"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thau

Angthausu | Orchid Island | 紅頭嶼
Cidnii voa jixsie'ee thaukef | be fickle; undependable; be unable to stick at one job (Lit. Within one year to change4 bosses.) | 一年換二四個頭家
Khoahthau'ar | sampan | 闊頭仔; 舢舨
Zoakhafng thaux niawchysiu | bureaucrats shield each other | 官官相為
armthau'ar | nightfall | 暗頭仔; 傍晚
armthauar | sunset | 暗頭仔
auxthauzhux | wife's family of origin | 後頭厝; 娘家
bad bexthaux | can't know thoroughly | 識無透; 不能盡知
bad thaothaux | know thoroughly | 識透透
biauthau'efng | the owl | 貓頭鷹
bin thauzeeng | in front of a person | 面頭前
bin-thauzeeng | in someone's presence; now; present; in front | 面頭前; 面前; 前面
bixnthauzeeng | in front of; in the presence of | 面頭前
bofthauchyn | wife's relatives; affinity or in-laws of wife side; wife's relations | 某頭親; 外戚; 妻方親戚
bofthauku | wife's brother | 某頭舅; 妻之兄弟
byciwthauar | rice wine | 米酒頭仔
bøo thaunao | stupid (Lit. no brains) | 沒頭腦; 愚笨
bøo thausiin | absent-minded | 無頭神; 記性差
bøo thaux | no way through | 無透
bøthaukuie | headless ghost | 無頭鬼
bøthausiin | absent minded; forgetful | 記性壞; 無頭神; 健忘
chiapgiok thauhiofng | indulge in secret relations with women | 竊玉偷香
chiethaux | pierce through | 刺透
chiwzefngthauar | finger | 手指頭仔
chiørthauchiørbin | smiling brightly | 笑頭笑面
chviuthau'ar | wall around the house | 牆頭仔; 圍牆
chviwthauhviw | compete for putting the first incense stick | 搶頭香; 爭取上第一柱香
chviwthaupiøf | grab the first label | 搶頭標
ciah thaukef | be fed by one's employer | 吃頭家; 膳食由主人供給
ciah-thaukef | boss provides three meals | 吃頭家; 老闆供應伙食
ciah-thaulo | get a job; start a career | 吃頭路; 食頭路; 上班; 就業; 工作
ciaothaulaai | from the beginning | 照頭來; 照順序
ciaothauluun | take turn from the beginning | 照頭輪
ciaothaupaai | follow the line | 照頭排
ciapthauguo | joint language | 接頭語
ciaqthaulo | employed | 食頭路
ciauthaux | through and through | 齊透; 透徹
ciefnthaumof | get a haircut | 剪頭毛; 理髮
cirmthaux | soak thoroughly; saturate; soak thoroughly | 浸透
ciøqthau'ar | pebble, gravel | 石頭仔; 小石頭; 小石子
ciøqthauaflo | stone paved road; a gravel road | 石頭仔路
ciøqthauar | small stone | 石頭仔
ciøqthaukhafng | hole in the rock | 石頭孔; 石洞
ciøqthaukofng | stone God | 石頭公; 石偶像
ciøqthauliap | stone | 石頭粒
ciøqthauphang | crevice between rocks | 石頭縫
ciøqthauphviaa | beach full of stones | 石子埔
ciøqthaupof | stone paved floor | 石頭埔; 石子地
ciøqthaute | rocky soil; ground full of rocks; not good for cultivation | 石頭地
ciør thauzhuix | small family | 少頭厝; 小家庭
cymthauhieen | pillow talk of a female companion; slanders or flatteries (Lit. Chinese fiddle played by one's pillow companion) | 枕頭弦; 枕邊細語
cymthauloong | pillow case | 枕頭廊; 枕套
cymthauthøx | open ended pillow case | 枕頭套
gaxmthaugaxmbin | ignorance | 儑頭儑面
gulefng-thauar | pacifier; nipple | 牛乳頭仔; 奶嘴
hoefthaukwn | mess cook for soldiers | 火頭軍; 炊事兵
hofng thaux | wind is very strong | 風大; 颳大風; 風透
hofthaugveh'ar | plier | 虎頭夾仔
hofthaukafm | large special orange | 虎頭柑
hofthauphafng | wasp | 虎頭蜂
hvaethau'ar | rice liqueur | 幌頭仔; 米酒
hvaethauar | rice wine | 幌頭仔
hviax thauzeeng | leaning forwards | 傾向前面
hvoathauhybin | happy | 歡頭喜面
høefthaukwn | army cook | 火頭軍; 伙頭軍; 伙夫; 伙伕
hør-thauzhuix | courteous; polite; politeness | 好頭嘴; 懂禮貌; 會說話
irn thaulo | seeking employment | 求職
iuthaukatbin | frown | 憂頭結面
iuthaukhofbin | frown | 憂頭苦面
iøqthauar | fresh medicine brewed in pot | 藥頭仔
