"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ciah koefcie bøo paix chiuxthaau | ungrateful to the benefactors | 吃果子無拜樹頭; 忘本
Giaqthaau svachiøq u sinbeeng | The gods are always near you. (Lit. Raise your head three feet and there is a spirit.) | 舉頭三尺有神明
Guthaau bøo tuix befzhuix | not to the point; unconnected; incongruous (Lit. The head of an ox does not match the mouth of a horse.) | 牛頭無對馬嘴; 文不對題
Jidgoadthaam | Sun Moon Lake, a resort in central Taiwan | 日月潭
Jidgoat-thaam | Sun Moon Lake (a resort in central Taiwan) | 日月潭
Khethaau | upper reaches of a river | 溪頭
Khoethaau | Sitou | 溪頭
Khøethaau | a famous tourist place in center Taiwan | 溪頭
Køeathaau-kiaugvo | hubris | 過份驕傲; 過頭驕傲
Lidgoadthaam | sun-moon lake | 日月潭
Liongthaam | a city in Taoyuan County | 龍潭
Lyhithaam | carps pond | 鯉魚潭
Osvoathaau | black hilltop | 黑山頭
Phekthaam | Green lake in Taipei; Green Lake (in suburban Taipei) | 碧潭
Pithaau | a place in taiwan | 埤頭
Saithaam | a city in Miaoli County | 獅潭
Siaxthaau | a city in Changhua County | 社頭
Taioaan-thaau | north point of Taiwan | 台灣頭
Taioanthaau | Taiwan island end | 台灣頭
Zhvemekef toktiøh thaang | lucky guess or shot; win by a fluke; (Lit. A blind chicken pecked a worm.) | 瞎眼雞啄到蟲; 瞎撞瞎著。
aang-zhaethaau | carrot | 紅菜頭; 胡蘿蔔
ang'afthaau | a puppet head; girl's face; face of a puppet | 尪仔頭; 玩偶頭; 少女的臉
ang'ar-thaau | head of a puppet, girl's face, postage stamp | 尪仔頭; 郵票
angthaau`ee | Taoist priest | 紅頭的; 道士
angzhaethaau | carrot; radish; carrot | 紅蘿蔔
angzhang'afthaau | shallots | 紅蔥仔頭
aothaau-aobin | pull a long face | 臭頭臭臉
armthaau | at dusk; at nightfall | 暗頭; 傍晚; 晚頭
arnthaau | the head of a bed; on one's desk | 床頭; 案頭
athaau | slave girl; madam of a brothel | 丫頭; 老娼
authaau | larynx | 喉頭
auxthaau | in the back; in the future; days to come; wife's family of origin | 後頭; 此後; 娘家
auxthaau-zhux | wife's family home | 後頭厝; 娘家
bafngthaang | mosquito; bugs; insects | 蚊蟲; 蠓蟲; 蚊子
bagbaai-thaau | beginning end of eyebrow | 目眉頭
bagthaau katkad | frown | 目頭結結
bagthaau khar | skilful at recognizing or calculating at a glance | 目頭巧; 眼識好
bagthaau koaan | proudly looking down on people; as on poor relatives | 目頭高; 勢力眼
bagthaau | inner corner of eyes, trademark | 目頭; 商標
baithaau | put one's head down; duck | 眉間; 埋頭; 眉頭
bathaau | mistress of a brothel | 描頭; 媌頭; 老鴇
bauqthaau | contracter; contractor | 貿頭; 承攬頭; 包商
bauxthaau | contracter | 貿頭
befthaau | dock; wharf; wharf; pier | 碼頭; 馬頭
bisengthaang | germ, microbe | 微生蟲; 病菌
bixnthaang | intestinal parasite; ascariasis; tapeworm; roundworm | 蛔虫; 蛔蟲
buthaau kong'axn | an unverified case | 無頭公案
buxnthaang | intestinal worm | 蛔蟲; 蝒蟲
bythaang | weevil; rice worm; rice worm; hoarding rice merchant | 米蟲
bøfthaau-chyn | wife's relatives | 母頭親; 姻親
bøthaau bøboea | incomplete; incomprehensible; nonsensical; no beginning or end (Lit. no head no tail) | 無頭無尾
bøthaau kong'axn | murder case which has no clue to its solution; a charge against a person or persons unknown | 無頭公案
bøthaau-bøbøea | out of blue | 無頭無尾
bøthaau-kong'axn | unsolved misery | 無頭公案
bøzafngthaau | have no clue | 無線索; 無頭緒
chiathaau | train station; bus station; train; bus station | 車頭; 車站
chieløafthaang | hairy caterpillar | 刺毛仔蟲; 毛毛蟲
chiemothaang | hairy caterpillar | 刺毛蟲; 毛毛蟲
chienhythaang | Y2K bug; millennium bug | 千禧虫
chiethaang | oriental moth | 刺蟲; 刺蛾
chihthaau | droppingly | 垂頭
chimthaam | deep pool | 深潭
chiqthaau | indenter | 壓頭
chirnthaau | weight; weight | 秤頭; 秤得的重量
chiuxny-thaau | rubber tree holes for gathering rubber ring | 樹乳頭
chiuxthaau | bottom of a bole; stump; trunk | 樹頭; 樹椿
chiwkofthaau | elbow | 手鼓頭; 手肘
chiwthaau aan | hand up for cash | 銀根緊; 手頭緊
chiwthaau khyn | light hand | 手頭輕
chiwthaau tang | handle roughly; be extravagant in expenditure | 手頭重
chiwthaau | saving; hold; seize; grasp property or authority; have something one's command | 手頭; 手中
chiøhthaau | measurement | 尺頭; 尺寸
chiørthaau chiørbin | very happy; joyful or jubilant | 笑頭笑面; 眉開眼笑
chiørthaau-chiørbin | alls smiles; smiles radiantly | 笑頭笑面
chviuo kviarthaau | fight for vantage point in taking news picture | 搶鏡頭
chviuthaau | top of wall | 牆頭
chviux laxnthaan | sing mountain song | 唱亂彈; 唱山歌
chviuxphvixthaang | curculio | 象鼻蟲
chviuxthaau | elephant's head, bride's wedding hair | 象頭; 上頭; 帶鳳冠
ciamthaau | pinhead; sharp point | 針頭; 尖頭
ciaothaau | (adv) anew; de novo | 照頭; 依次; 挨次; 從頭
ciapthaau | a connection; a joint; a junction; meet and discuss; joint of pipeline; a splice in a rope | 接頭
ciaqchirnthaau | cheat customer by inflating the merchant weight | 食秤頭
cidthaau | a (horse; ox) | 一頭
ciefnthaang | clothes moth, silverfish | 剪蟲; 蠧書蟲
cietthaau | discount | 折頭; 折扣
ciexnthaang | said in scolding a child (Lit. troublesome insect) | 頑皮; 淘氣鬼
ciongthaau kaoboea | from the start to the end; throughout | 從頭到尾
ciongthaau | from the beginning | 從頭
ciqthaau | a tongue; the tongue; the root of the tongue | 舌頭; 舌後; 舌根
citthaau | this side | 這頭; 這邊
