auxthuie | hind legs; hind legs of an animal | 後腿
baxnthunthwn | irritatingly slow; exasperatingly slow | 慢吞吞
chienthuii peklien | hammer into shape; form iron utensil; develop human character by persistent knocking into shape; undergo severe training and hammering; write with the utmost care (Lit. with countless changes and corrections) | 千錘百鍊
chirnthuii | weight; counter weight used with a steelyard | 秤槌; 秤錘
ciøqthuii | stone mallet | 石槌
ciøqthuy | stone ladder | 石梯
exthuie | a lower leg; a shank | 小腿; 下腿
gauthuu | slow in doing everything | 慢吞吞地
gefngthuii | rolling-pin | 研槌; 杵
giogthuie | beautiful legs (woman) | 玉腿
gixsuxthuii | gavel (used by the speaker of a legislature) | 議事槌
goxngthud | foolish or stupid person | 憨禿; 憨傻
goxngthuii | crass | 憨錘
guthuie | a quarter of beef | 牛腿
guthun'ar | younger bull or heifer | 犢牛仔
guthurn | stupid, foolish, stupidity, foolishness | 牛碩; 愚蠢
gvexthuy | force oneself to do something (eating; studying; etc) | 硬撐
gyn'afthuun | boy just about reaching manhood; about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囝仔豚; 青少年
gyn'ar-thuun | adolescent boy; boy just about reaching manhood, about fourteen or fifteen years old | 囡仔豚; 青少年
haythuun | dolphin | 海豚
hefthuie | ham | 火腿
hoefthuie sambengti | ham sandwich | 火腿三明治
hoefthuie | ham | 火腿
hoefthunlof | soot; ashes of burned things | 媒煙囤
hoefthuynng | ham and egg | 火腿蛋
huimothuie | fast runner | 飛毛腿
hunthuy | a traditional scaling ladder; a firefighter's tower ladder; scaling ladder; a fire extension ladder | 雲梯
huthuy | a staircase, a stairway | 扶梯
høefthuie | ham | 火腿
ienthuie | ham | 煙腿; 火腿
ienthuii | lead sinkers for fishing tackle; nets | 鉛墜; 鉛錘
ienthunlof | soot; ashes of burned things; cinders | 煤煙囤; 煙囤焦
ienthunnng | quail egg | 鵪鶉蛋
ienthuun | soot | 煤煙; 煙囤
jymkhix-thunsviaf | restrain one's temper and say nothing; keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
kafngthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 港豚
kangthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 江豚
kawthuie | dog's leg, a lackey | 狗腿
kekthuithuii | play dumb | 激槌槌
kethuie | chicken leg; Lit. chicken-thigh ─ drumstick | 雞腿
kethun'ar | middle-aged chicken; not yet fully grown | 雞豚仔; 未成熟的中雞
khathuie | thigh | 腳腿; 跤腿; 大腿
khorthuie | the tube of a trouser | 褲管; 褲腿
khudthuy | a playground slide | 滑梯
khuxthuii | pestle | 杵愚; 臼槌
kngflee-thuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
kngflethuy | spiral stairs | 捲螺梯; 螺形梯
kofthuii | drum hummer; the hummer to beat a drum; drumsticks | 鼓槌
korngthui'ar | hammer | 鎚子仔
korngthuii | hammer; mallet | 大槌; 摃槌
kudthuy | a slideway (for children's amusement) | 滑梯
kurnthuii | stick and hammer | 棍槌
kvoafthuii | a rolling wooden stick used as a tool to make dough into wheaten foods | 簳鎚; 簳麵桿
køethuie | Chicken leg | 雞腿
lauthuiseg | staircase | 樓梯式
lauthuithaau | staircase | 樓梯頭
lauthuy | a staircase; ladder; staircase | 樓梯; 梯子
lauthuy-khaf | foot of stairs | 樓梯跤; 樓梯口
lesoaan thuicirnky | screw propeller; propeller; screw | 螺旋槳
liuthuy | slide | 溜梯
lorngthuii | get a mallet | 弄槌
luithuii | pestle; to poke | 擂槌; 杵
luixthuy | reason by analogy | 類推
lwnkhix-thunsviaf | to restrain one's temper and say nothing; to keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
løh lauthuy | there is a way open to set the matter straight without too much sacrifice of one's dignity | 下台; 下樓梯
