"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thøx

beqthøx | wrappers worn either outside the stocking or in place of stockings as a protection from chafing with shoes | 襪套
boeqthøx | wrappers worn either outside the stocking or in place of stockings as a protection from chafing with shoes | 襪套
bøthøx | unsettled; unsatisfactory; not right; unsafe | 無妥
chiwthøx | gloves; mittens; gloves | 手套
cidthøx | a suit of; a set of; set | 一套
citthøx | this set; the series | 這套
cviarthøx | right and sound | 正妥
cymthauthøx | open ended pillow case | 枕頭套
ethøx | overshoes | 鞋套
goaxthøx | wrap; overcoat; coat; manta; outer garment | 外套
gvexthøx | to apply arbitrarily | 硬套
gvixthøx | to apply arbitrarily | 硬套
hongthøx | folder; large envelope; enclosing case for protection | 封套
kaythøx | terminology in stock trading to relieve lost | 解套
khehthøx | ceremonious greeting or compliments in addressing one's guest | 客套
khiarmthøx | defective | 欠妥
khoanthøx | trap; snare; a framed affair; snare or noose | 圈套
kuithøx | the whole set | 整套
kuythøx | how many suits | 幾套
laixthøx | underware | 內套
laxmthøx | trite; cliches; superfluous expressions | 濫套
lienthøx | couplet | 聯套
løh khoanthøx | be trapped or swindled | 落圈套
ngfthøx | pull-over sleeves | 掩套; 護袖
nythøx | ear caps | 耳罩; 耳套
paxnthøx | to complete, to finish work | 辦妥
phaothøx | gun holster | 炮套
pheathøx | matching | 配套
phoeathøx | matching; to manufacture a complete set, accompanied set | 配套
phøeathøx | to manufacture a complete set | 配套
piexnthøx | toilet equipments | 便套
pitthøx | cap of a pen or writing brush | 筆套
putthøx | unsettled; unsatisfactory; not right; unsafe | 無妥; 不妥
pøfhiafmthøx | male contraceptive | 保險套
pøfhiarm-thøx | condom | 保險套
sied khoanthøx | set a snare | 設圈套
thongthøx | conspire, plot | 通套; 陰謀
thøx cit'ee armhø | agree on a secret sign; arrange a signal | 套一個暗號
thøx khawkefng | collusion among witnesses or suspects for false confessions; trap suspect into admitting guilt | 套口供
thøx phvaylaang | engage a bold; bad man to assist in some wickedness; e.g.; robbery; false lawsuits | 套歹人; 串通壞人
thøx | jacketing; series; firm; safe; secure; stable; settled; fixed; ready; prepared; satisfactory | 套; 妥
thøx`køex | through, by means of, to penetrate, to permeate | 透過
wnthøx | safe; reliable; secure and dependable | 穩妥
zefngthøx | whole set | 整套
zhehthøx | case or cover for holding; several books | 書套
zoanthøx | full suit of clothes; a whole set (books; furniture; machinery) | 全套
zoeathøx | make sets | 做套
zuthøx | book cover | 書套

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