"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: thw

baxnthunthwn | irritatingly slow; exasperatingly slow | 慢吞吞
chimthwn | misappropriate public funds for private ends; take by illegal means | 侵吞; 侵佔
chimthwn-kongkhoarn | to graft, to misappropriate | 深吞公款; 侵吞公款
hiauthwn | take possession of land illegally | 僥吞; 吞佔
ienthwn | quail | 鵪鶉
loong thwn hor iexn | wolfish; tiger-like appetite; grasping | 狼吞虎嚥
palwn-thwn | bolt one's' food, swallow without chewing | 巴囫圇; 急吃(不加咀嚼)
pengthwn | annex; mediatize | 併吞
peqthwn | swallow (something) without any impact | 白吞
perngthwn | annex; take over; swallow up; swallow up entirely | 併吞
pexngthwn | absorb a smaller nation | 並吞; 併吞
pvoarthwn-pvoarthox | hem and haw; telling only part of what one knows | 欲言又止
suthwn | convert public fund to own use | 私吞
thunthwn | swallow | 吞吞
thunthwn-thorthox | trying to hide something while speaking; to hem and haw; speak hesitatingly | 吞吞吐吐
thwbogtviuu | A place where timber is stored before transporting to a saw mill | 貯木場
thwkym | have a savings account | 貯金; 儲金
thwn | black; dirt | 塵; 吞
thwn-bøe løh`khix | unable to swallow; unpleasant to swallow; unable to defraud a man as we intended | 吞無落去
thwn-bøe løqaau | difficult to swallow (unpleasant food) | 嚥無下; (喉頭)
thwn`løqkhix | bolt down; gulp down; swallow up | 吞落去
thwntah | to trample; to abuse; to tread on; trample on; tread down; expenses for unexpected visitors either for food or for food and lodging; wasteful expense in entertaining visitors at a funeral or wedding | 𧿬踏; 踐踏
thwthiog | savings, to save money | 貯蓄; 儲蓄
thwzeeng | to express one's feeling | 抒情
thwzeeng-sy | lyric poetry, a lyric | 敘情詩; 抒情詩
thwzengsy | lyric poetry | 抒情詩; 敘情詩
thwzoong | save up, store up | 貯藏; 儲藏
thwzoong-seg | store room | 貯藏室; 儲藏室
thwzoong-sor | storage area, storehouse | 貯藏所; 儲藏所
thwzuie-tii | cistern | 貯水池
thwzuytii | cistern, reservoir, water-storage tank | 貯水池
togthwn | pocket (profit) without sharing (it) with anyone else | 獨吞
tørthwn | swallowed by opponent | 倒吞
un'unthunthwn | sloppy; slow | 溫溫吞吞
unthwn | very dirty; filthy | 骯髒; 污穢
zofngthwn | annex all | 全吞

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