"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thoan

Serngbøfkwn huozo-thoan'oaan | auxiliary member of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍輔助團員
Serngbøfkwn kangzog-thoan'oaan | active Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍工作團員
Serngbøfkwn thoan'oaan | Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍團員
ciapchiog thoanjiarm | to come in contact with; to infect; communicate disease; communicable or infectious disease | 接觸傳染
cibthoankwn | an army; a military outfit which consists of more than two corps | 集團軍
giefnkiux thoanthea | research body | 研究團體
goanzoe thoanseeng lun | theory that the soul as well as the body is passed on to the offspring or inherited from parents; Traducianism | 原罪傳承論; 靈魂遺傳說
jinbiin-thoanthea | civic organization or body | 人民團體
khongkhix-thoanjiarm | air-borne infection | 空氣傳染
kongkiong thoanthea | public organization | 公共團體
køthoanjiafmsexng ee | virulent; highly contagious | 高傳染性的
liuthoanløqlaai | circulated | 流傳落來
luo-thoantø | lady preacher | 女傳道
løtong-thoanthea | labor body | 勞動團體
put'thoankied | disunity, disunion | 無團結; 不團結
seathoansex | hand down from generation to generation | 世團世; 一代傳一代
sex-thoansex | passing down generation by generation | 世傳世
sidgiap thoanthea | business corporation | 實業團體
soanthoanchiaf | propaganda car | 宣傳車
soanthoanciw | publicity week (for publicizing themes such as traffic safety; environmental sanitation) | 宣傳週
soanthoanphirn | propaganda material; promotion material | 宣傳品
soanthoantvoaf | flyer | 宣傳單
texhngf thoanthea | local organizations | 地方團體
thoan'ge | transfer art | 傳藝
thoan'gieen | verbal message, send verbal messages, hearsay | 傳言
thoan'goaan | member | 團員
thoan'ioong | preach; make known everywhere | 傳揚; 宣揚
thoan'iuo | fellow-member of a party or group | 團友
thoan'oaan | have a complete family reunion, complete, unbroken family circle | 團員; 團圓
thoan'oe | transmit words | 傳話
thoan'vii | have a complete family reunion; complete, unbroken (family circle) | 團圓
thoanbeng | proclaim, transmit an order | 傳命
thoanbuun | rumor | 傳聞
thoanciab | hand on to one's posterity | 傳接
thoanciaux | proclaim a decree | 傳照; 傳詔
thoancip | meet together, gather together | 傳集; 團集
thoancyn | fax; to transmit printed matter; facsimile; to fax; a fax; life like portrait; transmit a photo (by electronic devices) | 傳真
thoangieen | verbal message; send verbal messages; hearsay | 傳言
thoanhee | return | 傳回
thoanhoaxn | summon | 傳喚
thoanhoee | return | 傳回
thoanhuix | tour fee | 團費
thoanhy | spread a false rumor | 傳虛; 虛傳
thoanjiafmpve | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoanjiafmpvi | an infectious (contagious) disease | 傳染病
thoanjiarm | to infect; to contagious; epidemic; catching; infection; contagion; to spread (disease; bad habit) to others | 傳染
thoanjiarm-pvi | an infectious or contagious disease | 傳染病
thoanjiet | heat conductive | 傳熱
thoanjip | enter, come in (from outer culture, etc.) | 傳入
thoankaf | pass on | 傳家
thoankao'oaan | catechist | 傳教員
thoankaociar | preacher | 傳教者
thoankaokaf | preacher | 傳教家; 傳道家
thoankaokhw | mission area | 傳教區
thoankaosu | missionary; missioner | 傳教士
thoankaosw | paster, preacher | 傳教師
thoankapør | family treasure; heirloom | 傳家寶
thoankarng | lecture, preach, proclaim | 傳講
thoankaux | to preach a religion; preach; promulgate a religion | 傳教
thoankhex | association, group | 團契
thoankhix | pass on | 傳去
thoankied | solidarity; union; unity; unity; solidarity; unify | 團結
thoankiet'uilek | solidarity withy power | 團結為力
thoankietlek | capacity for unity | 團結力
thoankietsym | co-operative spirit | 團結心
thoankii | legend; saga; legendary; fantasy saga; romance; short stories of the Tang and Song Dynasty | 傳奇
thoankisexng | legendary | 傳奇性
thoankiuu | passing ball | 傳球
thoankoex | passed on | 傳過
thoankokpør | country treasure | 傳國寶
thoankøex | passed on | 傳過
thoanlaai | came | 傳來
thoanleng | to deliver or give orders; command convection; deliver or give orders; a dispatcher | 傳令
