"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thngr

siøf-thngrthngx | burning hot | 燒燙燙
siøthngrthngx | very hot (food; things) | 熱呼呼
soathngrar | type of small fish | 沙丁魚
thngrbaktheq | upper body naked | 褪腹裼
thngrbattheq | upper body naked | 褪腹裼
thngrchiahkhaf | barefooted | 脫赤腳; 光腳
thngrciahkhaf | bare feet | 褪赤跤
thngrcin | fade away | 褪盡
thngrhax | take off one's mourning clothes ─ the mourning period over | 脫孝; 除喪
thngrhør | took off; fade; iron well | 褪好
thngrjoah | make it warm | 燙熱
thngrkhag | a snake shedding its skin | 脫皮; (蛇)
thngrkhie | teeth loss for permanent teeth | 褪齒
thngrkhorlan | not wearing trousers; (child or fisherman) naked below the waist; with out pants | 脫褲𡳞; 光著屁股
thngrkhox | take off trousers; go by the board | 褪褲; 脫褲
thngrkngf | naked | 褪光; 脫光
thngrkngkngf | naked | 褪光光
thngrkoaxn | candy jar; sugar jar | 糖罐
thngrlaang | to sell to another person | 傳人; 轉售予人
thngrmngg | molt; (birds and mammals) shed feathers or hair | 褪毛; 脫毛
thngrpaktheq | nudity; unclothe; bareness; naked to the waist; topless; shirtless | 褪剝裼; 赤裸; 袒胸露背
thngrpattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngrphattheq | naked | 褪腹裼
thngrphee | peeling | 褪皮
thngrphoartheq | peeling | 褪破裼
thngrphoee | skin peeled | 褪皮
thngrphøee | to shed the skin; as a snake does | 脫皮
thngrsag | get rid off | 脫棄
thngrsiofng | burn incurred from a hot liquid | 燙傷
thngrsiøf | heating | 燙燒; 加熱
thngrsvaf | take off cloth | 脫衣
thngrsvaf-thngrkhox | naked | 脫光衣服
thngrtiau | take off clothes | 脫掉
thngrtiøh | burn incurred from a hot liquid | 燙傷

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