pofthag | make up | 補剔; 修補衣壁
thag'oaan | finish reading; finish studying | 讀完
thag'u | read | 讀有
thagbøo | unable to read | 讀無
thaghoad | pronunciation; pronunciation (of a word); ways of reading; studying | 讀法
thagkhie | to start school, to begin to read or study. | 讀起; 上課
thagkhøx | attend a lesson, read a lesson | 讀課
thagkoex | have studied; have the experience of reading | 讀過
thagliao | finish reading | 讀了
thagsek | study thoroughly | 讀熟
thagsiar | read and write | 讀寫
thagsoaq | done with reading | 讀煞
thagsyzheq | study by rote | 讀死冊
thagthak | read; study | 讀讀
thagthaux | read completely | 讀透
thagtiøh | have studied; have the experience of reading | 讀過
thagzhehcvii | tuition | 讀冊錢
thagzhehhoe | reading session | 讀冊會
thagzhehlaang | scholar; an intellectual; literati | 讀書人
thagzhehpaang | study room | 讀書房
thagzhehthviaf | study room | 讀書廳
thagzhehtøh'ar | desk | 書冊桌仔
thagzhehtøq | desk | 讀冊桌
thagzheq | to study | 讀冊; 讀書
thagzheq-laang | literate person | 讀冊人; 讀書人
thagzheq-paang | study | 讀冊書房
thagzheq`aq | study | 讀冊矣
thagzhud | read out | 讀出
thagzw | to study | 讀書
thagzw-laang | literate person | 讀書人
thagzw-paang | study | 讀冊房; 書房
thagzøx | read as | 讀做
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]