"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thih

gviao thihteng'ar | pull out a nail with pincers or nail puller | 掏鐵釘仔; 拔鐵釘
hoksiaxthihkyn | radioactive iron rods | 輻射鐵條
khiaa thihbea | ride a bicycle | 騎腳踏車; 騎鐵馬
køsog-thihlo | super-railway | 高速鐵路
liexnthihchviuo | iron refinery | 鍊鐵廠
liexnthihhoad | puddling; melting pig iron in a reverberatory furnace to turn it into wrought iron | 煉鐵法
liexnthihloo | bloomery; puddling furnace | 煉鐵爐
pasethihchiu | Brazil iron tree | 巴西鐵樹
peqthih'ar | stainless steel; galvanized iron; tin plate | 白鐵仔; 無銹鋼
peqthihlo'ar | stainless steel stove | 白鐵爐仔
pexthih'ar | while iron panel | 白鐵仔
phahthih'afkhox | jean | 拍鐵仔褲
phahthih'afsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵仔師父
phahthih'afsay | black smith | 拍鐵仔師
phahthih'aftiaxm | blacksmith's shop | 打鐵仔店
phahthih'ar | blacksmith | 拍鐵仔
phahthihsaihu | black smith | 拍鐵師父
phahthihsay | black smith | 拍鐵師
phahthihtiaxm | black smith shop | 拍鐵店
phvaythih'ar | bad steel | 歹鐵仔
siahthihjunii | cut iron like mud | 削鐵如泥
tangchviuu thihpiaq | extremely sturdy structure; tight (siege); strong (fortress; defense); impregnable; like walls of brass and iron | 銅牆鐵壁
tangphøee thihkud | brass and iron constitution ─ a strong man | 銅皮鐵骨; 強健
tangsyn thihkud | not afraid of cold or any injury (Lit. copper body iron bone) | 銅身鐵骨
taqphoax thih'øee | wear out iron shoes ─ search painstakingly everywhere | 踏破鐵鞋
texha thihlo | subway | 地下鐵路
thih | behind; late | 遲
thih'afthvoax | iron coal | 鐵仔炭
thih'ar | iron | 鐵仔
thih'ixn | brand; to brand | 烙印
thih'mngg | steel door | 鐵門
thih'oear | Iron pan | 鐵鍋仔
thih'oef | iron pot | 鐵鍋
thih'voafbøar | iron ball shape hat, imply life time job | 鐵碗帽仔
thih'øee | orthopedic braces | 鐵鞋; 矯形護腳器
thih'øef | iron pot | 鐵鍋
thihao | sob bitterly | 鐵哮; 啼哭
thihbang | Iron net | 鐵網
thihbang'ar | Iron net | 鐵網仔
thihbea | bicycle | 鐵馬; 自行車; 腳踏車
thihbefterng | bicycle top | 鐵馬頂
thihbeftø | bicycle lanes | 鐵馬道
thihbin busw | inflexibly just and fair; strictly impartial | 鐵面無私
thihbo | the Iron Curtain; communistic country; Iron Curtain | 鐵幕
thihchiu khuihoef | literally; the blooming of an iron tree ─ an impossibility; something that very rarely happens | 鐵樹開花
thihchiu | cycad; a type of palm tree | 鐵樹
thihchix | iron goad | 鐵刺
thihchiøq | an iron mace (used as a weapon) | 鐵尺
thihchviu | blacksmith | 鐵匠
thihchviuu | iron wall | 鐵牆
thihchviw | iron spear | 鐵漿; 鐵槍
thihcid | made of iron | 鐵質
thihcie | iron ball thrown in the shot put | 鉛球
thihciøh simtngg | cold heart; unfeeling heart | 鐵石心腸
thihciøh | iron stone | 鐵石
thiheeng | flogging, lushing | 鐵刑; 笞刑
thihguafchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔車
thihguafchiaterng | on agricultural machinery | 鐵牛仔車頂
