself and treat others with kindness | 克己待人
kheksaux-thngg | cough-drop | 咳嗽糖; ?嗽糖
khengthiaw | skittish | 輕佻
khengthox | pour forth; pour out | 傾吐
khengthviaf | listen carefully; be all ears | 傾聽
khethaau | upper reaches of a river | 上游; 溪頭
khia koansvoaf khvoax bea siøthad | look on unconcerned | 豎高山看馬相踢; 袖手旁觀
khiaa thihbea | ride a bicycle | 騎腳踏車; 騎鐵馬
khiamthøex | humbly retreat | 謙退
khiaothaau | easily angered | 翹頭; 容易生氣
khiarmthøx | defective | 欠妥
khiaxsietheeng | stand upside down | 豎死挺; 倒立
khiaxthaau | first place | 徛頭
khiaxtheeng | stand erect | 站挺; 倒立; 豎直
khiaxthengtheeng | stand up straight | 徛騰騰
khiaxthiau | place a column | 豎柱; 立柱子
khiechiaf kaytheftviuu | chop shop | 汽車解體廠
khiefn ciøqthaau | throw stone | 擲石頭; 投石頭
khiefn thaukhag | hit head with knuckles or rocks | 擲頭殼; 用食指與中指, 或石頭打頭部
khiernthaau | saute material | 匡頭; 佐料; 爆香材料
khiernthiefn | gawk while walking around | 譴天; 仰頭; (形容無精打采)
khiethaam | remove phlegm blocking | 去痰
khiethafng | transom; ventilation window; louvers) | 氣窗
khiethaix | gaseousness; gaseity | 氣態
khiethea | gas | 氣體
khiethea-leghak | aerodynamics | 氣體力學
khiethea-toxngleghak | aerodynamics | 氣體動力學
khiethea-toxngleglun | kinetic theory of gases | 氣體動力論
khietherng | a motor-boat, a stream launch | 汽艇
khiethøex | breathless | 氣退
khijiin thaesim | It's really too much! You've insulted me beyond the limit | 欺人太甚
khinthak | deligent in study; study diligently | 勤讀
khinthvafthvar | light in weight | 輕極了
khipthiq | magnet | 吸鐵; 磁石; 磁鐵
khitciaqthaau | head of a beggar band | 乞丐頭
khitthør | entreat the god for | 乞討; 祈求; 祈禱
khiuo thauzafng | seize a person by the hair of the head | 揪頭鬃; 揪頭髮
khiuu-thaumngg | curly hair | 虯頭髮; 頭髮捲捲的
khiøq kutthaau | collect the bones of the dead for re-burial | 撿骨頭; 拾骨頭
khngrthafnpvee | lay crosswise | 放坦平; 平放
khngx tiøqthaau | lay it in the proper direction or position | 放正; 放著頭
khoaetheeng | speetboat; mosquito boat; power boat | 快艇
khoaetherng | speedboat | 快艇
khoafnthai | to entertain with courtesy and warmth; hospitality; host; treat (well or badly); hospitality | 款待; 伺候
khoafnthea | external look; outward appearance | 外觀; 形式; 款體
khoanthai | treat generously | 寬待
khoanthøx | trap; snare; a framed affair; snare or noose | 圈套
khoex thaukhag | rest the head (on a pillow; table; edge) | 擱頭殼
khofthaau | have tasted some bitter experience | 苦頭
khofthak | study with much toil; pain; difficulty; exhaustion or hardship | 苦讀
khofthaxn | to sigh with bitter and painful | 苦歎
khofthaxng | pain; suffering; painful | 苦痛; 痛苦
khofthiofng | reason or motive not easily understood by others | 苦衷
khofthngf | bitter soup; learned lesson | 苦湯
khofthøo | bitter peach | 苦桃
khog'afthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 鱷仔頭
khogthaau | to knock the head; strike head; also implying bumbler | 碰頭; 敲頭; 撞頭
khokthaau | having an unusually projecting forehead | 擴頭; 酷頭; 前額突出
khongkhix ee liuthofng | ventilation | 空氣的流通
khongkhix-thoanjiarm | air-borne infection | 空氣傳染
khonglogthviaf | recreation room (center) | 康樂廳
khongthaix | healthy and free from trouble | 康泰
khongthiq | plated iron | 鍍鐵
khorng thvajiin cy khaix | show generosity of unselfishness with another's wealth; be generous at the expense of others | 慷他人之慨
khorngthea | antibody | 抗體
khorngthngf | to stew or simmer (meat) for broth | 登湯; 熬湯; 爌湯
khorngthoo | wilderness; waste | 曠土
khorngzhaethaau | boil the daikon over slow heat | 炕菜頭
khorthaau | the top of a trouser; the upper end of a trouser | 褲頭
khorthuie | the tube of a trouser | 褲管; 褲腿
khotharng-saihu | hooper; cooper | 箍桶司父; 箍桶匠
khudthausvoaf | bald mountain | 𣮈頭山
khudthuy | a playground slide | 滑梯
khuiethaau | tone of voice | 口氣; 氣頭
khuithai | to treat (someone) shabbily; to maltreat | 虧待
khuithaux | open and penetrate; open completely; remove obstacles from | 開透; 開通; 完結
khuithiaq | to explain; to expound; to interpret; elucidation; explain distinctly (e.g. the meaning of a phrase saying; or doctrine) | 開拆; 分析; 言教; 破說; 解說; 闡釋; 釋明
khuithviaf | open hall | 開廳
khunthioong | insect; bug | 昆蟲
khunthioong-hagkaf | entomologist | 昆蟲學家
khunthioong-hak | entomology | 昆蟲學
khuthiong'iøh | anthelmintic; a drug or medicine for expelling intestinal worms | 驅蟲藥
khuxn thafnkhy | lie down on one's side | 睏坦敧
khuxn-køeathaau | oversleep | 睡無醒; 睡過頭
khuxn-thafnchiøx | lie on one's back | 睡袒笑; 仰臥
khuxn-thafnkhy | lie on one's side | 睡袒敧; 側臥
khuxn-thafnphag | sleep in a prone position; lie on one's face | 睡袒腹; 伏臥
khuxthea | concrete, definite | 具體
khuxthuii | pestle | 杵愚; 臼槌
khveh thaam | cough up phlegm forcefully | 喀痰
khvoarthaau | that which is worth seeing; keep an eye on; keep watch (as sentry set by persons secretly engaged in some illegal; impure; or improper action); act as a lookout | 看頭; 把風
khvoarthaau-khvoarbøea | give occasional help (like a master in a shop); look after a business for a man in his absence | 看頭看尾; 關照
khvoarthai | to treat (another; a child; friend; etc.); treatment; take care of; to wait for; await | 看待
khvoarthaothaux | see through; discern; forecast (the turn of events) | 看透透; 看開
khvoarthaux | see through; discern; forecast (the turn of events) | 看透; 看透,看開
khvoarthvizhaan | paddies without dependable irrigation water | 看天田
khvoarthvy ciaqpng | live by honest means | 看天吃飯
khvoarthvy | live by honest means | 看天
khvoax laang-thaubin | rely on others and have to watch their every expression | 看人頭面; 依賴他人
khvoax thviseg | watch the signs of the weather | 看天色
khwnthog | to make a sincere request; to ask or request earnestly | 懇託
khykhaf thad | lift the foot and kick | 起腳踢
khyn-thvafthvar | light in weight | 輕極了; 輕撐撐
khythaam | phlegm | 起痰
khythaau | in the beginning; at first | 起頭; 起初
khytheeng | to start on a journey; to set out | 起程; 出發
khythiap | lay brick or stone | 起疊; 疊起
khythog | toothpicks | 齒托; 齒戳; 牙籤
khythok'ar | tooth pick | 齒戳仔
khythoo | to break the ground (for a building project); to start construction work | 起土; 動土
khythviax | pain | 起痛
khøflienthaang | poor guy | 可憐蟲
khøfthaubee | rice porridge with little soup | 洘頭糜
khøfthaumoee | rice porridge with little soup | 洘頭糜
khøfthaxn | regrettable; Alas! What a pity! | 可嘆; 可歎
khøfthie | shameful | 可恥
khøfthog | trustworthy | 可托; 可託
khøfthoxng | become painful | 可痛
khøfzhad-thoaan | inspection team; research team | 考察團
khøfzhatthoaan | investigating commission | 考察團
khørtheeng | curriculum, schedule | 課程
khørtheeng-piør | schedule of classes | 課程表
khørthvy | rely on the nature | 靠天
khørthvy-ciaqpng | depend on heaven for food ─ to leave everything to fate | 靠天吃飯
khøthaau | be conceited; arrogant; insolent | 躊頭; 擺架子
kiafmthafng | whether this is proper (I am eagerly awaiting your instruction) | 減通; 是否可
kiafmthøex | drop; go down; recede | 減退
kiafmthøfhoe | conference held for reviewing and discussing past performances; plans | 檢討會
kiafmthør | to review and discuss (past performance; etc); to make self-examination or soul-searching; review and discuss (past performance); make a self-examination | 檢討
kiamtheeng | to proceed on one's trip on the double | 兼程
kiarsefng-thaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiarsengthaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiarsvethaang | parasite | 寄生蟲
kiarsvithaang | parasite | 寄生蟲
kiarthak | attend as an extra student; be boarding student | 寄讀; 借讀
kiarthog | to consign or commit (soul to God; emotions to writing; etc.); entrust to the care of someone; entrust or commit soul to God; emotions to writing | 寄託
kiau ciøqthaau | pry up the stone | 撬石頭
kiaukar-thviax | acute or gripping pain--as caused by cholera; appendicitis; etc. | 交絞痛
kiawthaau | to bet on something in which a loser has to pay a forfeit | 賭頭
kiawtheeng | to submit or handle (to higher authority) | 繳呈
kiawthngf | mix liquids in eating | 攪湯; 白飯拌湯
kieciar-ciauthaixhoe | press conference | 記者招待會
kiedafthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 小氣鬼
kieekthea | computer memory chip | 記憶體
kienthaau | stingy; miserly; niggardly; parsimonious | 腱頭; 吝嗇; 驕傲
kiernsied kangtheeng | construction work | 建設工程
kiernsietthviaf | Department of Reconstruction (of a Provincial Government) | 建設廳
kiernthiefn | (literally) to see the heaven; to see justice prevail; to emerge from imsery | 見天
kierntiog-kangtheeng | construction work | 建築工程
kiesengthaang | a parasite | 寄生蟲
kiesudthea | narrative style of writing | 記述體
kietcvy-thea | a crystal; crystalloid | 結晶體
kietheh | to remember or bear in mind (this lesson; defeat; etc.) | 記取
kietjiin-thiensioxng | Heaven helps a good man | 吉人天相
kietthauzhaix | kohlrabi; turnip | 大頭菜
kiexnkhofng-zoxngthaix | state of health | 健康狀態
kihaai-kangtheeng | mechanical engineering | 機械工程
kikhietharng | machine for threshing rice | 打穀機
kimjixthaq | pyramid | 金字塔
kimlixthaq | pyramid | 金字塔
kimsieen thoatkhag | break loose and get away | 金蟬脫殼
kimthaau | golden head; luster; gloss (on a new article; new cloth); fresh varnish on furniture | 金頭; 光澤; 有光澤的
kimthaq | golden tower; golden pagoda | 金塔
kimthiefn | today | 今天
kimthngf | impregnable fortress | 金湯
kinthaau | origin; root (cause); origin; to originate; to come from; thick muscular parts of the limbs and breast | 筋頭; 肌腱
kinthvoaf | to share (an obligation; etc.) equally; to spread equally; to divide equally | 均攤
kiofngthiau | a buttress | 供柱; 拱柱; 支持
kiogthoaan | a drama group of people | 劇團
kiongthoaf | to drag with violent | 強拖
kiongthok | read respectfully | 恭讀
kiongthor | territory | 疆土
kiongthør | to force (one to give something); to demand; to extort | 強討; 硬討
kioxnghøo-zerngthea | republican form of government | 共和政體
kioxngthofng | to share and flow unobstructed; common; general. (archaic) | 共通
kipthviax | sharp pain, sudden pain | 急信; 銳痛
kirmcie chialiorng thongheeng | No vehicles allowed. No thoroughfare | 禁止車輛通行
kirmcie thengchiaf | No parking! | 禁止停車
kithaan | (substitution) group (chemistry) | 機
kithaau | nose section of an airplane | 機頭
kithai | anticipate; hope; expectation; anticipation; expect (a person or thing); look forward to; hope for | 期待
kithea | trunk and limbs | 機體; 肢體
kithie | great shame; a great insult or humiliation | 奇恥
kithoaan | a foundation group | 基團
kithvaf | other; else | 其他
kitøea-zoxngthaix | ground state | 基地狀態; 基底狀態
kiuosefng-therng | lifeboat | 救生艇
kiuothoad | save from hardship and misery of life | 救法; 救脫
kiuthaau | to draw the head back | 縮頭
kiuthoaan | pellet | 球團
kiuthør | ask for beg | 求討; 乞討
kiwphirn-thiensiin | nine choirs of angels (Catholic) | 九品天神
kiørkhor-lienthiefn | lament; cry to heaven; to mouth complaints about hardships | 叫苦連天
kiørthvy | (literally) to scream to heaven | 叫天
kiørthvy-kiørtøe | cry for help to heaven and earth | 呼天叫地
kiøthaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 橋頭
kiøthiau | bridge pier; earthen or stone structure under bridge | 橋柱
kiøx kauthøex | ghost driving a man to suicide or drowning; the ghost of a drowned man or suicide causing a man to be drowned or tempting a man to kill himself; so that the ghost may return to life; it cannot do so till some one thus takes its place | 找替死鬼; 叫交替
kiøx thvy thvy bøexixn | call on heaven but get no answer | 叫天天無應
kngflee-thuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
kngflethuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
kngrthaux | thoroughly; to understand thoroughly | 穿透; 貫透
kngrthiq | steel | 鋼鐵
kngrthofng | to have a thorough understanding | 貫通
kngthaau | baldheaded; baldhead; shaved head | 光頭; 禿頂
kngthea | luminous body, light | 光業; 光體
koabwthoaan | song and dance ensemble | 歌舞團
koaethay | monster (obstetrics) | 怪胎
koafn thienbuun | practice astrology or astronomy | 觀天文
koafnthai y | don't care about him | 無管他
koafnthai | to pay attention to | 管待; 理會; 理睬
koanbong ee thaixto | waiting attitude | 觀望的態度
koanke-thaau | high and low ends | 高低頭
koankofng-thoaan | tourist group | 觀光團
koankongthoaan | tourist group | 觀光團
koanthaau | juncture; moment; boundary; border; key point | 關頭; 瓶頸
koanthiøo | a crucial moment | 關頭
koarn'afthad | cork or stopper for a bottle | 瓶子塞
koarnthaau | canned food; tinned meats or fruit | 罐頭
koarnthaau-kangchviuo | cannery | 罐頭工廠
koarnthied syciofng | remain consistent from the start to the very end | 貫徹始終
koarnthied | thoroughly; from the start to the end; to carry out; thoroughly; carry out; from beginning to end; from start to finish | 貫徹
koarnthofng | to have a thorough understanding; to have a thorough knowledge of; have a thorough understanding | 貫通; 灌通
koathviaf | an entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers; night club; entertainment establishment where popular songs are sung by professional singers | 歌廳
koax viuthaau bøe kawbaq | sell dog meat while hanging sheep's head outside the shop as advertisement ─ to cheat | 掛羊頭賣狗肉
koeahøo thiahkiøo | show no gratitude for past favors | 過河拆橋
koeathaau | excessive; beyond the proper measure | 過度
koeathay | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
koeatheeng | in the process; in the course of | 過程
koeathng | be warmed over again | 煨過
koebøfthaang | scarab beetle | 雞母蟲
koefafthngf | a type of soup make with sliced cakes | 粿子湯
koehiøqthaang | Formosan cucurbit leaf beetle | 瓜葉蟲; 臺灣守瓜
koethaau | street | 街頭
koethøar | midsize chicken | 雞桃仔
kofbunthea | archaic style | 古文體
kofngthaoky | tell it with all the particulars | 講透徹
kofngthawkhuix | relieve one's mind or feelings talking it out with another | 講出氣
kofngthioxng | to make fun of | 說暢; 說著玩
kofngthonghøo | collude secretly with each other | 講通和
kofngthongthaux | discuss together | 共通透
kofngthvy-kofngte | talk of everything under the sun | 談天說地
kofthea | ancient-style | 古體
kofthefsy | ancient-style poetry | 古體詩
kofthuii | drum hummer; the hummer to beat a drum; drumsticks | 鼓槌
kokseg-thienhiofng | beauty of a woman or a peony | 國色天香
kokthaix bin'afn | country is prosperous and people live in peace | 國泰民安
kokthaix-bin'afn | the country is prosperous and at peace; and the people live in happiness | 國泰民安
kokthea | political system of a country; national prestige; national constitution; national prestige | 國體
koktheh | house built by the government for less fluent citizens | 國宅
kokthie | national shame or humiliation | 國恥
kokthor | the national territory, the realm | 國土
kong'iuo thoftøe | public land | 公有土地
kongkiong thoanthea | public organization | 公共團體
kongpvee thaixgu | treat fairly | 公平待遇
kongthea | luminous body | 光體
kongtheeng | civil engineering | 工程
kongthengsw | civil engineer | 工程師
kongthiefn-hoarjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
kongthiefn-peqjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
kongthiorng | public cemetery | 公塚
kongthok | major field, to study the major course, to study hard, to study | 公讀; 攻讀
kongthviaf | common central hall | 公廳; 正廳
korbun-thoaan | advisory group | 顧問團
korng bøexthofng | can't get through with my meaning; he is impenetrable: he won't listen | 講無通
korngthngg | the candy offered as tribute | 貢糖; 精緻糖
korngthui'ar | hammer | 鎚子仔
korngthuii | hammer; mallet | 大槌; 摃槌
korthaix | solidity; solid | 固態
korthea | a solid (as distinct from a liquid or a gas); solid (body) | 固體
korthea-ciaqmih | solid food | 固體食物
korthor | homeland | 故土
kothioong | hookworm | 勾暖; 鉤蟲
kothofng | to bring about unobstructed interlow of (feelings; ideas; etc.); to act as an intermediary for promotion of mutual understanding or bridging the gap of differences; bring about unobstructed interflow of (feelings; ideas); to act as an intermediary for promotions of mutual understanding or bridging the gap of differences | 溝通
kuaftharmpaang | bride’s brothers came to visis | 舅仔探房
kudthoo | dig the ground | 掘土
kudthuy | a slideway (for children's amusement) | 滑梯
kuiethea | (a polite expression) your body; your phisical | 貴體
kuietheh | (a polite expression) your home | 貴宅
kuinii-tharngthvy | the whole year through | 一年到頭
kuinitharngthvy | a year | 規年迵天
kuitheeng | regulations and rules | 規程
kuithiefn | (literally) to return to heaven--to pass away; die | 歸天
kuithor | (literally) to return to land; return to dust; die | 歸土
kuithvy | the whole sky | 滿天
kuithøx | the whole set | 整套
kunsu korbuxnthoaan | military advisory group | 軍事顧問團
kunthaau saihu | teacher of Chinese boxing | 國術師
kunthaau | fist; waist band of petticoat or skirt | 拳頭; 根頭; 根源; 裙頭
kunthaubuo | fist | 拳頭拇
kunthaubør | the fist | 拳頭母
kunthaupo | fist | 拳頭部
kunthausay | boxer | 拳頭師
kunthea | group | 群體
kunthngf | make a soup (by boiling for long time) | 燉湯
kunthoaan | army (a unit consisting of a number of corps); any large unit of troops; legion | 軍團
kunthvoaf | to allot equally | 均攤
kunthvoax | to spread evenly; to divide equally | 均攤
kunzuo zerngthea | monarchy | 君主政體
kuothaau | beginning of a sentence | 句頭
kuothok | choice of words, style of composition | 句讀
kurnthuii | stick and hammer | 棍槌
kuthaau | penis glans; glands | 龜頭
kutiofng-tiautheeng | mediate (between two quarrelling parties) | 居中調停
kutthaau | bones; bone; skeleton | 骨頭; 骨骸; 骨骼
kutthauhoef | bone ashes | 骨頭灰
kutthauhw | bone ash; ashes of a cremated corpse | 骨頭灰
kutthausay | osteologist | 骨頭師
kutthviax | bone-ache | 骨痛; 骨疼
kuun thngf | (of actors; entertainers; etc.) to appear onstage; (of products) to appear in the market | 焄湯
kuxcirnthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuxnii-thaau | the whole year beginning | 整年頭
kuxsi-zoxngthaix | macro state | 舊時狀態; 巨視狀態
kuxthaau | tycoon; magnet | 巨頭
kuxthaunao | conservative-minded | 舊腦筋, 舊思想
kuxthea keaoe | practical plans | 具體計劃
kuxthea paxnhoad | practical methods of managing | 具體辦法
kuxthea | concrete; specific; the whole body | 具體
kuxthefhoax | embody; concretize; to incarnate | 具體化
kuxthefteg | concrete; concretely | 具體的
kuxzerngthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuy sethiefn | go to the Buddhist heaven; die | 歸仙; 歸西天
kuythaau | head or ruler of demons | 鬼頭; 閻王
kuythaau-kuynao | crafty; cunning; wily; ludicrous; outlandish | 鬼頭鬼腦
kuythaukuynao | creepy | 鬼頭鬼腦
kuythay | evil plots; dark schemes; stomach distended so as to give the appearance of pregnancy; dark schemes | 鬼胎
kuythiethaau | alopecia areata | 鬼剃頭
kuythofng | how many calls | 幾通
kuythvoaf | how many stands | 幾攤
kuythøx | how many suits | 幾套
kviaa-køeathaau | passed by | 行過頭
kviarthaau | lens of a camera; a scene captured by the camera | 鏡頭
kviathaothaux | walk through everywhere | 行透透
kviatharngthaxng | walk all about (e.g.; through a whole region or country) | 行桶桶; 走遍
kviatharnhø | exclamation mark | 驚嘆號
kviathviax | shrink from pain | 驚痛
kviathvy-taxngte | shake the earth | 驚天動地
kviuthngf | ginger soup | 薑湯
kviuthngg | ginger soup with sweet taste | 薑糖
kvix thienjit | see the heaven and the sun ─ see justice prevail; emerge from misery (literally) | 見天日
kvoafthaau | an oligarch | 寡頭
kvoafthuii | a rolling wooden stick used as a tool to make dough into wheaten foods | 簳鎚; 簳麵桿
kvoafthøex | drive enemy back, rout | 趕退; 打退
kvoathviaf | government office; the authorities | 官廳
kvoathvy | cold weather; winter | 冬天; 寒天
kvoathy | winter | 冬天
kvoathy-sii | winter time; cold weather time | 寒天時
kvoaxthafng'ar | barrel with handle | 捾桶仔
kyioong Serngthea | elevate the host (Catholic) | 舉揚聖體
kyjiin iw thiefn | used to express baseless anxiety; pessimistic fears (The man of Ch'i feared that the sky was about to fall; like Chicken Little) | 杞人憂天
kyjiin-iuthiefn | groundless worries or anxiety | 杞人憂天
kymsiong-thiamhoaf | add flowers to embroidery; to give something or someone additional splendor | 錦上添花
kyn'iaux-koanthaau | critical moment | 緊要關頭
kyntheeng | presented respectfully by...(conventional phrase placed after the writer's signature in a formal letter); respectfully yours | 謹呈
kythiøo | raise one's head | 舉頭
kythvy | to point the heaven (to swear) | 指天
kythvy-kytøe | swear by Heaven and earth | 指天指地
kø'khofng-tvoathiaux | jump from high altitude; bungee jumping | 高空彈跳
køafthaau | rice cake for gift for marrying daugher | 糕仔頭
køe'afthaau | on the street | 街仔頭
køeathaau | to go beyond the normal or set goal; too much; overdo; to go beyond the limit | 過頭; 過度; 過分
køeatheeng | a stage or step in a process; procedures; process | 過程
køefcie-thaq | enclosed orchard | 果子塔
køefcie-theh | enclosed orchard | 果子宅
køefcie-thngg | fruit candy | 果子糖; 水果糖
køethaau | street | 街頭
køethngf | chicken broth | 雞湯
køethuie | Chicken leg | 雞腿
køfthngg | fructose; fruit sugar | 果糖
køhtheh | to take back | 再拿
kørthea | an entity | 個體
kørtheeng | course, procedure, process | 個程; 過程
kørthøex | dismiss | 告退
køsog-thihlo | super-railway | 高速鐵路
køsokthihlo | super-railway | 高速鐵路 (高鐵)
køthiq | super-railway | 高鐵; 高速鐵路
køthoanjiafmsexng ee | virulent; highly contagious | 高傳染性的
la oexthaau | make a remark that may lead a man to speak of a matter which we wish to ask but don't like to ask directly | 以言詞挑弄人講出實話
la'afthngf | clam soup | 蜊仔湯
laan juu tengthiefn | as difficult as going to heaven | 難如登天
laau thaumngg | allow the hair to grow | 留頭髮
labthaux | complete the lend-borrow cycle in a hoe-a | 繳完
ladthaau | strength; power; force; strength; power | 力頭; 力量; 力氣
laggeqthvy | lunar June which is the hottest month | 六月天
laggoeqthvy | lunar June which is the hottest month | 六月天
laggøeh-thvy | midsummer weather; June weather | 六月天; 盛夏
laixthaau | inside | 裡頭
laixthaau-chyn | relatives of the family on father's side | 內頭親
laixthay | inner tube | 內胎
laixthøx | underware | 內套
lakthngf-køef | all wet; drenched through; like drowned chicken | 落湯雞
lamjiin-lythea | man with effeminate or feminine look or manner | 男人女態
lamthng | enamel; glaze pottery | 淋搪; 淋碭; 搪瓷; 上釉; 琺琅
lamthngf | got wet | 淋湯; 倒湯
langkheq-thviaf | living-room, sitting room | 人客廳
langkutthaau | human bone | 人骨頭
langthaau | human head; number of (borrowed) people; core of a boil | 人頭; 膿頭
langthaau-søex | the poll tax | 人頭稅
lanthaau | remnants | 零頭
lanthoad | hard to get off | 難脫
laosiarthox | vomit and running stomach | 落瀉吐
laothe'iøqar | medicine causing abortion; an abortive | 漏胎藥仔; 打胎藥
laothef | premature birth; miscarriage | 小產; 落胎; 流產; 墮胎,流產
laothorzexng | cholera | 漏吐症; 霍亂
laothox | cholera | 霍亂; 漏吐症
laothox-zexng | cholera | 漏吐症; 吐瀉; 霍亂
lapthaau | to lose money in trade | 凹頭; 虧損
larmthoo | deep mud; mire; muddy | 泥濘
larngthaxng | bribe; conspire with | 串通
lathiefn | chat; satiated with pleasure; luxury | 聊天; 奢侈
lau-thaeiaa | a term of respect for an old gentleman | 老太爺
lau-thaepøo | (n) old woman (often not polite); (n) term to refer to wife | 老太婆
lau-thaethaix | a term of respect for an old lady | 老太太
lauthaau | (n) river headwaters; (n) water source | 流頭; 水源
lauthafng | windows of a building | 樓窗
lauthngf | discharge of pus | 流湯
lauthuiseg | staircase | 樓梯式
lauthuithaau | staircase | 樓梯頭
lauthuy | a staircase; ladder; staircase | 樓梯; 梯子
lauthuy-khaf | foot of stairs | 樓梯跤; 樓梯口
lauxkutthaau | the life of an old person | 老骨頭
lauxthaau | ancient roots | 老頭; 古樹根
lauxthaepøo | old woman | 老太婆
lauxthaethaix | old lady | 老太太
lauxthaix | old-fashioned | 老態
lauxtheagvofar | old veteran | 老退伍仔
lauxthiencyn | second childhood; in one's dotage | 老糊塗; (罵人)
lauxthienthøh | second childhood; in one's dotage | 老顛倒
lauxtørthoe | memory fail, decline | 老人記憶力衰退 (罵人)
lauxtørthøex | dote; fall into dotage; become weak with age; be senile; be in one's dotage; worn out with age | 老倒退
lauxzerngthaau | old symptom | 老症頭
lauxzhafng-thaau | procuress | 老娼頭; 鴇母
lauxzhangthaau | brothel madam | 老娼頭
laxmthngg | mixed with sugar | 濫糖
laxmthøx | trite; cliches; superfluous expressions | 濫套
laxnciawthaau | glans; the head (of the penis) | 陰莖頭; 龜頭
laxnthaan | sing mountain song | 亂彈
lea-gi-liaam-thie | sense of propriety justice honesty and shame; the four cardinal virtues of the people | 禮義廉恥
lefngthor | fief; territory; domain | 領土
lefngthor-koaan | territorial rights | 領土權
lefthiab | invitation (card) | 禮帖; 請帖
legtau-thngf | green bean soup | 綠豆湯
legtheeng | process; course; process; step; stage | 歷程
leng'afthaau | nipple | 奶仔頭
lenghong thengsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lenghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitation cards | 龍鳳帖
lenghor siøthin | it is lucky for persons born in the year of the dragon and the year of the tiger to marry each other | 龍虎相配
lenghuun uithoaan soad | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 靈魂遺傳說
lengkutthaq | columbarium | 靈骨塔
lengthaau | nipple; head of any group; esp. of gangsters; teat | 奶頭; 龍頭
lengthaq | pacifier | 奶塞
lengthay | tire | 車胎; 輪胎
lengthea | spiritual body | 靈體
lengtheeng | spiritual progress | 靈騰; 靈程
lengthiau | pillars having dragons carved on them | 龍柱
lengthngg | lactose; milk sugar | 乳糖; 奶糖
lengthofng | (n) agility; intelligent; bright; smart; clever; be well versed in; be well acquainted with; have a thorough knowledge of; communicating with each other; (news; messages) spread fast; to pass with great speed | 靈通
lengthviaf | listen to | 聆聽
lesoaan thuicirnky | screw propeller; propeller; screw | 螺旋槳
lethaau | plowshare | 黎頭; 犁頭
lexcid thiensefng | born beauty | 麗質天生
lexkhie-zoxngthaix | excited state | 勵起狀態
liaam thithy | very sticky (adhesive) | 黏巴巴的
liaam-thithy | adhesive and sticky | 黏黐黐
liab'afthaau | a boil | 粒仔頭
liah kauthøex | ghost driving a man to suicide or drowning; the ghost of a drowned man or suicide causing a man to be drowned or tempting a man to kill himself; so that the ghost may return to life; it cannot do so till some one thus takes its place | 找替死鬼
liah-peqthox | (v) vomit | 捉白兔; 暈吐
liah-thafnhvoaai | lay down horizontally | 掠坦橫; 橫放
liam thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 以話暗示
liamthie | sense of honor; modest; bashful; decorous; sense of honor; bashfulness; modesty; integrity of character | 廉恥
liamthithy | sticky | 粘黐黐
liamthoo | clay | 黏土; 黏塗; 粘土
liangtengthiau | pavilion column | 涼亭柱
liangtheeng | pavilion; traveler's sheltered station | 涼亭
liao thehtheq | quite spent; all used or done | 虧光了
liaqkauthex | scapegoat | 掠交*
liaqkauthoex | scapegoat | 掠交*
liaqthaang | capture insects that destroy crops | 捉蟲
liaqthafnhvoaai | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liaqthafnhvuii | hold it horizontally | 掠坦橫
liaqthorar | vomit | 掠吐仔; 嘔吐
liautheeng | course of treatment | 療程
liauthiefn | to chat | 聊天; 閒蕩
liawthied | understand | 了徹; 明瞭
liaxmthaau | an idea; a thought; a hunch | 念頭
libhongthea | cube; geometric cube | 立方體
libthea ciernzefng | three dimensional warfare | 立體戰爭
libthea hoarhak | stereochemistry | 立體化學
libthea kyhøo | solid geometry; geometry of space; stereometry | 立體幾何
libthea sviaym | stereophonically reproduced sound | 立體聲音
libthea tiexnviar | wide screen motion picture; 3 d motion picture; Cinerama | 立體電影
libthea | three-dimensional; a solid body | 立體
libthea-karm | three-dimensional effect | 立體感
libthefkarm | three dimensional effect | 立體感
libthofui'afn | RIP | 入土為安
libthor | bury | 入土
lidgoadthafn | clam with flat shells that has white a dark colors | 日月蟶
lidthaau | sun | 日頭
lidthauhoef | dizzy | 日頭花
lidthaukngf | bright sun | 日頭光
liedsek pongthefng | stand by and listen | 列席旁聽
liefnthay | tire | 輪胎
lienhoethaau | lotus head | 蓮花頭
lienlip hongthengseg | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式
lienlip-hongthengseg | simultaneous equations | 聯立方程式
lienphoxngthaau | fluffy hair | 蓮蓬頭
lienpothaau | even bud | 連苞頭
lienthaam | lotus pond | 蓮潭
lienthah | overlapping; in succession | 連疊; 繼續
lienthea-ve'ar | Siamese twins | 連體嬰仔
lienthefefng | Siamese twins | 連體嬰
lienthiefn | the sound of battle) shakes the sky; continuously (especially said of complaining); for several days in a row; stab deep into the sky (said of high mountains); (the distant horizon) merges with the sky; (mountains) to stab deep into the sky | 連天
lienthvoax | chain charcoal | 鍊炭
lienthøx | couplet | 聯套
liexnsip thefzhaw | physical training | 練習體操
liexnthihchviuo | iron refinery | 鍊鐵廠
liexnthihhoad | puddling; melting pig iron in a reverberatory furnace to turn it into wrought iron | 煉鐵法
liexnthihloo | bloomery; puddling furnace | 煉鐵爐
liexnthiq | to smelt iron; to refine iron | 煉鐵
liexnthiq-chiarng | blooming mill | 煉鐵廠
liexnthiq-hoad | puddling | 煉鐵法
liexnthiq-loo | puddling furnace; bloomery | 煉鐵爐
liexnthvoax | charcoal | 鍊炭
limsii piernthofng | adapting oneself to circumstances; versatile | 臨時變通
limthngf | eat soup | 喝湯
linthaau | nipple, teat | 乳頭
linthausvoax | milk duct, mammary gland | 乳頭腺
linthea | body | 人體
linthngg | milk sugar; lactose | 乳糖
liofngbin thøfhør | trimming; fluctuate between two parties so as to appear to favor each | 兩面討好
liogbixnthea | hexahedron; hexagon | 六面體
liogthiog | the six domestic animals- horse; cow; sheep; chicken; dog and hog; domestic animals; oxen; sheep; horses; pigs; dogs and fowls | 六畜:馬,牛,羊, 雞, 狗, 豬
liogthioxng | optimistic | 樂觀
lionghong thefngsioong | prosperity brought by the dragon and the phoenix ─ excellent good fortune | 龍鳳呈祥
lionghong thiab | betrothal cards; wedding invitations | 龍鳳帖
lionghong-thiab | betrothal cards | 龍鳳帖
liongthaam-hofhiet | dragon's pool and the tiger's den ─ dangerous places | 龍潭虎穴
liongthaau | faucet; tap; cock; leader of a sect; secret society | 龍頭
liongthaau-zoabøea | dragon's head and snake's tail ─ dwindling away to nothing after an initial display of greatness | 龍頭蛇尾
liongthea | imperial body; your honorable body | 龍體
liongthex | rise and fall of power; influence | 隆替
liongthiau | dragon pillar; a column of dragon; a post of dragon | 龍柱
liongthioxng | joyful; smooth | 良暢
lip ciongtheeng | draw up rules and regulation | 立章程
lip thaezuo | investiture of the Crown Prince | 立太子
lithium | lithium | 鋰
liucid thengsyn | temporary release without pay; layoff | 留職停薪
liulongthaau | top of elevator | 流籠頭
liuthea | fluid | 流體
liuthea-leghak | hydrodynamics | 流體力學
liutheeng | process | 流程
liuthioxng | fluent; smooth | 流暢
liuthoaan | spread; hand down a tradition; transmit or be transmitted from person to person; from generation to generation | 流傳
liuthoanløqlaai | circulated | 流傳落來
liuthofng | to circulate; currency; interchange; put into circulation; circulate freely | 流通
liuthuy | slide | 溜梯
liwthoo | dig up earth | 挖土
lixmngthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁門窗; 鋁窗
lixthaau | profit | 利頭
lixthafng | aluminum doors and windows | 鋁窗; 鋁門窗
lixthea | font | 字體
lixthvaf | altruism | 利他
lixthvaf-zwgi | altruism | 利他主義
lixthvazwgi | altruism | 利他主義
liøxtharng | piss bucket | 尿桶
lo bøexthofng | no thoroughfare; road closed; closed communication | 路無通
loah thaumngg | comb hair | 捋頭髮; 梳頭髮
loah thaumof | comb one's hair (Women use the expression; se-thau but men use the expression; loah thau-mo.) | 捋頭毛; 梳頭
loaqthvisi'ar | summer days | 熱天時仔
loaqthvy | summer | 熱天
loaxnthak | desultory reading; read at random | 亂讀
loethaau | bow head | 低頭
lofngthogkør | read aloud transcript | 朗讀稿
lofngthok | to read in clear voice, to recite | 朗讀
lofthngf | broil soybean soup | 魯湯
logtexthafng | French windows | 落地窗
logthea | a falling body | 落體
logthiefn tibeng | accord with the decree of Heaven; be content with what one is | 樂天知命
logthiefn zwgi | optimism | 樂天主義
logthiefn | acceptance of fate and happy about it; be content with one's lot; be optimistic; be easygoing | 樂天
logthienphaix | optimist; easygoing person | 樂天派
logthiente | optimistic land | 樂天地
logthioxng | delightful; fond of low and bad pleasures; leading an idle or fast life; cheerful and easygoing | 樂暢; 樂觀; 無知憂愁; 快活; 暢快
logthiq | hot irons | 烙鐵
logthor | paradise; land of happiness; place free from sorrow | 樂土
lomoathaau | ringleader of a bond of evildoers | 流氓頭; 老大
longgiap thofjiofnghak | agrology | 農業土壤學
longlimthviaf | department of agriculture and forestry | 農林廳
longthaau | muzzle over horse's mouth | 籠頭; 馬的口蓋
loong thwn hor iexn | wolfish; tiger-like appetite; grasping | 狼吞虎嚥
lormthoo | muddy soil; soft muddy fields (ground) | 沼土
lorngthuii | get a mallet | 弄槌
loxkekthien'iaau | far away from the destination | 路隔天遙
loxkhix chiongthiefn | The fire of anger fills the air; The flame of wrath pierces heaven; in a great rage | 怒氣沖天
loxng thienzvea | dig a well; make a atrium; create a skylight | 挵天井
loxngkef svoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 家破人亡
loxngkesvoartheh | family all scattered and quite dispersed | 弄家散宅
loxngzuo hoethaau | return of the prodigal son | 浪子回頭
loxthaau | way; beginning of a journey; way; road; route; distance | 路頭; 路途; 路上
loxthauloxboea | end of the road | 路頭路尾
loxthea | nude; undress; expose one's body; expose the naked body; in the nude | 裸體
loxtheeng | a journey; traveling distance; distance to be traveled; traveling distance; a stage | 路程
loxthiefn haghau | open air school | 露天學校
loxthiefn tiexnviar | open air movie | 露天電影
loxthiefn | openair; outdoor; in the open; unsheltered | 露天
lud thaumngg | falling hair | 頭髮脫落
lui kip thajiin | involve or implicate others | 累及他人
luithuii | pestle; to poke | 擂槌; 杵
luixthuy | reason by analogy | 類推
lunpafn-thøeavoa | take turns in rotation | 輪班替換
lunthaigiap | tire business | 輪胎業
lunthay | tire (of a wheel) | 輪胎
lunthex | rotation | 輪替
luo-thoantø | lady preacher | 女傳道
luthaumngg | haircut with a clipper | 攄頭毛
luthoky | bulldozer | 推土機
lutthaau | bald | 禿頭
luxthafng | aluminum window | 鋁窗
lw thaumngg | have a hair cut with clippers (not with scissors) | 理髮
lwheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lwhengthoaan | a traveling party | 旅行團
lwnkhix-thunsviaf | to restrain one's temper and say nothing; to keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
lwnthviax | bear pain | 忍怕; 忍痛
lwongthaau | queen's head | 女王頭
lwtheeng | the route a traveler takes from one place to another; a journey | 旅程
lwtheeng-py | milestone | 旅程碑
lwthoaan | a tourist group | 旅團
lyafthngg | plum | 李仔糖
lyheeng-thoaan | group or party of travellers | 旅行團
lyhengthoaan | tourist group | 旅行團
lyhoatthviaf | barbershop | 理髮廳, 理髮店
lym thngf | drink tea | 啉湯
lysiorng-khiethea | ideal gas | 理想氣體
lytheeng | a milestone; a landmark; plan of one's journey; an itinerary; distance to be covered; a traveler's route from one place to another | 里程; 旅程
lythengpiør | mileage meter; odometer | 里程錶
lythengpy | milestone; landmark; milestone; milepost | 里程碑
løethaau | plowshare | 犁頭
løethaau-chiu | box-leaf eugenia | 犁頭樹
løh khoanthøx | be trapped or swindled | 落圈套
løh lauthuy | there is a way open to set the matter straight without too much sacrifice of one's dignity | 下台; 下樓梯
løløthithy | involved (affair; difficult to set right); confused and involved (talking; especially when it comes to nothing) | 囉囉黐黐
løo-thithy | sticky, very involved | 囉黐黐; 囉囉嗦嗦
løqhoxthvihvoq | (is it a )raining day? | 落雨天乎
løqhoxthvy | raining day | 落雨天
løqthay | to abort; to effect an abortion | 落胎
løqthoo | sits on the floor | 落土; 落塗; 呱呱墮地; 生下
løqthosii | on the ground | 落塗時
løthex | work out | 勞退
løthithy | sticky, very involved | 囉黐黐
løthoex | work out | 勞退
løthuii | gongstick; stick used to beat a gong; clapper for a gong | 鑼槌
løtong-thoanthea | labor body | 勞動團體
løxthea | naked; nude; undress | 裸體
løxthea-byjiin | naked beauty | 裸體美人
løxthefoe | nude painting | 裸體畫
m-zaithaau | be unaware of | 無知頭; 不知道; 無意的
mar puttheeng tee | travel on horseback without stop; do something without stop | 馬無停蹄
maxthvy-oarntøe | blamed and complained on others | 罵天怨地
meqthoad | asystole; pulseless | 脈脫; 停止脈動
mexthvy | quarrel with Province | 罵天
mexthvy-oarnte | blamed and complained on others | 罵天怨地
mi'afthngg | marshmallow; spun sugar | 棉花糖
miasviaf cinthao | His fame is spread far and wide | 很出名
miathiab | name tag | 名帖
miauthaau | the status of affairs; situation; symptom of a trend | 苗頭
miauthiaau | slender; slim | 苗條
mihoef-thngg | candy floss | 棉花糖
mithaau | cotton end | 綿頭
mithiefn | overwhelmingly | 彌天
mithiefn-taixzoe | great crime (so great as to fill the universe) | 彌天大罪
mixsvoax-thngf | thin noodles soup | 麵線湯
mixthaau | dough | 麵頭; 饅頭
mixthy | glutinous wheat dough; flour gluten | 麵黐; 麵麶; 麵筋
mixthøo | imitation peaches made of sweetened flour (use in the worship of idols) | 麵桃
mngthaau | doorway; gate | 門頭; 門口
mngthafng | door and window | 門窗
mngtharn | woolen blanket; hairy woolen rug | 毛毯
mngthiau | gatepost | 門柱
mngthviaf | hall | 門廳
mo niar Serngthea | receive communion sacrilegious (Catholic) | 冒領聖體
moafthvi'e | all under heaven | 滿天下
moafthvia'aang | couplet used at wedding so whole drawing full of jubilant; joyous | 滿廳紅; 喜形容喜氣洋洋
moafthviaaang | couplet used at wedding so whole drawing full of jubilant, joyous | 滿廳紅; 喜形容喜氣洋洋
moafthvizhvef | gypsophila | 滿天星
moafthvy | all-over the sky | 滿天
moathvy | deceive the whole world | 瞞天
moathvy-køeahae | practice deception | 瞞天過海
moathvy-phierntøe | deceive Heaven and Earth | 瞞天騙地
moeafthngf | plum soup | 梅仔湯
moethvoax | coal | 媒炭; 煤炭
mothaang | caterpillar; a wooly bear; hairy caterpillar | 毛蟲
mothaau | evil head | 魔頭
motharn | woolen blanket; hairy woolen rug | 毛毯
mothiefn | cloud-kissing; sky scraping | 摩天
mothienlaau | skyscraper | 摩天樓
muikaethea | media | 媒介體
muithea | media | 媒體
muithefkaix | media | 媒體界
muithvoax | coal | 媒炭; 煤炭
muythofng | every call (telephone) | 每通
mxcviathvy | very changeable uncertain weather; neither rain nor fair | 毋像天; 陰晴不定
mxternglaang-thviaf | speaking so that the other is not willing to hear | 毋順人聽; 逆耳
mxternglangthviaf | speaking so that the other is not willing to hear | 逆耳, 不順耳
mxthafng | do not; must not; ought not; should not | 毋可; 毋通; 勿,不可; 勿
mxthafng`laq | don't | 毋通啦
mxtiøh thaau | the wrong side up (or down); the wrong end | 毋對頭; 方向不對
mxtiøh-thaau | wrong direction | 毋對頭; 方向不對
mxzay thafng kviaf | does not realize the danger | 毋知通驚; 毋知危險
mxzay thvite kuie kyn tang | He doesn't know how heavy the heavens and earth are. ─ He doesn't know anything | 毋知天地幾斤重; 毋知天高地厚
na'aau thviax | sore throat | 喉嚨痛
na'aau-thviax | sore throat | 嚨喉疼
na'authaau | larynx | 嚨喉頭