ciuothaang | insect which eats wood or bamboo | 蛀蟲
cixnkegthaau | end | 盡極頭
cixnthaau | outland; the extreme end; the utmost; extremity | 盡頭
ciøqthaau kofng | stone idol | 石頭公
ciøqthaau | stone; rock; stone; rocks | 石頭
cviagoeh cviathaau | first few days of the year sometimes including to about the fifteenth in which time debts are not collected and ill-omened language is avoided | 正月正頭; 大年初
cviarthaau | head up | 正頭; 頭朝上; 正面
cviarthaau`ee | in season crops; fruits and vegetables | 正頭的; 合季節的農作物
cvie'thaau | arrowhead | 箭頭
cviethaau | an arrowhead; an arrow tip | 箭頭
cvithaau | withdraw money | 錢頭
cviuxsvoathaau | buried in cemetery of a furnel | 上山頭
cviuxthaau-cviuxbin | to have no sense of shame | 恬無知恥
cvythaang | larva of an insect | 嫩蟲; 幼蟲
cymthaau | pillow | 枕頭
cymthaau-loong | pillow case | 枕頭囊; 枕頭套
cymthaau-pox | pillow cover | 枕頭布
cymthaau-te | pillow case | 枕頭袋; 枕頭套
enghøefthaang | firefly | 螢火蟲
ethaau | toe of a shoe | 鞋頭
exthaau | lower part, southern part | 下方; 下頭; 南部
gaxmthaau gaxmbin | idiotic; absurd; stupid (Lit. bonehead and stupid look) | 儑頭儑面; 呆頭呆腦; 憨頭憨面
geqthaau | beginning of the month | 月頭
gethaang | bud worm | 芽蟲
gezøthaau | back part of the lower jaw | 下顎頭; 牙槽頭
giaqthaau | to raise one's head; to gain ground; lift up or elevate the head | 舉頭; 攑頭; 抬頭
giathaau | lift up one's head; at first; in the beginnings; beginning; to begin or start; raise the head | 抬頭; 起頭; 發起
giauthaang | pinworm | 針蟲; 蟯蟲
giaxmthaam | examine sputum under microscope | 驗痰
giernthaau | foolish; stupid | 愚笨; 癮頭
giet'afthaang | scorpion | 蠍子蟲; 蠍子
goaan-khythaau | the very origin | 源起頭; 起初
goanthaau | origin, manufacturer, maker, wholesaler, head or source (of a stream) | 源頭; 起源; 來源
goaxthaau | outside; external; out | 外頭; 外面; 外側
goeqthaau | first decade of the month | 月頭
goxngthaau-goxngnao | foolish; stupid-looking | 憨頭憨腦; 傻頭傻腦
goxzafngthaau | the most important part; the why and wherefore of a thing (Lit. where the plant connects to the root) | 五蔥頭; 植物接近根部處
guthaau | cattle's head | 牛頭
guthaau-befbin | ox-headed and horse-faced (demons in Hades) (Taoism) | 牛頭馬面
gøeqthaau | beginning of the month | 月頭; 月初
hafngthaau | bluff | 哄頭; 嚇人的態度
haixthaang | noxious insects; vermin; harmful insect | 害蟲
hamthaau | title | 頭銜; 銜頭
hang'ar-thaau | beginning of a lane | 巷仔頭
haxngthaau | head of the hallway | 巷頭
heathaau | newly launched goods | 貨頭
herngthaau | interest; hobby; be interested in | 興趣; 興頭
hethaau | initiator, sponsor | 回頭
hexthaau | look back | 會頭
hiaqthaau | forehead | 額頭
hiexnthaai`ee | freshly slaughter; cut up meat | 現宰的
hithaau | fish head | 魚頭
hitthaau | that side; that end | 那頭; 那邊
hngthaau | prescription | 園頭; 方子; 配方; 處方; 藥方
ho laang thaau hiin | giddy | 使人頭眩
hoanthaau | turn back; go back; come back; in a short time; immediately; turn back; go or come back | 回頭; 翻頭
hoarthaam | dissolve phlegm; expectorants | 化痰
hoarthaam-cysaux | decongestant medicine | 化痰止咳
hoatji thaau | radical of the Chinese character for hair | 漢字部首之一
hoeathaau | age; years | 年紀; 歲頭
hoehthaang | hookworm; ancylostoma | 血蟲; 鈎蟲
hoethaang | flower worm | 花蟲; 蛔蟲
hoethaau si gan | repent and salvation is at hand (turn the head and there is the shore) | 回頭是岸
hoethaau | turn the head around; come back; turn the head | 回頭
hoexthaau | head of an association; the one who initiates a private banking cooperative and who receives the first payments from other members | 會頭
hofchirnthaau | cheating customers on merchant weight | 唬秤頭
hofthaau niawchyboea | start doing something with vigor but fail to see it through; impressive in the beginning but disappointing in the end | 虎頭鳥鼠尾
hofthaau | tiger's head | 虎頭
hofthaau-phafng | hornet | 虎頭蜂; 黃蜂
honghefthaau | angry | 風火頭
honghoefthaau | be in a temper; an event sways the minds of men | 風火頭; 氣頭上
honghøefthaau | (phr) in a fit of anger | 風火頭; 氣頭上; 興頭上
hongthaau | the publicity given to someone; under the storm; windward | 風頭; 上風
hor chirnthaau | cheat someone by rigged scales | 唬秤頭; 吃斤兩
hor thaau, niawchie boea | start with enthusiasm, end up with gusto. | 虎頭鼠尾
horngsarngthaau | loud-speaker | 放送頭; 擴音器
hoxthaau | bank depositor; a bank account | 戶頭
hudzuo tvoathaau | nuclear warhead | 核子彈頭
huihthaang | hookworm | 血蟲; 鉤蟲
hunthaau | separately; proceed each; cigarette butt | 分頭; 煙蒂; 煙頭
hunthaau-hunnao | feel dizzy; confused; mixed up | 昏頭昏腦
hunzhoethaau | bowl of a pipe | 煙斗頭; 煙吹頭
hunzhøethaau | head of tobacco pipe | 煙斗頭; 煙吹頭
huthaau | make good or to succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 魚頭
hvafthaau | frighten people | 嚇頭; 嚇嚇人
hviafthaau | conspicuous, eye-catching | 顯頭
hvithaau | profitable; advantageous; helpful | 多利; 佔便宜
hvoa-kengthaau | hang on | 掛肩頭
hvoa-zerngthaau | to diagnose | 按症頭; 診斷病情
hvoathaau-hybin | overjoyed | 歡頭喜面
hvoaxthaau | control; be in charge of | 按頭; 掌頭; 掌管
hwnthaau | prostitutes; clowns and villains on stage with daubs of white powder in make-up | 粉頭
høeathaau | age | 歲頭; 年齡; 貨頭; 商品