jiaux thaukhag | scratch the head (in perplexity) | 搔頭; 抓頭殼
jidthauhoef | sunflower | 日頭花
jidthaukofng | sun | 日頭公; 太陽公
jinthausøex | poll tax | 人頭稅
kafmthauar | woman's mourning head-dress | 蓋頭仔; 首經; (喪服)
kekthaunao | stimulate the mind | 激頭腦
khafmthaukhafmbin | o scold someone for doing inappropriate and stupid things due to ignorance or lack of knowledge | 歁頭歁面
kharmthaukharmbin | dumb-headed; ignorant | 崁頭崁面
khathau'uvoar | knee-cap | 腳頭予碗; 膝蓋骨
khathau'w | a knee, a lap | 腳頭凹; 跤頭趺; 膝蓋
khathauw | knee | 膝頭凹
khawthaugie | expression which one uses regularly or constantly | 口頭語
khaxng laang ee zhaothauphie | put a man to shame by telling his secrets | 揭人瘡疤; 揭人的臭頭痞
khazefngthauar | toes | 跤指頭仔
khazngfthau'afphang | interstices between the toes | 腳指頭仔縫
khazngfthauar | toe | 腳指頭仔
khiefn thaukhag | hit head with knuckles or rocks | 擲頭殼; 用食指與中指, 或石頭打頭部
khiuo thauzafng | seize a person by the hair of the head | 揪頭鬃; 揪頭髮
khiuu-thaumngg | curly hair | 虯頭髮; 頭髮捲捲的
khoex thaukhag | rest the head (on a pillow; table; edge) | 擱頭殼
khudthausvoaf | bald mountain | 𣮈頭山
khuithaux | open and penetrate; open completely; remove obstacles from | 開透; 開通; 完結
khvoarthaothaux | see through; discern; forecast (the turn of events) | 看透透; 看開
khvoarthaux | see through; discern; forecast (the turn of events) | 看透; 看透,看開
khvoax laang-thaubin | rely on others and have to watch their every expression | 看人頭面; 依賴他人
khøfthaubee | rice porridge with little soup | 洘頭糜
khøfthaumoee | rice porridge with little soup | 洘頭糜
kietthauzhaix | kohlrabi; turnip | 大頭菜
kngrthaux | thoroughly; to understand thoroughly | 穿透; 貫透
kofngthongthaux | discuss together | 共通透
kunthaubuo | fist | 拳頭拇
kunthaubør | the fist | 拳頭母
kunthaupo | fist | 拳頭部
kunthausay | boxer | 拳頭師
kutthauhoef | bone ashes | 骨頭灰
kutthauhw | bone ash; ashes of a cremated corpse | 骨頭灰
kutthausay | osteologist | 骨頭師
kuxcirnthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuxzerngthauar | old bad habits; old sickness | 舊症頭仔; 舊習
kuythaukuynao | creepy | 鬼頭鬼腦
kviathaothaux | walk through everywhere | 行透透
laau thaumngg | allow the hair to grow | 留頭髮
labthaux | complete the lend-borrow cycle in a hoe-a | 繳完
lidthauhoef | dizzy | 日頭花
lidthaukngf | bright sun | 日頭光
linthausvoax | milk duct, mammary gland | 乳頭腺
loah thaumngg | comb hair | 捋頭髮; 梳頭髮
loah thaumof | comb one's hair (Women use the expression; se-thau but men use the expression; loah thau-mo.) | 捋頭毛; 梳頭
loxthauloxboea | end of the road | 路頭路尾
lud thaumngg | falling hair | 頭髮脫落
luthaumngg | haircut with a clipper | 攄頭毛
lw thaumngg | have a hair cut with clippers (not with scissors) | 理髮
neh kunthaubør | clench one's fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
niauthau'efng | owl | 貓頭鷹
niauthauciao | owl | 貓頭鷹
niauthauciawkog | owl | 貓頭鳥國
nie thaumngg | dye hair | 染髮
oadthaukoex`laai | turn around | 越頭過來
othau'ar | sedan, car, limousine | 黑頭仔; 烏頭仔
othauafchiaf | black sedan | 烏頭仔車
othauafchiaf`laq | black sedan | 烏頭仔車啦
othauar | blackhead | 烏頭仔
othaukhok'ar | black head birdy | 烏頭觳仔
othaumngg | dark hair | 黑頭毛
paithaulaai | according to the order | 排頭來
pangthauar | same clan (family) | 房頭仔; 同一家族的人
parngthaothaux | let it go | 放透透
pauthaupeh | wear a white cloth on the head (in deepest mourning for parents or superior) | 包頭白; 喪事
pefngthaothaux | completely opposite | 反透透
