"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thog

baxnsu paethog | Please help in all matters | 萬事拜託
chirnthog | foil; relieve; set off | 襯托
ciokthog | temporary engagement; part-time job; to entrust; to charge; commit; trust with | 囑託
hoxngthog | to request, request | 奉託; 奉托
huothog | to be in charge; entrust; to commission; to charge | 付託
iongthog | courteously ask someone to undertake a commission | 委託
ithog | rely on | 依託
jitoong-thogbut | juvenile publications | 兒童讀物
kafthog | use the name improperly | 假託; 假托
kangthogsefng | self-supporting student | 工讀生
kauthog | entrust; entrust | 交託; 交托
khaithog sinthiente | break fresh ground | 開拓新天地
khaithog | exploit; reclaim; reclamation (of wasteland); reclaim (wasteland) | 開拓
khwnthog | to make a sincere request; to ask or request earnestly | 懇託
khythog | toothpicks | 齒托; 齒戳; 牙籤
khøfthog | trustworthy | 可托; 可託
kiarthog | to consign or commit (soul to God; emotions to writing; etc.); entrust to the care of someone; entrust or commit soul to God; emotions to writing | 寄託
lofngthogkør | read aloud transcript | 朗讀稿
paethog | ask for a favor; Please! If you please!; courteously ask someone a favor | 拜託
sirnthog kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
sirnthog | entrust; trust | 信託; 託付
sirnthog-kongsy | trust company | 信託公司
siuxthog | to be a trustee; be entrusted with... | 受託; 受托
thog zhuiekhie | tooth pick | 籤牙
thog | carry on the palm; bear up; prop up with a support; prop up with the hand; to lift up; hold up high on the hand or on a pole to show it off | 托; 託
thog'ym | reading notes | 讀音
thog`phoax | break through | 突破
thogbut | reading matter; reading material | 讀物
thogciar bunteg | Reader's Digest | 讀者文摘
thogciar | readership; audience; the reader (as opposed to the writer) | 讀者
thogkefng | read the Bible | 讀經
thogkharky | card-reader | 讀卡機
thogpurn | reader (for a language course); textbook | 讀本
thogsiar | reading and writing | 讀寫
thogsw pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thogsw | reading; educated | 讀書
thogsw-pørkøx | book report | 讀書報告
thogsy | reading poems | 讀詩
thoguhoansyn | earthquake | 塗牛翻身
thuithog | to make an excuse, to shift off, on the presence of | 推託
tioxngthog | heavy trust | 重託
uythog hoarnbe | consignment (commission) sale; sale on commission | 委託販賣
uythog | entrust; to authorize; commission somebody to act; commission; entrust to; consignment | 委託
zhefngthog | to request a person to do something | 請託
zoafnthog | request through another; entrust to another | 轉託
zoanthog | a full-time nursery | 專託; 全託

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