høefchiathaau | railway locomotive, railway station | 火車頭; 火車頭,; 火車站
høesviu-thaau | a shaved head; bareheaded | 和尚頭; 光頭
høethaau | to turn the head, come back; to repent | 回頭
høexthaau | head of a society or a small co-operative bank | 會頭
høfhvafthaau | good outward appearance; dominant (power) | 好嚇頭; 外表威武
høfthaau putjuu høfbøea | A good end is more important than a good beginning | 好頭無如好尾; 好始不如好終
høfzhaythaau | good omen | 好彩頭
hør-phaethaau | style of person; big show of skill | 好派頭; 派頭大
hør-tiauxthaau | a good omen | 好兆頭
hør-zhaythaau | good start | 好彩頭
høxthaau | number; title | 號頭; 號筒; 標頭
iaqthaau | railway station | 驛頭; 車站
iaukøeathaau | hungry for too long a time | 餓過頭
iuothaang | larvae (of a insect) | 幼虫
iuthaau katbin | have worried look; pull long face; having a displeased look | 愁眉苦臉
iuthaau-hwnbin | pomaded hair and powdered face; Beau Brummel | 油頭粉面
iuthaau-katbin | to have a worried look; a distressed expression | 憂頭結面; 愁眉苦臉
iøqthaau | first brewing of medicinal herbs | 藥頭
iøthaau | shake one's head; shake the head | 搖頭
iøthaau-pvoaxboea | act obsequiously (Lit. to bobble the head and wag the tail like a dog hoping to please the master) | 搖頭拂尾
jidthaau | the sun; sun | 日頭; 太陽
jidthaau-tiofng | high noon | 日頭中
jixthaau | a radical of Chinese character | 字頭
jixthaau-jixbøea | nothing for me in a contract; none of my business (Lit. from the first character to the last) | 字頭字尾
jwthaau | nipple | 乳頭
kafmthaau | a mourning hood of women | 頭蓋; 蕨冠
kahthaang | beetle | 甲蟲
kakthaau | head of gang; place; location; position | 角頭; 角落; 地方
kakthaau-ciøh | cornerstone | 角頭石; 房角石
kangthaau | foreman; overseer; contractor on any particular job; an overseer | 工頭
kaothaau | head instructor (of martial arts) | 教頭
kathaang | the lac insect | 家蟲; 膠蟲
katthaau | knot; a clue | 結頭; 癥結; 端倪
kauthaang | hookworm | 鉤蟲
kauthaau | head of monkey; head of gangsters; owner of a house of ill fame | 猴頭; 龜公; 老駂
kauthaau-ciapnie | whispering; talk in whispers | 交頭接耳
kauxthaam | have much phlegm | 多痰; 厚痰
kawthaau | dog's head | 狗頭
kawthaau-efng | Chinese cinereous vulture | 九頭鷹; 禿鷲; 狗頭
kaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 同症頭; 相同的病症
kaythaau | make an old thing look new (as furniture; house; character); change from wicked to good conduct | 改頭
keathaau | wig | 過頭
kebøfthaang | native silkworm | 雞母蟲
kefthaau | make an old thing look new (as furniture; house; character); change from wicked to good conduct | 假頭; 改頭換面
kegthaau | the utmost, the limit | 極頭; 盡頭
kekphaethaau | put on airs | 激派頭
kengkahthaau | shoulder; shoulder | 肩胛頭; 肩頭; 肩膀
kengkaq-thaau | top of shoulders | 肩胛頭; 肩頭
kengthaau | shoulder; upper part of the shoulder | 肩頭; 肩膀
kengthaau-kyn | scarf | 肩頭巾
kesithaau | tools; means; utility | 傢司頭; 用具; 器具; 工具
kethaau | street ends | 街頭
kethaau-haxngbøea | throughout the city or town | 街頭巷尾
khabthaau | kow-tow; knock the forehead on the ground in reverence or supplication | 磕頭
khagthaam | expectorate; cough up phlegm; try to bring phlegm up | 咯痰; 咳痰
khaithaau | at the start, in the beginning | 開頭
khangkhøeathaau | work | 工作頭; 工課頭
khangthaau | dishonored checks; buy or sell stock on margin; sell short (in stock market) | 空頭
khangthaau-ciphiøx | rubber check; worthless check | 空頭支票
khanthaau | cover page | 刊頭
khaoloxthaau | mourning done by daughter | 哭路頭; 父母死出嫁女兒一路跪哭回娘家
khaothaau | kowtow; knock one's head on the ground | 叩頭; 磕頭
khaq-phvithaau | getting rather more than one's share | 較摒頭; 較佔便宜
kharmthaau-kharmbin | don't see danger; silly; stupid | 蓋頭蓋面; 傻乎乎的; 無知死活; 把頭臉都遮住
khathaau | knee; strength (of legs) | 膝蓋; 腳力; 腳頭
khawthaau | oral; verbal; oral communication; verbally | 口頭
khawthaau-gie | colloquial language, cant, empty words, meaningless phrases | 口頭語
khawthaau-guo | colloquial language; cant; empty words; meaningless phrases; pet phrase; regularly used expression | 口頭語
khethaau | upper reaches of a river | 上游; 溪頭
khiaothaau | easily angered | 翹頭; 容易生氣
khiaxthaau | first place | 徛頭
khiefn ciøqthaau | throw stone | 擲石頭; 投石頭
khiernthaau | saute material | 匡頭; 佐料; 爆香材料
khiethaam | remove phlegm blocking | 去痰
khitciaqthaau | head of a beggar band | 乞丐頭
khiøq kutthaau | collect the bones of the dead for re-burial | 撿骨頭; 拾骨頭
khngx tiøqthaau | lay it in the proper direction or position | 放正; 放著頭
khofthaau | have tasted some bitter experience | 苦頭
khog'afthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 鱷仔頭
khogthaau | to knock the head; strike head; also implying bumbler | 碰頭; 敲頭; 撞頭
khokthaau | having an unusually projecting forehead | 擴頭; 酷頭; 前額突出
khorngzhaethaau | boil the daikon over slow heat | 炕菜頭
khorthaau | the top of a trouser; the upper end of a trouser | 褲頭
khuiethaau | tone of voice | 口氣; 氣頭
khuxn-køeathaau | oversleep | 睡無醒; 睡過頭
khveh thaam | cough up phlegm forcefully | 喀痰
khvoarthaau | that which is worth seeing; keep an eye on; keep watch (as sentry set by persons secretly engaged in some illegal; impure; or improper action); act as a lookout | 看頭; 把風