løthuii | gongstick; stick used to beat a gong; clapper for a gong | 鑼槌
niuxthuii | counter weight of a large steelyard | 量錘
nngfthuy | escalade | 軟梯
o'ienthuun | soot | 煤煙渣
of-haythuun | black dolphin | 黑海豚
oienthuun | black smoke | 烏煙黗
paxthud | to fire, to reject, to discharge from the office | 罷搓; 罷黜
peq lauthuy | climb stairs | 爬樓梯
peqhaythuun | white dolphin | 白海豚
phahthut | slip out of gear or out of joint | 打搓; 使脫離
phanthuie | to sit with legs crossed, to squat | 盤腿; squat; of; to; from; may; Mandarin); be; (reading
phawthuie | to run errands | 跑腿
phengthuii | weight | 秤錘
poaxn-thunthox | unwilling to speak up | 半吞吐
puithurn | short and fat | 肥碩
pyzhuo thuijiong | yielding to one another | 彼此推讓
sai'afthuun | half-grown lion | 獅仔豚; 幼獅
seqlethuy | spiral ladder | 踅螺梯
siangthuie | two legs | 雙腿
siøfthuie | calf of the leg | 小腿
siøthuix | change a person or article deceitfully and fraudulently | 互調
taqthut | slip, make a misstep, have a moral lapse | 踏脫; 失足
tefng'afthuii | hammer | 釘仔鎚
tekthuy | bamboo ladder | 竹梯
teng'ar-thuii | hammer for driving nails or tacks | 釘仔鎚; 釘仔槌; 鎚子
thauthuix | secretly put a bad article or inferior person in place of a good one | 偷換
thaxmthui | be deeply in debt, owe heavily | 重債; 欠大債
thiahthuie | split leg | 拆腿
thiethuie | muscle strain | 牚腿
thihthiq-thuqthuh | murmur | 啼啼吐吐
thihthuii | an iron hammer; hammer | 鐵鎚; 鐵槌
thiqthih-thuqthuh | chatty | 鐵鐵鏟鏟
thofthurn | vulgar, stupid | 土碩; 蠢
thothuhhii | Taiwanese fish | 土托魚
thu | neglect sleep | 搓; 廢寢; 忽視睡眠
thud | bald; rub hard with the hand; rub with the foot; pluck | 禿; 黜; 擦; 搓
thudchiaf | jump the track, be derailed | 脫車; 脫軌
thudcirm | slip off the pillow | 脫枕
thudjienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
thudkhaf | slip in walking | 脫腳; 脫節
thudkhix | limb gets dislocated; limb; slip out of the hands; (a loose stepping stone) slips away | 滑了; 滑脫了
thudkhu | out of joint; dislocated | 脫臼
thudku | out of joint; dislocated | 脫臼
thudliern | losing a wheel off a car; motorcycle; bicycle | 脫輪; 脫軌
thudluun | become dislocated | 脫輪
thudsyn | have an abortion | 脫身; 流產
thudtngg | protruding (internal piles); be affected with hernia; abdominal hernia; protruding anus | 脫腸
thudui | slip out of place, become dislocated | 脫位
thudzao | slip out of its place; get out of joint or out of gear; let slip out of our hand (an animal held too loosely); let a pen or instrument in the hand slip out of place; so as to do harm unintentionally; to escape | 滑脫
thuh | naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet and reserved in manner; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 癡呆
thuh'ar | type of straight hoe; spade; shovel | 鏟仔; 黜仔; 鏟子
thuhcviuo | bald on forehead and crown of head | 額高; 禿額
thuhhiah | bald | 禿頭; 禿額
thuhkoaan | hold up high on the hand or on a pole | 托高
thuhphoax | expose a man's pretensions; to break with the end of a pole or bamboo | 刺破
thuhthaau | bald; shaven head; headed person | 禿頭
thuhthoky | scraper | 黜土機
thui | hammer; to fall down; hang down heavily; as a pocket with a weight in it; involve in trouble or responsibility | 倕; 垂; 墜; 累
thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面; 癡呆相
thui'afbin-thui'afbin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌仔面槌仔面; 癡呆相
thui'ar | hammer | 槌仔; 槌子
thui'mngg | to push the door | 推門
thui'uie | make excuses; make excuses or pretences for not doing anything; to lay the blame or duty on another; generally with the idea of more or less falsehood | 推諉