peh-thaumngg | white hairs | 白頭髮
peqthau'ofng | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭翁
peqthaukhok'ar | grackle (bird); gray starling | 白頭酷仔; 白頭翁
pexthaukheg | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠
pexthaukhiet'ar | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠仔
phahsiøthaux | open communication (between two rooms); take out the partition | 打相透; 打通; (房子)
phahthaux | make it through | 打透
phahthongthaux | conspire each other | 打通透; 彼此有密謀
phoex-thautuix | match 1st pair | 配頭對
phothaothaux | spread through | 鋪透透
phvae-thauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 壞預兆; 凶兆
phvaythauzhae | bad omen; augury of evil | 歹頭采; 壞預兆
phvixthaukag | tip of nose | 鼻頭角
phvixthauluxnkhaf | a hiking track in northern Taipei | 鼻頭崙跤
piernthaothaux | transparency | 變透透
pofthauar | axe | 斧頭仔
pofthaubaq | ax head | 斧頭肉 [*]
pofthaucvi'ar | axe wedge | 斧頭楔仔
pofthaukhefng | back of an axe | 斧頭框
pofthaupvex | axe handle | 斧頭柄
porthauporbea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
porthauporboea | remaining pieces of clothes after making a dress | 布頭布尾
pvi thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭髮
pvi-thauzafng | braid the hair; plait the hair; braid the queue | 辮頭鬃
pvoarthauzhvef | light headed; harebrained; versatile; a madcap (slang) | 半頭青; 刁蠻
pørthauhofng | the blast of wind precedes a typhoon | 播頭風; 颱風前奏風
sabøthauzarng | clueless | 捎無頭摠
sai'afthaukhaxm | lion head cover | 獅仔頭崁
sea thaumoo | shampoo | 洗頭; 洗頭髮
sefthaumnghurn | shampoo | 洗頭毛粉
sefthauzuie | water for wash hairs | 洗頭水
seqthaothaux | go round everywhere | 踅透透
siangthauzoaa | double-headed snake | 雙頭蛇
siarmthaux | penetrate; understand | 滲透
siaxngthauar | in the beginning | 上頭仔
siaxthaux | shoot right through | 謝透; 射透
sib thaux`koex | wet through | 濕透
sii thaulo | quit office (one's job) | 辭職
simthautengteeng | thoughtful | 心頭重重
sioxngthauar | initially | 上頭仔
sipthaux | wet right through | 濕透
sirmthaux | osmosis; impenetrate; penetrate | 滲透
sithaulo | resign | 辭頭路
siøthaux | communicate by a road or door; having a passage through; making direct communication | 相通
sngfthaothaux | play all the tricks | 耍透透
soarnthauban | garlic cloves | 蒜頭瓣
sunthaukhvoarboea | look around | 巡頭看尾
svathaux | have passageway among both (room) | 相透; 相通
svethauhoatboea | toxin efflux | 生頭發尾
symthaux | permeation, osmosis | 滲透
syn thaunao | new brains | 新頭腦
søf thaukhag | pat (a child's head) | 撫摸頭
taam-thaux`køex | be wet to the skin; be wet through; dripping wet | 濕透過
taqthauu | witch's helper | 搭頭
taxngthauhix | highlight | 重頭戲
taxngthaukhyn | the loads on a carrying pole are unequal in weight | 重頭輕; 重兩頭重量無均; 不均衡
tengthaulaai | start over | 重頭來
tengthausvy | be born again | 從頭生; 重生
texthauzoaa | an influential gangster in a community | 地頭蛇
thagthaux | read completely | 讀透
thak-thaothaux | to read right through | 讀遍了
thaothaux | thorough; penetrating | 透透; 透徹
thau bixnthaang | eliminate intestinal parasites with medicine | 驅蛔蟲
thau niawchie | to poison rats | 毒殺鳥鼠
thau | to poison | 毒
thau'ar | the first; just now; a moment ago | 頭仔; 剛才
thau'iab | take stealthily and conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 偷掩; 掩藏
thau'og | a city in Miaoli County | 頭屋
thau'ui | chief seat | 頭位
thau`sie | kill by poison | 毒死
thau`tiøh | be poisoned | 毒到
thaubagciao | chief bird | 頭目鳥