na'authviax | sore throat | 嚨喉疼
naafthay | bamboo sieve | 籃仔篩
nafthafng | not suppose to | 哪通
nafthiefn | what day (in the future) | 哪天
nar thafng afnnef | How is it you can do it (that way)? | 怎可如此
narthaau-narbin | to hide from sight | 探頭縮腦
nathvy | blue sky | 藍天
nauxthviaf | make a scene in the hall | 鬧廳
neathaau | stick out one's head | 伸頭
neh kunthaubør | clench one's fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
ngfthøx | pull-over sleeves | 掩套; 護袖
ngrthvy pøfiu | look forward to the help (protection) of the heaven | 望天保祐
ngrthvy | looking towards (forward to) heaven | 望天
ngsngf-tharng | pale and emaciated | 黃酸桶; 病夫
ngtharn | icterus; jaundice; jaundice (a kind of sickness) | 黃疸; 黃膽
ngthea | Corpus luteum | 黃體
ngthoo | yellow soil, loess | 黃色; 黃塗
niafthaau | hilltop; highest peak in the range | 嶺頭; 山峰; 山頂
niafthor | territory under jurisdiction | 領土
niar Serngthea | receive Holy Communion (Catholic) | 領聖體
niauphvixthaau | cat nose | 貓鼻頭
niauthang | | 貓筩
niauthau'efng | owl | 貓頭鷹
niauthauciao | owl | 貓頭鷹
niauthauciawkog | owl | 貓頭鳥國
nie thaumngg | dye hair | 染髮
nithaau | nipple; teat; beginning of a year | 乳頭; 奶頭; 年頭
nithngg | milk sugar | 乳糖; 奶糖
nithoo | soil; dirt; clay | 泥土; 泥塗
nithvoax | peat | 泥炭
niuthiau | beam | 梁柱
niuu thefwn | take the temperature | 量體溫
niuxthuii | counter weight of a large steelyard | 量錘
nngfthea toxngbut | mollusks; molluscs | 軟體動物
nngfthea | software | 軟体; 軟體; (體)
nngfthea-toxngbut | mollusca | 軟體動物
nngfthng'ar | soft gelatinous candies; sweetmeats | 軟糖仔
nngfthngg | fondant, soft sweets | 軟糖
nngfthochimkut | take advantage of vulnerable people | 軟塗深掘
nngfthoo | soft soil; If the earth is soft, people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured, people will take advantage of (tease) him. | 軟土
nngfthoo-chimkut | If the earth is soft; people will dig the hole deep. If a person is good-natured; people will take advantage of (tease) him | 軟土深滑; 得寸進尺
nngfthuy | escalade | 軟梯
nngxpahthorng | rather more than 200 | 兩百多一點
noathaau | play tricks | 爛爛; 耍花樣
noaxthiauafcie | ulcer acne, pimple | 爛𤶃仔子
noaxthiauar | ulcer acne | 爛痘仔; 潰瘍性的面皰
noaxthobee | muddy | 爛塗糜
noaxthobi | muddy smell | 爛塗味
noaxthomoaai | muddy | 爛塗糜
noaxthomoee | muddy | 爛塗糜
noaxthoo | soft or mashy soil(mud) | 爛土; 爛塗; 軟土
nysekthea | chromosome | 染色體
nythøx | ear caps | 耳罩; 耳套
o'ienthuun | soot | 煤煙渣
o'imthvy | cloudy day | 烏陰天
o'kuithaau | pimp | 烏頭龜; 妓院主人
o'ym-thvy | cloudy sky, cloudy weather | 黑陰天; 烏陰天
oadthaau | back; turn back; turn around; turn one's head; turn something in the opposite direction | 回勵; 越頭; 轉頭
oadthaukoex`laai | turn around | 越頭過來
oadthok | study | 閱讀
oah-thiaothiaux | (adv) while still alive | 活跳跳
oaithaau | crooked head | 歪頭
oanthiau | a cylinder; a column | 圓柱
oanthofng | flexible; accommodating; ripeness | 圓通
oanzu-thea | a cylinder, cylindric, cylindrical | 圓柱體
oanzuy-thea | a cone, conic, conical | 圓椎體; 圓錐體
oaqthiaothiaux | strong and active | 活跳跳; 活生生的
oaqthiaux | lively active | 活潑
oarmthvy | cloudy day | 烏暗天
oarnthaxn | resent; resentment; sigh with bitterness; repine; complain of unjust treatment | 怨歎; 怨嘆; 怨恨
oarnthiefn-iujiin | blame everybody but oneself | 怨天尤人
oarnthien'iujiin | complain of one's lot in life | 怨天尤人
oarnthvioarnte | resentment | 怨天怨地
oarnthvioarntoe | resentment | 怨天怨地
oarnthvy | blame heaven; murmur against Heaven--complaining of one's lot in life | 怨天
oarthvy-oarntoe | blames god and man | 怨天尤人
oe korng-bøextheeng | chatterbox | 雜念; 喋喋無休
oefthoky | dredger | 挖土機
oefthoo | dig dirt | 挖塗
oethoaf | slipper | 鞋拖
oexthaau | subject (of a talk or conversation); topic; beginning of a conversation or discussion | 話頭; 開場白
oexthng'ang'ar | painting sugar characters | 畫糖尪仔
of-haythuun | black dolphin | 黑海豚
of-soa'thngg | unrefined sugar | 黑砂糖
ofthoky | an excavator; a suction dredge; dredger; ditcher | 挖土機; 挖塗機
ofthoo | to excavate | 挖土; 挖塗
ofthox | vomit | 嘔吐
oienthuun | black smoke | 烏煙黗
oimthvy | cloudy day | 烏陰天
okuithaau | turtle head | 烏龜頭
oluthaau | baldhead, bald | 黑禿頭; 烏甪頭
onglaithaau | pineapple head | 王梨頭
osoarnthaau | black garlic | 烏蒜頭
osoathngg | brown sugar | 黑砂糖
osvoathaau | black mountain | 烏山頭
othaau | black head | 黑頭; 烏魚
otharng | a bucket of a well-sweep | 黑桶
othau'ar | sedan, car, limousine | 黑頭仔; 烏頭仔
othauafchiaf | black sedan | 烏頭仔車
othauafchiaf`laq | black sedan | 烏頭仔車啦
othauar | blackhead | 烏頭仔
othaukhok'ar | black head birdy | 烏頭觳仔
othaumngg | dark hair | 黑頭毛
othea | old face; a black body | 黑體
othngg | brown sugar; unrefined sugar; raw sugar | 烏糖; 赤糖; 紅糖; 黑糖
othngkea | brown sugar pastry | 烏糖粿
othngkoea | brown sugar pastry | 烏糖粿
othngkøf | brown sugar paste | 烏糖膏
othngzuie | molasses | 黑糖水
othoo | black dirt | 黑土
othvi'armte | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
othvi'armtoe | dark and cloudy | 烏天暗地
othvy | cloudy | 烏天
othvy-armte | heaven and earth dark; very dark weather; great distress and calamity | 天黑地暗
othøo | spade; a walnut | 黑桃; 胡桃
oxlw-thaau | bareheaded | 光頭
paethaxm | to visit; to pay a visit | 拜探; 拜訪; 探訪
paethiab | visiting card | 拜帖
paethog | ask for a favor; Please! If you please!; courteously ask someone a favor | 拜託
paethok | to read with respect; read with respect (a polite expression) | 拜讀
pafngpafngthngg | lollipop | 棒棒糖
pagthaau | to tie up hairs | 縛頭
pah'iap-thafng | venetian blind | 百葉窗
pahchiøq kanthaau | the highest achievement (Lit. top of a hundred-foot pole) | 百尺竿頭
pahciokthioong | a centipede | 百足蟲
pahhiøqthafng | Venetian blind; Venetian shutters | 百葉窗
pahsuxthofng | expert in everything; Jack-of-all-trades | 百事通
pahthorng | one hundred barrels | 百捅
pai'afthaau | pier | 棑仔頭
paithaf zwgi | exclusive; exclusionism | 排他主義
paithaf | exclusive | 排他
paithaulaai | according to the order | 排頭來
paitheg | proscribe; supplant; rejection; exclusion; boycott; expel; reject; ostracize | 排斥
paithiap | pile up, set in order | 排疊
paithvaf | parochial | 排他
paithvaf-sym | parochial attitude | 排他心
paix Serngthea | adore the Blessed Sacrament; make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 拜聖體
paix thvite | worship Heaven and Earth | 拜天地
paix thvitøe | wedding ceremony | 拜天地; 結婚
paixthøex | retreat after defeat; be defeated | 敗退
pakkoafnthoaan | a Taiwaneseorthern wind instruments group that influenced Taiwan in a big wave | 北管團
pakthaau | the North | 北頭; 北方
pakthee | north embankment | 北堤
paktofthafng'ar | stomach | 腹肚桶仔
paktoftharng | stomach | 腹肚桶
paktofthviax | stomachache | 腹肚疼
paktor thviax | belly ache; stomach pain; colic | 肚子痛
paktor-tharng | big belly | 腹肚桶; 大肚皮
palwn-thwn | bolt one's' food, swallow without chewing | 巴囫圇; 急吃(不加咀嚼)
pangthaau | sect; household; clan; family tribe or clan | 房頭; 黃錫鯛; 家族; 家脈; 戶
pangthauar | same clan (family) | 房頭仔; 同一家族的人
pangthiab | to give financial assistance to | 資助; 津貼; 幫貼
pangthvi | sewing | 縫綴
panthaau | head; chief; boss | 班頭
parciaxm thofte | infringe on territory; occupy territory; encroach | 霸佔土地
parngthaothaux | let it go | 放透透
parngthiab | to send an invitation card | 放帖; 發帖子
parngthiap'ar | sent invitation | 放帖仔
parngthientefng | put sky lanterns | 放天燈
pasethihchiu | Brazil iron tree | 巴西鐵樹
pathionglui | reptiles; Reptilian | 爬蟲類
pathiongluixhak | Herpetology | 爬蟲類學
pathioong | reptile | 爬蟲
paupauthngg | wrap with sugar | 包包糖
pausitthaau | bidding a task or contract | 包事頭
pauthaau | contractor (for work) | 包頭; 包裹; 包商
pauthaupeh | wear a white cloth on the head (in deepest mourning for parents or superior) | 包頭白; 喪事
pauthaxm | a contracted detective | 包探
pauthay | embryo in the womb; womb; caul of the womb | 胞胎
pauthef | embryo in the womb | 胞胎
paxng bøo thviaf`kvix | pretend not to hear | 假裝聽無到
paxng thiap'ar | distribute invitation cards | 發帖仔
paxnkongthviaf | place for transaction of public business | 辦公廳
paxnthøx | to complete, to finish work | 辦妥
paxthud | to fire, to reject, to discharge from the office | 罷搓; 罷黜
paythoad | to get rid of; to free oneself from; to shake off; get rid of; free oneself from | 擺脫
peeng thienha | tranquilize the empire | 平天下
pefngthafnphag | to upset; invert with mouth down | 翻躺伏; 翻身伏臥
pefngthaothaux | completely opposite | 反透透
pefngtharn-chiøx | to lie face up | 翻躺笑
pefngtharn-khab | to turn into a prostrate position | 翻躺磕; 反過來蓋伏
pefngtharn-phag | to turn into a prostrate position | 俯躺伏
pefngtharn-tør | to turn over from a prostrate position | 俯躺倒; 倒下成橫
pegthiøo | white hair | 白頭
peh-thaumngg | white hairs | 白頭髮
pehcviuxthvy | spoil somebody; fast advancement in one's career | 爬上天
pehthiaq | tear to pieces, naughty (child) | 白拆; 拆碎
pekjiin thaesim | drive to desperation; push someone too hard | 逼人太甚
pekthok put'iax | not boring even after repeated readings; very interesting (book) | 百讀無厭
pekthør | press for payment | 逼討; 逼債
pekzheg kanthiøo | at the top of a hundred foot pole ─ at the highest point | 百尺竿頭
pengterng thaixgu | equal treatment | 平等待遇
pengthaau | commander, commanding officer | 兵頭; 指揮官
pengtharn | even, level, plain, flat | 平躺
pengthiefn | icy weather | 冰天
pengthiefn-soatte | land of ice and snow; a frozen land | 冰天雪地
pengthngg | crystal sugar; rock candy; crystal sugar in lumps of irregular size and shape | 冰糖
pengthngzuie | sweet ice water | 冰糖水
pengthoaan | regulars and militia | 兵團
pengthwn | annex; mediatize | 併吞
peq lauthuy | climb stairs | 爬樓梯
peqhaythuun | white dolphin | 白海豚
peqthaau-ofng | Chinese bulbul, gray starling | 白頭翁
peqthau'ofng | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭翁
peqthaukhok'ar | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭酷仔; 白頭翁
peqthaxn | earn with little or no effort | 白趁; 白賺
peqthiab | funeral invitation card | 白帖
peqthiap'ar | funeral announcement card or letter | 白帖仔
peqthih'ar | stainless steel; galvanized iron; tin plate | 白鐵仔; 無銹鋼
peqthihlo'ar | stainless steel stove | 白鐵爐仔
peqthiq | stainless steel | 白鐵; 無銹鋼
peqthngg | white sugar; refined sugar | 白糖; 精製糖
peqthngkøf | white sugar paste | 白糖膏
peqthngzhafng | sticky sugar candy | 白糖蔥
peqthoo | white soil | 白土
peqthorar | white rabbit | 白兔仔
peqthorkviar | white baby rabbit; white kittens | 白兔囝
peqthvoax | diphtheria | 白炭; 白喉
peqthwn | swallow (something) without any impact | 白吞
peqthy | idiot, idiocy, foolishness | 白癜; 白痴
peqy thiensaix | angels in white ─ nurses | 白衣天使
peqy-thiensaix | angels in white ─ nurses | 白衣天使
peqzhaethaau | daikon | 白菜頭
perngthwn | annex; take over; swallow up; swallow up entirely | 併吞
pethanglui | reptile | 爬蟲類
pethiøo kailør | grow old together; (of a married couple) to stick to each other till old age | 白首偕老
pexngthaix | patient's condition | 病態; 病況
pexngthwn | absorb a smaller nation | 並吞; 併吞
pexthaukheg | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠
pexthaukhiet'ar | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠仔
pexthih'ar | while iron panel | 白鐵仔
phaethaau | overbearing manner; manner; air; the way one acts and speaks | 派頭
phag-løqkhix thokhaf | fallen to the ground; to fall prostrate | 仆倒在地上
phag-teq thviaf | listen secretly (with head bent down close to a door) | 伏著聽
phaggidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phagjidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaglidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phahlofngthofng | make it through | 打曠通; 前後全打通
phahsiøthaux | open communication (between two rooms); take out the partition | 打相透; 打通; (房子)
phahthaux | make it through | 打透
phahthex | shoot back | 拍退
phahthih'afkhox | jean | 拍鐵仔褲
phahthih'afsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵仔師父
phahthih'afsay | black smith | 拍鐵仔師
phahthih'aftiaxm | blacksmith's shop | 打鐵仔店
phahthih'ar | blacksmith | 拍鐵仔
phahthihsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵師父
phahthihsay | black smith | 拍鐵師
phahthihtiaxm | black smith shop | 拍鐵店
phahthiq | making something with steel; work iron | 打鐵
phahthiq`ee | blacksmith | 打鐵的; 鐵匠
phahthofng | make it through; open a connecting road; establish a connection | 打通
phahthongkoafn | pass the customs | 拍通關
phahthongthaux | conspire each other | 打通透; 彼此有密謀
phahthut | slip out of gear or out of joint | 打搓; 使脫離
phahthøex | defeat | 打退; 拍退
phangthaau | spice; food's fragrance (aroma) | 芳頭; 香料; 食物的香氣
phanthuie | to sit with legs crossed, to squat | 盤腿; squat; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading
phaophaothngg | bubble gum; chewing gum | 泡泡糖
phaothaq | turret | 炮塔
phaotherng | gunboat | 炮艇; 砲艇
phaothøx | gun holster | 炮套
phaq kunthaau | practice shadow boxing | 打拳
phaq-bexthofng | can't get through | 打無通
phaq-kunthaau | to do shadow boxing | 拍拳頭; 打把勢; 打拳
phaubut-thea | paraboloid | 拋物體
phausiaxthea | projectile | 拋洩體; 拋射體
phawthuie | to run errands | 跑腿
phaythvisii | bad weather | 歹天時
pheathaau | with head | 配頭
pheathøx | matching | 配套
phek'hae zhengthiefn | blue ocean under a blue sky | 碧海青天
phengtheeng baxnlie | the ROC's journey of 10,000 li ─ said of those who early attain office; years of great promise | 鵬程萬里
phengthuii | weight | 秤錘
phethay | embryo | 胚胎
phethay-kii | embryonic period, gestation period | 胚胎期
phiagphiak thiaux | leap up and down frantically (e.g | 跳動無停
phiauthaau | label; trade-mark; trademark; label | 商標; 標頭; 標籤
phie kek thaix laai | all things are smooth after hardship | 否極泰來
phiefnthoo | scratch on the ground (as fowl do with bill; feet; and feathers) | 翻土
phientharn | partial; unfair; partiality; unfairness; favouritism; be partial; give improper protection to; to screen | 偏袒; 偏坦
phierntheflinsiofng | injuries that all over the body | 遍體麟傷
phinthiaux | observe | 憑眺
phiqphogthiaux | faster heartbeat | 咇噗跳
phoah toax kengthaau | hang on the shoulder | 披在肩上
phoarthoo | break the ground | 破土
phoarthor | break the ground (for a building); break a bit of plaster; break ground (for a building project); break a bit of the plaster of a house to be repaired | 破土
phoarzhux thafng'ar | small; poor house; hovel | 破厝仔; 草茅
phobixnthafn | facade, ostentation | 鋪面蟶
phoeathaau | ingredients | 配頭
phoeathvite | long life as heaven and earth | 配天地; 與天地同久
phoeathøx | matching; to manufacture a complete set, accompanied set | 配套
phoetharng | mailbox (those on the street) | 郵筒
phoethay | embryo; originate; arise from; the beginning of things; embryo | 胚胎
phoex-thautuix | match 1st pair | 配頭對
phof bixnthafn | putting on the appearance of diligence; goodness when observed; eye serving | 裝表面
phofthiefn tongkhexng | whole world joins in congratulation; celebration; rejoicing | 普天同慶
phofthienha | in all parts of the world; extended all over the whole world; all the world over; throughout the world | 普天下
phofthoaan thienha | proclaim to all the world | 普傳天下
phofthofng Misad | Low Mass (Catholic; no longer used) | 普通彌撒
phofthofng hoexoaan | ordinary member of a society | 普通會員
phofthofng kaoiok | general education | 普通教育
phofthofng khøfchix | junior grade civil service examination | 普通考試
phofthofng pien | ordinary mail | 普通便; 平信
phofthofng tieseg | general knowledge | 普通知識
phofthofng | common; ordinary; common; plain; average | 普通
phofthofng-chiaf | local train, ordinary train | 普通車
phofthofng-khøf | general courses, regular courses | 普通科
phofthofng-phøef | ordinary letter | 普通批; 平信
phofthofng-sii | ordinary time, generally, ordinarily | 普通時; 平時
phofthongchiaf | slow train; ordinary train; local (train) schedule | 普通車
phofthongjit | week day | 普通日
phofthonglaang | ordinary individual; ordinary people; the hoi polloi | 普通人
phofthonglangtaw | ordinary house | 普通人兜
phofthongphofthofng | ordinary | 普通普通
phofthongsi'ar | normal time | 普通時仔
phofthongsii | normal time | 普通時
phofthvi'e | in all parts of the world; extended all over the whole world; all the world over; throughout the world | 普天下
phofthvy e | all over the word | 普天下
phogphogthiaux | palpitate | 卜卜跳; 砰砰跳
phokkor-thongkym | be well informed in things past and present; be well versed in ancient and modern learning | 博古通今
phokkor-thongkyn | knowledgeable | 博古通今
phokthofng | knowledgeable | 博通
phokthor | PhD | 博土
phophothvafthvar | flatter | 扶扶挺挺
phor-thvi'e | everywhere, throughout the world | 普天下
phorngthaau | bulge | 膨頭
phorngthab | concave and convex | 膨蹋; 凹凸
photextharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
phothaothaux | spread through | 鋪透透
phothechiu | pipal; tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; bo tree; (Buddhism) bodhidruma; the wisdom tree under which Sakyamuni attained his enlightenment and became Buddha | 菩提樹
phothee | tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; Bo-tree; bodhi; knowledge; understanding; perfect wisdom; the illuminated; enlightened mind; Bodhisattva | 菩提
phothee-chiu | tree of Buddha; banyan; linden tree; Bo-tree | 菩提樹
phothvar | to flatter; adulation; flatter; soothe; flatter and fawn upon | 諂媚; 扶挺; 扶撐; 拍馬屁
phuiethaam | spit out phlegm; expectorate | 吐痰
phuiethaau-phuiebin | high temper; unapproachable | 傲氣無恥
phuiethat'ar | fart | 屁窒仔
phuntharng | barbell for leftover; tub install leftovers (of food) | 餿桶; 潘桶; 泔水桶
phurntharng | watering bucket | 噴桶; 撒水桶
phuthaau | to raise one's head; to gain ground; make good or to succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 浮頭; 浮出頭部; 出頭天
phutphutthiaux | jump up and down with happiness or anger; leap about (for joy); to hop | 怫怫跳; 雀躍
phutøthngg | dextrose | 葡萄糖
phvae-khoafnthai | treat badly; maltreat; hard to please; difficult to bargain or deal with; hard to persuade; be peevish; be fastidious; difficult to please; give poor service (to guests) | 難侍候
phvae-thauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 壞預兆; 凶兆
phvae-thiethaau | hard to cut the hair; hard to handle | 歹頭剃; 無容易理髮; 很難對付
phvae-thvinii | bad harvest | 歹天年
phvae-zerngthaau | dangerous disease, serious illness, plague | 歹症頭; 惡症
phvae-zhaythaau | a bad sign | 壞預兆
phvae-zhoaxthaau | a person who leads in doing bad things | 歹帶頭; 帶頭做壞事
phvarthvoax | coal | 冇炭
phvaykuie-zhothaau | bad leader who showed bad sample | 歹鬼帶頭; 作惡的頭子
phvaythaang | bad worm | 歹蟲
phvaythak | hard to read; hard to study | 難讀
phvaythauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 歹頭采; 壞預兆
phvaythaxn | unprofitable | 歹趁; 不好賺; 歹賺
phvaythiethaau | hard to dlea | 歹剃頭
phvaythih'ar | bad steel | 歹鐵仔
phvaythviaf | unpleasant to listen to | 難聽; 無好聽
phvaythviaf`ee | hard to listen | 歹聽的
phvaythviaoe | bad talk | 歹聽話
phvaythvikhix | bad weather | 歹天氣
phvaythvy | bad weather; bad weather; inconvenient weather; rainy day | 歹天; 天氣不好
phvayzerngthaau | hard to cure disease | 歹症頭
phvayzhaythaau | not auspicious (propitious) | 無吉祥
phvayzhoaxthaau | lead by giving bad example | 壞榜樣; 帶壞
phvef chirnthaau | short weight a customer | 偷秤頭
phviethaau | first part of movie; giving name of product | 片頭
phvithaau | get the better of, get advantage of | 偏頭
phvixthaau | tip of nose; point of nose | 鼻頭
phvixthaukag | tip of nose | 鼻頭角
phvixthauluxnkhaf | a hiking track in northern Taipei | 鼻頭崙跤
phvy chirnthaau | take advantage of a scales weighing in my favor | 偏秤頭; 在秤上佔便宜
phvy-chirnthaau | steals the weight | 偏秤頭
phykegthaelaai | from; after deep misfortune comes bliss | 否極泰來
phøeathaau | condiments | 配頭; 調味品; 配料
phøeathøx | to manufacture a complete set | 配套
phøetharn | leather blanket | 皮毯
phøetharng | letter-box, mail-box | 批桶; 郵筒
phøexthaau | condiments | 被頭
phørhai kauthofng | disrupt communications; block traffic | 破壞交通
phørthienhofng | very first time; something never happened before; never before ─ for the first times; unprecedented; history making; break the record | 破天荒
phørthor tiefnlea | ground breaking ceremony | 破土典禮
phøthaw | breakers, billows, great waves | 波瀾; 波?
phøtong-hongthengseg | wave equation | 波動方程式
phøtøthngg | grape sugar; glucose | 葡萄糖
phøx-liamthie | shamelessness, infamy | 抱廉恥; 寡廉鮮恥
pi gegthaixkoong | masochism | 逆待狂; 虐待狂
piahtharn | carpet for the wall | 壁毯
piahthoo | picture on the wall | 壁土
piawthaau | the madam or master of a brothel; brothel keeper | 鴇母; 婊頭; 龜公
piawthaix | stance | 表態
pie kunthaau | engage in a physical exercise similar to shadow boxing | 練拳
piefn høxthaau | mark (houses; volumes; applications) with a series number to aid identification | 編號
piefnsidthngf | wongtong soup | 扁食湯
piefnthiøf | tick clover | 蜱挑; 篇蓄; 丁香
piefnthøsvox | the tonsil | 扁桃腺
pienthad | spur on, urge | 鞭撻
piernthai | abnormal | 變態
piernthaix serng'iok | sexual aberration | 變態性慾
piernthaix simlyhak | abnormal psychology | 變態心理學
piernthaix | abnormality; metamorphosis (zoology) | 變態
piernthaothaux | transparency | 變透透
piernthea | all over the body | 遍體
pierntheflinsiofng | bruised all over | 遍體鱗傷
piernthiefn | change dynasty | 變天
piernthoaan | proclaim everywhere | 遍揚; 遍傳
piernthofng paxnlie | handle something without rigid application of rules | 變通辦理
piernthofng | to become flexible; accommodate to circumstances | 變通
piernthvy | suddenly changed weather | 變天
piet iuo thiente | another state of existence altogether; a different world (of delight) | 別有天地
piethoaan | transmit from generation to generation exclusively inside a family; tradition transmitted or handed down in secret | 秘傳
piexn-thvi'e | the whole earth | 遍天下
piexnsofthaang | toilet bug | 便所蟲
piexntharng | a commode | 便桶
piexnthøx | toilet equipments | 便套
pihthngf | turtle soup | 鱉湯
pinthaau | (adv) in correct order; one by one; (adv) anew; de novo | 憑頭; 從頭依次
pintvoaxthaang | lazy bug; a lazy person | 懶惰蟲
pirnthaau | sideburn | 鬢頭
pirntheg | to dismiss, to reject, to expel | 驅逐; 擯斥
pithaau | lower wall; part of the embankment at a dam; weir | 埤頭
pithaxn | sigh with sadness; deplore; to sigh over | 悲嘆
pithiab | inscription | 碑帖
pithienbynjiin | compassionate | 悲天憫人
pithor | appetite; condition of the stomach; the appetite | 脾土; 脾胃
pithoxng | painfully sad | 悲痛
pitthaau | point of a pen or pencil | 筆頭
pittherng | (of dress) smooth ironed, spick-and-span | 筆艇; 筆挺
pitthøx | cap of a pen or writing brush | 筆套
pixthaw | be robbed; be stolen | 被偷
pixthay | spare tire | 備胎
piøthaau | the person in charge of project bid rigging | 標頭
pngfthiab | add post | 補帖
pngxtharng | large rice bucket; good-for-nothing; stupid; tub for storing cooked rice; a good for nothing; stupid; clumsy fellow | 飯桶
pngxthngf | rice and vegetable-meat soup | 飯湯; 菜粥
pngxthviaf | dining room; mess hall | 飯廳
poah-chitthøo | play a game of chance for amusement or for very small stakes | 賭拭桃
poanthiøf | create conflict by false or exaggerated reports | 撥挑; 挑撥
poaqthafng'ar | water bucket | 拔桶仔
poaqtharng | water bucket | 跋桶; 拔桶; 打水用桶
poarnkofng poarnthok | work half a day; study half a day; to work one's way through school; a self supporting (working) student | 半工半讀
poarnthiefn | half-day- hanging in the sky | 半天
poarnthien'giaam | stone hanging in the sky | 半天岩
poarnthiensurn | baboo roots hanging in the sky | 半天筍
poarntøxthea | semiconductor | 半導體
poaxn-thunthox | unwilling to speak up | 半吞吐
poef-thohurn | push, set aside the dust | 撥土粉
poesymthoaan | jury | 陪審團
poethvy | flying Apsaras (deities; divas); means good ability talent | 飛天; (形容有大能)
pofthaau | ax; axe | 斧頭
pofthab | fill a vacancy; supply a deficiency; fill a vacancy in an office force | 填塞; 補洞; 補缺
pofthad | (v) fill in a gap or omission | 補塞; 填補
pofthag | make up | 補剔; 修補衣壁
pofthauar | axe | 斧頭仔
pofthaubaq | ax head | 斧頭肉 [*]
pofthaucvi'ar | axe wedge | 斧頭楔仔
pofthaukhefng | back of an axe | 斧頭框
pofthaupvex | axe handle | 斧頭柄
pofthay | fix a flat tire | 補胎
pofthiab | a subsidy; a subvention; an allowance | 補貼
pofthiafm | fill; to supply (a deficiency); to make good; make up for | 補添
pofthvi | to stitch and mend | 縫補; 補紩; 彌補缺陷
pofthvy | fill (up); replenish; to replenish; to supplement; to; add some so as to make up a deficiency | 補添
pofthøex | replace | 補替
poghøthngg | peppermint candy | 薄荷糖
pogpogthiaux | bouncing and vivacious; stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 蹦蹦跳; 暴跳如雷
pogthai | flimsy treat | 薄待
poktheg | polemic; refute; disputation | 駁斥
pongthefng | audit (a college course) | 旁聽
pongtherngciar | audience | 旁聽者
pongtherngjiin | listeners in the law courts; the public | 旁聽人
pongtherngsefng | voluntary students; audit student; preparatory student | 旁聽生
pongtherngsek | seats reserved for visitors; visitors seats | 旁聽席
pongthexng | audit (a college course) | 旁聽
pongthexng-sefng | auditor, no-credit student | 旁聽生
pongthexng-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
pongthviaf | audit a course | 旁聽
pongthviaf-seg | visitors' seat | 旁聽室
pongthviasefng | a listener, an auditor | 旁聽生
portexhiethoaan | puppet show | 布袋戲團
porthaau | the beginning part of a piece of cloth | 布頭
porthauporbea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
porthauporboea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
portøxthoaan | evangelistic team | 佈道團
pothaau | port, wharf, jetty, landing quay, town, village | 莆頭; 埠頭; 港埠
poxngthiw | pump | 磅抽
pud tithie | no sense of shame | 不知恥
pudthaq | a pagoda | 佛塔
puithoo | rich soil | 肥土
puithurn | short and fat | 肥碩
punthiaq | to part; to separate; to divide; disunion | 分拆; 拆夥
purnkhao-thaang | pinworm | 糞口蟲; 白血蟲
purnkhawthaang | pin worms | 糞口蟲
purnsørtharng | dust bin | 垃圾桶
purnsørtharng`lie | inside garbage can | 糞埽桶裡
purnsøx-tharng | garbage can | 垃圾桶; 糞埽桶; 垃圾箱
purnthoo | dung and earth; something of little value; things of not much value (Lit. manure or dirt) | 糞土
put'huxthea | not attached | 無附體
put'thaobeeng | opaque | 無透明; 不透明
put'thaohofng | airtight, stuffy | 無透風; 不透風
put'thaokhix | airtight, hermetic | 無透氣; 不透氣
put'thaozuie | waterproof, watertight, impermeable | 無透水; 不透水
put'thefbien | dishonor, dishonorable, disgrace, disgraceful | 無體面; 不體面
put'thoankied | disunity, disunion | 無團結; 不團結
put'thørhiap | uncompromising | 無妥協; 不妥協
putcixn zeg thøex | either advance or retreat | 無進則退
putkiong-taethiefn | will not live under the same sky (with the man who slew his father); inveterate hatred | 無共戴天
putkioxngtaethiefn | will not live under the same sky (with the man who slew his father), inveterate hatred | 不共戴天
putkoarn thvaf | paying no regard to any consideration; will accept no further responsibility | 無管他
putlioong tøxthea | non-conductor (physics) | 無良導體
putseeng-thefthorng | wildly (acting or talking); without regard to common practice or propriety | 無成體統
putseg thaesafn | fail to recognize a famous personage when meeting him face to face | 無識泰山
putthaixgieen | needless to say | 無待言
puttheeng | incessantly; unceasingly; without stop | 無停
puttherng | unsupported | 無挺
putthofng | impassable, illogical, to be blocked up, poor (writing) | 無通
putthoo | scrape earth together | 鏟土
putthøx | unsettled; unsatisfactory; not right; unsafe | 無妥; 不妥
puttong uthiofng | unmoved; flinty hearted; callous | 無動於衷
puttøxthea | non-conducting body (physics) | 無導體
puu thotau | roast peanuts in ashes | 炮花生
puxntharng | bear; bonehead; chump; goosey; donkey | 笨蛋
pvethaau | crew cut | 平頭
pvethiau | shed post | 棚柱
pvethvafthvar | level (road) | 平坦坦
pvethvar | level (road) | 平坦
pvexgoanthea | virus | 病原體
pvexthaix | sickly appearance; symptom; abnormal | 病態
pvexthanghai | blight | 病蟲害
pvexthea | patient's body | 病體
pvexthviax | suffering; illness | 病痛
pvi thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭髮
pvi'afthaau | at the side | 邊仔頭
pvi-thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭鬃
pviarzhutthaau | fight and ahead | 拚出頭
pviethienlagkoaix | playing cool | 變顛搦怪
pvithaau | side | 平頭; 邊頭
pvithvar | even, flat, level | 平娗; 平坦
pvixgoanthea | virus, germ | 病源體
pvixthaang | parasitic insect, intestinal parasite | 病蟲
pvixthaang-hai | insect damage | 病蟲害
pvixthaix | patient's condition | 病態
pvixthea | sick body | 病體
pvixthviax | sickness and pains | 病痛; 病疼
pvoaqtharng | change barrel | 拔桶
pvoarkafng-pvoarthak | work while studying at school | 半工半讀
pvoarthafngsae | half bucket of shit | 半桶屎
pvoarthafngsai'ar | half-bucket apprentice, imply the student is not there yet | 半桶師仔
pvoarthafngsay | learn a thing only half well | 半調子
pvoarthafngzuie | one who makes great display of little knowledge dabbler; only know a little but say a lot; ignorant | 半桶水; 形容只懂得一半
pvoarthauzhvef | light headed; harebrained; versatile; a madcap (slang) | 半頭青; 刁蠻
pvoarthef | sit in a inclining position | 半躺
pvoarthetør | sit in a inclining position | 半躺倒
pvoarthvetør | recline | 半躺倒
pvoarthvy | mid sky; up in the air; up in the sky | 半天; 半空中
pvoarthwn-pvoarthox | hem and haw; telling only part of what one knows | 欲言又止
pvoartøxthea | semiconductor | 半導體
pvoartøxthefkaix | semiconductor world | 半導體界
pvoax thaobengthea | translucent; partially transparent | 半透明體
pvoazhutthviaf | remove a dying person from the bedroom to the hall | 搬出廳; 將臨死的人移到廳堂
pvythaau | flat head (the back part of the head); flat head; flat headed; worried; person with a flat forehead | 扁頭; 扁平的頭
pvythøo-svoax | tonsil | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺
pvythøsvoax-iam | tonsillitis | 扁桃腺炎
pwnthea | thing in itself; substance | 本體
pwnthea-lun | ontology | 本體論
pwntheflun | ontology | 本體論
pwnthofbi | local flavor | 本土味
pwnthofhoax | localization | 本土化
pwnthor gygieen | native language | 本土語言
pwnthor | native | 本土
pynthiab | official report to a superior | 稟報; 陳情書
pyzhuo thuijiong | yielding to one another | 彼此推讓
pøehjixthiab | document containing eight zodiac character times; often exchanged before marriage | 八字帖
pøethaang | flying insects | 飛蟲
pøfhiafmthøx | male contraceptive | 保險套
pøfhiarm-thøx | condom | 保險套
pøfthaq | precious shrine; pagoda | 寶塔
pøftiong sinthea | take care of the health | 保重身體
pøfzoaan lefngthor | preserve territorial integrity | 保全領土
pølethafng | glass window | 玻璃窗
pørkvoathviaf | newsroom | 報官廳
pørthaau | low pressure | 播頭; 低氣壓
pørthauhofng | the blast of wind precedes a typhoon | 播頭風; 颱風前奏風
pørthoaan | proclaim | 報傳; 宣布; 報導
pøxcirn-thienbut | wasted, spoil merchandise | 暴賑天物
pøxthiaux-juluii | stamp with fury; rampage; frenzy | 暴跳如雷
pøxthiern | to misuse things | 暴殄
sabøthauzarng | clueless | 捎無頭摠
saetheeng | competition schedule | 賽程
saethiaux | competing in jumping | 賽跳; 比賽跳
safnthiuafsafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽仔瘦抽
safnthiusafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽瘦抽
safnthiw | tall; thin and slender (man) | 瘦長; (人)
safnthiøf | skinny and tall | 瘦抽
safnthiøsafnthiøf | skinny and tall | 瘦抽瘦抽
safnthoo | bad soil | 瘦土
safnzeeng-thviax | premature labor | 產前痛; 產前疼
sai'afthaau | lion head | 獅仔頭
sai'afthaukhaxm | lion head cover | 獅仔頭崁
sai'afthuun | half-grown lion | 獅仔豚; 幼獅
saihu-thaau | foreman | 師傅頭; 工頭
saithaau | lions heads | 獅頭
saithvy | elysium | 西天
saixthae | obstinate; bad tempered (child); to pout | 賭氣
sam'ui-itthea | the Trinity | 三位一體
samhabthoo | mortar made of sand, lim, clay | 三合土
samhabthor | mortar | 三合土
samthaezuo | 3rd prince | 三太子
samthaix | tristate | 三態
samthiabkie | triassic | 三疊紀
samthiau | pine post, fir post | 三柱; 杉柱
samthiøo-liogpix | resourceful person | 三頭六臂
samthofng | postal service, commerce and navigation between Taiwan and China | 三通
samzanbahthngf | bacon soup | 三層肉湯
sangthoo | loosen soil | 鬆土
saoluii-therng | a minesweeper | 掃雷艇
saoluitherng | minesweeper | 掃雷艇
saothaam | cough up phlegm | 嗽痰; 咳痰
saothokhaf | sweep the floor | 掃塗跤
sarngcviuxthaau | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成頭; 送到墓地
sarngsvoathaau | send the mountain | 送山頭
sarngthiab | send an invitation | 送帖
sathafng | window screen; screen window; screen door or window | 紗窗
satthang'iøh | insecticide; pesticide | 殺蟲藥
satthangzef | insecticide; pesticide | 殺蟲劑
satthiong'iøh | insecticide; pesticide | 殺蟲藥
satthiongzef | insecticide; pesticide | 殺蟲劑
satthioong-iøh | insecticide | 殺蟲藥; 殺蟲劑
satthioong-zef | insecticide | 殺蟲劑
saux thokhaf | sweep the ground or floor | 掃地
sayhag'afthaang | shit hole worms | 屎礐仔蟲
sayhag'afthaau | shit hole | 屎礐仔頭
sayhag'ar-thaang | maggot | 屎礐仔蟲; 廁所蟲
sayhagthaang | shit hole worm | 屎礐蟲
saythafng'ar | buket for dung | 糞桶仔
saythafngkhok'ar | shit ladle | 屎桶觳仔
saytharng | bucket for dung; chamber pot; honey bucket | 屎桶; 糞桶
sea thaumoo | shampoo | 洗頭; 洗頭髮
seagoa thøgoaan | imaginary; ideal world; secluded paradise | 世外桃源
seathaau | influence (of powerful man); prestige | 勢力; 勢頭; 威風
seathaix | situation | 勢態
seathoaan | handed down from generation to generation | 世傳
seathoansex | hand down from generation to generation | 世團世; 一代傳一代
seeng Serngthea | consecrate the Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 成聖體
sefthaau | shampoo | 洗頭; 洗頭髮
sefthaumnghurn | shampoo | 洗頭毛粉
sefthauzuie | water for wash hairs | 洗頭水
sefthoa | wash out | 洗汰
segkoarn thienha | roll the world up like a mat ─ take all of it; conquer the world | 席捲天下
segthak | read thoroughly, thoroughly acquainted (book) | 熟讀
segthiq | wrought iron | 熟鐵
segthvoax | burning charcoal | 熟炭
sehtiofng sarngthvoax | give timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
sekkiathaau | sakya; sakyamuni | 釋迦頭
sektvar pauthiefn | extremely daring in lewdness | 色膽包天
seng'oah thengto | standard of living | 生活程度
sengsu zai thiefn | man proposes; God disposes | 成事在天
sengsuo koanthiøo | life and death crisis | 生死關頭
sengthaesiong | ecologically | 生態上
sengthaetii | ecological pool | 生態池
sengthaix | zoology | 生態
sengthiefn | ascend to heaven | 上升; 昇天; 升天
sengthioong | adult insect | 成蟲
sengtiorng køeatheeng | adolesce | 成長過程
seqlethuy | spiral ladder | 踅螺梯
seqthaau | turn around | 踅頭
seqthaothaux | go round everywhere | 踅透透
serngcitthoaan | hierarchy | 聖職團
serngthea | The Blessed Sacrament | 聖體
serngthefkhafm | the tabernacle (Catholic) | 聖體龕
serngthiorng | Grace (of God) | 聖寵
serngthofngzex | hierarchy (Catholic) | 聖統制
sethaau | comb one's hair (Women use the expression; se-thau but men use the expression; loah thau-mo.) | 梳頭; 梳頭髮
sethafng | screen door | 紗窗
sethiefn | Buddhist paradise or heaven | 西天
sex-thoansex | passing down generation by generation | 世傳世
sexng piernthaix | sex perversion; sexual aberration | 性變態
sezhanthviaf | western restaurant | 西餐廳
sia thvite | to give thanks to Heaven and Earth | 謝天地
siablau thienky | disclose a divine secret | 洩漏天機
siafng tøthaezex | Double Elimination Tournament | 雙淘汰制
siafthiab | write a post | 寫帖
siahtharng | tin bucket | 錫桶
siahthihjunii | cut iron like mud | 削鐵如泥
siaktharng | tub for threshing rice | 摔桶; (脫穀用的大木桶)
siangpauthay | twins | 雙胞胎
siangthaau bøo cidgvauq | equally incapable of either; both proposals coming to nothing; ran after two hares and caught neither | 雙頭空
siangthaau | both ends | 雙頭
siangthaau-zoaa | two heads snake | 雙頭蛇
siangthauzoaa | double-headed snake | 雙頭蛇
siangthay | twins | 雙胎
siangthay`ee | twins | 雙胎的
siangthef`ee | twins | 雙胎的
siangthofng | communicate | 相通
siangthuie | two legs | 雙腿
siaothea | rebuke; enumerate faults; cite one example after another | 數落
siapthiab | Put neatly and densely | 屧貼
siarmthaux | penetrate; understand | 滲透
siauhoax hexthorng | digestive apparatus or system | 消化系統
siaukek thaeto | negative attitude | 消極態度
siausid lengthofng | well informed | 消息靈通
siauthaam | dissipate phlegm | 消痰
siauthao | remove (anger); defecate; urinate | 消氣; 解大小便
siawthafm | insatiably greedy | 狂貪; 貪而無厭
siawthamløqkhix | lost weight | 痟貪落去
siawthiuo | clown | 小丑
siawthiw'ar | clown | 小丑仔
siawthiwar | clown | 小丑仔
siawthviw'ar | clown | 小丑仔
siax thefbien | cause our superior to lose respect through our bad conduct | 丟體面
siaxngthauar | in the beginning | 上頭仔
siaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 相症頭; 同症頭
siaxthaau | village | 社頭
siaxthaux | shoot right through | 謝透; 射透
siaxtheeng | range; cannon-shot; gunshot; range (of a projectile) | 射程
siaxthiab | thank you note | 謝貼
siaxthoaan | society; community; an association; corporation; civic organization | 社團; 謝團
siaxthoaan-hoatjiin | a registered association or society | 社團法人
siaxthor | give thanks to Thotti-kong after a burial | 謝土; 謝土神
siaxthvy-siaxtøe | Thank God! Thank Heaven! | 謝天謝地
sib thaux`koex | wet through | 濕透
sibjixloxthaau | intersection | 十字路頭
sid thefbin | lose face | 失面子
sid thefthorng | lose dignity; be disgraced | 失體統
sid-thefbien | lose face, be humiliated | 失體面
sidbut sengthaehak | vegetable ecology | 植物生態學
sidgiap thoanthea | business corporation | 實業團體
sidthea | an entity, substance | 實體
sidthionglui | insectivores (zoology) | 食蟲類
sied khoanthøx | set a snare | 設圈套
siefnthaau | money | 錢頭
sienjinthiaux | treacherous | 仙人跳
sienthiefn | natural physical endowments; congenital; innate; inherent | 先天
sienthøo | peaches of immortality; divine peach | 仙桃
siepauthay | quadruplets | 四胞胎
siethin | perfectly matched and balanced | 四伨
siexnthaang | gecko; house lizard | 蟬蟲; 守官; 蝎虎; 壁虎
siexnthaau | gecko; house lizard | 壁虎
siexnthang'ar | gecko | 壁虎仔; 蟮蟲仔
siezap siøfsii bengkiofng Serngthea | forty hours devotion (Catholic) | 四十小時明供聖體
sii thaulo | quit office (one's job) | 辭職
siin niar Serngthea | spiritual communion (Catholic) | 神領聖體
simkafthviax | heartburn | 心絞疼
simkvefthad | myocardial infarction | 心梗窒
simkvoaf khaq-gve thiq | heart harder than iron (in the sense of showing no pity or refusing to make up a dispute) | 鐵石心腸
simkvoaf thviax | grief; severe pain about the heart | 心痛
simkvoathaau | around the pit of the stomach or the heart | 心肝頭
simlie piernthaix | sexual deviate; sexual deviation; a pervert | 心理變態
simlie zoxngthaix | state of mind | 心理狀態
simthaau bøtvia | slightly deranged; out of one's mind | 心頭無定
simthaau hvoa-hof tvia | set determinedly to a task | 心頭扞定; 心意立定
simthaau | around the pit of the stomach or the heart | 心頭
simthaau-høea | anger, rage | 心頭火
simthaix | state of mind | 心態
simthautengteeng | thoughtful | 心頭重重
simthiaosviaf | heartbeat | 心跳聲
simthiaux | palpitation, heartbeat | 心跳
simthviax | a heartache, to love deeply | 心疼; 心痛
sin'ge zonghabthea | cinemascope | 新藝綜合體
sinbuun thongsirnsia | news agency | 新聞通訊社
sinbuzhurnthiq | armless; defenseless | 身無寸鐵
sincvianithaau | New Year | 新正年頭
sinkefng hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinkefng thviax | neuralgia | 神經痛