thihguar | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛仔
thihguchiaf | agricultural machinery like tractor | 鐵牛車
thihguu | an iron ox; cultivator; garden tractor; small plot tractor | 鐵牛; 耕耘機
thihhaxn | iron guy | 鐵漢
thihhurn | iron filings (powder) | 鐵粉
thihjiin | iron man, strong man | 鐵人
thihkafng | ironworker | 鐵工
thihkag | iron horn | 鐵角
thihkahchiaf | armored car | 鐵甲車
thihkahzuun | ironclad | 鐵甲船
thihkangchviuo | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thihkangtviuu | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thihkaq | steel armor; cuirass; steel armor; armor plating | 鐵甲
thihkex | iron shed; shack | 鐵架
thihkhaux | iron fetter | 鐵鐐; 鐵鋸
thihkhie tanggezøo | literally, iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 鐵齒銅牙槽
thihkhie taxnggezøo | literally; iron teeth copper jawbone ─ obstinately refusing to admit a fault or error and doggedly telling lies in defense | 倔強頑固; 死無認錯
thihkhie | obstinately refusing to admit a fact or truth | 倔強; 鐵齒; 固執
thihkhix sitai | Iron Age | 鐵器時代
thihkhix | iron or steel tool | 鐵器
thihkhof | iron hoops | 鐵箍; 鐵環
thihkhoxng | iron mine; iron stone; iron ore; iron mine | 鐵礦
thihkhuie | iron rails | 鐵軌
thihkhvii | iron pincers | 鐵鉗
thihki'aflo | railway | 鐵枝仔路
thihki'ar | railway | 鐵枝仔
thihkiau | iron bridge | 鐵撟
thihkilo | rail; railroad; railway track | 鐵機路; 鐵枝路; 鐵軌
thihkiloxpvy | railway side | 鐵枝路邊
thihkiloxsviaf | railway track noise | 鐵枝路聲
thihkiloxterng | railway top | 鐵枝路頂
thihkiog | winged everlasting (flower) | 鐵菊
thihkiuu | iron ball ─ the shot (thrown in the shot put) | 鐵球
thihkiøo | an iron bridge | 鐵橋
thihkngr | iron pipe | 鐵管
thihkngx | iron steel | 鐵鋼
thihkoan'ym | Ageratum conizoides (tee) | 鐵觀音
thihkoax | iron cover | 鐵掛; 鐵蓋
thihkoaxn | tin can | 鐵罐
thihkofng | a sort of sting-ray | 鐵光; 尖嘴土魚工
thihkorng | steel pipe; iron tube (pipe) | 鐵管
thihkud | iron bone; strong | 鐵骨
thihkui | steel cabinet; a safe; safe | 鐵櫃
thihkuie | iron rails | 鐵軌
thihkurn'ar | iron club | 鐵棍仔
thihkut'afsvef | skinny but strong (man) | 瘦而結實
thihkut'afsvy | skinny but strong | 鐵骨仔生
thihkut'ar-svy | skinny but strong | 鐵骨仔生; 瘦壯
thihkvoae | iron stick, iron rod | 鐵杖; 鐵桿
thihky | iron rails (of a railway) | 鐵軌; 鐵枝; 鐵筋
thihkyn khoxngkulie | reinforced concrete | 鋼筋水泥
thihkyn | rod iron; iron bars | 鐵條
thihlaan | rock calamus, rock flag (flower) | 鐵欄; 石菖蒲
thihlaang | an iron man; strong man; a man of great physical strength; iron man; tough guy; a jack for raising weights | 鐵人
thihlang'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihlarng | iron cage | 鐵籠
thihlien | iron chains | 鐵鏈; 鐵鍊
thihlien'ar | iron chains | 鐵鍊仔
thihlo | a railroad; a railway; railway; railway track | 鐵路
thihlo-kiok | railway administration | 鐵路局
thihlong'ar | iron cage | 鐵籠仔
thihloo | a railroad; | 鐵路
