"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thay

anthay | to prevent miscarriage; relax the womb and prevent miscarriage | 安胎
auxthay | next birth | 後胎; 下一胎
bwthay | mother's womb | 母胎
bythay | bamboo sieve for rice grain; rice-sieve | 米篩; 米篩子; 篩米籮
bøehthaythør | what's next | 要怎好; 怎可
bøfthay | mother's womb | 母胎
bøo goanzoe sythay | Immaculate Conception of Mary; conceived without sin (catholic term) | 無原罪始胎
chiathay | tire | 車胎
cidthay | one birth | 一胎
cih kietthay | coated tongue | 舌結苔
ciqthay | coated tongue | 舌苔
ciøqthay | barren womb | 石胎
goaxthay | tire cover | 外胎
hoaai kuythay | cherish evil schemes; or dark plots; be conscious of guilt | 懷鬼胎
hoaithay | to become pregnant; to conceive; be pregnant | 懷胎
hoanthay | ordinary person; good-for-nothing person | 凡胎
hongthay | typhoon; hurricane | 風颱; 颱風
hongthay-kii | typhoon season | 風颱期; 颱風期
hongthay-thvy | typhoon weather | 風颱天; 颱風天
jinkafng-siuxthay | artificial insemination | 人工受胎
koaethay | monster (obstetrics) | 怪胎
koeathay | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
kuythay | evil plots; dark schemes; stomach distended so as to give the appearance of pregnancy; dark schemes | 鬼胎
laixthay | inner tube | 內胎
lengthay | tire | 車胎; 輪胎
liefnthay | tire | 輪胎
lunthay | tire (of a wheel) | 輪胎
løqthay | to abort; to effect an abortion | 落胎
naafthay | bamboo sieve | 籃仔篩
pauthay | embryo in the womb; womb; caul of the womb | 胞胎
phethay | embryo | 胚胎
phethay-kii | embryonic period, gestation period | 胚胎期
phoethay | embryo; originate; arise from; the beginning of things; embryo | 胚胎
pixthay | spare tire | 備胎
pofthay | fix a flat tire | 補胎
siangpauthay | twins | 雙胞胎
siangthay | twins | 雙胎
siangthay`ee | twins | 雙胎的
siepauthay | quadruplets | 四胞胎
siuxthay | be pregnant; conceive | 受胎
suopauthay | quadruplets | 四胎胞
sythay | dead fetus; stillborn | 死胎
tauthay | to be born; get into the cycle of reincarnation; quicken; be reborn into another state of existence; enter into the womb (e.g.; a spirit becoming incarnate) | 投胎
thaohongthay | typhoon | 透風颱
thauthay | first pregnancy, first child | 頭胎
thay mixhurn | sift or screen flour | 篩麵粉
thay | moss; lichen | 苔; 胎; 篩
thay`køex | be sifted; be chosen out very carefully | 過篩; 篩過
thaykøf pvixvi | leprosarium; skin clinic; Hansen's disease hospital | 癩膏病院; 痲瘋院
thaykøf | mange; leprosy; dirty | 癩哥; 癩𰣻; 骯髒
thaykøf-pvixvi | lepel hospital | 癩膏病院; 癩𰣻醫院; 痲瘋醫院; 痲瘋病
thaykøf`ee | leper | 癩膏的; 痲瘋病患
thaykøkuie | literally; a leprous devil; filthy; dirty; nauseous; nasty; indecent | 骯髒鬼
thaykønoaxløo | filthy | 癩哥爛癆
thaykøpve | dirty disease- virus | 癩哥病
thaykøpvi | leprosy; Hansen's disease | 痲瘋病; 癩病
thaythør | how... ever...; how can ? | 豈有; 豈可; 那有?
thoatthay voaxkud | to disembody (and become immortal); change oneself inside out; radical change of conduct | 脫胎換骨
thoatthay | produced from, originated from | 脫胎
tiauthay | stabilized fetus | 牢胎
tuixthay | abortion; to have miscarriage; to abort; abortion; have an abortion; cause an abortion | 墮胎; 打胎
tvafthay | to have an abortion on purpose; abortion; intentional abortion | 打胎
zawthay | misscarry | 走胎; 流產
zhamthay | bamboo tray for silkworm | 蠶胎; 籮筐
zhud bøfthay | newly born infant | 出母胎
zhutthay | be born | 出胎
zoeahongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zoex-hongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zuthay | pregnant | 珠胎
zwkionggoa siuxthay | ectopic pregnancy, ectopic gestation | 子宮外受孕
zøex-hongthay | have a typhoon | 做風颱; 刮颱風
zørhongthay | typhoon | 做風颱
zøx-hongthay | become a typhoon | 做颱風; 做風颱; 刮颱風

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