sinkefng-hexthorng | nervous system | 神經系統
sinkengthviax | neuralgia | 神經痛
sinkhofpvexthviax | pains | 辛苦病疼
sinkhofpvixthviax | pains | 辛苦病疼
sinku kauthex | transition from the old to the new | 新舊交替
sinthaix | spirit; mind | 神態
sinthaux | ability | 神透
sinthea kiafmzaf | physical examination | 身體檢查
sinthea legheeng | practice what one preaches | 身體力行
sinthea | the body; health; body | 身體
sinthoaan | heritage; inherited | 薪傳
sinthofng kofngtai | possessing marvelous abilities | 神通廣大
sinthofng | supernatural power | 神通
sinthvy | new haven | 新天; 新天堂
siokthafm | crakdown corruption | 肅貪
siong kviarthaau | photogenic; appear in a movie | 上鏡頭
siongthaesexng | normality | 常態性
siongthai | treat (a person) | 相待
siongthaix | normal carriage or manner; normal state | 常態
siongthienhaixlie | hurting the world- immoral | 傷天害理
siongthoaan | devolution; be transmitted from person to person; to be handed down from generation to generation | 相傳
siongthofng | having direct communication (e.g.; two rooms or houses connected by a door or short passage) | 相通
sioxngterng thornghoex | perfect contrition (Catholic) | 上等痛悔
sioxngthaau | at first, very first | 上頭; 最先
sioxngthauar | initially | 上頭仔
sioxngthiefn | heavens above; God | 上天
sioxngthok | read; read aloud; recite; intone | 誦讀
sipliamthoo | wet stick coating | 溼黏塗
sipthaux | wet right through | 濕透
sirmthaux | osmosis; impenetrate; penetrate | 滲透
sirn'gagthoaan | church orchestra | 信樂團
sirnthaxn | believe and obey | 信炭; 信從
sirnthien'afng | albatross, short-tailed albatross, Stelleis albatross | 信天翁
sirnthien'ofng | albatross, short-tailed albatross, Stelleis albatross | 信天翁
sirnthog kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sirnthog | entrust; trust | 信託; 託付
sirnthog-kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sirnthokkiok | board of trustees | 信託局
sitgiap tinthiab | unemployment allowance | 失業津貼
sithaulo | resign | 辭頭路
sithea kayphøx | postmortem (examination) | 屍體解剖
sithea | corpse; carcass | 屍體
sithøex | refuse, decline, excuse oneself from | 辭退
sitthaau | farming, field-work, work | 事頭; 穡頭; 工作
sitthaix | misbehave; a blunder; disgrace | 失態
sitthea | disrespectful | 失體
sitthefbien | disrespectful | 失體面
sitthefbin | disrespectful | 失體面
sitthiorng | lose the confidence of the boss; lose the love of one's husband; fall out of imperial favor | 失寵
sitthoaan | be lost in transmission | 失傳
siu thorngkhor | undergo pain; suffer pain | 受痛苦
siuohoef-tharn | embroidered coverlet | 繡花毯
siuthie | shame | 羞恥
siuthviaf | listen in; listen to; listen to (the radio) | 收聽
siuxthaai | be murdered (by a knife) | 受殺; 被殺
siuxthay | be pregnant; conceive | 受胎
siuxthog | to be a trustee; be entrusted with... | 受託; 受托
siuxthokjiin | trustee | 受託人
siuxthokliin | rustee | 受託人
siuxthøo | Chinese hamburger looks like a peach (to celebrate one's; longevity peaches; made of flour in the shape of a peach and presented to another on his birthday | 壽桃
siwtw thaixthox | wait by the stump hoping other hares will come by the spot; because he once caught a hare there ─ stupid and unimaginative in doing things | 守株待兔
six-kakthaau | four corners | 四角頭; 四個角
sixthviaf kaoiok | audio-visual education | 視聽教育
sixthviaf | what one saw and heard; knowledge and experience; audio-visual | 視聽
siøf hoefthvoax | make charcoal | 燒木炭
siøf-tharnviu | follow the example of others | 相探樣; 相仿效
siøf-thngrthngx | burning hot | 燒燙燙
siøflegthaang | little green worm | 小綠蟲
siøfpeqthox | little rabbit | 小白兔
siøftheeng | stop a while, wait a while; small boat | 小艇; 稍停一下; 小停
siøfthekhiim | violin | 小提琴
siøftherng | small boat | 小艇
siøfthiuo | clown; buffoon; contemptible wretch | 小丑
siøfthiw'ar | a clown, a jester, a buffoon | 小丑仔
siøfthiwar | clown | 小丑仔
siøfthuie | calf of the leg | 小腿
siøfthvisaix | little angel | 小天使
siøfzhadthaw | thief | 小賊偷
siøkhoafnthai | hospitality | 相款待
siør-thekhiim | violin | 小提琴
siøthaai | draw the sword; war; to battle | 互砍; 相刣; 相殺; 戰爭
siøthab | mortise and tenon fitting into each other | 相湊; 互相遞補
siøthad | kick eachother | 相踢
siøthah | overlap; books; timber laid on each other | 相疊
siøthaux | communicate by a road or door; having a passage through; making direct communication | 相通
siøthaxm | visit one another | 相探; 互相探訪
siøthaxn | follow one another's example | 相學; 彼此效法
siøthaxng | pass through | 相透
siøtheavoa | take turns; in alternate shifts | 相替換; 輪流
siøthef | shift a piece of work off on each other; neither willing to do it himself | 相推
siøthin | mutually extended courtesy | 相伨; 禮數互相往來
siøthngf | hot soup | 熱湯
siøthngrthngx | very hot (food; things) | 熱呼呼
siøthngx | burned | 燒燙
siøthuix | change a person or article deceitfully and fraudulently | 互調
siøthviarthaxng | cherish each other | 相疼痛
siøthviax | mutual love or affection; love one another | 相疼; 相愛
siøthvy | add; increase (of number) | 相添; 原有的數再增加
siøthøex | alternate | 相退; 相替; 交互
siøtngxthaau | meet another on the road accidentally; when going in opposite direction | 相遇頭
siøtwthaau | meet with each other coming from different directions | 相抵頭
sngboethngf | concoction of sour plums used as a summer drink | 酸梅湯
sngfthaothaux | play all the tricks | 耍透透
sngmuithngf | plum juice | 酸梅湯
sngnngfthviax | weak and worn out; in a state of lassitude; all weary and aching | 酸軟痛
sngrlangthaau | count the number of people | 算人頭
sngsehthvy | frost and snow | 霜雪天
sngtharng | ice cream freezer | 酸雪; 冰桶
sngthiuthviax | soreness | 酸抽疼
sngthviax | aching; muscles ache from over exertion | 酸痛; 痠疼; 酸疼
sngthvy | sour and sweet | 酸甜
soafnthok | study an elective course in a college | 選讀
soanthak | read a proclamation | 宣讀
soanthoaan | promote; publicize; propaganda; promotion (of sales) | 宣傳
soanthoaan-bang | a propaganda network | 宣傳網
soanthoaan-oaan | a propagandist | 宣傳員
soanthoaan-po | a publicity department | 宣傳部
soanthoaan-tvoaf | propaganda leaflet | 宣傳單
soanthoanchiaf | propaganda car | 宣傳車
soanthoanciw | publicity week (for publicizing themes such as traffic safety; environmental sanitation) | 宣傳週
soanthoanphirn | propaganda material; promotion material | 宣傳品
soanthoantvoaf | flyer | 宣傳單
soanthok | read out (a declaration; announcement) in public | 宣讀
soaq thafng | How? | 煞通; 怎麼可以
soarnthaang | pinworm | 蒜蟲; 蟯蟲
soarnthaau | garlic; garlic cloves; kernels of garlic; garlic (bulb) | 蒜頭
soarnthauban | garlic cloves | 蒜頭瓣
soathaang | chigoe, chigger | 沙蟲
soathafn | sandy beach; tideland | 沙灘
soathafng | screen window | 紗窗
soathiøf | hand shovel | 沙鏟; 沙挑
soathngg | crystal sugar; granulated sugar; rock candy | 砂糖
soathngrar | type of small fish | 沙丁魚
soathoo | sandy soil; mixture of sand and clay | 沙土
soathvoaf | a sandbank after a low tide | 沙灘
soatthie | wipe out a disgrace; clear up | 雪恥
soattiofng soxng thaxn | send fuel in cold weather ─ timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
soaxntharng | watering can; sprinkling can | 灑桶
soefsengkhutharng | shower water bucket | 洗身軀桶
soefthoa | wash and clean | 洗汰
soethaau | combing hair | 梳頭
soethex | failing (energy, strength, memory), weakening (as a result of old age, poor health) | 衰退
soethoex | to decay more, become weaker | 衰退
soethøex | failing (energy; strength; memory); weakening (as a result of old age; poor health) | 衰退
sofngthioxng | cool and happy | 爽暢
sokchiuo thaixpex | wait for one's death with hands tied ─ be a sitting duck | 束手待斃
sokkatharng | plastic bucket | 塑膠桶
sorngcin thienlioong | have no conscience; impervious to a sense of justice | 喪盡天良
sothiq | sago cycad | 蘇鐵; 鐵樹
sothngg | peanut brittle | 酥糖; (花生糖)
sothofng | clear or dredge (a waterway); improve (relations); bring about an understanding or reconciliation; bridge different views | 疏通
su'iuo-thoftøe | private land | 私有土地
suihviuthoaan | group of people march in an incense procession | 隨香團
suii thoaan suii kaux | be available for an immediate summons to court | 隨傳隨到
suithaxn-suiciah | use money just as fast as earned; live from hand to mouth | 隨趁隨吃; 隨賺隨吃
suithea | hypophysis | 垂體
suithiøo | be crestfallen; to be greatly discouraged or disappointed | 垂頭
sunkhoaan hexthorng | circulatory system of the blood | 循環系統
sunløo-therng | a patrol craft, a patrol ship | 巡邏艇
sunløtherng | patrol boat | 巡邏艇
sunthaukhvoarboea | look around | 巡頭看尾
suocietthoaan | diplomatic mission; diplomatic corps | 使節團
suopauthay | quadruplets | 四胎胞
suosinthngf | popular Taiwanese soup made with 4 plants | 四神湯; 山藥, 茯苓, 芡實, 蓮子
suothofng-pattat | communication network leading everywhere | 四通八達
suothongpattat | convenient transportation | 四通八達
suozhux hongthengseg | quartic equation; equation of the fourth degree (mathematics) | 四次方程式
sutheh | private residence | 私宅
suthiab | private post | 私帖; 私貼
suthioxng | comfortable; pleasant; comfortable; leisurely and harmonious; in good spirits | 舒暢
suthoaan | a division of soldiers | 私傳; 師團
suthofhoad | an old; local method; a traditional method | 辭土法
suthofng | have an illicit affair; collaborate with enemy forces or a foreign country | 私通
suthviaf | private hall | 私廳
suthwn | convert public fund to own use | 私吞
suxnthaxn | obey; obedient | 順趁; 順從
suxnthiefn | obey Heaven | 順天
suxthaix giamtiong | the state of affairs is serious | 事態嚴重
suxthaix | a got-up affair; state of affairs; the status of affairs; situation | 事態
suxthea | matter | 事體
svakakthafng | corner house | 三角窗
svakib thiao'oarn | hop skip and a jump (athletic event) | 三級跳遠
svatengthah | overlap | 相重疊
svathaai | kill each other | 相殺
svathab | fit together closely | 相凹; 摞起來
svathah | overlap | 相疊
svathaux | have passageway among both (room) | 相透; 相通
svathaw | steal | 相偷
svathaxm | getting inside information | 相探
svathaxng | having a passage right through; communicating by door or road | 相通
svathef | pushing each other away; refuse to accept | 相推
svathin | mutually extended courtesy | 相伨; 禮數互相往來
svathofng | have passageway among both (room) | 相通; 三通
svathviax | care about each other | 相疼
svathvy | additional | 相添
svathøex | take turns in doing something | 相退; 相替; 替換
svatuiethaau | counter part | 相對頭
svatwthaau | ran into each other | 相遇頭
svazabthorng | little more than thirty | 三十多一點
svazarnthaq | three-story tower | 三層塔
svekithvoarhiøh | twigs and leaves ? | 生枝湠葉
svethaang | breed worms; put (someone) up to it | 生蟲; 出點子
svethauhoatboea | toxin efflux | 生頭發尾
svethiq | pig iron | 銑鐵
svethviax | have painful sores; severe boils; abscesses (archaic) | 生痛; 生瘡疔
svethvoax | family; race; or animals spread; multiply; and increase | 生衍; 繁殖
sviathaau | sound head | 聲頭
svithaang | breed worm | 生蟲; 長蟲
svithiq | cast iron | 生鐵
svithviax | break out in boils | 生痛; 生瘡
svithvoax | multiply (as family) | 生衍; 生湠; 繁衍; 繁殖
sviu-bøexthofng | can't figure it out; beyond comprehension | 想未通; 想袂通
sviuxthofng | make a clear thought | 想通
sviw-køeathaau | too excess, too much | 想過頭; 傷過頭; 太過份
svixzhaethaau | pickle daikon | 豉菜頭
svoaf-soarnthaau | Formosan veratrum, Formosa lily | 山蒜頭
svoaf-thotau | a kind of alyce clover, Alysicarpus nummularifolius | 山土豆
svoaf-zhaethaau | Asi Bell-tree | 山菜頭
svoarthaau | line end | 線端
svoathaau | burial ground; cemetery | 山上; 山頭; 墓地
svoathox | hares | 山兔
swnthaang | termite that eats bamboo shoots | 筍蟲
swnthaau | tenon | 筍頭; 榫頭
sygyn'afthef | back float | 死囡仔䖙
sygyn'afthvef | back float | 死囡仔䖙
sykawafthef | back float | 死狗仔䖙
sykngthaau | dead bald | 死光頭
sylangthaau | dead head | 死人頭
sym kviaf baq thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym kviaf garn thiaux | terribly frightened | 心驚肉跳
sym thiaux | heart beat; palpitation of the heart caused by fear or anxiety | 心跳
sym thviax | grieved at heart; feel pain in one's heart (figuratively) | 心痛
symphvoax-thviaf | courtroom | 審判廳
symthaux | permeation, osmosis | 滲透
syn nithaau | new year | 新年頭
syn thaunao | new brains | 新頭腦
sythay | dead fetus; stillborn | 死胎
sythea | dy, corpse | 死體
sytuiethaau | sworn; enemy | 死對頭
søefthaau | wash hair | 洗頭
søethaau | comb the hair | 梳頭
søf thaukhag | pat (a child's head) | 撫摸頭
søf vi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder | 勸退 (選舉時); 搓圓仔湯
søfthaau | lock | 鎖頭
søvi'afthngf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder decorous | 挲圓仔湯
taam-thaux`køex | be wet to the skin; be wet through; dripping wet | 濕透過
taethøhoef | a woman with a lustful looking face | 帶桃花
tafmthaau | nod the head | 點頭
tafnthai | waiting; wait; await; wait for | 等待
taftharng | bucket | 打桶
tafthaxm | Inquire | 打探
tagthofng | every call (telephone) | 逐通; 每通
tah-oexthaau | an introduction; previous remarks | 貼話頭; 前言
tahthaau | mistress | 姘頭
tahthoo | to touch the ground with hand or foot | 貼土; 觸地
tailøqthoo | to place or bury in the ground | 下落葬
taixcienthee | major premise; set principle | 大前提
taixpiawthoaan | representative body; delegation (to a conference) | 代表團
taixpien putthofng | constipation | 大便無通
taixthea | the scope of; real parts of; principle | 大體
taixtheabut | a substitute commodity; ersatz | 代替物
taixthefar | big body | 大體仔
taixthefsiong | in the main | 大體上
taixthex | take the place of; stand proxy for; to substitute; in place of | 代替
taixthoex | replace | 代替
taixthofnglerng | President (Japan) | 大統領
taixthøex | substitute; instead of; cover for | 代替
taktiøh ciøqthaau poaqtør | stumble over a stone | 踢到石頭跌倒
tamthab | gotoruin; fallintoruins; cavein; fall into decay | 坍塌
tamthiefn soatte | to talk idly about any and every thing | 談天說地
tamthiefn | gossip; small talk; chatting about things in general; to chat idly | 談天
tamthox | the way a person talk | 談吐
tangboefthvy | end of year | 冬尾天
tangchviuu thihpiaq | extremely sturdy structure; tight (siege); strong (fortress; defense); impregnable; like walls of brass and iron | 銅牆鐵壁
tangkoethngg | winter melon sweet | 冬瓜糖
tangphøee thihkud | brass and iron constitution ─ a strong man | 銅皮鐵骨; 強健
tangsyn thihkud | not afraid of cold or any injury (Lit. copper body iron bone) | 銅身鐵骨
tangthaau | early spring | 春初
tangthiau | bronze pillar | 銅柱
tangthiq | copper iron | 銅鐵
tangthvisi'ar | during the winter | 冬天時仔
tangthvisii | during the winter | 冬天時
tangthvy | winter | 冬天
tantheeng | one way (ticket) | 單程
tanthngg | monosaccharides | 單醣; 單糖
tantøthaezex | Single Elimination Tournament | 單淘汰制
taosiøthin | support each other | 鬥相伨
taoswnthaau | put tenon into the join | 鬥榫頭
taq kengthaau | pat (a person) on the shoulder | 拍肩膀
taqoexthaau | speak clearly beforehand | 踏話頭
taqphoax thih'øee | wear out iron shoes ─ search painstakingly everywhere | 踏破鐵鞋
taqtham | Alzheimer's disease | 老人痴呆; 踏?; 踩到洞
taqthauu | witch's helper | 搭頭
taqthut | slip, make a misstep, have a moral lapse | 踏脫; 失足
tarmtarmthaau | nod the head | 頕頕頭
tarmthaau | nod the head | 頕頭; 點頭
tathoo | dry land | 乾土
tathox | dry heaves; retch | 乾嘔
tauafthaang | bean worm | 豆仔蟲
tauthay | to be born; get into the cycle of reincarnation; quicken; be reborn into another state of existence; enter into the womb (e.g.; a spirit becoming incarnate) | 投胎
tauxcviuothngf | miso soup | 豆醬湯
tauxthaau | bean dreg; the refuse from bean curd manufacturer | 豆頭; 豆渣
taxngchiwthaau | heavy hand | 重手頭
taxngkhinthaau | imbalance; irrational or mentally deranged | 重輕頭
taxngthaau | weight | 重量
taxngthauhix | highlight | 重頭戲
taxngthaukhyn | the loads on a carrying pole are unequal in weight | 重頭輕; 重兩頭重量無均; 不均衡
taxngthor | begin building or repairing a house without the proper rites or at an inauspicious time; so as to cause pain to a woman with child; break ground (for a building project); start building | 動土
teathi | Mikado pheasant (bird) | 帝雞; 帝雉
tefng'afthuii | hammer | 釘仔鎚
tefngthaau | boss; nibs; up on top; the highest; the summit; the upper part; in the north; northward | 上頭; 頂頭; 上面
tefngthex | to represent someone | 頂替
tefngthiefn | top sky | 頂天
tefngthoaq | top drawer | 頂屜
tegpiet khoafnthai | give special treatment | 特別款待
tegpiet thaixgu | special treatment; special behavior towards | 特別待遇
tegzhuo thongty | specially sent for your information (a phrase used in writing a letter) | 特此通知
tek'afthaau | bamboo top | 竹仔頭
tekthaau | bamboo root | 竹頭
tekthafn | clam looks like Crab | 竹蟶
tekthafng'afpng | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔飯
tekthafng'ar | bamboo tube | 竹桶仔
tekthiorng | get special favor or affection | 得寵
tekthuy | bamboo ladder | 竹梯
tekzad-thaang | walkingstick (insect) | 竹節蟲
teng'ar-thuii | hammer for driving nails or tacks | 釘仔鎚; 釘仔槌; 鎚子
tengliogtherng | landing craft; landing ship tanks | 登陸艇
tengsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 靜常狀態
tengteeng thaqthah | piled on one another; crowded together densely | 重重疊疊; 累累
tengthaau phahkhie | do it all over again from the beginning | 從頭做起
tengthaau | over again | 從頭; 重新
tengthah | overlap; super position | 重疊
tengthaq | pharos; lighthouse | 燈塔
tengthaulaai | start over | 重頭來
tengthausvy | be born again | 從頭生; 重生
tengthiap | to overlap | 重疊
tengthiau | pavilion | 亭柱
tengthiefn | climbing to heaven ─ something very difficult | 登天
ternglangthviaf | get people to listen | 釘人聽
terngthviaf | pleasant to the ear | 中聽
tethaau | subject of a talk; topic of conversation | 話題; 藉口
tetharng | vessel for tea or hot water | 茶桶
tethngf | tea and soup ─ liquid food | 湯茶; (流質食物)
tetiarm ciauthai | entertain with refreshments | 茶點招待
texha bwthviaf | unlicensed cabarets | 地下舞廳
texha thihlo | subway | 地下鐵路
texhaxthiq | subway | 地下鐵
texhngf thoanthea | local organizations | 地方團體
texngsioong-zoxngthaix | stationary state | 定常狀態
texngthvoax | good hard charcoal | 較硬的木炭
texthaau | place; site | 地方
textharn | carpet or rug | 地毯
texthauzoaa | an influential gangster in a community | 地頭蛇
texthor | ground; soil; place; land; locality; territory; earth | 地方
thaai cidkhafng | inflict a wound | 割傷
thaai cidlih | inflict a long slash or cut | 割一大痕
thaai onglaai | to peal off the skin of a pineapple | 削鳳梨
thaai | to cut; to wound; to pare; to kill; behead; to fight; to war | 殺; 刣
thaai-pvoarsie | almost got killed | 殺半死
thaai`khuy | cut(fruits) | 削開
thaai`khylaai | started killing | 殺起來
thaai`sie | kill to death | 殺死
thaam | a deep pool; deep pond; lake; pond for irrigation; deep; profound; vast | 潭; 痰
thaan | to talk; to converse; to chat | 談
thaang | worms; long creeping insects like worms; caterpillars; maggots | 蟲
thaau kaux bøea | from the beginning to the end | 從頭到尾
thaau khikhy | head crooked | 頭歪斜
thaau khokkhog | having an unusually projecting forehead | 前額突出
thaau phephef | the head is inclined | 斜著頭
thaau | head; the top; the first; beginning; the chief; the boss; the leader; the two ends (of anything); an auxiliary; as suffix | 頭
thaau-cidee | the first one | 頭一個
thaau-cidjit | the first day | 頭一天
thaau-cidpae | first time; on the first occasion | 頭一次
thaau-cidthef | first born child | 頭一胎
thaau-zexngmeh | cephalic vein | 頭静脈
thaau`ar | in the begging; just now | 頭仔
thab cidkhafng | soil) settles; making a depression | 凹一洞
thab | sink down; fall into ruins; to collapse; step unintentionally into a hole; fall into danger; a trap; or evil; to delude another; a dent | 塌; 凹; 坍塌
thab`løqlaai | old roof sinks down; making hollows | 塌下來
thad hvixkhafng | stop the ears and pay no heed | 塞耳孔
thad phe | kicked blanket during sleep | 踢被
thad phoe | kicked blanket during sleep | 踢被
thad zhuiekhafng | give something to eat to a child to keep it quiet; make somebody keep a secret | 堵上嘴
thad | kick; cork; stopper; to cork; stop up; to plug; stop a leak; fill the chinks; fill up crevices; obstruct; block up; press tightly in | 踢; 窒; 塞
thad-hof aan | stuff up tight; seal off securely | 塞緊
thad-hof ba | block up; stuff tight; hermetically seal | 塞緊
thad-hof bat | stop up tight | 塞密
thad`leq | stopped up; blocked up | 塞住
thad`teq | be blocked, be jammed, be stopped | 塞住
thad`zhutkhix | kick out | 踢出去
thae | how can it be? an interrogative particle which implies a dissenting opinion; why; how come | 豈; 怎麼; 怎
thae'iaa | Your Honor, Your Worship | 太爺
thae'ioong | sun | 太陽
thaechym | much too; far too | 太深
thaeho | the mother of an emperor; empress dowager | 太后
thaehujiin | madam | 太夫人
thaeiaa | honorable lord | 太爺
thaeiaq | tire | 輪胎
thaeionghe | solar system | 太陽系
thaeionghied | the temple (anatomy) | 太陽穴
thaeionghoef | sunflower | 太陽花
thaeiongkngf | sunshine | 太陽光
thaeiongkofng | sunshine | 太陽光
thaeiongleeng | solar energy | 太陽能
thaeionglek | solar power | 太陽力
thaeioong | the sun | 太陽
thaekaxm | eunuch | 太監
thaekegkuun | taichichuan; often referred to as shadow boxing | 太極拳
thaekegtoo | diagram of cosmological scheme | 太極圖
thaekek | the Absolute; the ultimate principle (Chinese philosophy); Taiji; Tai-chi martial art; Supreme Ultimate | 太極
thaekhofng sitai | space age | 太空時代
thaekhofng | space; outer space; the great void | 太空
thaekhofng-y | space suit | 太空衣
thaekhofng-zuun | space craft | 太空船
thaekhong'y | space suit | 太空衣
thaekhongjiin | astronaut | 太空人
thaekhongsøf | space shuttle | 太空梭
thaekhongzuun | space craft (capsule); spaceship | 太空船
thaekor | pre-historic time | 上古; 太古
thaeloong | Taro | 太郎
thaeluq | tiles | 磁磚
thaemoe | female juvenile delinquent; wild teenage girl; tomboy; bobby soxer; teenybopper | 太妹
thaemui | delinquent girl | 太妹
thaepeeng | peace; peaceful | 太平
thaepeeng-kefng | morgue, mortuary | 太平間
thaepegchvy | Venus | 太白星; 金星
thaepegzhvef | the evening star; Venus | 太白星
thaepeng'mngg | an exit | 太平門
thaepeng'viuterng | on the Pacific Ocean | 太平洋頂
thaepengkefng | morgue | 太平間
thaepengmngg | exit; exit in public buildings; especially those leading to fire escapes | 太平門
thaepengsvoaf | peaceful mountain | 太平山
thaepeqciuo | sorghum liquor | 太白酒
thaepeqhurn | potato powder; cornstarch | 太白粉
thaepør | a very high official in ancient China; juvenile delinquents | 太保
thaesafn | famous mountain in Shan-tung; father-in-law (wife's father); Tarzan | 泰山
thaeserngkiofng | | 太聖宮
thaesex | extremely small or to small | 太小
thaesim | excessive; excessively; too much | 太甚
thaesioxnghoong | father of the emperor | 太上皇
thaesioxngnofkwn | | 太上老君
thaesiuo | the magistrate of a prefecture; procurator; viceroy | 太守
thaesoex | star god presiding over the year | 太歲
thaetao | a leading authority; master; father | 泰斗
thaethaix | wife; Mrs; madame; respectful title for a women; Mrs.; wife | 太太
thaetngg | too long | 太長
thaeto | attitude | 態度
thaevoax | extremely late or too late | 太晚
thaey | imperial physician | 太醫
thaeym | the moon | 太陰
thaezar | very early or earlier than is necessary | 太早
thaezhof | in the beginning; the beginning of all things | 太初
thaezor | first founder of dynasty; first emperor of a dynasty; earliest ancestor of a clan | 太祖
thaezuo | sons of a king; prince | 王子; 太子
thaezø | weft (a joking expression connoting the dominating position of a wife in the family) | 太座
thaf | he; him; other; another; she; her; it; that | 他; 她; 它
thafkhøx | octopus | 章魚
thafm siawli | covetous of small gains | 貪小利
thafm | covet, covetous | 貪; 垂涎
thafm`zhutkhix | awning or porch projects over a street | 探出去
thafn | open and spread out (for sale); apportion; divide amongst; distribute; a stall or mat on which goods are displayed for sale | 攤
thafn'ar | a rug; carpet; blanket | 毯仔; 毯子
thafnchiaa | oblique, angling | 坦斜; 傾斜
thafnchiøx | lying with face upwards; inverted or turned upside down with the concave side up | 仰臥; 坦笑
thafnchyn | show partiality to relatives, practise nepotism | 趁親; 拉親戚關係
thafng iar mxthafng | may or may not? Is it allowable? May it be done? May I? | 可以無可以
thafng zøx zhamkhør | assist further investigation | 以資參考
thafng | window; shutter | 窗; 通; 可以
thafng'afkafm | tankan (orange) | 窗仔框; 桶仔柑; 桶柑
thafng'afkhao | window | 窗仔口
thafng'afkhefng | window frame | 窗仔框
thafng'aflai | bottom of the bucket | 桶仔內
thafng'aftea | bottom of the bucket | 桶仔底
thafng'ar | bucket; barrel; tub; pail; bucket; pail a keg; a barrel | 桶仔
thafnggoa | be eliminated from the basket (e.g., rotten fruit) ─ omit, be left out, count for nothing | 被淘汰, 不中用之人
thafngkafm | tankan (orange) | 桶柑; 桶橘(蜜橘)
thafngkex | stretcher (for the sick or wounded) | 擔架
thafngkhof | barrel hoop | 桶箍
thafngkied | small sour tangerine | 桶桔; 桶橘(蜜橘)
thafngkoax | bucket cover | 桶蓋
thafngkvii | barrel rim | 桶緣
thafngkvoa | bucket handle | 桶捾
thafngpvoaa | tray | 托盤; 桶盤; 請客用的大盤子
thafngsurn | barrel bamboo | 桶筍
thafngtøea | barrel bottom | 桶底
thafnhefng | topless | 袒胸
thafnho | shield; predilection; to shield or protect; give improper protection to; to side with; be partial | 袒護
thafnhvoaai | thwart; crosswise | 橫放; 坦橫; 橫的
thafnhvoaisvef | transverse position presentation (obstetrics) | 坦橫生; 難產
thafnhvuii | horizontal | 坦橫
thafnjieen | self-possessed; calm; peaceful in mind; fearless; fully at ease | 坦然
thafnkhab | invert so as to have the face or concave side down | 伏臥
thafnkheg | military tank | 坦克
thafnkhia | perpendicular | 直立; 坦徛; 垂直的
thafnkhiaf | perpendicular, upright | 直立
thafnkhisyn | turning sideways to get through a narrow passage or to pass another on a narrow road | 坦攲身
thafnkhy | oblique; lying over; slanting; placed sideways or on the side; listing to one side | 坦攲; 坦敧; 側身; 歪斜; 傾斜
thafnlieen | frankly | 坦然
thafnpeh | honest; frank; make a confession | 坦白
thafnpek | frank; honest; tell the truth | 坦白
thafnpeqkorng | to be honest | 坦白講
thafnphag | turned with face down; inverted so as to have the bowl or cup concave side down; inverted position | 顛倒; 坦覆; 覆臥; 俯臥
thafnpvee | lying level (e.g.; on the ground); open and level | 坦平
thafnpvie | flatten | 坦扁
thafnpvii | lying level (e.g.; on the ground); open and level | 坦平
thafnpvy syn | in profile | 側面
thafnpvy | sideways; in profile | 旁邊; 側面
thafnsud | frank, candid, open, outspoken | 坦述; 坦率
thafnsut | candid; frankly speaking | 坦述
thafntit | laid or lying straight; lengthwise | 直的
thafntong | contented and composed; straight-out | 坦蕩
thafntoo | a level road, a bright future | 坦途
thafntør | lying level; having formerly been upright | 仰臥
thafnzhoah | awry, crooked | 傾歪; 曲.斜
thafnzhw | tilt; incline; slope; slant | 傾斜
thag'oaan | finish reading; finish studying | 讀完
thag'u | read | 讀有
thagbøo | unable to read | 讀無
thaghoad | pronunciation; pronunciation (of a word); ways of reading; studying | 讀法
thagkhie | to start school, to begin to read or study. | 讀起; 上課
thagkhøx | attend a lesson, read a lesson | 讀課
thagkoex | have studied; have the experience of reading | 讀過
thagliao | finish reading | 讀了
thagsek | study thoroughly | 讀熟
thagsiar | read and write | 讀寫
thagsoaq | done with reading | 讀煞
thagsyzheq | study by rote | 讀死冊
thagthak | read; study | 讀讀
thagthaux | read completely | 讀透
thagtiøh | have studied; have the experience of reading | 讀過
thagzheh'aq | study | 讀冊矣
thagzhehcvii | tuition | 讀冊錢
thagzhehhoe | reading session | 讀冊會
thagzhehlaang | scholar; an intellectual; literati | 讀書人
thagzhehpaang | study room | 讀書房
thagzhehthviaf | study room | 讀書廳
thagzhehtøh'ar | desk | 書冊桌仔
thagzhehtøq | desk | 讀冊桌
thagzheq | to study | 讀冊; 讀書
thagzheq-laang | literate person | 讀冊人; 讀書人
thagzheq-paang | study | 讀冊書房
thagzhud | read out | 讀出
thagzw | to study | 讀書
thagzw-laang | literate person | 讀書人
thagzw-paang | study | 讀冊房; 書房
thagzøx | read as | 讀做
thah ti tefngbin | placed on top of another object | 疊在上面
thah | pile up; repeat; pile things one on top of another; build up a house one story higher; laid or put on in addition | 疊
thah'ui | location of the tower | 塔位
thahbie | buy rice with containers during the old days in Taiwan | 塔米
thahiofng | another countryside; other or strange lands; lands away from home | 他鄉
thahofng | another region; the other party | 他方
thahterng | the top of a pagoda or tower | 塔頂
thai | an attitude; a position; a manner; to treat; entertain; await; wait for | 態; 待
thai'ar | griddle; screen; screener; sieve; sifter | 篩仔; 篩子
thai'in | be pregnant | 胎孕
thai'ui bøcviax | Transverse Position Presentation (obstetrics) | 胎位無正
thai'ui | position of child in the womb | 胎位
thai'y | amnion, fetal sac | 胎依; 胎衣; 羊膜
thaibahtviuu | chop shop | 宰肉場
thaibie | sift rice | 篩米
thaicin | annihilate, wipe out | 殺盡
thaiguu | kill an ox, kill a cow, kill a bull | 殺牛; 待遇
thaihoea | the reddish color of the face of a baby just after birth | 胎火 (嬰兒出生後臉紅紅的)
thaihofng | typhoon; hurricane | 颱風
thaihøea | the reddish color of the face of a baby just after birth | 胎火; (嬰兒出生後臉紅紅的)
thaijii | fetus; embryo | 胎兒
thaikaux | prenatal instruction; the prenatal (antenatal) care given an unborn child through attention of a pregnant woman to her own mental health | 胎教
thaikef nar tiøh eng gutøf | Why use a cattle knife to kill a chicken? ─ Great talent can be used for better purpose or for greater results | 殺雞焉用牛刀
thaikef-karkaau | teach lesson | 刣雞教猴
thaikekarkaau | teach lesson | 刣雞教猴
thaikex | reduce prices; cut price to or below cost | 殺價
thaikhie | to lift up | 提起; 抬起
thaikii | gestation period, period of pregnancy | 胎期
thaikix | birthmark | 胎痣; 胎記
thaikoaan tengkix | registration of a loan | 抵押權登記
thaikoaan | rights of a creditor or mortgagor | 削權; 抵押權
thaikoekarkaau | teach lesson | 刣雞教猴
thaikoex | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
thaikuo | extol, exalt, say too good or someone | 提舉; 抬舉
thaikøef kax kaau | kill a fowl as a warning to monkey ─ make an example of a man | 殺雞儆猴
thaikøf | to raise, to boost | 提高; 抬高
thailaai-thaikhix | armies in battle; men in single combat fight with each other | 殺來殺去
thailaang poemia | pay damages; make reparations for killing a man | 殺人賠命
thailaang | homicide; murder | 殺人
thailai | intrafetal | 胎內
thailangparnghoea | killing and robbing | 刣人放火
thailiao | killed | 刣了
thailiawliao | killed all | 刣了了
thaimoo | intrafetal | 胎內
thaipvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thaisea | sieve wash | 篩洗
thaisefng toxngbut | viviparous animals | 胎生動物
thaisefng | viviparous | 胎生
thaisenghak | embryology | 胎生學
thaisie | kill; fetch; put to death; to kill with a knife | 殺死; 刣死
thaisiin | guardian spirit of unborn child | 胎神
thaisoa'ar | sift sand | 篩砂仔
thaisoarn | filter | 篩選
thaisw | lose the bell; be defeated in battle | 殺輸; 戰敗
thaisylaang | kill a person with a knife or sword | 殺死人
thaitao | sieve | 篩斗
thaithaau | decollation; decollate; behead; cut of a person's head; dismiss; to fire | 殺頭; 刣頭; 撤職
thaithiøo | to raise one's head | 抬頭
thaiti'ar | butcher | 宰豬的, 屠夫
thaitiau | killed | 刣掉
thaitiee | butcher | 宰豬的, 屠夫
thaitiøqsiofng | to wound with a knife or sword | 殺受傷; 割傷
thaitok | congenital disease; hereditary disease | 胎毒
thaity | slaughter a pig | 殺豬
thaity-tøfviuu | have pigs and goats killed in great numbers for sacrificial offerings or great festivals | 殺豬屠羊
thaity`ee | butcher | 殺豬的
thaitør | cut someone down | 殺倒
thaiviaa | overcome; conquest; victory; conquer; conquer in battle | 殺贏; 戰勝
thaix aan | too tight | 太緊
thaix voax | too late | 太晚
thaix zar | too early | 太早
thaix zøe | too many; too much; great number or quantity | 太多
thaix | excessive; excessively; too.. | 太
thaix-bø'eeng | too busy | 太無閒
thaix-chym | much too; far too | 太深
thaix-cviar | too thin (taste) | 太汫; 太淡
thaix-kuix | too expensive | 太貴
thaix-køex | excess, exorbitant, excessively | 太過
thaix-toa | too large, too big | 太大
thaix-zar | too early | 太早
thaixbeng | await orders | 待命
thaixgu ee zhapiet | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
thaixgu | treatment; deal; treatment; dealing; reception; pay | 待遇
thaixji ketiofng | not betrothed yet (said of a young woman) | 待字閨中
thaixjiin ciapbut | the way one treats people; one's personality | 待人接物
thaixjiin jukie | treat others as yourself | 待人如己
thaixjiin | attitude towards others | 待人
thaixkheq putciutøx | treat a visitor improperly | 待客無周到
thaixkheq | receive guests; entertain guests | 待客
thaixpor | make an arrest | 逮捕
thaixsiok | to be continued | 待續
thaixto | attitude; manner; demeanor | 態度
thajit | some other day | 他日
thak mxcviaa zheq | make little progress in studies owing to hindrances; go to school but not graduate; not study diligently | 讀無成冊; 讀不成書
thak mxtiøh | mispronounce (a word) | 讀錯
thak syzheq | to read books character by character without understanding the meaning | 讀死冊
thak zeabuun | read sacrificial prayers | 讀祭文
thak | read aloud; recite; read silently; to attend school; read; to study | 讀
thak-bøo zheq | not making progress in study | 讀無成冊
thak-hof sek | read until one can recite from memory | 讀熟
thak-kaq sek | read until one can recite from memory | 讀熟
thak-thaothaux | to read right through | 讀遍了
thaksngrpvoaa | caculated move | 擉算盤
tham | somewhat concave (e.g.; a hand net; the bottom of chair long used) | 凹; 窞; 陷; 下墜
tham'aix zaibut | covet and love wealth | 貪愛財物
tham'aix | to be fond of; to long for; to desire | 貪愛
tham'ar | a pool in a stream; a small lake or pond | 潭仔; 小潭
tham'iim hvorseg | debauched; viciously sensual | 貪淫好色
tham'iok | covet; covetousness; greed; avarice | 貪慾
tham'oo | sputum pot; spittoon | 痰壺; 痰盂
tham'uo | corruption | 貪汙
tham'ux togcid | officials corrupt and negligent of one's duties | 貪污瀆職
tham'ux | corrupt; corruption; graft; avaricious | 貪污
tham'ux`ee | venal | 貪污的
tham'w | (political; moral) corruption | 貪污
thambee | ensnared by vicious desire | 貪迷
thambiin | covetous of sleep | 貪睡
thamciah | hog it; greediness; engorge; gluttonous; eat priggish; voracious; eager for food; crave food | 貪吃; 貪食
thamcvii | covet money | 貪錢
thamgoa | outside of the pond | 潭外
thamhoef | canna (flower) | 塘花; 曇花
thamhuo | corruption | 貪腐
thamkhud | lake, pond | 塘窩; 潭窟
thamkhuxn | covetous of sleep | 貪睡
thamkiuu | to desire or long for (usually more than one's rightful share) | 貪求
thamkoaxn | spittoon | 痰罐
thamkvoaf | corrupt officials; malfeasant | 貪官
thamkvoaf-uoli | avaricious government officials and grasping underlings; corrupt officials | 貪官污吏
thamkvoauoli | corrupt officials | 貪官汙吏
thamlaam | covet | 貪圖; 貪婪
thamli | keen for gain; avaricious | 貪利
thamliam | greed | 貪念
thamlin | covetous; avaricious | 貪吝
thamloaan | to desire or long for (usually women); to hanker after or dote on improper things; unwilling to part with something one loves | 貪戀
thamloan | crazy, idoiotic | 貪亂; 發狂
thamnoa | mucus and phlegm; spittle | 濃痰; 痰瀾
thampan'gii | have a strong desire for (usually very small) gains (often at the expense of quality or at the price of big losses) | 貪便宜
thampoef | sputum cup | 痰杯
thamsaux | cough | 痰嗽
thamsefng phvarsuo | clinging to life; cowardly; cowardice | 貪生怕死
thamseg | given to sexual indulgence; have a weakness for women; lewd; lustful | 貪色
thamsexng | greedy | 貪性
thamsiao-sittai | be tempted by small gains and suffer a big loss; win battles but lose the war | 貪小失大
thamsym | cupidity; greed; covetous; greedy | 貪心
thamtea | bottom | 潭底
thamthaau | thrust one's head forward so as to see or hear better; take (something) more | 伸頭; 多拿
thamthøf | gluttonous; rapacious; covetous; greedy (Catholic) | 貪饕
thamtiofng | in the pond | 潭中
thamtiøh | greed | 貪著
thamtoo | to covert; to desire or long for; be greedy of; seek after; to scheme for; covet; to plot; intrigue to get | 貪圖
thamzaai haixbeng | to kill for money; commit murder for money; to lose one's life through the pursuit of wealth | 貪財害命
thamzaai | avarice; avaricious; covetous for wealth; avaricious | 貪財
thamzexng | embezzlement | 貪贓
thamzofng ofnghoad | take bribes and pervert justice | 貪贓枉法
thamzuie | pond water | 潭水
thamzuo | a city in Taichung County | 潭子
thamzøe | greedy for more | 貪多
thang | buoy, float | 浮標; 筩
thang'afcie | perpendicular bars in a window; for keeping out thieves | 窗骨架
thang'afgoa | outside the window | 窗仔外
thang'afkhaf | under a window | 窗仔腳; 窗下
thang'afkhao | ticket window | 窗仔口; 窗口
thang'afkhefng | window frame | 窗仔間; 窗仔框; 窗框
thang'aflai | inside the window | 窗仔內
thang'aflieen | window curtain | 窗仔簾; 窗簾
thang'aflii | curtain | 窗仔簾
thang'afmngg | window | 窗戶門; 窗仔門
thang'afmnggoa | outside the window | 窗仔門外
thang'afmngkhefng | window frames | 窗戶仔框
thang'afmngpvy | window side | 窗仔門邊
thang'afphang | window seam | 窗仔縫
thang'afpox | window curtain | 窗仔布; 窗簾
thang'afpvy | window side | 窗仔邊
thang'afzeeng | in the front of the window | 窗仔前
thang'ar | window; window | 窗仔
thang'iuu | oil of paulownia seed | 桐油
thanggoa | outside the window | 窗外
thanghai | damage to farm crops caused by pests; damage from insects; plague of insects | 蟲害
thanghofng | ventilation; airiness; fanning; well-aired; (house) having plenty fresh air | 通風
thanghør | in order to, to | 通好; 才可
thangkhafng | wormholes | 蟲空
thangkhud | wormholes | 蟲窟
thangkngf | transparent; transparency; clarity; fully understanding a matter; well lighted (house); transparent; limpid; pellucid; lucid; clear | 透明; 通光; 靈通; 光線好
thangkviaf | horrify | 通驚; 可驚
thanglaai | in order to | 通好; 以便
thanglui | worm; bug; insect; insects or reptiles; as a species | 蟲類
thangpvy | window side | 窗邊
thangsixn | credible, believable | 通信; 可信
thangsviaf | bug sound | 蟲聲
thangthoa | insects; worms; caterpillars | 蟲豸; 昆蟲
thangtid | allowed to | 通得
thanhoaan | to repay in installments | 攤還
thanhoan | stall-keeper; pitchman; street-vendor | 攤販
thanthoarn | palsy; paralysis | 癱瘓
thao cidee khuix | relax (as taking a break from hard work); let out one's anger (as complaining) | 鬆一口氣; 透一口氣
thao tiongkhuix | relieve depression | 敨中氣
thao | through; to pass through; ventilate | 通; 敨; 解; 透
thao øetoax | loosen the shoe strings | 解鞋帶
thao'ar | person who communicate enemy secretly | 解仔; 密通
thao'axm | same night; that very night; all night | 連夜
thao-bøe khie`laai | unable to untie | 解無開
thao-bøexkhuy | cannot loosen or untie it; cannot settle (a dispute) | 解無開
thao`khuy | open | 敨開
thaoaxm | whole night | 透暗
thaobea | to the end | 透尾
thaobeeng | trasparent; transparency; clarity | 透明
thaobengthea | transparent body | 透明體
thaoboea | to the end | 透尾
thaobøea | end; be completed | 透尾; 到終
thaocy | overdraw; spend more than the budgeted fund | 透支
thaoho | through the rain; to brave the rain | 透雨; 冒雨