thuiaxn | push the case | 推案
thuibin | stupid looking; stupid | 槌面; 癡呆相
thuichiuo | to push the hand | 推手
thuiciernsw | letter of recommendation | 推薦書
thuicierntiøh | recommended | 推薦著
thuiciexn | recommendation; recommend (somebody for a job) | 推薦
thuicirnky | propeller (of a ship; plane) | 推進機; 推進器
thuicixn | impel; to push forward; to move ahead; propel | 推進
thuie | shank; stalk; stem; block; obstruct; leg; leg; thighs | 腿
thuiemngg | molt and get new feathers | 換毛
thuievoa | put an inferior article (or person) deceitfully in place of a better; mend by putting in an entirely new piece | 調換
thuievoaxkngx | foreign exchange; certificates | 兌換券
thuiheeng kokgie | to advocate the use of the national language (Mandarin) | 推行國語
thuiheeng | push; promote (a scheme); carry into operation what has already been decided | 推行
thuihengjiin | promoter | 推行人
thuihioxng | to push into | 推向
thuihoafn | topple over; demolish; explode; reversal; overturn; to push over; to overthrow (a government); to stultify (a theory; principle) | 推翻
thuii | naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 槌; 錘; 遲鈍; 愚蠢
thuii`køf | fool | 槌哥; 錘哥; 傻瓜
thuiie'thuithuii | dump; dull | 槌槌槌
thuikhaf | bottom of a ladder | 推腳; 梯腳
thuikhaw | to consider, polish writings | 推敲
thuikhiog | to decline, deny, refuse | 推屈; 推卻
thuikhoaq | expand, widen | 推棄; 推廣
thuikhuy | to push off, to push away | 推開
thuikie | recommend | 推舉
thuikiux | to examine | 推究
thuikofngciar | promoter | 推廣者
thuikorng biexnzeg | extend the area | 推廣面積
thuikorng | to extend; popularize; extend; propagate | 推廣
thuikud | malleus | 鎚骨
thuikuo | recommend for promotion | 推舉
thuilek | thrust | 推力
thuilie | to reason; logic; reasoning; reasoning; ratiocination; infer from | 推理
thuilun | infer; follow out a train of argument; inference; deductions | 推論
thuinar | to massage, massage therapy | 推拿
thuipaai | arrange (a matter), assign (a person), arrangement, ordering | 推排; 安排
thuiphaix | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; 推銷
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
thuisag | push away | 推棄
thuisiau'oaan | salesman; saleswoman | 推銷員
thuisiaw | promote sale; to sell; push sales | 推銷
thuisiax zekjim | shirk one's responsibility | 推卸責任
thuisiax | to shift on to somebody else | 推卸
thuisii | decline (an invitation), refuse | 推辭
thuisiorng | infer; deduce | 推想
thuisngx | to figure out; to calculate | 推算
thuisoar | to move, change, move by pushing | 推徙
thuisoarn | elect (representatives) | 推選
thuisoaxn | calculate; reckon | 推算
thuisu | judge; assessor; magistrate | 推事
thuisuu | to decline; to reject; refuse politely | 推辭
thuiteng | to conclude | 推定
thuithog | to make an excuse, to shift off, on the presence of | 推託
thuithoky | bulldozer | 推土機
thuithoo-ky | bulldozer | 推土機; 推塗機
thuithuii | foolish and frank; simple minded | 愚直; 傻兮兮
thuitiern | driving; impel; impulse; urge; budge | 推展
thuitoan | conclude, make a diagnosis, conclusion, deduction, diagnosis | 推斷
thuitoaxn | infer; deduce; predict by means of inference | 推斷
thuitong | impel; propel; trigger into action; motivate; impetus; propulsive force; motivation; to push; to propel; to expedite; to push; lend impetus to; to inspire | 推動
thuitong-lat | motivation force, impelling force | 推動力
thuitør | to push down, topple | 推倒