khvoarthaau-khvoarbøea | give occasional help (like a master in a shop); look after a business for a man in his absence | 看頭看尾; 關照
khythaam | phlegm | 起痰
khythaau | in the beginning; at first | 起頭; 起初
khøflienthaang | poor guy | 可憐蟲
khøthaau | be conceited; arrogant; insolent | 躊頭; 擺架子
kiarsefng-thaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiarsengthaang | parasite; a parasitic insects | 寄生蟲
kiarsvethaang | parasite | 寄生蟲
kiarsvithaang | parasite | 寄生蟲
kiau ciøqthaau | pry up the stone | 撬石頭
kiawthaau | to bet on something in which a loser has to pay a forfeit | 賭頭
kiedafthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 小氣鬼
kienthaau | stingy; miserly; niggardly; parsimonious | 腱頭; 吝嗇; 驕傲
kiesengthaang | a parasite | 寄生蟲
kimthaau | golden head; luster; gloss (on a new article; new cloth); fresh varnish on furniture | 金頭; 光澤; 有光澤的
kinthaau | origin; root (cause); origin; to originate; to come from; thick muscular parts of the limbs and breast | 筋頭; 肌腱
kithaan | (substitution) group (chemistry) | 機
kiuthaau | to draw the head back | 縮頭
kiøthaau | a city in Kaohsiung County | 橋頭
kngthaau | baldheaded; baldhead; shaved head | 光頭; 禿頂
koanke-thaau | high and low ends | 高低頭
koanthaau | juncture; moment; boundary; border; key point | 關頭; 瓶頸
koarnthaau | canned food; tinned meats or fruit | 罐頭
koarnthaau-kangchviuo | cannery | 罐頭工廠
koax viuthaau bøe kawbaq | sell dog meat while hanging sheep's head outside the shop as advertisement ─ to cheat | 掛羊頭賣狗肉
koeathaau | excessive; beyond the proper measure | 過度
koebøfthaang | scarab beetle | 雞母蟲
koehiøqthaang | Formosan cucurbit leaf beetle | 瓜葉蟲; 臺灣守瓜
koethaau | street | 街頭
kunthaau saihu | teacher of Chinese boxing | 國術師
kunthaau | fist; waist band of petticoat or skirt | 拳頭; 根頭; 根源; 裙頭
kuothaau | beginning of a sentence | 句頭
kuthaau | penis glans; glands | 龜頭
kutthaau | bones; bone; skeleton | 骨頭; 骨骸; 骨骼
kuxnii-thaau | the whole year beginning | 整年頭
kuxthaau | tycoon; magnet | 巨頭
kuythaau | head or ruler of demons | 鬼頭; 閻王
kuythaau-kuynao | crafty; cunning; wily; ludicrous; outlandish | 鬼頭鬼腦
kuythiethaau | alopecia areata | 鬼剃頭
kviaa-køeathaau | passed by | 行過頭
kviarthaau | lens of a camera; a scene captured by the camera | 鏡頭
kvoafthaau | an oligarch | 寡頭
kyn'iaux-koanthaau | critical moment | 緊要關頭
køafthaau | rice cake for gift for marrying daugher | 糕仔頭
køe'afthaau | on the street | 街仔頭
køeathaau | to go beyond the normal or set goal; too much; overdo; to go beyond the limit | 過頭; 過度; 過分
køethaau | street | 街頭
la oexthaau | make a remark that may lead a man to speak of a matter which we wish to ask but don't like to ask directly | 以言詞挑弄人講出實話
ladthaau | strength; power; force; strength; power | 力頭; 力量; 力氣
laixthaau | inside | 裡頭
laixthaau-chyn | relatives of the family on father's side | 內頭親
langkutthaau | human bone | 人骨頭
langthaau | human head; number of (borrowed) people; core of a boil | 人頭; 膿頭
langthaau-søex | the poll tax | 人頭稅
lanthaau | remnants | 零頭
lapthaau | to lose money in trade | 凹頭; 虧損
lauthaau | (n) river headwaters; (n) water source | 流頭; 水源
lauthuithaau | staircase | 樓梯頭
lauxkutthaau | the life of an old person | 老骨頭
lauxthaau | ancient roots | 老頭; 古樹根
lauxzerngthaau | old symptom | 老症頭
lauxzhafng-thaau | procuress | 老娼頭; 鴇母
lauxzhangthaau | brothel madam | 老娼頭
laxnciawthaau | glans; the head (of the penis) | 陰莖頭; 龜頭
laxnthaan | sing mountain song | 亂彈
leng'afthaau | nipple | 奶仔頭
lengthaau | nipple; head of any group; esp. of gangsters; teat | 奶頭; 龍頭
lethaau | plowshare | 黎頭; 犁頭
liab'afthaau | a boil | 粒仔頭
liam thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 以話暗示
liaqthaang | capture insects that destroy crops | 捉蟲
liaxmthaau | an idea; a thought; a hunch | 念頭
lidthaau | sun | 日頭
lienhoethaau | lotus head | 蓮花頭
lienphoxngthaau | fluffy hair | 蓮蓬頭
lienpothaau | even bud | 連苞頭
lienthaam | lotus pond | 蓮潭
linthaau | nipple, teat | 乳頭
liongthaam-hofhiet | dragon's pool and the tiger's den ─ dangerous places | 龍潭虎穴
liongthaau | faucet; tap; cock; leader of a sect; secret society | 龍頭
liongthaau-zoabøea | dragon's head and snake's tail ─ dwindling away to nothing after an initial display of greatness | 龍頭蛇尾
liulongthaau | top of elevator | 流籠頭
lixthaau | profit | 利頭
loethaau | bow head | 低頭
lomoathaau | ringleader of a bond of evildoers | 流氓頭; 老大
longthaau | muzzle over horse's mouth | 籠頭; 馬的口蓋
loxngzuo hoethaau | return of the prodigal son | 浪子回頭
loxthaau | way; beginning of a journey; way; road; route; distance | 路頭; 路途; 路上
lutthaau | bald | 禿頭
lwongthaau | queen's head | 女王頭
løethaau | plowshare | 犁頭
løethaau-chiu | box-leaf eugenia | 犁頭樹
m-zaithaau | be unaware of | 無知頭; 不知道; 無意的
miauthaau | the status of affairs; situation; symptom of a trend | 苗頭
mithaau | cotton end | 綿頭
mixthaau | dough | 麵頭; 饅頭
mngthaau | doorway; gate | 門頭; 門口
mothaang | caterpillar; a wooly bear; hairy caterpillar | 毛蟲