thaohofng | the wind is blowing | 颳風; 透風; 刮風
thaohongthay | typhoon | 透風颱
thaohut'hud | windy | 透拂拂
thaojiet | pervious to heat | 透熱
thaojip | to penetrate | 透入
thaojit | all day long | 終日; 透日; 整天; 整日
thaokaux | go through to, lead to | 透到; 通到
thaokhix | to let air in or out | 透氣
thaokhuix | to let air in or ou | 透氣
thaokinzhoarnkud | freezing to the tendon and muscle | 透筋竄骨
thaokngf | transparent; let the light pass through | 透光
thaokoex køanhe | play up to somebody with power | 透過關係; (經由特權管道介紹)
thaokud | piercing of (cold); bone chilling; penetrate to the bones | 透骨
thaokviasviaa | spread to capital of country | 透京城
thaokviax | lenses | 透鏡
thaokøex | hole made all the way through; as a hole; pierce or pass quite through | 透過
thaolaau | rapids | 透流
thaolau | leak out; disclose; reveal | 透漏; 透露
thaolaxmtiøh | mixed | 透濫著
thaolit | whole day | 透日
thaolo | leak out; disclose; reveal; unrip; divulge; reveal; let out; leak out | 透露
thaomee | in dead of night; whole night | 漏夜; 整晚
thaomii | in the night; at that night | 連夜; 透暝; 整晚
thaonii | annual; yearly; throughout year | 全年; 透年; 整年
thaopof | entire half-day kerchief, turban | 透甫; 整個半天
thaosi | to use a fluoroscope; fluoroscopy; second light; clairvoyance; perceive by second light; to see through; to have an X-ray taken; perspective; see through; to fluoroscope; to observe what is behind a solid covering (by X-ray) | 透視
thaosielaang | all; throughout one's life | 透世人; 一生
thaosimliaang | penetrating coolness (said of cold drinks) | 透心涼
thaosixky | fluoroscope | 透視機
thaosixlek | clairvoyance | 透視力
thaotea | to the bottom | 透底
thaothaux | thorough; penetrating | 透透; 透徹
thaothied | inside out; outside in; penetrability; penetrating; thorough | 透徹
thaothiw | neritic squid | 透抽
thaothvizhux | a residential building that belong to the same household- unlike condo | 透天厝
thaothvy | through the sky (used to describe a building solely owned by one famil) | 透天
thaotiongtaux | high noon | 透中晝
thaotoaxhofng | strong wind | 透大風
thaotoea | thoroughly | 透底
thaotøea | to the utmost extreme; to the very bottom; never | 徹底; 透底; 從來
thaozafsi'ar | dawn | 透早時仔
thaozar | eraly morning; early morning; very early in the morning | 透早; 清早
thaozar-thao'axm | early in the morning and late in the evening | 清晨夙夜; 朝夕
thaozhud | extend out to (road, passageway, etc.) | 滲出
thaozud | extend out to (road, passageway, etc.) | 透出
thaozuie | pour water into another liquid; to mix in water | 攙水; 摻水
thap'ham | dent | 塌陷
thap'øf | cave | 塌窩
thapbak | sunken eyes | 塌目; 凹眼
thapcvii | make up the money to meet the needs | 補錢
thapgiah | fill a position as a substitute; make up for loss of money or damage of goods | 補缺; (額)頂缺
thapkhaf | fill a vacancy | 塌跤
thapkhafng | fill the hole | 塌空
thaplaai-thapkhix | arrange things well in packing; so as to fit well into each other and take up as little room as possible; cut cloth carefully so that there is no waste; by arranging the patterns to fit well; to rob Peter to pay Paul | 補來補去; 東挪西借
thapphang | fill the hole | 塌縫
thappurn | make up the money for the needed capital | 補本
thapthab | concave, sunken | 凹凹; 塌的
thaptor | concave or depressed panel | 塞肚
thaq | a pagoda; a tower; a lighthouse; tower; pagoda; spire; lighthouse; tall building with a pointed top | 塔
thaqkex | scaffolding | 疊架
thaqkoaan | stack | 疊高
thaqkoex | overlap | 疊過
thaqlaau | build a story higher | 疊樓
thaqlauar | build a story higher | 蓋樓房
thaqsit | well-knit | 紮實; 疊實
thaqthah | superposition; to pile up | 疊疊
tharhea | stir the flame | 挓火
tharhoea | stir the fire | 挓火
tharhøea | stir a fire | 炒火; 挓火; 通火
tharkhuy | push away; push things apart with a pole | 撥開; 攪開
tharm | a rug; a carpet; a blanket | 毯
tharm'ar | scout; spy; detective | 探仔
tharm'oaan | detective | 探員
tharm'viaa | visit a military camp, spy on a camp | 探營
tharmbea | mounted scout; spy | 探馬
tharmbeeng | to ferret out | 探明
tharmbong | to visit | 探望; 探墓; 省墓
tharmboxngzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmboxzhux | exploring the tomb | 探墓厝
tharmbun | inquiry; to inquire about or after | 探問
tharmchyn | visit one's relatives | 探親
tharmciaotefng | searchlight | 探照燈
tharmhiafmkaf | explorer; adventurer | 探險家
tharmhiafmtui | expedition team; exploration party | 探險隊
tharmhiarm | to undertake an exploratory trip; exploration; explore; set out on an adventure+E26673 | 探險
tharmhiarm-kaf | explorer | 探險家
tharmhoef | detective | 探花
tharmhorng | to investigate; visit; inquire about; pick up information | 探訪
tharmkhvoarbai | seeking out | 探探看
tharmkhvoax | investigate | 探看; 查看
tharmkiuu | to seek; hunting | 探求
tharmkiux | explore | 探究
tharmkvaf | visit a prisoner | 探監
tharmlo | pathfinding | 探路
tharmloong zhwbut | as easy as taking things out of one's own pocket | 探曩取物
tharmmng | inquire about; pick up information | 探問
tharmpaang | marriage custom in which the younger brother of the bride goes to the bridal chamber on the third day to call on and inquire about his older sister | 探房; (新娘過門後第三日; 其弟到姊姊房中探問)
tharmpvi | visit the sick | 探病
tharmsiim | explore | 探尋
tharmsofng | inquire about mourning ceremonies; condole with someone on his bereavement | 弔喪
tharmsuun | to inquire about | 探尋; 探詢
tharmsøq | to explore, exploration | 探索
tharmthaau | thrust one's head forward so as to see or hear better; drop in; visit | 伸頭; 探頭; 伸頭探看; 拜訪
tharmthviacide | snoop | 探聽一下
tharmthviaf hisit | verify the facts by inquiry | 打聽虛實
tharmthviaf | to investigate secretly; to try to find out; snoop; inquire about; pick up information; make inquiries about something; usually somewhat secretly; investigate secretly | 探聽; 打聽
tharmthør | to study; explore | 探討
tharmzaf | spy out, find out | 探查
tharmzefng | probe; burrow into | 探偵; 偵探; 探查
tharmzheg | to probe, to survey | 探測
tharmzhekkhix | detector | 探測器
tharn | wide and smooth; level; even; open; self-possessed; calm; composed; peaceful | 坦
tharn'ee | earned | 趁的
tharn'eeng | take advantage of leisure time | 賺閒; 趁閒
tharn'gox | tango | 探戈; 源自日語タンゴ(tango)
tharn'u | made money | 趁有
tharn'viu | follow an example | 探樣; 循例
tharnbextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 能力不夠所以沒辦法賺人家的錢
tharnbøextør | does not have the ability or faculty to make money to full potential | 賺未倒
tharnbøo | earned nothing | 趁無
tharnciah | livelihood; earn living; earn one's food | 賺食; 趁食; (賺錢); 謀生; 工作; 營生
tharnciah-zabor | prostitute | 賺食查某; 妓女
tharnciaqkefng | brothel | 趁食間
tharnciaqkeng'ar | brothel | 趁食間仔
tharnciaqlaang | man who lives just on what he earns; a man who earns just enough to support himself | 賺食人; 趁食人; 工人
tharnciaqpo | mechanism of making money | 賺食步
tharnciaqtøea | prostitute background | 賺食底
tharnciaqzabor | prostitute | 趁食查某
tharncidsii | making money for a moment | 賺一時
tharncitsii | making money for this moment | 賺這時
tharncvii | earn money by work; business | 賺錢
tharng | be eliminated from the basket (e.g.; rotten fruit) ─ omit; be left out; count for nothing | 被淘汰; 桶; 無中用之人
tharnghae | straight to the ocean | 迵海
tharngkaux | lead through to | 透夠; 通到
tharngkhix | straight through | 迵去
tharngkoex | straight | 迵過
tharngkøex | hole made all the way through; as a hole; pierce or pass quite through | 透過; 迵過
tharngoan | appeal, entrust, petition | 透願; 歎願
tharngsym | penetrate to heart | 透心
tharngthviax | ache; pain; be in pain; to ache; feel pain; grieved; distressed; miserable | 疼痛; 痛疼
tharngthvy | pass through to the sky | 透天
tharnguo-suu | Interjection | 嘆氣詞
tharnhoax | to carbonize, to carbonate, carbonization | 碳化; 炭化
tharnkhix | carbonic acid gas; to sigh | 歎氣; 碳氣; 嘆氣
tharnkhuix | groan; sigh; suspire | 嘆氣
tharnkngx | carbon steel | 碳鋼
tharnkoafar | make some | 趁寡仔
tharnlaang | follow others; imitate others | 趁人
tharnlauzuie | take advantage of the flowing water | 趁流水
tharnsaikhiaf | make money for personal usage | 趁私奇
tharnseg | to exclaim; sigh; groan | 嘆息
tharnsex | take advantage of favorable circumstances | 趁勢
tharnsii | make use of the time, take an advantage of an opportunity | 趁時
tharnsiofng | to lament; mawkishness | 嘆傷
tharnsiøf ciah | eat while the food is still hot | 趁熱吃
tharnsiøf lym | drink while (the tea; soup) is hot | 趁熱喝
tharnsiøf | when it is hot or warm; before it's too late; eat while the food is still hot; before it gets cold; get'em while they're hot | 趁熱; 趁燒
tharnsiøq | to pity, to regret | 嘆息; 嘆惜
tharnsngf | carbonic acid | 碳酸
tharnsoafn | carbonic acid | 碳酸
tharnsuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
tharnsuu | an interjection (in grammar) | 歎詞; 嘆詞
tharnthioxng | rejoice to soon; be feel let down | 賺暢; 空歡喜; 白高興
tharntiøh | earned | 趁著
tharntoaxcvii | make a fortune | 趁大錢
tharnviu | imitate an example or model | 仿傚; 照樣
tharnzar | as early or as soon as possible | 趁早
tharoar | pull thing near to stick | 粘倚; 堆起
thasad | homicide (as opposed to suicide) | 他殺
that'ar | a stopper; cork stopper | 塞仔; 窒仔; 塞子
thatbat | stop up tight | 塞密; 塞緊
thatchiaf | traffic jam | 塞車; 窒車
thatgai | hindrance, stumbling-block | 塞礙; 阻礙
thatgiah | act as temporary substitute, supply a deficiency | 塞額; 頂缺
thatjip | kick in | 窒入
thatkhaciøh | stumbling stone | 塞腳石; 絆腳石
thatkhafng | stop up a hole; block up a hole | 塞洞
thatkhuix | choke; suffocation; strangulate | 窒息
thatkhuy | kick upon (a door); kick (something) out of the way | 踢開
thatkierncie | kick the shuttlecock | 踢毽子
thatkiuu | kick ball; punting; play football | 踢球
thatkoex | kicked | 踢過
thatlau | stop a leak; to caulk | 塞漏
thatlo | block the road | 堵路; 塞路
thatphoax | kick through | 踢破
thatphvi | stuffing nose | 窒鼻
thatsie | to kick to death | 踢死
thatsylaang | to kick to death; to kill by kicking | 踢死人
thatthad tvi | crowded | 爆滿; 擠滿
thatthattvi | stuff full | 窒窒滇
thattiaau | stocked; choked | 窒牢
thattiøh | stumble over; to kick | 踢到
thattng | to block (a road) | 堵斷
thattøfkef | so many on the street | 窒倒街
thattøfkoef | so many on the street | 窒倒街
thattør kef | glut on the market; numerous; rife; everywhere | 多的是; 充斥
thattør | to kick over | 踢倒
thatzhuiekhafng | fill mouse with snacks | 窒喙空
thatzhuix | shut one's mouth, let stop talking, let one unable to talk or demand | 堵喙; 塞住嘴
thau bixnthaang | eliminate intestinal parasites with medicine | 驅蛔蟲
thau niawchie | to poison rats | 毒殺鳥鼠
thau | to poison | 毒
thau'ar | the first; just now; a moment ago | 頭仔; 剛才
thau'iab | take stealthily and conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 偷掩; 掩藏
thau'og | a city in Miaoli County | 頭屋
thau'ui | chief seat | 頭位
thau`sie | kill by poison | 毒死
thau`tiøh | be poisoned | 毒到
thaubagciao | chief bird | 頭目鳥
thaubak | a chief; a leader; chief; headman | 頭目
thaubarn | steal by picking from the tree | 偷挽; 偷摘
thaubii | to peep | 偷窺
thaubin | facial expression, in front, head of a line | 頭面; 面子
thaubixnterng | on top of head | 頭面頂
thauboea | beginning and end; first and last | 頭尾; 始終
thaubøea | head and tail; beginning and end; total | 頭尾; 前後
thauchid | seven days after death | 頭七
thauchihchiq | head down | 頭𩑾𩑾
thauchiuo | 1st hand | 頭手
thauchiuo`ee | the head man of several workmen on a job; foreman | 第一手; 頭手
thauchiøx | laugh secretly, ridicule, sneer at | 偷笑
thauciah | eat clandestinely; steal and eat at once | 偷吃; 偷食
thauciam'ar | hairpin | 頭簪仔; 頭釵
thauciaqpo | cheat; cheating; perverse ways; ways which are not normally or ordinarily followed; artful device; trap | 偷食步; 詭計; 不當方法
thaucid | first ~ | 頭一
thaucidpae | the first time | 頭一次
thauciorng | first prize | 頭獎
thaucviu | be the first-born child | 頭匠; 生頭胎; 頭一胎
thaucviuar | first born child | 頭一胎
thaugee | first worship of earth god on Jan.2 (lunar calendar) | 頭牙; (農曆正月二日; 祭拜土地公)
thauhaam | the official title of a person; honor | 頭銜
thauhiah | forehead | 額頭; 頭額; 前額
thauhiin bag'axm | dizzy head and dimmed vision | 頭昏眼花
thauhiin | be dizzy | 頭眩
thauhinbag'axm | dizzy | 頭眩目暗
thauhinhiin | dizzy | 頭眩眩
thauhofng | headache | 頭荒 [*]
thauhviaf | leader | 頭兄
thauhviw | the first person to offer incense (put joss stick in the incense pot) at the beginning of a ceremony | 頭香
thauhø sinbuun | headline news; lead story in a paper | 頭號新聞
thauhø | number one; leading; the best; the largest; first quality or sort; first signal or mark | 頭號
thauiab | take stealthily and conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 偷揜
thaukae | correct secretly | 偷改
thaukafng kiafmliau | do less work and use less or inferior materials than agreed up upon (especially in a building job); to jerry build | 偷工減料
thaukafng | to skimp on work | 偷工
thaukaux | in the beginning | 頭到
thaukaxke'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkear | fidelity | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkoe'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkoear | fidelity | 偷咬雞仔
thaukef | shopkeeper; boss; the head of a firm; shop or family; one's husband | 老闆; 頭家
thaukelaang | boss | 頭家人
thaukeniuu | wife of the boss | 老闆娘; 頭家娘
thaukeniuu`hvoq | are you boss's wife? | 頭家娘乎
thaukhafn | steal (a cow or horse) | 偷牽
thaukhag chihchiq | keeping the head bent down | 低頭
thaukhag hiin | slight headache; dizziness | 頭暈
thaukhag lelee | the head is bent down | 低頭
thaukhag tang | head feeling heavy and sick | 頭重
thaukhag teng | robust and vigorous (child); a child's robust state of health; conferred through the protective care of the idols | 健康聰明; (祝賀詞)
thaukhag thviax cidpeeng | migraine headache | 偏頭痛
thaukhag thviax | headache | 頭痛
thaukhag tørlwn | draw in one's head (like a turtle) | 頭倒縮
thaukhag | skull; the head (anatomy) | 頭殼; 腦袋; 頭,
thaukhag-terng | on the top of one's head; above the head | 頭頂上
thaukhahtoaxsyn | put the cart before the horse | 頭較大身
thaukhak'heeng | head shape | 頭殼型
thaukhak'hiaqar | forehead | 頭殼額仔
thaukhak'voafkud | skull | 頭殼碗骨
thaukhak'voar phoax`khix | skull fracture | 頭蓋碗破去
thaukhak'voar | skull; cranium | 頭蓋骨; 頭殼碗
thaukhakboefterng | on top of head | 頭殼尾頂
thaukhakhiaqar | forehead | 頭殼額仔
thaukhakkud | skull | 頭殼骨
thaukhaklai | In the head | 頭殼內
thaukhakphoee | scalp | 頭殼皮
thaukhakphøee | scalp | 頭殼皮; 頭皮
thaukhaksym | the central point of the head; from which the hair radiates | 頭殼心; 腦心
thaukhaktea | in the head | 頭殼底
thaukhakterng | on top of head | 頭殼頂
thaukhakthviax | headache | 頭殼疼
thaukhakzhea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhoea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhøea | brain | 腦殼髓; 頭殼髓; 腦子
thaukharm | first; primary; foremost | 頭嵌; 第一
thaukhiøhsai'ar | first disciple; the head disciple | 頭拾師仔; 大徒弟仔
thaukhiøq | pick up secretly | 偷撿
thaukhngx | put secretly; possess secretly | 私藏; 偷放置
thaukhoef | safety helmet | 頭盔
thaukhog | big forehead | 頭酷
thaukhuie | to peep | 偷窺
thaukhuxn | sleep while in duty, sleep by stealth | 偷睏; 偷睡
thaukhuy | open (a jewel box; safe; suitcase; door) stealthily | 偷開; 偷拆
thaukhvoax | peek; peek at; to peep; to look stealthily or secretly | 偷看
thaukhysefng | just now; a moment ago | 頭起先; 剛才
thaukhyzhof | in the beginning | 頭起初
thaukii | win championship | 頭旗; 爭第一
thaukikhoarn | 1st down payment | 頭期款
thaukinkiafmniuo | steal by providing less amount | 偷斤減兩
thaukorng | report secretly; secret report | 密報; 偷講
thaukwn | kerchief, turban | 頭巾
thaukyn | turban; kerchief; cloth worn by women on the head | 頭巾
thaulaai-armkhix | come and go secretly | 偷來暗去; 陳倉暗渡
thaulaang | head man | 首長; 頭人; 領袖
thaulai'armkhix | secret correspondence | 偷來暗去
thaulaiboefkhix | from head to tail- expose the whole story | 頭來尾去
thaulelee | dejected | 頭犁犁
thauliah | catch secretly; steal (a domestic animal); seize or catch secretly | 偷捉; 偷掠
thauliaxm | pinch (skin) secretly; to steal a little | 偷掐; 偷一點點
thaulo | job; employment; business; situation; a calling; an occupation | 頭路; 職業; 工作
thauluie | stolen base; base stealing; steal a base | 盜壘
thaulyloxtit | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩路直; 簡單; 省麻煩
thaulytidlo | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩直路; 簡單; 省麻煩
thaumiaa | the first on a list; the first rank or quality | 頭名; 頭一名
thaumng | enquire secretly | 頭髮; 偷問
thaumngbirn | hair brush | 頭髮刡; 梳子
thaumngg cinlafng | few hairs | 頭髮稀少
thaumngg larnglaxng | hairs in disorder; in a mess | 頭髮鬆亂
thaumngg lud-liawliao | become bald | 頭髮落了了
thaumngg pvoarpeh | hair gray; about half white | 頭髮半白
thaumngg | the hair of the head | 頭髮; 頭毛
thaumngg-iuu | hair cream, hair tonic, pomade | 頭髮油
thaumnggiap'ar | hair pin | 頭毛鋏仔
thaumnggveh'ar | hair pin | 頭毛鋏仔
thaumngheeng | hair style | 頭毛形
thaumngterng | top of hair | 頭毛頂
thaumngtiaxm | barber shop | 頭毛店
thaumngzhaix | a hair-like vegetable | 頭毛菜
thaumoboea | back part of hair | 頭髮尾
thaumof | hair on the head of a person | 頭毛
thaumoiuu | pomade; hair oil | 頭毛油
thaumoo chix høea | to rush into evident danger; throw an egg into the electric fan (Lit. see if fire will burn my hair) | 以髮試火; 跳進火坑
thaumoo sarmsaxm | hair disheveled | 頭髮散亂
thaumotiaxm | barber shop | 頭毛店
thaumozafng | hair | 頭毛鬃
thaumozhaix | edible hair-like seaweed | 頭毛菜
thaunao | brain; skull; mind | 頭腦
thaunii | 1st year | 頭年
thaunor | brain | 頭腦
thauny | steal some small thing; eat by stealth; a furtive snatch | 偷拈; 偷拿
thaupae | fist time, first occasion | 頭拜; 頭擺; 頭次
thaupafn | 1st schedule | 頭幫
thaupafng | the first train; bus | 頭班
thaupangchiaf | 1st bus schedule | 頭幫車
thauparn | front page | 頭版
thaupeh | wear a white clothe on the head (in deepest mourning for parents or superior) | 頭帛
thaupeqar | cap made of coarse white cloth; worn by relatives of the deceased at a funeral | 白蓋頭; (喪服)
thauphaang | mainsail | 頭帆; 主帆
thauphee | scalp | 頭皮
thauphoea'ar | 1st run | 頭杮仔
thauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 頭皮
thauphoefar | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭皮屑
thauphof | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭麩; 頭皮屑; 皮屑
thauphvy | 1st article | 頭篇
thauphøf | dandruff | 頭麩
thaupiexn | 1st time | 頭擺
thaupo | the part of head | 頭部; 頭步; 第一步
thaupurn | 1st book | 頭本
thausad | head louse | 頭蝨
thausefng | just now; a moment ago | 剛才; 頭先
thauseng'ee | in the front | 頭先的
thausiafm | to peep | 窺視
thausip | make a surprise attack, attack without warning | 偷襲
thausoef | comb hair | 頭梳
thausu | leads or clues; main clues; thread; clue to a matter; leads; clues; the point at which to make a start | 頭緒; 序言
thausuun | first ten days after death | 頭旬
thausve'ar | born fist of domestic fowl livestock | 頭生仔; 家禽家畜的頭胎仔
thausvef | give birth to a illegitimate child secretly | 偷生; 私生
thausvef`ee | illegitimate (child) | 私生的
thausvy | bar an illegitimate child | 偷生
thausvy`ee | illegitimate child | 偷生的
thautafng | 1st year | 頭冬
thautarmtaxm | head hanging down | 頭頕頕
thautefng'ui | 1st class | 頭等位
thautefngzhngf | 1st class | 頭等艙
thauterng | first class; the best quality; vertex | 頭頂; 頭等
thauterng`ee | the best; on vertex | 頭等的
thauthaai | slaughter secretly | 私宰
thauthai'ar | 1st born | 頭篩仔
thauthauar | secretly | 偷偷仔
thauthaw momof | stealthily; surreptitiously; do something secretly | 偷偷摸摸
thauthaw | secretly, in secret, by stealth | 偷偷
thauthaxm | spy on | 偷探; 窺探
thauthay | first pregnancy, first child | 頭胎
thauthef | first born child | 頭胎
thautheh | steal; rip out; pilfer | 偷竊; 偷提; 偷拿
thautheqkhix`aq | stole | 偷提去矣
thautheqliawliao | stole completely | 偷提了了
thauthuix | secretly put a bad article or inferior person in place of a good one | 偷換
thauthviaf | listen secretly; overhear; eavesdrop | 偷聽
thauthviax | headache; cephalgia | 頭痛; 頭疼
thautien | use electricity without paying for it | 偷電
thautin | the first battle; the beginning of anything; vanguard | 頭陣; 先鋒
thautngfkheq | marriage custom; bride's formal visit to her parents for the first time after getting married and leaving home | 新歸寧
thauto | stow away; stowaway; to steal into another country by hiding oneself aboard a train; ship; airplane | 偷渡
thautoxciar | stowaway | 偷渡者
thautoxhoan | smuggler | 偷渡犯
thautoxkheq | smuggler | 偷渡客
thautuix | 1st pair | 頭對
thautvoa | the first paragraph or section (in an essay); the first division | 頭段
thautw'ar | a moment ago, just before | 偷偷仔; 頭拄仔; 剛剛
thautwar | just a minute ago | 頭抵仔; 剛才
thautøex | follow secretly, shadow | 偷隨; 偷綴; 偷跟在後面
thauvoa | change secretly | 偷換
thaux khaq-pøh | to dilute | 沖淡一點
thaux | go through; pass through; communicate with | 通; 透
thaux-tiongtaux | high noon | 透中晝
thaux`jibkhix | road; passage leading right in or right through; penetrate or pierce | 透進去
thaux`køex | through, by means of, to penetrate, to permeate | 透過
thauxhii | poison fish; to poison or drug fish in order to catch them | 毒魚; 毒殺魚
thauxkao | set out poison for a dog | 毒狗
thauxlaang | poison people | 毒人
thauxsie | kill by poison | 毒死
thauxsylaang | kill a person by poison | 毒死人
thauzaan | in the front | 頭前
thauzafng | hair; the queue | 頭鬃; 頭髮
thauzam | first stage in a journey; the first railway station or bus stop | 頭站
thauzang'ar | hair | 頭鬃仔
thauzangbea | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾
thauzangboea | end of queue; pigtail | 頭鬃尾; 辮子
thauzangboefar | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾仔
thauzangkho'ar | head hoop | 頭鬃箍仔
thauzangkoex | head mane bun | 頭鬃髻
thauzangtiaxm | barber shop | 頭鬃店
thauzao | shirk; run away secretly; to escape | 偷跑; 偷走; 溜走
thauzaq | carry things furtively | 偷帶
thauzarng | bun | 頭摠
thauzawzw | play hooky | 偷走書
thauzeazor | worship ancenter | 頭祭祖
thauzeeng | ahead; front; previous; in front | 前面; 頭前; 前頭
thauzengkhie | front teeth | 頭前齒
thauzengmngg | front door or gate | 頭前門
thauzengpaai | front row | 頭前排
thauzengthafng | front window | 頭前窗
thauzengtviaa | front yard | 頭前埕
thauzhae | first prize in a lottery; omen | 彩頭; 預兆
thauzhaxng | conceal and hide (stolen or contraband goods) | 偷藏; 匿藏
thauzhoa søea'ii | keep a concubine without the wife's knowledge | 偷娶小老婆
thauzhoa | run off with (another's wife; young girl); kidnap | 誘拐; 綁票
thauzhoa`khix | abduct, kidnap | 偷娶去; 偷𤆬去; 拐走
thauzhud | 1st show | 頭齣
thauzhuix | mouths in a family | 家眷
thauzhuxn | cash; money | 頭寸
thauzhøea | brains; brain tissue | 腦髓
thauzoa | 1st time | 頭趟
thauzoex | do it in secret | 偷作
thauzuie | first crop, first fruits, first harvest | 頭水; 第一次收穫
thauzvaai | front | 頭前
thauzvae | 1st finger | 頭指
thaw ciah | eat secretly - having an affair | 偷食
thaw khvoax | peeping; cheat | 偷看
thaw ny | bureaucrats shield each other | 偷拈
thaw thviaf | eavesdrop | 偷聽
thaw | steal; pilfer; filch; secretly; stealthily | 偷
thaw`khix | stolen | 偷去
thaw`laang | cheat me, cheat a person | 偷人; 騙人
thawkad | untie a knot | 解結
thawkhuix | ventilation; take a breath; ventilate | 透氣; 敨氣
thawkhuy | unloose; untie; open out | 解開; 敨開
thawpak | untie | 敨縛
thawpaxng | free; liberate; liberation; disengage | 解放; 敨放
thawthoad | liberate; escape | 解脫
thax | to open out; to expand; move to and fro (with hand; foot; stick; etc.); fiddle with; stir up; to poke; stir; push about with a long pole | 挓; 撥; 撥弄; 頂; 托
thaxm laang ee oexix | find out a man's meaning by apparently desultory talk | 探人的話意
thaxm | to try; to test; to find; to search; locate; to prospect; to feel (in a pocket or bag); to watch; to spy; spy; detective; investigate; secret agent; to try; to venture; tempt; to stick out; explore; to visit; inquire about | 探
thaxm`zhutkhix | awning or porch projects over a street | 探出去
thaxmthui | be deeply in debt, owe heavily | 重債; 欠大債
thaxmtor | become crooked; (a wall; bottom of an old chair) somewhat concave; made so intentionally or become so through long use | 腰垂; 窞肚; 中間下墜; 中凹
thaxmtør | to sag; become crooked; (a wall; bottom of an old chair) somewhat concave | 腰垂; 中凹
thaxn kati ciah | earn just enough for one's own food; having nothing to spare for any one else | 賺自己吃
thaxn laang ee viu | follow a man's example | 學人的樣子
thaxn siaolieen | while yet young | 趁年輕
thaxn siøf | serve while hot | 趁燒
thaxn toaxcvii | making large gains | 趁大錢; 發大財
thaxn uii koafn cie | the most magnificent sight of all; an unrivaled sight; a sight never to be forgotten | 歎為觀止
thaxn y bøextør | his work is too heavy or difficult for his strength or ability | 趁伊未倒; 賺無了; 幹不了
thaxn y ee zhuix | follow implicitly what he says | 照他的意思
thaxn | obey (command, rule), follow (example), take advantage of (opportunity, time) | 趁; 碳; 賺
thaxn-bøo ciah | not making a living; not making ends meet | 趁沒食; 無法謀生
thaxn-bøo ho | take advantage of a lull in the rain to do something | 趁沒有下雨
thaxn-citmar | at the present moment | 趁現在
thaxn-sukhiaf | private savings of a married person | 賺私房錢
thaxn-uxeeng | avail oneself of the leisure time | 趁有空
thaxn-zhuieciah | earn just enough for one's own food but having nothing to spare for any one else | 趁嘴口; 賺嘴食; 糊口
thaxng | go through; pass through; communicate with | 通; 迵; 通風; 透
thaxng`jibkhix | road; passage leading right in or right through; penetrate or pierce | 透進去
thay mixhurn | sift or screen flour | 篩麵粉
thay | moss; lichen | 苔; 胎; 篩
thay`køex | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
thaykø'ee | leper | 痲瘋病患, 患癩病者
thaykøf pvixvi | leprosarium; skin clinic; Hansen's disease hospital | 癩膏病院; 痲瘋院
thaykøf | mange; leprosy; dirty | 癩哥; 癩𰣻; 骯髒
thaykøf-pvixvi | lepel hospital | 癩膏病院; 癩𰣻醫院; 痲瘋醫院; 痲瘋病
thaykøf`ee | leper | 癩膏的; 痲瘋病患
thaykøkuie | literally; a leprous devil; filthy; dirty; nauseous; nasty; indecent | 骯髒鬼
thaykønoaxløo | filthy | 癩哥爛癆
thaykøpve | dirty disease- virus | 癩哥病
thaykøpvi | leprosy; Hansen's disease | 痲瘋病; 癩病
thaythør | how... ever...; how can ? | 豈有; 豈可; 那有?
the | sea blubber, jelly fish, medusa, used as a cooling food | 䖳
the'arnjiin | one who makes a motion or proposal | 提案人
the'axn | a motion; a proposal; bill | 提案
the'iaux | a summary | 提要
the'ie | lounge; deck chair | 撐椅; 躺椅
thea | body; the body; the trunk; limbs; shape; form; entity; unit; style; fashion; system; substance; essence; embody; represent in; have sympathy with; to partition | 體
thea'au | go backwards | 退後
thea'iog | reject the agreement | 退約
thea'ui | abdicate | 退位
thea'urn | retire from business; go into retirement | 退隱
theachiuo | substitute | 替手
theachyn | break off a betrothal; break off a marital engagement | 退親
theaciuo | alcohol sober | 退酒
theagvofkym | compensation after discharge from military | 退伍金
theagvofpefng | discharged soldier; veterans | 退伍兵
theagvofzexng | Discharge Papers (military) | 退伍證
theagvor kunjiin | retired soldier; discharged serviceman; ex-soldier; veterans | 退伍軍人
theagvor | be discharged from military service | 退伍
theahak | drop out of school | 退學
theahea | annealing | 退火
theaheeng | retrun | 退還
theahiuau | after retire | 退休後
theahiw | retire from public life | 引退
theahoax | degenerate | 退化
theahoea | anneal | 退火
theahoee | return | 退回
theahoex | return merchandise | 退貨
theahoong | detumescence; subsidence of swelling | 退腫
theahwn | break off an engagement | 退婚
theajiedzef | anti-fever medication, an antiferile | 退熱劑, 退燒的藥
theajiet | one's fever falls | 熱退; 退燒
theakhoarn | to return (an original payment or part of it) | 退款
theakhuy | step aside | 退開
theakhuy`khix | step aside | 退開去
theakied | conclude (treaties; agreements) | 締結
theakor | withdraw one's shares from a company | 退股
theakwn | retreat | 退軍
theakør | rejection | 退稿
thealaang | for; substitute | 替人
thealaau | ebb tide | 退潮
thealangsie | die for others | 替人死
thealiet | fever came down | 退熱
thealo | the path of retreat | 退路
theaniu | yield | 退讓
theapefng | withdraw troops; repel enemy troops | 退兵
theaphiøx | to refund; return the ticket and get the money back; (of checks) to be dishonored; to bounce | 退票
theapi samsiax | literally to retreat ninety li ─ to retreat as far as possible in the face of a strong adversary or contestant | 退避三舍
theapi | retire and hide; keep one's distance | 退避
theapo | regress; retrogress; to fall backwards; suffer a relapse | 退步
theapuq | plaster; adhesive tape | 膠布
theapvy`ar | to step aside | 退邊仔
theapør | return a bond; cease to be a guarantor; cancel an insurance policy | 退保
theaseg | color fade | 褪色; 無變色
theasek | withdraw (from the presence of others); retire from a banquet before it is finished; to walk out (of a meeting in protest) | 退席
theaserng | retire and consider one's position; to pause for reflection or self-examination; retreat (Catholic) | 退省; 避靜
theasex | tax refund | 退稅
theasii | fruit) goes out of season; lose one's wealth or influence | 退時; 無合時
theasiuo | to fall back upon; retreat (to a city; position) and defend it | 退守
theasiøf | reduce or relieve a fever | 退燒
theasoex | tax rebate | 退稅
theasurn | mortise joint; opens out | 退榫; 榫頭鬆了
theasykuie | scapegoat | 替死鬼 (代人受罪者)
theasyn | double; understudy a substitute; sacrifice oneself in place of a person | 替身
theasøex | tax rebate | 退稅
theataang | the spirit leaving the magician or sorcerer when the ecstasy or afflatus is over | 退乩
theateeng | retire from the courtroom | 退庭
theatek | repel the enemy | 退敵
theathex | retreat | 退退
theatiaau | ebb tide | 退潮
theatiau | send it back; refuse (to receive); return; reject; cancel (a reservation) | 退掉
theatngg | leave the tribunal | 退堂
theato | shaved | 剃度
theatoxzefng | shaman | 剃度僧
theatvia | retire | 退定
theatviuu | to leave the stage or hall; go away from; walk out of; make one's exit | 退場
theavoa | by turns; to change off doing work or holding office in succession | 替換
theaxn | motion, proposal | 提案
theazao | to retreat; withdraw; flee | 退走
theazhud | quit | 退出
theaøh | discontinue schooling | 退學
thebexkhix | excuses of no avail, unable to get out of, unable to shirk, unable to decline (an invitation) | 推不掉
thebun | ask questions | 提問
thebøexkhix | excuses of no avail; unable to get out of; unable to shirk; unable to decline (an invitation) | 推無掉
thechiaux | cry and laugh | 啼笑
thechiaux-kaihuy | neither to cry nor to laugh | 啼笑皆非
thechiorngciar | advocate | 提倡者
thechioxng | to promote; to advocate; to recommend; propose; take the lead in urging forward a matter | 提倡
thechvie | remind; awoke; to call attention to | 提醒
thechyn | match making; talk about the marriage of a young man or woman | 提親
thecieen | in advance ahead of schedule | 提前
thee | take up with the hand; carry or take in the hand (a small object) | 拿; 提
theeng cidkheg | wait a moment | 停一刻
theeng | stop; submit; present; or hand in (to a superior); to show (a manifest; expose); a petition or appeal; boat | 停; 呈; 艇
theeng-khapo | stop walking | 停腳步; 止步
theeng`cide | wait a second | 停一下
theerng'thengtheeng | extremely straight | 挺挺挺
thef | recline or lean on a couch or chair; lean against; push (a boat) along with a pole | 靠; 撐; 躺; 推; 胎
thef`nih | inside of placenta | 胎內
thefbien | honor; dignity; face | 體面; 面子
thefbin | have a sense of honor | 體面
thefcid | constitution (of the body) | 體質
thefge | divert oneself | 體藝; 消遣性的
thefgiam | to experience | 體驗
thefgiaxmciar | experiencer | 體驗者
thefgiaxmtiøh | experienced | 體驗著
thefgvo | comprehend | 體悟
thefhe | system; hierarchy | 體系
thefheeng | body shape | 體形
thefhien | to materialize | 體現
thefhoat | corporal punishment | 體法; 體罰
thefhoe | to understand through something beyond the intellect; realize | 體會
thefhoextiøh | experience | 體會著
thefhoong | to guard against, to take precaution against, to watch | 提防
thefhvoa | the bank of a river | 堤岸
thefiogkhøx | physical education | 體育課
thefiogkoarn | stadium | 體育館
thefiogtviuu | stadium | 體育場
thefiok | gymnastics, athletics, physical education | 體育
thefiok-koarn | a gymnasium | 體育館
thefiok-tviuu | astadium, an athletic field | 體育場
thefjin | to perceive intuitively; realize | 體認
thefjiok | weak | 體法; 體弱
thefkeq | build; constitution; physique; frame | 體格
thefkiarm | physical exam | 體檢
thefkoaan | physical height of a person | 體高
thefkøf | physical height of a person | 體高
thefladputcy | lack of energy | 體力無支
theflai | inside body | 體內
theflat | stamina; muscle; physical strength | 體力
thefle | general form of a writing | 體例
thefleeng | physical agility; stamina | 體能
theflek | physical strength; stamina | 體力
thefliam | be understanding; make allowances for; be sympathetic toward | 體念
thefliong | to be understanding or sympathetic toward; to be considerate of; allow for; be tolerant of; forgive; to excuse | 體諒
thefng kii zuxjieen | let it take its own course | 聽其自然
thefng | hear; listen to (with the determined purpose or intention of hearing); obey; understand; comply with; submit | 聽; 烴
thefng'ix | pigheaded | 逞意
thefngcioxng | audience | 聽眾
thefngcixn | to breast, to thrust forward, to advance into | 挺進
thefnghai | spoil (a child) | 寵壞
thefnghefng | to thrust forward the chest | 坦胸; 挺胸
thefnghiofng | rage, be rampant | 猖獗; 逞兇; 憤怒
thefngkhie | to thrust forward, to leave | 挺起
thefngkioong | act in an overbearing manner | 挺強; 逞強
thefngkoaan | stand up for power | 挺權
thefngkvoaai | be proud and insolent | 挺官; 逞高
thefnglip | to stand stiff, to stand straight | 挺立
thefngpøx | report to | 呈報
thefngseng | indulge and spoil (a child); let an inferior have too much of his own way | 寵倖; 放縱; 寵溺
thefngsexng | quite victorious | 挺勝
thefngsyn | throw oneself into the breach | 挺身
thefngtit | straight, upright | 挺直
thefpax | a dam, an embankment | 堤壩
thefsud | considerate; consideration; allow for | 體恤; 撫恤
theftang | body weight | 體重
thefthaix | manner; gesture; outward form; exterior look; deportment or carriage (of a woman) | 體態
thefthiab | thoughtfulness; considerate; have sympathy with; show appreciation of; to act in conformity with; show solicitude or consideration for | 體貼
thefthiab-sym | show appreciation of | 體貼心
thefthofng'aq | system | 體統啊
thefthorng | bodily appearance; deportment; or general character; general form or state of an affair | 體統
thefui | physique; position; posture | 體位
thefunciafm | clinical thermometer | 體溫計
thefunkex | clinical thermometer | 體溫計
thefunpiør | temperature chart (medical) | 體溫表
thefuyhoe | sports committee | 體委會
thefwn | body temperature | 體溫
thefzaai | body | 體材
thefzeg | bulk; cubage; volume; solidity; volume (of a solid); cubic contents of | 體積
thefzex | system; system of rules | 體制
thefzhaai | form or style (of literature); format; outward appearance of men or things | 體裁
thefzhad | examine or investigate with intensive personal attention; be understanding of or sympathetic toward | 體察
thefzhaw | exercise; gymnastic; calisthenics; physical exercises | 體操
theg | animal; to rear or raise (livestock) | 畜; 剔
thegi | propose or move a resolution | 動議; 提議
theh ho | take to; bring to | 拿給
theh | hold in the hand; to grasp; take; arrest | 拿; 提
theh-bøe tyntang | cannot lift it | 提無動
theh-bøexkhix | unable to carry (from want of strength or because things too many) | 拿無了
theh-bøextiaau | unable to retain (hold) | 拿無住
theh`khix | take, take away | 拿去; 拿走
theh`khylaai | lift up (a small object) | 拿起來
theh`laai | bring; fetch; take | 拿來
theh`tngflaai | to demand back; bring back | 拿回來
theh`zhutkhix | take out; Take it out! | 拿出去
thehiern | to present | 提獻; 提顯
thehonghvoa | embankment | 堤防岸
thehonghvoaxterng | top of the embankment | 堤防岸頂
thehoong | bank; dike | 堤防; 提防
thehtheq | completely (naked) | 體體; 裼裼; 赤裸裸
thehvoa | the bank of a river | 堤岸
thehøex | to take delivery of goods | 堤貨; 提貨
theie | lounge chair | 䖙椅
thek | a load | 佗
thekaux | to mention, to refer to | 提到
thekaw | to deliver, to hand over | 提交
thekbaq | cut flesh from bones | 提肉; 剔肉
thekbeng | imperial decree | 提命; 命令
thekhaf | raise a foot | 提腳
thekhie | lift up; lift; mention | 提起
thekhiim | violin; cello | 提琴
thekhimchiuo | a violinist | 提琴手
thekhoafnky | ATM | 提款機
thekhoarn | draw money from a bank | 提款
thekhuy | shove; push; refuse with excuses and polite words that sound good but generally more or less false; withdraw with excuses; put aside | 推開; 推辭掉
thekiofng | provide | 提供
thekiorng | afford; offer; offering; supply; provide; accommodation; to offer for acceptance or rejection; to offer (proposals; opinions); to sponsor (a TV or radio program) | 提供
thekioxng | to provide, to supply, to offer | 提供
thekip | to mention, to speak of | 提及
thekma | rebuke, scold | 提罵; 斥罵; 剔罵
thekoaan | to raise, to elevate, to lift up | 提高; 提懸
thekoex | mentioned | 提過
thekofng | an outline | 提綱
theksvef | domestic animal; term of abuse: You brute! Beast! | 畜生
theksvy | domestic animal; term of abuse: You brute! Beast! | 畜生; 畜牲
thektuu | remove | 剔除
thekzeg | to rate, to blame, to reproach | 嚇責; 斥責
thekøf | advance; boost; enhance; upgrade; to lift; to raise (prices); heighten; to raise to a higher position | 提高
thekøx | sue | 提告
thelaai thekhix | refuse to accept a present; assignment by pushing it back and forth | 推來推去
thelaai | mention | 提來
thelien | refining; distill; extract; abstract | 提煉
themiaa soafnkuo | nominate for election | 提名選舉
themiaa | nominate; nomination; nominate | 提名
themng | ask questions | 提問
themngg | the hair on an infant before its first haircut (one month after birth) | 胎毛
thenaa | a basket | 提籃
theng'ar | shortly | 停仔; 停一會兒; 無久; 等一會兒
theng'iet | hand in for inspection; submit (to a superior or higher agency) for perusal | 呈閱
theng'iong | deactivate | 停用
theng'oan | defer; put off | 停緩
theng'øh | stop learning | 停學
thengbea | stop a horse | 停馬
thengbuun | official letter to a higher agency (from a lower agency or from the people); petition; appeal | 呈文
thengchiaf | park; pull up a car; parking; stop a vehicle; park a carbelay; breakup; cease; desist; discontinue; cease; to stop | 停車
thengchiaf-tviuu | parking area, parking lot | 停車場
thengchiaf-zam | bus stop | 停車站
thengchiahuix | parking fee | 停車費
thengchiatviuu | parking lot | 停車場
thengchiaui | parking space | 停車位
thengchiuo | stop working; writing; fighting | 停手; 住手
thengcid | suspension from office (duty); be suspended from one's office | 停職
thengcie kunsu hengtong | cease military operations | 停止軍事行動
thengcie paxnkofng | suspend public business on an occasion of celebration | 停止辦公
thengcie | balk; baulk; cease; to stop; belay; breakup; cease; desist; discontinue; cease; to stop | 停止
thengcie-putcieen | stagnant | 停止無前
