"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bafnkoef thiutiin | trace the vine and get a melon; get a clue and follow it up step by step; so as to learn the truth of a matter | 摘瓜抽藤; 追根究底
hiernthiuo | show one's defect | 獻醜
lithium | lithium | 鋰
safnthiuafsafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽仔瘦抽
safnthiusafnthiw | skinny and tall | 瘦抽瘦抽
siawthiuo | clown | 小丑
siøfthiuo | clown; buffoon; contemptible wretch | 小丑
sngthiuthviax | soreness | 酸抽疼
thiubøo | extract none | 抽無
thiuchiafm | by lot; draw lots (in fortune telling) | 抽籤
thiuciorng | draw a lottery or raffle | 抽獎
thiucy | draw a lottery or raffle | 抽脂
thiugiam | random test | 抽驗
thiugve | cause a spasm or rigidity | 抽硬
thiuhioxng | collect duties or taxes | 抽稅
thiuhoeq | withdraw blood (from a vein) | 抽血
thiuhofng | pump air | 抽風
thiuhongky | exhaust fan | 抽風機
thiuhuiq | blood-letting | 抽血
thiuhwn | to tarnish, to defame | 抽分; 抽頭
thiukhaw | draw lots | 拈鬮; 抽鬮; 抽籤
thiukhieky | air pump | 抽氣機
thiukhix | extract | 抽去
thiukhofng | at leisure, to find time | 抽空
thiukhøf | grow up straight and tall | 抽高
thiukhør | select at random a few students from a class for a test; unannounced quiz or test | 抽考
thiukiaxm | draw a sword | 抽劍; 拔劍
thiukoaan | grow up straight and tall | 抽高; 抽懸
thiukyn | to be seized by spasm or cramps; spasm; jerkiness | 抽筋
thiukøf | grow up straight and tall | 抽高
thiuliao | extract | 抽了
thiuløx | rowing taller quickly | 抽躼
thiuo | the second of the twelve Terrestrial Branches; the period from one to three A.M.; clown; jester; buffoon; comedian | 丑
thiupefng | conscript for a military duty | 抽兵; 徵兵
thiusex | tax | 抽稅
thiusiong bengsuu | abstract nouns | 抽象名詞
thiusiong khaeliam | abstract concepts or ideas | 抽象概念
thiusiong | abstract; metaphysical; abstract (as opposed to concrete) | 抽象
thiusiong-kaeliam | abstract concept | 抽象概念
thiusiong-koanliam | abstract idea | 抽象觀念
thiusioxng'oe | abstract painting | 抽象畫
thiusioxnglun | abstract discussion | 抽象論
thiusioxngphaix | abstractionism; abstractionist school | 抽象派
thiusioxngteg | abstract | 抽象的
thiusoex | levy taxes | 抽稅
thiusy | draw a cocoon for silk | 抽絲
thiusyn | to get away (while one is fully occupied) | 分身
thiusøex | levy taxes | 抽稅
thiuthaam | extract phlegm | 抽痰
thiuthaau | the fee that a gambler pay to casino; take a percentage or commission; collect from the gamblers a certain percentage of their wins | 抽頭
thiuthex | to prepare a place for provisionary or alternate use | 抽替; 交替; 進退的餘地
thiuthiw | thin and tall | 抽抽; 瘦而高
thiuthoaq | a drawer | 抽屜
thiuthviax | painful due to twitch; sharp shooting pains | 抽痛; 抽疼
thiuthøex | withdraw | 抽退; 收回
thiutibwsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutibøfsoex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutiøh | got extracted | 抽著
thiutngg | prolong; elongate | 拉長
thiutubwsex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutubøfsex | Taiwanese custom to have some children carry mom's last name | 抽豬母稅
thiutøf | draw a knife | 抽刀
thiuvoa | extract to replace | 抽換
thiuzaf | investigate; survey or test a part of a group; take one out for inspection or examination | 抽查
thiuzhoaq | convulse, cause convulsions | 抽搐
thiuzhud | draw out; pull out; take out; select from a lot | 抽出
thiuzuie beftharng | flush toilet; western style toilet bowl; commode | 抽水馬桶
thiuzuie | pumping pump; unwatering; pump water | 抽水; 揚水
thiuzuie-ky | a water-pump | 抽水機
thiuzuie-zam | a pumping station | 抽水站
thiuzuyky | water pump | 抽水機
thiuzuyzam | pumping station | 抽水站
thiuzuyzaxmzeeng | in front of pumping station | 抽水站前
thiuzøx | extract as | 抽做
zhawthiuo | clown | 小丑

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