thaubak | a chief; a leader; chief; headman | 頭目
thaubarn | steal by picking from the tree | 偷挽; 偷摘
thaubii | to peep | 偷窺
thaubin | facial expression, in front, head of a line | 頭面; 面子
thaubixnterng | on top of head | 頭面頂
thauboea | beginning and end; first and last | 頭尾; 始終
thaubøea | head and tail; beginning and end; total | 頭尾; 前後
thauchid | seven days after death | 頭七
thauchihchiq | head down | 頭𩑾𩑾
thauchiuo | 1st hand | 頭手
thauchiuo`ee | the head man of several workmen on a job; foreman | 第一手; 頭手
thauchiøx | laugh secretly, ridicule, sneer at | 偷笑
thauciah | eat clandestinely; steal and eat at once | 偷吃; 偷食
thauciam'ar | hairpin | 頭簪仔; 頭釵
thauciaqpo | cheat; cheating; perverse ways; ways which are not normally or ordinarily followed; artful device; trap | 偷食步; 詭計; 不當方法
thaucid | first ~ | 頭一
thaucidpae | the first time | 頭一次
thauciorng | first prize | 頭獎
thaucviu | be the first-born child | 頭匠; 生頭胎; 頭一胎
thaucviuar | first born child | 頭一胎
thaugee | first worship of earth god on Jan.2 (lunar calendar) | 頭牙; (農曆正月二日; 祭拜土地公)
thauhaam | the official title of a person; honor | 頭銜
thauhiah | forehead | 額頭; 頭額; 前額
thauhiin bag'axm | dizzy head and dimmed vision | 頭昏眼花
thauhiin | be dizzy | 頭眩
thauhinbag'axm | dizzy | 頭眩目暗
thauhinhiin | dizzy | 頭眩眩
thauhofng | headache | 頭荒 [*]
thauhviaf | leader | 頭兄
thauhviw | the first person to offer incense (put joss stick in the incense pot) at the beginning of a ceremony | 頭香
thauhø sinbuun | headline news; lead story in a paper | 頭號新聞
thauhø | number one; leading; the best; the largest; first quality or sort; first signal or mark | 頭號
thauiab | take stealthily and conceal behind the back or in one's clothing | 偷揜
thaukae | correct secretly | 偷改
thaukafng kiafmliau | do less work and use less or inferior materials than agreed up upon (especially in a building job); to jerry build | 偷工減料
thaukafng | to skimp on work | 偷工
thaukaux | in the beginning | 頭到
thaukaxke'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkear | fidelity | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkoe'ar | affair | 偷咬雞仔
thaukaxkoear | fidelity | 偷咬雞仔
thaukef | shopkeeper; boss; the head of a firm; shop or family; one's husband | 老闆; 頭家
thaukelaang | boss | 頭家人
thaukeniuu | wife of the boss | 老闆娘; 頭家娘
thaukeniuu`hvoq | are you boss's wife? | 頭家娘乎
thaukhafn | steal (a cow or horse) | 偷牽
thaukhag chihchiq | keeping the head bent down | 低頭
thaukhag hiin | slight headache; dizziness | 頭暈
thaukhag lelee | the head is bent down | 低頭
thaukhag tang | head feeling heavy and sick | 頭重
thaukhag teng | robust and vigorous (child); a child's robust state of health; conferred through the protective care of the idols | 健康聰明; (祝賀詞)
thaukhag thviax cidpeeng | migraine headache | 偏頭痛
thaukhag thviax | headache | 頭痛
thaukhag tørlwn | draw in one's head (like a turtle) | 頭倒縮
thaukhag | skull; the head (anatomy) | 頭殼; 腦袋; 頭,
thaukhag-terng | on the top of one's head; above the head | 頭頂上
thaukhahtoaxsyn | put the cart before the horse | 頭較大身
thaukhak'heeng | head shape | 頭殼型
thaukhak'hiaqar | forehead | 頭殼額仔
thaukhak'voafkud | skull | 頭殼碗骨
thaukhak'voar phoax`khix | skull fracture | 頭蓋碗破去
thaukhak'voar | skull; cranium | 頭蓋骨; 頭殼碗
thaukhakboefterng | on top of head | 頭殼尾頂
thaukhakhiaqar | forehead | 頭殼額仔
thaukhakkud | skull | 頭殼骨
thaukhaklai | In the head | 頭殼內