thengciexn hiabteng | truce; armistice | 停戰協定
thengciexn | armistice; suspension of hostilities; cease fire | 停戰
thengcioxng | hard of hearing, hearing impaired | 聽障
thengcy | suspend payments | 停支
thenggiap | give up a business | 停業
thenghak | to drop out of school temporarily (for a year or more) | 停學
thenghea | cease fire | 停火
thenghefng | throw out one's chest | 挺胸
thenghien | to appear, to present, to show | 停現
thenghiexn | to present (to a superior) | 呈獻
thenghiøq | stop work, rest | 停歇
thenghoe | suspend a meeting | 停會
thenghoea | Cease fire! | 停火
thenghong | stop; suspend the salary of an employee | 停俸
thenghuun | fly | 騰雲
thenghuun-karbu | mount the clouds; as gods do | 騰雲駕霧
thenghux | refuse advances; suspend payment | 停付
thengkafng | stop work for a time | 停工
thengkhaf | rest for a short time | 歇腳; 停跤; 停腳
thengkhafn | suspend publication temporarily | 停刊
thengkhie | rise (mist, etc.) | 停起; 騰起
thengkhofng | to fly in the sky; soar; mount up high in the sky | 騰空
thengkhuix | hold one's breath | 停氣; 停止呼吸
thengkhuxn | recess; repose; rest; relaxation; take a break; to pause for a short time | 停睏; 休息
thengkhøx | suspend classes; have a holiday | 停課
thengkiao | to submit, to hand in | 呈繳
thengkiu | coffin containing a corpse awaiting interment; keep a coffin unburied | 停柩
thengkiø | stop the sedan | 停轎
thengkoaan | stop the power | 停權
thengkoafn | keep a coffin unburied; waiting till an auspicious site or day be found | 停棺
thengkud | thigh bone | 股骨; 大腿骨
thenglek | hearing; audition; ear | 聽力
thengliuu | stay; lay over; make a stop; to stop (at a certain stage); to delay | 停留
thenglui-hoarhabbut | hydrocarbons (chemistry) | 停留化合物; 烴類化合物; 碳氫化合物
thengløqlaai | stop here | 停落來
thengpan | suspend (business or school); suspend handling something | 停辦
thengparn | suspend publication | 停版
thengpid | stop writing | 停筆
thengpo | stop | 停步
thengpok | berth; moor; cast anchor; in port | 停泊
thengpox | close down | 停播
thengpurn | tenor; transcript; copy; official copy of a document | 謄本
thengpøx | to (submit a) report | 呈報
thengsaxng | to send up, to submit to | 呈送
thengseg | process; program; formula; standard form or pattern; standard procedures | 程式
thengsiafparn | duplicator, silk screen duplicator | 謄寫板; 油印機
thengsinkefng | auditory nerve | 聽神經
thengsiong | submit | 呈上
thengsoaq | stop, cease | 停煞
thengsu | sequence; procedure; process; program; order | 程序
thengsurn | stop loss | 停損
thengsyn jii zhud | thrust oneself out to face a challenge | 挺身而出
thengsyn | stop or suspend payment to an employee; stop payment of salary | 停薪; 挺身
thengtheeng | straighten | 挺挺
thengthiefn iubeng | We can only submit to the decree of Heaven | 聽天由命]
thengthix | deadlock; rust; slacken; stagnate; stand | 停滯
thengtien | power failure; blackout; cut off the power supply | 停電
thengtit | straighten | 挺直
thengtiøh | heard | 聽著
thengto | degree; tune; grade; extent; stage; state; condition; standard; required qualification; attainments | 程度
thengtuxn | caesura; paralysis; standstill; to pause; to stop; wait a while; setback; stagnation; deadlock | 停頓
thengtviax | lie at anchor while calling a at port | 停碇
thengzaux | performance | 呈奏
thengzherng | it is requested that...; apply for an appointment or position (a phrase used in official communication to a higher agency to introduce a request); petition | 呈請
thengzuie | out of water | 停水
thengzun'afhuix | ship parking fee | 停船仔費
theniar | pick up | 提領
thepaw | a handbag | 提包
thepax | a dam | 堤壩
thepoad | to promote, to advance | 提拔
thepoaq | referral | 提撥
thepoat | exalt; elevate; to raise up; promote; assist a man to get employment | 提拔
thepvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thepøx | report | 提報
theq | clear (water); thorough; naked; bare | 澈; 裸; 禿
theqhør | carry well | 提好
theqkhylaai | lift it up | 提起來
theqkoaan | lift it up | 提懸
theqkoex | carried | 提過
theqlaai | fetch; take; bring (a small article) in the hand | 拿來
theqløqlaai | bring it down | 提落來
theqmxtiøh | got the wrong one | 提毋著
theqphoeaoaan | home delivery staff | 宅配員
theqphoeciao | mailbird | 提批鳥
theqphøef | mailperson | 提批
theqphøef`ee | mailman; postman | 提批的; 郵差
theqtheqløqlaai | bring them down | 提提落來
theqtiau | remove | 提掉
theqtiøh | carried | 提著
theqtngflaai | carry them back | 提轉來
theqtvia | engage; to get engaged to someone | 訂婚
theqtørtngr | to demand back; bring back (a small thing) | 提倒返; 拿回
thequ | got it | 提有
theqzao | took away | 提走
theqzhud | raise (a question; opinion etc); to table; put forth | 提出
theqzhutlaai | show | 提出來
therng | long; narrow boat | 艇; 逞; 放任; 逞強
therng'iøf | to support, to back up | 挺腰; 撐腰; 支持
thernghau | to wait for | 等候; 聽候; 等待
thernghør | listen | 聽好
therngkhvoax | allow one to look | 提看; 可以看
therngthai | wait for | 等待
therngzu | to prop up | 提住; 撐住
thesag | push | 推捒
thesefng | exaltation; exalt; lift; promote; upgrade; to advance | 提升
thesi | indicate; presentation of new ideas as related to what a pupil already knows; to hint; to prompt; give a cue; bring forward and explain | 提示
thesiax | decline an invitation or offer | 推卸
thesii | to declin; to reject; refuse; excuse one's self (often falsely) from doing something | 推辭
thesiin | be cautious or vigilant; to watch out; arouse; stimulate; elate; stimulate one's energies | 提神
thesirm | to bring before the court, to bring up the case for trial | 提審
thesvathoksix | push away with reason | 推三託四
thesym tiaotvar | be scared; cautious and anxious; jittery; wary | 提心吊膽
thetafng-thesay | refuse with excuse | 推東推西
thetefng iuheeng | torch light procession | 提燈遊行
thetefng | torch light | 提燈
thethaau | initiator; sponsor | 提頭; 發起人
thetharng | a tail, a bucket | 提桶
thetiøh | mentioned | 提著
theto | To punt a boat | 撐渡
thetog | provincial commander-in-chief; general or admiral | 提督
thetvoaf | a bill of lading | 提單
thetø | causeway | 堤道
thex laang siogzoe | atone for the sins of mankind | 替人贖罪
thex | to shave | 剃; 刮
thexng | to let; to comply with; submit; listen to a verdict | 聽
thezar | make a move early; to move up the time to an earlier hour or date; ahead of schedule | 提早
thezeeng | in advance | 提前
thezhud | to propose; to raise; to put forward | 提出
thezhux | echelon | 梯次
thezhvea | remind; arouse | 提醒
thezuie | the water within the membrane capsule in which the fetus develops | 胎水
thezuun | punting | 撐船
thi | a pheasant; a unit of volume measure in ancient China | 雉
thiaam | quiet; still; peaceful; undisturbed | 恬
thiaau | a section; an article; in good order | 條
thiab haghuix | subsidize tuition fee | 補貼學費
thiab hoefsit | subsidize mess; food | 補貼伙食
thiab laang ciah | pay for one's board | 搭伙
thiab lie ee lixseg | to give some interest when borrowing from a friend | 貼你利息
thiab taxmpøh | give a small tip; make up a little deficiency | 貼淡薄; 貼一點
thiab | paste on; to stick up; attached; close to | 貼; 帖; 緊緊的
thiabhoex | stacking | 疊貨
thiabkhie | stacking | 疊起
thiabkoaan | stack; supraposition | 疊高
thiabløhaxn | stacking people | 疊羅漢
thiabseeng | stack | 疊成
thiabsit | neatly put up, compact | 堆實; 塞緊
thiabzhao | pile straw up into stacks | 堆草
thiabzngf | lay brick | 堆磚; 砌磚
thiabzoex | stack | 疊做
thiabzøx | stack | 疊做
thiafm hoeasiu | a wish for long life | 添壽
thiafm hoksiu | May you increase in happiness and longevity | 添福壽
thiafm iuhviw | money of sesame oil | 香油錢
thiafm | refill,add, increase | 添
thiafm'aq | tired | 忝矣
thiafmbi | flattery; blandish; adulate; bootlick; gloze | 諂媚
thiafmme | scold severely | 諂罵; 痛罵
thiafmmi | flatter, flattery | 諂媚
thiafmsie | tiresome | 忝死; 累死
thiafmsirmsixm | tiresome | 忝㽎㽎; 累㽎㽎
thiafmthaau | tired; be tired out; be exhausted | 忝頭; 疲倦; 吃力
thiafmthiafmthiarm | tiresome | 忝忝忝; 累累累
thiafmthiarm | tiresom | 忝忝; 累累
thiah'iøar | get medicine | 拆藥仔
thiah'iøh | buy medicine on prescription | 拆藥; 買藥
thiah'iøqar | get medicine | 拆藥仔
thiahbeeng | explain one's meaning clearly (by speaking more fully of what was merely alluded to) | 分析; 闡明; 說明
thiahchviuu | tear down a wall | 拆牆
thiahciah løqpag | tear or rip body to pieces to eat | 碎屍而吞食
thiahciaqjibpag | ear or rip body to pieces to eat | 拆食入腹
thiahciaqløqpag | ear or rip body to pieces to eat | 拆食落腹
thiahhah | break (down) | 拆拆; 破曉
thiahhai | to damage; destroy | 拆壞
thiahhofng | unpack | 拆封
thiahhuie | to demolish, to tear down, to destroy by tearing down | 拆壞; 拆毀
thiahji | dissect characters and recombine them for fortune telling | 拆字
thiahjidar | ask fortune teller to pick a good date | 拆日仔
thiahkhuy | to take apart; detach; to separate; to tear open (a wrapper or envelope); to part from each other | 拆開
thiahkor | dissolve a partnership | 拆股
thiahli | to tear apart | 拆離
thiahliao | torn down | 拆了
thiahliawliao | torn down completely | 拆了了
thiahlidar | ask fortune teller to pick a good date | 拆日仔
thiahlih | to tear (cloth or a garment) | 拆裂; 拆開
thiahløh | to unfix, to take down | 拆落
thiahpeh korng | speak plainly; the fact is.. | 坦白說
thiahpeh | frank | 坦白
thiahpeqkorng | frankly speaking | 拆白講
thiahphiøx | buy a ticket | 拆票; 買票
thiahphoarbin | face torn, negotiation broke | 拆破面
thiahphoax | rip; tear; break or destroy by tearing; tear into pieces; pull to pieces | 撕破; 拆破; 扯破
thiahphoef | to open a letter | 拆信
thiahphøef | open a letter | 拆信
thiahpurn | separate volumes of a book | 拆本; 分冊
thiahsag | tear up and throw away | 拆推; 撕掉
thiahsvoax oanviw | to separate lovers; break up a married couple | 拆散鴛鴦
thiahsvoax | to break up; split apart; to dismantle; separate (man and wife) forcibly or cruelly | 拆散
thiahthuie | split leg | 拆腿
thiahtiau | tear and throw away | 拆掉
thiahtng | tear, rend | 拆斷
thiahtuu | dismantle and get rid of; pull down (an old house) | 拆除
thiahtvoaf | to buy a ticket for a ship; train | 買票; 拆單
thiahzhoafn | to expose | 拆穿
thiahzhuix | tear to pieces | 拆碎
thiahzhux | pull down a house | 拆厝; 拆房子
thiahzun'afhoex | shipbreaking | 拆船仔貨
thiahzun'giap | shipbreaking industry | 拆船業
thiahzøx | split | 拆做
thiam | sip; to sink; submerge by throwing into the water | 沉; 填; 投沉
thiam'iuhviw | add oil fragrance- a type of donation made by Taiwanese who worship in temple | 添油香
thiam'iuu | add oil | 添油
thiamchiofng | to fill the blank | 添沖; 添充
thiamhog | add luck | 添福
thiamhoksiu | lunar leap month’s gift from married daughter | 添福壽
thiamhux | append (to a document) | 添副; 記入; 填上
thiamhøo | to fill up a stream | 添河
thiamjip | to fill in | 添入
thiamkaf | add on | 添加
thiamkaw | to fill up a ditch | 添溝
thiammoar | to stuff full | 添滿
thiampor | add an amendment, to make up a deficiency | 添補
thiampvii | to level off | 添平
thiamsiar | to fill letters in, to add in blanks (on a paper) | 添平; 添寫
thiamsiu | add to your longevity; live longer; May you have your allotted term of life lengthened by Heaven! | 添壽
thiamtefng hoatzaai | to increase in family and in wealth | 添丁發財
thiamtefng | have more son; beget a son; to have an increase in the number of sons or of male inhabitants | 添丁
thiamzaai | add fortune | 添財
thiamzeng | quiet and reserved | 添靜; 恬靜
thiamzngf | to add more gift to bride; wedding presents sent to the bride | 添粧; 添妝 (送新娘禮物)
thiamzux | add a note or notation, codicil, notation | 添註
thiao | slender; quite and modest; charming and attractive; beautiful | 窕
thiao'aan | done with dancing | 跳完
thiao'iok | leap | 跳躍
thiao'oarn | broad jump | 跳遠
thiaobuo | dance; dancing | 跳舞
thiaobwhoe | dancing party | 跳舞會
thiaobwphvoa | dancing partner | 跳舞伴
thiaochviuu | jump over a wall | 跳牆
thiaociafm | damaged record caused record player skipping notes | 跳針
thiaocvie | jump into a well | 跳井
thiaocviu | jump up on | 跳上
thiaohae | jump into the sea and drown oneself | 跳海
thiaohng | long jump | 跳遠
thiaohøo | jump into the river and drown oneself | 跳河
thiaoia | jump; leap; bound; happy | 輕鬆; 跳躍; 高興
thiaoiah | pass over one leaf of a book in reading | 跳頁
thiaoiau | jump; leap; bound; glad; happy; willing | 跳躍; 高興
thiaoiok | bounce; jump; to leap; to hope | 跳躍
thiaokakoafn | the person who wears lucky mask during festival | 跳加冠
thiaokarng | jump into a river | 跳港
thiaokaw | jump over a ditch | 跳溝
thiaokeh'ar | jump on squares | 跳格仔
thiaokho'ar | jump on squares | 跳箍仔
thiaokhuy | jump away | 跳開
thiaokib | be promoted two or more grades at once | 跳級
thiaokii | checkers | 跳棋
thiaokoaan | high jump | 跳高
thiaokoankoaan | jump high | 跳懸懸
thiaokoanthiaoke | jump up and down | 跳懸跳低
thiaokoex | jump over or across; skip | 跳過
thiaokøex | jump across | 跳過
thiaokøf pysaix | high jump contest | 跳高比賽
thiaokøf | high jump (sports) | 跳高
thiaolaai | jumped | 跳來
thiaolaan | hurdle race; the hurdles | 跳欄
thiaolaau zuxsad | jump to death from a building | 跳樓自殺
thiaolaau | jump from a building | 跳樓
thiaoløh | jump of | 跳落
thiaoløqlaai | jump of | 跳落來
thiaoløqlai'ee | jump of | 跳落來的
thiaonii | every other year | 跳年
thiaopafng | springboard | 跳板
thiaoparn | gangboard; springboard; a stepping stone; gangplank; diving board | 跳板
thiaophiexn | jump all over the place | 跳遍
thiaophiøx | bounce check | 跳票
thiaosvoax | to parachute; parachute | 跳傘
thiaosøh'ar | jump rope | 跳索仔
thiaosøq | skip a rope | 跳索; 跳繩
thiaotaang | leap about or gesticulate violently under the afflatus | 跳乩; 跳童; 跳神
thiaothad | ump and kick | 跳踢
thiaothiaothiaux | jump | 跳跳跳
thiaothiaux | in a lively or skipping manner | 跳跳
thiaothoad | escape | 跳脫
thiaotiøh | jump | 跳著
thiaotong | to pulsate; to throb; to throb; pulsate; to beat (e.g.; the heart; pulse) | 跳動
thiaozao | give a leap in order to escape | 跳走
thiaozhud | jump out; leap out | 跳出
thiaozoa | skip a line | 跳行; 跳逝
thiaozuie piawiern | diving exhibition | 跳水表演
thiaozuie | to dive; to jump into the water; drown oneself | 跳水
thiaozuie-zuxsad | drown oneself | 投水自殺
thiaozvea | drown oneself in a well | 跳井
thiaozøo | to abandon one occupation; get a new job | 跳槽
thiap zng'ar | lay bricks | 疊磚仔
thiap | to pile up; to fold up; pile up bricks | 疊; 堆疊
thiap'ar | invitation; card; notepaper | 帖仔; 請帖
thiap'hien phiørkix | discount on checks | 貼現票據
thiap'hien | bank discount | 貼現
thiap'hiexnlut | discount rate | 貼現率
thiap-zørhøea | to overlap, pile up together | 疊做伙
thiap`khylaai | pile up; books; bricks | 疊起來
thiapchied | proper; appropriate; suitable; close-fitting | 貼切
thiapciah | pay board (to a family or a restaurant) on a monthly basis | 搭伙
thiapcvii | give monetary assistance; to pay out of one's own pocket ─ especially when one is not required to; as in performing an official duty; replace goods by additional cost | 貼錢
thiapkin | get closer | 貼近
thiaplangciah | pay someone to cook for you | 貼人食
thiappor | to make up a deficiency; to help financially; supplement; to help with money; subsidize | 貼補
thiappurn | lose money in business | 貼本; 虧本
thiaq hoeflo | clear a fire trail; tear down structures adjacent to a fire to prevent the fire's spread | 折火路
thiaq hongtiaau | break an embargo; break a sealing tape | 拆封條
thiaq iøqar | buy medicines according to prescription | 抓藥
thiaq jixsox | tell fortunes by analyzing written characters | 拆字算命
thiaq | break open; rip open; tear down; dismantle; analyze; scrutinize | 拆; 撕
thiaq-hietkak | tear up and throw away | 拆丟掉; 撕掉
thiaq-hunli | separate | 拆分離; 拆離
thiaq-jixsox | explain the meaning of a character, tell fortune from one's name | 拆字數; 占卜
thiarm | very tired; avail oneself of; very severe (disease; beating); very thoroughly cooked; get tired; grow weary; be tired out; be exhausted | 殄; 忝; 疲倦; 過分; 累; 趁
thiau | post; columns; columniation; pillar; to support | 柱
thiau'aq | green-winged teal | 柱仔; 小水鴨
thiau'ar | pimple on the face | 痘仔; 𤶃仔; 面皰
thiau'iekox | on purpose | 刁意故
thiau'ix | on purpose | 挑意
thiauafcie | pimple on the face; blackhead; acne | 青春痘; 面皰
thiauafkhaf | campaign supporters | 柱仔跤
thiauaflai | inside the column- campaign circle | 祧仔內
thiauar jiaq | an acne spot | 面皰跡
thiauar | pimple on the face; blackhead; acne | 面皰; 青春痘
thiaubaan | obstinate | 挑蠻; 刁難
thiauciernciar | challenger | 挑戰者
thiauciernsw | written challenge | 挑戰書
thiauciexn heng'uii | provocative actions | 挑戰行為
thiauciexn | challenge; defiance; defiant; to challenge to battle; provoke a fight | 挑戰
thiauciexn-ciar | a challenger | 挑戰者
thiauciexn-sw | a letter of challenge | 挑戰書
thiauhix | challenge | 挑戲
thiauhw | a carrier, a porter | 挑夫
thiaukafng laai | having come of set purpose for a special object | 刁工來; 專程來
thiaukafng | set purpose; intentionally | 刁工; 故意
thiaukerng | special select | 挑揀
thiaukhie | to provoke, to stir up | 挑起
thiaukhuy | to clear out, to brush aside | 挑開
thiaukoftorng | on purpose | 刁古董
thiaukorix | intentionally, purposely, on purpose | 刁故意
thiaulaan | deliberately; create difficulties; make things difficult for others | 刁難; 為難
thiaulang | on purpose | 挑俍
thiaupoad | to provoke; to cause disputes; to arouse | 挑撥
thiaupoaq lixkafn | stir up ill-will or bad feelings; sow discord | 挑撥離間
thiaupoaq | provoke or arouse (ill-will); cause disputes; sow discord | 挑撥
thiausexng | a supernatural quality | 挑性; 超自然的品質
thiausoarn | picking; select; make a choice; select | 挑選
thiausøf | to stir up trouble | 挑唆
thiautii | on purpose; purposely; intentionally; deliberately | 刁除; 刁持; 故意
thiaux pheng koaan | try who can jump highest | 比跳高
thiaux søh'ar | rope skipping | 跳索仔
thiaux | sell grain | 糶; 跳; (賣五穀)
thiaux`khylaai | to jump up; begin to jump or dance | 跳起來
thiaux`køex | jump over | 跳過
thiauxciøh | base of a pillar, plinth | 跳石; 柱石
thiauxpeeng | pilaster, half-pillar | 柱半; 捱壁柱
thiauxsyn | column | 柱身
thiauxtao | ornamental top of a pillar, capital | 柱罩; 柱頭斗栱
thiauxterng | top of a pillar | 柱頂
thiauxvii | pillars and beams | 柱圓; 柱子
thiauzuie | to carry water | 挑水
thiaw | low cunning; crafty; wicked; knavish; make things difficult for others | 刁; 挑
thiawbong | overlook; survey; view | 眺望
thiawoarn | far; farway; remote; outland | 遙遠
thiaxm | calm | 恬; 甜
thiaxmcvii | chip in money | 填錢
thiaxmhae | to fill up the sea | 填海
thiaxmløqhae | throw into the sea | 投入海
thiaxmpurn | pull more capital in | 填本
thiaxmsie | drown to death | 填死; 溺死
thichiøx busioong | hysteria | 啼笑無常
thichiøx kaihuy | between tears and laughter; unable to cry or laugh | 啼笑皆非
thichvie | awaken notice, bring to the attention | 啼醒; 提醒
thid | to sport with in a lascivious way; engage in lascivious conduct with | 玩
thie | four ethical principles; i.e.; le; gi; liam; thi | 恥; (禮, 義, 廉, 恥)
thie`khuy | open | 褫開
thied | iron; used as a symbol of strength; firmness firm; decided; cruel; merciless; unfeeling | 鐵; 撤
thieen | fill up; make up a deficiency; to fill up with earth; mud; sand; rubbish | 填
thiefn buu zoat jiin cy lo | God will not close all doors. Heaven will always leave a door open | 天無絕人之路
thiefn cioong jingoan | Heaven fulfils men's desires | 天從人願
thiefn kaxng kamlo | Heaven sends down sweet dew ─ blessing from heaven; good fortune; peace and prosperity | 天降甘露
thiefn zo zuxzoxciar | God helps those who help themselves | 天助自助者
thiefn | sky; heaven; air; nature; God; where God or the gods live; natural (as opposed to artificial); day | 天
thiefnkhuikhuy | unfold | 展開開
thiefnkhuy | unwind; unfold; open up; spread or open out | 展開
thiefnsit | spread the wings | 展翼
thiekngkngf | shaved | 剃光光
thiekngthaau | shave the head | 理光頭
thien'gaai | the horizon, the ends of the earth | 天涯
thien'garn | sky eye- super vision | 天眼
thien'giaf | sky cover | 天遮
thien'goaxthiefn | there is always a better sky/place | 天外天
thien'gøbaq | swan meat | 天鵝肉
thien'gøo | wild swan | 天鵝
thien'iefn cy piet | the difference is like the sky and the bottom of a pit | 天淵之別
thien'iefn | the sky and the bottom of a pit; see [[thien'iefn ee zengzhaf]] | 天淵
thien'iu | the protection of Heaven | 天佑
thien'ix | divine will, providence, the will of the Heaven | 天意
thien'ongchvy | uranus | 天王星
thien'ongsefng | the planet Uranus | 天王星
thien'oong | emperor in the sky | 天王
thien'un | cyclical date of the year, fate, orbit of heavenly bodies | 天運
thien'wn | divine favor | 天恩
thien'y buhoong | perfect (secret); flawless (workmanship) | 天衣無縫
thienbeeng | clear sky | 天明
thienbeng | heavenly mandate; fate; destiny; will or decree of Heaven | 天命
thienbie | beautiful sky | 天美
thienbo | skynet | 天網; 帳篷
thienboarn | fill; cover in; cram; pack out; fill up level | 填滿
thienborng khoekhoef | The net of Heaven stretches everywhere (its meshes are large; but nothing escapes) ─ Nobody escapes the judgment of Heaven The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow; but they grind exceedingly fine | 天網恢恢
thienbunhagkaf | astronomers | 天文學家
thienbunhak | astronomy | 天文學
thienbuntaai | astronomical observatory; observatory | 天文台; 天文臺
thienbuntoo | star atlas; map of the stars | 天文圖
thienbuun boxng'oafnkviax | astronomical telescope | 天文望遠鏡
thienbuun sorji | an astronomical figure | 天文數字
thienbuun texlie | astronomy and geography; astrology and geometry | 天文地理
thienbuun | astronomy; heavenly bodies; heavenly bodies; astronomy | 天文
thienbuun-hak | astronomy | 天文學
thienchiofng | fill; form of test: filling the blanks; completion test | 填充
thienciaf | cover the sky | 天遮
thiencid | duty bound; a mission in life; vocation; Heaven appointed office | 天職
thiencioxng | sky general | 天將
thiencyn loxngban | innocent and carefree (child) ─ lovely; honest and without affectation (like a child); simple hearted; unsophisticated | 天真浪漫
thiencyn | innocent; child like; naive; simplicity; naive; artless; innocent; simple (hearted); unsophisticated; the divine element within one | 天真
thiengaai haykag | faraway; distant or remote places; the ends of the earth | 天涯海角
thiengaai | skyline; the horizon; the ends of the earth | 天涯
thiengoa iwthiefn | Outer space is infinite. (a reproach toward a person claiming to be perfect) | 天外有天
thiengoa | firmament; outer space | 天外
thiengøjioong | velvet; velvety | 天鵝絨
thiengøo | swan; wild swan | 天鵝; 鵠
thienha baxnbut | the 10,000 things under heaven ─ nature generally; all creation | 天下萬物
thienha busiafng | unequalled in all the world | 天下無雙
thienha itkaf | All people under heaven are one family. The world is a big family | 天下一家
thienha thaepeeng | universal peace | 天下太平
thienha uikofng | The world is for all. The world belongs to everyone | 天下為公
thienha | the world; on earth; under the sky ─ the world | 天下
thienhae | sky ocean | 天海
thienhaxkafn | world | 天下間
thienhiø | queen of heaven | 天后
thienhiøxkiofng | a temple in Taipei | 天后宮
thienho-kiofng | | 天護宮
thienhoaf | smallpox. flowers from the heaven. Melothria mederospatana (flower); have smallpox | 天花
thienhoafn texhog | condition of utter disorder; as if the universe was overthrown | 天翻地覆
thienhoaparn | ceiling | 天花板
thienhoef | smallpox; variola | 天花
thienhofng iaxtaam | Arabian Nights | 天方夜譚
thienhog | bliss, heavenly happiness | 天福
thienhoong | Mikado | 天皇
thienhun | natural ability | 天份
thienhux zaileeng | natural ability | 天賦才能
thienhux | inherent and inborn (rights); natural endowments; talent | 天賦
thienhøo | the Milky Way | 銀河; 天河
thienjiaf | cover the sky | 天遮
thienjieen | natural; native; uncoined; not artificial | 天然
thienjienkhix | natural gas | 天然氣
thienjiennaa | natural forest | 天然林
thienjienseg ee nngfphvix | Technicolor film | 天然軟片
thienjienseg | natural color; Technicolor; kodachrome | 天然色
thienjientau | natural acne | 天然痘
thienjinkauciexn | celestial war | 天人交戰
thienjiorng cy piet | as different as heaven and earth; vastly different; poles apart | 天壤之別
thienkaf | heavenly home | 天家
thienkafn | The Ten Celestial Stems ─ used with the Twelve Terrestrial Branches to form a cycle of sixty | 天干
thienkaix | devaloka | 天界
thienkao | eastern little blue kingfish | 天狗; 翠鳥
thienkaw | gutter | 天溝
thienkawciaqgeh | Tengu eclipse moon | 天狗食月
thienkawciaqgoeh | Tengu eclipse moon | 天狗食月
thienkawciaqjit | Tengu eclipse sun | 天狗食日
thienkawciaqlit | Tengu eclipse sun | 天狗食日
thienkawjiet | scarlet fever | 天狗熱; 猩紅熱
thienkawliet | Tengu fever | 天狗熱
thienkengtexgi | justified | 天經地義
thienkex | sky-high price | 天價
thienkhea | apocalypse | 天啟
thienkhiern | wrath of heaven; God's punishing hand | 天譴
thienkhofng | the sky; firmament; the void; sky; firmament; the void | 天空
thienkiwpaai | gambling card game | 天九牌
thienkiøo | an overhead bridge; elevated passage; viaduct | 天橋
thienkofng pud zokbie | Heaven is not cooperative ─ Weather turns foul when some activity requiring fine weather is scheduled | 天公無作美
thienkofng-tøexsoaq | heaven and earth | 天公地煞
thienkog | the Kingdom of Heaven | 天國
thienkwn | heavenly host; heavenly spirits | 天軍
thienky putkhør lauxsied | Heaven's secret must not be let out ─ said by a fortune teller when he is asked to explain minutely what he has said vaguely; said jokingly of a man who will not tell a secret | 天機無可洩漏
thienky | the secret of Heaven | 天機
thienlaam texpag | poles apart; be far apart; (to chat or talk casually about) anything and everything under the sun | 天南地北
thienlamseg | sky blue | 天藍色
thienlie ciauciaw | Heaven's justice is manifested (in calamities coming on the wicked); The law of heaven always prevails | 天理昭昭
thienlie | Natural law; the reason of Heaven; the laws or principles of Heaven's justice as to right an wrong; especially; as to punishment | 天理
thienlieen | natural | 天然
thienlienkhix | natural gas | 天然氣
thienlioong | one's conscience; to speak to truth; one's better feeling; one's conscience | 天良; 良心
thienlo | the road to heaven | 天路
thienluo | angels | 天女
thienlut | divine law, the law of heaven | 天律
thienluun cy lok | family love and joy | 天倫之樂
thienluun | family affection; heavenly moral obligations; natural relationships of man | 天倫
thienlykaux | Tenrikyo (Japanese religion) | 天理教
thienløo texborng | nets in the air and on the ground ─ heaven and earth are a net which wicked men cannot escape; their wickedness will surely be punished | 天羅地網
thienløo | imperial prison | 天牢
thienmar | sky horses | 天馬
thienmngg | the heaven's gate | 天門
thienparoong | jumbo | 天霸王
thienpeeng | balance; scale; forehead | 天平; 前額
thienpefng | invincible army; heavenly host | 天兵
thienpengzhvehø | Libra asterisk | 天秤星號
thienpheeng | scales such as are used for weighing gold; silver | 天秤
thienphoong | canopy | 天篷
thienpiefn | the world's end, the horizon | 天邊
thienpiør | sill out a form; fill a blank | 填表
thienpoong | ceiling | 天房; 天篷; 天花板
thienpor | padded; fill up; make up; fill vacancies; make up a deficiency | 填補
thienpvee | fill up the depressions or holes in the ground | 填平
thienpvii | fill up the depressions or holes in the ground | 填平
thiensaix | angel | 天使
thiensefng iubut | born siren; sex-kitten | 天生尤物
thiensefng lexcid | born beauty | 天生麗質
thiensefng zengbiin | Heaven produced all people | 天生蒸民
thiensefng | natural; to be born with; congenital; inherency; inborn | 天生
thienseng'ar | born | 天生仔
thiensexng | natural temperaments; natural quality; natural disposition | 天性
thiensiakuie | devil | 天邪鬼
thiensiar | to fill out (a blank; form) | 填寫
thiensiax | angel | 天使
thiensiefn | angel | 天仙
thiensii putjuu texli | advantages of time are not equal to those of situation | 天時無如地利
thiensii | the seasons; weather; climate; advantages of time | 天時
thiensiin | gods in heaven; deities; gods in heaven; angels | 天神
thiensiong | in the heaven; celestial phenomena, heavenly bodies, also their portents | 天上
thiensioxngtoo | astronomical chart | 天象圖
thiensox | Predestined tragedy or disaster | 天數; 天意
thiensuu | write verses according to a fixed pattern | 填詞
thiensux | Godsend; given by heaven; endowed by heaven | 天賜
thiensvoax | aerial; antenna (for radio; TV) | 天線
thiensw | Taoist books | 天書
thiente liongsym | to speak the truth; in fact; from the bottom of my heart; in all fairness or justice | 天地良心
thiente | heaven and earth; the universe | 天地
thienteeng | palace of God; heaven | 天庭; 天廷
thientefng | like a hot air balloon made of paper; a fire is lighten inside which makes it rise in the sky | 天燈
thienterng | the zenith | 天頂
thientexkafn | in this world; in the universe | 天地間
thienthea | heavenly bodies; nudism; sunbathing | 天體
thienthiefn thøqthøh | dwell on a wrong subject; harp on the same wrong string; talking or behaving in an absurd and extravagant way; as if mad or drunk | 糊里糊塗
thienthiefn | day to day; everyday; every day | 天天; 糊裡糊塗; 瘋瘋癲癲
thienthien'ar | in spite of any objection; whatever happens; must needs do something; unluckily | 顛顛仔; 不管如何; 偏偏要
thienthøh | silly; dull; mentally deranged; become dim witted; wasteful; extravagant; spendthrift | 糊塗; 顛倒; 荒謬; 浪費
thientiaau | Heaven's law | 天條; 天律
thientiongtexkiuo | forever | 天長地久
thientioong texkiuo | as old as heaven and earth ─ a very long time | 天長地久
thientoong texgek | Heaven and Hell | 天堂地獄
thientoong | paradise; Heaven | 天堂
thientw-texbiet | to be damned by heaven and earth (usually used in swearing) | 天誅地滅
thientø | divine justice, nemesis | 天道
thientøe | heaven and earth | 天地
thienzaai jitoong | child prodigy | 天才兒童
thienzaai | genius; talent; prodigy | 天才
thienzay jinhø | natural disaster and man made calamity; natural disaster and war | 天災人禍
thienzay | disassociate; disaster; natural calamity | 天災
thienzex | skyrim | 天際
thienzhaam | wild silk moth | 天蠶
thienzhør | momordica cochinchinensis (grass) | 天草
thienzo | helped from heaven; unexpected help; an uncanny or very lucky break | 天助
thienzog cy hap | match made by heaven; a match blessed by God (used in congratulatory messages or greetings to a couple on their wedding) | 天作之合
thienzuo | God; Lord; literally; son of heaven ─ the emperor | 天主; 天子
thienzvea | well; courtyard; a patio; skylight | 天井
thienzw | natural endowment; inborn talent; natural disposition or beauty | 天資; 天姿
thienzwn | god; spirit | 天尊
thienzwtngg | church (building) | 天主堂
thiern | shy; timid; to open; to spread (wings) | 靦; 展; 開
thiet'hagkaf | philosopher | 哲學家
thiet'hoee | to withdraw or cancel a license; to recall; turn back; send back | 撤回
thiet'hoex | to repeal | 撤廢
thiet'hoong | withdraw a garrison | 撤防
thiet'ia | all through the night | 撤夜; 徹夜
thiet'viaa | strike camp | 撤營; 拔營
thiet'voa | fire an official and replace him with a new one | 撤換
thietbin | razor mustache | 撤面
thietcid | remove from office | 撤職; 撤職,撤任
thiethaau | have a hair cut | 剃頭; 理髮
thiethaau-saihu | barber | 剃頭師父; 剃頭師傅; 理髮師
thiethaau-tøf | razor | 剃頭刀
thiethauar | have a hair cut | 剃頭仔
thiethaukefng | barber shop | 剃頭間
thiethaupøar | female barber | 剃頭婆仔
thiethausay | barber | 理髮師
thiethautiaxm | barber shop | 理髮店
thiethautøf | razor | 剃頭刀
thiethuie | muscle strain | 牚腿
thietiau | shaved | 剃掉
thietjim | remove from office | 撤職; 撤任
thietkhiøftidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵口直斷
thietli | withdraw (troops); (the troops) are withdrawing | 撤離
thieto | shaved | 剃渡
thietpefng | withdraw troops | 撤兵
thietsiaw | abolish; do away with; eliminate; cancel | 撤銷
thietsiuo | withdraw (a garrison); (the garrison) is withdrawing | 撤守
thiettea tengzhefng | clarify a matter thoroughly; make a thorough investigation of (a case) | 徹底澄清
thiettea | through to the end | 澈底
thiettefteg | through and through; thoroughly | 徹底的
thietthex | withdraw (troops); (troops) withdraw | 撤退
thietthøex | evercuate, withdraw | 撤退
thiettoea | through to the end | 澈底
thiettuu | abolish; do away with | 撤除
thiettøea | to get to the bottom of; thorough; down right | 徹底; 澈底
thietzaf | make a thorough investigation | 徹查
thietzao | withdraw; pull out | 撤走
thietzhud | withdraw (troops); (troops) draw back; withdraw | 撤出
thih | behind; late | 遲
thih'afthvoax | iron coal | 鐵仔炭
thih'ar | iron | 鐵仔
thih'ixn | brand; to brand | 烙印
thih'mngg | steel door | 鐵門
thih'oear | Iron pan | 鐵鍋仔
thih'oef | iron pot | 鐵鍋
thih'voafbøar | iron ball shape hat, imply life time job | 鐵碗帽仔
thih'øee | orthopedic braces | 鐵鞋; 矯形護腳器
thih'øef | iron pot | 鐵鍋
thihao | sob bitterly | 鐵哮; 啼哭
thihbang | Iron net | 鐵網
thihbang'ar | Iron net | 鐵網仔
thihbea | bicycle | 鐵馬; 自行車; 腳踏車
thihbefterng | bicycle top | 鐵馬頂
thihbeftø | bicycle lanes | 鐵馬道
thihbin busw | inflexibly just and fair; strictly impartial | 鐵面無私
thihbo | the Iron Curtain; communistic country; Iron Curtain | 鐵幕
thihchiu khuihoef | literally; the blooming of an iron tree ─ an impossibility; something that very rarely happens | 鐵樹開花
thihchiu | cycad; a type of palm tree | 鐵樹
thihchix | iron goad | 鐵刺
thihchiøq | an iron mace (used as a weapon) | 鐵尺
thihchviu | blacksmith | 鐵匠
thihchviuu | iron wall | 鐵牆
thihchviw | iron spear | 鐵漿; 鐵槍
thihcid | made of iron | 鐵質
thihcie | iron ball thrown in the shot put | 鉛球
thihciøh simtngg | cold heart; unfeeling heart | 鐵石心腸
thihciøh | iron stone | 鐵石
thiheeng | flogging, lushing | 鐵刑; 笞刑
thihguafchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔車
thihguafchiaterng | on agricultural machinery | 鐵牛仔車頂
thihguar | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔
thihguchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛車
thihguu | an iron ox; cultivator; garden tractor; small plot tractor | 鐵牛; 耕耘機
thihhaxn | iron guy | 鐵漢
thihhurn | iron filings (powder) | 鐵粉
thihjiin | iron man, strong man | 鐵人
thihkafng | ironworker | 鐵工
thihkag | iron horn | 鐵角
thihkahchiaf | armored car | 鐵甲車
thihkahzuun | ironclad | 鐵甲船
thihkangchviuo | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thihkangtviuu | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thihkaq | steel armor; cuirass; steel armor; armor plating | 鐵甲
thihkex | iron shed; shack | 鐵架
thihkhaux | iron fetter | 鐵鐐; 鐵鋸
thihkhie tanggezøo | literally, iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 鐵齒銅牙槽
thihkhie taxnggezøo | literally; iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 倔強頑固; 死無認錯
thihkhie | obstinately refusing to admit a fact or truth | 倔強; 鐵齒; 固執
thihkhix sitai | Iron Age | 鐵器時代
thihkhix | iron or steel tool | 鐵器
thihkhof | iron hoops | 鐵箍; 鐵環
thihkhoxng | iron mine; iron stone; iron ore; iron mine | 鐵礦
thihkhuie | iron rails | 鐵軌
thihkhvii | iron pincers | 鐵鉗
thihki'aflo | railway | 鐵枝仔路
thihki'ar | railway | 鐵枝仔
thihkiau | iron bridge | 鐵撟
thihkilo | rail; railroad; railway track | 鐵機路; 鐵枝路; 鐵軌
thihkiloxpvy | railway side | 鐵枝路邊
thihkiloxsviaf | railway track noise | 鐵枝路聲
thihkiloxterng | railway top | 鐵枝路頂
thihkiog | winged everlasting (flower) | 鐵菊
thihkiuu | iron ball ─ the shot (thrown in the shot put) | 鐵球
thihkiøo | an iron bridge | 鐵橋
thihkngr | iron pipe | 鐵管
thihkngx | iron steel | 鐵鋼
thihkoan'ym | Ageratum conizoides (tee) | 鐵觀音
thihkoax | iron cover | 鐵掛; 鐵蓋
thihkoaxn | tin can | 鐵罐
thihkofng | a sort of sting-ray | 鐵光; 尖嘴土魚工
thihkorng | steel pipe; iron tube (pipe) | 鐵管
thihkud | iron bone; strong | 鐵骨
thihkui | steel cabinet; a safe; safe | 鐵櫃
thihkuie | iron rails | 鐵軌
thihkurn'ar | iron club | 鐵棍仔
thihkut'afsvef | skinny but strong (man) | 瘦而結實
thihkut'afsvy | skinny but strong | 鐵骨仔生
thihkut'ar-svy | skinny but strong | 鐵骨仔生; 瘦壯
thihkvoae | iron stick, iron rod | 鐵杖; 鐵桿
thihky | iron rails (of a railway) | 鐵軌; 鐵枝; 鐵筋
thihkyn khoxngkulie | reinforced concrete | 鋼筋水泥
thihkyn | rod iron; iron bars | 鐵條
thihlaan | rock calamus, rock flag (flower) | 鐵欄; 石菖蒲
thihlaang | an iron man; strong man; a man of great physical strength; iron man; tough guy; a jack for raising weights | 鐵人
thihlang'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihlarng | iron cage | 鐵籠
thihlien | iron chains | 鐵鏈; 鐵鍊
thihlien'ar | iron chains | 鐵鍊仔
thihlo | a railroad; a railway; railway; railway track | 鐵路
thihlo-kiok | railway administration | 鐵路局
thihlong'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihloo | a railroad; | 鐵路
thihloxbang | railway network | 鐵路網
thihloxkiok | bureau of railway; Railway Administration | 鐵路局
thihloxpo | rail road breau | 鐵路部
thihloxpvy | railway side | 鐵路邊
thihmngg | iron gate | 鐵門
thihmngpvy | iron gate side | 鐵門邊
thihnng | Iron egg | 鐵卵
thihpaan | iron jar | 鐵瓶
thihpafng | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihpang'ar | sheet iron | 鐵枋仔
thihparn | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihpe'ar | type of iron harrow | 鐵耙仔
thihpear | type of iron harrow | 鐵耙子
thihpee | iron harrow | 鐵皮; 鐵耙
thihphoee | Iron sheet | 鐵皮
thihphorng | steel bed springs | 鐵凸; 彈簧床
thihphviar | steel plate | 鐵片
thihphvix | steel layered | 鐵片
thihpid | burin; stylus | 鐵筆
thihpviar | discus | 鐵餅
thihpvoaa | steel tray | 鐵盤
thihpvy | square iron rod used as a weapon in war | 鐵鞭
thihsae | fragments of rust beaten from red hot iron; scraps from a lathe | 鐵屑
thihseg | iron or steel color | 鐵色
thihsiefn | iron rust | 鐵銹; 鐵鉎
thihsienbi | iron smell | 鐵鉎味
thihsngf | a small iron pin or wedge for keeping something in place | 鐵栓
thihsoaciarng | Chinese version of karate | 鐵沙掌
thihsoaf | iron ore | 鐵沙; 鐵砂
thihsviw | iron box | 鐵箱
thihsvoarbang | barbed wire entanglements | 鐵絲網
thihsvoax | galvanized (zinc-coated) wire | 鐵絲
thihsvoax-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵絲網
thihsy | iron wire | 鐵絲
thihsy-bang | iron wire screen | 鐵絲網
thihtarngterng | iron building | 鐵棟頂
thihtefng | iron nails | 鐵釘
thihteng'ar | nails | 鐵釘仔
thihtengbarn | claw hammer | 鐵釘挽
thihtenggveq | claw hammer | 鐵釘夾
thihthaau | hammer | 鐵頭
thihthafng | window with metal gratings; a prison; iron window; iron barred windows | 鐵窗
thihthafng'aflai | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔內
thihthafng'ar | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔
thihthang'ar | iron window- prison | 鐵窗仔
thihthaq | iron tower | 鐵塔
thihtharng | iron bucket ─ impregnable defense | 鐵桶
thihthiq-thuqthuh | murmur | 啼啼吐吐
thihthuii | an iron hammer; hammer | 鐵鎚; 鐵槌
thihtiaau | iron bar | 鐵條
thihtiaau-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵條網; 鐵絲網
thihtiafm | anvil | 鐵砧; 鐵玷
thihtuu | iron cabinet | 鐵廚; 鐵櫥
thihtvaf | iron yoke | 鐵擔; 鐵軛
thihtø | railway | 鐵道
thihtøee | iron hoofs | 鐵蹄
thihtøf | steel knife | 鐵刀; 鋼刀
thihtøxlo | railroad | 鐵道路
thihtøxpo | railroad department | 鐵道部
thihzah | barrier made of iron | 鐵閘
thihzam | cold chisel, chisel for cutting or shaving stone | 鐵斬; 鋼?