thoanlexngpefng | soldier messenger; a courier | 傳令兵
thoanliarm | infect | 傳染
thoanlien | militia, volunteer home guards | 團鍊; 團練
thoanløo | beating a gong on giving information | 傳鑼; 鳴鑼
thoanmiaa | group name | 團名
thoanmuii | media | 傳媒
thoanoa | delay | 拖爛
thoanpaix | mass greetings (as on New Year's Day); mass congratulations (on auspicious occasions) | 團拜
thoanphiexn | preach everywhere | 傳遍
thoanphiøx | a summons for appearance in court; voucher; voucher; summons for appearance in court; a note from one department to another (in a bank) | 傳票
thoanpox iaugieen | spread rumors | 傳播謠言
thoanpox | to spread; to disseminate information; disseminate (news; information); dissemination | 傳播; 傳布
thoanpox-seg | communication center | 傳播室
thoanpøx | broadcast | 傳播
thoansaxng | send | 傳送
thoanseeng | inherited | 傳承
thoansex | pass (great books) on to the world; to hand down from generation to generation | 傳世
thoansiin | a vivid portrayal; true to nature | 傳神
thoansit | preach or spread the truth | 傳實
thoansiu | deliver a tradition, teach | 傳受; 傳授
thoansixn | summon to the low court or police station | 傳信; 傳訊
thoansoad | unconfirmed report; legends; tale; hearsay; legends; stories passing from mouth to mouth; unconfirmed reports | 傳說
thoansoattiofng | it's said | 傳說中
thoansut | hand down an oral tradition, deliver God's message orally | 傳術; 傳述
thoansuu | continue the line of male posterity | 傳嗣
thoansw | transmission | 傳輸
thoantadseg | information office | 傳達室
thoantadzhutkhix | convey it | 傳達出去
thoantai | hand on from generation to generation | 傳代
thoantat | to forward; to inform; to notify; communicate; transmit; convey | 傳達
thoante | transfer | 傳遞
thoanthaothaux | pass through | 傳透透
thoanthea hengtong | collective action | 團體行動
thoanthea lyheeng | traveling in a party | 團體旅行
thoanthea seng'oah | group life | 團體生活
thoanthea zengsiin | team spirit | 團體精神
thoanthea | a group; community; organization; society; community; party; mission; an organization | 團體
thoanthefphiøx | group ticket | 團體票
thoanthefzhaw | group calisthenics | 團體操
thoanthoaan uizu | be completely surrounded (by rows of enemy troops) | 團團圍住
thoanthoaan | surround | 團團
thoanthoaan-uizu | to surround completely | 團團圍住
thoanthoanzoarn | to pace about in an agitated state of mind; to bustle about restlessly | 團團轉
thoanthofngseg | traditional | 傳統式
thoanthorng | conventional; heritage; tradition | 傳統
thoanthorng-sibsiok | mores | 傳統習俗
thoantoe | pass information along | 傳遞
thoantui | team | 團隊
thoantviuo | colonel; regiment commander; head of a band of men | 團長
thoantvoaf | flyleaf; handbill; leaflet; handbills; leaflets; circulars; notices | 傳單
thoantø | to preach a religion; propagandism; preaching; sermon; mission work; preach the gospel; engage in mission work; transmit doctrine | 傳道; 傳導
thoantø-po | evangelistic committee | 傳道部
thoantø-sexng | conductivity | 傳導性
thoantøxsor | preach place | 傳道所
thoantøxsw | preacher; evangelist; missionary | 傳道師
thoantøxthea | conductors (of heat; electricity) | 傳導體
thoanvii | to have a reunion; to be reunited (as a whole family) | 團圓
thoanzao | pass away | 傳走
thoanzerng | propagate the species; have sons and grandsons to carry on the family name | 傳種
thoanzhud | proclaim, propagate | 傳出
thoanzofng ciaptai | continue the family line by producing a male heir | 傳宗接代
thoanzofng | continue a clan or family | 傳倉; 傳宗
thoanzu | to reunite; to have a reunion; to meet; congregate; meeting; (family) reunion; gathering | 團聚
thoanzuo | leader | 團主
toaxthoan'oaan | happy ending; happy reunion | 大團圓
uithoanhak | study of heredity; genetics | 遺傳學
uithoanpve | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uithoanpvi | hereditary disease | 遺傳病
uithoansexng | heredity; hereditary | 遺傳性
uithoantiøh | Inherited | 遺傳著
zofthoanpiehngf | ancestral secret recipe | 祖傳祕方
zongkaux thoanthea | religious organization | 宗教團體

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