thaukhakphoee | scalp | 頭殼皮
thaukhakphøee | scalp | 頭殼皮; 頭皮
thaukhaksym | the central point of the head; from which the hair radiates | 頭殼心; 腦心
thaukhaktea | in the head | 頭殼底
thaukhakterng | on top of head | 頭殼頂
thaukhakthviax | headache | 頭殼疼
thaukhakzhea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhoea | brain | 頭殼髓
thaukhakzhøea | brain | 腦殼髓; 頭殼髓; 腦子
thaukharm | first; primary; foremost | 頭嵌; 第一
thaukhiøhsai'ar | first disciple; the head disciple | 頭拾師仔; 大徒弟仔
thaukhngx | put secretly; possess secretly | 私藏; 偷放置
thaukhoef | safety helmet | 頭盔
thaukhog | big forehead | 頭酷
thaukhuie | to peep | 偷窺
thaukhuxn | sleep while in duty, sleep by stealth | 偷睏; 偷睡
thaukhuy | open (a jewel box; safe; suitcase; door) stealthily | 偷開; 偷拆
thaukhvoax | peek; peek at; to peep; to look stealthily or secretly | 偷看
thaukhysefng | just now; a moment ago | 頭起先; 剛才
thaukhyzhof | in the beginning | 頭起初
thaukii | win championship | 頭旗; 爭第一
thaukikhoarn | 1st down payment | 頭期款
thaukinkiafmniuo | steal by providing less amount | 偷斤減兩
thaukorng | report secretly; secret report | 密報; 偷講
thaukwn | kerchief, turban | 頭巾
thaukyn | turban; kerchief; cloth worn by women on the head | 頭巾
thaulaai-armkhix | come and go secretly | 偷來暗去; 陳倉暗渡
thaulaang | head man | 首長; 頭人; 領袖
thaulai'armkhix | secret correspondence | 偷來暗去
thaulaiboefkhix | from head to tail- expose the whole story | 頭來尾去
thaulelee | dejected | 頭犁犁
thauliah | catch secretly; steal (a domestic animal); seize or catch secretly | 偷捉; 偷掠
thauliaxm | pinch (skin) secretly; to steal a little | 偷掐; 偷一點點
thaulo | job; employment; business; situation; a calling; an occupation | 頭路; 職業; 工作
thauluie | stolen base; base stealing; steal a base | 盜壘
thaulyloxtit | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩路直; 簡單; 省麻煩
thaulytidlo | not trouble; simple; uncomplicated | 頭哩直路; 簡單; 省麻煩
thaumiaa | the first on a list; the first rank or quality | 頭名; 頭一名
thaumng | enquire secretly | 頭髮; 偷問
thaumngbirn | hair brush | 頭髮刡; 梳子
thaumngg cinlafng | few hairs | 頭髮稀少
thaumngg larnglaxng | hairs in disorder; in a mess | 頭髮鬆亂
thaumngg lud-liawliao | become bald | 頭髮落了了
thaumngg pvoarpeh | hair gray; about half white | 頭髮半白
thaumngg | the hair of the head | 頭髮; 頭毛
thaumngg-iuu | hair cream, hair tonic, pomade | 頭髮油
thaumnggiap'ar | hair pin | 頭毛鋏仔
thaumnggveh'ar | hair pin | 頭毛鋏仔
thaumngheeng | hair style | 頭毛形
thaumngterng | top of hair | 頭毛頂
thaumngtiaxm | barber shop | 頭毛店
thaumngzhaix | a hair-like vegetable | 頭毛菜
thaumoboea | back part of hair | 頭髮尾
thaumof | hair on the head of a person | 頭毛
thaumoiuu | pomade; hair oil | 頭毛油
thaumoo chix høea | to rush into evident danger; throw an egg into the electric fan (Lit. see if fire will burn my hair) | 以髮試火; 跳進火坑
thaumoo sarmsaxm | hair disheveled | 頭髮散亂
thaumotiaxm | barber shop | 頭毛店
thaumozafng | hair | 頭毛鬃
thaumozhaix | edible hair-like seaweed | 頭毛菜
thaunao | brain; skull; mind | 頭腦
thaunii | 1st year | 頭年
thaunor | brain | 頭腦
thauny | steal some small thing; eat by stealth; a furtive snatch | 偷拈; 偷拿
thaupae | fist time, first occasion | 頭拜; 頭擺; 頭次
thaupafn | 1st schedule | 頭幫
thaupafng | the first train; bus | 頭班
thaupangchiaf | 1st bus schedule | 頭幫車
thauparn | front page | 頭版
thaupeh | wear a white clothe on the head (in deepest mourning for parents or superior) | 頭帛