thihzexng | corroboration; proof strong as iron; irrefutable evidence | 鐵證
thihzhngg | steel beds | 鐵床
thihzhuietidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵喙直斷
thihzngx | bit (tool); iron auger | 鐵鑽
thihzuie | preparation for iron-tonic | 鐵水; 鐵劑
thii | moss; lichen | 苔; 啼
thiim | sink | 沉
thiin ciuo | pour wine | 斟酒
thiin | pour; pour out gently in small quantity from a spout (tea; liquor) | 斟; 倒
thikef | hen | 雉雞
thikhaux | to cry; to weep and wail; to lament with sobs and cries | 啼哭
thikiøx | to scream; as birds do | 啼叫
thikøef | pheasant | 雉雞; 啼雞
thin | support; lend countenance to | 媵; 伨; 勻; 應對; 理睬; 理會
thin'iuu | pour oil | 斟油; 倒油
thinciuo | to pour liquor to the cup; to pour or serve spirituous liquor | 斟酒
thinmoar | pour until full | 斟滿
thintee | pour or serve tea | 倒茶
thiofng | compromise; a compromise | 折衷
thiofng'afpof | cemetery | 墳仔埔; 墓地
thiofng'afpvy | cemetery | 塚仔邊
thiofng'aix | pet; favour; fondness | 寵愛
thiofng'iu | actual grace (Catholic) | 寵佑
thiofngbut | pet | 寵物
thiofnghai | spoil (a child) | 寵壞
thiofngjii | favored person; pet; favorite; minion | 寵兒
thiofngseng | to bring up a child indulgently, to spoil | 寵壞; 寵倖
thiofngsiaw | to sell well | 暢銷
thiofngsiin | favorite staff | 寵臣
thiofngsixn | favor and trust (a subordinate) | 寵信
thiofngsvoaf | a hill where graves gather | 塚山
thiog | animal; to rear or raise (livestock) | 畜
thiok'hoad | to grow long hair; do not have one's hair cut | 蓄髮
thiok'ym-khix | gramophone, phonograph | 蓄音器
thiok'ym-ky | gramophone, phonograph | 蓄音機
thiokboghak | animal husbandry; zootechny | 畜牧學
thiokbogkhøf | animal husbandry | 畜牧科
thiokbogkhøkoarn | animal husbandry museum | 畜牧科館
thiokbogtviuu | livestock farm; range; grazing ground | 畜牧場
thiokbok sitai | pastoral age | 畜牧時代
thiokbok | animal husbandry; pastoral; pasturage; raise domestic animals; livestock industry | 畜牧
thiokbok-giap | animal husbandry (industry) | 畜牧業
thioksarn | livestock | 畜產
thioksefng | animal, beast | 畜生; 畜牲
thioksvef | domestic animal; beast; dirty swine | 畜生
thioksvy | animal, beast | 畜生; 畜牲
thioktien | store electricity | 蓄電
thioktiexnkhix | condenser | 蓄電器
thioktiexnliong | capacity for storing electricity; capacity of a storage battery | 蓄電量
thioktiexntii | a storage battery or cells; storage battery; cell; or accumulator | 蓄電池
thiokzeg | accumulate | 蓄積
thiokzuyliong | water storage | 蓄水量
thiokzuytii | lasher; a reservoir | 蓄水池
thiongsym | heartfelt | 衷心
thiongzeeng | heartfelt emotion | 衷情
thioong | worms; long creeping insects like worms; caterpillars; maggots | 蟲
thiorng | to concubine; to favor; to dote on; to favor; dote on; patronize; favor or love (especially of the emperor or God); grace; love; kindness | 寵
thiorng'ee | happy | 暢的
thiorng'irm | drink to one's heart's content; all you can drink | 暢飲
thiorng'ong | flourishing | 暢旺
thiorng`kaq | happily | 暢甲
thiorngjii | a favorite (child) | 寵兒
thiorngkhoaix | cheerful; spiritually elevated | 暢快
thiorngkoaix | pleased, delighted, merry, happy | 暢快
thiornglok | exciting and happy | 暢樂
thiorngphutphud | extremely happy | 暢怫怫
thiorngsiaw | a booming sale; sell briskly | 暢銷
thiorngtaam | to have a delightful talk | 暢談
thiorngtat | fluent, smooth | 暢達
thiorngthioxng | joyful and happy; joyful and peaceful | 寵寵; 無憂無愁
thioxng | smoothly; fluently; jollity; joyful; pleasant; delightful; happy; joyous; easily accessible; with gusto; to one's heart's content; long; expanding; luxuriant; often means sexual enjoyment | 暢
thiq pngxvoar | iron rice bowl ─ very secure job | 鐵飯碗
thiq | iron; used as a symbol of strength; firmness firm; decided; cruel; merciless; unfeeling | 鐵
thiq-chiwkhaux | iron handcuffs | 鐵手銬
thiq-kangchviuo | iron handcuffs | 鐵工廠
thiq-kangtviuu | steel mill | 鐵工廠
thiq-saochiuo | fortune teller's phrase regarding a girl who will injure the bridegroom's family | 鐵掃帚
thiqsioong | stuttering | 喋詳
thiqthih-thuqthuh | chatty | 鐵鐵鏟鏟
thiqthiqkiøx | to boast; to stammer or stutter | 喋喋叫; 吹牛; 口吃
thiqthiqtudtut | small talk | 喋喋突突
thiqtiøh | chatty | 喋著
thirmthaau | nod | 頕頭
thisviaf | cry (bird) | 啼聲
thisviar | cry (bird) | 啼啥; 哭
thithikhaokhaux | crying | 啼啼哭哭
thitiaau | an edible green seaweed | 藻潮; 乾苔
thitthøgyn'ar | young fellow fond of low; licentious and vicious pleasures | 拭桃囝仔; 小太保
thitthøkefng | play room | 拭桃間
thitthølaang | man fond of low or licentious pleasures; a prostitute | 拭桃人; 流氓
thitthømih | toys | 拭桃物
thitthøo | play; have fun; have a pleasant time; have illicit sexual intercourse with a woman; do solely for amusement or pleasure; play; recreate; pleasure; amusement; fun | 拭桃; 𨑨迌; 玩耍
thitthøo-laang | playboy | 拭桃人
thitthøo-mih | plaything | 𨑨迌物
thitthøo-zabor | commit fornication | 拭桃查某
thitthøsiefn | man who has nothing to do but amuse himself | 拭桃仙
thiubøo | extract none | 抽無
thiuchiafm | by lot; draw lots (in fortune telling) | 抽籤
thiuciorng | draw a lottery or raffle | 抽獎
thiucy | draw a lottery or raffle | 抽脂
thiugiam | random test | 抽驗
thiugve | cause a spasm or rigidity | 抽硬
thiuhioxng | collect duties or taxes | 抽稅
thiuhoeq | withdraw blood (from a vein) | 抽血
thiuhofng | pump air | 抽風
thiuhongky | exhaust fan | 抽風機
thiuhuiq | blood-letting | 抽血
thiuhwn | to tarnish, to defame | 抽分; 抽頭
thiukhaw | draw lots | 拈鬮; 抽鬮; 抽籤
thiukhieky | air pump | 抽氣機
thiukhix | extract | 抽去
thiukhofng | at leisure, to find time | 抽空
thiukhøf | grow up straight and tall | 抽高
thiukhør | select at random a few students from a class for a test; unannounced quiz or test | 抽考
thiukiaxm | draw a sword | 抽劍; 拔劍
thiukoaan | grow up straight and tall | 抽高; 抽懸
thiukyn | to be seized by spasm or cramps; spasm; jerkiness | 抽筋
thiukøf | grow up straight and tall | 抽高
thiuliao | extract | 抽了
thiuløx | rowing taller quickly | 抽躼
thiuo | the second of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; the period from one to three A.M.; clown; jester; buffoon; comedian | 丑
thiupefng | conscript for a military duty | 抽兵; 徵兵
thiusex | tax | 抽稅
thiusiong bengsuu | abstract nouns | 抽象名詞
thiusiong khaeliam | abstract concepts or ideas | 抽象概念
thiusiong | abstract; metaphysical; abstract (as opposed to concrete) | 抽象
thiusiong-kaeliam | abstract concept | 抽象概念
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
thiusioxng'oe | abstract painting | 抽象畫
thiusioxnglun | abstract discussion | 抽象論
thiusioxngphaix | abstractionism; abstractionist school | 抽象派
thiusioxngteg | abstract | 抽象的
thiusoex | levy taxes | 抽稅
thiusy | draw a cocoon for silk | 抽絲
thiusyn | to get away (while one is fully occupied) | 分身
thiusøex | levy taxes | 抽稅
thiuthaam | extract phlegm | 抽痰
thiuthaau | the fee that a gambler pay to casino; take a percentage or commission; collect from the gamblers a certain percentage of their wins | 抽頭
thiuthex | to prepare a place for provisionary or alternate use | 抽替; 交替; 進退的餘地
thiuthiw | thin and tall | 抽抽; 瘦而高
thiuthoaq | a drawer | 抽屜
thiuthviax | painful due to twitch; sharp shooting pains | 抽痛; 抽疼
thiuthøex | withdraw | 抽退; 收回
thiutibwsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutibøfsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutiøh | got extracted | 抽著
thiutngg | prolong; elongate | 拉長
thiutubwsex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutubøfsex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutøf | draw a knife | 抽刀
thiuvoa | extract to replace | 抽換
thiuzaf | investigate; survey or test a part of a group; take one out for inspection or examination | 抽查
thiuzhoaq | convulse, cause convulsions | 抽搐
thiuzhud | draw out; pull out; take out; select from a lot | 抽出
thiuzuie beftharng | flush toilet; western style toilet bowl; commode | 抽水馬桶
thiuzuie | pumping pump; unwatering; pump water | 抽水; 揚水
thiuzuie-ky | a water-pump | 抽水機
thiuzuie-zam | a pumping station | 抽水站
thiuzuyky | water pump | 抽水機
thiuzuyzam | pumping station | 抽水站
thiuzuyzaxmzeeng | in front of pumping station | 抽水站前
thiuzøx | extract as | 抽做
thiw kuysviaa | take what percent for a commission | 抽幾成
thiw tibøfsoex | an agreement whereby a married daughter gives one of her children her own family name rather than the family name of her husband | 女兒嫁後言明所生之子一人歸家姓
thiw | extract; draw out; draw lots; pull up | 抽
thiw'ar | clown | 丑仔; 小丑
thiw'og | ugly, repulsive | 丑惡
thiw-tørtngr | pull back | 抽倒轉
thiw`zhutlaai | pull it out | 抽出來
thiwar | clown; mime; zany; marry andrew | 丑仔; 小丑
thiwmiaa | infamy, notoriety | 丑名
thiwsu | scandal | 丑事; 醜事
thiwthaix | unseemly manner, disgraceful behavior | 丑態; 醜態
thix zhuiechiw | shave the beard; shave the face; to humiliate | 刮鬍子
thix | to shave | 剃; 刮
thix-kngkngf | shave the head; cut off all the hair | 剃光光
thix-kngthaau | cut off all the hair | 剃光頭
thixkef | pheasant | 雉雞
thixkoef | pheasant | 雉雞
thixm | poison bird | 鴆
thixn | to fill a cup with tea or wine; to pour a beverage into a cup | 斟
thixntang | balance up two load | 伨重
thixnthaau zøx | to cooperate | 合作
thixnthaau | matching; suitable; fit; go with; accompany | 配合; 結夥
thixnthong | indecent person | 三八
thizhaix | an edible green seaweed | 苔藻; 乾苔
thizhao | hoe or spade out weeds or grass | 苔藻; 鋤草
thiø | to throw; to pitch; to toss | 投
thiøbeeng | explanation, write a supplementary explanation on a document | 提明; 註明
thiøchiwpeeng | the 64th radical (the hand); written at the side | 提手旁; (部首)
thiøf | kick (slang); hand shovel | 挑; 踢; 鏟
thiøhoechiahsiux | pick flowers embroidery | 挑花刺繡
thiøhoef | pick flowers | 挑花; 刺繡
thiøo | head; the top; the first; beginning; the chief; the boss; the leader; the two ends (of anything); an auxiliary; as suffix | 頭
thiørbie | sell rice | 糴米; 糶米
thiørzheg | sell unhulled rice | 糶穀; 賣稻穀
thiørzhud tiaqjip | sell and buy grain | 糶出糴入
thiøtefng | light up | 挑燈
thiøx | sell grain | 糶; (賣五穀)
thng | scald; burn; singe; to glaze (pottery); the glaze on pottery | 燙; 加釉
thng'afpviafzhux | candy shop; sweets shop | 糖仔餅厝
thng'afpviar | candies and cookies | 糖仔餅
thng'ar | candy; sweets | 糖仔
thng'oaan | soup ball | 湯丸
thng'y | icing | 糖衣
thngchviuo | sugar refinery | 糖廠
thngcviw | syrup; molasses | 糖漿
thngf | soup; broth; gravy | 湯
thngg | sugar; candy | 糖
thnggiap | the sugar industry | 糖業
thnghiøxsu | pass on heirs | 傳後嗣
thnghiøxsuu | pass on heirs | 傳後嗣
thnghun | sugar | 糖份
thnghurn | sugar | 糖粉
thnghuxnbi | sugar flavor | 糖份味
thnghwn | sugar content, sugar value | 糖分
thngjiøxpve | diabetes | 糖尿病
thngjiøxpvi | diabetes; diabetic; glycosuria | 糖尿病
thngkafm-bidtvy | sweet, happy | 甜甘蜜甜, 親密
thngkam'ar | candy | 糖含仔
thngkambidtvy | sweet | 糖甘蜜甜
thngkamciax | sugarcane | 糖甘蔗
thngkøf | massecuite | 糖膏
thngkøftiaxm | candy shop; confectionery | 糖果店
thngkølai | massecuite | 糖膏內
thnglaang | child to be adopted takes the surname of the adopting family | 人收養而入別人的姓
thngliau | sugar | 糖料
thngliøxpvi | diabetes | 糖尿病
thnglo | soup | 湯路; 湯頭
thngpafng | sugar bar | 糖枋
thngpaw | sugar bag | 糖包
thngpho | primitive sugar crushing establishment | 糖部
thngrbaktheq | upper body naked | 褪腹裼
thngrbattheq | upper body naked | 褪腹裼
thngrchiahkhaf | barefooted | 脫赤腳; 光腳
thngrciahkhaf | bare feet | 褪赤跤
thngrcin | fade away | 褪盡
thngrhax | take off one's mourning clothes ─ the mourning period over | 脫孝; 除喪
thngrhør | took off; fade; iron well | 褪好
thngrjoah | make it warm | 燙熱
thngrkhag | a snake shedding its skin | 脫皮; (蛇)
thngrkhie | teeth loss for permanent teeth | 褪齒
thngrkhorlan | not wearing trousers; (child or fisherman) naked below the waist; with out pants | 脫褲𡳞; 光著屁股
thngrkhox | take off trousers; go by the board | 褪褲; 脫褲
thngrkngf | naked | 褪光; 脫光
thngrkngkngf | naked | 褪光光
thngrkoaxn | candy jar; sugar jar | 糖罐
thngrlaang | to sell to another person | 傳人; 轉售予人
thngrmngg | molt; (birds and mammals) shed feathers or hair | 褪毛; 脫毛
thngrpaktheq | nudity; unclothe; bareness; naked to the waist; topless; shirtless | 褪剝裼; 赤裸; 袒胸露背
thngrpattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngrphattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngrphee | peeling | 褪皮
thngrphoartheq | peeling | 褪破裼
thngrphoee | skin peeled | 褪皮
thngrphøee | to shed the skin; as a snake does | 脫皮
thngrsag | get rid off | 脫棄
thngrsiofng | burn incurred from a hot liquid | 燙傷
thngrsiøf | heating | 燙燒; 加熱
thngrsvaf | take off cloth | 脫衣
thngrsvaf-thngrkhox | naked | 脫光衣服
thngrtiau | take off clothes | 脫掉
thngrtiøh | burn incurred from a hot liquid | 燙傷
thngsi'afzhaix | species of cabbage whose leaf looks like a teaspoon | 湯匙仔菜; 青江菜
thngsi'ar | spoon | 湯匙仔
thngsii | tablespoon; spoon | 湯匙
thngsiofng | scald | 燙傷
thngsng'oaan | beloved children, sweetheart, darling, baby | 心肝寶貝
thngsng'oan'ar | icing | 糖霜丸仔
thngsngf | sugar candy; rock candy | 糖霜; 冰糖
thngsy | sugar silk | 糖絲
thngtafn | saccharin; glucide; saccharine | 糖精
thngtee | tee soup | 湯茶
thngthaau | soup; the taste of soup; various medicinal brews or decoctions | 湯頭; 湯的味道
thngtiaau | sugar stick | 糖條
thngtiøh | spread | 傳著
thngx sva'afkhox | take off all one's clothes | 脫衣服
thngx | take off (clothes; socks); to shed (hair) | 脫
thngx-chiahkhaf | barefoot | 脫赤腳
thngx-chiahtheq | half naked | 脫赤袒
thngx-hietkak | take off one's clothes and threw away | 脫丟棄
thngx-kngkngf | strip stark naked | 脫光光
thngx-phorngpha | scalded and blistered | 燙成泡
thngx-thehtheq | almost naked | 脫袒袒; 脫光
thngx`tiøh | burned (by hot pan, hot water) | 燙得
thngxsiøf | heating; warm over again; to warm (food) up again | 燙燒; 加熱; 煨熱
thngxzhaix | heat the food again | 燙菜
thngzefng | saccharin; glucide; saccharine | 糖精
thngzerng | carry on the family line | 傳種
thngzhafng | sticky sugar candy in Taiwa | 糖蔥
thngzuie | sweetened water; sugar solution | 糖水
tho'ang'ar | clay doll; clay toy figurine | 土尪仔; 泥人
tho'arng'ar | urn | 塗甕仔
tho'oaan | mud ball | 土丸; 泥塊
tho'urn | earthworm | 塗蚓; 蚯蚓
thoa | guide; induct; lead; to remove; to lead; to guide; to act as an assistant and serving an apprenticeship | 汰; 傳授; 導; 沖洗; 見習
thoa'aan | to tighten | 收緊; 拖絚
thoa'ar | slippers | 拖仔; 拖鞋
thoa'ieen | to delay, to protract, to put off | 拖延
thoa'oar | pull closer | 拖倚
thoa'un | haulage | 拖運
thoa'øee | drag one's feet, scuff along | 拖鞋
thoaafee | slipper | 拖仔鞋
thoaan hok'ym | preach the gospel | 傳福音
thoaan ipoad | hand one's trade on to disciples; teach one's students all one knows (especially about academic endeavors and the fine arts) | 傳衣缽
thoaan tøxlie | transmit; proclaim; teach; or preach doctrine | 傳道理
thoaan | a mass; a lump; a group | 團; 傳
thoaan`løqkhix | to hand down; bequeath | 傳落去
thoabang | a dragnet, a townet | 傳網
thoabang-hizuun | trawler | 拖網魚船
thoaboaa | to toil; to labor very hard | 拖磨; 勞苦; 辛勞
thoabøea-chvy | comet | 拖尾星; 彗星
thoabøefchvy | comet | 拖尾星
thoachiaf | trail car; tow truck; trailer; draw a carriage or cart; trailer | 拖車
thoad | to tide over; procrastinate; escape from (danger) | 渡; 拖; 脫 (險)
thoad`khix | to take off | 拖去
thoaf bagbøea | long tip of brow | 拖目尾
thoaf lauxmia | risk life; make death defying effort | 拼老命
thoaf sikafn | to delay; to stall for time | 拖時間
thoaf | to drag; to pull; draw along; procrastinate; (diseases) are chronic; be in constant sickness or pain; involve; implicate | 拖; 拉
thoaf-tørtngr | draw or lead something back to the original place | 拖倒轉; 拉回來
thoaf`khix | drag | 拖去
thoaf`køeakhix | put off (a payment when it falls due); to tide (a patient) over (the critical moment) | 拖過去; 渡過去 (脫險)
thoaf`køex | drag | 拖過
thoaf`zhutkhix | pull out | 拖出去
thoaf`zhutlaai | pull out (a drawer) | 拉出來
thoafn | rapidly flowing | 湍
thoah'aflai | inside drawer | 屜仔內
thoah'aftea | inside the drawer | 屜仔底
thoah'ar | drawer | 屜仔; 抽屜
thoahbak | strabismus, squint | 拖目; 斜眼
thoahii | kingfish, peto, wahoo (fish) | 拖魚; 棘鰆
thoahkhuy | pull out | 拖開
thoahkoeakhix | put off (a payment when it falls due), to tide (a patient) over (the critical moment) | 拖過去, 渡過去 (脫險)
thoahlien | chain | 挩鍊
thoahlien'ar | chain | 挩鍊仔
thoahmngg | sliding door | 拖門
thoahoan | a vender or stall keeper; a seller on the sidewalk | 攤販
thoahpafng | tart | 挩坊
thoahpang'ar | tart | 挩坊仔
thoahthafng | sewing machine | 挩窗; 斜眼; 拉窗子
thoaieen | procrastination | 拖延
thoajip | to drag into | 拖入
thoakafng | day workers; procrastinate intentionally | 拖工
thoakhiaxm | to delay in paying a debt; to to fall in arrears; to delay too long in paying a debt | 拖欠
thoakhie | to draw up, to pull up | 拖起
thoakhuy | drag away | 拖開
thoakoex | dragged | 拖過
thoakuo | delay for a long time | 拖久
thoakøeagøeh | dragged over this month- such as delay rent | 拖過月
thoalaai | drag | 拖來
thoalat | tensile force | 拖力
thoalee | draw a plow | 拖犁; 拉犁
thoalui | cumber; encumber; involve or implicate (in a debt or some dangerous affair) | 拖累; 連累
thoaluixtiøh | dragged down | 拖累著
thoaluun | a tug, a tugboat | 拖輪
thoaløh | to pull down | 拖落
thoamia | prolong one's life; endanger one's health by toiling very hard at some special work; when quite unfit for such hard work | 拖命; 拼命工作
thoamoaa | wear hemp rope around one's waist at a funeral | 纏麻; 穿麻衣
thoan'ge | transfer art | 傳藝
thoan'gieen | verbal message, send verbal messages, hearsay | 傳言
thoan'goaan | member | 團員
thoan'ioong | preach; make known everywhere | 傳揚; 宣揚
thoan'iuo | fellow-member of a party or group | 團友
thoan'oaan | have a complete family reunion, complete, unbroken family circle | 團員; 團圓
thoan'oe | transmit words | 傳話
thoan'vii | have a complete family reunion; complete, unbroken (family circle) | 團圓
thoanbeng | proclaim, transmit an order | 傳命
thoanbuun | rumor | 傳聞
thoanciab | hand on to one's posterity | 傳接
thoanciaux | proclaim a decree | 傳照; 傳詔
thoancip | meet together, gather together | 傳集; 團集
thoancyn | fax; to transmit printed matter; facsimile; to fax; a fax; life like portrait; transmit a photo (by electronic devices) | 傳真
thoangieen | verbal message; send verbal messages; hearsay | 傳言
thoanhee | return | 傳回
thoanhoaxn | summon | 傳喚
thoanhoee | return | 傳回
thoanhuix | tour fee | 團費
thoanhy | spread a false rumor | 傳虛; 虛傳
thoanjiafmpve | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoanjiafmpvi | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoanjiarm | to infect; to contagious; epidemic; catching; infection; contagion; to spread (disease; bad habit) to others | 傳染
thoanjiarm-pvi | an infectious or contagious disease | 傳染病
thoanjiet | heat conductive | 傳熱
thoanjip | enter, come in (from outer culture, etc.) | 傳入
thoankaf | pass on | 傳家
thoankao'oaan | catechist | 傳教員
thoankaociar | preacher | 傳教者
thoankaokaf | preacher | 傳教家; 傳道家
thoankaokhw | mission area | 傳教區
thoankaosu | missionary; missioner | 傳教士
thoankaosw | paster, preacher | 傳教師
thoankapør | family treasure; heirloom | 傳家寶
thoankarng | lecture, preach, proclaim | 傳講
thoankaux | to preach a religion; preach; promulgate a religion | 傳教
thoankhex | association, group | 團契
thoankhix | pass on | 傳去
thoankhuy | to spread | 傳開
thoankied | solidarity; union; unity; unity; solidarity; unify | 團結
thoankiet'uilek | solidarity withy power | 團結為力
thoankietlek | capacity for unity | 團結力
thoankietsym | co-operative spirit | 團結心
thoankii | legend; saga; legendary; fantasy saga; romance; short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty | 傳奇
thoankisexng | legendary | 傳奇性
thoankiuu | passing ball | 傳球
thoankoex | passed on | 傳過
thoankokpør | country treasure | 傳國寶
thoankøex | passed on | 傳過
thoanlaai | came | 傳來
thoanleng | to deliver or give orders; command convection; deliver or give orders; a dispatcher | 傳令
thoanlexngpefng | soldier messenger; a courier | 傳令兵
thoanliarm | infect | 傳染
thoanlien | militia, volunteer home guards | 團鍊; 團練
thoanløo | beating a gong on giving information | 傳鑼; 鳴鑼
thoanmiaa | group name | 團名
thoanmuii | media | 傳媒
thoanoa | delay | 拖爛
thoanpaix | mass greetings (as on New Year's Day); mass congratulations (on auspicious occasions) | 團拜
thoanphiexn | preach everywhere | 傳遍
thoanphiøx | a summons for appearance in court; voucher; voucher; summons for appearance in court; a note from one department to another (in a bank) | 傳票
thoanpox iaugieen | spread rumors | 傳播謠言
thoanpox | to spread; to disseminate information; disseminate (news; information); dissemination | 傳播; 傳布
thoanpox-seg | communication center | 傳播室
thoanpøx | broadcast | 傳播
thoansaxng | send | 傳送
thoanseeng | inherited | 傳承
thoansex | pass (great books) on to the world; to hand down from generation to generation | 傳世
thoansiin | a vivid portrayal; true to nature | 傳神
thoansit | preach or spread the truth | 傳實
thoansiu | deliver a tradition, teach | 傳受; 傳授
thoansixn | summon to the low court or police station | 傳信; 傳訊
thoansoad | unconfirmed report; legends; tale; hearsay; legends; stories passing from mouth to mouth; unconfirmed reports | 傳說
thoansoattiofng | it's said | 傳說中
thoansut | hand down an oral tradition, deliver God's message orally | 傳術; 傳述
thoansuu | continue the line of male posterity | 傳嗣
thoansw | transmission | 傳輸
thoantadseg | information office | 傳達室
thoantadzhutkhix | convey it | 傳達出去
thoantai | hand on from generation to generation | 傳代
thoantat | to forward; to inform; to notify; communicate; transmit; convey | 傳達
thoante | transfer | 傳遞
thoanthaothaux | pass through | 傳透透
thoanthea hengtong | collective action | 團體行動
thoanthea lyheeng | traveling in a party | 團體旅行
thoanthea seng'oah | group life | 團體生活
thoanthea zengsiin | team spirit | 團體精神
thoanthea | a group; community; organization; society; community; party; mission; an organization | 團體
thoanthefphiøx | group ticket | 團體票
thoanthefzhaw | group calisthenics | 團體操
thoanthoaan uizu | be completely surrounded (by rows of enemy troops) | 團團圍住
thoanthoaan | surround | 團團
thoanthoaan-uizu | to surround completely | 團團圍住
thoanthoanzoarn | to pace about in an agitated state of mind; to bustle about restlessly | 團團轉
thoanthofngseg | traditional | 傳統式
thoanthorng | conventional; heritage; tradition | 傳統
thoanthorng-sibsiok | mores | 傳統習俗
thoantoe | pass information along | 傳遞
thoantui | team | 團隊
thoantviuo | colonel; regiment commander; head of a band of men | 團長
thoantvoaf | flyleaf; handbill; leaflet; handbills; leaflets; circulars; notices | 傳單
thoantø | to preach a religion; propagandism; preaching; sermon; mission work; preach the gospel; engage in mission work; transmit doctrine | 傳道; 傳導
thoantø-po | evangelistic committee | 傳道部
thoantø-sexng | conductivity | 傳導性
thoantøxsor | preach place | 傳道所
thoantøxsw | preacher; evangelist; missionary | 傳道師
thoantøxthea | conductors (of heat; electricity) | 傳導體
thoanvii | to have a reunion; to be reunited (as a whole family) | 團圓
thoanzao | pass away | 傳走
thoanzerng | propagate the species; have sons and grandsons to carry on the family name | 傳種
thoanzhud | proclaim, propagate | 傳出
thoanzofng ciaptai | continue the family line by producing a male heir | 傳宗接代
thoanzofng | continue a clan or family | 傳倉; 傳宗
thoanzu | to reunite; to have a reunion; to meet; congregate; meeting; (family) reunion; gathering | 團聚
thoanzuo | leader | 團主
thoapee | harrow in the field | 拖耙
thoapoah | pull something over, upset | 拖跌; 拉倒
thoapvee | dragging- a bad prolong task | 拖棚
thoapvi | work in illness | 拖平; 拖病; 抱病工作
thoapvii | pull something flat or even | 拖平; 拉平
thoaq | to tide over; procrastinate; escape from (danger) | 渡; 屜; (險); 洗淨; 抽屜; 脫; 拖
thoarn | paralysis | 瘓
thoarnji | character style for ornamental inscriptions, title page, etc | 煥字; 篆字; 銘文的字
thoarnlien | to train; to exercise; forge metal; to temper | 鍛鍊
thoasaylieen | sloppy, hesitant | 拖屎連
thoasinthoamia | going through hardship | 拖身拖命
thoasoaf | procrastinate | 拖延; 拖沙
thoasoar | move to another place by pulling | 拖徙
thoasøq | tow, towline | 拖索
thoat'erng jii zhud | overshadow others by showing one's ability and talents; overtake others; outscore rival teams (in a race; competition) | 脫穎而出
thoat'hiarm | to escape from dangers; be out of danger | 脫險
thoat'ibuo | strip tease (dance) | 脫衣舞
thoat'iuu | wait for oil to drip from food | 脫油
thoat'y | to undress, take off one's clothes | 脫衣
thoatbang | tone's dream; (a spirit or deity) conveys a message to a mortal through a dream | 託夢
thoatbiern | to escape; free from; flee from | 脫免
thoatboo | torture | 脫模
thoatchiuo | to slip off one's hand; to sell out (goods or stock on hand) | 脫手
thoatcied | dislocation; dislocate a joint; disconnected; irrelevant or incoherent; lose contact | 脫節
thoatcimii | medicinal cotton; absorbent cotton | 脫脂棉
thoatcy gulefng | skim milk | 脫脂牛乳
thoathoasoasoaf | taking long time to complete a task | 拖拖沙沙
thoathoo | to drag along a long skirt or pant leg in the mud | 拖地; 垂地
thoatiaochiaf | tow truck | 拖吊車
thoatiaux | tow | 拖吊
thoatit | to pull straight | 拉直
thoatiøh | drag | 拖著
thoatkhag | to slough, to exuviate, to cast the shell | 脫殼
thoatkhao jii zhud | speak without thinking of the consequences; have a slip of lip | 脫口而出
thoatkhix | slip away | 脫去
thoatkhuie | jump the track, be derailed | 脫潰; 脫軌
thoatkiu | dislocation | 脫臼
thoatkoex | get off | 脫過
thoatkuie | to derail; run off the rails | 脫軌
thoatkør | to complete a piece of writing; to speak without script | 脫稿
thoatlan | escape troubles | 脫難
thoatli koanhe | sever relations; to divorce; disown | 脫離關係
thoatli sokpak | escape from bonds | 脫離束縛
thoatli | to break away; away from; divorcee; out of; sever one's relation with; get off | 脫離
thoatliap | to husk, to shell | 脫攝; 脫粒
thoatlii | break away | 脫離
thoatløh | drop off, shed, fall off | 脫落
thoatmng | shed hair or feathers | 脫門
thoatmngg | shed hair or feathers | 脫毛
thoatmoh | decidua, drop off of skin | 脫膜
thoatngg | to lengthen, to draw out (a sound), prolong, to elongate | 脫長; 拖長
thoatnibuo | strip dance | 脫奶舞
thoatphii | to slough, ecdysis | 脫皮
thoatphøee | shed skin | 脫皮
thoatsarn | to be disengaged from work, to hide away the property of a company | 脫產
thoatsiaw | to have a drain on supplier, to run out of supplies | 脫消; 脫銷
thoatsiax | to unload | 脫赦; 脫卸
thoatsiok | to free oneself from worldly ways; free from vulgarity | 脫俗
thoatsvoax | go off the rails; to de-rail; be eccentric; digress; not thorough in work | 脫線; 脫離本題
thoatsvoax-thoatsvoax | somewhat crazy | 脫線脫線
thoatsyn | to get away; off the hook; to escape | 脫身
thoatthay voaxkud | to disembody (and become immortal); change oneself inside out; radical change of conduct | 脫胎換骨
thoatthay | produced from, originated from | 脫胎
thoatthøex | retreat | 脫退
thoattngg | have a hernia | 脫腸
thoattorng | leave the party; break off from one's party | 脫黨
thoattøo | to escape from; withdraw or run away | 脫逃
thoatvef | slip shod | 拖踵; 曳足而行
thoatzad | dislocate a joint | 脫節
thoatzek | renounce one's citizenship; withdraw from membership | 脫籍
thoatzerng | deseed | 脫種
thoatzhud | prolapse | 脫出
thoatzoe | exonerate someone from a charge | 脫罪
thoatzuie | dehydrate; dehydrated | 脫水
thoatzuyky | Machine for removing liquids by centrifugal force; a spin dryer | 脫水機
thoatzuyzef | dehydrating agent | 脫水劑
thoatzuyzøo | dewatering tank | 脫水槽
thoatør | to upset things by pulling on them | 拖倒; 拖垮
thoax | great; big; peace; calm | 泰
thoaxbie | clean rice before cook | 汰米; 清洗(米); 洗米
thoaxliao køq thoa | rinse a second time | 汰了擱汰; 沖了再沖
thoaxn | bright; brilliant; shining | 煥; 鍛
thoaxphvae | to be gide to the wrong way; lead others into evil by example and companionship | 導歹; 學壞; 帶壞
thoaxsvaf | rinse clothing | 濯衣; 汰衫; 清洗衣服; 沖衣服
thoaxzhuix | rinse one's mouth | 漱口
thoaxzuie | wash down with water | 汰水; 沖水
thoazao | drag away | 拖走
thoazex | delay in paying a debt | 拖債
thoazhud | drag away | 拖出
thoazuie | dehydrating | 脫水
thoazuun | take a ship in tow; a tow; tug boat | 拖船
thobagsay | handy man | 土木司
thobaq sarn | the soil is sterile | 土壤瘠
thobaq | soil; mould | 土壤; 塗肉
thobee | mud | 土粥; 塗糜; 泥土
thobee-khud | mud puddle | 土粥窟; 泥坑
thobin | surface soil | 土面; 地面
thobysoaf | sand and clay | 土米沙; 土沙
thochvy | Saturn | 土星
thocid | the condition or nature of the soil | 土質
thociøh | painted stone | 塗石
thocviw | deep slushy mud | 泥漿
thoea'au | go backwards | 退後
thoeachiuo | substitute for, substitute worker | 替手
thoeahoaan | to return | 退還
thoeapiexn | metamorphosis; spallation; decay | 蛻變
thoeasykuie | scapegoat | 替死鬼
thoeasyn | witchcraft. Burial objects made of bamboo or paper | 替身
thoeavoa | substitute | 替換
thoeavoax | delay; latency | 延遲
thoeazhud | retreat | 退出
thoeh | take up with the hand; carry or take in the hand (a small object) | 拿; 提
thoeqlaai | presented | 提來
thoex | for; instead of; in place of; to substitute; to change; take the place of; supersede | 替
thoexsiin | absentminded; dimly; faintly; seemingly vigor | 精神恍惚
thoexthoe | listless; dispirited | 癡呆; 精神無振
thof | steal; pilfer; filch; secretly; stealthily | 偷
thofbagthofbak | eyes popped | 吐目吐目
thofbahcvix | scar | 吐肉箭
thofbak | protruding eyeball | 凸目
thofbi | earthy | 土味
thofbogkhøf | civil engineering | 土木科
thofbok kangtheeng | civil engineering; construction projects | 土木工程
thofbok kangthengsw | civil engineer | 土木工程師
thofbok | civil; construction; building | 土木
thofbok-he | civil engineering dept. | 土木系
thofcih | put out the tongue; stick out the tongue | 凸舌; 吐舌; 伸舌; 乍舌
thofeq | spit up | 吐呃
thofgee | sprout (Lit. fig) | 萌芽
thofhngf | folk medicine | 土方
thofhoafn | primitives; indigenous or original inhabitants of a place or country; uncivilized natives; a species of crossbred duck | 土番; 土番鴨
thofhongbuo | folk dance; folk dance | 土風舞
thofhoong | plant buds; shoot up | 萌芽
thofhuie | bandits; brigands; robbers | 匪徒; 土匪
thofhuyafsvoaf | bandit | 土匪仔山
thofhuykwn | bandit soldier | 土匪軍
thofhuypefng | bandit soldier | 土匪兵
thofhøex | native goods | 土貨
thofhøo | a local despot, a local tyrant | 土壕; 土豪
thofiøf | isthmus | 地峽
thofjiin | aborigine, natives | 土人
thofjiogkuix | soil cinnamon | 土肉桂
thofkae | land reform, agrarian reform | 土改
thofkao | dog | 土狗
thofkaw'ar | dog | 土狗仔
thofkeafsviaa | free-range chicken city | 土雞仔城
thofkear | free-range chicken | 土雞仔
thofkhuix | to sigh | 歎氣; 吐氣; 嘆氣
thofkhviw | local dialect, patois | 土腔
thofkoear | free-range chicken | 土雞仔
thofkoef | free-range chicken | 土雞
thofkofng | undertaker | 討功; 挖墓穴或抬棺之工人
thofkong'afsexng | bad temper | 土公仔性
thofkong'ar | grave diggers (put the body in the coffin and bury it); a rowdy; a roughneck; unpolished and unlettered; vulgar; clownish | 土管仔; 撿骨的; 挖墓穴或抬棺的人
thoflaang | native; aborigines; a rowdy; a roughneck | 土人; 粗人
thoflat | manual labor; without machinery or cattle; unskilled labor | 蠻力
thofluii | blind person (slang) | 瞎眼; (罵人)
thofmiaa | nickname; common colloquial name of a man or place when it differs totally from the literary name; having different characters | 土名; 綽號
thofng | go through; pass through; communicate with | 通; 透
thofng'id hoatphiøx | uniform invoice | 統一發票
thofng'id thienha | unify the whole country (world) | 統一天下
thofng'id uxntong | unity movement; uniform activity | 統一運動
thofng'id | to unify; uniform; unitary | 統一
thofng-seakafn | whole world | 通世界
thofng-seakaix | whole world | 通世界; (全世界)
thofng-thienha | all over the world; everywhere under heaven | 普天下
thofng-thvi'e | all under heaven | 普天下; 全天下
thofngciexn | united front | 統戰
thofnghad | to rule; govern; to control | 統轄
thofnghap | combine | 統合
thofngkeahagkaf | statistician | 統計學家
thofngkeahak | statistics (as a science) | 統計學
thofngkeapiør | statistical table; chart; graph | 統計表
thofngkeazhutlaai | statiscally | 統計出來
thofngkex | statistics; to count; the entire sum | 統計
thofngkex-piør | statistical table | 統計表
thofngkiong | altogether in all | 統共; 一共
thofnglerng | commanding officer; commander of troops | 統領
thofnglie | prime minister | 統理
thofnglieen | unification | 統聯
thofngsoex | commander-in-chief; generalissimo | 統帥
thofngsuo | if; assume | 倘使
thofngthaau | stick out, project, appear, exceed | 通頭; 捅頭; 伸出頭
thofngti kaikib | ruling class | 統治階級
thofngti | to rule; to govern; reign | 統治
thofngti-ciar | ruler, sovereign | 統治者
thofngtixciar | ruler | 統治者
thofngtixkoaan | sovereign power | 統治權
thofngzeaphirn | controlled articles (archaic) | 統制品
thofngzex kengzex | planned economy; controlled economy (archaic) | 統制經濟
thofngzex | to control; govern and regulate | 統制
thofngzhud | protrude; to project; stick out | 突出
thofoe | local dialect, patois | 土話
thofonglaai | organic pineapple | 土王梨
thofpadar | organic guava | 土菝仔
thofpau'ar | a country bumpkin | 土包仔; 土包子
thofpauar | rustic or countrified person; hillbilly; country pumpkin | 土包子
thofpax | local bully | 土霸
thofpoadar | organic guava | 土菝仔
thofpox | hard-woven cloth | 土布
thofpux | rich; but ignorant; without culture or rank | 土富; 暴發戶
thofsafntiarmpvy | native products store side | 土產店邊
thofsarn | local products; native; autochthonism; agricultural products; crops; fruits; local products | 土產
thofsarn`ee | indigenous | 土產的
thofsay | self-taught technician | 土師
thofsexng | earthy; describe personality that is straightforward, could be rued too | 土性
thofsiin | spirit of the land | 土神
thofsiok | local customs; provincial | 土俗
thofsngx | reckon without using any formulas to gauge a measure or amount only from past experience | 直算; 暗算; (憑經驗算)
thofsoaq | hurtful demons that cause injury when a house or grave is being built or repaired on an unlucky day | 犯沖
thofsoong | too much; too many; excessive | 過多; 土氣
thofsve'ar | Animal or plant indigenous to a particular region | 土生仔
thofsvear | Animal or plant indigenous to a particular region | 土生的
thofsviu | know intuitively; no need to think it over | 土想
thofsvoai'ar | Taiwanese mango | 土檨仔
thofte kaykeg | land reform | 土地改革
thofte tioxng'oeh | land consolidation | 土地重劃
thofte zengtadsøex | land value increment tax; tax levied on increment of land value | 土地增值稅
thofte | land; piece of land; locality; region; a lot; a plot | 土地
thofthaau | a slight overrun; slightly more than.. | 超過; (預定數目)一點
thofthor | vulgar; clownish; unpolished and unlettered; protrude | 粗魯; 微突的
thofthurn | vulgar, stupid | 土碩; 蠢
thofti-kofng | a pagan god, guardian of fields and crops | 土地公
thoftiog | aborigine | 土築; 土住
thoftiok | aborigine | 土著
thoftit | simple and straightforward | 憨直; 土直; 直爽
thoftixkofng | the God of Earth | 土地公
thoftixkongbiø | temple for land god | 土地公廟
thoftixkongbiø'ar | temple for land god | 土地公廟仔
thoftngthaau | anal prolapse | 吐腸頭
thoftoaxkhuix | deep breath | 吐大氣
thoftoe | land | 土地
thoftviaa | yard | 土埕
thoftøe | land; soil; terra | 土地
thofvie | begin to bud; to sprout | 發芽
thofwn | aborigine shad | 土瘟; 高鼻水滑
thofym | local dialect, potois | 土音
thofzhud | throw up | 吐出
thog zhuiekhie | tooth pick | 籤牙
thog | carry on the palm; bear up; prop up with a support; prop up with the hand; to lift up; hold up high on the hand or on a pole to show it off | 托; 託
thog'ym | reading notes | 讀音
thog`phoax | break through | 突破
thogbut | reading matter; reading material | 讀物
thogciar bunteg | Reader's Digest | 讀者文摘
thogciar | readership; audience; the reader (as opposed to the writer) | 讀者
thogkefng | read the Bible | 讀經
thogkharky | card-reader | 讀卡機
thogpurn | reader (for a language course); textbook | 讀本
thogsiar | reading and writing | 讀寫
thogsw pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thogsw | reading; educated | 讀書
thogsw-pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thogsy | reading poems | 讀詩
thoguhoansyn | earthquake | 塗牛翻身
thoham | pitfall | 陷阱; 地陷坑
thohu | blenny (fish) | 土魚; 土鮒
thohurn | dust; dust | 土粉; 塗粉; 泥灰; 灰塵
thohvoa | tuan | 土岸
thoiuu | oiled | 塗油
thoiøo | kiln | 塗窯
thoiøpvy | kiln | 塗窯邊
thojiorng | soil; earth; clay; land | 土壤
thojiorng-hak | pedology | 土壤學; 塗壤學
thok | read; to study | 讀
thok'hofng | to pioneer | 拓荒
thok'hofng-ciar | a pioneer | 拓荒者
thok'hog | TOEFL (test of English as a foreign language); thanks; I enjoy good fortune by your favor or influence (a polite phrase) | 托福
thok'hux | request to bear responsibility | 託負; 託付
thok'iok | childcare | 托育
thokaau | cricket | 蟋蟀
thokad | adobe mud bricks | 土磚; 塗墼; 土墼
thokafng | ordinary mason | 土工; 泥瓦匠
thokag | lump of earth | 土角; 一團土
thokakzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
thokat'afzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼仔厝
thokatzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
thokaubear | muddy | 塗溝糜仔
thokaumoee | muddy | 塗溝糜
thokaw | ditch | 土溝; 水溝
thokbang | give instruction in the dream; appear in a dream | 託夢
thokbe | sell on consignment | 託賣
thokbea | ask a person to buy | 託買
thokeq | reddish subsoil | 土層
thokgee | pick one's teeth | 剔牙
thokgieen | excuse | 托言
thokhabin | ground | 塗跤面
thokhaf | ground; land; floor; earthen or tiled floor; surface of the ground | 地面; 塗跤; 地上
thokhaf-pox | floor mop | 土跤布; 拖把
thokhaf-zu | floor mat | 土跤蓆; 墊子
thokhafng | hole in the earth | 土孔; 泥洞
thokhapafng | floor mat | 塗跤枋
thokhataw | floor mat | 塗跤兜
thokhatea | floor | 塗跤底
thokhix | rustic | 土氣
thokhud | lower ground, a cellar | 土坑; 土窟
thokhvy | ditch | 土坑; 泥坑
thokjisor | day care center; nursery school; public nursery; day nursery | 托兒所
thokkaw | entrust to, hand over to | 托交; 托付
thokkhie | using tooth pick | 剔齒
thokkhoafn | acquire a broader (road); to broaden (a road); widen (a street) | 拓寬
thokkoafnkoaan | mandatory powers | 託管權
thokkoarn lefngthor | trust territories; mandate territories | 託管領土
thokkoarn | trustee; mandate; trustee; trusteeship | 託管
thokkoarn-tøe | trust territory, mandated territory | 託管地
thokkox | to give a pretext, to make an excuse | 託顧; 託故
thoklisor | nursery | 托兒所
thokomoear | muddy | 塗糊糜仔
thokphoax | reveal somebody's secret of success | 拓破
thokpoad | beg for alms | 托砵
thokpvoaa | a tray | 托盤
thoksixn | to have sincere faith; honest; trustworthy | 篤信
thoksu | ask to manage a matter | 託事
thoksuu | pretext, pretence, excuse | 託辭
thoktiern | carry out; develop | 拓展
thoktiong | entrust | 信託; 托付
tholaang | a type of hand mill for cleaning rice; separating husk and kernel; rice mill | 土礱; 碾米機器
tholangkeng'ar | place of hand mill for cleaning rice; separating husk and kernel room | 碾米間仔
tholeeng | a species of marine eel | 土龍
tholioong | ell | 土龍
tholiw | a small fish; a few inches long; which lives in ditches and pools; a loach (lives in the mud) | 泥鰍
tholui | earth-made object | 土類; 泥類
tholun'ar | pile of soil, small hill | 土丘
thomaftøq | tomato; (in central or northern Taiwan); kam-a-bit (in southern Taiwan); chhau-khi-a (in northern Taiwan) | 蕃茄
thomato | tomato | 番茄
thomoaai | muddy | 塗糜
thomoear | muddy | 塗糜仔
thomoee | mud | 泥漿; 塗糜
thong | sun screen; carriage curtain; pile up in a pile (books; coins; bowls; plates); a pile of such things | 幢; 緟; 堆; 疊
thong'egkvoaf | interpreter | 通譯官
thong'ek | translate; translator; interpret; interpreter (archaic) | 通譯; 翻譯
thong'ek-ciar | interpreter | 通譯者
thong'eng | be current, in general use | 通用; 通用的
thong'hag'seng | day pupils | 通學生
thong'ia | all night long | 通夜; 整夜
thong'iong | interchangeable; practicable; (currency) in circulation; can be used everywhere | 通用
thong'ioong | make a temporary arrangement; compromise; accommodate; by way of accommodation | 通融
thong'iuu | accessible by postal communication | 通郵
thong'oe | communicate by telephone or radio | 通話
thong'orng | be on intimate terms with (often with bad or questionable characters); a passable (road) | 通往
thong'un | to transport; to ship | 通運
thong'un-kongsy | forwarding company | 通運公司
thong'vii | through beam (roof) | 通圓; 橫樑
thongboo | conspire | 通謀
thongbøo | conspire | 通謀
thongchiaf | be open to vehicular traffic | 通車
thongchib | order the arrest of (a criminal) by circular order; issue a warrant for arrest | 通緝
thongchip'hoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
thongchipleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thongcibhoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
thongcibleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thongcip | order the arrest of (a criminal) by circular order; issue a warrant for arrest | 通緝
thonghaang | accessible by navigation | 通行
thonghagsefng | day students | 通學生
thonghak | communicated study ( go to school by bus from other county); commute daily to school; be a day student | 通學
thonghak-sefng | non-resident students | 通學生
thonghang | alley; tunnel | 通巷
thongheeng hoeapex | current currency | 通行貨幣
thongheeng | passing; transit; traffic; commonly practiced | 通行
thongheeng-zexng | a pass, a safe-conduct, traveling permit | 通行證
thonghengkoaan | the right to travel; freedom of movement | 通行權
thonghengsøex | a toll | 通行稅
thonghengzexng | pass | 通行證
thonghiao | to understand thoroughly,to be well versed in | 通曉
thonghioong | make a temporary arrangement; compromise; accommodate; by way of accommodation | 通融; 妥協
thonghoex phengtioxng | inflation (in economics) | 通貨膨脹
thonghofng | ventilation; airing; give secret information | 通風
thonghongkhafng | vent hole | 通風孔
thonghongkoax | ventilation cover | 通風蓋
thonghongkorng | vent pipe | 通風管
thonghongky | ventilator | 通風機
thonghox | currency; medium of exchange | 通貨
thonghwn | to intermarry; intermarriage; members of two families; tribes marry | 通婚
thonghøex | currency, current money | 通貨
thonghøo | reconcile with each other | 通和
thongjit | whole day | 通日; 整日
thongjiø | catheterize | 通尿
thongjiø-koarn | uretheral catheter | 通尿管; 輸尿管
thongkafn | adultery; illicit intercourse | 通姦
thongke'ar | the whole town | 全街仔
thongkhiao | understand the truth | 通竅
thongkhiekhafng | ventilated air | 通氣空
thongkhiin | shuttle taking workers to and from work | 通勤; 上下班
thongkhix | open for the passage of air, gas, smoke, etc | 通氣
thongkhuun | commute | 通勤
thongkoafn sinkørsw | bill of entry (archaic) | 通關申告書
thongkoafn | pass the customs inspection | 通關
thongkoex gixaxn | proposal or bill which has been passed | 通過議案
thongkog | whole country, whole nation | 通國; 全國
thongkongtvoaf | announcement of death (Catholic) | 通功單
thongkor | drums | 通鼓
thongkøex | to pass through; (a motion or bill) is passed; (a nomination or appointment) is confirmed or approved | 通過
thongkørsw | notice; circular (archaic) | 通告書
thongkøx | announcement; notice; information; inform; notify | 通告
thonglaang | all the people | 通人
