"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ciøqthiao'ar | mudskipper, jumping fish | 石跳仔; 彈塗魚
oah-thiaothiaux | (adv) while still alive | 活跳跳
oaqthiaothiaux | strong and active | 活跳跳; 活生生的
simthiaosviaf | heartbeat | 心跳聲
svakib thiao'oarn | hop skip and a jump (athletic event) | 三級跳遠
thiao | slender; quite and modest; charming and attractive; beautiful | 窕
thiao'aan | done with dancing | 跳完
thiao'iok | leap | 跳躍
thiao'oarn | broad jump | 跳遠
thiaobuo | dance; dancing | 跳舞
thiaobwhoe | dancing party | 跳舞會
thiaobwphvoa | dancing partner | 跳舞伴
thiaochviuu | jump over a wall | 跳牆
thiaociafm | damaged record caused record player skipping notes | 跳針
thiaocvie | jump into a well | 跳井
thiaocviu | jump up on | 跳上
thiaohae | jump into the sea and drown oneself | 跳海
thiaohng | long jump | 跳遠
thiaohøo | jump into the river and drown oneself | 跳河
thiaoia | jump; leap; bound; happy | 輕鬆; 跳躍; 高興
thiaoiah | pass over one leaf of a book in reading | 跳頁
thiaoiau | jump; leap; bound; glad; happy; willing | 跳躍; 高興
thiaoiok | bounce; jump; to leap; to hope | 跳躍
thiaokakoafn | the person who wears lucky mask during festival | 跳加冠
thiaokarng | jump into a river | 跳港
thiaokaw | jump over a ditch | 跳溝
thiaokeh'ar | jump on squares | 跳格仔
thiaokho'ar | jump on squares | 跳箍仔
thiaokhuy | jump away | 跳開
thiaokib | be promoted two or more grades at once | 跳級
thiaokii | checkers | 跳棋
thiaokoaan | high jump | 跳高
thiaokoankoaan | jump high | 跳懸懸
thiaokoanthiaoke | jump up and down | 跳懸跳低
thiaokoex | jump over or across; skip | 跳過
thiaokøex | jump across | 跳過
thiaokøf pysaix | high jump contest | 跳高比賽
thiaokøf | high jump (sports) | 跳高
thiaolaai | jumped | 跳來
thiaolaan | hurdle race; the hurdles | 跳欄
thiaolaau zuxsad | jump to death from a building | 跳樓自殺
thiaolaau | jump from a building | 跳樓
thiaoløh | jump of | 跳落
thiaoløqlaai | jump of | 跳落來
thiaoløqlai'ee | jump of | 跳落來的
thiaonii | every other year | 跳年
thiaopafng | springboard | 跳板
thiaoparn | gangboard; springboard; a stepping stone; gangplank; diving board | 跳板
thiaophiexn | jump all over the place | 跳遍
thiaophiøx | bounce check | 跳票
thiaosvoax | to parachute; parachute | 跳傘
thiaosøh'ar | jump rope | 跳索仔
thiaosøq | skip a rope | 跳索; 跳繩
thiaotaang | leap about or gesticulate violently under the afflatus | 跳乩; 跳童; 跳神
thiaothad | ump and kick | 跳踢
thiaothiaothiaux | jump | 跳跳跳
thiaothiaux | in a lively or skipping manner | 跳跳
thiaothoad | escape | 跳脫
thiaotiøh | jump | 跳著
thiaotong | to pulsate; to throb; to throb; pulsate; to beat (e.g.; the heart; pulse) | 跳動
thiaozao | give a leap in order to escape | 跳走
thiaozhud | jump out; leap out | 跳出
thiaozoa | skip a line | 跳行; 跳逝
thiaozuie piawiern | diving exhibition | 跳水表演
thiaozuie | to dive; to jump into the water; drown oneself | 跳水
thiaozuie-zuxsad | drown oneself | 投水自殺
thiaozvea | drown oneself in a well | 跳井
thiaozøo | to abandon one occupation; get a new job | 跳槽
zhvethiaothiaux | live and still jumping up and down | 青跳跳

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