thihloxbang | railway network | 鐵路網
thihloxkiok | bureau of railway; Railway Administration | 鐵路局
thihloxpo | rail road breau | 鐵路部
thihloxpvy | railway side | 鐵路邊
thihmngg | iron gate | 鐵門
thihmngpvy | iron gate side | 鐵門邊
thihnng | Iron egg | 鐵卵
thihpaan | iron jar | 鐵瓶
thihpafng | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihpang'ar | sheet iron | 鐵枋仔
thihparn | sheet iron | 鐵板
thihpe'ar | type of iron harrow | 鐵耙仔
thihpee | iron harrow | 鐵皮; 鐵耙
thihphoee | Iron sheet | 鐵皮
thihphorng | steel bed springs | 鐵凸; 彈簧床
thihphviar | steel plate | 鐵片
thihphvix | steel layered | 鐵片
thihpid | burin; stylus | 鐵筆
thihpviar | discus | 鐵餅
thihpvoaa | steel tray | 鐵盤
thihsae | fragments of rust beaten from red hot iron; scraps from a lathe | 鐵屑
thihseg | iron or steel color | 鐵色
thihsiefn | iron rust | 鐵銹; 鐵鉎
thihsienbi | iron smell | 鐵鉎味
thihsngf | a small iron pin or wedge for keeping something in place | 鐵栓
thihsoaciarng | Chinese version of karate | 鐵沙掌
thihsoaf | iron ore | 鐵沙; 鐵砂
thihsviw | iron box | 鐵箱
thihsvoarbang | barbed wire entanglements | 鐵絲網
thihsvoax | galvanized (zinc-coated) wire | 鐵絲
thihsvoax-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵絲網
thihsy | iron wire | 鐵絲
thihsy-bang | iron wire screen | 鐵絲網
thihtarngterng | iron building | 鐵棟頂
thihtefng | iron nails | 鐵釘
thihteng'ar | nails | 鐵釘仔
thihtengbarn | claw hammer | 鐵釘挽
thihtenggveq | claw hammer | 鐵釘夾
thihthaau | hammer | 鐵頭
thihthafng | window with metal gratings; a prison; iron window; iron barred windows | 鐵窗
thihthafng'aflai | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔內
thihthafng'ar | iron bucket | 鐵桶仔
thihthang'ar | iron window- prison | 鐵窗仔
thihthaq | iron tower | 鐵塔
thihtharng | iron bucket ─ impregnable defense | 鐵桶
thihthiq-thuqthuh | murmur | 啼啼吐吐
thihthuii | an iron hammer; hammer | 鐵鎚; 鐵槌
thihtiaau | iron bar | 鐵條
thihtiaau-bang | barbed wire entanglement | 鐵條網; 鐵絲網
thihtiafm | anvil | 鐵砧; 鐵玷
thihtuu | iron cabinet | 鐵廚; 鐵櫥
thihtvaf | iron yoke | 鐵擔; 鐵軛
thihtø | railway | 鐵道
thihtøee | iron hoofs | 鐵蹄
thihtøf | steel knife | 鐵刀; 鋼刀
thihtøxlo | railroad | 鐵道路
thihtøxpo | railroad department | 鐵道部
thihzah | barrier made of iron | 鐵閘
thihzam | cold chisel, chisel for cutting or shaving stone | 鐵斬; 鋼?
thihzexng | corroboration; proof strong as iron; irrefutable evidence | 鐵證
thihzhngg | steel beds | 鐵床
thihzhuietidtoaxn | firm and accurate | 鐵喙直斷
thihzngx | bit (tool); iron auger | 鐵鑽
thihzuie | preparation for iron-tonic | 鐵水; 鐵劑
thiqthih-thuqthuh | chatty | 鐵鐵鏟鏟
toaxcih herngthih | A clumsy person always wants to show off. You don't have the necessary ability. (Lit. A person who stutters always wants to talk.) | 大舌興鐵; 口吃愛講話; 笨拙偏愛出風頭

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