"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thak

ciuxthak | enroll | 就讀
høfthak | easy to read or study | 好讀; 易讀
kerngthak | read with respect or reverence | 敬讀
khefngthak | study hard | 肯讀; 肯用功
khinthak | deligent in study; study diligently | 勤讀
khofthak | study with much toil; pain; difficulty; exhaustion or hardship | 苦讀
kiarthak | attend as an extra student; be boarding student | 寄讀; 借讀
loaxnthak | desultory reading; read at random | 亂讀
phvaythak | hard to read; hard to study | 難讀
pvoarkafng-pvoarthak | work while studying at school | 半工半讀
segthak | read thoroughly, thoroughly acquainted (book) | 熟讀
soanthak | read a proclamation | 宣讀
thagthak | read; study | 讀讀
thak mxcviaa zheq | make little progress in studies owing to hindrances; go to school but not graduate; not study diligently | 讀無成冊; 讀不成書
thak mxtiøh | mispronounce (a word) | 讀錯
thak syzheq | to read books character by character without understanding the meaning | 讀死冊
thak zeabuun | read sacrificial prayers | 讀祭文
thak | read aloud; recite; read silently; to attend school; read; to study | 讀
thak-bøo zheq | not making progress in study | 讀無成冊
thak-hof sek | read until one can recite from memory | 讀熟
thak-kaq sek | read until one can recite from memory | 讀熟
thak-thaothaux | to read right through | 讀遍了
thaksngrpvoaa | caculated move | 擉算盤
tiahthak | select parts to read | 摘讀; 選讀

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