thonglangzay | known by everybody; non-secret | 通人知
thonglek habzog | to join forces; cooperate for a common cause; to work in concert | 通力合作
thonglek | united strength; join forces | 通力
thongleng | communicate orders; issue a circular order | 通令
thonglioong | compromise | 通量; 妥協
thonglo | thoroughfare; access; a passageway; a route; passage; way; open roads | 通路
thongnioaan | mill pill | 通奶丸
thongniuu | through beam (roof) | 通梁; 橫樑
thongphoef | write letter | 通批
thongphøef | send information by letter | 通信; 通批
thongpien | facilitate a bowel movement; have bowel movement | 通便
thongpiexnzef | laxative | 通便劑
thongpvi | common abuse, common evil, common failing | 通病
thongpvoaa kea'oe | draw up a complete scheme; overall plan | 全盤計劃
thongpvoaa khøflu | consider every possible angle; take into consideration every aspect of matter | 全盤考慮
thongpvoaa | all of the same sort; (goods) all alike; every aspect (of a matter) | 全盤
thongpøx | to notify; circular; inform | 通報
thongsexng | epicene; common character | 通性
thongsiaw | all night long | 通宵
thongsiekøex | everywhere; all around | 通四界; 各處
thongsimhurn | macaroni | 通心粉
thongsimmi | macaroni | 空心麵; 通心麵
thongsiofng tiau'iog | trade pact | 通商條約
thongsiofng | trade; have commercial relations | 通商
thongsioghoax | popularize; popularization | 通俗化
thongsiok bunhak | light (popular) literature | 通俗文學
thongsiok siawsoad | popular (lowbrow) novel | 通俗小說
thongsiok | popular; common; capable of being understood or appreciated by the less educated; popular; common; capable of being understood or appreciated by the less well educated | 通俗
thongsioong | ordinarily; customary; as a rule; usually; normally; generally | 通常
thongsirn'oaan | press correspondent; reporter | 通信員
thongsirnbang | communication network | 通信網
thongsirnhaang | correspondence shop | 通訊行
thongsirnlok | address book | 通信錄
thongsirnpefng | Signal Corps; member or the Signal Corps | 通信兵
thongsirnsia | news agency; news service | 通信社; 通訊社
thongsirnzhux | one's address (especially for mail) | 通信處
thongsixn | communication; correspondence; message; correspondence | 通信; 通訊
thongsixn-bang | network of communication | 通信網; 通訊網
thongsu | interpreter, highest local officer | 通事
thongsun | smoth; idiomatic | 通順
thongsw | write letter | 通書
thongsy | write letter | 通書
thongsyn | all over the body | 全身
thongtat | understand thoroughly | 通達
thongtek | treason, collaborate with enemy | 通敵
thongthaux | understand thoroughly; furnish the enemy with information | 通達
thongthied | penetrate, fully comprehend | 通徹
thongthiefn ee pwnsu | divinely endowed; exceptional ability | 通天的本事
thongthiefn | to the extreme (Lit. great or high enough to reach heaven) | 通天
thongthoad | unrestrained | 通脫
thongthofng | all; whole | 通通
thongthøx | conspire, plot | 通套; 陰謀
thongtiap | diplomatic communications or messages | 通牒
thongtien | to cable all concerned; supply electricity to; connect with the electric current | 通電
thongtilaq | notify | 通知啦
thongtisw | notification | 通知書; (單)
thongtitvoaf | notice | 通知單
thongtngg | enema | 通腸; 洗腸
thongty | notification; notify; inform; a circular; notify; inform; notification | 通知
thongtøea | bottom of a hole | 通底
thongzhefng | a general designation, commonly called | 通稱
thongzhør | woody plants | 蓪草
thongzw | write letter | 通書
thoo | mud; mire; clay; soil; earth; to daub; to fail; lose completely | 土; 塗; 暗晦; 糟透了
thooaan | mud ball | 塗丸
thooan'ar | mud ball | 土丸仔
thoong | sugar; candy | 糖
thoor'thothoo | to fail; lose completely | 土土土
thopax | Japanese dessert, an earth dum | 土壩; 塗霸; 鵟
thopee | dig tool; instrument | 土耙
thophaang | cement slurry on small platform | 塗捀
thophviaa | mud bank on the seashore | 土灘
thophøee | clods of surface soil in ploughed fields | 表土
thopiahzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗壁厝
thopiaq | soil blocks wall | 塗壁
thopipw | ocarina | 土嗶垺; 陶笛
thopo | hard-woven cloth | 土步
thopuxn | manure; compost | 土糞; 堆肥
thor tngthaau | have internal piles protruding down; prolapsed rectum; proctocele | 脫肛
thor toaxkhuix | heave a long sigh of relief | 嘆大氣
thor | mud; mire; clay; soil; earth; to daub; to fail; lose completely | 土; 吐; 糟透了; 凸突
thor-toaxkhuix | heave a long sigh of relief | 嘆大氣
thor`zhutlaai | protrude; stick out; be forced (pressed) out; to bulge | 凸出來; 伸出; 突出
thorafbea | rabbit tail | 兔仔尾
thorafboea | rabbit tail | 兔仔尾
thorafkhafng | rabbit warren | 兔仔孔
thorafkviar | rabbit baby; kitten | 兔仔囝
thorafphoee | rabbit fur | 兔皮
thorar | Formosan hare, rabbit | 兔子; 兔仔
thorbak | have protruding eyes | 凸眼; 吐目
thorboat | saliva, spit, spittle | 吐沫
thorbuo | female rabbit | 兔母; 母兔
thorbør | female rabbit | 兔母; 母兔
thorhied | bring up blood; vomit blood | 吐血
thorhoea | shoot flame, flaming (of sun) | 噴火
thorhoef | blossom, produce flowers | 透花; 開花
thorhoeh'oe | disgusting talk | 吐血話
thorhoeq | vomit or bring up blood; spit blood | 吐血
thorhuiq | vomit or bring up blood; spit blood | 吐血
thorhøea | shoot flame; flaming (of sun) | 吐火
thoriøh | emetic | 吐劑; 催吐藥
thorkhafng | rabbit hole | 兔孔; 兔窟
thorkhix | expiration | 透去; 吐氣
thorkhuix iongbii | got over his temper and smoothed out his frown | 吐氣揚眉
thorkhuix | aspiratory; feel elated and exultant | 吐氣
thorlaux | disclose | 透露
thorlo | tell; reveal; confide; emit; give voice to; speak out one's mind; confess; disclose | 吐露
thormngg | rabbit's fur | 兔毛
thorng | rule; unite; protrude; used as an affix to numbers; meaning somewhat more than... | 統; 捅; 多一點; 突出; 啄
thorng'irm | drink heavily | 痛飲
thorngchied | acutely, keenly | 痛切
thornghad | govern, rule | 痛喝
thornghin | hate exceedingly | 痛恨
thornghoea | repent bitterly; bitter repentance | 痛悔
thornghoeakefng | the act of contrition | 痛悔經
thornghoex | to be contrite, contrition, to regret | 痛悔
thornghun | deplore | 痛恨
thorngkae cienhuy | earnestly repent and reform former faults | 痛改前非
thorngkhaosit'sviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhaositsviaf | cry bitterly | 痛哭失聲
thorngkhoaix | joyful; piquancy; raciness; forthright; extremely delightful; pleasant | 痛快
thorngkhofoaan | pain pill | 痛苦丸
thorngkhor | torment; pang; painful; agony; pain; misery; anguish; bitter | 痛苦
thorngsym | pained at heart | 痛心
thorngthorngkhoaekhoaix | happy | 痛痛快快
thorngtvar | to beat soundly; give a severe thrashing | 痛打
thorpurn | sustain losses in business | 賠本
thorsiax | vomit and have dysentery | 吐瀉
thorsui | ear of grain just appearing | 吐穗; 出穗
thorsy | silkworm) spins silk; (the spider) spins a web | 吐絲
thorthorzhutlaai | split out | 吐吐出來
thorthox | threw up | 吐吐
thortuun | harelip; cleft lip | 兔唇
thorzhud cinzeeng | speak out the exact truth; say just what one thinks or the straight facts of the case | 吐出真情
thorzhud | to spit; to vomit, blurt out | 吐出
thorzuie | expectorate water | 吐水; 吐酸水
thosad | mudfish | 土虱; 塗虱; 塘蝨魚
thosay | master mason | 土司; 水泥匠
thoseg | dirt colored | 土色; 塗色
thosip | sneak attack | 偷襲
thosoa'ar | master mason | 塗沙仔
thosoaf | sand; grit; sand and soil | 土砂; 塗沙; 土沙
thosoahurn | dust; powder; dust; a cloud of dust | 土砂粉; 塵土; 塵埃
thosoahwn'ar | dust; powder | 塗砂粉仔
thosviaa | earth fortified area, castle of earth-work | 土城; 塗城
thosviuu | soft slushy mud | 泥漿; 滑泥
thotau | peanut; groundnut; groundnut; goober | 土豆; 塗豆; 花生; 落花生
thotau-cviux | beanut butter | 土豆醬; 花生醬
thotau-iuu | peanut oil | 土豆油; 塗豆油; 花生油
thotau-thngg | peanut candy | 土豆糖; 塗豆糖; 花生糖
thotauxgveq | peanuts in the shell | 花生莢
thotauxhngg | peanut garden | 塗豆園
thotauxhw | ground peanut | 塗豆麩
thotauxiuu | peanut oil | 花生油
thotauxjiin | hulled peanuts; peanut kernels | 花生米
thotauxjinlao | hulled peanuts pastry | 塗豆仁粩
thotauxkhag | peanut shell | 土豆殼
thotauxkhof | the residue from making peanut oil; pressed into round cakes for animal feed | 土豆箍; 花生
thotauxlao | peanut pastry | 塗豆粩
thotauxliin | peanut kernel | 塗豆仁
thotauxmoh | the thin film of bran on a peanut kernel | 花生膜
thotauxpeeng | peanut | 塗豆爿
thotauxsof | crunchy peanut pastry | 塗豆酥
thotauxthngf | peanut soup | 塗豆湯
thotauxthngg | peanut candy; peanut brittle | 花生糖
thotea | down in the ground; below the surface of the ground | 土裏
thoterng | on the ground | 土頂; 地上
thothoo | to fail; lose completely | 遭透
thothuhhii | Taiwanese fish | 土托魚
thothvoarhurn | carbon powder | 塗炭粉
thothvoarkhoxng | charcoal mine | 土炭壙
thothvoaroaan | charcoal | 塗炭丸
thothvoarsae | coal cinders; dross | 煤炭渣
thothvoax | coal | 土炭; 塗炭; 煤炭
thothvoax-iuu | coal oil, kerosene | 土炭油; 煤油
thothvoax-khoxng | coalmine | 土炭壙; 煤礦
thothvoax-sab | cinders, clinkers | 土炭屑; 熔渣
thothvoax-sae | cinders, clinkers | 土炭屑; 熔渣
thothøhhii | popular fish in southern Taiwan | 塗魠魚
thothøhhikvef | popular Taiwanese fish chowder | 塗魠魚羹
thothøq | popular fish in southern Taiwan | 塗魠
thothørhii | Taiwanese fish | 土托魚
thotong | cave in the earth | 土洞; 泥洞
thotuy | heap of earth and rubbish formed gradually | 土堆; 泥堆
thotviaa | soil yard | 塗埕
thotvoaa | alter of earth | 土壇; 泥壇
thox | rabbit; through; to pass through; ventilate | 兔; 吐; 通; 透
thox`zhutlaai | vomit food; disclose; to speak out (the whole truth) | 吐出來
thoxng | be pained; ache painfully; painful; sore; to love; be sparing of; to spare | 痛; 疼
thozhux | mud hut | 土厝; 泥屋
thozhvef | planet Saturn | 土星
thozoxng | bury in the ground, burial | 土葬
thozuie | plastering | 土水; 泥水工作
thozuie-chviu | master mason | 塗水匠
thozuie-cviu | master mason | 土水匠
thozuie-saihu | mason | 土水司父; 塗水師傅; 水泥匠
thozuysay | mason | 泥水匠; 水泥匠
thu | neglect sleep | 搓; 廢寢; 忽視睡眠
thud | bald; rub hard with the hand; rub with the foot; pluck | 禿; 黜; 擦; 搓
thudchiaf | jump the track, be derailed | 脫車; 脫軌
thudcirm | slip off the pillow | 脫枕
thudjienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
thudkhaf | slip in walking | 脫腳; 脫節
thudkhix | limb gets dislocated; limb; slip out of the hands; (a loose stepping stone) slips away | 滑了; 滑脫了
thudkhu | out of joint; dislocated | 脫臼
thudku | out of joint; dislocated | 脫臼
thudliern | losing a wheel off a car; motorcycle; bicycle | 脫輪; 脫軌
thudluun | become dislocated | 脫輪
thudsyn | have an abortion | 脫身; 流產
thudtngg | protruding (internal piles); be affected with hernia; abdominal hernia; protruding anus | 脫腸
thudui | slip out of place, become dislocated | 脫位
thudzao | slip out of its place; get out of joint or out of gear; let slip out of our hand (an animal held too loosely); let a pen or instrument in the hand slip out of place; so as to do harm unintentionally; to escape | 滑脫
thuh | naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet and reserved in manner; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 癡呆
thuh'ar | type of straight hoe; spade; shovel | 鏟仔; 黜仔; 鏟子
thuhcviuo | bald on forehead and crown of head | 額高; 禿額
thuhhiah | bald | 禿頭; 禿額
thuhkoaan | hold up high on the hand or on a pole | 托高
thuhphoax | expose a man's pretensions; to break with the end of a pole or bamboo | 刺破
thuhthaau | bald; shaven head; headed person | 禿頭
thuhthoky | scraper | 黜土機
thui | hammer; to fall down; hang down heavily; as a pocket with a weight in it; involve in trouble or responsibility | 倕; 垂; 墜; 累
thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面; 癡呆相
thui'afbin-thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面槌仔面; 癡呆相
thui'ar | hammer | 槌仔; 槌子
thui'mngg | to push the door | 推門
thui'uie | make excuses; make excuses or pretences for not doing anything; to lay the blame or duty on another; generally with the idea of more or less falsehood | 推諉
thuiaxn | push the case | 推案
thuibin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌面; 癡呆相
thuichiuo | to push the hand | 推手
thuiciernsw | letter of recommendation | 推薦書
thuicierntiøh | recommended | 推薦著
thuiciexn | recommendation; recommend (somebody for a job) | 推薦
thuicirnky | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機; 推進器
thuicixn | impel; to push forward; to move ahead; propel | 推進
thuie | shank; stalk; stem; block; obstruct; leg; leg; thighs | 腿
thuiemngg | molt and get new feathers | 換毛
thuievoa | put an inferior article (or person) deceitfully in place of a better; mend by putting in an entirely new piece | 調換
thuievoaxkngx | foreign exchange; certificates | 兌換券
thuiheeng kokgie | to advocate the use of the national language (Mandarin) | 推行國語
thuiheeng | push; promote (a scheme); carry into operation what has already been decided | 推行
thuihengjiin | promoter | 推行人
thuihioxng | to push into | 推向
thuihoafn | topple over; demolish; explode; reversal; overturn; to push over; to overthrow (a government); to stultify (a theory; principle) | 推翻
thuii | naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 槌; 錘; 遲鈍; 愚蠢
thuii`køf | fool | 槌哥; 錘哥; 傻瓜
thuiie'thuithuii | dump; dull | 槌槌槌
thuikhaf | bottom of a ladder | 推腳; 梯腳
thuikhaw | to consider, polish writings | 推敲
thuikhiog | to decline, deny, refuse | 推屈; 推卻
thuikhoaq | expand, widen | 推棄; 推廣
thuikhuy | to push off, to push away | 推開
thuikie | recommend | 推舉
thuikiux | to examine | 推究
thuikofngciar | promoter | 推廣者
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thuikorng | to extend; popularize; extend; propagate | 推廣
thuikud | malleus | 鎚骨
thuikuo | recommend for promotion | 推舉
thuilek | thrust | 推力
thuilie | to reason; logic; reasoning; reasoning; ratiocination; infer from | 推理
thuilun | infer; follow out a train of argument; inference; deductions | 推論
thuinar | to massage, massage therapy | 推拿
thuipaai | arrange (a matter), assign (a person), arrangement, ordering | 推排; 安排
thuiphaix | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; 推銷
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
thuisag | push away | 推棄
thuisiau'oaan | salesman; saleswoman | 推銷員
thuisiaw | promote sale; to sell; push sales | 推銷
thuisiax zekjim | shirk one's responsibility | 推卸責任
thuisiax | to shift on to somebody else | 推卸
thuisii | decline (an invitation), refuse | 推辭
thuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
thuisngx | to figure out; to calculate | 推算
thuisoar | to move, change, move by pushing | 推徙
thuisoarn | elect (representatives) | 推選
thuisoaxn | calculate; reckon | 推算
thuisu | judge; assessor; magistrate | 推事
thuisuu | to decline; to reject; refuse politely | 推辭
thuiteng | to conclude | 推定
thuithog | to make an excuse, to shift off, on the presence of | 推託
thuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
thuithoo-ky | bulldozer | 推土機; 推塗機
thuithuii | foolish and frank; simple minded | 愚直; 傻兮兮
thuitiern | driving; impel; impulse; urge; budge | 推展
thuitoan | conclude, make a diagnosis, conclusion, deduction, diagnosis | 推斷
thuitoaxn | infer; deduce; predict by means of inference | 推斷
thuitong | impel; propel; trigger into action; motivate; impetus; propulsive force; motivation; to push; to propel; to expedite; to push; lend impetus to; to inspire | 推動
thuitong-lat | motivation force, impelling force | 推動力
thuitør | to push down, topple | 推倒
thuix | to change; put in place of; to substitute; abolish; instead of; in place of | 蛻; 調換; 調包
thuixtang | heavily weighted and hanging down; like a pocket; fasten a weight on a curtain so that it may hang down evenly | 垂重
thuixthui | hanging heavily; like a weighted pocket or bag | 下墜
thuizheg | conjecture; to fathom; deduce; infer; predict | 推測
thuizhud | to push out; present (a picture; a show) | 推出
thuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
thuizwn | give the place of honor | 推尊
thukhoarn | save money (in the bank); savings | 儲款
thukwn | savings | 貯金; 儲
thukym | savings | 貯金; 儲金
thun ciøqthaau | use stone fill up and level up completely | 填石頭
thun paktor | do with difficulty in order to warm dressed and well fed | 填飽肚子
thun texky | prepare a foundation | 填地基
thun zhuiekhie | fill a cavity | 補牙; 鑲牙
thun | fill up; make up a deficiency; to fill up with earth; mud; sand; rubbish | 填; 坉
thun'ay | soot | 填塵; 煤煙
thun'unsvef | unsanitary; dirty; unkempt | 吞骯髒
thun-bøextvi | cannot be filled up | 填無滿
thun`løqkhix | to empty (earth) into a pit or hole | 填落去
thunbiet | destroy by devouring | 吞滅
thunciah | devour; devour | 吞食; 狼吞虎咽; 吞吃
thunciah`laang | to swallow up another's money or property wrongly; to belittle another person | 欺負人; 侵佔別人
thunciaxm | usurp; appropriate; to annex (territory) | 侵佔; 吞佔
thunhuun-thorbu | swallowing clouds and breathing out mists ─ magical tricks | 吞雲吐霧
thunka | bite and devour | 吞咬
thunlurn | abide; brook; tolerance; tolerant; tolerate; abide; endure; just have patience; don't get into a quarrel so quickly | 吞忍; 忍耐; 容忍
thunløh | swallow down | 吞下
thunnoa | to swallow one's spittle; swallow saliva | 吞瀾; 嚥口水
thunpexng | annex | 吞併
thunphiexn | usurp by deceit | 吞騙; 騙取
thunsviaf | to suppress complaints; eat the leek; to remain silent under injustice (Lit. to swallow the voice) | 吞聲
thunsviaf-lwnkhix | afraid to speak up | 吞聲忍氣
thunthox | to hem and haw; speak hesitatingly | 吞吐
thunthun'ar | medium; middling | 吞吞仔; 無大不小
thunthuun | muddle headed | 沌沌
thunthwn | swallow | 吞吞
thunthwn-thorthox | trying to hide something while speaking; to hem and haw; speak hesitatingly | 吞吞吐吐
thuo | store up | 儲; 貯
thuolip | stand | 佇立
thupi | savings; reserves; stockpile; repertory | 儲備
thupixkym | reserve fund | 儲備金
thuq chiwboea | try each other's strength by pressing against one another's palms | 托手尾; 比手力
thuq koayar | to lean upon a staff | 托杖; 倚拐杖
thuq thokhaf | loosen and remove dirt on the floor | 鏟地
thuq zhuie'extao | support the chin on the hand | 手托著下巴
thuq zhuiekhie | pick one's teeth | 剔牙
thuq | carry on the palm; bear up; prop up with a support; prop up with the hand; to lift up; hold up high on the hand or on a pole to show it off | 托; 黜; 剷
thuq`khylaai | to support with a prop; e.g.; to support an awning with a pole or bamboo | 托起來
thuqthuh | dull; quiet; stupid; naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet and reserved in manner; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 土土; 癡呆
thurn | s to abuse; to tread on; trample on; hort and stout | 𧿬; 矮胖; 踐踏
thut | bald; be dislocated or put out of gear; have a miscarriage; be put out of joint | 禿; 滑脫
thut'efng | cinereous vulture | 禿鷹; 禿鷲
thut'hiah | bald | 禿額
thut'hiaq | bald | 禿額
thut`zhutkhix | get dislocated; (the joint of a machine or a piece of furniture) slips out | 滑脫了
thuthaau | hoe | 禿頭; 鋤頭
thuthiog | to save; fund; saving | 儲蓄
thuthvoar | root out, dig up (with a hoe) | 鋤剷; 鏟鋤
thutluu | bald ass | 禿頭的屁股
thutmngg | bald; having lost the hair of his head; pluck | 禿毛; 脫髮; 拔毛
thutthaau | pilgarlic; bald; bald headed | 禿頭; 禿頭的
thutzhoee | derail; be derailed; overstep bounds | 脫箠; 穿幫; 出洋相; 出軌
thuu | a hoe; to hoe; do something slowly or lazily | 鋤; 慢吞吞; 延宕
thuun | black; dirt | 塵; 鈍
thuxbiin | neglect sleep | 脫眠; 廢寢
thuxnbat | fill in, fill ahole | 鋤密; 填
thuxncvie | fill a well | 鋤井; 填井
thuxncvii | save money | 儲錢
thuxnhvoa | fill in a dike, raise a dike or bank | 儲岸; 填堤
thuxnkhylaai | fill up | 坉起來
thuxnkoaan | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thuxnkvoaai | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thuxnlo | fill up and level up road completely | 填路
thuxnmoar | fill completely | 儲滿; 填滿
thuxnpor | make up a deficiency | 儲補; 坉補; 填補
thuxnpurn | investment; invest money in business; invest capital in | 填本; 坉本; 下資本; 投資
thuxnpvee | fill up to become flat | 坉平
thuxnpvii | fill up ground till it is level | 填平
thuxnsoaf | use sand fill up completely | 填砂
thuxnsvoaf | make a hill or mound by filling | 填山
thuxnthoo | filling; fill up with earth | 填土; 坉塗
thuxntøe | fill up ground with earth; rubbish; ground that has been thus filled up; filled in land | 填地; 坉地
thuy zekjim | shirk (escape) one's responsibility; lay the blame at another's door | 推責任
thuy | ladder; steps; stairs | 梯; 推; 搥
thuybaq | the rump; the ham; the dark meat | 腿肉
thuykhox | upper leg muscles | 腿庫
thuykhu | socket of the hip-bone | 腿臼; 臀骨臼
thuzeg | to store; to stockpile; in store; accumulated | 儲積
thuzhao | root out weeds | 除草; 鋤草
thuzongseg | storage room | 儲藏室
thuzoong | preservation; stock; stockage; store up; to hoard; safekeeping | 貯藏; 儲藏
thuzuun | storage; safekeeping; savings; to store or stockpile | 儲存
thva | to decorate; to polish; clothing and dresses | 飾
thvaf | he; him; other; another; she; her; it; that | 他; 捧; 它; 她
thvaf`khix | with the palms turned outwards fend off (an attack) | 托去
thvafkoaan | raise up high with the palm | 托高
thvahiofng | strange place | 他鄉
thvajiin | others, other persons | 他人
thvajit | some other day, another day | 他日
thvaliin | other people | 他人
thvar | wide and smooth; level; even; open; self-possessed; calm; composed; peaceful | 坦
thvazhux | elsewhere | 他處
thveachiuo | support the hand or arm on something; because without such support we could not hold the object up | 蹩手
thveakoaan | prop up; to raise slightly higher with a prop; prop up and keep from falling | 托高; 頂高
thveathaau | head of the pushed object | 牚頭
thveathuie | aching leg muscles (from over exercising) | 托腿; 腿僵硬
thveatiøh | support | 撐著
thvee | to stare at; to glare at | 瞪
thvef | recline or lean on a couch or chair; lean against; push (a boat) along with a pole | 靠; 躺
thveie | lounge; couch; reclining chair | 躺椅
thvekøf | raise up | 撐篙
thvetoxzuun | row ferry | 撐渡船
thvex | prop up; to support; extend | 頂; 托
thvex-bøextiaau | prop or one's hand unable to sustain the weight | 頂無住
thvex`khylaai | to prop up or support by pushing upwards | 托起來; 頂起來
thvezuun | propel a boat with a pole; pole a boat | 搖船; 撐船
thvi liwar | sew on buttons | 縫扣子
thvi | sew; stitch; run a seam; to stitch; baste | 縫; 紩
thvi'e | under heaven; all under heaven | 天下; 天下(間)
thvi'iuu | refuel; lubricate | 加油; 添油
thvi'ix | Heaven's purpose or decree | 天意
thvi'mngg | heaven's gate | 天門
thvi'ui | imperial throne | 天位; 皇位
thvia | support | 侹; 養
thvia'oe | obey; obedient; teachable; obedient to instructions | 聽話
thvia'tngg | central hall where audience gather | 廳堂
thvia'u | heard; understand | 聽有
thviaa | a schedule; a course; a pattern; a family name | 程
thviabeeng | listen in detail, hear clearly | 聽明; 聽清楚
thviabeng | to obey, to submit to, to be doclie | 聽命
thviabin | follow orders; accept a command; accept one's fate | 聽命
thviaboefsviaf | listen respectfully then will know the true meaning | 聽尾聲
thviabøo | listen; but find that there is nothing to be heard or that nothing is heard; could not understand | 聽無
thviacide | listen | 聽一下
thviacioong | obey; to heed; listen to (another's advice); listen and follow | 聽從
thviacioxng | audience; auditory; listeners | 聽眾; 聽障
thviacynkhix | stethoscope | 聽診器
thviaf tøxlie | listen to preaching | 聽道理
thviaf | hear; listen to (with the determined purpose or intention of hearing); obey; understand; comply with; submit | 聽; 廳
thviaf-bøbeeng | not able fully to make it out or understand it | 聽沒清
thviaf-bøcyn | make a mistake in hearing | 聽無真
thviaf-bøe bengpek | I don't quite understand; I did not hear clearly; cannot understand (what the other is talking about); cannot hear well or comprehend | 聽無明白
thviaf-bøexbeeng | unable to hear distinctly or clearly | 聽無清
thviaf-bøexhiao | hear; but be unable to make out the meaning | 聽無懂
thviaf-bøextiøh | cannot hear (because voice; sound; is too low or far away) | 聽無見
thviaf-jibnie | hear and understand distinctly | 聽入耳
thviaf-koarnsix | get used to | 聽慣勢
thviaf-kørkae | hear confessions (Catholic) | 聽告解
thviaf-løqhvi | hear and understand distinctly | 聽入耳
thviaf-mxtiøh`khix | heard wrongly or incorrectly; misunderstood; make a mistake in hearing | 聽無錯去
thviaf`ee | heard | 聽的
thviaf`khylaai | sounds | 聽起來
thviaf`khytiøh | sounds | 聽起著
thviaf`kvix | be heard | 聽見
thviaf`tiøh | heard it | 聽到
thviagoa | outside the hall | 廳外
thviahviw | Taiwan custom to burn incense and pray silently | 聽香
thviaiuo | listener | 聽友
thviakag | audio; acoustic; audition; auditory; ear; the sense of hearing | 聽覺
thviakarng | listen to a lecture; speech | 聽講
thviakhie | sounds; have heard | 聽起
thviakhvoax | listen to see whether | 聽看
thviakhøx | attend class or a lecture | 聽課
thviakoaf | listen to songs | 聽歌
thviakoex | have heard | 聽過
thviakorng | It is reported that...; according to unconfirmed reports | 聽說; 聽講; ...
thviakvix | hear; hearing; to hear (Lit. perceive by listening); can hear (have the faculty or power to hear); hear something without the express purpose or intention of listening to it | 聽見
thvialai | inside the hall | 廳內
thvialek chiegiam | audiometric test; take an audiometric test | 聽力試驗
thvialek | keenness of hearing | 聽力
thvialiao | listened | 聽了
thviamngg | the door of living room | 廳門
thviaoe | obey, obedient, teachable, obedient to instructions | 聽話
thviarbofzhaix | burdock | 疼某菜
thviarkoex | hurt | 疼過
thviarkviar | love dearly sons and daughters; children | 疼囝; 疼孩子
thviarlaang | love people | 疼人; 愛人
thviarmiaxmia | painful | 疼命命
thviarsie | painful | 疼死
thviarsiøq | treasure up; to love; use sparingly | 痛惜; 疼惜; 愛惜; 疼愛
thviarsym | love, affection, warm heart | 疼心
thviarthaxng | have a warm spot in one's heart for; love; to love (passionately) | 疼痛; 疼愛
thviarthviax | painful | 疼疼
thviartiuhtiuq | painful twitch | 疼搐搐
thviartiuotiux | electric pain | 疼搐搐
thviaseq | It is said that | 聽說
thviasinkefng | auditory nerve | 聽神經
thviasirm | be on trial; abide by the result of the trial | 聽審
thviasiu | hear and receive | 聽受
thviasixn | believe by hearing | 聽信
thviasoaq | listened | 聽煞
thviasoeq | It is said that | 聽說
thviasun | hear and obey | 疼順; 聽話
thviasviaf | hear sound | 聽聲
thviasviaf-liap'viar | make groundless accusations | 捕風捉影
thviataang | headphone; eartrumpet; headset; telephone receiver | 聽筒
thviatao | parlor; living room | 客廳; 廳斗
thviathaau | main hall that lay up ancestor's memorial tablet | 廳頭; 安放祖先牌位的大廳
thviathaxn | obey | 聽探; 聽從
thviathviaf | listen | 聽聽
thviatiøh | hear | 聽著
thviatngg | large central hall in a very large house | 廳堂
thviatva | make a mistake in hearing | 聽錯
thviatviuo | director of a department under a provincial government | 廳長
thviatøhthaau | hall table | 廳桌頭
thviax | ache painfully; painful; sore; to love; be sparing of; to spare | 痛; 疼; 愛
thviax-kaq jibkud | to love very affectionately | 疼得入骨
thviax-kaq toxng-bøextiaau | intolerable pain | 痛得忍無住
thviax`køex | care | 疼過
thviax`laang | love somebody | 疼人
thviazay | understand by hearing or listening | 聽知; 聽說
thviazhud | understand the implication from what is heard | 聽出
thviazhuix | follow what one's superior says; be obedient | 聽話; 聽喙
thviazhøx | hear incorrectly; misunderstand what one has heard said | 聽錯
thviazøx | regard as; treat as; consider erroneously | 聽成; 以為
thvibat | fill up completely | 添密
thvichvy | stars of the sky | 天星
thvicvie | skylight | 天井
thviethaau | support head with one's hands, emerge as a leader | 挺頭; 牚頭; 托腮
thviethuie | spread legs | 牚腿
thvigarn | sky eye | 天眼
thvihoad | divine law, low of Heaven | 天法
thvihoarn texloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvihoarn toexloan | chaos | 天反地亂
thvihøea | add fuel to a fire; fire from heaven; be dazzled by fire | 添火; 瞪火; 天火; 受光目眩
thvii | to stare at; to glare at | 瞪
thviix | Heaven's purpose or decree | 天意
thvijit | be dazzled by the sun | 天日; 瞪日; 受日目眩
thvikha'e | all under heaven | 天腳下; 天下
thvikhix uxpøx | weather forecast | 天氣預報
thvikhix | weather | 天氣
thvikhoah textoa | the sky is big | 天闊地大
thvikhongseg | sky color | 天空色
thvikngf | dawn | 天光
thvikofng | God | 天公
thvikong'afkviar | god's son | 天公仔囝
thvikongbiø | god temple | 天公廟
thvikongloo | a vessel; which symbolizes Thi-Kong for burning incense | 天公爐
thvikongtextø | justice | 天公地道
thvikongtoextø | justice | 天公地道
thvikongtvoaa | temporary shrine put up (usually across a street) for the worship of Giok-te | 天公壇
thvilie | principles of Heaven's justice; especially in reference to vengeance | 天理
thvilo | road to the heaven | 天路; 天露; 露水
thvimngg | heaven's gate | 天門
thvinaseg | lapis lazuli | 天藍色; 青金石
thvinii | business (activity); harvest; the allotted span of a man's life | 天年; 景氣
thvioe | adding words | 添話
thvioof | sky is getting dark | 天黑黑 (滿天烏雲)
thvipe | Heavenly Father | 天爸
thvipefng | heavenly host, heavenly army | 添兵; 天兵
thvipng | put rice in a bowl; fill the bowl with boiled rice; have another helping (bowl) of rice | 添飯; 盛飯
thvipor | expletive; supply; padded | 填補
thvipvii | fill in | 填平
thvipvy haykag | remote regions | 天崖海角
thvipvy | horizon | 天邊
thvisaix | angel | 天使
thvisaix-tviuo | archangel | 天使長
thviseg | sky; color of sky; time of day weather | 天色
thvisiar | add a postscript, write in addition | 添寫
thvisii | season, time decided by Heaven | 天時
thvisiong | atmospheric phenomenon, celestial phenomenon | 天像; 氣象
thvisuu | to compose verse | 填辭
thvite boefar | end of heaven and earth ─ said of extraordinary calamities or unexampled crimes; portending the end of the dynasty | 末日
thvite bøo pøx | Heaven and Earth allowing wickedness to go unpunished | 天地無報
thvite | heaven and earth, the universe | 天地
thviterng | the zenith, in the heaven | 天頂; 天上
thviterng-texe | heaven above and earth below; the universe | 天上地下
thvithaau-thiapboea | get more family livelihood | 貼補家計
thvithafng | louver; dormer; scuttle; skylight; skylight; high windows; a fixed window in a roof | 天窗
thvithiab | make up the deficiency or a deficit | 添貼; 填貼
thvithuy | Jacob's ladder, the ladder to the heaven | 天梯
thvitiofng | in the sky | 天中
thvitiong'ngf | outdoors; outside | 太陽下; 露天
thvitoa | big; great | 天大
thvitoa-textoa ee su | matters as big as heaven and earth ─ important or serious matters | 天大的事
thvitoaxtextoa | huge | 天大地大
thvitoe | sky and earth | 天地
thvitvoaa | Altar to Heaven | 天壇
thvitøe | heaven and earth; the universe | 天地
thviuo | the second of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; the period from one to three A.M.; clown; jester; buffoon; comedian | 丑
thviwsii | the period from 1 to 3 a.m | 丑時
thvix | prop up; to support; extend | 頂; 撐; 托
thvixbat | stitch tightly | 縫密; 密縫
thvixsvaf | sew; sew cloth | 縫衫; 縫補衣服
thvizhaa | add wood (to a fire) | 縫柴; 添柴
thvizhvef | stars | 天星
thvizuie | give more water; replenish the water | 加水
thvizvea | skylight | 天井
thvizø | build or make in addition | 添加; 添造
thvizøe | build or make in addition | 添加
thvoa | to spread; to open; to divide equally | 攤
thvoa'ui | stall or booth (especially a fixed one in a market) | 攤位
thvoaa | to spread; to open; to divide equally | 攤
thvoaf | open and spread out (for sale); apportion; distribute; a stall or mat on which goods are displayed for sale | 攤; 灘; 急流
thvoafpvee | to level slightly and smooth down the surface of a piece of ground; filling up slight depressions with its own earth | 鋤平
thvoafpvii | to spread out even; go snacks | 攤平
thvoafzhao | to hoe up grass and small shrubs | 鋤草
thvoaheeng | pay by installments; to return in portions; installment plan | 攤還
thvoahoaan | repay in installments | 攤還
thvoahoarn | a pedlar's stand, a street stall; a small stand where pedlars sell things | 攤販
thvoahoaxn | peddlers; stall keepers | 小販; 攤販
thvoakhao | mouth or foot of rapids | 攤口; 灘口
thvoalap | pay by installments | 攤還; 分期繳納
thvoaphaix | allot, distribute (in equal shares) | 攤派; 分配
thvoar zhao | mowing lawn | 剷草
thvoar | shovel; spade; uproot (small plants) or cut away about the roots with a hoe; to level with a hoe | 剷; 鋤
thvoarhoarbut | carbides | 碳化物
thvoarhoax zok'iong | carbonization process | 碳化作用
thvoarhoax | carbonize; carbonization | 碳化
thvoarhw | mine worker | 礦夫
thvoarhøea | charcoal fire | 炭火
thvoariuo'ar | pieces of charcoal | 碎炭仔
thvoariux | charcoal | 炭幼
thvoariøo | charcoal kiln | 炭窯
thvoarkafng | coal miner | 炭工
thvoarkhafng | mine | 炭空
thvoarkhangkhao | coal mine entrance | 炭空口
thvoarkhanglai | inside coal mine | 炭空內
thvoarkhornghw | coal miner | 炭礦夫
thvoarkhoxng | colliery; coal mine | 炭礦; 煤礦
thvoarkhuy | disperse; scatter; decentralize; spread out; extend | 擴散; 湠開; 擴展; 蔓延
thvoarkhvef | coal pit (in mining) | 炭坑
thvoarkhvy | coal pit (in mining) | 炭坑
thvoarkiuu | charcoal ball | 炭球
thvoarloo | charcoal stove; brazier | 炭爐
thvoaroe | charcoal drawings | 炭畫
thvoarpid | charcoal pencil for drawing | 炭筆
thvoarsae | charcoal ash | 炭灰
thvoarsiofng | coal or charcoal dealer | 炭商
thvoarsng'iaam | carbonates | 碳酸鹽
thvoarsngf ciøqhoef | carbonate of lime | 碳酸石灰
thvoarsngf | carbonic acid | 碳酸
thvoarsngkaq | potassium carbonate | 碳酸鉀
thvoarsngzuie | carbonic water; soda water | 碳酸水
thvoarsox | carbon | 碳素
thvoarzerng | reproduce | 湠種
thvoarzhao | hoe out grass | 碳草
thvoarzuie hoarhabbut | carbohydrates | 碳水化合物
thvoasiaux | pay by installments | 攤數; 分期付款
thvoax | charcoal; coal; (in chemistry) C-carbon; propagate | 炭; 碳; 衍
thvy auxzafn | wisdom teeth coming in | 添後齻; 長智齒
thvy axm | at dark | 天暗
thvy bøehkngf | dawn; just day break | 天將亮
thvy bøexkngf | not dawn yet; not day break yet | 天未亮
thvy bøkharm | no flight of stairs in heaven; means never afraid of danger | 天無階梯; (形容無怕危險)
thvy bøo bagciw | Heaven has no eyes (said when great criminals go unpunished and prosper all the more by their crimes) | 皇天無眼
thvy bøo zoadjiin cy lo | unexpectedly rescued from a desperate situation | 天無絕人之路
thvy chirnthauar | increase quantity; amount; weight | 添秤頭; 增加稱量
thvy løh angho | inconceivable; enigma | 下紅雨; (無可思議)
thvy o'of | sky is getting dark | 天黑黑
thvy of te axm | heaven and earth dark; very dark weather; great distress and calamity | 天黑地暗
thvy oym | dark cloudy sky | 陰天
thvy phahphuo | dawn; daybreak | 天剛亮
thvy phwkngf | at daybreak; toward daylight; early dawn | 天拂曉; 黎明
thvy svef te viuo | The heavens give life; the earth nourishes it ─ We depend on God; not just on ourselves | 天生地養
thvy taxmpøqar | add a little; give or put in a little more | 添淡薄仔; 加一點
thvy teq chiaau | balance; handle by god | 天在左右
thvy ti thaukhakterng | Heaven is above my head; I am speaking all truthfully; Heaven sees and will punish me if I speak falsely (said as a sort of oath) | 天在頭殼上
thvy tuo kngf | dawn; just day break | 天剛亮
thvy u bagciw | Heaven's eye sees (as when calamity suddenly overtakes wicked men) | 皇天有眼
thvy zay te zay | Heaven and Earth know it to be true | 天知地知
thvy zhaf te | very different | 天差地; 大無相同
thvy zhengzhefng | clear sky; a cloudless sky | 天清清
thvy zuotvia | Heaven decrees it; preordained; fixed by heaven | 天註定
thvy | sky; add, increase | 天; 添
thvy-kngf | at dawn | 天光; 破曉
thvy-phwkngf | dawn | 天拂曉; 破曉; 黎明
thvy`nih | in the sky | 天裡
thvykngf | at dawn | 天光
thwbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場
thwho | person or organization that has a savings account in the bank | 儲戶
thwkym | have a savings account | 貯金; 儲金
thwn | black; dirt | 塵; 吞
thwn-bøe løh`khix | unable to swallow; unpleasant to swallow; unable to defraud a man as we intended | 吞無落去
thwn-bøe løqaau | difficult to swallow (unpleasant food) | 嚥無下; (喉頭)
thwn`løqkhix | bolt down; gulp down; swallow up | 吞落去
thwntah | to trample; to abuse; to tread on; trample on; tread down; expenses for unexpected visitors either for food or for food and lodging; wasteful expense in entertaining visitors at a funeral or wedding | 𧿬踏; 踐踏
thwthiog | savings, to save money | 貯蓄; 儲蓄
thwzeeng | to express one's feeling | 抒情
thwzeeng-sy | lyric poetry, a lyric | 敘情詩; 抒情詩
thwzengsy | lyric poetry | 抒情詩; 敘情詩
thwzoong | save up, store up | 貯藏; 儲藏
thwzoong-seg | store room | 貯藏室; 儲藏室
thwzoong-sor | storage area, storehouse | 貯藏所; 儲藏所
thwzuie-tii | cistern | 貯水池
thwzuytii | cistern, reservoir, water-storage tank | 貯水池
thy | to beat with a stick; cane | 笞; 黐
thychiøx | to laugh at; to sneer at; to mock; to scoff at; to ridicule; to mock | 恥笑; 譏笑; 嘲笑
thyjiok | shame; disgrace; humiliation | 恥辱
thykhuikhuy | spread wide open | 褫開開
thykhuy | unfold; unwind; outspread; open out (wings or an umbrella) | 展開; 褫開; 張開
thykud | pubic bone | 恥骨
thyphoax | rend apart; tear apart; rip to pieces | 撕破
thysit | spread the wings | 展翅
thytoat kongkoaan | disfranchise; deprive one of his civil rights | 褫奪公權
thytoat | snatch away; deprive of; strip off | 褫奪
thø | it | 它; 佗
thø'aang | peach color, pink | 桃紅
thø'ar | peach | 桃仔
thø'ar-hngg | peach orchard | 桃仔園; 桃園
thøaang | pink | 桃紅
thøafchiu | peach tree | 桃仔樹
thøafcie | peach stone; peach pit | 桃仔子
thøafheeng | peech shape | 桃仔形
thøafhngg | peach orchard | 桃子園
thøafhut | peach stone; peach pit | 桃仔核
thøafzaang | peach tree | 桃仔欉
thøangseg | peach color; color of peach blossoms; a bright red | 桃紅色
thøar | peah | 桃子
thøbin | peach-shaped face | 桃面; 瓜子臉
thøciaplie | graft a plum on a peach | 桃接李; 改良的李子
thøea | the body; shape; theory | 體
thøea'au | retreat, go back | 退後
thøea'ui | exit | 退位
thøea'øh | drop out of school, be expelled from school | 退學
thøeachiuo | substitute for, substitute worker | 退手; 替手
thøeagurn | for me; for us | 替阮
thøeagvor | be discharged from military service | 退伍
thøeahak | quit school; drop out | 退學
thøeaheeng | reimbursement | 退還
thøeahiukym | pension; lump sum paid on retirement | 退休金
thøeahiw | retirement | 退休
thøeahoaan | reimbursement | 退還
thøeahoax | degeneration; degrade; retrogression | 退化
thøeahoea | regret (one's action) | 退火; 退悔; 後悔
thøeahoee | return | 退回
thøeahoong | reduce inflammation or swelling | 退洪; 退癀; 消炎
thøeahwn | break one's engagement | 退婚
thøeahøea | heat of fire goes out, reduce the body-heat condition | 退火; 去火
thøeahøex | return merchant | 退貨
thøeajiet | reduce a fever, have a fever go down | 退熱
thøeajim | resign an office, become inactive in charge | 退任; 退休
thøeakafng | a substitute worker | 退工
thøeake | ebb, recede | 退低
thøeakhiin | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøeakhuun | go off duty, leave work | 退勤; 下班
thøeakhuy | step aside, make way | 退開
thøeakngf | lose brilliance, become dim or dull | 退光; 朦朧
thøeakorng | speak for someone else | 退講; 替講; 代講
thøeali | withdraw from | 退離
thøeanie | fade (color on cloth) | 退染; 退色
thøeaniu | conceal, yield | 退讓
thøeapefng | retreat | 退兵
thøeapo | back slide; to regress; set back; retrogression | 退步
thøeaseg | fade | 褪色; 退色
thøeasek | leave the seat, leave from the assembly | 退適; 退席
thøeasii | out of mode; out of style | 退時; 退流行
thøeasiog | move back; crane; shrink | 退縮
thøeasiok | redeem, atone | 退贖; 替贖
thøeasiu | receive in substitution, receive for other person | 退受; 替受; 代受
thøeasiuo | retreat | 退守
thøeasiw | retreat | 退修; 退休
thøeasiw-hoe | religious retreat meeting | 退修會
thøeasyn | substitute for another person | 退身; 替身
thøeatai | to substitute, to supersede, instead of, in place of | 替代
thøeathøex | annoying, not aggressive | 退退
thøeatiaau | [[theatiaau]]; ebb (tide) | 退潮; 退朝
thøeatngg | withdraw from the court | 退堂
thøeatorng | exit from party | 退黨
thøeatviuu | exit | 退場
thøeavi | be discharged from hospital | 出院; 退院
thøeavoa | switch over; replacing; replacement; substitution | 替換
thøeazhud | with draw from | 退出
thøeazuie | water retreat | 退水
thøef | a kind of hair pin | 釵
thøekor | withdraw shares | 退股
thøex | for; substitute; withdraw | 替; 退
thøex`khix | withdrew | 退去
thøfciah | beggar; wild beasts; a hungry ghost; seek for food | 尋食; 討食; 乞討; 要飯; 找工作
thøfciexn | to challenge to battle | 討戰
thøfcvii | demand money due us; ask one's superior to give him money | 討錢
thøfcviw | Taiwan camphor tree | 土漿; 土樟
thøfhae | fishing; fish in the sea | 討海; 捕魚; 打魚
thøfhae`ee | fisherman | 討海的; 漁夫
thøfhaylaang | fisherman | 討海人; 捕魚人
thøfhiap | compromise with; accommodation; come to terms | 妥協
thøfhii | catch fish | 討魚; 打魚
thøfhii-laang | fishermen | 討魚人; 漁夫
thøfhizuun | fishing boat | 討海舟; 捕魚舟
thøfhoat | subjugate rebels | 討伐
thøfiarkuie | nasty guy | 討厭鬼
thøfiax | dislike, loathe | 討厭
thøfiaxm | be sick of; tired of; botheration; dislike; troublesome; disgusting; incur a dislike or disgust for | 討厭
thøfkheahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
thøfkhehhviaf | wife who has an affair | 討客兄
thøfkhoeahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
thøfkiuopefng | ask for reinforcement | 請救兵
thøflaang | demand back a man who had been sold; seized; imprisoned or who has died or been lost while under another's care | 討人
thøfliah | to fish in the sea | 打魚
thøflun | talk over; to discuss; deal with; discuss; to debate; discussion | 討論
thøflun-hoe | discussion meeting, debate | 討論會
thøfluxnhoe | discussion meeting; forum | 討論會
thøfmia | revenge; ghost of the murdered man) requires the death of the murderer | 討命
thøfphethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphoethviax | asking for trouble | 討皮疼
thøfphvii | get even, take revenge | 討平
thøfpng | beg for food | 討飯; 要飯
thøfpøee | ask for damages | 討賠; 要求賠償
thøfseng'oah | make a living | 討生活
thøfsiaux | dun a debtor | 催數; 討數; 要帳
thøfsie | draw death on oneself by one's own conduct | 討死; 找死
thøfsviuo | ask for a reward or gratuity | 討賞
thøfthaxn | earn money by trade or business | 趁討; 討趁; 謀生; 工作
thøftngr | ask for to be returned, to get back | 討回; 討轉
thøftørtngr | demand back again money or things lent; property mortgaged or leased | 討倒轉; 要回
thøfu | succeed in getting by asking for | 要到了
thøfvii | oval, ovoid, ellipse, elliptical | 橢圓
thøfvii-thea | an ellipsoid | 橢圓形
thøfzeakviar | spendthrift son | 討債囝; 敗家子; 浪費
thøfzeeng | ask for a favor or kindness for another; ask for forgiveness | 求情; 討人情
thøfzex | to waste; misspend; fritter; be profuse in; seeking money back; demand repayment of a loan | 浪費; 討債
thøgee | green peach aphid | 通蚜; 波斯蚜
thøgoanhiofng | | 桃源鄉
thøhoahiofng | peach blossom village | 桃花鄉
thøhoazngf | peach blossom village | 桃花庄
thøhoebin | face like a peach blossom (said of a young woman whose face looks as if she is fond of licentious pleasure) | 桃花面
thøhoef | peach blossom; floozie | 桃花
thøhoekiab | trouble in affair | 桃花劫
thøhoesiao | inclination to lasciviousness in women; said to be strongest about the time when the peach blossoms | 桃花癲
thøhoesimbok | mahogany | 桃花心木
thøhoeun | popularity; good luck in adventures with women | 桃花運
thøjiin | dark-spotted cherry, peach | 土仁; 黑點櫻桃
thøky | peach branch; used much for divination (it has great power over spirits; it is not proper to strike any one with a peach branch; since it may influence the soul so as to cause madness) | 桃枝