thuix | to change; put in place of; to substitute; abolish; instead of; in place of | 蛻; 調換; 調包
thuixtang | heavily weighted and hanging down; like a pocket; fasten a weight on a curtain so that it may hang down evenly | 垂重
thuixthui | hanging heavily; like a weighted pocket or bag | 下墜
thuizheg | conjecture; to fathom; deduce; infer; predict | 推測
thuizhud | to push out; present (a picture; a show) | 推出
thuizoong | hold in high esteem; to respect | 推崇
thuizwn | give the place of honor | 推尊
thukhoarn | save money (in the bank); savings | 儲款
thukwn | savings | 貯金; 儲
thukym | savings | 貯金; 儲金
thun ciøqthaau | use stone fill up and level up completely | 填石頭
thun paktor | do with difficulty in order to warm dressed and well fed | 填飽肚子
thun texky | prepare a foundation | 填地基
thun zhuiekhie | fill a cavity | 補牙; 鑲牙
thun | fill up; make up a deficiency; to fill up with earth; mud; sand; rubbish | 填; 坉
thun'ay | soot | 填塵; 煤煙
thun'unsvef | unsanitary; dirty; unkempt | 吞骯髒
thun-bøextvi | cannot be filled up | 填無滿
thun`løqkhix | to empty (earth) into a pit or hole | 填落去
thunbiet | destroy by devouring | 吞滅
thunciah | devour; devour | 吞食; 狼吞虎咽; 吞吃
thunciah`laang | to swallow up another's money or property wrongly; to belittle another person | 欺負人; 侵佔別人
thunciaxm | usurp; appropriate; to annex (territory) | 侵佔; 吞佔
thunhuun-thorbu | swallowing clouds and breathing out mists ─ magical tricks | 吞雲吐霧
thunka | bite and devour | 吞咬
thunlurn | abide; brook; tolerance; tolerant; tolerate; abide; endure; just have patience; don't get into a quarrel so quickly | 吞忍; 忍耐; 容忍
thunløh | swallow down | 吞下
thunnoa | to swallow one's spittle; swallow saliva | 吞瀾; 嚥口水
thunpexng | annex | 吞併
thunphiexn | usurp by deceit | 吞騙; 騙取
thunsviaf | to suppress complaints; eat the leek; to remain silent under injustice (Lit. to swallow the voice) | 吞聲
thunsviaf-lwnkhix | afraid to speak up | 吞聲忍氣
thunthox | to hem and haw; speak hesitatingly | 吞吐
thunthun'ar | medium; middling | 吞吞仔; 無大不小
thunthuun | muddle headed | 沌沌
thunthwn | swallow | 吞吞
thunthwn-thorthox | trying to hide something while speaking; to hem and haw; speak hesitatingly | 吞吞吐吐
thuo | store up | 儲; 貯
thuolip | stand | 佇立
thupi | savings; reserves; stockpile; repertory | 儲備
thupixkym | reserve fund | 儲備金
thuq chiwboea | try each other's strength by pressing against one another's palms | 托手尾; 比手力
thuq koayar | to lean upon a staff | 托杖; 倚拐杖
thuq thokhaf | loosen and remove dirt on the floor | 鏟地
thuq zhuie'extao | support the chin on the hand | 手托著下巴
thuq zhuiekhie | pick one's teeth | 剔牙
thuq | carry on the palm; bear up; prop up with a support; prop up with the hand; to lift up; hold up high on the hand or on a pole to show it off | 托; 黜; 剷
thuq`khylaai | to support with a prop; e.g.; to support an awning with a pole or bamboo | 托起來
thuqthuh | dull; quiet; stupid; naturally stupid looking and wanting in animation; very dull; quiet and reserved in manner; not seeming to understand or take any interest in what we say | 土土; 癡呆
thurn | s to abuse; to tread on; trample on; hort and stout | 𧿬; 矮胖; 踐踏
thut | bald; be dislocated or put out of gear; have a miscarriage; be put out of joint | 禿; 滑脫
thut'efng | cinereous vulture | 禿鷹; 禿鷲
thut'hiah | bald | 禿額
thut'hiaq | bald | 禿額
thut`zhutkhix | get dislocated; (the joint of a machine or a piece of furniture) slips out | 滑脫了
thuthaau | hoe | 禿頭; 鋤頭
thuthiog | to save; fund; saving | 儲蓄