mothaau | evil head | 魔頭
mxtiøh thaau | the wrong side up (or down); the wrong end | 毋對頭; 方向不對
mxtiøh-thaau | wrong direction | 毋對頭; 方向不對
na'authaau | larynx | 嚨喉頭
narthaau-narbin | to hide from sight | 探頭縮腦
neathaau | stick out one's head | 伸頭
niafthaau | hilltop; highest peak in the range | 嶺頭; 山峰; 山頂
niauphvixthaau | cat nose | 貓鼻頭
nithaau | nipple; teat; beginning of a year | 乳頭; 奶頭; 年頭
noathaau | play tricks | 爛爛; 耍花樣
o'kuithaau | pimp | 烏頭龜; 妓院主人
oadthaau | back; turn back; turn around; turn one's head; turn something in the opposite direction | 回勵; 越頭; 轉頭
oaithaau | crooked head | 歪頭
oexthaau | subject (of a talk or conversation); topic; beginning of a conversation or discussion | 話頭; 開場白
oexthaau-tioong | a long story | 話頭中
okuithaau | turtle head | 烏龜頭
oluthaau | baldhead, bald | 黑禿頭; 烏甪頭
onglaithaau | pineapple head | 王梨頭
osoarnthaau | black garlic | 烏蒜頭
osvoathaau | black mountain | 烏山頭
othaau | black head | 黑頭; 烏魚
oxlw-thaau | bareheaded | 光頭
pagthaau | to tie up hairs | 縛頭
pahchiøq kanthaau | the highest achievement (Lit. top of a hundred-foot pole) | 百尺竿頭
pai'afthaau | pier | 棑仔頭
pakthaau | the North | 北頭; 北方
pangthaau | sect; household; clan; family tribe or clan | 房頭; 黃錫鯛; 家族; 家脈; 戶
panthaau | head; chief; boss | 班頭
pausitthaau | bidding a task or contract | 包事頭
pauthaau | contractor (for work) | 包頭; 包裹; 包商
pengthaau | commander, commanding officer | 兵頭; 指揮官
peqthaau-ofng | Chinese bulbul, gray starling | 白頭翁
peqzhaethaau | daikon | 白菜頭
phaethaau | overbearing manner; manner; air; the way one acts and speaks | 派頭
phaggidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phagjidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phaglidthaau | sun exposure | 曝日頭
phangthaau | spice; food's fragrance (aroma) | 芳頭; 香料; 食物的香氣
phaq kunthaau | practice shadow boxing | 打拳
phaq-kunthaau | to do shadow boxing | 拍拳頭; 打把勢; 打拳
pheathaau | with head | 配頭
phiauthaau | label; trade-mark; trademark; label | 商標; 標頭; 標籤
phoah toax kengthaau | hang on the shoulder | 披在肩上
phoeathaau | ingredients | 配頭
phorngthaau | bulge | 膨頭
phuiethaam | spit out phlegm; expectorate | 吐痰
phuiethaau-phuiebin | high temper; unapproachable | 傲氣無恥
phuthaau | to raise one's head; to gain ground; make good or to succeed (said of people of humble origin) | 浮頭; 浮出頭部; 出頭天
phvae-thiethaau | hard to cut the hair; hard to handle | 歹頭剃; 無容易理髮; 很難對付
phvae-zerngthaau | dangerous disease, serious illness, plague | 歹症頭; 惡症
phvae-zhaythaau | a bad sign | 壞預兆
phvae-zhoaxthaau | a person who leads in doing bad things | 歹帶頭; 帶頭做壞事
phvaykuie-zhothaau | bad leader who showed bad sample | 歹鬼帶頭; 作惡的頭子
phvaythaang | bad worm | 歹蟲
phvaythiethaau | hard to dlea | 歹剃頭
phvayzerngthaau | hard to cure disease | 歹症頭
phvayzhaythaau | not auspicious (propitious) | 無吉祥
phvayzhoaxthaau | lead by giving bad example | 壞榜樣; 帶壞
phvef chirnthaau | short weight a customer | 偷秤頭
phviethaau | first part of movie; giving name of product | 片頭
phvithaau | get the better of, get advantage of | 偏頭
phvixthaau | tip of nose; point of nose | 鼻頭
phvy chirnthaau | take advantage of a scales weighing in my favor | 偏秤頭; 在秤上佔便宜
phvy-chirnthaau | steals the weight | 偏秤頭
phøeathaau | condiments | 配頭; 調味品; 配料
phøexthaau | condiments | 被頭
piawthaau | the madam or master of a brothel; brothel keeper | 鴇母; 婊頭; 龜公
pie kunthaau | engage in a physical exercise similar to shadow boxing | 練拳
piefn høxthaau | mark (houses; volumes; applications) with a series number to aid identification | 編號
piexnsofthaang | toilet bug | 便所蟲
pinthaau | (adv) in correct order; one by one; (adv) anew; de novo | 憑頭; 從頭依次
pintvoaxthaang | lazy bug; a lazy person | 懶惰蟲
pirnthaau | sideburn | 鬢頭
pithaau | lower wall; part of the embankment at a dam; weir | 埤頭
pitthaau | point of a pen or pencil | 筆頭
piøthaau | the person in charge of project bid rigging | 標頭
pofthaau | ax; axe | 斧頭
porthaau | the beginning part of a piece of cloth | 布頭
pothaau | port, wharf, jetty, landing quay, town, village | 莆頭; 埠頭; 港埠
purnkhao-thaang | pinworm | 糞口蟲; 白血蟲
purnkhawthaang | pin worms | 糞口蟲
pvethaau | crew cut | 平頭
pvi'afthaau | at the side | 邊仔頭
pviarzhutthaau | fight and ahead | 拚出頭
pvithaau | side | 平頭; 邊頭
pvixthaang | parasitic insect, intestinal parasite | 病蟲
pvixthaang-hai | insect damage | 病蟲害
pvythaau | flat head (the back part of the head); flat head; flat headed; worried; person with a flat forehead | 扁頭; 扁平的頭
pøethaang | flying insects | 飛蟲
pørthaau | low pressure | 播頭; 低氣壓
sai'afthaau | lion head | 獅仔頭
saihu-thaau | foreman | 師傅頭; 工頭
saithaau | lions heads | 獅頭
saothaam | cough up phlegm | 嗽痰; 咳痰
sarngcviuxthaau | funeral procession to the grave site | 送成頭; 送到墓地
sarngsvoathaau | send the mountain | 送山頭
sayhag'afthaang | shit hole worms | 屎礐仔蟲
sayhag'afthaau | shit hole | 屎礐仔頭
sayhag'ar-thaang | maggot | 屎礐仔蟲; 廁所蟲
sayhagthaang | shit hole worm | 屎礐蟲
seathaau | influence (of powerful man); prestige | 勢力; 勢頭; 威風
sefthaau | shampoo | 洗頭; 洗頭髮