thølie boarn thienha | His students have spread throughout the land | 桃李滿天下
thølie | peaches and plums ─ pupils; students | 桃李
thøo | peach; peach tree; peach | 桃
thør jinzeeng | request a favor or kindness for another; (a person who has some influence or claim on the person asked) makes a request | 討人情
thør khehhviaf | woman seeks a paramour | 討客兄; 紅杏出牆
thør kiuopefng | request relief troops; seek reinforcements | 討救兵
thør kongløo | to claim reward or praise | 討功勞; 邀功
thør kynkirn | demand payment urgently | 要得很急
thør phoee thviax | ask for trouble; bring trouble upon self | 自討苦吃
thør phøee thviax | ask for trouble | 討皮疼
thør | to demand; to beg for; to dun; manage; to control; quell (an uprising; rebellion); punish; invade | 討; 要
thør-khehhviaf | seek a paramour, look for a man | 討客兄; 找情夫; 紅杏出牆
thør`laai | to demand, request | 討來
thør`tngflaai | to demand back against money or thing lent; property mortgaged or leased | 討回來
thørbea | harness a horse | 套馬; 備馬
thørbeeng | transparent, transparency | 透明
thørboo | set of molds | 套模
thørcy | (bank) overdraft; overdraught; overdraw | 透支
thørek | saliva, slaver | 唾液
thørguo | polite words in conversation | 套語; 客套話
thørhiap | compromise; understanding; reconciliation; come to terms; reach a reconciliation | 妥協
thørhix | rehearse a play | 排戲
thørhøfhør | plan beforehand; premeditate already | 套好好; 已經預謀好了
thørkhix | spit at; spit on; conspue | 唾棄
thørkngr | sheath | 透管; 套管
thørkoarn | cannula | 透管; 套管
thørlaang | plan with others | 透人; 與外人共謀
thørlie | put in lining | 套裡; (衣服)
thørlo | to reveal, to disclose | 透露
thørma | to spit on and revil | 透罵; 唾罵
thøroe | gathering information by leading the conversation subjects | 套話
thørpaang | suite; flatlet; suite of rooms | 套房
thørpiexnpien | rehearsed; all ready; prepared | 套好了
thørsi | use a fluoroscope, see through, perspective, take an X-ray study | 透視
thørsien | proper; appropriate; satisfactory (arrangement); properly arranged for; we well managed | 妥善
thørsvaf | put burial clothes (can be a number of layers) on a deceased person | 套衫; 給死人穿的衣服
thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 妥頭; 客套
thørthau'oe | courtesy greeting | 套頭話
thørthiab | safe, satisfactory | 套貼; 妥貼
thørthvy | pass the day | 透天
thørtit | straightforward | 透直
thørtoxng | appropriate; secure; ready; everything right; properly done; on a sound basis; well arranged; safe | 妥當
thørtoxng`løh | I've got it! I am sure of success. | 妥當啦; 很幸虧
thørvii | oval, ovoid, ellipse, elliptical | 透圓
thørvii-thea | an ellipsoid | 透圓體
thørzhafn | combo meal | 套餐
thørzhud | to spit | 唾出
thørzofng | suit | 套裝
thørzu | to hitch, to slip on, to trap | 套住
thørzuie | permeable | 透水
thørøee | overshoes, galoshes | 套鞋
thøseg sinbuun | news of illicit love | 桃色新聞
thøseg | peach color | 桃色
thøsek'axn | criminal case involving sex | 桃色案
thøteg | sweet-scented oleander (bamboo) | 桃竹
thøtekbiaukhw | northern Taiwan counties that don't include Taipei | 桃竹苗區
thøthiefn taixzoe | great sin that stinks to heaven; the most grave crime; extremely serious offense | 滔天大罪
thøthiefn | big; fatal | 滔天
thøtuun | peach-shaped lips | 桃唇; 櫻唇
thøx cit'ee armhø | agree on a secret sign; arrange a signal | 套一個暗號
thøx khawkefng | collusion among witnesses or suspects for false confessions; trap suspect into admitting guilt | 套口供
thøx phvaylaang | engage a bold; bad man to assist in some wickedness; e.g.; robbery; false lawsuits | 套歹人; 串通壞人
thøx | jacketing; series; firm; safe; secure; stable; settled; fixed; ready; prepared; satisfactory | 套; 妥
thøx`køex | through, by means of, to penetrate, to permeate | 透過
tiafmthiq sengkym | transform common metal into gold ─ make a poor writing into a literary masterpiece by skillful retouching | 點鐵成金
tiahthak | select parts to read | 摘讀; 選讀
tiaothuy | hanging ladder of ropes; e.g.; on a vessel | 吊梯
tiarmthaau | store front; store; business shop | 店頭; 店舖
tiarmthaukef | shop boss | 店頭家
tiauserngthoaan | pilgrimage group; a hadji (hajji) mission | 朝聖團
tiauthaang | tapeworm | 條蟲
tiauthay | stabilized fetus | 牢胎
tiautheeng | mediate; to compromise; reconcile; adjust; instigate a quarrel | 調停
tiautheg | very critical, to find faults | 刁斥; 發現錯誤
tiauxthaau | omen; foretoken; bodement; a straw in the wind; prelude; omen; augury | 兆頭; 預兆
tid langthviax | amiable; beloved | 得人疼; 可愛
tidthaokhix | go straight ahead (into a door) | 一直去
tidthaux | nonstop; directly; go nonstop to | 直透; 直達; 一直
tidthofng | lead directly to; reach directly | 直通
tidtit-thernghau | go on waiting | 直直等候
tidtit-thvoax | cutaneous diseases spread more and more; (rats) propagate | 直直衍; 一直繁殖
tien thaumngg | permanent wave; get a permanent | 電頭髮; 燙頭髮
tien thaumof | permanent wave; get a permanent | 電頭毛; 燙頭髮
tien-thaumngg | get a permanent wave | 電頭髮; 電頭毛; 燙
tienthor | lands, field | 田土
tientørthaau | upside down | 顛倒頭
tientørthausvef | breech presentation (obstetrics) | 臀位生產
tiethaau | pedicle | 蒂頭
tiexnhefthiau | street light | 電火柱
tiexnhoeathiau | an electric lamp post | 電燈杆
tiexnhoefthiau | street light column | 電火柱
tiexnhoefthiauafkhaf | street light column bottom | 電火柱仔跤
tiexnhoefthiauar | street light column | 電火柱仔
tiexnhoefthiauxterng | street light column top | 電火柱頂
tiexnhøea-thiau | electric light pole | 電火柱; 電線桿
tiexnhøefthiau | poles for electric wires | 電線桿
tiexnky kangtheeng | electrical engineering | 電機工程
tiexnsirnthiau | telegraph pole | 電信柱; 電線杆
tiexnthaau | electric plug | 電頭; 電插頭
tiexntharn | electric blanket | 電毯
tiexnthaumngg | perm hair | 電頭毛
tiexnthaumngtiaxm | salon | 電頭毛店
tiexnthaumotiaxm | salon | 電頭毛店
tiexnthauzangtiaxm | salon | 電頭鬃店
tiexnthiau | poles for electric wires | 電桿; 電線桿
tiexnthoo | carbide | 電石; 電塗; 炭化物
tiexnthor | offer a libation to the god of the earth | 奠土
tiexnthuimngg | elevator door | 電梯門
tiexnthuy | elevator | 電梯; 升降機
tiexntøxthea | electric conductor | 電導體
tiexnzengthea | transistor | 電晶體
tiexnzuthiq | electromagnetic steel | 電磁鐵
tihoehthngf | pig blood soup | 豬血湯
tilaan jithex | retreat from difficulties | 知難而退
timthoxng | to be deeply grieved; bitter; heavy or painful at heart | 沈痛
tinthaau | head of rattan | 藤頭
tinthiab | allowance; pay; pension; subsidize; allowance; to help out with money | 津貼
tintiauthaau | head of rattan | 籐條頭
tiokthee | build a dike or embankment | 築堤
tiongkiexn thienjit | see daylight again ─ regain freedom; be liberated or emancipated | 重見天日
tiongthiap | duplicated, piled one on another | 重疊
tiongzhanthviaf | Chinese restaurant | 中餐廳
tiorngthefng | pleased to hear; gratifying opinion | 中聽
tioxngthog | heavy trust | 重託
tirmthaau | nod the head | 點頭
tirmthaau-ciøhof | beckon | 點頭招呼
tirnloxthaau | obstruct the landing place | 擋路頭
tirnthviarzef | anodyne; painkiller | 鎮痛劑
tirnthviax-zef | analgesic, pain-killer | 鎮痛劑; 鎮疼劑
tithaau | a hoe; pig's head | 鋤頭; 豬頭
tithaupeeng | mumps | 腮腺炎
tithauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
tithauphøee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
tithaupuii | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 腮腺腫; 豬頭肥; 腮腺炎; 耳下腺炎
tithaupvex | handle of a hoe | 鋤頭柄
tithauzhoea | pig's brains | 豬腦髓
tithauzhøea | pig's brain | 豬頭髓
tithie | behave oneself; have the sense of shame | 知恥
tithuie | leg of pork | 豬腿
tithun'ar | half grown pig; piglet; shoat | 豬豚仔; 中豬
titlangthviax | to be favored; pet | 得人疼; 討人喜愛; 受寵
titthøo | play, have fun, have a pleasant time, have illicit sexual intercourse with a woman, do solely for amusement or pleasure | 玩物
titthøo-laang | playboy, man of pleasure | 拭桃人
titthøo-mih | plaything, toy | 拭桃物
titthøo-zabor | woman for illicit sexual intercourse | 拭桃查某
tiuafthaau | rice head | 稻仔頭
tiuxkøfthaau | stubble of rice | 稻莖頭
tiuxthaang | insects found on rice plants | 稻蟲
tiuxthaau | stubble of rice | 稻莖
tiuxzhawthaau | straw head | 稻草頭
tixmtang'afthngf | Taiwanese slow cook hot soup | 燖筒仔湯
tixnthaau | the first portion or part of a procession | 陣頭; (遊行的前驅)
tixnthaekor | big drums fleet | 陣太鼓
tixnthautiofng | in the front | 陣頭中
tixnthoxng | labor pangs; pains that occur at intervals; twitch | 陣痛
tixnthviax | labor pangs; pangs of childbirth; pains that occur at intervals | 陣痛
tixthaau | to wear a cap or a hat | 鋤頭
tiøh zhadthaw | sustain a theft (burglary); be robbed | 得賊偷
tiøh-zhadthaw | be burglarized | 得賊偷; 著賊偷; 被偷東西
tiøqthaang | breed worms; have intestinal worms | 長蟲; 染蟲
tiøqthaumiaa | first | 著頭名
tiøqzhadthaw | got stolen | 著賊偷
tiøthiaux | jump and throw; leap about; jump for joy; bound | 投跳; 跳投; 跳躍
tng'ar thad`leq | intestinal obstruction | 腸仔塞咧; 腸阻塞
tngf jidthaau kofng'oe | I swear by heaven that.. | 對天發誓
tngg-thaumngg | long hair | 長頭髮
tnggrthaunofkwn | break your head | 斷頭腦筋
tngnii tharngthvy | whole year through | 一年到頭
tngr auxthaau | back to your parents' home | 轉後頭
tngr oexthaau | change topic of conversation | 轉換話題
tngrthaau | pledge | 當頭; 抵押品
tngthaau | face to face | 當頭; 當面
tngthaau-peqjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
tngthaupeqjit | day time | 當頭白日
tngthaupeqlit | day time | 當頭白日
tngthautuiebin | face to face | 當頭對面
tngthvy-libsex | call Heaven to witness | 當天立誓
tngxthaau | be headed | 斷頭
toa paktor-thafng'ar | a woman's stomach protrudes either before or after pregnancy; a man or woman has dropsy; undernourished or starving child with big belly | 大肚仔 (病態的); 小腹大
toa-phaethaau | overbearing manner | 大派頭
toa-tharncvii | making large gains | 賺大錢; 發大財
toa-zerngthaau | big symptom | 大症頭
toahthafng | open a sliding window | 大窗
toarnthiøtaai | scaffold | 斷頭台
toarthaau | to take the lead | 帶頭
toax-thøhoef | a woman fated to lead a licentious life | 帶桃花
toaxcih herngthih | A clumsy person always wants to show off. You don't have the necessary ability. (Lit. A person who stutters always wants to talk.) | 大舌興鐵; 口吃愛講話; 笨拙偏愛出風頭
toaxcythauar | big sister | 大姊頭仔
toaxhoanthaau | big turn around | 大翻頭
toaxkiøthaau | big bridge | 大橋頭
toaxloxthaau | highway, main street, main road | 大路頭
toaxsoarnthaau | large garlic | 大蒜頭
toaxthaau | large head; big man; influential person; VIP; big-head; stupid | 大頭
toaxthafng | strabismus, squint | 斜视
toaxtharncvii | make big bucks | 大趁錢
toaxthauar | big head guy | 大頭仔
toaxthaubuo | thumb | 大頭拇; 大姆指
toaxthauciafm | pin | 大頭針
toaxthauhii | big-head (fish), black silver carp, spotted silver carp | 大頭魚; 黑鰱
toaxthaukef | big boss | 大頭家
toaxthaupefng | soldier | 大頭兵
toaxthaupve | wish to be a great man (influential man) | 大頭病
toaxthautefng | thumbtack | 大頭釘
toaxthauzhafng | shallot (vegetable) | 大頭鬃; 大頭蔥; 分蔥
toaxthauzhaix | kohlrabi (vegetable) | 大頭菜
toaxthekhiim | cello | 大提琴
toaxthiøf | make much profit | 大賺
toaxthoaf | agricultural tools for concentrating millet | 大拖
toaxthoan'oaan | happy ending; happy reunion | 大團圓
toaxthonglo | road; street | 大馬路
toaxthuie | thigh | 大腿
toaxthuie-terng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂; 腰部
toaxthuykud | thigh bone | 大腿骨
toaxthuyterng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂
toaxthviaf | a big hall; the main hall; lobby; saloon; main hall or reception room of a large house; parlor | 大廳
toaxthviathaau | hall head | 大廳頭
toaxtngthaau | the large intestine | 大腸頭
toaxtoaxthah | big big pile | 大大疊
toaxtoxtharng | distended belly | 大肚桶
toaxzhangthaau | green onions | 大蔥頭
toaxzofngthorng | president | 大總統
toexhaxthiq | subway | 地下鐵
toexthaau | territory | 地頭
toextharn | carpet | 地毯
tofngthoaan | party group | 黨團
tofthad | stoppage, choking up | 堵節; 堵窒
togthaang | injurious; poisonous insect | 毒蟲
togthwn | pocket (profit) without sharing (it) with anyone else | 獨吞
togzhaai zerngthea | totalitarian state; dictatorship | 獨裁政體; 專制
tongthionghaxzhør | cordyceps sinensis | 冬蟲夏草
tongthiøpaxnghad | a wake-up call | 當頭棒喝
toong-cirnthex | advance or withdraw together; stay on or quit together | 同進退
tormthaau | nod the head | 點頭
torngthaau | stamina | 耐力
torthaux`køex | downside | 倒頭過
tothaxn | mud and coals; be burned as coal | 塗炭
totheeng | a totem | 圖騰
toxngthai | the movement; development; dynamic | 動態
toxngthaix | the movement; development; dynamic | 動態
toxngthofng | hit through | 撞通
toxngthviaf | eloquent, convincing | 動聽
toxthaau | ferry, ford | 渡頭; 渡船口
toxzunthaau | wharf; jetty for passenger boats | 渡船頭
tudthaokviax | convex lens | 凸透鏡
tuiepvoarthaxn | make 100 percent profit | 賺一倍
tuiethaau | opponent; adversary; rival | 對頭
tuiethaau-oankezuo | very party with whom we have the feud or quarrel; a rival | 對頭冤家主; 仇家
tuiethai | in dealings with; treat; treat (a person kindly; cruelly; treat one another | 對待
tuiethauchyn | similar background for marriage purpose | 對頭親
tuiethauhofng | headwind | 對頭風
tuiethaukorng | two parties making a bargain or settling an affair for themselves without any arbiter or such medium | 當面講
tuithiog | to hound, to run after | 追逐
tuithør | demand one's share | 追討
tuixthay | abortion; to have miscarriage; to abort; abortion; have an abortion; cause an abortion | 墮胎; 打胎
tuixthef | abortion; have an abortion; cause abortion | 墮胎
tuothaau | durability | 抵頭; 耐久
tuthaau | pig head | 豬頭; 鋤頭
tuthafng | shop window | 櫥窗
tuthaupeeng | pig head | 豬頭爿
tuthauphee | pig scalp | 豬頭皮
tuthaupuii | pig head fat | 豬頭肥
tuthoaq | drawer in a clothes press or standing cupboard | 櫥屜
tuxnthviax | dull pain | 惰痛; 微痛; 隱隱作痛
tvafthaau zai | very courageous | 膽壯
tvafthaau | courage; belly; nerve; gut | 膽頭; 膽量
tvaftharng | seal up a coffin awaiting burial | 停柩; 打桶; 停靈
tvafthaxm | make a quiet investigation, make a secret investigation | 打探; 刺探
tvafthay | to have an abortion on purpose; abortion; intentional abortion | 打胎
tvafthoex | to beat back | 打退
tvafthøex | to beat back | 打退
tvar toa paw thvy | extremely audacious; recklessly bold | 膽大包天
tvarthaau | load | 擔子; 擔頭; 負擔
tvarthau'ar | load | 擔頭仔
tvathaau | load | 擔頭
tve kunthaubør | clench the fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
tvex-bøo thviaf`tiøh | pretend not to hear | 假裝沒有聽見
tviafthuun | carbon incrustation on backside of a pan | 鼎灶; 鍋灰
tvithaau | advantage | 甜頭
tvithngf | sweet soup | 甜湯
tvithngg | sugars | 甜糖
tvithøo | sweet peach | 甜桃
tviuothviax | swelling pain | 脹痛
tviuothøex | tide subsided | 脹退
tvoatheeng | one-way | 單停; 單程
twnthiap | stacking up | 囤疊
twthaau | meet someone unexpectedly | 遇到; 碰到
twthauar | just now | 拄頭仔
twthiog | savings | 貯蓄
twthvy | touch the sky; so high or great as to reach up to heaven | 抵天; 極其; 碰到天; 高達天
ty cirnthøex | know how to advance and retreat | 知進退
tøexthaau | local; place; location | 地頭
tøexthaau-zoaa | local strong man | 地頭蛇
tøextharn | carpet; rug | 地毯
tøfthøex | to fall back; counter march; retro speck | 倒退
tøh'afthoaq | table drawer | 桌仔屜
tøhthaau | defraud; extort; lure; seduce | 訛詐; 引誘 (語)
tøhthoaq | desk drawer | 桌屜
tømuithea | multimedia | 多媒體
tør-thafnchiøx | laughing loud | 倒袒笑
tør-thafnhvoaai | lying crosswise; e.g.; across a bed | 倒坦橫
tør-thafnkhab | fall or lie up-side-down; fall face down | 倒坦伏
tør-thafnkhisyn | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧身; 側臥
tør-thafnkhy | lie on one's side | 倒坦敧; 側臥
tør-thafntit | lying straight along | 倒坦直; 縱臥
tørhoanthaau | turn around | 倒翻頭
tørthaau | turn back; turned in the opposite or wrong direction; the wrong end | 倒頭; 反面; 反端
tørthaau-tiaux | hang upside down | 倒頭心; 倒吊
tørthaau-zay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
tørthad | kick backwards with the heel | 倒踢; 反踢
tørthaqpvee | shield | 倒疊棚
tørthaukviaa | wrong way | 倒頭行
tørthauthaxn | lose in trade instead of gaining | 倒頭賺; 虧損
tørthauthuii | counter attack to win | 倒頭槌
tørthauzay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
tørtheakviaa | go or walk backwards | 倒退行
tørthealw | driving backwards | 倒退推
tørtheapo | go backwards; retrogress (as in studying) | 倒退步
tørthex | retreat; become worse than before (in some work; art; or study); to walk back wards from a spot to which we had advanced; to regress | 倒退; 退步
tørthiab | pay out of one's own pocket | 倒貼
tørthiaux | to rebound | 倒跳
tørthoe | old; age; grow older; senile | 倒退; 精神衰退
tørthvoaa | retrogress | 倒彈; 倒退
tørthwn | swallowed by opponent | 倒吞
tørthøex | withdraw, retire | 倒退
tøthaehoad | concentration (in mining) | 淘汰法
tøthaix | eliminate inferior contestants; goods; to clean out; weed out superfluous elements; select and separate | 淘汰
tøthex siawpor | return the overcharge and demand payment of the shortage; if any (The expression is used when money is paid in advance for a specific use; the cost of which is unknown beforehand) | 多退少補; 多還少補
tøthoa | to learn gradually by looking on | 徒導; 學習
tøthoad | escape from; free oneself from; succeed in escaping from; run away | 逃脫
tøxsexng-khiethea-goansox | inert gas element | 惰性氣體元素
tøxthea | electric conductor | 導體
tøxtiexnthea | conductor | 導電體
u hengthea`ee | corporeal | 有形體的
u hexthorng | systematic | 有系統
u hoeathaau | aged; getting old | 年邁; 年老
u phvithaau | get the better of a man; in a dispute or quarrel; get things very cheap or get large wages; advantageous (trade); yielding good profits | 佔便宜
u torngthaau | able to hold out | 有擋頭
u-hexthorng | systematic | 有系統
u-thaothied | thoroughly understanding | 有透徹
u-thviarsym | loving | 有疼心; 有愛心
u-zhutthoad | promising | 有出脫
uithabeng | vitamin | 維他命
uithea | corpse; carcass | 遺體
uithoaan | heredity; inheritance; hereditary; heredity; be transmitted from one's parents | 遺傳
uithoanhak | study of heredity; genetics | 遺傳學
uithoanpve | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uithoanpvi | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uithoansexng | heredity; hereditary | 遺傳性
uithoantiøh | Inherited | 遺傳著
uixthea | the body | 胃體
uixthviax | stomach pain or ache | 胃痛
un'ar thvoaheeng | pay a debt gradually by installments | 勻仔攤還; 慢慢的攤還
un'unthunthwn | sloppy; slow | 溫溫吞吞
unthai | treat graciously | 恩待
unthiorng | grace | 恩寵
unthunkuie | you filthy imp or wretch! (said in scolding) | 骯髒鬼
unthwn | very dirty; filthy | 骯髒; 污穢
urn juu thaesafn | as stable as Mount Taishan | 穩如泰山
urnthuxn | stubborn and unreasonable; obstinate; bigoted | 乖戾; 遲鈍
uxthaau | with a beginning | 有頭
uxthaau-bøbøea | leave a job incomplete or unfinished; quit doing something halfway; a thing given up before it is finished | 有頭無尾
uxthaau-uxbin | power position and good reputation | 有頭有臉; (有地位有名聲)
uxthaau-uxbøea | do a job from beginning to end; it has a beginning and an end | 有頭有尾; 有始有終
uxthafng | possibly it can or it may | 有通; 能夠
uxthauuxbea | through | 有頭有尾
uxthauuxboea | through | 有頭有尾
uxthofng | can; may; possible; able to; (conj) so that one can... | 有通
uxthviaeq | able to hear it | 有聽得
uxthvy-bøjit | have no idea what time it is | 有天無日; (無時間觀念)
uxtorngthaau | defensive | 有擋頭
uxzhutthoad | outstanding | 有出脫
uythog hoarnbe | consignment (commission) sale; sale on commission | 委託販賣
uythog | entrust; to authorize; commission somebody to act; commission; entrust to; consignment | 委託
uythok'haang | consignment store | 委託行
uythokciar | someone commission to do something | 委託者
uythokphirn | consignment goods | 委託品
varthaau | lower; bow or hang one's head; yield; submit | 低頭
varthauzok | chin down people- staring smartphone | 向頭族
vi'afthngf | with sweet or flavored soup | 圓仔湯
vikorthea | isomer (chem.) | 異構體
vithaau | rounded head | 圓頭; 員頭
vithafng | circular window | 圓窗
vithea | rounded | 圓體
vithiau | cylinder | 圓柱
vithiau-thea | a cylinder | 圓柱體
viuafthaau | lamb head | 羊仔頭
viuthaau | sheep head | 羊頭
viuthauhiin | dizziness | 羊頭眩
viuthiq | melt iron | 鎔鐵
viuthngg | melt sugar | 溶糖
viuthuie | gigot | 羊腿
viuthøo | carambola; star-fruit; gear fruit | 楊桃; 五歛子
viuthøthngf | star fruit juice | 楊桃湯
viuthøtiin | Taiwan actinidia | 楊桃藤; 臺灣羊桃
viuthøzab | start fruit juice | 楊桃汁
vixkorthea | isomer (chem.) | 異構體
vizhaethaau | turnip (flower) | 圓菜頭
vizuy-thea | a cone | 圓椎體; 圓錐體
voa thngf bøo voa iøh | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換藥
voa thngf bøo voa liap | change form but not content (essence) | 換湯無換粒; 換湯無換藥
voafthaau | top of the bowl | 碗頭
voafthauar | medium sized bowl | 碗頭仔
voafthngf | soup in a bowl | 碗湯
voafthoo | clay for porcelain | 碗土; 陶土; 瓷器
voaxthiab | brotherhood; exchange cards; giving all the particulars of birth; and thus become sworn brothers | 換帖; 結拜
voaxthiab`ee | buddy | 換帖的; 結拜兄弟
wnthaulo | seeking for jobs | 允頭路
wnthaxn | investment or business is safe; sure to yield a profit | 穩趁; 賺定的
wnthøx | safe; reliable; secure and dependable | 穩妥
wthiefn | raining day | 雨天
ycixn-uithøex | pretend to move ahead in order to hide the intention to retreat | 以進為退
ylea thaixjiin | take notice of one | 以禮待人
yn kuie jip theh | invite ghosts into one's home--employ a person who afterwards proves very injurious | 引狼入室
ynthaau | lead | 引頭
ynthaulo | looking for job | 允頭路
ynthex | retire from public life | 引退; 退休
ynthoex | retire from public life | 引退
ynthøex | retire; fall from power | 引退
ythaau | a stool | 椅頭; 凳子
ythaix | ether | 以太
ythauar | wooden stool | 椅頭仔
ythex | chair support | 椅撐
ythiefn | depend on God | 倚天
zaai khør thongsiin | Money is all powerful. (Lit. With money you can talk with the gods.) | 財可通神
zaarmthautefmia | head cut short life | 鏨頭短命
zabofthea | femininity | 娘娘腔; 查某體; 女人氣質
zabofthoea | feminine | 查某體
zadthaau | stupid | 塞頭
zadthofngthorng | packed tight; crowded | 擠滿滿
zaethea | carrier | 載體
zaethiafm | add more | 再添
zaethviaf | listen again | 再聽
zafmthaau | decapitate | 斬頭
zafmthautaai | guillotine | 斬首台
zafngthaau | main threads; points; trail; clue of (criminal) investigation | 頭緒
zafthøex | leave office; school; or factory earlier than usual | 早退
zah laang ee oexthaau | interrupt a man when speaking; to cut short another's long story | 打斷人的話
zaithaoky | know thoroughly | 全知道
zaithaothaux | know thoroughly | 全知道
zaithoaan | property-holding body; foundation; endowed institution; syndicate | 財團
zaithoaan-hoatjiin | juridical person of an association | 財團法人
zaithviax | feel the pain | 知痛; 覺得痛
zaixthaau | in the head | 在頭
zaixthiefn | in the heaven | 在天
zaixthiefn-cy-leeng | in the heaven | 在天之靈
zaixthvy | in the heaven | 在天
zaizerngthviaf | department of finance | 財政廳
zaizexng thofng'id | unity of financial administration | 財政統一
zao-køeathaau | pass over; missed it | 走過頭
zao-zøeathaau | be in the lead | 走做頭; 跑在前頭
zao-zørthaau | be in the lead | 走做頭; 跑在前頭
zaothaau | stove | 灶頭
zarnthaxn | hold in regard; commendation; epraise; applaud; admiration; admiration; extol; be lost in admiration for | 讚嘆
zathaxm | find out by inquiries | 查探
zauthad | give trouble constantly; take advantage of a girl; insult; maltreat | 蹧躂; 凌侮
zauthaf | trample; to spoil; to ruin; to insult | 糟蹋
zawthaothaux | go through | 走透透
zawthaubølo | nowhere to go | 走頭無路
zawthaux | walk through | 走透
zawthay | misscarry | 走胎; 流產
zawthiaux | active | 活動
zawthoad | escape | 走脫
zaxmthaau | behead; decollate | 斬首
zaxmthautefmia | be headed short life | 鏨頭短命
zeasy-thaau | high priest | 祭司頭; 祭司長
zeathiefn | control the sky | 製天
zeathiq | iron manufacturing | 製鐵
zeathngg hoexsia | sugar company | 製糖會社
zeathngg kangchviuo | sugar refinery | 製糖工廠; 糖廠
zeathngg | sugar manufacturing; to refine sugar | 製糖
zeathngsor | sugar refinery | 製糖所
zeathoaq | debt | 債挩
zeathvy | make offerings to Heaven; offer sacrifice to Heaven | 祭天
zefngthaau | finger | 指頭
zefngthau'ar | finger | 指頭仔
zefngthauafbak | finger joint; knuckle | 指頭仔目; 關節
zefngthauafboea | finger tail | 指頭仔尾
zefngthauafbøea | finger tip | 指頭仔尾; 指尖
zefngthauafterng | finger tip | 指頭仔頂
zefngthauar | finger or toe | 指頭仔; 腳指
zefngthaubuo | thumb | 指頭母; 拇指
zefngthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zefngthaukofng | thumb | 指頭公; 大姆指
zefngthea | whole body; whole situation | 整體
zefngthefkoafn | holistic view | 整體觀
zefngthngg | hereditary; heredity | 遺傳
zefngthøx | whole set | 整套
zefngzofng thaixhoad | all packed up and ready to go (usually said of troops on an expedition) | 整裝待發
zeg thiauafcie | squeeze a pimple | 擠青春痘
zeg thiauar | pop pimples | 擠痘仔
zehthoaq | dissipate; prodigal; waste; extravagancy; misspend | 庂脫
zekkek ee thaeto | positive attitude | 積極的態度
zeksithofng | instant messaging | 即時通
zekthad | suffocation | 積窒
zekthiog | save; saving; amassment; accumulate; accumulate (savings) | 積蓄
zengkhuxthuii | pestle for a large rice mortar worked by hand | 舂臼錘; 舂杵; 舂槌
zengsiin thofng'id | concentration of mind | 精神統一
zengsiin zoxngthaix | mental state; moral condition or attitude | 精神狀態
zengthaang | spermatozoa | 精蟲; 精子
zengthaau khabhiah | hit one's head in frustration or anger | 氣得撞頭; 氣極了; 撞頭磕額
zengthaq | bell tower | 鐘塔
zengthaxm siawsoad | detective story | 偵探小說
zengthaxm | detective; spy | 偵探
zengthea | crystal in a radio | 晶體
zengtheeng | prospect | 前程
zengthiafm | add on | 增添
zengthiefn | fine day, fine weather | 晴天
zengthoad | to break away with force | 爭脫; 掙脫
zengthofng | conversance; conversant; master; be skilled in; be versed in; have a thorough knowledge of; be familiar or acquainted with | 精通
zengthuie | fore quarter or fore leg of an animal like a cut of meat; fore leg | 前腿
zengthuii | clapper or tongue of a bell; striker for a bell; hammer or mallet of mortar; an instrument to ring a bell | 鐘搥; 鐘舌
zengthuo | a wooden stick to smash and separate grain shell out grain | 舂杵
zengthør | to subjugate, go on a punitive expedition | 征討
zerngkiofng khongthaix | May you be healthy and strong (a greeting used in addressing a high government official) | 政躬康泰
zerngthaau | symptom; sickness; disease; ailments | 症狀; 症頭; 症狀疾病; 疾病
zerngthea | government; polity regime; system or form of government | 政體
zerngthefji | standard Chinese characters as distinct from simplified characters or the cursive and manuscript styles of writing | 正體字
zerngthoaan | political bloc | 政團
zerngthoad | break away with force; to shake off | 掙脫
zerngthoat | to get free from | 掙脫
zerngthofngphaix | orthodox school of thought | 正統派
zerngthorng zwgi | legitimism | 正統主義
zerngthorng | orthodox; orthodox; authorized | 正統
zethaau | round off a sum (to the next lowest whole number) | 整數; 齊頭
zexkud sinkengthviax | sciatica | 坐骨神經痛
zexngthaix | motionless state; state of stillness; stationary state | 靜態
zexngthor | pure land (Buddhism) | 淨土
zexngthviaf | listen quietly | 靜聽
zexzvea koanthiefn | look at the sky from the bottom of a well a very limited view; usually implying short sightedness; ignorance; shallowness | 坐井觀天
zhadthaau | head of thief gang; head of a band of robbers | 賊頭; 賊首
zhadthaau-zhadnao | act suspiciously; acting stealthily | 賊頭賊腦
zhadthaw | goods being stolen; steal | 賊偷; 盜竊
zhaechi'afthaau | traditional market head | 菜市仔頭
zhaethaang | worms in vegetable; green caterpillars found on vegetables | 菜蟲
zhaethaau | (n) radish; white turnip; radish | 菜頭; 白蘿蔔; 蘿蔔
zhaethaukea | rice carrot cake | 菜頭粿
zhaethaukoea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿
zhaethaukøea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿; 蘿蔔糕
zhaethauthngf | radish soup | 菜頭湯
zhaethngf | vegetable soup | 菜湯
zhafkelaxtheh | noisy family fighting all the time | 吵家抐宅
zhafmthoxng | deeply grieved; painful; bitter | 慘痛
zhahthaau | plug; adapter; a wall plug; electrical outlet | 插頭
zhai thiauar | plant a pillar | 豎柱子; 豎桿子
zhaithied | abolish | 裁撤
zhaixthiau | upright column | 豎柱; 立柱子
zhak-thaokøex | make a hole clear through | 鑿透過; 鑿穿
zhakhatharng | wooden bucket | 柴跤桶
zhamthay | bamboo tray for silkworm | 蠶胎; 籮筐
zhamthienkofbok | towering ancient tree | 參天古木
zhamthngg | add sugar | 攙糖
zhang'afthaau | scallion head | 蔥仔頭
zhangthaau | onion | 蔥頭; 洋蔥
zhanhngg-zhuotheh | land and houses | 田園房地; 家園; 田園厝宅
zhanthaau | farm | 田頭
zhanthauaflo | rice farm pathway | 田頭仔路
zhanthauar | rice farm | 田頭仔
zhanthaukef | landlord of agricultural land; owner of the field | 田頭家; 地主
zhanthobi | rice farm smell | 田塗味
zhanthoo | siol of rice farm; soil of rice fields | 田土
zhanthviaf | dining hall; dining hall; restaurant; mess hall | 餐廳
zhao'iutharng | unpleasant oil barrel | 臭油桶
zhaophuiethaang | arrogant | 臭屁蟲
zhaothaang | bed bugs | 臭蟲
zhaothaau kauxiøh | many kinds of medicine used without effect | 難症費藥
zhaothaau | scap of the scalp; dandruff; scabby or mangy head | 臭頭; 癩頭; 生頭瘡
zhaothaau-køe'ar | be scolded often (Lit. stinky head chicken) | 臭頭瓜仔; 常常挨罵
zhaothaau-noaxhvi | face covered with boils and eruptions | 爛頭爛耳
zhaothau'ar | bald person (impolite) | 臭頭仔
zhaothauar | brat | 臭頭仔
zhaothaukear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhaothaukoear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhaothauphie | brat | 臭頭痞
zhaothobi | having an unpleasant earthy taste; damp; earthy smell | 臭土味
zhaothoo-hiexn | strong smell or taste of mud and earth | 臭土味
zhapiet thaixgu | unequal treatment; discrimination | 差別待遇
zharm buu thienjit | said of life under a tyrannical government; so dark; or full of suffering; that it is as if the sun were not in the sky | 慘無天日
zhathaau | wood; an idol; dull and slow-acting person; curse or scolding meaning a stupid ignorant person; also a curse against an idol calling it a useless block of wood because it doesn't answer requests (Lit. a block of wood; or stump; or trunk of wood) | 柴頭; 木頭
zhathafng'aflai | inside wooden pail | 柴桶仔內
zhatharng | wooden pail | 柴桶; 木桶
zhathau'ar | wooden head | 柴頭仔
zhathauang'ar | wooden idol; wooden figure; people who have no feeling | 柴頭尪仔; 無感情的人
zhathaulaang | wooden head people | 柴頭人
zhathaumngg | wooden door | 柴頭門
zhathiau | wooden post | 柴柱
zhathui'ar | gavel, mallet | 漆陶仔; 木槌
zhathuii | wooden pestle; beetle; heavy stick for beating things | 柴槌
zhawjixthaau | grass; one of the 17 radicals | 草字頭; 草根; 部首
zhawthaau | grass; one of the 17 radicals; 艸 | 草根; 草字頭; 部首
zhawthauar | Chinese herbs | 草頭仔; 草藥
zhawthiuo | clown | 小丑
zhaythaau | presage; an omen | 兆頭; 彩頭; 預兆
zhe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhea-auxthuie | to pull one back, to hinder one from success | 扯後腿
zhefngthog | to request a person to do something | 請託
zhefngthuun | sweep the dirt from things like beams; roof; idols or ceiling | 筅黗; 打掃
zhehthaang | bookworm | 書蟲
zhehthvoaf | bookstall | 書攤
zhehthøx | case or cover for holding; several books | 書套
zhekthefng | listen | 側聽
zhekthor | red soil | 赤土
zhenglienthoaan | youth corps | 青年團
zhengthaam | clear up phlegm | 清痰
zhengthiefn pheklek | sudden and unexpected (Lit. a bolt from the blue) | 青天霹靂
zhengthiefn | blue sky | 青天
zhengthienpegjidkii | Chinese National flag (Lit. flag of blue sky and bright sun) | 青天白日旗
zhengthngf | clear soup; consomme; broth | 清湯
zherngthaau | rifle butt | 槍托
zhexng thokhix | affected by the cold damp air of the ground | 沾受地氣
zhngthaau | head of bed or couch | 床頭
zhngthaux`køex | penetrated | 穿透過
zhoarnthaux | crosstalk | 串透
zhoarnthofng zokpex | join together in practicing fraud | 串通作弊
zhoarnthofng | conspire with (enemy); collude or conspire | 串通
zhoaxthaau | lead; pioneer; initiate; be the first to do something | 帶頭; 𤆬頭; 領頭
zhoe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhoexthaothaux | have searched or looked everywhere | 找透透
zhoexthaulo | look for a job | 揣頭路
zhof niar Serngthea | first Communion (Catholic) | 初領聖體
zhongthiefn | My God; the heavens; the sky | 蒼天
zhortharng | jealous woman; jealous person | 醋桶; 醋罐; 醋罈(子)
zhotharng | thick bucket | 粗桶
zhud bøfthay | newly born infant | 出母胎
zhud-hongthaau | show off, ostentatious | 出風頭
zhuiechiuthaau | beard stubble | 嘴鬚頭; 鬚根
zhuiekhie thviax | toothache | 嘴齒痛
zhuiekhythaau | stump or root of a tooth | 嘴齒頭; 齒根嘴鬚頭
zhuiethaau | top of mouth | 嘴頭
zhuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
zhuithorzef | emetic; a medicine that induces vomiting | 催嘔劑
zhuithør | demand urgently the payment of a debt | 催討
zhunthaau | early spring | 初春
zhunthvy | Spring | 春天
zhunthøar | spring peach | 春桃仔
zhunthøo | spring peach | 春桃
zhuo lo putthofng | road closed to vehicle or pedestrian | 此路無通
zhuokakthaau | house corerns | 厝角頭
zhuopvithaubea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboefar | neighboor | 厝邊頭尾仔
zhuoterng-thafng | a dormer window | 厝頂窗
zhuothauciao | sparrow | 厝頭鳥
zhuothaukef | landlord | 厝頭家; 房東
zhuotheh | residence; house; house and yard; houses in general | 厝宅; 住宅; 屋園
zhuothiau | supporting column of a building | 厝柱
zhuothviaf | hall | 厝廳
zhurnpeqthaang | inchworm | 寸白蟲
zhurnthiq | arm; small dagger | 寸鐵
zhurnthor pitzefng | Even an inch of land has to be fought for | 寸土必爭
zhurnthor | every bit of land | 寸土
zhurnthuii | inch mallet | 寸槌
zhut'hongthaau | be famous; seek publicity | 出風頭
zhutthaau surn kag | take responsibility and so suffer a loss | 出頭損角; 樹大招風
zhutthaau | outstanding; appear; show up; present oneself; special skill; play tricks | 出頭; 出人頭地; 出面; 花樣
zhutthauthvy | the day of success; make good or become successful (said of people of humble origin) | 出頭天; 熬出頭了
zhutthay | be born | 出胎
zhutthiøo | person superior to others in excellence or in skill | 出頭; 出人頭地
zhutthoaan | start a trour | 出團
zhutthoad | out of dilemma; break away from sufferings; make good or succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 出脫; 脫離困境
zhutthoatbøo | outstanding yet? | 出脫無
zhutthor | be unearthed like antiques; be discovered | 出土
zhutthviaf | the bride goes to the dining room to have dinner | 出廳; 結婚當晚新娘出大廳吃晚餐
zhuun-thienlioong | conscience | 存天良
zhvethauchirnbin | angry; mad | 生頭凊面
zhvethi'ar | lettuce | 青苔仔
zhvethiaothiaux | live and still jumping up and down | 青跳跳
zhvethii | green moss | 青苔
zhvezhang'afthaau | onion | 青蔥仔頭
zhw textharn | spread carpet | 舖地毯
zhw thafn'ar | spread blanket | 舖毯仔
zhwthee | enforce (law), prosecute, to ban, to prohibit | 取締
zhwthex | enforce (law); ban; clampdown | 取締
zhøfthad | cork stopper | 草塞; 軟木塞
zhøfthat'ar | cork; plug; filters the mouth | 軟木塞; 草塞仔; 濾嘴
zhørhabthea | complex | 措合體; 錯合體
zng'afthaau | piece of tile or brick | 磚仔頭; 磚塊
zngfthau'ar | finger, toe | 指頭仔; 手腳指
zngfthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zngthaau | village; countryside | 村子; 庄頭
zngthaulai | inside village | 庄頭內
zngthauzngboea | everywhere in side the vllage | 庄頭庄尾
zngthva | to put on make-up; dress up; makeup; dress up as; be disguised as; attire; clothing; decorate; decoration; decorative; ornamental; apply make up | 裝娗; 妝娗; 打扮; 裝扮; 化妝; 裝飾
zoadieen-thea | insulator | 絕緣體
zoadienthea | electric or thermal insulator | 絕緣體
zoafnthea | swivel | 轉體
zoafnthoaan | repost | 轉傳
zoafnthog | request through another; entrust to another | 轉託
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoafthauzoafboea | paper ends | 紙頭紙尾
zoanthea hoafntuix | unanimous opposition | 全體反對
zoanthea zarnseeng | unanimous approval | 全體贊成
zoanthea zhutsek | perfect attendance | 全體出席
zoanthea | all; whole; entire; whole body; everybody; in all; plenary assembly; unanimously | 全體
zoantheeng | special trip | 專程
zoanthoaan | whole group | 全團
zoanthog | a full-time nursery | 專託; 全託
zoanthøx | full suit of clothes; a whole set (books; furniture; machinery) | 全套
zoanzex-zerngthea | autocracy | 專制政體
zoathaau | snake head | 蛇頭
zoea'au-thongtiap | ultimatum | 最後通牒
zoeahongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zoeahuixkog thaixgu | most favored nation status | 最惠國待遇
zoeakøf thofngsoex | supreme commander; commander in chief of the armed forces | 最高統帥
zoeathaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 為首
zoeathoo`ee | handyman who work on tiles, bricks, cemen | 做土的
zoeathozuie | handyman who work on tiles, bricks cement | 做塗水
zoeathøx | make sets | 做套
zoex-hongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zoex-kuythaau | be a bad guys leader | 做鬼頭
zofngthea | overall | 總體
zofngthefciexn | all out war; total war | 總體戰
zofngthofnghuo piesutviuo | Presidential Secretary General | 總統府秘書長
zofngthofnghuo | presidential office | 總統府
zofngthofnghwzeeng | in front of the presidential palace | 總統府前
zofngthofngzex | political system under which the president is the chief executive | 總統制
zofngthorng hauxsoafnjiin | presidential candidate | 總統後選人
zofngthorng torngsoafnjiin | president elect | 總統當選人
zofngthorng | president (of a government) | 總統
zofngthorng-huo | president's office | 總統府
zofngthwn | annex all | 全吞
zofthad | obstract, block a way | 阻擋; 阻塞
zofthoaan ee piehngf | formula handed down from generation to generation | 祖傳秘方
zofthoaan piehngf | ancestral secret recipe | 祖傳祕方
zofthoaan | traditional; handed down from the ancestor; patrimonial tradition; handed down from ancestors (property; trade secrets or medical knowledge) | 祖傳; 祖傳的
zofthoanpiehngf | ancestral secret recipe | 祖傳祕方
zongkaux thoanthea | religious organization | 宗教團體
zorng kangthengsw | chief engineer | 總工程師
zorng-kinthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorng-kunthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorngthaix | big and imposing, lusty, strong | 壯太
zothaau | group lead | 組頭
zothaix | organization | 組態
zothoaan | form a group | 組團
zoxngthai | situation; a state; condition | 狀態
zoxngthaix | situation; a state; condition | 狀態
zoxthviakhix | hearing aid | 助聽器
zuie sied putthofng | so crowded (or so carefully guarded) that it is impossible even for water to seep through | 水泄無通
zunthaau | forward of a boat; bow or prow of a boat | 船首; 船頭
zunthaukef | ship owner | 船頭家
zunthea | boat body | 船體
zupithea | compassion | 慈悲體
zurnthaau | the beginning part of the water canal | 圳頭
zurnthviax | momentary pain | 陣痛
zuthaang | bookworms | 書蟲
zuthaix | posture; pose; carriage; bearing; carriage; deportment; poise; a gesture | 姿態
zuthay | pregnant | 珠胎
zuthøx | book cover | 書套
zuun kaux kiøthaau zuxjieen tit | It will take care of itself when the time comes. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it | 船到橋頭自然直。
zuxgvor kiafmthør | self examination; review one's conduct; achievement | 自我檢討
zuxhabthea | a cluster | 聚合體
zuxjieen-sengthai | natural ecology | 自然生態
zuxjieen-tøthaix | evolution; survival of the fittest; natural selection | 自然淘汰
zuxnthviax | labor pains; throes; travail; paroxysm (of a disease) | 陣痛
zuxthaau | from the beginning; from the beginning | 自頭; 從頭; 從開始; 自始
zuxthaau-ciebøea | all the way through; from the beginning to the end | 自頭至尾
zuxthaau-kaobøea | from the beginning to the end; all the way through | 自始至終
zuxthaukaobea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾
zuxthaukaoboea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾
zuxthaxn | pity oneself, to regret, to sigh to oneself | 自歎
zuxthaxn-putjuu | admit with regret that one is not so great; concede that the other fellow is better qualified | 自歎無如
zuxtheg | residence | 住宅
zuxtheh | residence, a dwelling | 住宅
zuxtheh-khw | residential district | 住宅區
zuxtheqkhw | residential area, district, or quarter | 住宅區
zuxtong tiexnthuy | escalator | 自動電梯
zuxzo-zhanthviaf | cafeteria | 自助餐廳
zuybidthøo | succulent peach; Lisan or Wushe peach; Mountain peach | 水蜜桃
zuycvithea | lens (in anatomy); crystalline lens | 水晶體
zuygoanthaau | water source | 水源頭
zuykethuie | frog legs | 水雞腿
zuykhutthaau | water source | 水堀頭
zuykuie kiøx kauthøex | ghost of drowned A tempting B to commit suicide in order to take A's place by transmigration | 水鬼找替身
zuyli-kangtheeng | hydraulic engineering | 水利工程
zuyliongthaau | water faucet | 水龍頭
zuyluitherng | mine layer, torpedo boat | 水雷艇
zuythaam | puddle; pool | 水潭
zuythaau | upper section of a stream | 上游
zuythafng'ar | bucket | 水桶仔
zuythafnghvi | handle of a water bucket | 水桶把手
zuythaq | water tower | 水塔
zuytharng | water bucket | 水桶
zuythoaq | otter | 水獺; (一種食魚獸)
zuythor bøexhah | fail to acclimate oneself in a new natural environment; a new climate does not agree with one's system | 水土無服
zuythor pøfchii | soil conservation | 水土保持
zuythor | physical living condition; natural environment | 水土
zuytø-thaau | water faucet, tap | 水道頭; 水龍頭
zuytøxthaau | faucet | 水龍頭
zvefthaau | well top | 井頭
zwkiofng-thaau | cervix | 子宮頸
zwkionggoa siuxthay | ectopic pregnancy, ectopic gestation | 子宮外受孕
zwlangthaau | master | 主人頭
zwnthaau | the beginning part of the water canal | 準頭
zwsegthoaan | presidium | 主席團
zwthea | main constituent; the subjective (as against the objective); main body or most important part of something | 主體
zwthefsexng | subjectivity | 主體性
zwthngf | cook soup | 煮湯
zø ie thai pe | waiting for death like troops in desperate condition or a hopelessly poor man | 坐以待斃
zøeathaau | be the head, be the leader, in first | 做頭; 當頭
zøeathoo | be a mason | 做土; 做塗
zøethaau | round the sum | 齊頭; 整數
zøex-hongthay | have a typhoon | 做風颱; 刮颱風
zøex-køeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøftharn | bare the left shoulder (in ancient ceremonies of mourning), be biased, favor one side, to side with | 左袒
zøq thehoong | build a dike | 築堤防
zørhongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zørsu khythaau laan | Beginning is the hardest part of any enterprise | 做事起頭難
zørthaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 做老大; 當頭
zørthauzeeng | be first, go first, walk first | 帶頭, 領先
zørthefge | have as a hobby | 做體藝; 著玩
zørthoo | be a mason | 作土; 做塗; 土水匠
zørthozuie | handyman who specialize in tiling, cements, etc | 做塗水
zørtuiethaau | counter part | 做對頭
zørzuxnthviax | spasms, pains at intervals | 做陣痛
zøthaau | back part of the lower jaw | 槽頭
zøx tuiethaau | oppose; be at enmity with; act against; be someone's rival or opponent | 作對; 作對頭
zøx zuxnthviax | labor pangs; pangs of childbirth; pains that occur at intervals | 陣痛
zøx-hongthay | become a typhoon | 做颱風; 做風颱; 刮颱風
zøx-khvoarthaau | be a watchman | 把風的
zøx-koeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøx-køeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøxthaq | build towers | 造塔
øexthafng | possible; maybe; to be capable of | 能處; 可以; 能夠
øextitthafng | attainable (hope, desire). can, able to (circumstances permit) | 會得通; 可以; 能
øhthviaf | difficult to get accurate information (from variety of reports), difficult to understand when heard, difficult to hear | 學聽; 無容易聽
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]