thaupeqar | cap made of coarse white cloth; worn by relatives of the deceased at a funeral | 白蓋頭; (喪服)
thauphaang | mainsail | 頭帆; 主帆
thauphee | scalp | 頭皮
thauphoea'ar | 1st run | 頭杮仔
thauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 頭皮
thauphoefar | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭皮屑
thauphof | dandruff; scales on the scalp | 頭麩; 頭皮屑; 皮屑
thauphvy | 1st article | 頭篇
thauphøf | dandruff | 頭麩
thaupiexn | 1st time | 頭擺
thaupo | the part of head | 頭部; 頭步; 第一步
thaupurn | 1st book | 頭本
thausad | head louse | 頭蝨
thausefng | just now; a moment ago | 剛才; 頭先
thauseng'ee | in the front | 頭先的
thausip | make a surprise attack, attack without warning | 偷襲
thausoef | comb hair | 頭梳
thausu | leads or clues; main clues; thread; clue to a matter; leads; clues; the point at which to make a start | 頭緒; 序言
thausuun | first ten days after death | 頭旬
thausve'ar | born fist of domestic fowl livestock | 頭生仔; 家禽家畜的頭胎仔
thausvef | give birth to a illegitimate child secretly | 偷生; 私生
thausvef`ee | illegitimate (child) | 私生的
thausvy | bar an illegitimate child | 偷生
thausvy`ee | illegitimate child | 偷生的
thautafng | 1st year | 頭冬
thautarmtaxm | head hanging down | 頭頕頕
thautefng'ui | 1st class | 頭等位
thautefngzhngf | 1st class | 頭等艙
thauterng | first class; the best quality; vertex | 頭頂; 頭等
thauterng`ee | the best; on vertex | 頭等的
thauthaai | slaughter secretly | 私宰
thauthai'ar | 1st born | 頭篩仔
thauthauar | secretly | 偷偷仔
thauthaw momof | stealthily; surreptitiously; do something secretly | 偷偷摸摸
thauthaw | secretly, in secret, by stealth | 偷偷
thauthaxm | spy on | 偷探; 窺探
thauthay | first pregnancy, first child | 頭胎
thauthef | first born child | 頭胎
thautheh | steal; rip out; pilfer | 偷竊; 偷提; 偷拿
thautheqkhix`aq | stole | 偷提去矣
thautheqliawliao | stole completely | 偷提了了
thauthuix | secretly put a bad article or inferior person in place of a good one | 偷換
thauthviaf | listen secretly; overhear; eavesdrop | 偷聽
thauthviax | headache; cephalgia | 頭痛; 頭疼
thautien | use electricity without paying for it | 偷電
thautin | the first battle; the beginning of anything; vanguard | 頭陣; 先鋒
thautngfkheq | marriage custom; bride's formal visit to her parents for the first time after getting married and leaving home | 新歸寧
thauto | stow away; stowaway; to steal into another country by hiding oneself aboard a train; ship; airplane | 偷渡
thautoxciar | stowaway | 偷渡者
thautoxhoan | smuggler | 偷渡犯
thautoxkheq | smuggler | 偷渡客
thautuix | 1st pair | 頭對
thautvoa | the first paragraph or section (in an essay); the first division | 頭段
thautw'ar | a moment ago, just before | 偷偷仔; 頭拄仔; 剛剛
thautwar | just a minute ago | 頭抵仔; 剛才
thautøex | follow secretly, shadow | 偷隨; 偷綴; 偷跟在後面
thauvoa | change secretly | 偷換
thaux khaq-pøh | to dilute | 沖淡一點
thaux | go through; pass through; communicate with | 通; 透
thaux-tiongtaux | high noon | 透中晝
thaux`jibkhix | road; passage leading right in or right through; penetrate or pierce | 透進去
thaux`køex | through, by means of, to penetrate, to permeate | 透過
thauxhii | poison fish; to poison or drug fish in order to catch them | 毒魚; 毒殺魚
thauxkao | set out poison for a dog | 毒狗
thauxlaang | poison people | 毒人
thauxsie | kill by poison | 毒死
thauxsylaang | kill a person by poison | 毒死人
thauzaan | in the front | 頭前
thauzafng | hair; the queue | 頭鬃; 頭髮