sekkiathaau | sakya; sakyamuni | 釋迦頭
seqthaau | turn around | 踅頭
sethaau | comb one's hair (Women use the expression; se-thau but men use the expression; loah thau-mo.) | 梳頭; 梳頭髮
siangthaau bøo cidgvauq | equally incapable of either; both proposals coming to nothing; ran after two hares and caught neither | 雙頭空
siangthaau | both ends | 雙頭
siangthaau-zoaa | two heads snake | 雙頭蛇
siauthaam | dissipate phlegm | 消痰
siaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 相症頭; 同症頭
siaxthaau | village | 社頭
sibjixloxthaau | intersection | 十字路頭
siefnthaau | money | 錢頭
siexnthaang | gecko; house lizard | 蟬蟲; 守官; 蝎虎; 壁虎
siexnthaau | gecko; house lizard | 壁虎
simkvoathaau | around the pit of the stomach or the heart | 心肝頭
simthaau bøtvia | slightly deranged; out of one's mind | 心頭無定
simthaau hvoa-hof tvia | set determinedly to a task | 心頭扞定; 心意立定
simthaau | around the pit of the stomach or the heart | 心頭
simthaau-høea | anger, rage | 心頭火
sincvianithaau | New Year | 新正年頭
siong kviarthaau | photogenic; appear in a movie | 上鏡頭
sioxngthaau | at first, very first | 上頭; 最先
sitthaau | farming, field-work, work | 事頭; 穡頭; 工作
siuxthaai | be murdered (by a knife) | 受殺; 被殺
six-kakthaau | four corners | 四角頭; 四個角
siøflegthaang | little green worm | 小綠蟲
siøthaai | draw the sword; war; to battle | 互砍; 相刣; 相殺; 戰爭
siøtngxthaau | meet another on the road accidentally; when going in opposite direction | 相遇頭
siøtwthaau | meet with each other coming from different directions | 相抵頭
sngrlangthaau | count the number of people | 算人頭
soarnthaang | pinworm | 蒜蟲; 蟯蟲
soarnthaau | garlic; garlic cloves; kernels of garlic; garlic (bulb) | 蒜頭
soathaang | chigoe, chigger | 沙蟲
soethaau | combing hair | 梳頭
svathaai | kill each other | 相殺
svatuiethaau | counter part | 相對頭
svatwthaau | ran into each other | 相遇頭
svethaang | breed worms; put (someone) up to it | 生蟲; 出點子
sviathaau | sound head | 聲頭
svithaang | breed worm | 生蟲; 長蟲
sviw-køeathaau | too excess, too much | 想過頭; 傷過頭; 太過份
svixzhaethaau | pickle daikon | 豉菜頭
svoaf-soarnthaau | Formosan veratrum, Formosa lily | 山蒜頭
svoaf-zhaethaau | Asi Bell-tree | 山菜頭
svoarthaau | line end | 線端
svoathaau | burial ground; cemetery | 山上; 山頭; 墓地
swnthaang | termite that eats bamboo shoots | 筍蟲
swnthaau | tenon | 筍頭; 榫頭
sykngthaau | dead bald | 死光頭
sylangthaau | dead head | 死人頭
syn nithaau | new year | 新年頭
sytuiethaau | sworn; enemy | 死對頭
søefthaau | wash hair | 洗頭
søethaau | comb the hair | 梳頭
søfthaau | lock | 鎖頭
tafmthaau | nod the head | 點頭
tah-oexthaau | an introduction; previous remarks | 貼話頭; 前言
taktiøh ciøqthaau poaqtør | stumble over a stone | 踢到石頭跌倒
tangthaau | early spring | 春初
taoswnthaau | put tenon into the join | 鬥榫頭
taq kengthaau | pat (a person) on the shoulder | 拍肩膀
taqoexthaau | speak clearly beforehand | 踏話頭
tarmtarmthaau | nod the head | 頕頕頭
tarmthaau | nod the head | 頕頭; 點頭
tauafthaang | bean worm | 豆仔蟲
tauxthaau | bean dreg; the refuse from bean curd manufacturer | 豆頭; 豆渣
taxngchiwthaau | heavy hand | 重手頭
taxngkhinthaau | imbalance; irrational or mentally deranged | 重輕頭
taxngthaau | weight | 重量
tefngthaau | boss; nibs; up on top; the highest; the summit; the upper part; in the north; northward | 上頭; 頂頭; 上面
tek'afthaau | bamboo top | 竹仔頭
tekthaau | bamboo root | 竹頭
tekzad-thaang | walkingstick (insect) | 竹節蟲
tengthaau phahkhie | do it all over again from the beginning | 從頭做起
tengthaau | over again | 從頭; 重新
tethaau | subject of a talk; topic of conversation | 話題; 藉口
texthaau | place; site | 地方
thaai cidkhafng | inflict a wound | 割傷
thaai cidlih | inflict a long slash or cut | 割一大痕
thaai onglaai | to peal off the skin of a pineapple | 削鳳梨
thaai | to cut; to wound; to pare; to kill; behead; to fight; to war | 殺; 刣
thaai-pvoarsie | almost got killed | 殺半死
thaai`khuy | cut(fruits) | 削開
thaai`khylaai | started killing | 殺起來
thaai`sie | kill to death | 殺死
thaam | a deep pool; deep pond; lake; pond for irrigation; deep; profound; vast | 潭; 痰
thaan | to talk; to converse; to chat | 談
thaang | worms; long creeping insects like worms; caterpillars; maggots | 蟲
thaau kaux bøea | from the beginning to the end | 從頭到尾
thaau khikhy | head crooked | 頭歪斜
thaau khokkhog | having an unusually projecting forehead | 前額突出
thaau phephef | the head is inclined | 斜著頭
thaau | head; the top; the first; beginning; the chief; the boss; the leader; the two ends (of anything); an auxiliary; as suffix | 頭
thaau-cidee | the first one | 頭一個
thaau-cidjit | the first day | 頭一天
thaau-cidpae | first time; on the first occasion | 頭一次
thaau-cidthef | first born child | 頭一胎
thaau-zexngmeh | cephalic vein | 頭静脈
thaau`ar | in the begging; just now | 頭仔
thaithaau | decollation; decollate; behead; cut of a person's head; dismiss; to fire | 殺頭; 刣頭; 撤職
thamthaau | thrust one's head forward so as to see or hear better; take (something) more | 伸頭; 多拿
tharmthaau | thrust one's head forward so as to see or hear better; drop in; visit | 伸頭; 探頭; 伸頭探看; 拜訪