thuthvoar | root out, dig up (with a hoe) | 鋤剷; 鏟鋤
thutluu | bald ass | 禿頭的屁股
thutmngg | bald; having lost the hair of his head; pluck | 禿毛; 脫髮; 拔毛
thutthaau | pilgarlic; bald; bald headed | 禿頭; 禿頭的
thutzhoee | derail; be derailed; overstep bounds | 脫箠; 穿幫; 出洋相; 出軌
thuu | a hoe; to hoe; do something slowly or lazily | 鋤; 慢吞吞; 延宕
thuun | black; dirt | 塵; 鈍
thuxbiin | neglect sleep | 脫眠; 廢寢
thuxnbat | fill in, fill ahole | 鋤密; 填
thuxncvie | fill a well | 鋤井; 填井
thuxncvii | save money | 儲錢
thuxnhvoa | fill in a dike, raise a dike or bank | 儲岸; 填堤
thuxnkhylaai | fill up | 坉起來
thuxnkoaan | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thuxnkvoaai | to raise the level by filling in | 儲高; 坉懸; 填高
thuxnlo | fill up and level up road completely | 填路
thuxnmoar | fill completely | 儲滿; 填滿
thuxnpor | make up a deficiency | 儲補; 坉補; 填補
thuxnpurn | investment; invest money in business; invest capital in | 填本; 坉本; 下資本; 投資
thuxnpvee | fill up to become flat | 坉平
thuxnpvii | fill up ground till it is level | 填平
thuxnsoaf | use sand fill up completely | 填砂
thuxnsvoaf | make a hill or mound by filling | 填山
thuxnthoo | filling; fill up with earth | 填土; 坉塗
thuxntøe | fill up ground with earth; rubbish; ground that has been thus filled up; filled in land | 填地; 坉地
thuy zekjim | shirk (escape) one's responsibility; lay the blame at another's door | 推責任
thuy | ladder; steps; stairs | 梯; 推; 搥
thuybaq | the rump; the ham; the dark meat | 腿肉
thuykhox | upper leg muscles | 腿庫
thuykhu | socket of the hip-bone | 腿臼; 臀骨臼
thuzeg | to store; to stockpile; in store; accumulated | 儲積
thuzhao | root out weeds | 除草; 鋤草
thuzongseg | storage room | 儲藏室
thuzoong | preservation; stock; stockage; store up; to hoard; safekeeping | 貯藏; 儲藏
thuzuun | storage; safekeeping; savings; to store or stockpile | 儲存
thveathuie | aching leg muscles (from over exercising) | 托腿; 腿僵硬
thviethuie | spread legs | 牚腿
thvithuy | Jacob's ladder, the ladder to the heaven | 天梯
tiaothuy | hanging ladder of ropes; e.g.; on a vessel | 吊梯
tiexnthuimngg | elevator door | 電梯門
tiexnthuy | elevator | 電梯; 升降機
tithuie | leg of pork | 豬腿
tithun'ar | half grown pig; piglet; shoat | 豬豚仔; 中豬
toaxthuie | thigh | 大腿
toaxthuie-terng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂; 腰部
toaxthuykud | thigh bone | 大腿骨
toaxthuyterng | loins, the part higher than thigh | 大腿頂
tviafthuun | carbon incrustation on backside of a pan | 鼎灶; 鍋灰
tørthauthuii | counter attack to win | 倒頭槌
un'unthunthwn | sloppy; slow | 溫溫吞吞
unthunkuie | you filthy imp or wretch! (said in scolding) | 骯髒鬼
urnthuxn | stubborn and unreasonable; obstinate; bigoted | 乖戾; 遲鈍
viuthuie | gigot | 羊腿
zengkhuxthuii | pestle for a large rice mortar worked by hand | 舂臼錘; 舂杵; 舂槌
zengthuie | fore quarter or fore leg of an animal like a cut of meat; fore leg | 前腿
zengthuii | clapper or tongue of a bell; striker for a bell; hammer or mallet of mortar; an instrument to ring a bell | 鐘搥; 鐘舌
zengthuo | a wooden stick to smash and separate grain shell out grain | 舂杵
zhathui'ar | gavel, mallet | 漆陶仔; 木槌
zhathuii | wooden pestle; beetle; heavy stick for beating things | 柴槌
zhea-auxthuie | to pull one back, to hinder one from success | 扯後腿
zhefngthuun | sweep the dirt from things like beams; roof; idols or ceiling | 筅黗; 打掃
zhurnthuii | inch mallet | 寸槌
zuxtong tiexnthuy | escalator | 自動電梯
zuykethuie | frog legs | 水雞腿
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