thauzam | first stage in a journey; the first railway station or bus stop | 頭站
thauzang'ar | hair | 頭鬃仔
thauzangbea | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾
thauzangboea | end of queue; pigtail | 頭鬃尾; 辮子
thauzangboefar | head mane tail | 頭鬃尾仔
thauzangkho'ar | head hoop | 頭鬃箍仔
thauzangkoex | head mane bun | 頭鬃髻
thauzangtiaxm | barber shop | 頭鬃店
thauzao | shirk; run away secretly; to escape | 偷跑; 偷走; 溜走
thauzaq | carry things furtively | 偷帶
thauzarng | bun | 頭摠
thauzawzw | play hooky | 偷走書
thauzeazor | worship ancenter | 頭祭祖
thauzeeng | ahead; front; previous; in front | 前面; 頭前; 前頭
thauzengkhie | front teeth | 頭前齒
thauzengmngg | front door or gate | 頭前門
thauzengpaai | front row | 頭前排
thauzengthafng | front window | 頭前窗
thauzengtviaa | front yard | 頭前埕
thauzhae | first prize in a lottery; omen | 彩頭; 預兆
thauzhaxng | conceal and hide (stolen or contraband goods) | 偷藏; 匿藏
thauzhoa søea'ii | keep a concubine without the wife's knowledge | 偷娶小老婆
thauzhoa | run off with (another's wife; young girl); kidnap | 誘拐; 綁票
thauzhoa`khix | abduct, kidnap | 偷娶去; 偷𤆬去; 拐走
thauzhud | 1st show | 頭齣
thauzhuix | mouths in a family | 家眷
thauzhuxn | cash; money | 頭寸
thauzhøea | brains; brain tissue | 腦髓
thauzoa | 1st time | 頭趟
thauzoex | do it in secret | 偷作
thauzuie | first crop, first fruits, first harvest | 頭水; 第一次收穫
thauzvaai | front | 頭前
thauzvae | 1st finger | 頭指
thiethauar | have a hair cut | 剃頭仔
thiethaukefng | barber shop | 剃頭間
thiethaupøar | female barber | 剃頭婆仔
thiethausay | barber | 理髮師
thiethautiaxm | barber shop | 理髮店
thiethautøf | razor | 剃頭刀
thoanthaothaux | pass through | 傳透透
thongthaux | understand thoroughly; furnish the enemy with information | 通達
thvy chirnthauar | increase quantity; amount; weight | 添秤頭; 增加稱量
thvy ti thaukhakterng | Heaven is above my head; I am speaking all truthfully; Heaven sees and will punish me if I speak falsely (said as a sort of oath) | 天在頭殼上
thørthau'oe | courtesy greeting | 套頭話
tiarmthaukef | shop boss | 店頭家
tidthaux | nonstop; directly; go nonstop to | 直透; 直達; 一直
tien thaumngg | permanent wave; get a permanent | 電頭髮; 燙頭髮
tien thaumof | permanent wave; get a permanent | 電頭毛; 燙頭髮
tien-thaumngg | get a permanent wave | 電頭髮; 電頭毛; 燙
tientørthausvef | breech presentation (obstetrics) | 臀位生產
tiexnthaumngg | perm hair | 電頭毛
tiexnthaumngtiaxm | salon | 電頭毛店
tiexnthaumotiaxm | salon | 電頭毛店
tiexnthauzangtiaxm | salon | 電頭鬃店
tithaupeeng | mumps | 腮腺炎
tithauphoee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
tithauphøee | skin from a pig's head | 豬頭皮
tithaupuii | mumps; parotitis inflammation of a parotid | 腮腺腫; 豬頭肥; 腮腺炎; 耳下腺炎
tithaupvex | handle of a hoe | 鋤頭柄
tithauzhoea | pig's brains | 豬腦髓
tithauzhøea | pig's brain | 豬頭髓
tixnthautiofng | in the front | 陣頭中
tiøqthaumiaa | first | 著頭名
tngg-thaumngg | long hair | 長頭髮
tnggrthaunofkwn | break your head | 斷頭腦筋
tngthaupeqjit | day time | 當頭白日
tngthaupeqlit | day time | 當頭白日
tngthautuiebin | face to face | 當頭對面
toaxcythauar | big sister | 大姊頭仔
toaxthauar | big head guy | 大頭仔
toaxthaubuo | thumb | 大頭拇; 大姆指
toaxthauciafm | pin | 大頭針
toaxthauhii | big-head (fish), black silver carp, spotted silver carp | 大頭魚; 黑鰱
toaxthaukef | big boss | 大頭家
toaxthaupefng | soldier | 大頭兵
toaxthaupve | wish to be a great man (influential man) | 大頭病
toaxthautefng | thumbtack | 大頭釘
toaxthauzhafng | shallot (vegetable) | 大頭鬃; 大頭蔥; 分蔥