thau bixnthaang | eliminate intestinal parasites with medicine | 驅蛔蟲
thauthaai | slaughter secretly | 私宰
thethaau | initiator; sponsor | 提頭; 發起人
thiafmthaau | tired; be tired out; be exhausted | 忝頭; 疲倦; 吃力
thiethaau | have a hair cut | 剃頭; 理髮
thiethaau-saihu | barber | 剃頭師父; 剃頭師傅; 理髮師
thiethaau-tøf | razor | 剃頭刀
thihthaau | hammer | 鐵頭
thirmthaau | nod | 頕頭
thiuthaam | extract phlegm | 抽痰
thiuthaau | the fee that a gambler pay to casino; take a percentage or commission; collect from the gamblers a certain percentage of their wins | 抽頭
thix-kngthaau | cut off all the hair | 剃光頭
thixnthaau zøx | to cooperate | 合作
thixnthaau | matching; suitable; fit; go with; accompany | 配合; 結夥
thngthaau | soup; the taste of soup; various medicinal brews or decoctions | 湯頭; 湯的味道
thofngthaau | stick out, project, appear, exceed | 通頭; 捅頭; 伸出頭
thofthaau | a slight overrun; slightly more than.. | 超過; (預定數目)一點
thoftngthaau | anal prolapse | 吐腸頭
thor tngthaau | have internal piles protruding down; prolapsed rectum; proctocele | 脫肛
thuhthaau | bald; shaven head; headed person | 禿頭
thun ciøqthaau | use stone fill up and level up completely | 填石頭
thuthaau | hoe | 禿頭; 鋤頭
thutthaau | pilgarlic; bald; bald headed | 禿頭; 禿頭的
thveathaau | head of the pushed object | 牚頭
thviathaau | main hall that lay up ancestor's memorial tablet | 廳頭; 安放祖先牌位的大廳
thviatøhthaau | hall table | 廳桌頭
thviethaau | support head with one's hands, emerge as a leader | 挺頭; 牚頭; 托腮
thvithaau-thiapboea | get more family livelihood | 貼補家計
thørthaau | polite and customary forms of expression used on meeting and conversing with people; especially in beginning a conversation or when going to ask a favor; trap a person into telling the truth | 妥頭; 客套
tiarmthaau | store front; store; business shop | 店頭; 店舖
tiauthaang | tapeworm | 條蟲
tiauxthaau | omen; foretoken; bodement; a straw in the wind; prelude; omen; augury | 兆頭; 預兆
tientørthaau | upside down | 顛倒頭
tiethaau | pedicle | 蒂頭
tiexnthaau | electric plug | 電頭; 電插頭
tinthaau | head of rattan | 藤頭
tintiauthaau | head of rattan | 籐條頭
tirmthaau | nod the head | 點頭
tirmthaau-ciøhof | beckon | 點頭招呼
tirnloxthaau | obstruct the landing place | 擋路頭
tithaau | a hoe; pig's head | 鋤頭; 豬頭
tiuafthaau | rice head | 稻仔頭
tiuxkøfthaau | stubble of rice | 稻莖頭
tiuxthaang | insects found on rice plants | 稻蟲
tiuxthaau | stubble of rice | 稻莖
tiuxzhawthaau | straw head | 稻草頭
tixnthaau | the first portion or part of a procession | 陣頭; (遊行的前驅)
tixthaau | to wear a cap or a hat | 鋤頭
tiøqthaang | breed worms; have intestinal worms | 長蟲; 染蟲
tngf jidthaau kofng'oe | I swear by heaven that.. | 對天發誓
tngr auxthaau | back to your parents' home | 轉後頭
tngr oexthaau | change topic of conversation | 轉換話題
tngrthaau | pledge | 當頭; 抵押品
tngthaau | face to face | 當頭; 當面
tngthaau-peqjit | in broad daylight | 光天化日
tngxthaau | be headed | 斷頭
toa-phaethaau | overbearing manner | 大派頭
toa-zerngthaau | big symptom | 大症頭
toarthaau | to take the lead | 帶頭
toaxhoanthaau | big turn around | 大翻頭
toaxkiøthaau | big bridge | 大橋頭
toaxloxthaau | highway, main street, main road | 大路頭
toaxsoarnthaau | large garlic | 大蒜頭
toaxthaau | large head; big man; influential person; VIP; big-head; stupid | 大頭
toaxthviathaau | hall head | 大廳頭
toaxtngthaau | the large intestine | 大腸頭
toaxzhangthaau | green onions | 大蔥頭
toexthaau | territory | 地頭
togthaang | injurious; poisonous insect | 毒蟲
tormthaau | nod the head | 點頭
torngthaau | stamina | 耐力
toxthaau | ferry, ford | 渡頭; 渡船口
toxzunthaau | wharf; jetty for passenger boats | 渡船頭
tuiethaau | opponent; adversary; rival | 對頭
tuiethaau-oankezuo | very party with whom we have the feud or quarrel; a rival | 對頭冤家主; 仇家
tuothaau | durability | 抵頭; 耐久
tuthaau | pig head | 豬頭; 鋤頭
tvafthaau zai | very courageous | 膽壯
tvafthaau | courage; belly; nerve; gut | 膽頭; 膽量
tvarthaau | load | 擔子; 擔頭; 負擔
tvathaau | load | 擔頭
tvithaau | advantage | 甜頭
twthaau | meet someone unexpectedly | 遇到; 碰到
tøexthaau | local; place; location | 地頭
tøexthaau-zoaa | local strong man | 地頭蛇
tøhthaau | defraud; extort; lure; seduce | 訛詐; 引誘 (語)
tørhoanthaau | turn around | 倒翻頭
tørthaau | turn back; turned in the opposite or wrong direction; the wrong end | 倒頭; 反面; 反端
tørthaau-tiaux | hang upside down | 倒頭心; 倒吊
tørthaau-zay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
u hoeathaau | aged; getting old | 年邁; 年老
u phvithaau | get the better of a man; in a dispute or quarrel; get things very cheap or get large wages; advantageous (trade); yielding good profits | 佔便宜
u torngthaau | able to hold out | 有擋頭
uxthaau | with a beginning | 有頭
uxthaau-bøbøea | leave a job incomplete or unfinished; quit doing something halfway; a thing given up before it is finished | 有頭無尾
uxthaau-uxbin | power position and good reputation | 有頭有臉; (有地位有名聲)
uxthaau-uxbøea | do a job from beginning to end; it has a beginning and an end | 有頭有尾; 有始有終
uxtorngthaau | defensive | 有擋頭
varthaau | lower; bow or hang one's head; yield; submit | 低頭