toaxthauzhaix | kohlrabi (vegetable) | 大頭菜
torthaux`køex | downside | 倒頭過
tuiethauchyn | similar background for marriage purpose | 對頭親
tuiethauhofng | headwind | 對頭風
tuiethaukorng | two parties making a bargain or settling an affair for themselves without any arbiter or such medium | 當面講
tuthaupeeng | pig head | 豬頭爿
tuthauphee | pig scalp | 豬頭皮
tuthaupuii | pig head fat | 豬頭肥
tvarthau'ar | load | 擔頭仔
tve kunthaubør | clench the fist | 掐拳頭母; 握拳頭母
twthauar | just now | 拄頭仔
tørthaukviaa | wrong way | 倒頭行
tørthauthaxn | lose in trade instead of gaining | 倒頭賺; 虧損
tørthauthuii | counter attack to win | 倒頭槌
tørthauzay | fall head foremost | 倒頭栽
uxthauuxbea | through | 有頭有尾
uxthauuxboea | through | 有頭有尾
varthauzok | chin down people- staring smartphone | 向頭族
viuthauhiin | dizziness | 羊頭眩
voafthauar | medium sized bowl | 碗頭仔
wnthaulo | seeking for jobs | 允頭路
ynthaulo | looking for job | 允頭路
ythauar | wooden stool | 椅頭仔
zaarmthautefmia | head cut short life | 鏨頭短命
zafmthautaai | guillotine | 斬首台
zaithaothaux | know thoroughly | 全知道
zawthaothaux | go through | 走透透
zawthaubølo | nowhere to go | 走頭無路
zawthaux | walk through | 走透
zaxmthautefmia | be headed short life | 鏨頭短命
zefngthau'ar | finger | 指頭仔
zefngthauafbak | finger joint; knuckle | 指頭仔目; 關節
zefngthauafboea | finger tail | 指頭仔尾
zefngthauafbøea | finger tip | 指頭仔尾; 指尖
zefngthauafterng | finger tip | 指頭仔頂
zefngthauar | finger or toe | 指頭仔; 腳指
zefngthaubuo | thumb | 指頭母; 拇指
zefngthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zefngthaukofng | thumb | 指頭公; 大姆指
zhaethaukea | rice carrot cake | 菜頭粿
zhaethaukoea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿
zhaethaukøea | a steamed confection made of rice and grated turnips | 菜頭粿; 蘿蔔糕
zhaethauthngf | radish soup | 菜頭湯
zhanthauaflo | rice farm pathway | 田頭仔路
zhanthauar | rice farm | 田頭仔
zhanthaukef | landlord of agricultural land; owner of the field | 田頭家; 地主
zhaothau'ar | bald person (impolite) | 臭頭仔
zhaothauar | brat | 臭頭仔
zhaothaukear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhaothaukoear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhaothauphie | brat | 臭頭痞
zhathau'ar | wooden head | 柴頭仔
zhathauang'ar | wooden idol; wooden figure; people who have no feeling | 柴頭尪仔; 無感情的人
zhathaulaang | wooden head people | 柴頭人
zhathaumngg | wooden door | 柴頭門
zhawthauar | Chinese herbs | 草頭仔; 草藥
zhe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhngthaux`køex | penetrated | 穿透過
zhoarnthaux | crosstalk | 串透
zhoe thaulo | looking for jobs | 揣頭路
zhoexthaothaux | have searched or looked everywhere | 找透透
zhoexthaulo | look for a job | 揣頭路
zhuopvithaubea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboea | neighbor | 厝邊頭尾
zhuopvithauboefar | neighboor | 厝邊頭尾仔
zhuothauciao | sparrow | 厝頭鳥
zhuothaukef | landlord | 厝頭家; 房東
zhutthauthvy | the day of success; make good or become successful (said of people of humble origin) | 出頭天; 熬出頭了
zhvethauchirnbin | angry; mad | 生頭凊面
zngfthau'ar | finger, toe | 指頭仔; 手腳指
zngfthaubwkofng | thumb | 指頭拇公
zngthaulai | inside village | 庄頭內
zngthauzngboea | everywhere in side the vllage | 庄頭庄尾
zoafthauzoafboea | paper ends | 紙頭紙尾
zunthaukef | ship owner | 船頭家
zuxthaukaobea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾
zuxthaukaoboea | from the beginning to the end | 自頭到尾

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