vithaau | rounded head | 圓頭; 員頭
viuafthaau | lamb head | 羊仔頭
viuthaau | sheep head | 羊頭
vizhaethaau | turnip (flower) | 圓菜頭
voafthaau | top of the bowl | 碗頭
ynthaau | lead | 引頭
ythaau | a stool | 椅頭; 凳子
zadthaau | stupid | 塞頭
zafmthaau | decapitate | 斬頭
zafngthaau | main threads; points; trail; clue of (criminal) investigation | 頭緒
zah laang ee oexthaau | interrupt a man when speaking; to cut short another's long story | 打斷人的話
zaixthaau | in the head | 在頭
zao-køeathaau | pass over; missed it | 走過頭
zao-zøeathaau | be in the lead | 走做頭; 跑在前頭
zao-zørthaau | be in the lead | 走做頭; 跑在前頭
zaothaau | stove | 灶頭
zaxmthaau | behead; decollate | 斬首
zeasy-thaau | high priest | 祭司頭; 祭司長
zefngthaau | finger | 指頭
zengthaang | spermatozoa | 精蟲; 精子
zengthaau khabhiah | hit one's head in frustration or anger | 氣得撞頭; 氣極了; 撞頭磕額
zerngthaau | symptom; sickness; disease; ailments | 症狀; 症頭; 症狀疾病; 疾病
zethaau | round off a sum (to the next lowest whole number) | 整數; 齊頭
zhadthaau | head of thief gang; head of a band of robbers | 賊頭; 賊首
zhadthaau-zhadnao | act suspiciously; acting stealthily | 賊頭賊腦
zhaechi'afthaau | traditional market head | 菜市仔頭
zhaethaang | worms in vegetable; green caterpillars found on vegetables | 菜蟲
zhaethaau | (n) radish; white turnip; radish | 菜頭; 白蘿蔔; 蘿蔔
zhahthaau | plug; adapter; a wall plug; electrical outlet | 插頭
zhang'afthaau | scallion head | 蔥仔頭
zhangthaau | onion | 蔥頭; 洋蔥
zhanthaau | farm | 田頭
zhaophuiethaang | arrogant | 臭屁蟲
zhaothaang | bed bugs | 臭蟲
zhaothaau kauxiøh | many kinds of medicine used without effect | 難症費藥
zhaothaau | scap of the scalp; dandruff; scabby or mangy head | 臭頭; 癩頭; 生頭瘡
zhaothaau-køe'ar | be scolded often (Lit. stinky head chicken) | 臭頭瓜仔; 常常挨罵
zhaothaau-noaxhvi | face covered with boils and eruptions | 爛頭爛耳
zhathaau | wood; an idol; dull and slow-acting person; curse or scolding meaning a stupid ignorant person; also a curse against an idol calling it a useless block of wood because it doesn't answer requests (Lit. a block of wood; or stump; or trunk of wood) | 柴頭; 木頭
zhawjixthaau | grass; one of the 17 radicals | 草字頭; 草根; 部首
zhawthaau | grass; one of the 17 radicals; 艸 | 草根; 草字頭; 部首
zhaythaau | presage; an omen | 兆頭; 彩頭; 預兆
zhehthaang | bookworm | 書蟲
zhengthaam | clear up phlegm | 清痰
zherngthaau | rifle butt | 槍托
zhngthaau | head of bed or couch | 床頭
zhoaxthaau | lead; pioneer; initiate; be the first to do something | 帶頭; 𤆬頭; 領頭
zhud-hongthaau | show off, ostentatious | 出風頭
zhuiechiuthaau | beard stubble | 嘴鬚頭; 鬚根
zhuiekhythaau | stump or root of a tooth | 嘴齒頭; 齒根嘴鬚頭
zhuiethaau | top of mouth | 嘴頭
zhunthaau | early spring | 初春
zhuokakthaau | house corerns | 厝角頭
zhurnpeqthaang | inchworm | 寸白蟲
zhut'hongthaau | be famous; seek publicity | 出風頭
zhutthaau surn kag | take responsibility and so suffer a loss | 出頭損角; 樹大招風
zhutthaau | outstanding; appear; show up; present oneself; special skill; play tricks | 出頭; 出人頭地; 出面; 花樣
zhvezhang'afthaau | onion | 青蔥仔頭
zng'afthaau | piece of tile or brick | 磚仔頭; 磚塊
zngthaau | village; countryside | 村子; 庄頭
zoafthaau-zoafbøea bøo lie ee miaa | Your name is not on the paper | 紙頭紙尾沒你的名字; 無法證明是你的權
zoathaau | snake head | 蛇頭
zoeathaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 為首
zoex-kuythaau | be a bad guys leader | 做鬼頭
zorng-kinthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zorng-kunthaau | origin, source, best origin | 總根頭; 總綱
zothaau | group lead | 組頭
zunthaau | forward of a boat; bow or prow of a boat | 船首; 船頭
zurnthaau | the beginning part of the water canal | 圳頭
zuthaang | bookworms | 書蟲
zuun kaux kiøthaau zuxjieen tit | It will take care of itself when the time comes. Let's cross that bridge when we come to it | 船到橋頭自然直。
zuxthaau | from the beginning; from the beginning | 自頭; 從頭; 從開始; 自始
zuxthaau-ciebøea | all the way through; from the beginning to the end | 自頭至尾
zuxthaau-kaobøea | from the beginning to the end; all the way through | 自始至終
zuygoanthaau | water source | 水源頭
zuykhutthaau | water source | 水堀頭
zuyliongthaau | water faucet | 水龍頭
zuythaam | puddle; pool | 水潭
zuythaau | upper section of a stream | 上游
zuytø-thaau | water faucet, tap | 水道頭; 水龍頭
zuytøxthaau | faucet | 水龍頭
zvefthaau | well top | 井頭
zwkiofng-thaau | cervix | 子宮頸
zwlangthaau | master | 主人頭
zwnthaau | the beginning part of the water canal | 準頭
zøeathaau | be the head, be the leader, in first | 做頭; 當頭
zøethaau | round the sum | 齊頭; 整數
zøex-køeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zørsu khythaau laan | Beginning is the hardest part of any enterprise | 做事起頭難
zørthaau | be first; be head | 做頭; 做老大; 當頭
zørtuiethaau | counter part | 做對頭
zøthaau | back part of the lower jaw | 槽頭
zøx tuiethaau | oppose; be at enmity with; act against; be someone's rival or opponent | 作對; 作對頭
zøx-khvoarthaau | be a watchman | 把風的
zøx-koeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭
zøx-køeathaau | do too much, overwork, overdo | 做過頭

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